Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2008-2013 LinkedIn, Inc * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package voldemort.performance.benchmark; import; import; import; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import; import joptsimple.OptionParser; import joptsimple.OptionSet; import voldemort.ServerTestUtils; import voldemort.StaticStoreClientFactory; import voldemort.TestUtils; import voldemort.VoldemortException; import voldemort.client.AbstractStoreClientFactory; import voldemort.client.ClientConfig; import voldemort.client.SocketStoreClientFactory; import voldemort.client.StoreClient; import voldemort.client.StoreClientFactory; import voldemort.client.protocol.RequestFormatType; import voldemort.serialization.IdentitySerializer; import voldemort.serialization.Serializer; import voldemort.serialization.SerializerDefinition; import voldemort.serialization.StringSerializer; import voldemort.serialization.json.JsonTypeSerializer; import voldemort.server.VoldemortConfig; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import voldemort.utils.ByteArray; import voldemort.utils.CmdUtils; import voldemort.utils.Props; import voldemort.utils.ReflectUtils; import voldemort.utils.Time; import voldemort.utils.Utils; import voldemort.xml.StoreDefinitionsMapper; public class Benchmark { private static final int MAX_WORKERS = 8; private static final int MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_NODE = 50; /** * Constants for the benchmark file */ public static final String PROP_FILE = "prop-file"; public static final String THREADS = "threads"; public static final String NUM_CONNECTIONS_PER_NODE = "num-connections-per-node"; public static final String ITERATIONS = "iterations"; public static final String STORAGE_CONFIGURATION_CLASS = "storage-configuration-class"; public static final String INTERVAL = "interval"; public static final String KEY_TYPE = "keyType"; public static final String STRING_KEY_TYPE = "string"; public static final String JSONINT_KEY_TYPE = "json-int"; public static final String JSONSTRING_KEY_TYPE = "json-string"; public static final String IDENTITY_KEY_TYPE = "identity"; public static final String URL = "url"; public static final String PERCENT_CACHED = "percent-cached"; public static final String VALUE_SIZE = "value-size"; public static final String IGNORE_NULLS = "ignore-nulls"; public static final String REQUEST_FILE = "request-file"; public static final String START_KEY_INDEX = "start-key-index"; public static final String READS = "r"; public static final String WRITES = "w"; public static final String DELETES = "d"; public static final String MIXED = "m"; public static final String RECORD_SELECTION = "record-selection"; public static final String ZIPFIAN_RECORD_SELECTION = "zipfian"; public static final String LATEST_RECORD_SELECTION = "latest"; public static final String FILE_RECORD_SELECTION = "file"; public static final String UNIFORM_RECORD_SELECTION = "uniform"; public static final String TARGET_THROUGHPUT = "target-throughput"; public static final String HELP = "help"; public static final String STORE_NAME = "store-name"; public static final String RECORD_COUNT = "record-count"; public static final String PLUGIN_CLASS = "plugin-class"; public static final String OPS_COUNT = "ops-count"; public static final String METRIC_TYPE = "metric-type"; public static final String HISTOGRAM_METRIC_TYPE = "histogram"; public static final String SUMMARY_METRIC_TYPE = "summary"; public static final String VERBOSE = "v"; public static final String VERIFY = "verify"; public static final String CLIENT_ZONE_ID = "client-zoneid"; private static final String DUMMY_DB = "benchmark_db"; public static final String STORE_TYPE = "view"; public static final String