Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2001-2012 "Redbasin Networks, INC" [] * * This file is part of Redbasin OpenDocShare community project. * * Redbasin OpenDocShare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package web; import dao.*; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView; import org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.Controller; import util.*; import model.Userpage; /** * * @author Smitha Gudur ( * @version $Revision: 1.3 $ * * Directories can be added only the login users who have permissions to add * */ public class ViewphotosController extends BaseController implements Controller { /** Logger for this class and subclasses */ protected final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(getClass()); protected volatile MysqlSearch sqlSearch; /** * This method is called by the spring framework. The configuration * for this controller to be invoked is based on the pagetype and * is set in the urlMapping property in the spring config file. * * @param request the <code>HttpServletRequest</code> * @param response the <code>HttpServletResponse</code> * @throws ServletException * @throws IOException * @return ModelAndView this instance is returned to spring */ public synchronized ModelAndView handleRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { /** * For subscription model, don't show unless the user has session */ try { ModelAndView m = super.handleRequest(request, response); } catch (Exception e) { return handleError("error in ViewtphotosController", e); } if (WebUtil.isProductPremiumSubscription()) { outOfSession(request, response); } if (getDaoMapper() == null) { handleError("DaoMapper is null, ViewtphotosController."); } List photoHitsList = null; CarryonDao carryonDao = (CarryonDao) daoMapper.getDao(DbConstants.CARRYON); if (carryonDao == null) { return handleError("carryonDao is null in ViewphotosController"); } /** * admin can search in any business. */ boolean isBizAware = false; String bid = null; if (WebUtil.isProductPremiumSubscription()) { if (!RegexStrUtil.isNull(login)) { if (!DiaryAdmin.isDiaryAdmin(login)) { isBizAware = true; } } if (userpage != null) { bid = userpage.getValue(DbConstants.BID); } } HashSet tagSet = null; if (isBizAware) { try { if (!RegexStrUtil.isNull(bid)) { photoHitsList = carryonDao.getCarryonHitsBizAware(bid, DbConstants.READ_FROM_SLAVE); } } catch (BaseDaoException e) { return handleError( "Exception in either getTopHitsBizAware()/getRecentBlogsBizAware/getPopularBlogsBizAware", e); } } else { try { photoHitsList = carryonDao.getCarryonHits(); if (photoHitsList != null) { tagSet = carryonDao.getUniqueTags(photoHitsList); } } catch (BaseDaoException e) { return handleError("Exception in either getCarryonHits()/getUniqueTags() in carryonDao", e); } } DirectoryDao dirDao = (DirectoryDao) daoMapper.getDao(DbConstants.DIRECTORY); if (dirDao == null) { return handleError("dirDao is null in ViewphotosController"); } DirectoryStreamBlobDao dirStreamBlobDao = (DirectoryStreamBlobDao) daoMapper.getDao(DbConstants.DIR_BLOB); if (dirStreamBlobDao == null) { return handleError("dirStreamBlobDao is null in ViewphotosController"); } HashSet dirBlobResult = null; if (tagSet != null) { SearchDao searchDao = (SearchDao) daoMapper.getDao(DbConstants.SEARCH); if (searchDao == null) { return handleError("searchDao is null, ViewphotosController"); } if (rbDirectoryExists.equals("1")) { try { List dirBlobTags = dirStreamBlobDao.get10Tags(DbConstants.READ_FROM_SLAVE); if (dirBlobTags != null && dirBlobTags.size() > 0) { dirBlobResult = dirDao.getDirBlobsFromTags(new HashSet(dirBlobTags)); HashSet tagSet2 = carryonDao.getUniqueTags(dirBlobTags); tagSet = sqlSearch.getUniqueTags(tagSet, tagSet2); } } catch (BaseDaoException e) { return handleError("Exception in either searchDirectoryBlobs, ViewphotosController", e); } } } Userpage cobrand = null; CobrandDao cobrandDao = (CobrandDao) getDaoMapper().getDao(DbConstants.COBRAND); if (cobrandDao == null) { return handleError("CobrandDao is null, ViewphotosController"); } if (loginInfo != null) { try { cobrand = cobrandDao.getUserCobrand(loginInfo.getValue(DbConstants.LOGIN_ID)); } catch (BaseDaoException e) { return handleError("cobrand is null, ViewphotosController.", e); } } String viewName = DbConstants.PHOTOS; Map myModel = new HashMap(); myModel.put(DbConstants.TOP_CARRYON, photoHitsList); myModel.put(DbConstants.USER_PAGE, userpage); myModel.put(DbConstants.SHARE_INFO, shareInfo); myModel.put(DbConstants.VISITOR_PAGE, memberUserpage); myModel.put(DbConstants.TAG_LIST, tagSet); myModel.put(DbConstants.DIR_EXISTS, rbDirectoryExists); myModel.put(DbConstants.COBRAND, cobrand); myModel.put(DbConstants.LOGIN_INFO, loginInfo); if (rbDirectoryExists.equals("1") && (dirBlobResult != null)) { myModel.put(DbConstants.DIR_BLOB, dirBlobResult); } if (tagSet != null) { myModel.put(DbConstants.USER_TAGS, RegexStrUtil.goodText(tagSet.toString())); } if (!RegexStrUtil.isNull(login)) { myModel.put(DbConstants.LOGIN_INFO, loginInfo); myModel.put(DbConstants.BUSINESS_EXISTS, isBizExists(login)); } return new ModelAndView(viewName, "model", myModel); } /** * BaseDaoModel set by the spring framework. It maps the DAO implementation * to the pagetype. * * @param daoMapper set the BaseDaoModel instance */ public void setDaoMapper(BaseDaoModel daoMapper) { this.daoMapper = daoMapper; } /** * BaseDaoModel set by the spring framework. It maps the DAO implementation * to the pagetype. * * @return BaseDaoModel get the BaseDaoModel instance */ public BaseDaoModel getDaoMapper() { return daoMapper; } /** * This method is called by spring. * @param dbutils */ public void setmysqlSearch(MysqlSearch mysqlSearch) { this.sqlSearch = mysqlSearch; } }