Java tutorial
/* * #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- * # Copyright (c) 2013 VITRO FP7 Consortium. * # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * # are made available under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License v3.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * # * # * # Contributors: * # Antoniou Thanasis (Research Academic Computer Technology Institute) * # Paolo Medagliani (Thales Communications & Security) * # D. Davide Lamanna (WLAB SRL) * # Alessandro Leoni (WLAB SRL) * # Francesco Ficarola (WLAB SRL) * # Stefano Puglia (WLAB SRL) * # Panos Trakadas (Technological Educational Institute of Chalkida) * # Panagiotis Karkazis (Technological Educational Institute of Chalkida) * # Andrea Kropp (Selex ES) * # Kiriakos Georgouleas (Hellenic Aerospace Industry) * # David Ferrer Figueroa (Telefonica Investigacin y Desarrollo S.A.) * # * #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ package vitro.vspEngine.service.communication; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import vitro.dcaintercom.communication.common.IDASHttpRequest; import vitro.dcaintercom.communication.common.XPathString; import vitro.dcaintercom.communication.unica.SensorData; import vitro.vspEngine.logic.model.GatewayWithSmartNodes; import vitro.vspEngine.logic.model.SensorModel; import vitro.vspEngine.logic.model.SmartNode; import vitro.vspEngine.service.engine.UserNode; import vitro.vspEngine.service.geo.GeoPoint; import vitro.vspEngine.service.persistence.DBCommons; import vitro.vspEngine.service.persistence.DBRegisteredGateway; import vitro.dcaintercom.communication.common.Config; import vitro.vspEngine.service.query.QueriedMoteAndSensors; import vitro.vspEngine.service.query.ReqFunctionOverData; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * Created with IntelliJ IDEA. * User: antoniou * TODO: for more effieciency this should better integrated in UserNode (or a factory that chooses communication mode for the UserNode) */ public class DummyDCACommUtils { private static DummyDCACommUtils __dummyDCACommUtils = null; private Logger LOG; private DummyDCACommUtils() { LOG = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass()); } /** * singleton pattern * @return the single instance of __dummyDCACommUtils */ public static DummyDCACommUtils getDummyDCACommUtils() { if (__dummyDCACommUtils == null) { __dummyDCACommUtils = new DummyDCACommUtils(); } return __dummyDCACommUtils; } /** * TODO: perhaps we could remove this eventually. This servlet will remain but only for browsing/managing registered islands for a WSI... * TODO: the requests per smartdev capabilities should be threaded! */ public void startDCAEngine(UserNode refUserNode) { // global in-memory. TODO: add persistency! HashMap<String, GatewayWithSmartNodes> gatewaysToSmartDevsHM = refUserNode.getGatewaysToSmartDevsHM(); // new HashMap<String, GatewayWithSmartNodes>(); // will contain maps from a gateway id to GatewayWithSmartNodes objects HashMap<String, Vector<SensorModel>> capHMap = refUserNode.getCapabilitiesTable(); // new HashMap<String, Vector<SensorModel>> (); Vector<DCAConcentrator> dcaRegisteredVGWs = getDCAConcentratorsList(); Vector<DCADataDevice> dcaRegisteredDevices = get_ALL_DCADataDevicesList(); // make the connection between Reg VGWs and their Devices; // THIS IS IMPORTANT (it could be integrated in the get_ALL_DCADataDevices though (TODO) connectDataDevicesToConcentrators(dcaRegisteredVGWs, dcaRegisteredDevices); // for each gateway THAT IS ALSO stored as REGISTERED IN THE LOCAL DB, populate the gatewaysToSmartDevsHM and the capHMap hashmaps. if (dcaRegisteredVGWs != null && dcaRegisteredDevices != null) { for (int i = 0; i < dcaRegisteredVGWs.size(); i++) { DCAConcentrator tmpCurrDCAConcentrator = dcaRegisteredVGWs.elementAt(i); DBRegisteredGateway dbRegGw = DBCommons.getDBCommons() .getRegisteredGateway(; if (dbRegGw != null) // only for registered VGWs (in DCA) that