wicket.markup.parser.filter.HtmlHandler.java Source code

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Here is the source code for wicket.markup.parser.filter.HtmlHandler.java


 * $Id: HtmlHandler.java 5771 2006-05-19 12:04:06 +0000 (Fri, 19 May 2006)
 * joco01 $ $Revision: 6785 $ $Date: 2006-05-25 22:41:52 +0000 (Thu, 25 May
 * 2006) $
 * ==============================================================================
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.
package wicket.markup.parser.filter;

import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

import wicket.markup.ComponentTag;
import wicket.markup.MarkupElement;
import wicket.markup.parser.AbstractMarkupFilter;
import wicket.util.collections.ArrayListStack;

 * This is a markup inline filter. It identifies HTML specific issues which make
 * HTML not 100% xml compliant. E.g. tags like <p> often are missing the
 * corresponding close tag.
 * @author Juergen Donnerstag
public final class HtmlHandler extends AbstractMarkupFilter {
    /** Logging */
    private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(HtmlHandler.class);

    /** Tag stack to find balancing tags */
    final private ArrayListStack<ComponentTag> stack = new ArrayListStack<ComponentTag>();

    /** Map of simple tags. */
    private static final Map<String, Boolean> doesNotRequireCloseTag = new HashMap<String, Boolean>();

    static {
        // Tags which are allowed not be closed in HTML
        doesNotRequireCloseTag.put("p", Boolean.TRUE);
        doesNotRequireCloseTag.put("br", Boolean.TRUE);
        doesNotRequireCloseTag.put("img", Boolean.TRUE);
        doesNotRequireCloseTag.put("input", Boolean.TRUE);
        doesNotRequireCloseTag.put("hr", Boolean.TRUE);
        doesNotRequireCloseTag.put("link", Boolean.TRUE);
        doesNotRequireCloseTag.put("meta", Boolean.TRUE);

     * Construct.
    public HtmlHandler() {

     * Get the next MarkupElement from the parent MarkupFilter and handle it if
     * the specific filter criteria are met. Depending on the filter, it may
     * return the MarkupElement unchanged, modified or it remove by asking the
     * parent handler for the next tag.
     * @see wicket.markup.parser.IMarkupFilter#nextTag()
     * @return Return the next eligible MarkupElement
    public MarkupElement nextTag() throws ParseException {
        // Get the next tag. If null, no more tags are available
        final ComponentTag tag = nextComponentTag();
        if (tag == null) {
            // No more tags from the markup.
            // If there's still a non-simple tag left, it's an error
            while (stack.size() > 0) {
                final ComponentTag top = stack.peek();

                if (!requiresCloseTag(top.getName())) {
                } else {
                    throw new ParseException("Tag " + top + " at " + top.getPos() + " did not have a close tag",

            return tag;

        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("tag: " + tag.toUserDebugString() + ", stack: " + stack);

        // Check tag type
        if (tag.isOpen()) {
            // Push onto stack
        } else if (tag.isClose()) {
            // Check that there is something on the stack
            if (stack.size() > 0) {
                // Pop the top tag off the stack
                ComponentTag top = stack.pop();

                // If the name of the current close tag does not match the
                // tag on the stack then we may have a mismatched close tag
                boolean mismatch = !top.hasEqualTagName(tag);

                if (mismatch) {

                    // Pop any simple tags off the top of the stack
                    while (mismatch && !requiresCloseTag(top.getName())) {

                        // Pop simple tag
                        top = stack.pop();

                        // Does new top of stack mismatch too?
                        mismatch = !top.hasEqualTagName(tag);

                    // If adjusting for simple tags did not fix the problem,
                    // it must be a real mismatch.
                    if (mismatch) {
                        throw new ParseException("Tag " + top.toUserDebugString()
                                + " has a mismatched close tag at " + tag.toUserDebugString(), top.getPos());

                // Tag matches, so add pointer to matching tag
            } else {
                throw new ParseException("Tag " + tag.toUserDebugString() + " does not have a matching open tag",
        } else if (tag.isOpenClose()) {
            // Tag closes itself

        return tag;

     * Gets whether this tag does not require a closing tag.
     * @param name
     *            The tag's name, e.g. a, br, div, etc.
     * @return True if this tag does not require a closing tag
    public static boolean requiresCloseTag(final String name) {
        return doesNotRequireCloseTag.get(name) == null;