VIEW_CLASS = ""; public static final String HAS_TRANSFORMS = "true"; public static final String SAMPLE_SIZE = "sample-size"; public static final String LOCAL_SERVER_PROPERTIES = "local-server-properties"; public static final String WORKLOAD_TYPE = "workload-type"; public static final String KEY_VALUE_FILE = "key-value-file"; public static final String KEY_SEQUENCE_FILE = "key-seq-file"; public static final String DEFAULT_WORKLOAD_TYPE = "default-workload"; public static final String TRACE_WORKLOAD_TYPE = "trace-workload"; private StoreClient<Object, Object> storeClient; private StoreClientFactory factory; private int numThreads, numConnectionsPerNode, numIterations, targetThroughput, recordCount, opsCount, statusIntervalSec; private double perThreadThroughputPerMs; private BenchmarkWorkload workLoad; private String pluginName; private boolean storeInitialized = false; private boolean warmUpCompleted = false; private boolean verbose = false; private boolean verifyRead = false; private boolean ignoreNulls = false; private String keyType; private boolean localMode = false; class StatusThread extends Thread { private Vector<Thread> threads; private int intervalSec; private long startTime; public StatusThread(Vector<Thread> threads, int intervalSec, long startTime) { this.threads = threads; this.intervalSec = intervalSec; this.startTime = startTime; } @Override public void run() { boolean testComplete = true; int totalOps = 0, prevTotalOps = 0; do { testComplete = true; totalOps = 0; for (Thread thread : this.threads) { if (thread.getState() != Thread.State.TERMINATED) { testComplete = false; } totalOps += ((ClientThread) thread).getOpsDone(); } if (totalOps != 0 && totalOps != prevTotalOps) { System.out.println("[status]\tThroughput(ops/sec): " + Time.MS_PER_SECOND * ((double) totalOps / (double) (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)) + "\tOperations: " + totalOps); Metrics.getInstance().printReport(System.out); } prevTotalOps = totalOps; try { sleep(intervalSec * Time.MS_PER_SECOND); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } while (!testComplete); } } class ClientThread extends Thread { private VoldemortWrapper db; private boolean runBenchmark; private boolean isVerbose; private BenchmarkWorkload clientWorkLoad; private int operationsCount; private double targetThroughputPerMs; private int opsDone; private final WorkloadPlugin plugin; public ClientThread(VoldemortWrapper db, boolean runBenchmark, BenchmarkWorkload workLoad, int operationsCount, double targetThroughputPerMs, boolean isVerbose, WorkloadPlugin plugin) { this.db = db; this.runBenchmark = runBenchmark; this.clientWorkLoad = workLoad; this.operationsCount = operationsCount; this.opsDone = 0; this.targetThroughputPerMs = targetThroughputPerMs; this.isVerbose = isVerbose; this.plugin = plugin; } public int getOpsDone() { return this.opsDone; } @Override public void run() { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (opsDone < this.operationsCount) { try { if (runBenchmark) { if (!clientWorkLoad.doTransaction(this.db, plugin)) { break; } } else { if (!clientWorkLoad.doWrite(this.db, plugin)) { break; } } } catch (Exception e) { if (this.isVerbose) e.printStackTrace(); } opsDone++; if (targetThroughputPerMs > 0) { double timePerOp = ((double) opsDone) / targetThroughputPerMs; while (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime < timePerOp) { try { sleep(1); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } } } } } private StoreDefinition getStoreDefinition(AbstractStoreClientFactory factory, String storeName) { String storesXml = factory.bootstrapMetadataWithRetries(MetadataStore.STORES_KEY); StoreDefinitionsMapper storeMapper = new StoreDefinitionsMapper(); List<StoreDefinition> storeDefinitionList = storeMapper.readStoreList(new StringReader(storesXml)); StoreDefinition storeDef = null; for (StoreDefinition storeDefinition : storeDefinitionList) { if (storeName.equals(storeDefinition.getName())) { storeDef = storeDefinition; } } return storeDef; } private BenchmarkWorkload getWorkloadInstance(String workloadType) throws Exception { if (TRACE_WORKLOAD_TYPE.equals(workloadType)) { return new TraceBasedWorkload(); } else if (DEFAULT_WORKLOAD_TYPE.equals(workloadType)) { return new DefaultWorkload(); } throw new Exception("Can't determine for workloadType = " + workloadType); } public String findKeyType(StoreDefinition storeDefinition) throws Exception { SerializerDefinition serializerDefinition = storeDefinition.getKeySerializer(); if (serializerDefinition != null) { if ("string".equals(serializerDefinition.getName())) { return Benchmark.STRING_KEY_TYPE; } else if ("json".equals(serializerDefinition.getName())) { if (serializerDefinition.getCurrentSchemaInfo().contains("int")) { return Benchmark.JSONINT_KEY_TYPE; } else if (serializerDefinition.getCurrentSchemaInfo().contains("string")) { return Benchmark.JSONSTRING_KEY_TYPE; } } else if ("identity".equals(serializerDefinition.getName())) { return Benchmark.IDENTITY_KEY_TYPE; } } throw new Exception("Can't determine key type for key serializer " + storeDefinition.getName()); } public Serializer<?> findKeyType(String keyType) throws Exception { if (keyType.compareTo(STRING_KEY_TYPE) == 0) { return new StringSerializer(); } else if (keyType.compareTo(JSONINT_KEY_TYPE) == 0) { return new JsonTypeSerializer("\"int32\""); } else if (keyType.compareTo(JSONSTRING_KEY_TYPE) == 0) { return new JsonTypeSerializer("\"string\""); } else if (keyType.compareTo(IDENTITY_KEY_TYPE) == 0) { return new IdentitySerializer(); } throw new Exception("Can't determine for keyType = " + keyType); } public void initializeWorkload(Props workloadProps) throws Exception { if (!this.storeInitialized) { throw new VoldemortException("Store not initialized correctly"); } // Calculate perThreadThroughputPerMs = default unlimited (-1) this.targetThroughput = workloadProps.getInt(TARGET_THROUGHPUT, -1); this.perThreadThroughputPerMs = -1; if (targetThroughput > 0) { double targetPerThread = ((double) targetThroughput) / ((double) numThreads); this.perThreadThroughputPerMs = targetPerThread / 1000.0; } if (workloadProps.containsKey(OPS_COUNT)) { this.opsCount = workloadProps.getInt(OPS_COUNT); } else { throw new VoldemortException("Missing compulsory parameters - " + OPS_COUNT); } this.recordCount = workloadProps.getInt(RECORD_COUNT, -1); this.pluginName = workloadProps.getString(PLUGIN_CLASS, null); // Initialize measurement Metrics.setProperties(workloadProps); Metrics.getInstance().reset(); // Initialize workload String workloadType = workloadProps.getString(WORKLOAD_TYPE, DEFAULT_WORKLOAD_TYPE); this.workLoad = getWorkloadInstance(workloadType); this.workLoad.init(workloadProps); this.workLoad.loadSampleValues(storeClient); System.out.println(String.format("INFO: %s is used.", this.workLoad.getClass().getName())); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void initializeStore(Props benchmarkProps) throws Exception { this.numThreads = benchmarkProps.getInt(THREADS, MAX_WORKERS); this.numConnectionsPerNode = benchmarkProps.getInt(NUM_CONNECTIONS_PER_NODE, MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_NODE); this.numIterations = benchmarkProps.getInt(ITERATIONS, 1); this.statusIntervalSec = benchmarkProps.getInt(INTERVAL, 0); this.verbose = benchmarkProps.getBoolean(VERBOSE, false); this.verifyRead = benchmarkProps.getBoolean(VERIFY, false); this.ignoreNulls = benchmarkProps.getBoolean(IGNORE_NULLS, false); int clientZoneId = benchmarkProps.getInt(CLIENT_ZONE_ID, -1); if (benchmarkProps.containsKey(URL)) { // Remote