Java tutorial
/* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ /* * HadoopJob * Copyright (C) 2013 University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand * */ package weka.distributed.hadoop; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskCompletionEvent; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job; import weka.core.ClassloaderUtil; import weka.core.Environment; import weka.core.Option; import weka.core.OptionHandler; import weka.core.Utils; import weka.core.WekaPackageManager; import weka.distributed.DistributedWekaException; import distributed.core.DistributedJob; import distributed.core.DistributedJobConfig; import distributed.hadoop.HDFSUtils; import distributed.hadoop.MapReduceJobConfig; /** * Abstract base class for Hadoop jobs. Contains routines for installing Weka * libraries in HDFS, running jobs and getting status information on running * jobs. * * @author Mark Hall (mhall{[at]}pentaho{[dot]}com) * @version $Revision$ */ public abstract class HadoopJob extends DistributedJob implements OptionHandler { /** For serialization */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -9026086203818342364L; /** The path to the distributedWekaHadoop.jar */ public static final String DISTRIBUTED_WEKA_HADOOP_JAR = WekaPackageManager.PACKAGES_DIR.toString() + File.separator + "distributedWekaHadoop" + File.separator + "distributedWekaHadoop.jar"; /** The path to the distributedWekaBase.jar */ public static final String DISTRIBUTED_WEKA_BASE_JAR = WekaPackageManager.PACKAGES_DIR.toString() + File.separator + "distributedWekaBase" + File.separator + "distributedWekaBase.jar"; /** The path to the opencsv.jar */ public static final String OPEN_CSV_JAR = WekaPackageManager.PACKAGES_DIR.toString() + File.separator + "distributedWekaBase" + File.separator + "lib" + File.separator + "opencsv-2.3.jar"; /** The path to the jfreechart jar */ public static final String JFREECHART_JAR = WekaPackageManager.PACKAGES_DIR.toString() + File.separator + "distributedWekaBase" + File.separator + "lib" + File.separator + "jfreechart-1.0.13.jar"; /** The path to the jcommon jar */ public static final String JCOMMON_JAR = WekaPackageManager.PACKAGES_DIR.toString() + File.separator + "distributedWekaBase" + File.separator + "lib" + File.separator + "jcommon-1.0.16.jar"; /** The path to the colt.jar */ public static final String COLT_JAR = WekaPackageManager.PACKAGES_DIR.toString() + File.separator + "distributedWekaBase" + File.separator + "lib" + File.separator + "colt-1.2.0.jar"; /** The path to the la4j.jar */ public static final String LA4J_JAR = WekaPackageManager.PACKAGES_DIR.toString() + File.separator + "distributedWekaBase" + File.separator + "lib" + File.separator + "la4j-0.4.5.jar"; /** * A default path to a weka.jar file. If the classpath contains a weka.jar * file (rather than a directory of weka classes) when Weka is started then * this path will be populated automatically by scanning for weka.jar in the * classpath. */ protected static String DEFAULT_WEKA_JAR_PATH = System.getProperty("user.home") + File.separator + "weka.jar"; // Attempt to locate the weka.jar in the classpath and set a // the default path to it static { try { ClassLoader cl = ClassloaderUtil.class.getClassLoader(); if (cl instanceof URLClassLoader) { URL[] urls = ((URLClassLoader) cl).getURLs(); for (URL u : urls) { if (u.toString().endsWith("weka.jar")) { File f = new File(u.toURI()); DEFAULT_WEKA_JAR_PATH = f.toString(); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { } } /** Holds the path to the weka.jar */ protected String m_pathToWekaJar = DEFAULT_WEKA_JAR_PATH; /** The main configuration object for this job */ protected MapReduceJobConfig m_mrConfig = new MapReduceJobConfig(); /** interval (seconds) between status updates for the running job */ protected String m_loggingInterval = "10"; /** Output debugging info */ protected boolean m_debug; /** Hadoop logging */ protected