Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012-2013 Ontology Engineering Group, Universidad Politcnica de Madrid, Spain * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package widoco.gui; import java.awt.Desktop; import; import; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Properties; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.UIManager; import; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import widoco.Configuration; import widoco.CreateDocInThread; import widoco.CreateOOPSEvalInThread; import widoco.CreateResources; import widoco.LoadOntologyInThread; import widoco.WidocoUtils; /** * * @author Daniel Garijo */ public final class GuiController { final static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(GuiController.class); public enum State { initial, metadata, loadingConfig, sections, loading, generated, evaluating, exit }; private State state; private JFrame gui; private Configuration config; public GuiController() { this.state = State.initial; config = new Configuration(); System.out.println("\n\n--WIzard for DOCumenting Ontologies (WIDOCO).\n\n"); System.out.println("\nYou are launching WIDOCO GUI\n"); System.out.println("\nTo use WIDOCO through the command line please do:\n"); System.out.println( "java -jar widoco.jar [-ontFile file] or [-ontURI uri] [-outFolder folderName] [-confFile propertiesFile] [-getOntologyMetadata] [-oops] " + "[-rewriteAll] [-crossRef] [-saveConfig configOutFile] [-lang lang1-lang2] [-includeImportedOntologies] [-htaccess] [-licensius] [-webVowl] " + "[-ignoreIndividuals] [-includeAnnotationProperties] [-analytics analyticsCode] [-doNotDisplaySerializations] [-displayDirectImportsOnly]" + "[-rewriteBase rewriteBasePath]. \nSee more information in\n"); //read logo try { gui = new GuiStep1(this); gui.setVisible(true); UIManager.setLookAndFeel(UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName()); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error while launching the GUI" + e.getMessage()); } } /** * Method for running the application via console. * @param args */ public GuiController(String[] args) { System.out.println("\n\n--WIzard for DOCumenting Ontologies (WIDOCO).\n\n"); //get the arguments String outFolder = "myDocumentation" + (new Date().getTime()), ontology = "", rb = null, configOutFile = null; boolean isFromFile = false, oops = false, rewriteAll = false, getOntoMetadata = true, useW3Cstyle = true, includeImportedOntologies = false, htAccess = false, webVowl = false, errors = false, licensius = false, generateOnlyCrossRef = false, includeNamedIndividuals = true, includeAnnotationProperties = false, displaySerializations = true, displayDirectImportsOnly = false; String confPath = ""; String code = null;//for tracking analytics. String[] languages = null; int i = 0; while (i < args.length) { String s = args[i]; switch (s) { case "-confFile": confPath = args[i + 1]; getOntoMetadata = false; i++; break; case "-outFolder": outFolder = args[i + 1]; i++; break; case "-ontFile": ontology = args[i + 1]; isFromFile = true; i++; break; case "-ontURI": ontology = args[i + 1]; i++; break; case "-oops": oops = true; break; case "-rewriteAll": rewriteAll = true; break; case "-crossRef": generateOnlyCrossRef = true; break; case "-getOntologyMetadata": getOntoMetadata = true; break;//left for legacy, but now this is the behavior by default case "-saveConfig": configOutFile = args[i + 1]; i++; break; case "-useCustomStyle": useW3Cstyle = false; break; case "-includeImportedOntologies": includeImportedOntologies = true; break; case "-htaccess": htAccess = true; break; case "-lang": languages = args[i + 1].replace(" ", "").split("-"); i++; break; case "-analytics": code = args[i + 1]; i++; break; case "-webVowl": webVowl = true; break; case "-licensius": licensius = true; break; case "-ignoreIndividuals": includeNamedIndividuals = false; break; case "-includeAnnotationProperties": includeAnnotationProperties = true; break; case "-doNotDisplaySerializations": displaySerializations = false; break; case "-displayDirectImportsOnly": displayDirectImportsOnly = true; break; case "-rewriteBase": rb = args[i + 1]; i++; break; default: System.out.println("Command" + s + " not recognized."); System.out.println( "Usage: java -jar widoco.jar [-ontFile file] or [-ontURI uri] [-outFolder folderName] [-confFile