benchmark if (!benchmarkProps.containsKey(STORE_NAME)) { throw new VoldemortException("Missing storename"); } String socketUrl = benchmarkProps.getString(URL); String storeName = benchmarkProps.getString(STORE_NAME); ClientConfig clientConfig = new ClientConfig().setMaxThreads(numThreads) .setMaxTotalConnections(numThreads).setMaxConnectionsPerNode(numConnectionsPerNode) .setRoutingTimeout(1500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS).setSocketTimeout(1500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) .setConnectionTimeout(500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) .setRequestFormatType(RequestFormatType.VOLDEMORT_V3).setBootstrapUrls(socketUrl); // .enableDefaultClient(true); if (clientZoneId >= 0) { clientConfig.setClientZoneId(clientZoneId); } SocketStoreClientFactory socketFactory = new SocketStoreClientFactory(clientConfig); this.storeClient = socketFactory.getStoreClient(storeName); StoreDefinition storeDef = getStoreDefinition(socketFactory, storeName); this.keyType = findKeyType(storeDef); benchmarkProps.put(Benchmark.KEY_TYPE, this.keyType); this.factory = socketFactory; } else { // Local benchmark localMode = true; String storageEngineClass = benchmarkProps.getString(STORAGE_CONFIGURATION_CLASS); this.keyType = benchmarkProps.getString(KEY_TYPE, STRING_KEY_TYPE); Serializer serializer = findKeyType(this.keyType); Store<Object, Object, Object> store = null; VoldemortConfig voldemortConfig; if (benchmarkProps.containsKey(LOCAL_SERVER_PROPERTIES)) { File homeDir = TestUtils.createTempDir(); File configDir = new File(homeDir, "config"); configDir.mkdir(); FileUtils.copyFile(new File(benchmarkProps.get(LOCAL_SERVER_PROPERTIES)), new File(configDir, "")); voldemortConfig = VoldemortConfig.loadFromVoldemortHome(homeDir.getAbsolutePath()); } else { voldemortConfig = ServerTestUtils.getVoldemortConfig(); } StorageConfiguration conf = (StorageConfiguration) ReflectUtils .callConstructor(ReflectUtils.loadClass(storageEngineClass), new Object[] { voldemortConfig }); StorageEngine<ByteArray, byte[], byte[]> engine = conf.getStore(TestUtils.makeStoreDefinition(DUMMY_DB), TestUtils.makeSingleNodeRoutingStrategy()); if (conf.getType().compareTo(ViewStorageConfiguration.TYPE_NAME) == 0) { engine = new ViewStorageEngine(STORE_NAME, engine, new StringSerializer(), new StringSerializer(), serializer, new StringSerializer(), null, BenchmarkViews.loadTransformation(benchmarkProps.getString(VIEW_CLASS).trim())); } store = SerializingStore.wrap(engine, serializer, new StringSerializer(), new IdentitySerializer()); this.factory = new StaticStoreClientFactory(store); this.storeClient = factory.getStoreClient(store.getName()); } this.storeInitialized = true; } public void initialize(Props benchmarkProps) throws Exception { if (!this.storeInitialized) { initializeStore(benchmarkProps); } initializeWorkload(benchmarkProps); } public void warmUpAndRun() throws Exception { if (this.recordCount > 0) { System.out.println("Running warmup"); runTests(false); this.warmUpCompleted = true; Metrics.getInstance().reset(); } for (int index = 0; index < this.numIterations; index++) { System.out.println( "======================= iteration = " + index + " ======================================"); runTests(true); Metrics.getInstance().reset(); } } @SuppressWarnings("cast") public long runTests(boolean runBenchmark) throws Exception { int localOpsCounts = 0; String label = null; if (runBenchmark) { localOpsCounts = this.opsCount; label = new String("benchmark"); } else { localOpsCounts = this.recordCount; label = new String("warmup"); } Vector<Thread> threads = new Vector<Thread>(); for (int index = 0; index < this.numThreads; index++) { VoldemortWrapper db = new VoldemortWrapper(storeClient, this.verifyRead && this.warmUpCompleted, this.ignoreNulls, this.localMode); WorkloadPlugin plugin = null; if (this.pluginName != null && this.pluginName.length() > 0) { Class<?