voldemort.store.metadata.MetadataStore.java Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for voldemort.store.metadata.MetadataStore.java


 * Copyright 2008-2009 LinkedIn, Inc
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.

package voldemort.store.metadata;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.StringReader;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReadWriteLock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock;

import javax.management.MBeanOperationInfo;

import org.apache.log4j.Level;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException;
import org.apache.zookeeper.WatchedEvent;
import org.apache.zookeeper.Watcher;
import org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper;
import org.apache.zookeeper.data.Stat;
import voldemort.VoldemortException;
import voldemort.annotations.jmx.JmxOperation;
import voldemort.client.rebalance.RebalanceTaskInfo;
import voldemort.cluster.Cluster;
import voldemort.examples.ZooKeeperFileWriter;
import voldemort.routing.RouteToAllStrategy;
import voldemort.routing.RoutingStrategy;
import voldemort.routing.RoutingStrategyFactory;
import voldemort.server.VoldemortConfig;
import voldemort.server.VoldemortZooKeeperConfig;
import voldemort.server.rebalance.RebalancerState;
import voldemort.store.AbstractStorageEngine;
import voldemort.store.Store;
import voldemort.store.StoreCapabilityType;
import voldemort.store.StoreDefinition;
import voldemort.store.StoreUtils;
import voldemort.store.configuration.ConfigurationStorageEngine;
import voldemort.store.configuration.ZooKeeperStorageEngine;
import voldemort.store.system.SystemStoreConstants;
import voldemort.utils.ByteArray;
import voldemort.utils.ByteUtils;
import voldemort.utils.ClosableIterator;
import voldemort.utils.Pair;
import voldemort.utils.Utils;
import voldemort.versioning.VectorClock;
import voldemort.versioning.Version;
import voldemort.versioning.Versioned;
import voldemort.xml.ClusterMapper;
import voldemort.xml.StoreDefinitionsMapper;

import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet;
import com.google.common.collect.Lists;

 * MetadataStore maintains metadata for Voldemort Server. <br>
 * Metadata is persisted as strings in inner store for ease of readability.<br>
 * Metadata Store keeps an in memory write-through-cache for performance.
public class MetadataStore extends AbstractStorageEngine<ByteArray, byte[], byte[]> implements Watcher {

    public static final String METADATA_STORE_NAME = "metadata";

    public static final String CLUSTER_KEY = "cluster.xml";
    public static final String STORES_KEY = "stores.xml";
    public static final String SYSTEM_STORES_KEY = "system.stores";
    public static final String SERVER_STATE_KEY = "server.state";
    public static final String NODE_ID_KEY = "node.id";
    public static final String REBALANCING_STEAL_INFO = "rebalancing.steal.info.key";
    public static final String REBALANCING_SOURCE_CLUSTER_XML = "rebalancing.source.cluster.xml";
    public static final String REBALANCING_SOURCE_STORES_XML = "rebalancing.source.stores.xml";

    public static final Set<String> GOSSIP_KEYS = ImmutableSet.of(CLUSTER_KEY, STORES_KEY);

    public static final Set<String> REQUIRED_KEYS = ImmutableSet.of(CLUSTER_KEY, STORES_KEY);

    public static final Set<String> OPTIONAL_KEYS = ImmutableSet.of(SERVER_STATE_KEY, NODE_ID_KEY,

    public static final Set<Object> METADATA_KEYS = ImmutableSet.builder().addAll(REQUIRED_KEYS)

    // helper keys for metadataCacheOnly
    private static final String ROUTING_STRATEGY_KEY = "routing.strategy";
    private static final String SYSTEM_ROUTING_STRATEGY_KEY = "system.routing.strategy";

    public static enum VoldemortState {

    private final Store<String, String, String> innerStore;
    private final Map<String, Versioned<Object>> metadataCache;

    private static final ClusterMapper clusterMapper = new ClusterMapper();
    private static final StoreDefinitionsMapper storeMapper = new StoreDefinitionsMapper();
    private static final RoutingStrategyFactory routingFactory = new RoutingStrategyFactory();