propertiesFile] [-getOntologyMetadata] [-oops] " + "[-rewriteAll] [-crossRef] [-saveConfig configOutFile] [-lang lang1-lang2] [-includeImportedOntologies] [-htaccess] [-licensius] [-webVowl] " + "[-ignoreIndividuals] [-includeAnnotationProperties] [-analytics analyticsCode] [-doNotDisplaySerializations] [-displayDirectImportsOnly]" + "[-rewriteBase rewriteBasePath]\n"); return; } i++; } //this creates the tmp files config = new Configuration(); try { this.config.reloadPropertyFile(confPath); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Configuration file could not be loaded: " + e.getMessage()); return; } if (generateOnlyCrossRef) { this.config.setIncludeIndex(false); this.config.setIncludeAbstract(false); this.config.setIncludeIntroduction(false); this.config.setIncludeOverview(true); this.config.setIncludeDescription(false); this.config.setIncludeCrossReferenceSection(true); this.config.setIncludeReferences(false); this.config.setCreateHTACCESS(false); this.config.setPublishProvenance(false); } this.config.setFromFile(isFromFile); this.config.setDocumentationURI(outFolder); this.config.setOntologyPath(ontology); this.config.setOverwriteAll(rewriteAll); this.config.setUseW3CStyle(useW3Cstyle); this.config.setUseImported(includeImportedOntologies); this.config.setCreateHTACCESS(htAccess); this.config.setCreateWebVowlVisualization(webVowl); this.config.setUseLicensius(licensius); this.config.setIncludeNamedIndividuals(includeNamedIndividuals); this.config.setIncludeAnnotationProperties(includeAnnotationProperties); this.config.setDisplaySerializations(displaySerializations); this.config.setDisplayDirectImportsOnly(displayDirectImportsOnly); if (code != null) { this.config.setGoogleAnalyticsCode(code); } if (rb != null) { this.config.setRewriteBase(rb); } if (languages != null) { config.removeLanguageToGenerate("en");//default for (String language : languages) { this.config.addLanguageToGenerate(language); } } if (!isFromFile) this.config.setOntologyURI(ontology);"Processed configuration, loading ontology now. isFromFile=" + (isFromFile ? "true" : "false")); //we load the model locally so we can use it. try { WidocoUtils.loadModelToDocument(config); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Could not load the ontology " + e.getMessage(), e); return; } if (getOntoMetadata) {"Load properties from the ontology"); config.loadPropertiesFromOntology(config.getMainOntology().getOWLAPIModel()); } try { // This loop doesn't seem to make sense since l is not used by generateDocumentation() but it seems that // the Configuration object has mutable state that points to the "currentLanguage". for (String l : config.getLanguagesToGenerateDoc()) {"Generating documentation for " + ontology + " in lang " + l); CreateResources.generateDocumentation(outFolder, config, config.getTmpFile()); config.vocabularySuccessfullyGenerated(); } } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Error while generating the documentation " + e.getMessage()); errors = true; } if (oops) { System.out.println("Generating the OOPS evaluation of the ontology..."); startEvaluation(false); //Since it is a user thread it will remain alive even after the main thread ends. } if (configOutFile != null) { try { CreateResources.saveConfigFile(configOutFile, config); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Error while saving the configuraiton file: " + e.getMessage()); } } //delete temp files try { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(config.getTmpFile()); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("could not delete temporal folder: " + e.getMessage()); } if (errors) { //error code for notifying that there were errors. System.exit(1); } else { System.out.println("Documentation generated successfully"); } } public Configuration getConfig() { return config; } public void generateSkeleton() { //default language String resource = "/widoco/"; try { Properties languageFile = new Properties(); languageFile.load(GuiController.class.getResourceAsStream(resource)); CreateResources.generateSkeleton(this.config.getDocumentationURI(), config, languageFile); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error while reading the language file: " + e.getMessage()); } } private void startGeneratingDoc() { Runnable r = new CreateDocInThread(this.config, this, config.getTmpFile()); new Thread(r).start(); } private void