Log m_hadoopLog = LogFactory.getLog(HadoopJob.class); @Override public Enumeration<Option> listOptions() { Vector<Option> options = new Vector<Option>(); Enumeration<Option> confOpts = m_mrConfig.listOptions(); options.addElement( new Option("\tPath to the weka.jar file", "weka-jar", 1, "-weka-jar <path to weka.jar>")); options.addElement(new Option("\tAdditional Weka packages to use.", "weka-packages", 1, "-weka-packages <comma-separated list of package names>")); options.addElement(new Option("\tLogging interval in seconds (default = 15).", "logging-interval", 1, "-logging-interval <seconds>")); options.addElement(new Option("\tOutput debug info.", "debug", 0, "-debug")); while (confOpts.hasMoreElements()) { options.addElement(confOpts.nextElement()); } return options.elements(); } @Override public void setOptions(String[] options) throws Exception { m_mrConfig.setOptions(options); String wekaPath = Utils.getOption("weka-jar", options); if (!DistributedJobConfig.isEmpty(wekaPath)) { setPathToWekaJar(wekaPath); } String additionalPackages = Utils.getOption("weka-packages", options); setAdditionalWekaPackages(additionalPackages); String logInt = Utils.getOption("logging-interval", options); setLoggingInterval(logInt); setDebug(Utils.getFlag("debug", options)); } /** * Return the base options only (not the subclasses options or the options * specific to the configuration) * * @return just the base options */ public String[] getBaseOptionsOnly() { List<String> options = new ArrayList<String>(); if (!DistributedJobConfig.isEmpty(getPathToWekaJar())) { options.add("-weka-jar"); options.add(getPathToWekaJar()); } if (!DistributedJobConfig.isEmpty(getAdditionalWekaPackages())) { options.add("-weka-packages"); options.add(getAdditionalWekaPackages()); } if (!DistributedJobConfig.isEmpty(getLoggingInterval())) { options.add("-logging-interval"); options.add(getLoggingInterval()); } if (getDebug()) { options.add("-debug"); } return options.toArray(new String[options.size()]); } @Override public String[] getOptions() { List<String> options = new ArrayList<String>(); String[] baseOptions = getBaseOptionsOnly(); for (String b : baseOptions) { options.add(b); } String[] configOpts = m_mrConfig.getOptions(); for (String o : configOpts) { options.add(o); } return options.toArray(new String[options.size()]); } /** * Constructor for a HadoopJob * * @param jobName the name of the job * @param jobDescription a short description of the job */ public HadoopJob(String jobName, String jobDescription) { super(jobName, jobDescription); } /** * Set the main configuration to use with this job * * @param conf the main configuration to use with this job */ public void setMapReduceJobConfig(MapReduceJobConfig conf) { m_mrConfig = conf; } /** * Get the main configuration to use with this job * * @return the main configuration to use with this job */ public MapReduceJobConfig getMapReduceJobConfig() { return m_mrConfig; } /** * Tip text for this property * * @return the tip text for this property */ public String deubgTipText() { return "Output debugging info to the log"; } /** * Set whether to output debug info. Some jobs may output more info to the log * if this is turned on * * @param debug true if debug info is to be output */ public void setDebug(boolean debug) { m_debug = debug; } /** * Get whether to output debug info. Some jobs may output more info to the log * if this is turned on * * @return true if debug info is to be output */ public boolean getDebug() { return m_debug; } /** * Tip text for this property * * @return the tip text for this property */ public String pathToWekaJarTipText() { return "The path to the weka jar file. This will get installed in" + "HDFS and placed into the classpath for map and reduce tasks"; } /** * Set the path to the weka.jar file. Will be populated automatically if the * classpath contains a weka.jar. The weka.jar is installed in HDFS and used * in the classpath for map and