> cls = Class.forName(this.pluginName); try { plugin = (WorkloadPlugin) cls.newInstance(); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { System.err.println("Class not accessible "); System.exit(1); } catch (InstantiationException e) { System.err.println("Class not instantiable."); System.exit(1); } plugin.setDb(db); } int opsPerThread = localOpsCounts / this.numThreads; // Make the last thread handle the remainder. if (index == this.numThreads - 1) { opsPerThread += localOpsCounts % this.numThreads; } threads.add(new ClientThread(db, runBenchmark, this.workLoad, opsPerThread, this.perThreadThroughputPerMs, this.verbose, plugin)); } long startRunBenchmark = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (Thread currentThread : threads) { currentThread.start(); } StatusThread statusThread = null; if (this.statusIntervalSec > 0) { statusThread = new StatusThread(threads, this.statusIntervalSec, startRunBenchmark); statusThread.start(); } for (Thread currentThread : threads) { try { currentThread.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { if (this.verbose) e.printStackTrace(); } } long endRunBenchmark = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (this.statusIntervalSec > 0) { statusThread.interrupt(); } // Print the output NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(); nf.setMaximumFractionDigits(4); nf.setGroupingUsed(false); System.out.println("[" + label + "]\tRunTime(ms): " + nf.format((endRunBenchmark - startRunBenchmark))); double throughput = Time.MS_PER_SECOND * ((double) localOpsCounts) / ((double) (endRunBenchmark - startRunBenchmark)); System.out.println("[" + label + "]\tThroughput(ops/sec): " + nf.format(throughput)); if (runBenchmark) { Metrics.getInstance().printReport(System.out); } return (endRunBenchmark - startRunBenchmark); } public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException { // Logger.getRootLogger().removeAllAppenders(); OptionParser parser = new OptionParser(); parser.accepts(READS, "percentage of --ops-count to be reads; valid values [0-100]").withRequiredArg() .describedAs("read-percent").ofType(Integer.class); parser.accepts(WRITES, "percentage of --ops-count to be writes; valid values [0-100]").withRequiredArg() .describedAs("write-percent").ofType(Integer.class); parser.accepts(DELETES, "percentage of --ops-count to be deletes; valid values [0-100]").withRequiredArg() .describedAs("delete-percent").ofType(Integer.class); parser.accepts(MIXED, "percentage of --ops-count to be updates; valid values [0-100]").withRequiredArg() .describedAs("update-percent").ofType(Integer.class); parser.accepts(SAMPLE_SIZE, "number of value samples to be obtained from the store for replay based on keys from request-file; 0 means no sample value replay. Default = 0") .withRequiredArg().describedAs("sample-size").ofType(Integer.class); parser.accepts(VERBOSE, "verbose"); parser.accepts(THREADS, "max number concurrent worker threads; Default = " + MAX_WORKERS).withRequiredArg() .describedAs("num-threads").ofType(Integer.class); parser.accepts(NUM_CONNECTIONS_PER_NODE, "max number of connections to any node; Default = " + MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_NODE).withRequiredArg() .describedAs("num-connections-per-node").ofType(Integer.class); parser.accepts(ITERATIONS, "number of times to repeat benchmark phase; Default = 1").withRequiredArg() .describedAs("num-iter").ofType(Integer.class); parser.accepts(VERIFY, "verify values read; runs only if warm-up phase is included"); parser.accepts(PERCENT_CACHED, "percentage of requests to come from previously requested