Java tutorial
/* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ /* * NumericStats * Copyright (C) 2014 University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand * */ package weka.core.stats; import weka.core.Attribute; import weka.core.Utils; import weka.distributed.CSVToARFFHeaderMapTask; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Class for computing numeric stats * * @author Mark Hall (mhall{[at]}pentaho{[dot]}com) * @version $Revision$ */ public class NumericStats extends Stats implements Serializable { /** Default compression for TDigest quantile estimators */ public static final double Q_COMPRESSION = 50.0; /** For serialization */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 5328158049841703129L; /** Holds the actual stats values */ protected double[] m_stats = new double[ArffSummaryNumericMetric.values().length]; /** For quantiles/histograms (if we are estimating them) */ protected transient TDigest m_quantileEstimator; /** Holds the serialized quantile estimator (if we are using them) */ protected byte[] m_encodedTDigestEstimator; /** * The compression level to use (bigger = less compression/more accuracy/more * space/more time) */ protected double m_quantileCompression = Q_COMPRESSION; /** Labels for a histogram */ List<String> m_binLabels; /** Bin frequencies */ List<Double> m_binFreqs; /** * Constructs a new NumericStats * * @param attributeName the name of the attribute that these statistics are * for */ public NumericStats(String attributeName) { super(attributeName); m_stats[ArffSummaryNumericMetric.MIN.ordinal()] = Utils.missingValue(); m_stats[ArffSummaryNumericMetric.MAX.ordinal()] = Utils.missingValue(); m_stats[ArffSummaryNumericMetric.FIRSTQUARTILE.ordinal()] = Utils.missingValue(); m_stats[ArffSummaryNumericMetric.MEDIAN.ordinal()] = Utils.missingValue(); m_stats[ArffSummaryNumericMetric.THIRDQUARTILE.ordinal()] = Utils.missingValue(); } /** * Construct a new NumericStats * * @param attributeName the name of the attribute that these statistics are * for * @param quantileCompression the degree of compression for quantile * estimation (bigger = less compression) */ public NumericStats(String attributeName, double quantileCompression) { this(attributeName); m_quantileCompression = quantileCompression; } /** * Update the incremental aggregateable portions of this NumericStats with the * supplied value * * @param value the value to update with * @param weight the weight to use * @param treatZeroAsMissing true if zeros count as missing * @param updateQuantiles true if we should update our quantile estimator */ public void update(double value, double weight, boolean treatZeroAsMissing, boolean updateQuantiles) { if (Utils.isMissingValue(value) || (treatZeroAsMissing && value == 0)) { m_stats[ArffSummaryNumericMetric.MISSING.ordinal()] += weight; } else { m_stats[ArffSummaryNumericMetric.COUNT.ordinal()] += weight; m_stats[ArffSummaryNumericMetric.SUM.ordinal()] += value * weight; m_stats[ArffSummaryNumericMetric.SUMSQ.ordinal()] += value * value * weight; if (Double.isNaN(m_stats[ArffSummaryNumericMetric.MIN.ordinal()])) { m_stats[ArffSummaryNumericMetric.MIN .ordinal()] = m_stats[ArffSummaryNumericMetric.MAX.ordinal()] = value; } else if (value < m_stats[ArffSummaryNumericMetric.MIN.ordinal()]) { m_stats[ArffSummaryNumericMetric.MIN.ordinal()] = value; } else if (value > m_stats[ArffSummaryNumericMetric.MAX.ordinal()]) { m_stats[ArffSummaryNumericMetric.MAX.ordinal()] = value; } if (updateQuantiles) { if (m_encodedTDigestEstimator != null) { deSerializeCurrentQuantileEstimator(); } if (m_quantileEstimator == null) { m_quantileEstimator = TDigest.createTDigest(m_quantileCompression); } m_quantileEstimator.add(value, (int) (weight < 1 ? 