weka.core.Version.java Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for weka.core.Version.java


 *   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *   (at your option) any later version.
 *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *   GNU General Public License for more details.
 *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

 * Version.java
 * Copyright (C) 2005-2012 University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand

package weka.core;

import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.LineNumberReader;

 * This class contains the version number of the current WEKA release and some
 * methods for comparing another version string. The normal layout of a version
 * string is "MAJOR.MINOR.REVISION", but it can also handle partial version
 * strings, e.g. "3.4". <br/>
 * Should be used e.g. in exports to XML for keeping track, with which version
 * of WEKA the file was produced.
 * @author FracPete (fracpete at waikato dot ac dot nz)
 * @version $Revision$
public class Version implements Comparable<String>, RevisionHandler {

    /** the version file */
    public final static String VERSION_FILE = "weka/core/version.txt";

    /** the major version */
    public static int MAJOR = 3;

    /** the minor version */
    public static int MINOR = 4;

    /** the revision */
    public static int REVISION = 3;

    /** point revision */
    public static int POINT = 0;

    /** True if snapshot */
    public static boolean SNAPSHOT = false;

    protected static final String SNAPSHOT_STRING = "-SNAPSHOT";

    static {
        try {
            InputStream inR = (new Version()).getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(VERSION_FILE);
            // InputStream inR = ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream(VERSION_FILE);
            LineNumberReader lnr = new LineNumberReader(new InputStreamReader(inR));

            String line = lnr.readLine();
            int[] maj = new int[1];
            int[] min = new int[1];
            int[] rev = new int[1];
            int[] point = new int[1];
            SNAPSHOT = parseVersion(line, maj, min, rev, point);
            MAJOR = maj[0];
            MINOR = min[0];
            REVISION = rev[0];
            POINT = point[0];
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.err.println(Version.class.getName() + ": Unable to load version information!");

    /** the complete version */
    public static String VERSION = MAJOR + "." + MINOR + "." + REVISION + (POINT > 0 ? "." + POINT : "")
            + (SNAPSHOT ? SNAPSHOT_STRING : "");

     * parses the version and stores the result in the arrays
     * @param version the version string to parse (contains "-" instead of "."!)
     * @param maj the major version
     * @param min the minor version
     * @param rev the revision version
    private static boolean parseVersion(String version, int[] maj, int[] min, int[] rev, int[] point) {
        int major = 0;
        int minor = 0;
        int revision = 0;
        int pnt = 0;
        boolean isSnapshot = false;

        try {
            String tmpStr = version;
            if (tmpStr.toLowerCase().endsWith("-snapshot")) {
                tmpStr = tmpStr.substring(0, tmpStr.toLowerCase().indexOf("-snapshot"));
                isSnapshot = true;
            tmpStr = tmpStr.replace('-', '.');
            if (tmpStr.indexOf(".") > -1) {
                major = Integer.parseInt(tmpStr.substring(0, tmpStr.indexOf(".")));
                tmpStr = tmpStr.substring(tmpStr.indexOf(".") + 1);
                if (tmpStr.indexOf(".") > -1) {
                    minor = Integer.parseInt(tmpStr.substring(0, tmpStr.indexOf(".")));
                    tmpStr = tmpStr.substring(tmpStr.indexOf(".") + 1);
                    if (tmpStr.indexOf(".") > 0) {
                        revision = Integer.parseInt(tmpStr.substring(0, tmpStr.indexOf(".")));
                        tmpStr = tmpStr.substring(tmpStr.indexOf(".") + 1);

                        if (!tmpStr.equals("")) {
                            pnt = Integer.parseInt(tmpStr);
                        } else {
                            pnt = 0;
                    } else {
                        if (!tmpStr.equals("")) {
                            revision = Integer.parseInt(tmpStr);
                        } else {
                            revision = 0;
                } else {
                    if (!tmpStr.equals("")) {
                        minor = Integer.parseInt(tmpStr);
                    } else {
                        minor = 0;
            } else {
                if (!tmpStr.equals("")) {
                    major = Integer.parseInt(tmpStr);
                } else {
                    major = 0;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            major = -1;
            minor = -1;
            revision = -1;
        } finally {
            maj[0] = major;
            min[0] = minor;
            rev[0] = revision;
            point[0] = pnt;

        return isSnapshot;