keys; valid values are in range [0..100]; 0 means caching disabled. Default = 0") .withRequiredArg().describedAs("percent").ofType(Integer.class); parser.accepts(START_KEY_INDEX, "key index to start warm-up phase from; Default = 0").withRequiredArg() .describedAs("index").ofType(Integer.class); parser.accepts(INTERVAL, "print status at interval seconds; Default = 0").withRequiredArg() .describedAs("sec").ofType(Integer.class); parser.accepts(IGNORE_NULLS, "ignore null values in results"); parser.accepts(PROP_FILE, "file containing all the properties in key=value format; will override all other command line options specified") .withRequiredArg().describedAs("prop-file"); parser.accepts(STORAGE_CONFIGURATION_CLASS, "class of the storage engine configuration to use [e.g.]") .withRequiredArg().describedAs("class-name"); parser.accepts(KEY_TYPE, "for local tests; key type to support; [ " + IDENTITY_KEY_TYPE + " | " + JSONINT_KEY_TYPE + " | " + JSONSTRING_KEY_TYPE + "|" + STRING_KEY_TYPE + " <default> ]") .withRequiredArg().describedAs("type"); parser.accepts(REQUEST_FILE, "file with limited list of keys to be used during benchmark phase; Overrides " + RECORD_SELECTION) .withRequiredArg(); parser.accepts(VALUE_SIZE, "size in bytes for random value; used during warm-up phase and write operation of benchmark phase; Default = 1024") .withRequiredArg().describedAs("bytes").ofType(Integer.class); parser.accepts(RECORD_SELECTION, "record selection distribution [ " + ZIPFIAN_RECORD_SELECTION + " | " + LATEST_RECORD_SELECTION + " | " + UNIFORM_RECORD_SELECTION + " <default> ]").withRequiredArg(); parser.accepts(TARGET_THROUGHPUT, "fix throughput").withRequiredArg().describedAs("ops/sec") .ofType(Integer.class); parser.accepts(RECORD_COUNT, "number of records inserted during warmup phase").withRequiredArg() .describedAs("count").ofType(Integer.class); parser.accepts(OPS_COUNT, "number of operations to do during benchmark phase").withRequiredArg() .describedAs("count").ofType(Integer.class); parser.accepts(URL, "for remote tests; url of remote server").withRequiredArg(); parser.accepts(STORE_NAME, "for remote tests; store name on the remote " + URL).withRequiredArg() .describedAs("name"); parser.accepts(METRIC_TYPE, "type of result metric [ " + HISTOGRAM_METRIC_TYPE + " | " + SUMMARY_METRIC_TYPE + " <default> ]") .withRequiredArg(); parser.accepts(PLUGIN_CLASS, "classname of implementation of WorkloadPlugin; used to run customized operations ") .withRequiredArg().describedAs("class-name"); parser.accepts(CLIENT_ZONE_ID, "zone id for client; enables zone routing").withRequiredArg() .describedAs("zone-id").ofType(Integer.class); parser.accepts(LOCAL_SERVER_PROPERTIES, "path to a server properties file (local mode only)") .withRequiredArg().describedAs(LOCAL_SERVER_PROPERTIES).ofType(String.class); parser.accepts(WORKLOAD_TYPE, "workload type; type to support; [ " + TRACE_WORKLOAD_TYPE + " | " + DEFAULT_WORKLOAD_TYPE + " <default> ]").withRequiredArg().describedAs(WORKLOAD_TYPE) .ofType(String.class); parser.accepts(KEY_VALUE_FILE, "path to a file with keys and value sizes").withRequiredArg() .describedAs(KEY_VALUE_FILE).ofType(String.class); parser.accepts(KEY_SEQUENCE_FILE, "path to a file with key access sequence").withRequiredArg() .describedAs(KEY_SEQUENCE_FILE).ofType(String.class); parser.accepts(HELP); OptionSet options = parser.parse(args); if (options.has(HELP)) { parser.printHelpOn(System.out); System.exit(0); } Props mainProps = null; if (options.has(PROP_FILE)) { String propFileDestination = (String) options.valueOf(PROP_FILE); File propertyFile = new File(propFileDestination); if (!propertyFile.exists()) { printUsage(parser, "Property file does not exist"); } try { mainProps = new Props(propertyFile); } catch (Exception