reduce tasks. * * @param path the path to the weka.jar. */ public void setPathToWekaJar(String path) { m_pathToWekaJar = path; } /** * Get the path to the weka.jar file. Will be populated automatically if the * classpath contains a weka.jar. The weka.jar is installed in HDFS and used * in the classpath for map and reduce tasks. * * @return the path to the weka.jar. */ public String getPathToWekaJar() { return m_pathToWekaJar; } /** * Tip text for this property. * * @return the tip text for this property. */ public String additionalWekaPackagesTipText() { return "A list of comma separated weka package names to use with the job. " + "Any jar files in the main package directory and the lib " + "directory of each package will get installed in HDFS and " + "placed in the classpath of map and reduce tasks."; } /** * Set a comma separated list of the names of additional weka packages to use * with the job. Any jar files in the main package directory and the lib * directory of the package will get installed in HDFS and placed in the * classpath of map and reduce tasks * * @param packages a comma separated list of weka packages to use with the job */ public void setAdditionalWekaPackages(String packages) { m_mrConfig.setUserSuppliedProperty(DistributedJob.WEKA_ADDITIONAL_PACKAGES_KEY, packages); } /** * Get a comma separated list of the names of additional weka packages to use * with the job. Any jar files in the main package directory and the lib * directory of the package will get installed in HDFS and placed in the * classpath of map and reduce tasks * * @return a comma separated list of weka packages to use with the job */ public String getAdditionalWekaPackages() { return m_mrConfig.getUserSuppliedProperty(DistributedJob.WEKA_ADDITIONAL_PACKAGES_KEY); } /** * Tip text for this property * * @return tip text for this property */ public String loggingIntervalTipText() { return "The interval (in seconds) between output of logging information" + " from running jobs"; } /** * Set the interval between output of logging information from running jobs. * * @param li the interval (in seconds) between output of logging information */ public void setLoggingInterval(String li) { m_loggingInterval = li; } /** * Get the interval between output of logging information from running jobs. * * @return the interval (in seconds) between output of logging information */ public String getLoggingInterval() { return m_loggingInterval; } /** * Installs the core weka library and the distributed weka libraries in HDFS. * Also adds the libraries to the classpath for map and reduce tasks by * populating the appropriate properties in the supplied Hadoop Configuration * object. * * @param conf the Configuration object to populate * @throws IOException if a problem occurs */ protected void installWekaLibrariesInHDFS(Configuration conf) throws IOException { if (m_env == null) { m_env = Environment.getSystemWide(); } if (m_pathToWekaJar == null || DistributedJobConfig.isEmpty(m_pathToWekaJar.toString())) { throw new IOException("No path to weka.jar file provided. We need to install the " + "weka.jar in HDFS so that it is available to running Jobs"); } statusMessage("Installing libraries in HDFS..."); List<String> installLibraries = new ArrayList<String>(); logMessage("Copying " + environmentSubstitute(m_pathToWekaJar) + " to HDFS"); installLibraries.add(environmentSubstitute(m_pathToWekaJar)); logMessage("Copying " + DISTRIBUTED_WEKA_BASE_JAR + " to HSFS"); installLibraries.add(DISTRIBUTED_WEKA_BASE_JAR); logMessage("Copying " + DISTRIBUTED_WEKA_HADOOP_JAR + " to HSFS"); installLibraries.add(DISTRIBUTED_WEKA_HADOOP_JAR); logMessage("Copying " + OPEN_CSV_JAR + " to HDFS"); installLibraries.add(OPEN_CSV_JAR); logMessage("Copying " + JFREECHART_JAR + " to HDFS"); installLibraries.add(JFREECHART_JAR); logMessage("Copying " + JCOMMON_JAR + " to HDFS"); installLibraries.add(JCOMMON_JAR); logMessage("Copying " + COLT_JAR + " to