    // Guards mutations made to non-scalar objects e.g., lists stored in
    // innerStore
    private final ReadWriteLock lock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();
    public final Lock readLock = lock.readLock();
    public final Lock writeLock = lock.writeLock();

    private final ConcurrentHashMap<String, List<MetadataStoreListener>> storeNameTolisteners;

    private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(MetadataStore.class);

    public MetadataStore(Store<String, String, String> innerStore, int nodeId) {

        if (innerStore instanceof ZooKeeperStorageEngine) {
            ((ZooKeeperStorageEngine) innerStore).setWatcher(this);
            ((ZooKeeperStorageEngine) innerStore).setMetadatastore(this);

        this.innerStore = innerStore;
        this.metadataCache = new HashMap<String, Versioned<Object>>();
        this.storeNameTolisteners = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, List<MetadataStoreListener>>();

    public void addMetadataStoreListener(String storeName, MetadataStoreListener listener) {
        if (this.storeNameTolisteners == null)
            throw new VoldemortException("MetadataStoreListener must be non-null");

        if (!this.storeNameTolisteners.containsKey(storeName))
            this.storeNameTolisteners.put(storeName, new ArrayList<MetadataStoreListener>(2));

    public void removeMetadataStoreListener(String storeName) {
        if (this.storeNameTolisteners == null)
            throw new VoldemortException("MetadataStoreListener must be non-null");


    public static MetadataStore readFromZooKeeper(VoldemortZooKeeperConfig vc) {

        try {
            Stat stat = vc.getZooKeeper().exists("/config", false);
            if (stat == null)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("/config dir does not exist in ZK!");

            List<String> dirlisting = vc.getZooKeeper().getChildren("/config", false);
            if (dirlisting.size() < 1) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("No files in config dir /config");
        } catch (InterruptedException | KeeperException e) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Metadata directory " + "/config" + " does not exist or can not be read.");
        ZooKeeperStorageEngine zke = new ZooKeeperStorageEngine(MetadataStore.METADATA_STORE_NAME,
                vc.getMetadataDirectory(), vc);
        Store<String, String, String> innerstore = zke;

        MetadataStore ms = new MetadataStore(innerstore, vc.getNodeId());
        logger.info("Setup MetadataStore from ZooKeeper configs.");
        return ms;


    public static MetadataStore readFromDirectory(File dir, int nodeId) {
        if (!Utils.isReadableDir(dir))
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Metadata directory " + dir.getAbsolutePath() + " does not exist or can not be read.");
        if (dir.listFiles() == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("No configuration found in " + dir.getAbsolutePath() + ".");
        Store<String, String, String> innerStore = new ConfigurationStorageEngine(MetadataStore.METADATA_STORE_NAME,
        return new MetadataStore(innerStore, nodeId);

    public String getName() {
        return METADATA_STORE_NAME;

     * helper function to convert strings to bytes as needed.
     * @param key
     * @param value
    public void put(String key, Versioned<Object> value) {
        // acquire write lock

        try {
            if (METADATA_KEYS.contains(key)) {
                // try inserting into inner store first
                putInner(key, convertObjectToString(key, value));

                // cache all keys if innerStore put succeeded
                metadataCache.put(key, value);

                // do special stuff if needed
                if (CLUSTER_KEY.equals(key)) {
                    updateRoutingStrategies((Cluster) value.getValue(), getStoreDefList());
                } else if (STORES_KEY.equals(key)) {
                    updateRoutingStrategies(getCluster(), (List<StoreDefinition>) value.getValue());
                } else if (SYSTEM_STORES_KEY.equals(key))
                    throw new VoldemortException("Cannot overwrite system store definitions");

            } else {
                throw new VoldemortException("Unhandled Key:" + key + " for MetadataStore put()");
        } finally {

     * helper function to read current version and put() after incrementing it
     * for local node.
     * @param key
     * @param value
    public void put(String key, Object value) {
        // acquire write lock
        try {
            if (METADATA_KEYS.contains(key)) {
                VectorClock version = (VectorClock) get(key, null).get(0).getVersion();
                put(key, new Versioned<Object>(value,
                        version.incremented(getNodeId(), System.currentTimeMillis())));
            } else {
                throw new VoldemortException("Unhandled Key:" + key + " for MetadataStore put()");
        } finally {

     * A write through put to inner-store.
     * @param keyBytes : keyName strings serialized as bytes eg. 'cluster.xml'
     * @param valueBytes : versioned byte[] eg. UTF bytes for cluster xml
     *        definitions
     * @throws VoldemortException
    public void put(ByteArray keyBytes, Versioned<byte[]> valueBytes, byte[] transforms) throws VoldemortException {
        // acquire write lock
        try {
            String key = ByteUtils.getString(keyBytes.get(), "UTF-8");
            Versioned<String> value = new Versioned<String>(ByteUtils.getString(valueBytes.getValue(), "UTF-8"),