e) { printUsage(parser, "Unable to parse the property file"); } } else { mainProps = new Props(); if (options.has(REQUEST_FILE)) { mainProps.put(REQUEST_FILE, (String) options.valueOf(REQUEST_FILE)); mainProps.put(RECORD_SELECTION, FILE_RECORD_SELECTION); } else { mainProps.put(RECORD_SELECTION, CmdUtils.valueOf(options, RECORD_SELECTION, UNIFORM_RECORD_SELECTION)); } if (options.has(RECORD_COUNT)) { mainProps.put(RECORD_COUNT, (Integer) options.valueOf(RECORD_COUNT)); } else { mainProps.put(RECORD_COUNT, 0); } if (!options.has(OPS_COUNT)) { printUsage(parser, "Missing " + OPS_COUNT); } mainProps.put(OPS_COUNT, (Integer) options.valueOf(OPS_COUNT)); if (options.has(URL)) { mainProps.put(URL, (String) options.valueOf(URL)); if (options.has(STORE_NAME)) { mainProps.put(STORE_NAME, (String) options.valueOf(STORE_NAME)); } else { printUsage(parser, "Missing store name"); } } else { mainProps.put(KEY_TYPE, CmdUtils.valueOf(options, KEY_TYPE, STRING_KEY_TYPE)); mainProps.put(STORAGE_CONFIGURATION_CLASS, CmdUtils.valueOf(options, STORAGE_CONFIGURATION_CLASS, BdbStorageConfiguration.class.getName())); } if (options.has(LOCAL_SERVER_PROPERTIES)) { mainProps.put(LOCAL_SERVER_PROPERTIES, (String) options.valueOf(LOCAL_SERVER_PROPERTIES)); } if (options.has(WORKLOAD_TYPE)) { mainProps.put(WORKLOAD_TYPE, (String) options.valueOf(WORKLOAD_TYPE)); if (((String) options.valueOf(WORKLOAD_TYPE)).equals(TRACE_WORKLOAD_TYPE)) { CmdUtils.croakIfMissing(parser, options, KEY_VALUE_FILE, KEY_SEQUENCE_FILE); mainProps.put(KEY_VALUE_FILE, (String) options.valueOf(KEY_VALUE_FILE)); mainProps.put(KEY_SEQUENCE_FILE, (String) options.valueOf(KEY_SEQUENCE_FILE)); } } mainProps.put(VERBOSE, getCmdBoolean(options, VERBOSE)); mainProps.put(VERIFY, getCmdBoolean(options, VERIFY)); mainProps.put(IGNORE_NULLS, getCmdBoolean(options, IGNORE_NULLS)); mainProps.put(CLIENT_ZONE_ID, CmdUtils.valueOf(options, CLIENT_ZONE_ID, -1)); mainProps.put(START_KEY_INDEX, CmdUtils.valueOf(options, START_KEY_INDEX, 0)); mainProps.put(VALUE_SIZE, CmdUtils.valueOf(options, VALUE_SIZE, 1024)); mainProps.put(ITERATIONS, CmdUtils.valueOf(options, ITERATIONS, 1)); mainProps.put(THREADS, CmdUtils.valueOf(options, THREADS, MAX_WORKERS)); mainProps.put(NUM_CONNECTIONS_PER_NODE, CmdUtils.valueOf(options, NUM_CONNECTIONS_PER_NODE, MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_NODE)); mainProps.put(PERCENT_CACHED, CmdUtils.valueOf(options, PERCENT_CACHED, 0)); mainProps.put(INTERVAL, CmdUtils.valueOf(options, INTERVAL, 0)); mainProps.put(TARGET_THROUGHPUT, CmdUtils.valueOf(options, TARGET_THROUGHPUT, -1)); mainProps.put(METRIC_TYPE, CmdUtils.valueOf(options, METRIC_TYPE, SUMMARY_METRIC_TYPE)); mainProps.put(READS, CmdUtils.valueOf(options, READS, 0)); mainProps.put(WRITES, CmdUtils.valueOf(options, WRITES, 0)); mainProps.put(DELETES, CmdUtils.valueOf(options, DELETES, 0)); mainProps.put(MIXED, CmdUtils.valueOf(options, MIXED, 0)); mainProps.put(PLUGIN_CLASS, CmdUtils.valueOf(options, PLUGIN_CLASS, "")); mainProps.put(SAMPLE_SIZE, CmdUtils.valueOf(options, SAMPLE_SIZE, 0)); } // Start the benchmark Benchmark benchmark = null; try { benchmark = new Benchmark(); benchmark.initialize(mainProps); benchmark.warmUpAndRun(); benchmark.close(); } catch (Exception e) { if (options.has(VERBOSE)) { e.printStackTrace(); } parser.printHelpOn(System.err); System.exit(-1); } } public void close() { this.factory.close(); } private static void printUsage(OptionParser parser, String errorCommand) throws IOException { parser.printHelpOn(System.err); Utils.croak("Usage: $VOLDEMORT_HOME/bin/ " + Benchmark.class.getName() + " [options]\n " + errorCommand); } private static String getCmdBoolean(OptionSet option, String command) { if (option.has(command)) { return "true"; } else { return "false"; } } }