HDFS"); installLibraries.add(COLT_JAR); logMessage("Copying " + LA4J_JAR + " to HDFS"); installLibraries.add(LA4J_JAR); HDFSUtils.copyFilesToWekaHDFSInstallationDirectory(installLibraries, m_mrConfig.getHDFSConfig(), m_env, true); addWekaLibrariesToClasspath(conf); installWekaPackageLibrariesInHDFS(getAdditionalWekaPackageNames(m_mrConfig), conf); } /** * Install the jar files for a list of named weka packages in HDFS and add * them to the classpath for map and reduce tasks * * @param packageNames a list of weka packages to install the jar files for * @param conf the Hadoop configuration to set the classpath for map and * reduce tasks * @throws IOException if a problem occurs */ private void installWekaPackageLibrariesInHDFS(List<String> packageNames, Configuration conf) throws IOException { if (packageNames == null || packageNames.size() == 0) { return; } File packagesDir = WekaPackageManager.PACKAGES_DIR; List<String> installLibraries = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String packageDir : packageNames) { // package dir File current = new File(packagesDir.toString() + File.separator + packageDir); if (current.exists() && current.isDirectory()) { File[] contents = current.listFiles(); for (File f : contents) { if (f.isFile() && f.toString().toLowerCase().endsWith(".jar")) { logMessage("Copying package '" + packageDir + "': " + f.getName() + " to HDFS"); installLibraries.add(f.toString()); } } // lib dir File libDir = new File(current.toString() + File.separator + "lib"); if (libDir.exists() && libDir.isDirectory()) { File[] libContents = libDir.listFiles(); for (File f : libContents) { if (f.isFile() && f.toString().toLowerCase().endsWith(".jar")) { logMessage("Copying package '" + packageDir + "': " + f.getName() + " to HDFS"); installLibraries.add(f.toString()); } } } } } HDFSUtils.copyFilesToWekaHDFSInstallationDirectory(installLibraries, m_mrConfig.getHDFSConfig(), m_env, true); addWekaPackageLibrariesToClasspath(installLibraries, conf); } /** * Adds the core weka and distributed weka jar files to the classpath for map * and reduce tasks * * @param conf the Configuration object to populate * @throws IOException if a problem occurs */ protected void addWekaLibrariesToClasspath(Configuration conf) throws IOException { if (m_env == null) { m_env = Environment.getSystemWide(); } statusMessage("Adding Weka libraries to the distributed cache and classpath " + "for the job"); List<String> cacheFiles = new ArrayList<String>(); cacheFiles.add(new File(m_pathToWekaJar).getName()); cacheFiles.add(new File(DISTRIBUTED_WEKA_BASE_JAR).getName()); cacheFiles.add(new File(DISTRIBUTED_WEKA_HADOOP_JAR).getName()); cacheFiles.add(new File(OPEN_CSV_JAR).getName()); cacheFiles.add(new File(JFREECHART_JAR).getName()); cacheFiles.add(new File(JCOMMON_JAR).getName()); cacheFiles.add(new File(COLT_JAR).getName()); cacheFiles.add(new File(LA4J_JAR).getName()); HDFSUtils.addWekaInstalledFilesToClasspath(m_mrConfig.getHDFSConfig(), conf, cacheFiles, m_env); } /** * @param packageJars a list of paths to jar files from packages to add to the * classpath * @param conf the Hadoop Configuration to populate * @throws IOException if a problem occurs */ private void addWekaPackageLibrariesToClasspath(List<String> packageJars, Configuration conf) throws IOException { if (packageJars == null || packageJars.size() == 0) { return; } List<String> cacheFiles = new ArrayList<String>(); statusMessage("Adding Weka package libraries to the distributed cache and classpath"); for (String jar : packageJars) { cacheFiles.add(new File(jar).getName()); } HDFSUtils.addWekaInstalledFilesToClasspath(m_mrConfig.getHDFSConfig(), conf, cacheFiles, m_env); } /** * Deletes the output directory for a job * * @param job the Job object to delete the output directory for * @throws IOException if a problem occurs */ public void cleanOutputDirectory(Job job) throws IOException { if (DistributedJobConfig.isEmpty(m_mrConfig.getOutputPath())) { throw