1 : weight)); } } } /** * Return the array of statistics * * @return the array of statistics */ public double[] getStats() { return m_stats; } /** * Sets the array of statistics. Does not check to see if the supplied array * is of the correct length. * * @param stats the stats array to use */ public void setStats(double[] stats) { m_stats = stats; } /** * Get the quantile estimator in use (if any) * * @return the quantile estmator */ public TDigest getQuantileEstimator() { return m_quantileEstimator; } /** * Set the quantile estimator to use * * @param estimator the estimator to use */ public void setQuantileEstimator(TDigest estimator) { m_quantileEstimator = estimator; } /** * Set the compression level * * @param compression compression level */ public void setCompression(double compression) { m_quantileCompression = compression; } /** * Serialize the current TDigest quantile estimator */ public void serializeCurrentQuantileEstimator() { if (m_quantileEstimator != null) { ByteBuffer buff = ByteBuffer.allocate(m_quantileEstimator.byteSize()); m_quantileEstimator.asSmallBytes(buff); m_encodedTDigestEstimator = buff.array(); } } /** * Decode the current TDigest quatile estimator */ public void deSerializeCurrentQuantileEstimator() { if (m_encodedTDigestEstimator != null) { ByteBuffer buff = ByteBuffer.wrap(m_encodedTDigestEstimator); m_quantileEstimator = TDigest.fromBytes(buff); m_encodedTDigestEstimator = null; } } /** * Set histogram data for this numeric stats * * @param labs bin labels * @param freqs bin frequencies */ public void setHistogramData(List<String> labs, List<Double> freqs) { m_binLabels = labs; m_binFreqs = freqs; } /** * Get the histogram labels * * @return the list of histogram labels or null if not set */ public List<String> getHistogramBinLabels() { return m_binLabels; } /** * Get the histogram bin frequencies * * @return the list of histogram bin frequencies or null if not set */ public List<Double> getHistogramFrequencies() { return m_binFreqs; } @Override public Attribute makeAttribute() { ArrayList<String> vals = new ArrayList<String>(); for (ArffSummaryNumericMetric m : ArffSummaryNumericMetric.values()) { if (m.ordinal() > m_stats.length - 1) { continue; } if (m == ArffSummaryNumericMetric.FIRSTQUARTILE || m == ArffSummaryNumericMetric.MEDIAN || m == ArffSummaryNumericMetric.THIRDQUARTILE) { if (Utils.isMissingValue(m_stats[ArffSummaryNumericMetric.FIRSTQUARTILE.ordinal()]) && Utils.isMissingValue(m_stats[ArffSummaryNumericMetric.MEDIAN.ordinal()]) && Utils.isMissingValue(m_stats[ArffSummaryNumericMetric.THIRDQUARTILE.ordinal()])) { continue; } } String v = m.makeAttributeValue(m_stats[m.ordinal()]); vals.add(v); } // histogram (if present) if (m_binLabels != null && m_binLabels.size() > 0) { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < m_binLabels.size(); i++) { String v = m_binLabels.get(i) + ":" + m_binFreqs.get(i); b.append(v); if (i < m_binLabels.size() - 1) { b.append("!"); } } vals.add(b.toString()); } Attribute a = new Attribute(CSVToARFFHeaderMapTask.ARFF_SUMMARY_ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX + m_attributeName, vals); return a; } /** * Convert a summary meta attribute into a NumericStats object (does not * recover the internal TDigest quantile estimator) * * @param a the summary meta attribute to convert * @return a NumericStats instance * @throws IllegalArgumentException if a problem occurs */ public static NumericStats attributeToStats(Attribute a) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (!a.isNominal()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Stats attribute is not nominal!"); } // we assume that either just the set of aggregateable stats will // be present or all the stats (i.e. + quartiles and histogram) if (a.numValues() != ArffSummaryNumericMetric.values().length + 1 && a.numValues() != ArffSummaryNumericMetric.values().length - 3) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Was expecting there