            Versioned<Object> valueObject = convertStringToObject(key, value);

            this.put(key, valueObject);
        } finally {

    public void close() throws VoldemortException {

    public Object getCapability(StoreCapabilityType capability) {
        return innerStore.getCapability(capability);

     * @param keyBytes : keyName strings serialized as bytes eg. 'cluster.xml'
     * @return List of values (only 1 for Metadata) versioned byte[] eg. UTF
     *         bytes for cluster xml definitions
     * @throws VoldemortException
    public List<Versioned<byte[]>> get(ByteArray keyBytes, byte[] transforms) throws VoldemortException {
        // acquire read lock

        try {
            // get a read lock this prevents any sort of interleaving\
            // especially critical during reebalance when we set the new cluster
            // and store xml

            String key = ByteUtils.getString(keyBytes.get(), "UTF-8");

            if (METADATA_KEYS.contains(key)) {
                List<Versioned<byte[]>> values = Lists.newArrayList();

                // Get the cached value and convert to string
                Versioned<String> value = convertObjectToString(key, metadataCache.get(key));

                // Metadata debugging information
                if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
                    logger.trace("Key " + key + " requested, returning: " + value.getValue());

                        new Versioned<byte[]>(ByteUtils.getBytes(value.getValue(), "UTF-8"), value.getVersion()));

                return values;
            } else {
                throw new VoldemortException("Unhandled Key:" + key + " for MetadataStore get()");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new VoldemortException(
                    "Failed to read metadata key:" + ByteUtils.getString(keyBytes.get(), "UTF-8")
                            + " delete config/.temp config/.version directories and restart.",
        } finally {


    public List<Versioned<byte[]>> get(String key, String transforms) throws VoldemortException {
        // acquire read lock
        try {
            return get(new ByteArray(ByteUtils.getBytes(key, "UTF-8")),
                    transforms == null ? null : ByteUtils.getBytes(transforms, "UTF-8"));
        } finally {

    @JmxOperation(description = "Clean all rebalancing server/cluster states from this node.", impact = MBeanOperationInfo.ACTION)
    public void cleanAllRebalancingState() {
        // acquire write lock
        try {
            for (String key : OPTIONAL_KEYS) {
                if (!key.equals(NODE_ID_KEY))
                    innerStore.delete(key, getVersions(new ByteArray(ByteUtils.getBytes(key, "UTF-8"))).get(0));

        } finally {

    public List<Version> getVersions(ByteArray key) {
        // acquire read lock
        try {
            List<Versioned<byte[]>> values = get(key, null);
            List<Version> versions = new ArrayList<Version>(values.size());
            for (Versioned<?> value : values) {
            return versions;
        } finally {

    public Cluster getCluster() {
        // acquire read lock
        try {
            return (Cluster) metadataCache.get(CLUSTER_KEY).getValue();
        } finally {


    public List<StoreDefinition> getStoreDefList() {
        // acquire read lock
        try {
            return (List<StoreDefinition>) metadataCache.get(STORES_KEY).getValue();
        } finally {


    public List<StoreDefinition> getSystemStoreDefList() {
        // acquire read lock
        try {
            return (List<StoreDefinition>) metadataCache.get(SYSTEM_STORES_KEY).getValue();
        } finally {

    public int getNodeId() {
        // acquire read lock
        try {
            return (Integer) (metadataCache.get(NODE_ID_KEY).getValue());
        } finally {

    public StoreDefinition getStoreDef(String storeName) {
        // acquire read lock
        try {

            List<StoreDefinition> storeDefs = getStoreDefList();
            for (StoreDefinition storeDef : storeDefs) {
                if (storeDef.getName().equals(storeName))
                    return storeDef;

            throw new VoldemortException("Store " + storeName + " not found in MetadataStore");
        } finally {

    public VoldemortState getServerStateLocked() {
        // acquire read lock
        try {
            return VoldemortState.valueOf(metadataCache.get(SERVER_STATE_KEY).getValue().toString());
        } finally {


    public VoldemortState getServerStateUnlocked() {

        return VoldemortState.valueOf(metadataCache.get(SERVER_STATE_KEY).getValue().toString());


    public RebalancerState getRebalancerState() {
        // acquire read lock
        try {
            return (RebalancerState) metadataCache.get(REBALANCING_STEAL_INFO).getValue();
        } finally {

    public Cluster getRebalancingSourceCluster() {
        // acquire read lock
        try {
            return (Cluster) metadataCache.get(REBALANCING_SOURCE_CLUSTER_XML).getValue();
        } finally {

    public List<StoreDefinition> getRebalancingSourceStores() {
        // acquire read lock
        try {
            return (List<StoreDefinition>) metadataCache.get(REBALANCING_SOURCE_STORES_XML).getValue();
        } finally {