new IOException("No output directory set!"); } m_mrConfig.deleteOutputDirectory(job, m_env); } /** * Runs the supplied job * * @param job the job to run * @return true if the job was successful * @throws DistributedWekaException if a problem occurs */ protected boolean runJob(Job job) throws DistributedWekaException { try { m_stopRunningJob = false; if (DistributedJobConfig.isEmpty(getLoggingInterval())) { m_loggingInterval = "10"; } int logInterval = Integer.parseInt(m_loggingInterval); System.out.println("Setting logging interval to " + logInterval); job.submit(); try { int taskCompletionEventIndex = 0; while (!m_stopRunningJob && !job.isComplete()) { if (logInterval >= 1) { printJobStatus(job); taskCompletionEventIndex += logTaskMessages(job, taskCompletionEventIndex); Thread.sleep(logInterval * 1000); } else { Thread.sleep(60000); } } } catch (InterruptedException ie) { logMessage(ie.getMessage()); m_stopRunningJob = true; } if (m_stopRunningJob && !job.isComplete()) { job.killJob(); } m_stopRunningJob = false; return job.isSuccessful(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new DistributedWekaException(ex); } } /** * Print status information for the supplied (running) job * * @param job the job to print status info for * @throws IOException if a problem occurs */ protected void printJobStatus(Job job) throws IOException { float setupPercent = job.setupProgress() * 100f; float mapPercent = job.mapProgress() * 100f; float reducePercent = job.reduceProgress() * 100f; String info = getJobName() + " Setup: " + setupPercent + " Map: " + mapPercent + " Reduce: " + reducePercent; statusMessage(info); logMessage(info); } /** * Output task messages for the currently running job * * @param job the job to output messages for * @param startIndex the index to start outputting messages from * @return the index of the last message output * @throws IOException if a problem occurs */ protected int logTaskMessages(Job job, int startIndex) throws IOException { TaskCompletionEvent[] tcEvents = job.getTaskCompletionEvents(startIndex); // StringBuilder taskMessages = new StringBuilder(); for (TaskCompletionEvent tcEvent : tcEvents) { logMessage(tcEvent.toString()); // taskMessages.append(tcEvent.toString()).append("\n"); } // logMessage(taskMessages.toString()); return tcEvents.length; } /** * Extract the number of a map/reduce attempt from the supplied taskID string. * * @param taskID the taskID string * @param prefix the prefix identifying the type of task (i.e. mapper or * reducer) * @return the task number */ public static int getMapReduceNumber(String taskID, String prefix) { if (taskID.indexOf(prefix) < 0) { return -1; // not what was expected } String lastPart = taskID.substring(taskID.indexOf(prefix) + prefix.length()); String theNumber = lastPart.substring(0, lastPart.indexOf("_")); return Integer.parseInt(theNumber); } /** * Get the number of the map attempt from the supplied task ID string * * @param taskID the task ID string * @return the number of the map attempt */ public static int getMapNumber(String taskID) { return getMapReduceNumber(taskID, "_m_"); } /** * Get the number of the reduce attempt from the supplied task ID string * * @param taskID the task ID string * @return the number of the reduce attempt */ public static int getReduceNumber(String taskID) { return getMapReduceNumber(taskID, "_r"); } /** * Log a debug message * * @param message the message to log */ protected void logDebug(String message) { if (getDebug()) { logMessage(message); } } /** * Log a message * * @param message the message to log */ @Override protected void logMessage(String message) { if (m_log != null) { m_log.logMessage(m_statusMessagePrefix + message); }; } /** * Send a message to the status * * @param message the message to status */ @Override protected void statusMessage(String message) { if (m_log != null) { m_log.statusMessage(m_statusMessagePrefix + message); } } }