Java tutorial
/* * ObjectLab, is supporting JTreeMap. * * Based in London, we are world leaders in the design and development * of bespoke applications for the securities financing markets. * * <a href="">Click here to learn more</a> * ___ _ _ _ _ _ * / _ \| |__ (_) ___ ___| |_| | __ _| |__ * | | | | '_ \| |/ _ \/ __| __| | / _` | '_ \ * | |_| | |_) | | __/ (__| |_| |__| (_| | |_) | * \___/|_.__// |\___|\___|\__|_____\__,_|_.__/ * |__/ * * * * $Id: 145 2011-09-30 09:25:10Z jense128 $ * * Copyright 2006 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package warningfix.treemap; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Container; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.Toolkit; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.ContainerEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseListener; import java.awt.event.WindowEvent; import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.Vector; import javax.swing.BorderFactory; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JComboBox; import javax.swing.JInternalFrame; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; import javax.swing.JTable; import javax.swing.JTextField; import javax.swing.JToolBar; import javax.swing.JTree; import javax.swing.border.EtchedBorder; import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel; import javax.swing.table.JTableHeader; import javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel; import org.jdom2.Document; import org.jdom2.Element; import org.jdom2.output.XMLOutputter; import net.sf.jtreemap.swing.JTreeMap; import net.sf.jtreemap.swing.TreeMapNode; import net.sf.jtreemap.swing.example.BuilderXML; import net.sf.jtreemap.swing.example.DemoUtil; import warningfix.Connection.Conexao; import warningfix.GUI.TABs_GUI; public class JTreeMapWarningsFIX extends JInternalFrame implements PropertyChangeListener { Statement stmt0; int buffer = 0; static Vector<Object> columnNames; public static Vector<Integer> maior; private static final int DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE = 16; private static final long serialVersionUID = 2813934810390001709L; private static final String EXIT = "Exit"; private static String nodeselected = ""; private final JTreeMap jTreeMap; private final Vector<String> typeProviders = new Vector<String>(); private final Vector<String> meansProviders = new Vector<String>(); private JTree treeView = new JTree(); public TreeMapNode root; private DefaultTreeModel treeModel; private String program_analyzed = ""; private String package_analyzed = ""; private JTextField view_name = new JTextField(); private String class_analyzed = ""; private JPanel PaneCenter = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); private JButton earlier_view = new JButton(); Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); private JPanel panel_two_buttons = new JPanel(); public String atual_view = "PROGRAM"; public String type_view = "WARNINGS"; private JPanel Panel_Program = new JPanel(); private JTreeMapWarningsFIX all_packages_xml; private JTreeMapWarningsFIX all_class_xml; private TreeMapNode package_treemap_root; private TreeMapNode program_treemap_root; private TreeMapNode package_means_treemap_root; public TreeMapNode program_means_treemap_root; private MouseListener MouseListener, MouseListener2; protected TreeMapNode class_treemap_root; protected JScrollPane table; protected boolean mean_total_program; protected boolean mean_total_package; private JComboBox cmbTypeProvider; private JComboBox cmbMeansProvider; private String warnings_view = "TOTAL"; /** * Constructor */ // Construtor do nvel de pacote // Construtor Nvel de Programa public JTreeMapWarningsFIX(String name_program, String name_package, String name_class) { root = DemoUtil.buildDemoRoot(); // pegar o tamanho da tela program_analyzed = name_program; package_analyzed = name_package; class_analyzed = name_class; jTreeMap = new JTreeMap(this.root, treeView); jTreeMap.setFont(new Font(null, Font.BOLD, DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE)); jTreeMap.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder(EtchedBorder.LOWERED)); // esconder a barra superior do JInternalFrame setRootPaneCheckingEnabled(false); jTreeMap.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(screenSize.width - 85, screenSize.height - 110)); javax.swing.plaf.InternalFrameUI ifu = this.getUI(); ((javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicInternalFrameUI) ifu).setNorthPane(null); TreeMapNode.setBorder(5); // init GUI try { initGUI(); } catch (final Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } // Construtor Nvel de Classe /** * main * * @param args * command line */ /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * java.awt.event.ActionListener#actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent) */ public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { // Action performed for the File Menu @see addMenu() final String command = e.getActionCommand(); if (EXIT.equals(command)) { windowClosingEvent(null); } } public void setNewTreeMap(TreeMapNode TMW) { root = TMW; jTreeMap.setRoot(root); treeModel.setRoot(root); jTreeMap.revalidate(); jTreeMap.repaint(); jTreeMap.setColorProvider(new RedProvider(jTreeMap)); } /** * Set the xml file corresponding to the TreeMap.dtd * * @param xmlFileName * xml file name */ public void setXmlFile(final String xmlFileName) { try { final BuilderXML bXml = new BuilderXML(xmlFileName); root = bXml.getRoot(); jTreeMap.setRoot(this.root); treeModel.setRoot(this.root); } catch (final ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, e.getMessage(), "File error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } } /** * Code to execute before closing the window * * @param e * WindowEvent */ protected void windowClosingEvent(final WindowEvent e) { System.exit(0); } /** * Add a splitPane with a treeview on the left and the JTreeMap on the right */ public void StrategiesQuantitiesofWarningsforClass() { File f = new File( "programs_analyzeds/" + program_analyzed + "/treemap/warnings/" + class_analyzed + "_warnings.xml"); if (f.exists()) { setXmlFile(f.getAbsolutePath()); } else { Document doc = new Document(); Element