     * First check in the map of regular stores. If not present, check in the
     * system stores map.
    public RoutingStrategy getRoutingStrategy(String storeName) {
        // acquire read lock
        try {
            Map<String, RoutingStrategy> routingStrategyMap = (Map<String, RoutingStrategy>) metadataCache
            RoutingStrategy strategy = routingStrategyMap.get(storeName);
            if (strategy == null) {
                Map<String, RoutingStrategy> systemRoutingStrategyMap = (Map<String, RoutingStrategy>) metadataCache
                strategy = systemRoutingStrategyMap.get(storeName);
            return strategy;
        } finally {

     * Returns the list of store defs as a map
     * @param storeDefs
     * @return
    private HashMap<String, StoreDefinition> makeStoreDefinitionMap(List<StoreDefinition> storeDefs) {
        HashMap<String, StoreDefinition> storeDefMap = new HashMap<String, StoreDefinition>();
        for (StoreDefinition storeDef : storeDefs)
            storeDefMap.put(storeDef.getName(), storeDef);
        return storeDefMap;

     * Changes to cluster OR store definition metadata results in routing
     * strategies changing. These changes need to be propagated to all the
     * listeners.
     * @param cluster The updated cluster metadata
     * @param storeDefs The updated list of store definition
    private void updateRoutingStrategies(Cluster cluster, List<StoreDefinition> storeDefs) {
        // acquire write lock
        try {
            VectorClock clock = new VectorClock();
            if (metadataCache.containsKey(ROUTING_STRATEGY_KEY))
                clock = (VectorClock) metadataCache.get(ROUTING_STRATEGY_KEY).getVersion();

            logger.info("Updating routing strategy for all stores");
            HashMap<String, StoreDefinition> storeDefMap = makeStoreDefinitionMap(storeDefs);
            HashMap<String, RoutingStrategy> routingStrategyMap = createRoutingStrategyMap(cluster, storeDefMap);
            this.metadataCache.put(ROUTING_STRATEGY_KEY, new Versioned<Object>(routingStrategyMap,
                    clock.incremented(getNodeId(), System.currentTimeMillis())));

            for (String storeName : storeNameTolisteners.keySet()) {
                RoutingStrategy updatedRoutingStrategy = routingStrategyMap.get(storeName);
                if (updatedRoutingStrategy != null) {
                    try {
                        for (MetadataStoreListener listener : storeNameTolisteners.get(storeName)) {
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        if (logger.isEnabledFor(Level.WARN))
                            logger.warn(e, e);

        } finally {

     * Initialize the routing strategy map for system stores. This is used
     * during get / put on system stores.
    private void initSystemRoutingStrategies(Cluster cluster) {
        HashMap<String, RoutingStrategy> routingStrategyMap = createRoutingStrategyMap(cluster,
        this.metadataCache.put(SYSTEM_ROUTING_STRATEGY_KEY, new Versioned<Object>(routingStrategyMap));

     * Add the steal information to the rebalancer state
     * @param stealInfo The steal information to add
    public void addRebalancingState(final RebalanceTaskInfo stealInfo) {
        // acquire write lock
        try {
            // Move into rebalancing state
            if (ByteUtils.getString(get(SERVER_STATE_KEY, null).get(0).getValue(), "UTF-8")
                    .compareTo(VoldemortState.NORMAL_SERVER.toString()) == 0) {
                put(SERVER_STATE_KEY, VoldemortState.REBALANCING_MASTER_SERVER);

            // Add the steal information
            RebalancerState rebalancerState = getRebalancerState();
            if (!rebalancerState.update(stealInfo)) {
                throw new VoldemortException("Could not add steal information " + stealInfo
                        + " since a plan for the same donor node " + stealInfo.getDonorId() + " ( "
                        + rebalancerState.find(stealInfo.getDonorId()) + " ) already exists");
            put(MetadataStore.REBALANCING_STEAL_INFO, rebalancerState);
        } finally {

