Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2012 Dr. John Lindsay <> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package whitebox.serialization; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.awt.Color; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import whitebox.cartographic.PointMarkers; import whitebox.interfaces.MapLayer; import whitebox.geospatialfiles.RasterLayerInfo; import whitebox.geospatialfiles.VectorLayerInfo; import; /** * * @author johnlindsay */ public class MapLayerDeserializer implements JsonDeserializer<MapLayer> { private String workingDirectory; private String paletteDirectory; public MapLayerDeserializer(String currentWorkingDirectory, String paletteDirectory) { this.workingDirectory = currentWorkingDirectory; this.paletteDirectory = paletteDirectory; } @Override public MapLayer deserialize(JsonElement je, Type type, JsonDeserializationContext jdc) throws JsonParseException { if (workingDirectory == null || paletteDirectory == null) { throw new JsonParseException("The current working directory or palette directory must be set."); } GsonBuilder gsonBuilder = new GsonBuilder(); gsonBuilder.registerTypeAdapter(MapLayer.class, new MapLayerDeserializer(workingDirectory, paletteDirectory)); Gson gson = gsonBuilder.create(); Type clrType = new TypeToken<Color>() { }.getType(); Color clr; int alpha; double nonlinearity; String paletteFile; JsonObject jo = je.getAsJsonObject(); String layerType = jo.getAsJsonPrimitive("layerType").getAsString(); String layerTitle = jo.getAsJsonPrimitive("layerTitle").getAsString(); int overlayNumber = jo.getAsJsonPrimitive("overlayNumber").getAsInt(); boolean isVisible = jo.getAsJsonPrimitive("isVisible").getAsBoolean(); boolean isVisibleInLegend = true; if (jo.has("isVisibleInLegend")) { isVisibleInLegend = jo.getAsJsonPrimitive("isVisibleInLegend").getAsBoolean(); } switch (layerType) { case "RASTER": // find the header file String headerFile = jo.getAsJsonPrimitive("headerFile").getAsString(); // see whether it exists, and if it doesn't, see whether a file of the same // name exists in the working directory or any of its subdirectories. if (!new File(headerFile).exists()) { flag = true; findFile(new File(workingDirectory), new File(headerFile).getName()); if (!retFile.equals("")) { headerFile = retFile; } else { throw new JsonParseException("Could not locate data file referred to in map file."); } } double displayMinVal = jo.getAsJsonPrimitive("displayMinVal").getAsDouble(); double displayMaxVal = jo.getAsJsonPrimitive("displayMaxVal").getAsDouble(); nonlinearity = jo.getAsJsonPrimitive("nonlinearity").getAsDouble(); // find the palette file paletteFile = jo.getAsJsonPrimitive("paletteFile").getAsString(); // see whether it exists, and if it doesn't, see whether a file of the same // name exists in the working directory or any of its subdirectories. if (!new File(paletteFile).exists()) { flag = true; findFile(new File(paletteDirectory), new File(paletteFile).getName()); if (!retFile.equals("")) { paletteFile = retFile; } else { // could not locate the palette file so go with a default palette. paletteFile = paletteDirectory + "spectrum.pal"; } } alpha = jo.getAsJsonPrimitive("alpha").getAsInt(); boolean isPaletteReversed = jo.getAsJsonPrimitive("isPaletteReversed").getAsBoolean(); RasterLayerInfo rli = new RasterLayerInfo(headerFile, paletteFile, alpha, overlayNumber); rli.setDisplayMaxVal(displayMaxVal); rli.setDisplayMinVal(displayMinVal); rli.setNonlinearity(nonlinearity); rli.setLayerTitle(layerTitle); rli.setPaletteReversed(isPaletteReversed); rli.setVisible(isVisible); rli.setVisibleInLegend(isVisibleInLegend); return rli; case "VECTOR": // find the header file String fileName = jo.getAsJsonPrimitive("fileName").getAsString(); // see whether it exists, and if it doesn't, see whether a file of the same // name exists in the working directory or any of its subdirectories. if (!new File(fileName).exists()) { flag = true; findFile(new File(workingDirectory), new File(fileName).getName()); if (!retFile.equals("")) { fileName = retFile; } else { throw new JsonParseException("Could not locate data file referred to in map file."); } } alpha = jo.getAsJsonPrimitive("alpha").getAsInt(); String fillAttribute = jo.getAsJsonPrimitive("fillAttribute").getAsString(); String lineAttribute = jo.getAsJsonPrimitive("lineAttribute").getAsString(); float lineThickness = jo.getAsJsonPrimitive("lineThickness").getAsFloat(); float markerSize = jo.getAsJsonPrimitive("markerSize").getAsFloat(); // String markerStyle = jo.getAsJsonPrimitive("markerStyle").getAsString(); nonlinearity = jo.getAsJsonPrimitive("nonlinearity").getAsDouble(); String xyUnits = jo.getAsJsonPrimitive("xyUnits").getAsString(); boolean isDashed = jo.getAsJsonPrimitive("isDashed").getAsBoolean(); boolean isFilled = jo.getAsJsonPrimitive("isFilled").getAsBoolean(); boolean isFilledWithOneColour = jo.getAsJsonPrimitive("isFilledWithOneColour").getAsBoolean(); boolean isOutlined = jo.getAsJsonPrimitive("isOutlined").getAsBoolean(); boolean isOutlinedWithOneColour = jo.getAsJsonPrimitive("isOutlinedWithOneColour").getAsBoolean(); boolean isPaletteScaled = jo.getAsJsonPrimitive("isPaletteScaled").getAsBoolean(); // find the palette file paletteFile = jo.getAsJsonPrimitive("paletteFile").getAsString(); // see whether it exists, and if it doesn't, see whether a file of the same // name exists in the working directory or any of its subdirectories. if (!new File(paletteFile).exists()) { flag = true; findFile(new File(paletteDirectory), new File(paletteFile).getName()); if (!retFile.equals("")) { paletteFile = retFile; } else { // could not locate the palette file so go with a default palette. paletteFile = paletteDirectory + "spectrum.pal"; } } VectorLayerInfo vli = new VectorLayerInfo(fileName, paletteDirectory, alpha, overlayNumber); vli.setVisible(isVisible); vli.setVisibleInLegend(isVisibleInLegend); vli.setNonlinearity(nonlinearity); vli.setFillAttribute(fillAttribute); vli.setLineAttribute(lineAttribute); vli.setLineThickness(lineThickness); vli.setLayerTitle(layerTitle); vli.setMarkerSize(markerSize); vli.setPaletteFile(paletteFile); //marker style vli.setMarkerStyle( PointMarkers.findMarkerStyleFromString(jo.getAsJsonPrimitive("markerStyle").getAsString())); vli.setXYUnits(xyUnits); vli.setDashed(isDashed); vli.setFilled(isFilled); vli.setFilledWithOneColour(isFilledWithOneColour); vli.setOutlined(isOutlined); vli.setOutlinedWithOneColour(isOutlinedWithOneColour); vli.setPaletteScaled(isPaletteScaled); clr = gson.fromJson(jo.get("fillColour"), clrType); vli.setFillColour(clr); clr = gson.fromJson(jo.get("lineColour"), clrType); vli.setLineColour(clr); return vli; default: return null; } } private static String retFile = ""; private boolean flag = true; private void findFile(File dir, String fileName) { if (flag) { File[] files = dir.listFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { if (files[i].isDirectory()) { findFile(files[i], fileName); } else if (files[i].getName().equals(fileName)) { retFile = files[i].toString(); flag = false; break; } } } } }