root = new Element("root"); Element label = new Element("label"); label.addContent("" + class_analyzed); root.addContent(label); try {; String sql1 = "select beginline, quantidade_warning from quantity_tool_and_warnings_for_line A inner join arquivo B on (A.nameprogram=B.nomeprograma AND A.nameprogram='" + program_analyzed + "') AND (A.nameclass='" + class_analyzed + "' AND A.nameclass=B.nomearquivo) AND nomepacote='" + package_analyzed + "'"; Statement stmt7; stmt7 =; ResultSet rs7 = stmt7.executeQuery(sql1); while ( { Element branch = new Element("branch"); Element leaf = new Element("leaf"); Element label3 = null, weight = null, value = null; label3 = new Element("label"); label3.addContent("" + rs7.getString(1)); leaf.addContent(label3); weight = new Element("weight"); weight.addContent("" + rs7.getString(2)); value = new Element("value"); value.addContent("" + rs7.getString(2)); leaf.addContent(weight); leaf.addContent(value); branch.addContent(leaf); root.addContent(branch); } rs7.close(); stmt7.close(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (SQLException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } doc.setRootElement(root); XMLOutputter xout = new XMLOutputter(); OutputStream out; try { out = new FileOutputStream(f); xout.output(doc, out); out.close();; } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } setXmlFile(f.getAbsolutePath()); } } public void StrategiesQuantitiesofSuspectionRateforPackage() throws NumberFormatException, SQLException, ClassNotFoundException { File f = new File("programs_analyzeds/" + program_analyzed + "/treemap/suspection_rate/" + package_analyzed + "_suspection.xml"); if (f.exists()) { setXmlFile(f.getAbsolutePath()); } else {; Statement sentenca =; String tamanho_matriz = ""; ResultSet rs3 = sentenca.executeQuery( " SELECT count(distinct A.nameclass) FROM quantity_warnings_for_tool_for_line_eliminar_linhas_repetidas A inner join arquivo B on A.nameprogram=B.nomeprograma AND B.nomepacote='" + package_analyzed + "' AND (A.nameclass=B.nomearquivo AND A.nameclass NOT LIKE '%.class' AND A.nameclass NOT LIKE '%jlint%' AND A.nameclass NOT LIKE '')"); while ( { for (int i = 1; i <= 1; i++) { tamanho_matriz += rs3.getObject(i).toString(); System.out.println("Tamanho da Matriz" + tamanho_matriz); } } rs3.close(); double[] mean = new double[5]; ResultSet rs4 = sentenca.executeQuery( " SELECT A.nameclass, sum(qnt_nv1), sum(qnt_nv2), sum(qnt_nv3), sum(qnt_nv4), sum(qnt_nv5) FROM quantity_warnings_for_tool_for_line_eliminar_linhas_repetidas A inner join arquivo B on A.nameprogram=B.nomeprograma AND B.nomepacote='" + package_analyzed + "' AND (A.nameclass=B.nomearquivo AND A.nameclass NOT LIKE '%.class' AND A.nameclass NOT LIKE '%jlint%' AND A.nameclass NOT LIKE '') group by A.nameclass"); double[][] matriz_ = new double[Integer.parseInt(tamanho_matriz)][5]; int j = 0; int soma_coluna_1 = 1; int soma_coluna_2 = 1; int soma_coluna_3 = 1; int soma_coluna_4 = 1; int soma_coluna_5 = 1; while ( { String part1 = "", part11[] = null; for (int i = 1; i <= 6; i++) { part1 += rs4.getObject(i) + "/"; if (i == 6) { if (matriz_[j][0] != 0) { soma_coluna_1 += 1; } if (matriz_[j][1] != 0) { soma_coluna_2 += 1; } if (matriz_[j][2] != 0) { soma_coluna_3 += 1; } if (matriz_[j][3] != 0) { soma_coluna_4 += 1; } if (matriz_[j][4] != 0) { soma_coluna_5 += 1; } j++; } } } rs4.close(); Document doc = new Document(); Element root = new Element("root"); Element label = new Element("label"); label.addContent("" + package_analyzed); root.addContent(label); String sql1 = "select A.nameclass, sum(qnt_nv1), sum(qnt_nv2), sum(qnt_nv3), sum(qnt_nv4), sum(qnt_nv5) from quantity_warnings_for_tool_for_line_eliminar_linhas_repetidas A inner join arquivo B on A.nameprogram=B.nomeprograma AND B.nomepacote='" + package_analyzed + "' AND (A.nameclass=B.nomearquivo AND A.nameclass NOT LIKE '%.class' AND A.nameclass NOT LIKE '%jlint%' AND A.nameclass NOT LIKE '') group by A.nameclass"; Statement stmt2; stmt2 =; ResultSet rs = stmt2.executeQuery(sql1); double[] matriz_coeficientes = new double[Integer.parseInt(tamanho_matriz)]; int i = 0; while ( { double coeficiente = Integer.parseInt(rs.getString(2)) / soma_coluna_5 * 5 + Integer.parseInt(rs.getString(3)) / soma_coluna_4 * 4 + Integer.parseInt(rs.getString(4)) / soma_coluna_3 * 3 + Integer.parseInt(rs.getString(5)) / soma_coluna_2 * 2 + Integer.parseInt(rs.getString(6)) / soma_coluna_1 * 1; matriz_coeficientes[i] = coeficiente; System.out.println(matriz_coeficientes[i]); i++; } rs.close(); stmt2.close(); // System.out.println(selecionar_maior_coeficiente(matriz_coeficientes)); int x = 0; Statement stmt; stmt =; ResultSet rs2 = stmt.executeQuery(sql1); double maior = selecionar_maior_coeficiente(matriz_coeficientes); System.out.println(maior); double valor; while ( { Element branch = new Element("branch"); Element leaf = new Element("leaf"); Element label3 = null, weight = null, value = null; label3 = new Element("label"); label3.addContent("" + rs2.getString(1)); leaf.addContent(label3); valor = matriz_coeficientes[x] / maior; weight = new Element("weight"); weight.addContent("" + valor); value = new Element("value"); value.addContent("" + valor); leaf.addContent(weight); leaf.addContent(value); branch.addContent(leaf); root.addContent(branch); x++; } rs2.close(); stmt.close(); doc.setRootElement(root); XMLOutputter xout = new XMLOutputter(); OutputStream out; try { out = new FileOutputStream(f); xout.output(doc, out); } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } try {; } catch (SQLException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } setXmlFile(f.getAbsolutePath()); } } public void StrategiesQuantitiesofSuspectionRateforProgram() throws NumberFormatException, SQLException, ClassNotFoundException { File f = new File("programs_analyzeds/" + program_analyzed + "/treemap/suspection_rate/" + program_analyzed + "_suspection.xml"); if (f.exists()) { setXmlFile(f.getAbsolutePath()); } else {; Statement sentenca =; String tamanho_matriz = ""; ResultSet rs3 = sentenca .executeQuery("select count(distinct nomepacote)from arquivo where nomeprograma='" + program_analyzed + "' AND nomepacote IS NOT NULL group by nomepacote"); while ( { for (int