     * Delete the partition steal information from the rebalancer state
     * @param stealInfo The steal information to delete
    public void deleteRebalancingState(RebalanceTaskInfo stealInfo) {
        // acquire write lock
        try {
            RebalancerState rebalancerState = getRebalancerState();

            if (!rebalancerState.remove(stealInfo))
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                        "Couldn't find " + stealInfo + " in " + rebalancerState + " while deleting");

            if (rebalancerState.isEmpty()) {
                logger.debug("Cleaning all rebalancing state");
            } else {
                put(REBALANCING_STEAL_INFO, rebalancerState);
        } finally {

    public ClosableIterator<Pair<ByteArray, Versioned<byte[]>>> entries() {
        throw new VoldemortException("You cannot iterate over all entries in Metadata");

    public ClosableIterator<ByteArray> keys() {
        throw new VoldemortException("You cannot iterate over all keys in Metadata");

    public ClosableIterator<Pair<ByteArray, Versioned<byte[]>>> entries(int partition) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Partition based entries scan not supported for this storage type");

    public ClosableIterator<ByteArray> keys(int partition) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Partition based key scan not supported for this storage type");

    public void truncate() {
        throw new VoldemortException("You cannot truncate entries in Metadata");

    public boolean delete(ByteArray key, Version version) throws VoldemortException {
        throw new VoldemortException("You cannot delete your metadata fool !!");

    public Map<ByteArray, List<Versioned<byte[]>>> getAll(Iterable<ByteArray> keys,
            Map<ByteArray, byte[]> transforms) throws VoldemortException {
        // acquire read lock
        try {
            return StoreUtils.getAll(this, keys, transforms);
        } finally {

     * Initializes the metadataCache for MetadataStore
    private void init(int nodeId) {
        logger.info("metadata init().");

        // Required keys

        // Initialize system store in the metadata cache

        initCache(NODE_ID_KEY, nodeId);
        if (getNodeId() != nodeId)
            throw new RuntimeException("Attempt to start previous node:" + getNodeId() + " as node:" + nodeId
                    + " (Did you copy config directory ? try deleting .temp .version in config dir to force clean) aborting ...");

        // Initialize with default if not present
        initCache(REBALANCING_STEAL_INFO, new RebalancerState(new ArrayList<RebalanceTaskInfo>()));
        initCache(SERVER_STATE_KEY, VoldemortState.NORMAL_SERVER.toString());
        initCache(REBALANCING_SOURCE_CLUSTER_XML, null);
        initCache(REBALANCING_SOURCE_STORES_XML, null);

        // set transient values
        updateRoutingStrategies(getCluster(), getStoreDefList());


    private synchronized void initCache(String key) {
        metadataCache.put(key, convertStringToObject(key, getInnerValue(key)));

    // Initialize the metadata cache with system store list
    private synchronized void initSystemCache() {
        List<StoreDefinition> value = storeMapper
                .readStoreList(new StringReader(SystemStoreConstants.SYSTEM_STORE_SCHEMA));
        metadataCache.put(SYSTEM_STORES_KEY, new Versioned<Object>(value));

    private void initCache(String key, Object defaultValue) {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // put default value if failed to init
            this.put(key, new Versioned<Object>(defaultValue));

    private HashMap<String, RoutingStrategy> createRoutingStrategyMap(Cluster cluster,
            HashMap<String, StoreDefinition> storeDefs) {
        HashMap<String, RoutingStrategy> map = new HashMap<String, RoutingStrategy>();

        for (StoreDefinition store : storeDefs.values()) {
            map.put(store.getName(), routingFactory.updateRoutingStrategy(store, cluster));

        // add metadata Store route to ALL routing strategy.
        map.put(METADATA_STORE_NAME, new RouteToAllStrategy(getCluster().getNodes()));

        return map;

     * Converts Object to byte[] depending on the key
     * <p>
     * StoreRepository takes only StorageEngine<ByteArray,byte[]> and for
     * persistence on disk we need to convert them to String.<br>
     * @param key
     * @param value
     * @return
    private Versioned<String> convertObjectToString(String key, Versioned<Object> value) {
        String valueStr = "";