are also in the local DB { // for each registered Smart Node in this gateway! if (tmpCurrDCAConcentrator.dataDevicesVec != null && tmpCurrDCAConcentrator.dataDevicesVec.size() > 0) { // we now parse the "Capabilities" from the XML message for the SmartDevice for (int k = 0; k < tmpCurrDCAConcentrator.dataDevicesVec.size(); k++) { // "local" versions of the global corresponding hashmaps, for dealing with each separate smart device. Later merged with globals HashMap<String, Vector<SensorModel>> ps_advCapsToSensModels = new HashMap<String, Vector<SensorModel>>(); Vector<SmartNode> ps_advSmDevs = new Vector<SmartNode>(); // will only contain one device DCADataDevice tmpCurrDCADataDev = tmpCurrDCAConcentrator.dataDevicesVec.elementAt(k); // We use the name here to remove the additional VGW prefix String tmpDevName = "Name"; tmpDevName = .replaceAll(Pattern.quote( + "."), ""); // TODO: set device coordinates IF they are available in the SensorML for its registration SmartNode smDev = new SmartNode(, tmpDevName, "LocationDesc", new GeoPoint(), tmpCurrDCADataDev.creationTime, tmpCurrDCADataDev.registrationTime, tmpCurrDCADataDev.status); Vector<SensorModel> thisNodesSensorModelsVec = retrievePhenomenaByDevice(,, ps_advCapsToSensModels); if (!thisNodesSensorModelsVec.isEmpty()) { smDev.setCapabilitiesVector(thisNodesSensorModelsVec); ps_advSmDevs.add(smDev); DBCommons.getDBCommons().mergeAdvDataToGateway(gatewaysToSmartDevsHM, capHMap, ps_advCapsToSensModels, ps_advSmDevs,, dbRegGw.getFriendlyName(), tmpCurrDCAConcentrator.ipv4, tmpCurrDCAConcentrator.locationStr); } } DBCommons.getDBCommons().updateRcvGatewayAdTimestamp(, false); } } } } } /** * Should parse a QueryDefinition and get the results from the corresponding gateway. Also apply any global functions if requested! */ public void executeAggrQuery(String uQDefID, String gateID, Vector<QueriedMoteAndSensors> motesAndTheirSensorAndFuncVec, boolean isHistory, Vector<ReqFunctionOverData> functionVec, int thisQueryOrderNum) { String tmpXMLtoSend; String tmpXMLreceived; try { // TODO: ++++ CHECK RESPONSES. CHECK INVALID RESPONSES AND ERRORS TOO? Iterator<QueriedMoteAndSensors> itVec = motesAndTheirSensorAndFuncVec.iterator(); while (itVec.hasNext()) { QueriedMoteAndSensors tmp =; String dcaDevId = /*gateID+ "." +*/ tmp.getMoteId(); // we already have the gateID prefix in DCA comm mode. tmpXMLtoSend = SensorData.getLastMeasurement(Config.getConfig().getServiceIDVITRO(), dcaDevId); tmpXMLreceived = IDASHttpRequest.getIDASHttpRequest().sendPOSTToIdasXML(tmpXMLtoSend); //LOG.debug("RECEIVED LAST MEASUREMENT FROM "+ dcaDevId + ": "+tmpXMLreceived + "\n--------------------------\n--------------------------\n\n"); String[] possibleFaultCode; XPathString xpathStr = new XPathString(tmpXMLreceived); try { possibleFaultCode = xpathStr.parseXpathValues("//Envelope/Body/Fault/faultcode/text()"); if (possibleFaultCode != null && possibleFaultCode.length > 0 && possibleFaultCode[0] != null && !possibleFaultCode[0].trim().isEmpty()) { String[] possibleFaultText; String[] possibleFaultDetailCode; possibleFaultText = xpathStr.parseXpathValues("//Envelope/Body/Fault/faultstring/text()"); possibleFaultDetailCode = xpathStr .parseXpathValues("//Envelope/Body/Fault/detail/errorCode/text()"); if (possibleFaultText != null && possibleFaultText.length > 0 && possibleFaultDetailCode != null && possibleFaultDetailCode.length > 0 && possibleFaultText[0] != null && possibleFaultDetailCode[0] != null) LOG.error("Error while requesting measurements from " + dcaDevId + ". Error Code: " + possibleFaultCode[0] + " (" + possibleFaultDetailCode[0] + "). Error desc: " + possibleFaultText[0]); else LOG.error("Error while requesting measurements from " + dcaDevId + ". Error Code: " + possibleFaultCode[0] + "."); } else { String[] capabilityArrStr; String[] measurementArrStr; String[] dateTSArrStr; capabilityArrStr = xpathStr.parseXpathValues( "//Envelope/Body/getDeviceDataResponse/measure/data/attribute/name/text()"); measurementArrStr = xpathStr.parseXpathValues( "//Envelope/Body/getDeviceDataResponse/measure/data/attribute/value/text()"); dateTSArrStr = xpathStr .parseXpathValues("//Envelope/Body/getDeviceDataResponse/measure/date/text()"); //DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSSSSZ"); if (capabilityArrStr != null && measurementArrStr != null && dateTSArrStr != null && capabilityArrStr.length > 0 && measurementArrStr.length > 0 && dateTSArrStr.length > 0 && capabilityArrStr[0] != null && measurementArrStr[0] != null && dateTSArrStr[0] != null) { //Date timestampDate = df.parse(dateTSArrStr[0]); Date timestampDate = new Date(); Calendar calendar = javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter.parseDateTime(dateTSArrStr[0]); timestampDate = calendar.getTime();"RECEIVED LAST MEASUREMENT FROM " + dcaDevId + ": " + capabilityArrStr[0] + ":: " + measurementArrStr[0] + " :: at:: " + timestampDate.toString() + " \n--------------------------\n--------------------------\n\n"); } else { LOG.error("Unexpected error while reading measurement received from " + dcaDevId + "."); } } //dirtySensorMLForDevice=xpathStr.parseXpathValues("//Envelope/Body/Fault/faultcode/text()"); //parse the right values (xpath), omit wrong/error answers, and produce an aggrResponseMessage+file for response! } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } catch (Exception e) {; e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } } /** * @return the vector of sensorModels for this device. Also the out_advCapsToSensModels is set */ private Vector<SensorModel> retrievePhenomenaByDevice(String gwID, String devId, HashMap<String, Vector<SensorModel>> out_advCapsToSensModels) { Vector<SensorModel> thisNodesSensorModelsVec = new Vector<SensorModel>(); String[] tmpPhenomenaInputIDAS = null; String[] tmpPhenomenaModelName = null; String tmpXMLtoSend; String tmpXMLreceived; try { tmpXMLtoSend = SensorData.getDeviceDataSML(Config.getConfig().getServiceIDVITRO(), devId); tmpXMLreceived = IDASHttpRequest.getIDASHttpRequest().sendPOSTToIdasXML(tmpXMLtoSend); String[] dirtySensorMLForDevice; XPathString xpathStr = new XPathString(tmpXMLreceived); try { dirtySensorMLForDevice = xpathStr .parseXpathValues("//Envelope/Body/getDeviceDataResponse/sensorML/text()"); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); dirtySensorMLForDevice = new String[1]; } String cleanSensorMLForDevice = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeXml(dirtySensorMLForDevice[0]) .replaceAll("[^\\x20-\\x7e]", ""); // TODO: there must be a prettier way to remove the Buffer content{...} wrapping cleanSensorMLForDevice = cleanSensorMLForDevice.replaceAll(Pattern.quote("Buffer content: {"), ""); cleanSensorMLForDevice = cleanSensorMLForDevice.replaceAll(Pattern.quote("}"), ""); xpathStr = new XPathString(cleanSensorMLForDevice); // TODO: should we consider the inputs (sensed) or the outputs? (returned values) here? tmpPhenomenaInputIDAS = xpathStr.parseXpathValues( "//RegisterSensor/SensorDescription/System/inputs/InputList/input/ObservableProperty/@definition"); tmpPhenomenaModelName = xpathStr .parseXpathValues("//RegisterSensor/SensorDescription/System/inputs/InputList/input/@name"); String tmpCapDefinition = ""; if (tmpPhenomenaInputIDAS != null && tmpPhenomenaModelName != null && tmpPhenomenaInputIDAS.length == tmpPhenomenaModelName.length && tmpPhenomenaInputIDAS.