i = 1; i <= 1; i++) { tamanho_matriz += rs3.getObject(i); } } rs3.close(); ResultSet rs4 = sentenca.executeQuery( " SELECT B.nomepacote, sum(qnt_nv1), sum(qnt_nv2), sum(qnt_nv3), sum(qnt_nv4), sum(qnt_nv5) FROM quantity_warnings_for_tool_for_line_eliminar_linhas_repetidas A inner join arquivo B on (A.nameprogram='" + program_analyzed + "' AND A.nameprogram=B.nomeprograma) AND (nameclass NOT LIKE '%.class' AND nameclass NOT LIKE '%jlint%' AND nameclass NOT LIKE '') AND B.nomepacote IS NOT NULL group by B.nomepacote"); double[][] matriz_ = new double[Integer.parseInt(tamanho_matriz)][5]; int j = 0; int soma_coluna_1 = 1; int soma_coluna_2 = 1; int soma_coluna_3 = 1; int soma_coluna_4 = 1; int soma_coluna_5 = 1; while ( { String part1 = "", part11[] = null; for (int i = 1; i <= 6; i++) { part1 += rs4.getObject(i) + "/"; if (i == 6) { // System.out.println(j); if (matriz_[j][0] != 0) { soma_coluna_1 += 1; } if (matriz_[j][1] != 0) { soma_coluna_2 += 1; } if (matriz_[j][2] != 0) { soma_coluna_3 += 1; } if (matriz_[j][3] != 0) { soma_coluna_4 += 1; } if (matriz_[j][4] != 0) { soma_coluna_5 += 1; } j++; } } } rs4.close(); Document doc = new Document(); Element root = new Element("root"); Element label = new Element("label"); label.addContent("" + program_analyzed); root.addContent(label); String sql1 = "select B.nomepacote, sum(qnt_nv1), sum(qnt_nv2), sum(qnt_nv3), sum(qnt_nv4), sum(qnt_nv5) from quantity_warnings_for_tool_for_line_eliminar_linhas_repetidas A inner join arquivo B on (A.nameprogram='" + program_analyzed + "' AND A.nameprogram=B.nomeprograma) AND (nameclass NOT LIKE '%.class' AND nameclass NOT LIKE '%jlint%' AND nameclass NOT LIKE '') group by B.nomepacote"; Statement stmt2; stmt2 =; ResultSet rs = stmt2.executeQuery(sql1); double[] matriz_coeficientes = new double[Integer.parseInt(tamanho_matriz)]; int i = 0; while ( { double coeficiente = Integer.parseInt(rs.getString(2)) / soma_coluna_5 * 5 + Integer.parseInt(rs.getString(3)) / soma_coluna_4 * 4 + Integer.parseInt(rs.getString(4)) / soma_coluna_3 * 3 + Integer.parseInt(rs.getString(5)) / soma_coluna_2 * 2 + Integer.parseInt(rs.getString(6)) / soma_coluna_1 * 1; matriz_coeficientes[i] = coeficiente; i++; } rs.close(); stmt2.close(); int x = 0; Statement stmt; stmt =; ResultSet rs2 = stmt.executeQuery(sql1); Double maior = selecionar_maior_coeficiente(matriz_coeficientes); Double valor; while ( { Element branch = new Element("branch"); Element leaf = new Element("leaf"); Element label3 = null, weight = null, value = null; label3 = new Element("label"); label3.addContent("" + rs2.getString(1)); leaf.addContent(label3); weight = new Element("weight"); valor = matriz_coeficientes[x] / maior; weight.addContent("" + valor); value = new Element("value"); value.addContent("" + valor); leaf.addContent(weight); leaf.addContent(value); branch.addContent(leaf); root.addContent(branch); x++; } rs2.close(); stmt.close(); doc.setRootElement(root); XMLOutputter xout = new XMLOutputter(); OutputStream out; try { out = new FileOutputStream(f); xout.output(doc, out); } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } try {; } catch (SQLException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } setXmlFile(f.getAbsolutePath()); } } public void StrategiesQuantitiesofSuspectionRateforClass() throws NumberFormatException, SQLException, ClassNotFoundException { File f = new File("programs_analyzeds/" + program_analyzed + "/treemap/suspection_rate/" + class_analyzed + "_suspection.xml"); if (f.exists()) { setXmlFile(f.getAbsolutePath()); } else {; Statement sentenca =; String tamanho_matriz = ""; ResultSet rs0 = sentenca.executeQuery( " SELECT count(*) FROM quantity_warnings_for_tool_for_line_eliminar_linhas_repetidas where nameprogram='" + program_analyzed + "' AND ( nameclass='" + class_analyzed + "' AND nameclass NOT LIKE '%.class' AND nameclass NOT LIKE '%jlint%' AND nameclass NOT LIKE '')"); while ( { for (int i = 1; i <= 1; i++) { tamanho_matriz += rs0.getObject(i); } } rs0.close(); ResultSet rs1 = sentenca.executeQuery( " SELECT beginline, qnt_nv1, qnt_nv2, qnt_nv3, qnt_nv4, qnt_nv5 FROM quantity_warnings_for_tool_for_line_eliminar_linhas_repetidas where nameprogram='" + program_analyzed + "' AND (nameclass='" + class_analyzed + "' AND nameclass NOT LIKE '%.class' AND nameclass NOT LIKE '%jlint%' AND nameclass NOT LIKE '')"); double[][] matriz_ = new double[Integer.parseInt(tamanho_matriz)][5]; int j = 0; int soma_coluna_1 = 1; int soma_coluna_2 = 1; int soma_coluna_3 = 1; int soma_coluna_4 = 1; int soma_coluna_5 = 1; while ( { String part1 = "", part11[] = null; for (int i = 1; i <= 6; i++) { part1 += rs1.getObject(i) + "/"; if (i == 6) { if (matriz_[j][0] != 0) { soma_coluna_1 += 1; } if (matriz_[j][1] != 0) { soma_coluna_2 += 1; } if (matriz_[j][2] != 0) { soma_coluna_3 += 1; } if (matriz_[j][3] != 0) { soma_coluna_4 += 1; } if (matriz_[j][4] != 0) { soma_coluna_5 += 1; } j++; } } } rs1.close(); Document doc = new Document(); Element root = new Element("root"); Element label = new Element("label"); label.addContent("" + class_analyzed); root.addContent(label); String sql1 = " SELECT beginline, qnt_nv1, qnt_nv2, qnt_nv3, qnt_nv4, qnt_nv5 FROM quantity_warnings_for_tool_for_line_eliminar_linhas_repetidas where nameprogram='" + program_analyzed + "' AND (nameclass='" + class_analyzed + "' AND nameclass NOT LIKE '%.class' AND nameclass NOT LIKE '%jlint%' AND nameclass NOT LIKE '')"; Statement stmt2; stmt2 =; ResultSet rs3 = stmt2.executeQuery(sql1); double[] matriz_coeficientes = new double[Integer.parseInt(tamanho_matriz)]; int i = 0; while ( { double coeficiente = Integer.parseInt(rs3.getString(2)) / soma_coluna_5 * 5 + Integer.parseInt(rs3.getString(3)) / soma_coluna_4 * 4 + +Integer.parseInt(rs3.getString(4)) / soma_coluna_3 * 3 + Integer.parseInt(rs3.getString(5)) / soma_coluna_2 * 2 + Integer.parseInt(rs3.getString(6)) / soma_coluna_1 * 1; matriz_coeficientes[i] = coeficiente; i++; } rs3.close(); stmt2.close(); // System.out.println(""); int x = 0; Statement stmt; stmt =; ResultSet rs4 = stmt.executeQuery(sql1); double maior = selecionar_maior_coeficiente(matriz_coeficientes); double valor; while ( { Element branch = new Element("branch"); Element leaf = new Element("leaf"); Element label3 = null, weight = null, value = null; label3 = new Element("label"); label3.addContent("" + rs4.getString(1)); leaf.addContent(label3); weight = new Element("weight"); valor = matriz_coeficientes[x] / maior; weight.addContent("" + valor); // System.out.println(selecionar_maior_coeficiente(matriz_coeficientes)); value = new Element("value"); value.addContent("" + valor); leaf.addContent(weight); leaf.addContent(value); branch.addContent(leaf); root.addContent(branch); x++; } rs4.close(); stmt.close(); doc.setRootElement(root); XMLOutputter xout = new XMLOutputter(); OutputStream out; try { out = new FileOutputStream(f); xout.output(doc, out); } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } try {; } catch (SQLException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } setXmlFile(f.getAbsolutePath()); } } private static double selecionar_maior_coeficiente(double[] matriz_coeficientes) { double maior = 0; for (int i = 0; i < matriz_coeficientes.length; i++) { if (Math.abs(matriz_coeficientes[i]) > maior) { maior = matriz_coeficientes[i]; System.out.println(maior); } } return maior; } public void StrategiesQuantitiesofToolsforClass() { File f = new File( "programs_analyzeds/" + program_analyzed + "/treemap/tools/" + class_analyzed + "_tools.xml"); if (f.exists()) { setXmlFile(f.getAbsolutePath()); } else { Document doc = new Document(); // DocType dt= new DocType("root SYSTEM \"TreeMap.dtd\""); // doc.setDocType(dt); Element root = new Element("root"); Element label = new Element("label"); label.addContent("" + class_analyzed); root.addContent(label); try {; String sql1 = "select nameclass, nameprogram, beginline, quantidade_ferramentas from quantity_tool_and_warnings_for_line where nameprogram='" + program_analyzed + "' AND nameclass='" + class_analyzed + "'"; Statement stmt2; stmt2 =; ResultSet rs4 = stmt2.executeQuery(sql1); while ( { Element branch = new Element("branch"); Element leaf = new Element("leaf"); Element label3 = null, weight = null, value = null; label3 = new Element("label"); label3.addContent("" + rs4.getString(3)); leaf.addContent(label3); weight = new Element("weight"); weight.addContent("" + rs4.getString(4)); value = new Element("value"); value.addContent("" + rs4.getString(4)); leaf.addContent(weight); leaf.addContent(value); branch.addContent(leaf); root.addContent(branch); } rs4.close(); stmt2.close(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (SQLException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } doc.setRootElement(root); XMLOutputter xout = new XMLOutputter(); OutputStream out; try { out = new FileOutputStream(f); xout.output(doc, out);; } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } setXmlFile(f.getAbsolutePath()); } } public String getATUALVIEW() { return atual_view; } public void setATUALVIEW(String new_atual_view) { atual_view = new_atual_view; } public String getWARNINGSVIEW() { return warnings_view; } public void seWARNINGSVIEW(String new_warnings_view) { warnings_view = new_warnings_view; } public String getTYPEVIEW() { return type_view; } public void setTYPEVIEW(String new_type_view) { type_view = new_type_view; } private void addPanelCenter(final Container parent) { if (PaneCenter.getComponentListeners() != null) { PaneCenter.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder()); PaneCenter.validate(); parent.validate(); Panel_Program.add(jTreeMap); Panel_Program.setVisible(true); PaneCenter.add(Panel_Program, BorderLayout.CENTER); PaneCenter.revalidate(); parent.add(PaneCenter, BorderLayout.CENTER); earlier_view.setEnabled(false); } treeModel = new DefaultTreeModel(root); treeView = new JTree(treeModel); jTreeMap.setTreeView(treeView); MouseListener = new MouseListener() { public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { TreeMapNode dest = (TreeMapNode) JTreeMapWarningsFIX.this.treeView.getLastSelectedPathComponent(); if (TABs_GUI.tabbedPane.getSelectedIndex() == 0) { if (getATUALVIEW().equals("PROGRAM")) { parent.validate(); PaneCenter.validate(); String name_package = dest.getLabel(); package_analyzed = name_package; final JTreeMapWarningsFIX class_view_warnings = new JTreeMapWarningsFIX(program_analyzed, name_package, ""); try { // pegar o nivel atual para recupera-lo // posteriormente class_view_warnings.StrategiesQuantitiesofWarningsforProgram(); } catch (SQLException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } program_treemap_root = class_view_warnings.root; class_view_warnings.StrategiesQuantitiesofWarningsforPackage(); setNewTreeMap(class_view_warnings.root); view_name.setText(dest.getLabel().toString().toUpperCase()); setNodeSelected(dest.getLabel().toString().toUpperCase()); PaneCenter.repaint(); PaneCenter.revalidate(); setATUALVIEW("PACKAGE"); // habilitar o boto de subir nvel earlier_view.setEnabled(true); // A quantidade total de avisos o padro JTreeMapWarningsFIX.this.repaint(); setTYPEVIEW("WARNINGS"); cmbTypeProvider.setSelectedIndex(0); seWARNINGSVIEW("TOTAL"); cmbMeansProvider.setEnabled(true); cmbMeansProvider.setSelectedIndex(0); buffer = 1; } else { if (getATUALVIEW().equals("PACKAGE")) { String nameclass = dest.getLabel(); package_treemap_root = JTreeMapWarningsFIX.this.root; final JTreeMapWarningsFIX class_view_warnings = new JTreeMapWarningsFIX( program_analyzed, package_analyzed, nameclass); class_view_warnings.StrategiesQuantitiesofWarningsforClass(); view_name.setText(dest.getLabel().toString().toUpperCase()); setNodeSelected(dest.getLabel().toString().toUpperCase()); setNewTreeMap(class_view_warnings.root); class_analyzed = nameclass; jTreeMap.validate(); jTreeMap.revalidate(); PaneCenter.repaint(); PaneCenter.revalidate(); JTreeMapWarningsFIX.this.setATUALVIEW("CLASS"); setTYPEVIEW("WARNINGS"); cmbTypeProvider.setSelectedIndex(0); seWARNINGSVIEW("TOTAL"); cmbMeansProvider.setEnabled(false); cmbMeansProvider.setSelectedIndex(0); } else { if (getATUALVIEW().equals("CLASS")) { final JTreeMapWarningsFIX class_view_warnings = new JTreeMapWarningsFIX( program_analyzed, package_analyzed, class_analyzed); // pegar o nivel atual para recupera-lo // posteriormente class_view_warnings.StrategiesQuantitiesofWarningsforClass(); class_treemap_root = class_view_warnings.root; TreeMapNode dest2 = (TreeMapNode) JTreeMapWarningsFIX.this.treeView .getLastSelectedPathComponent(); String linha = dest2.getLabel(); try { setATUALVIEW("TABLE"); cmbMeansProvider.setEnabled(false); cmbTypeProvider.setEnabled(false); jTreeMap.setVisible(false); table = createTABLE(class_analyzed, linha); PaneCenter.add(table, BorderLayout.PAGE_START); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (SQLException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } } } } } } public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { } public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { view_name.setText(getNodeSelected()); } public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }; jTreeMap.addMouseListener(MouseListener); } private JScrollPane createTABLE(String nameclass, String line) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException { String sql1 = "SELECT A.beginline, B.nome as tool_name, A.description, A.priority FROM warning A INNER JOIN ferramenta B ON AND A.nameprogram='" + program_analyzed + "' AND A.nameclass='" + nameclass + "' AND A.beginline='" + line + "' order by A.priority"; // cria uma tabela dos avisos da linha clicada.... JTable warnings = new JTable(Search(sql1)); // pega os nomes das colunas JTableHeader header = warnings.getTableHeader(); warnings.getColumn("description").setPreferredWidth(1010); warnings.revalidate(); JPanel panelTABLE = new JPanel(); panelTABLE.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); panelTABLE.add(header, BorderLayout.NORTH); panelTABLE.add(warnings, BorderLayout.CENTER); warnings.getColumn("beginline").setPreferredWidth(maior.get(1)); warnings.getColumn("tool_name").setPreferredWidth(maior.get(2)); warnings.getColumn("description").setPreferredWidth(maior.get(3)); System.out.println(maior.get(3)); warnings.getColumn("priority").setPreferredWidth(maior.get(4)); System.out.println(maior.get(4)); JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(panelTABLE); scrollPane.setVisible(true); return scrollPane; } public static DefaultTableModel Search(String sql1) throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException { Statement stmt2;; stmt2 =; ResultSet rs4 = stmt2.executeQuery(sql1); ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs4.getMetaData(); int numberOfColumns = rsmd.getColumnCount(); // Pegar os nomes das colunas columnNames = new Vector<Object>(); for (int column = 1; column <= numberOfColumns; column++) { columnNames.add(rsmd.getColumnName(column)); } // preencher um vetor para pegar maiores valores de cada coluna maior = new Vector<Integer>(); for (int x = 0; x < numberOfColumns; x++) { maior.add(x, 0); } // Pegar os valores Vector<Vector<Object>> data = new Vector<Vector<Object>>(); while ( { Vector<Object> vector = new Vector<Object>(); for (int j = 1; j <= numberOfColumns; j++) { vector.add(rs4.getString(j)); if (rs4.getString(j).length() > maior.get(j)) { maior.add(j, rs4.getString(j).length()); } } data.add(vector); } return new DefaultTableModel(data, columnNames); } public void StrategiesQuantitiesofWarningsforPackage() { File f = new File("programs_analyzeds/" + program_analyzed + "/treemap/warnings/" + package_analyzed + "_warnings.xml"); if (f.exists()) { setXmlFile(f.getAbsolutePath()); } else { Document doc = new Document(); Element root = new Element("root"); Element label = new Element("label"); label.addContent("" + package_analyzed); root.addContent(label); try {; String sql1 = "select nameclass, count(*) from warning A inner join arquivo B on A.nameprogram=B.nomeprograma AND nomepacote='" + package_analyzed + "' AND (A.nameclass=B.nomearquivo AND nameclass NOT LIKE '%.class' AND nameclass NOT LIKE '%jlint%' AND nameclass NOT LIKE '') group by A.nameclass"; Statement stmt3; stmt3 =; ResultSet rs3 = stmt3.executeQuery(sql1); while ( { Element branch = new Element("branch"); Element leaf = new Element("leaf"); Element label3 = null, weight = null, value = null; label3 = new Element("label"); // cria todos xmls das classes if (buffer == 1) { all_class_xml = new JTreeMapWarningsFIX(program_analyzed, package_analyzed, rs3.getString(1)); all_class_xml.StrategiesQuantitiesofWarningsforClass(); all_class_xml.StrategiesQuantitiesofSuspectionRateforClass(); all_class_xml.StrategiesQuantitiesofToolsforClass(); } label3.addContent("" + rs3.getString(1)); System.out.println(rs3.getString(1) + "\n"); leaf.addContent(label3); weight = new Element("weight"); weight.addContent("" + rs3.getString(2)); value = new Element("value"); value.addContent("" + rs3.getString(2)); leaf.addContent(weight); leaf.addContent(value); branch.addContent(leaf); root.addContent(branch); } rs3.close(); stmt3.close(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (SQLException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } doc.setRootElement(root); XMLOutputter xout = new XMLOutputter(); OutputStream out; try { out = new FileOutputStream(f); xout.output(doc, out); out.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } try {; } catch (SQLException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } setXmlFile(f.getAbsolutePath()); } } public void StrategiesQuantitiesofWarningsforProgram() throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException { File f = new File("programs_analyzeds/" + program_analyzed + "/treemap/warnings/" + program_analyzed + "_warnings.xml"); if (f.exists()) { setXmlFile(f.getAbsolutePath()); } else {; Document doc = new Document(); Element root = new Element("root"); Element label = new Element("label"); label.addContent("" + program_analyzed); root.addContent(label); String sql0 = "select distinct nomepacote from arquivo where nomeprograma='" + program_analyzed + "' AND nomepacote IS NOT NULL group by nomepacote"; Statement stmt0 =; ResultSet rs0 = stmt0.executeQuery(sql0); // armazenar nome dos pacotes while ( { String namepacote = rs0.getString(1); String sql1 = "select sum(quant_warnings) from quantity_warnings_for_package where nomepacote='" + namepacote + "'"; Statement stmt2; stmt2 =; ResultSet rs4 = stmt2.executeQuery(sql1); while ( { Element branch = new Element("branch"); Element leaf = new Element("leaf"); Element label3 = null, weight = null, value = null; label3 = new Element("label"); label3.addContent("" + namepacote); leaf.addContent(label3); weight = new Element("weight"); weight.addContent("" + rs4.getString(1)); value = new Element("value"); value.addContent("" + rs4.getString(1)); leaf.addContent(weight); leaf.addContent(value); branch.addContent(leaf); root.addContent(branch); } } doc.setRootElement(root); XMLOutputter xout = new XMLOutputter(); OutputStream out; try { out = new FileOutputStream(f); xout.output(doc, out); } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } try {; } catch (SQLException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } setXmlFile(f.getAbsolutePath()); } } public void StrategiesQuantitiesofWarningsforProgram_Means() throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException { File f = new File("programs_analyzeds/" + program_analyzed + "/treemap/warnings/" + program_analyzed + "_means_warnings.xml");; if (f.exists()) { setXmlFile(f.getAbsolutePath()); } else { Document doc = new Document(); Element root = new Element("root"); Element label = new Element("label"); label.addContent("" + program_analyzed); root.addContent(label); String sql0 = "select distinct nomepacote from arquivo where nomeprograma='" + program_analyzed + "' AND nomepacote IS NOT NULL group by nomepacote"; Statement stmt4; stmt4 =; ResultSet rs4 = stmt4.executeQuery(sql0); Statement stmt5; stmt5 =; // armazenar nome dos pacotes while ( { String namepacote = rs4.getString(1); String sql1 = "select nomepacote, sum(quant_warnings)/count(*) from quantity_warnings_for_package where nomepacote='" + namepacote + "' group by nomepacote"; ResultSet rs5 = stmt5.executeQuery(sql1); // all_packages_xml = new JTreeMapWarningsFIX(program_analyzed, // namepacote, ""); // all_packages_xml // .StrategiesQuantitiesofWarningsforPackage_Means(); while ( { Element branch = new Element("branch"); Element leaf = new Element("leaf"); Element label3 = null, weight = null, value = null; label3 = new Element("label"); label3.addContent("" + namepacote); leaf.addContent(label3); weight = new Element("weight"); weight.addContent("" + rs5.getString(2)); value = new Element("value"); value.addContent("" + rs5.getString(2)); leaf.addContent(weight); leaf.addContent(value); branch.addContent(leaf); root.addContent(branch); } rs5.close(); } rs4.close(); stmt4.close(); stmt5.close(); doc.setRootElement(root); XMLOutputter xout = new XMLOutputter(); OutputStream out; try { out = new FileOutputStream(f); xout.output(doc, out); out.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } try {; } catch (SQLException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } setXmlFile(f.getAbsolutePath()); } } public void StrategiesQuantitiesofWarningsforPackage_Means() { File f = new File("programs_analyzeds/" + program_analyzed + "/treemap/warnings/" + package_analyzed + "_means_warnings.xml"); if (f.exists()) { setXmlFile(f.getAbsolutePath()); } else { Document doc = new Document(); Element root = new Element("root"); Element label = new Element("label"); label.addContent("" + package_analyzed); root.addContent(label); try {; String sql1 = "select nameclass, sum(quantidade_warning)/count(*) from quantity_tool_and_warnings_for_line A inner join arquivo B on A.nameprogram=B.nomeprograma AND nomepacote='" + package_analyzed + "' AND (A.nameclass=B.nomearquivo AND nameclass NOT LIKE '%.class' AND nameclass NOT LIKE '%jlint%' AND nameclass NOT LIKE '') group by A.nameclass"; Statement stmt6; stmt6 =; ResultSet rs6 = stmt6.executeQuery(sql1); while ( { Element branch = new Element("branch"); Element leaf = new Element("leaf"); Element label3 = null, weight = null, value = null; label3 = new Element("label"); label3.addContent("" + rs6.getString(1)); leaf.addContent(label3); weight = new Element("weight"); weight.addContent("" + rs6.getString(2)); value = new Element("value"); value.addContent("" + rs6.getString(2)); leaf.addContent(weight); leaf.addContent(value); branch.addContent(leaf); root.addContent(branch); } rs6.close(); stmt6.close(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (SQLException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } doc.setRootElement(root); XMLOutputter xout = new XMLOutputter(); OutputStream out; try { out = new FileOutputStream(f); xout.output(doc, out); out.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } try {; } catch (SQLException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } setXmlFile(f.getAbsolutePath()); } } public void StrategiesQuantitiesofToolsforPackage() { File f = new File( "programs_analyzeds/" + program_analyzed + "/treemap/tools/" + package_analyzed + "_tools.xml"); if (f.exists()) { setXmlFile(f.getAbsolutePath()); } else { Document doc = new Document(); Element root = new Element("root"); Element label = new Element("label"); label.addContent("" + package_analyzed); root.addContent(label); try {; String sql1 = "select nameclass, count(distinct tool) from warning A inner join arquivo B on A.nameprogram=B.nomeprograma AND nomepacote='" + package_analyzed + "' AND (A.nameclass=B.nomearquivo AND nameclass NOT LIKE '%.class' AND nameclass NOT LIKE '%jlint%' AND nameclass NOT LIKE '') group by A.nameclass"; Statement stmt10; stmt10 =; ResultSet rs3 = stmt10.executeQuery(sql1); while ( { Element branch = new Element("branch"); Element leaf = new Element("leaf"); Element label3 = null, weight = null, value = null; label3 = new Element("label"); all_class_xml = new JTreeMapWarningsFIX(program_analyzed, package_analyzed, rs3.getString(1)); all_class_xml.StrategiesQuantitiesofToolsforClass(); all_class_xml.StrategiesQuantitiesofSuspectionRateforClass(); label3.addContent("" + rs3.getString(1)); System.out.println(rs3.getString(1) + "\n"); leaf.addContent(label3); weight = new Element("weight"); weight.addContent("" + rs3.getString(2)); value = new Element("value"); value.addContent("" + rs3.getString(2)); leaf.addContent(weight); leaf.addContent(value); branch.addContent(leaf); root.addContent(branch); } rs3.close(); stmt10.close(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (SQLException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } doc.setRootElement(root); XMLOutputter xout = new XMLOutputter(); OutputStream out; try { out = new FileOutputStream(f); xout.output(doc, out); out.