startEvaluation(boolean showGui) { Runnable r = new CreateOOPSEvalInThread(this.config, this, showGui); new Thread(r).start(); } private void startLoadingOntology(boolean showGui) { Runnable r = new LoadOntologyInThread(this.config, this, showGui); new Thread(r).start(); } //The other method could call directly switch state, but htis way the flow is more clear. public void docGenerated(String status) { this.switchState(status); } private void exit() { this.gui.dispose(); try { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(config.getTmpFile()); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("could not delete temporal folder: " + e.getMessage()); } } public void switchState(String input) { if (input.equals("cancel")) { state = State.exit; exit(); } switch (this.state) { case initial: if (input.equals("skeleton")) { state = State.generated; this.generateSkeleton(); this.gui.dispose(); gui = new GuiStep5(this, true); gui.setVisible(true); } else if (input.equals("next")) { state = State.metadata; this.gui.dispose(); gui = new GuiStep2(this); gui.setVisible(true); switchState("loadOntologyProperties"); } break; case metadata: if (input.equals("back")) { state = State.initial; this.gui.dispose(); gui = new GuiStep1(this); gui.setVisible(true); } else { if (input.equals("loadOntologyProperties")) { state = State.loadingConfig; this.startLoadingOntology(true); } else if (input.equals("next")) {//next state = State.sections; this.gui.dispose(); gui = new GuiStep3(this); gui.setVisible(true); } } break; case loadingConfig: if (input.equals("finishedLoading")) { state = State.metadata; ((GuiStep2) gui).refreshPropertyTable(); ((GuiStep2) gui).stopLoadingAnimation(); } else if (input.equals("error")) { state = State.initial; ((GuiStep2) gui).stopLoadingAnimation(); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(gui, "The ontology could not be loaded. Please check the following:\n1) The URI/file is correct and passes a syntax check\n2) All the imported ontologies resolve"); state = State.initial; this.gui.dispose(); gui = new GuiStep1(this); gui.setVisible(true); } break; case sections: if (input.equals("back")) { state = State.metadata; this.gui.dispose(); gui = new GuiStep2(this); gui.setVisible(true); ((GuiStep2) gui).refreshPropertyTable(); ((GuiStep2) gui).stopLoadingAnimation(); } else if (input.equals("next")) { state = State.loading; this.startGeneratingDoc(); } break; case loading: if (input.equals("error")) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(gui, config.getError()); } else { config.vocabularySuccessfullyGenerated(); if (config.getCurrentLanguage() != null) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(gui, "Documentation successfully generated!\n Now you will be requested to add the metadata for the next language: " + config.getCurrentLanguage()); state = State.metadata; this.gui.dispose(); gui = new GuiStep2(this); gui.setVisible(true); switchState("loadOntologyProperties"); break; } } state = State.generated; this.gui.dispose(); gui = new GuiStep5(this, false); gui.setVisible(true); break; case generated: if (input.equals("restart")) { //clean properties this.config.initializeConfig(); this.gui.dispose(); state = State.initial; gui = new GuiStep1(this); gui.setVisible(true); } if (input.equals("evaluate")) { state = State.evaluating; this.startEvaluation(true); } break; case evaluating: if (input.equals("sendingRequest")) { ((GuiStep5) gui).updateMessage("Sending request to OOPS..."); } if (input.equals("savingResponse")) { ((GuiStep5) gui).updateMessage("Saving response..."); } if (input.equals("error")) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(gui, "Error while evaluating the ontology with OOPS. Internet connection is required."); } if (input.equals("finishedEvaluation")) { state = State.generated; //make the gif stop. Nothing else necessary. ((GuiStep5) gui).stopLoadingSign(); } case exit: //exit is an abstract state. Nothing should happen here break; } } public void openBrowser(URI uri) { if (Desktop.isDesktopSupported()) { try { Desktop.getDesktop().browse(uri); } catch (IOException ex) { System.err.println("Could not open browser: " + ex.getMessage()); } } } public static void main(String[] args) { GuiController guiController; if (args.length > 0) { guiController = new GuiController(args); } else { guiController = new GuiController(); } } }