     * checks the version of this class against the given version-string
     * @param o the version-string to compare with
     * @return -1 if this version is less, 0 if equal and +1 if greater than the
     *         provided version
    public int compareTo(String o) {
        int result;
        int major;
        int minor;
        int revision;
        int pnt;
        int[] maj = new int[1];
        int[] min = new int[1];
        int[] rev = new int[1];
        int[] point = new int[1];

        // do we have a string?

        parseVersion(o, maj, min, rev, point);
        major = maj[0];
        minor = min[0];
        revision = rev[0];
        pnt = point[0];

        if (MAJOR < major) {
            result = -1;
        } else if (MAJOR == major) {
            if (MINOR < minor) {
                result = -1;
            } else if (MINOR == minor) {
                if (REVISION < revision) {
                    result = -1;
                } else if (REVISION == revision) {
                    if (POINT < pnt) {
                        result = -1;
                    } else if (POINT == pnt) {
                        result = 0;
                    } else {
                        result = 1;
                } else {
                    result = 1;
            } else {
                result = 1;
        } else {
            result = 1;

        return result;

     * whether the given version string is equal to this version
     * @param o the version-string to compare to
     * @return TRUE if the version-string is equals to its own
    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        return (compareTo((String) o) == 0);

     * checks whether this version is older than the one from the given version
     * string
     * @param o the version-string to compare with
     * @return TRUE if this version is older than the given one
    public boolean isOlder(String o) {
        return (compareTo(o) == -1);

     * checks whether this version is newer than the one from the given version
     * string
     * @param o the version-string to compare with
     * @return TRUE if this version is newer than the given one
    public boolean isNewer(String o) {
        return (compareTo(o) == 1);

     * returns the current version as string
     * @return the current version
    public String toString() {
        return VERSION;

     * Returns the revision string.
     * @return the revision
    public String getRevision() {
        return RevisionUtils.extract("$Revision$");

     * only for testing
     * @param args the commandline arguments - ignored
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Version v;
        String tmpStr;

        // print version
        System.out.println(VERSION + "\n");

        // test on different versions
        v = new Version();
        System.out.println("-1? " + v.compareTo("5.0.1"));
        System.out.println(" 0? " + v.compareTo(VERSION));
        System.out.println("+1? " + v.compareTo("3.4.0"));

        tmpStr = "5.0.1";
        System.out.println("\ncomparing with " + tmpStr);
        System.out.println("isOlder? " + v.isOlder(tmpStr));
        System.out.println("equals ? " + v.equals(tmpStr));
        System.out.println("isNewer? " + v.isNewer(tmpStr));

        tmpStr = VERSION;
        System.out.println("\ncomparing with " + tmpStr);
        System.out.println("isOlder? " + v.isOlder(tmpStr));
        System.out.println("equals ? " + v.equals(tmpStr));
        System.out.println("isNewer? " + v.isNewer(tmpStr));

        tmpStr = "3.4.0";
        System.out.println("\ncomparing with " + tmpStr);
        System.out.println("isOlder? " + v.isOlder(tmpStr));
        System.out.println("equals ? " + v.equals(tmpStr));
        System.out.println("isNewer? " + v.isNewer(tmpStr));

        tmpStr = "3.4";
        System.out.println("\ncomparing with " + tmpStr);
        System.out.println("isOlder? " + v.isOlder(tmpStr));
        System.out.println("equals ? " + v.equals(tmpStr));
        System.out.println("isNewer? " + v.isNewer(tmpStr));

        tmpStr = "5";
        System.out.println("\ncomparing with " + tmpStr);
        System.out.println("isOlder? " + v.isOlder(tmpStr));
        System.out.println("equals ? " + v.equals(tmpStr));
        System.out.println("isNewer? " + v.isNewer(tmpStr));