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } try {; } catch (SQLException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } setXmlFile(f.getAbsolutePath()); } } public void StrategiesQuantitiesofToolsforProgram() throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException { File f = new File( "programs_analyzeds/" + program_analyzed + "/treemap/tools/" + program_analyzed + "_tools.xml"); if (f.exists()) { setXmlFile(f.getAbsolutePath()); } else { Document doc = new Document(); Element root = new Element("root"); Element label = new Element("label"); label.addContent("" + program_analyzed); root.addContent(label);; String sql0 = "select distinct nomepacote from arquivo where nomeprograma='" + program_analyzed + "' AND nomepacote is NOT NULL group by nomepacote"; Statement stmt9; stmt9 =; ResultSet rs1 = stmt9.executeQuery(sql0); Statement stmt8; stmt8 =; // armazenar nome dos pacotes while ( { String namepacote = rs1.getString(1); String sql1 = "select MAX(quant_tools) from quantity_tools_for_package where nomepacote='" + namepacote + "' group by nomepacote"; ResultSet rs2 = stmt8.executeQuery(sql1); // all_packages_xml = new JTreeMapWarningsFIX(program_analyzed, // namepacote, ""); // all_packages_xml.StrategiesQuantitiesofToolsforPackage(); // all_packages_xml // .StrategiesQuantitiesofSuspectionRateforPackage(); while ( { Element branch = new Element("branch"); Element leaf = new Element("leaf"); Element label3 = null, weight = null, value = null; label3 = new Element("label"); label3.addContent("" + namepacote); leaf.addContent(label3); weight = new Element("weight"); System.out.println(rs2.getString(1) + "\n"); weight.addContent("" + rs2.getString(1)); value = new Element("value"); value.addContent("" + rs2.getString(1)); leaf.addContent(weight); leaf.addContent(value); branch.addContent(leaf); root.addContent(branch); } rs2.close(); } doc.setRootElement(root); XMLOutputter xout = new XMLOutputter(); OutputStream out; rs1.close(); stmt9.close(); stmt8.close(); try { out = new FileOutputStream(f); xout.output(doc, out); out.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } try {; } catch (SQLException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } setXmlFile(f.getAbsolutePath()); } } /** * init the window * * @throws Exception */ private void initGUI() throws Exception { addContainerListener(new java.awt.event.ContainerAdapter() { @SuppressWarnings("unused") public void containerClosing(final ContainerEvent e) { containerClosing(e); } }); // Panel dos botes addPaneNorth(getContentPane()); // Panel do JTreeMap addPanelCenter(getContentPane()); jTreeMap.setColorProvider(new RedProvider(jTreeMap)); } protected void createTypeProviders() { typeProviders.add("Quantities of Warnings"); typeProviders.add("Quantities of Tools"); typeProviders.add("Suspection Rate"); for (int i = 0; i < typeProviders.size(); i++) { cmbTypeProvider.addItem(typeProviders.get(i)); } } protected void createMeansProviders() { meansProviders.add("Total Warnings"); meansProviders.add("Means Warnings"); for (int i = 0; i < meansProviders.size(); i++) { cmbMeansProvider.addItem(meansProviders.get(i)); } } private void addPaneNorth(final Container parent) { final JPanel northPanel = new JPanel(); northPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); JPanel name_view = new JPanel(); // nome do programa ou classe view_name.setVisible(true); view_name.setOpaque(false); view_name.setText(program_analyzed.toUpperCase()); setNodeSelected(program_analyzed.toUpperCase()); view_name.setEditable(false); Font newTextFieldFont = new Font(view_name.getFont().getName(), Font.BOLD, view_name.getFont().getSize() + 5); view_name.setFont(newTextFieldFont); name_view.add(view_name); northPanel.add(name_view, BorderLayout.WEST); cmbTypeProvider = new JComboBox(); createTypeProviders(); cmbTypeProvider.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { if (JTreeMapWarningsFIX.this.cmbTypeProvider.getSelectedIndex() > -1) { try { updateTreeMap(); } catch (SQLException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } } } }); cmbTypeProvider.setSelectedIndex(0); cmbMeansProvider = new JComboBox(); createMeansProviders(); cmbMeansProvider.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { if (JTreeMapWarningsFIX.this.cmbMeansProvider.getSelectedIndex() > -1) { try { updateMeans(); } catch (SQLException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated e1.printStackTrace(); } } } }); cmbMeansProvider.setSelectedIndex(0); earlier_view.setText("Earlier View"); earlier_view.setEnabled(false); earlier_view.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) { System.out.println(getATUALVIEW()); if ((getATUALVIEW().equals("CLASS"))) { setNewTreeMap(package_treemap_root); view_name.setText(package_analyzed.toUpperCase()); setNodeSelected(package_analyzed.toUpperCase()); setATUALVIEW("PACKAGE"); setTYPEVIEW("WARNINGS"); seWARNINGSVIEW("TOTAL"); cmbMeansProvider.setSelectedIndex(0); cmbTypeProvider.setSelectedIndex(0); cmbMeansProvider.setEnabled(true); } else { if ((getATUALVIEW().equals("PACKAGE"))) { setNewTreeMap(program_treemap_root); view_name.setText(program_analyzed.toUpperCase()); setNodeSelected(program_analyzed.toUpperCase()); setATUALVIEW("PROGRAM"); earlier_view.setEnabled(false); setTYPEVIEW("WARNINGS"); seWARNINGSVIEW("TOTAL"); cmbMeansProvider.setSelectedIndex(0); cmbTypeProvider.setSelectedIndex(0); cmbMeansProvider.setEnabled(true); } else { // retorna a classe anterior setNewTreeMap(class_treemap_root); // seta visualizao atual setATUALVIEW("CLASS"); cmbTypeProvider.setEnabled(true); // torna jTreeMap visvel jTreeMap.setVisible(true); // remove a tabela atual PaneCenter.remove(table); setTYPEVIEW("WARNINGS"); seWARNINGSVIEW("TOTAL"); cmbMeansProvider.setSelectedIndex(0); cmbTypeProvider.setEnabled(true); cmbTypeProvider.setSelectedIndex(0); } } PaneCenter.revalidate(); PaneCenter.repaint(); jTreeMap.revalidate(); jTreeMap.repaint(); } }); JToolBar barra = new