to be either " + (ArffSummaryNumericMetric.values().length + 1) + " or " + (ArffSummaryNumericMetric.values().length - 3) + " values in a summary attribute, but found " + a.numValues()); } double[] stats = new double[ArffSummaryNumericMetric.values().length]; stats[ArffSummaryNumericMetric.MIN.ordinal()] = Utils.missingValue(); stats[ArffSummaryNumericMetric.MAX.ordinal()] = Utils.missingValue(); stats[ArffSummaryNumericMetric.FIRSTQUARTILE.ordinal()] = Utils.missingValue(); stats[ArffSummaryNumericMetric.MEDIAN.ordinal()] = Utils.missingValue(); stats[ArffSummaryNumericMetric.THIRDQUARTILE.ordinal()] = Utils.missingValue(); for (ArffSummaryNumericMetric m : ArffSummaryNumericMetric.values()) { if (m.ordinal() < a.numValues()) { String v = a.value(m.ordinal()); double value = m.toValue(v, m.toString()); stats[m.ordinal()] = value; } } List<String> histLabs = null; List<Double> histFreqs = null; if (a.numValues() > ArffSummaryNumericMetric.values().length) { String hist = a.value(a.numValues() - 1); histLabs = new ArrayList<String>(); histFreqs = new ArrayList<Double>(); String[] parts = hist.split("!"); for (String p : parts) { String[] entry = p.split(":"); histLabs.add(entry[0]); histFreqs.add(Double.parseDouble(entry[1])); } } NumericStats s = new NumericStats(, "")); s.m_stats = stats; s.setHistogramData(histLabs, histFreqs); return s; } /** * Compute the derived statistics */ public void computeDerived() { double count = m_stats[ArffSummaryNumericMetric.COUNT.ordinal()]; double sum = m_stats[ArffSummaryNumericMetric.SUM.ordinal()]; double sumSq = m_stats[ArffSummaryNumericMetric.SUMSQ.ordinal()]; double mean = 0; double stdDev = 0; if (count > 0) { mean = sum / count; // stdDev = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; if (count > 1) { stdDev = sumSq - (sum * sum) / count; stdDev /= (count - 1); if (stdDev < 0) { stdDev = 0; } stdDev = Math.sqrt(stdDev); } } m_stats[ArffSummaryNumericMetric.MEAN.ordinal()] = mean; m_stats[ArffSummaryNumericMetric.STDDEV.ordinal()] = stdDev; } /** * Computes derived stats and computes quartiles and histogram data from our * quantile estimator. If quartiles are not being estimated then the result is * just to call computeDerived(). */ public void computeQuartilesAndHistogram() { computeDerived(); if (m_quantileEstimator == null) { return; } computeQuartilesAndHistogramNew(); } /** * Original equal-width histogram generation method */ protected void computeQuartilesAndHistogramsOriginal() { m_stats[ArffSummaryNumericMetric.FIRSTQUARTILE.ordinal()] = m_quantileEstimator.quantile(0.25); m_stats[ArffSummaryNumericMetric.MEDIAN.ordinal()] = m_quantileEstimator.quantile(0.5); m_stats[ArffSummaryNumericMetric.THIRDQUARTILE.ordinal()] = m_quantileEstimator.quantile(0.75); double min = m_stats[ArffSummaryNumericMetric.MIN.ordinal()]; double count = m_stats[ArffSummaryNumericMetric.COUNT.ordinal()]; NumericAttributeBinData binData = new NumericAttributeBinData(m_attributeName, count, min, m_stats[ArffSummaryNumericMetric.MAX.ordinal()], m_stats[ArffSummaryNumericMetric.STDDEV.ordinal()], m_stats[ArffSummaryNumericMetric.MISSING.ordinal()], -1); // heuristic based on count & std. dev int numBins = binData.getNumBins(); // Check against compression (another hokey heuristic) numBins = Math.min(numBins, (int) m_quantileCompression * 2 / 10); if (numBins != binData.getNumBins()) { binData = new NumericAttributeBinData(m_attributeName, count, min, m_stats[ArffSummaryNumericMetric.MAX.ordinal()], m_stats[ArffSummaryNumericMetric.STDDEV.ordinal()], m_stats[ArffSummaryNumericMetric.MISSING.ordinal()], numBins); } double binWidth = binData.getBinWidth(); double prev = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numBins; i++) { double lower = min + (i * binWidth); double upper = min + ((i + 1) * binWidth); double midVal = lower + ((upper - lower) / 2.0); double