        if (CLUSTER_KEY.equals(key)) {
            valueStr = clusterMapper.writeCluster((Cluster) value.getValue());
        } else if (STORES_KEY.equals(key)) {
            valueStr = storeMapper.writeStoreList((List<StoreDefinition>) value.getValue());
        } else if (REBALANCING_STEAL_INFO.equals(key)) {
            RebalancerState rebalancerState = (RebalancerState) value.getValue();
            valueStr = rebalancerState.toJsonString();
        } else if (SERVER_STATE_KEY.equals(key) || NODE_ID_KEY.equals(key)) {
            valueStr = value.getValue().toString();
        } else if (REBALANCING_SOURCE_CLUSTER_XML.equals(key)) {
            if (value.getValue() != null) {
                valueStr = clusterMapper.writeCluster((Cluster) value.getValue());
        } else if (REBALANCING_SOURCE_STORES_XML.equals(key)) {
            if (value.getValue() != null) {
                valueStr = storeMapper.writeStoreList((List<StoreDefinition>) value.getValue());
        } else {
            throw new VoldemortException("Unhandled key:'" + key + "' for Object to String serialization.");

        return new Versioned<String>(valueStr, value.getVersion());

     * convert Object to String depending on key.
     * <p>
     * StoreRepository takes only StorageEngine<ByteArray,byte[]> and for
     * persistence on disk we need to convert them to String.<br>
     * @param key
     * @param value
     * @return
    private Versioned<Object> convertStringToObject(String key, Versioned<String> value) {
        Object valueObject = null;

        if (CLUSTER_KEY.equals(key)) {
            valueObject = clusterMapper.readCluster(new StringReader(value.getValue()));
        } else if (STORES_KEY.equals(key)) {
            valueObject = storeMapper.readStoreList(new StringReader(value.getValue()));
        } else if (SERVER_STATE_KEY.equals(key)) {
            valueObject = VoldemortState.valueOf(value.getValue());
        } else if (NODE_ID_KEY.equals(key)) {
            valueObject = Integer.parseInt(value.getValue());
        } else if (REBALANCING_STEAL_INFO.equals(key)) {
            String valueString = value.getValue();
            if (valueString.startsWith("[")) {
                valueObject = RebalancerState.create(valueString);
            } else {
                valueObject = new RebalancerState(Arrays.asList(RebalanceTaskInfo.create(valueString)));
        } else if (REBALANCING_SOURCE_CLUSTER_XML.equals(key)) {
            if (value.getValue() != null && value.getValue().length() > 0) {
                valueObject = clusterMapper.readCluster(new StringReader(value.getValue()));
        } else if (REBALANCING_SOURCE_STORES_XML.equals(key)) {
            if (value.getValue() != null && value.getValue().length() > 0) {
                valueObject = storeMapper.readStoreList(new StringReader(value.getValue()));
        } else {
            throw new VoldemortException("Unhandled key:'" + key + "' for String to Object serialization.");

        return new Versioned<Object>(valueObject, value.getVersion());

    private void putInner(String key, Versioned<String> value) {
        innerStore.put(key, value, null);

    private Versioned<String> getInnerValue(String key) throws VoldemortException {
        List<Versioned<String>> values = innerStore.get(key, null);

        if (values.size() > 1)
            throw new VoldemortException("Inconsistent metadata found: expected 1 version but found "
                    + values.size() + " for key:" + key);
        if (values.size() > 0)
            return values.get(0);

        throw new VoldemortException("No metadata found for required key:" + key);

     * Called from ZooKeeper when a watched event is triggered.
     * @param event

    public void process(WatchedEvent event) {
        logger.info(String.format("Got event from ZooKeeper: %s", event.toString()));
        try {
            for (String key : MetadataStore.REQUIRED_KEYS) {
                if (key.equals(event.getPath()) || event.getPath().contains(key)) {
                    logger.info("ZK event with path matches key: " + key + ", updating metadatacache");

                    try {
                        // get new version of the object and re sets watch flag if appropriate for the key
                        Versioned<String> versioned = innerStore.get(key, null).get(0);

                        Versioned<Object> vObject = convertStringToObject(key, versioned);

                        metadataCache.put(key, vObject);

                        if (key.equals(CLUSTER_KEY)) {
                            updateRoutingStrategies((Cluster) vObject.getValue(), getStoreDefList());
                        } else if (key.equals(STORES_KEY)) {
                            updateRoutingStrategies(getCluster(), (List<StoreDefinition>) vObject.getValue());
                        } else if (SYSTEM_STORES_KEY.equals(key)) {
                            throw new VoldemortException("Cannot overwrite system store definitions");

                    } finally {
        } catch (VoldemortException e) {
            logger.info("failed watching/processing key: " + event.getPath());
            throw new VoldemortException("failed watching/processing event key: " + event.getPath(), e);