JToolBar(); barra.add(cmbTypeProvider); barra.add(cmbMeansProvider); barra.add(earlier_view); barra.addSeparator(); panel_two_buttons.add(barra); northPanel.add(panel_two_buttons, BorderLayout.EAST); parent.add(northPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH); } protected void updateTreeMap() throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException { final String type = (String) cmbTypeProvider.getSelectedItem(); System.out.println(type); // alterar em nvel de programa if (getATUALVIEW().equals("PROGRAM")) { if (type.equals("Quantities of Tools")) { if (getTYPEVIEW().equals("TOOLS")) { // FAZ NADA } else { final JTreeMapWarningsFIX view_warnings = new JTreeMapWarningsFIX(program_analyzed, "", ""); // gerando o treemap de quantidades de ferramentas nvel de // programa view_warnings.StrategiesQuantitiesofToolsforProgram(); // alterando o treeMap setNewTreeMap(view_warnings.root); // alterando a visualizao atual cmbMeansProvider.setEnabled(false); setTYPEVIEW("TOOLS"); } } else { if (type.equals("Quantities of Warnings")) { if (getTYPEVIEW().equals("WARNINGS")) { // FAZ NADA } else { final JTreeMapWarningsFIX view_warnings = new JTreeMapWarningsFIX(program_analyzed, "", ""); view_warnings.StrategiesQuantitiesofWarningsforProgram(); // recuperando o n da rvore setNewTreeMap(view_warnings.root); cmbMeansProvider.setEnabled(true); cmbMeansProvider.setSelectedIndex(0); setTYPEVIEW("WARNINGS"); } } else { if (type.equals("Suspection Rate")) { if (getTYPEVIEW().equals("SUSPECTION")) { // FAZ NADA } else { final JTreeMapWarningsFIX view_warnings = new JTreeMapWarningsFIX(program_analyzed, "", ""); view_warnings.StrategiesQuantitiesofSuspectionRateforProgram(); // recuperando o n da rvore setNewTreeMap(view_warnings.root); cmbMeansProvider.setEnabled(false); setTYPEVIEW("SUSPECTION"); } } } } } else { // alterar treemap em nvel de pacote if (getATUALVIEW().equals("PACKAGE")) { if (type.equals("Quantities of Tools")) { if (getTYPEVIEW().equals("TOOLS")) { // FAZ NADA } else { final JTreeMapWarningsFIX view_warnings = new JTreeMapWarningsFIX(program_analyzed, package_analyzed, ""); // gerando o treemap de quantidades de ferramentas nvel // de programa view_warnings.StrategiesQuantitiesofToolsforPackage(); // alterando o treeMap setNewTreeMap(view_warnings.root); // alterando a visualizao atual cmbMeansProvider.setEnabled(false); setTYPEVIEW("TOOLS"); } } else { if (type.equals("Quantities of Warnings")) { if (getTYPEVIEW().equals("WARNINGS")) { // FAZ NADA } else { final JTreeMapWarningsFIX view_warnings = new JTreeMapWarningsFIX(program_analyzed, package_analyzed, ""); view_warnings.StrategiesQuantitiesofWarningsforPackage(); // recuperando o n da rvore setNewTreeMap(view_warnings.root); cmbMeansProvider.setEnabled(true); cmbMeansProvider.setSelectedIndex(0); setTYPEVIEW("WARNINGS"); } } else { if (type.equals("Suspection Rate")) { if (getTYPEVIEW().equals("SUSPECTION")) { // FAZ NADA } else { final JTreeMapWarningsFIX view_warnings = new JTreeMapWarningsFIX(program_analyzed, package_analyzed, class_analyzed); view_warnings.StrategiesQuantitiesofSuspectionRateforPackage(); // recuperando o n da rvore setNewTreeMap(view_warnings.root); setTYPEVIEW("SUSPECTION"); cmbMeansProvider.setEnabled(false); } } } } } else { if (getATUALVIEW().equals("CLASS")) { if (type.equals("Quantities of Tools")) { if (getTYPEVIEW().equals("TOOLS")) { // FAZ NADA } else { final JTreeMapWarningsFIX view_warnings = new JTreeMapWarningsFIX(program_analyzed, package_analyzed, class_analyzed); // gerando o treemap de quantidades de ferramentas // nvel // de programa view_warnings.StrategiesQuantitiesofToolsforClass(); // alterando o treeMap setNewTreeMap(view_warnings.root); // alterando a visualizao atual setTYPEVIEW("TOOLS"); cmbMeansProvider.setEnabled(false); // desabilitando } } else { if (type.equals("Quantities of Warnings")) { if (getTYPEVIEW().equals("WARNINGS")) { // FAZ NADA } else { final JTreeMapWarningsFIX view_warnings = new JTreeMapWarningsFIX(program_analyzed, package_analyzed, class_analyzed); view_warnings.StrategiesQuantitiesofWarningsforClass(); // recuperando o n da rvore setNewTreeMap(view_warnings.root); setTYPEVIEW("WARNINGS"); cmbMeansProvider.setEnabled(true); cmbMeansProvider.setSelectedIndex(0); // habilitando botes de mdia e total de // warnings } } else { if (type.equals("Suspection Rate")) { if (getTYPEVIEW().equals("SUSPECTION")) { // FAZ NADA } else { final JTreeMapWarningsFIX view_warnings = new JTreeMapWarningsFIX( program_analyzed, package_analyzed, class_analyzed); view_warnings.StrategiesQuantitiesofSuspectionRateforClass(); // recuperando o n da rvore setNewTreeMap(view_warnings.root); setTYPEVIEW("SUSPECTION"); cmbMeansProvider.setEnabled(false); } } } } } } } JTreeMapWarningsFIX.this.repaint(); } protected void updateMeans() throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException { final String type = (String) cmbMeansProvider.getSelectedItem(); System.out.println(type); // alterar em nvel de programa if (getATUALVIEW().equals("PROGRAM")) { if (type.equals("Means Warnings")) { if (getWARNINGSVIEW().equals("MEANS")) { // NO FAZ NADA } else { StrategiesQuantitiesofWarningsforProgram_Means(); jTreeMap.setColorProvider(new RedProvider(jTreeMap)); seWARNINGSVIEW("MEANS"); } } else { if (type.equals("Total Warnings")) { if (getWARNINGSVIEW().equals("TOTAL")) { // NO FAZ NADA } else { StrategiesQuantitiesofWarningsforProgram(); jTreeMap.setColorProvider(new RedProvider(jTreeMap)); seWARNINGSVIEW("TOTAL"); } } } } else { // alterar treemap em nvel de pacote if (getATUALVIEW().equals("PACKAGE")) { if (type.equals("Means Warnings")) { if (getWARNINGSVIEW().equals("MEANS")) { // NO FAZ NADA } else { StrategiesQuantitiesofWarningsforPackage_Means(); jTreeMap.setColorProvider(new RedProvider(jTreeMap)); seWARNINGSVIEW("MEANS"); } } else { if (type.equals("Total Warnings")) { if (getWARNINGSVIEW().equals("TOTAL")) { // NO FAZ NADA } else { StrategiesQuantitiesofWarningsforPackage(); jTreeMap.setColorProvider(new RedProvider(jTreeMap)); seWARNINGSVIEW("TOTAL"); } } } } } JTreeMapWarningsFIX.this.repaint(); } public String getNodeSelected() { return nodeselected; } public void setNodeSelected(String new_node) { nodeselected = new_node; } public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { revalidate(); repaint(); } }