cdf = m_quantileEstimator.cdf(upper); boolean ok = !Double.isInfinite(cdf) && !Double.isNaN(cdf); double freq = ok ? cdf : 0; if (i > 0 && ok) { freq = cdf - prev; } if (freq < 0) { freq = 0; } freq *= count; binData.addValue(midVal, freq); if (ok) { prev = cdf; } } m_binLabels = binData.getBinLabels(); m_binFreqs = binData.getBinFreqs(); } /** * New method that performs equal width between the 10th and 90th percentiles. * These bounds are adjusted if they coincide with the min/max. Two bins are * reserved for outliers on either side */ protected void computeQuartilesAndHistogramNew() { m_stats[ArffSummaryNumericMetric.FIRSTQUARTILE.ordinal()] = m_quantileEstimator.quantile(0.25); m_stats[ArffSummaryNumericMetric.MEDIAN.ordinal()] = m_quantileEstimator.quantile(0.5); m_stats[ArffSummaryNumericMetric.THIRDQUARTILE.ordinal()] = m_quantileEstimator.quantile(0.75); double min = m_stats[ArffSummaryNumericMetric.MIN.ordinal()]; double max = m_stats[ArffSummaryNumericMetric.MAX.ordinal()]; double count = m_stats[ArffSummaryNumericMetric.COUNT.ordinal()]; double l = 0.1; double h = 0.9; double incr = 0.05; double lowPercentile = m_quantileEstimator.quantile(l); double highPercentile = m_quantileEstimator.quantile(h); while (lowPercentile <= min || Math.abs(lowPercentile - min) < 1e-6) { l += incr; if (lowPercentile < highPercentile) { lowPercentile = m_quantileEstimator.quantile(l); } else { break; } // System.err.println("Increased lp to: " + lowPercentile + " (" + l + // ")"); } while (highPercentile >= max || Math.abs(max - highPercentile) < 1e-6) { h -= incr; if (highPercentile > lowPercentile) { highPercentile = m_quantileEstimator.quantile(h); // System.err.println("Reduced hp to: " + highPercentile + " (" + h + // ")"); } else { break; } } // System.err.println("Attribute: " + m_attributeName); // System.err.println("Max: " + max + " hp: " + highPercentile); // System.err.println("Min: " + min + " lp: " + lowPercentile); // can't find an interesting area? Revert to the old equal width version if (lowPercentile >= highPercentile) { computeQuartilesAndHistogramsOriginal(); return; } NumericAttributeBinData binData = new NumericAttributeBinData(m_attributeName, count, min, m_stats[ArffSummaryNumericMetric.MAX.ordinal()], m_stats[ArffSummaryNumericMetric.STDDEV.ordinal()], m_stats[ArffSummaryNumericMetric.MISSING.ordinal()], lowPercentile, highPercentile, NumericAttributeBinData.MAX_BINS); double binWidthPercentileRange = binData.getBinWidth(); // number of bins (including the two reserved for outliers int numBins = binData.getNumBins(); double lower = 0; double upper = 0; double midVal = (lowPercentile - min) / 2.0; midVal = min + midVal; double cdf = m_quantileEstimator.cdf(lowPercentile); boolean ok = !Double.isInfinite(cdf) && !Double.isNaN(cdf); double freq = ok ? cdf : 0; freq *= count; if (freq < 0) { freq = 0; } binData.addValue(midVal, freq); // System.err.println("upper: " + lowPercentile + ": " + freq); double prev = cdf; for (int i = 1; i < numBins - 1; i++) { lower = lowPercentile + ((i - 1) * binWidthPercentileRange); upper = lowPercentile + (i * binWidthPercentileRange); midVal = lower + ((upper - lower) / 2.0); cdf = m_quantileEstimator.cdf(upper); ok = !Double.isInfinite(cdf) && !Double.isNaN(cdf); freq = ok ? cdf : 0; if (ok) { freq = cdf - prev; } if (freq < 0) { freq = 0; } freq *= count; binData.addValue(midVal, freq); // System.err.println("upper: " + upper + ": " + freq); if (ok) { prev = cdf; } } // last bin cdf = m_quantileEstimator.cdf(max); prev = m_quantileEstimator.cdf(highPercentile); midVal = (max - highPercentile) / 2.0; midVal = highPercentile + midVal; // must be total - previous frequency freq = cdf - prev; if (freq < 0) { freq = 0; } freq *= count; binData.addValue(midVal, freq); m_binLabels = binData.getBinLabels(); m_binFreqs = binData.getBinFreqs(); } }