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < tmpPhenomenaInputIDAS.length; i++) { Vector<SensorModel> advSensModels = new Vector<SensorModel>(); tmpCapDefinition = tmpPhenomenaInputIDAS[i]; String tmpSensorID = tmpPhenomenaModelName[i]; Integer thedigestInt = tmpSensorID.hashCode(); if (thedigestInt < 0) thedigestInt = thedigestInt * (-1); tmpSensorID = thedigestInt.toString(); //todo: eventually we should not use the digest anymore!!! if (!tmpCapDefinition.equalsIgnoreCase("") && (out_advCapsToSensModels.keySet().isEmpty() || !out_advCapsToSensModels.keySet().contains(tmpCapDefinition))) { out_advCapsToSensModels.put(tmpCapDefinition, advSensModels); } else { advSensModels = out_advCapsToSensModels.get(tmpCapDefinition); } boolean sensorModelFoundInCapsTable = false; if (!advSensModels.isEmpty()) { for (int sv = 0; sv < advSensModels.size(); sv++) { if (advSensModels.elementAt(sv).getGatewayId().equalsIgnoreCase(gwID) && advSensModels.elementAt(sv).getSmID().equals(tmpSensorID)) { sensorModelFoundInCapsTable = true; break; } } } SensorModel tmpSensModelToAdd = new SensorModel(tmpCapDefinition, gwID, tmpSensorID, SensorModel.numericDataType, null, null); if (!sensorModelFoundInCapsTable) { //if not found in the total HashMap of Capability to SensorModels of various gateways advSensModels.add(tmpSensModelToAdd); } if (!SensorModel.vectorContainsSensorModel(thisNodesSensorModelsVec, gwID, tmpSensorID)) { //if not found in the vector of SensorModels for this node thisNodesSensorModelsVec.add(tmpSensModelToAdd); } } } } catch (Exception e) {; e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } return thisNodesSensorModelsVec; }//End retrievePhenomenaByDevice /*************************************************** * */ /** * This method retrieves the information about the devices connected to the * service and send it to the front page. * * @return the List of DCA Concetrators in the response XML from DCA. */ private Vector<DCAConcentrator> getDCAConcentratorsList() { Vector<DCAConcentrator> vecToRet = new Vector<DCAConcentrator>(); String postCon = ""; String responseReceivedCon = ""; try { postCon = SensorData.getConcentratorsList(Config.getConfig().getServiceIDVITRO()); responseReceivedCon = IDASHttpRequest.getIDASHttpRequest().sendPOSTToIdasXML(postCon); } catch (Exception e) {; e.printStackTrace(); } if (responseReceivedCon != null && !responseReceivedCon.trim().isEmpty()) { // get Concentrators Ids String[] concentratorsIds; XPathString xpathStr = new XPathString(responseReceivedCon); try { concentratorsIds = xpathStr.parseXpathValues( "//Envelope/Body/getDataByServiceResponse/concentrators/concentrator/logicalName/text()"); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); concentratorsIds = new String[1]; } // get Concentrators IPs String[] iPaddress; xpathStr = new XPathString(responseReceivedCon); try { iPaddress = xpathStr.parseXpathValues( "//Envelope/Body/getDataByServiceResponse/concentrators/concentrator/ipAddress/ipv4/text()"); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); iPaddress = new String[1]; } // get Concentrators Locations (Lat, long) String[] latitude; String[] longitude; String[] location; xpathStr = new XPathString(responseReceivedCon); try { latitude = xpathStr.parseXpathValues( "//Envelope/Body/getDataByServiceResponse/concentrators/concentrator/location/latitude/text()"); longitude = xpathStr.parseXpathValues( "//Envelope/Body/getDataByServiceResponse/concentrators/concentrator/location/longitude/text()"); location = latitude; for (int i = 0; i < location.length; i++) { location[i] = latitude[i] + "," + longitude[i]; } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); location = new String[1]; } // form the Concentrator objects if (concentratorsIds != null && iPaddress != null && location != null && concentratorsIds.length > 0 && concentratorsIds.length == iPaddress.length && concentratorsIds.length == location.length) { for (int i = 0; i < concentratorsIds.length; i++) { DCAConcentrator tmpDCAConc = new DCAConcentrator(); = concentratorsIds[i]; tmpDCAConc.ipv4 = iPaddress[i]; tmpDCAConc.locationStr = location[i]; vecToRet.add(tmpDCAConc); } } } return vecToRet; }//End getDCAConcentratorsList private Vector<DCADataDevice> get_ALL_DCADataDevicesList() { Vector<DCADataDevice> vecToRet = new Vector<DCADataDevice>(); String postCon = ""; String responseReceivedDev = ""; try { postCon = SensorData.getDevicesList(Config.getConfig().getServiceIDVITRO()); responseReceivedDev = IDASHttpRequest.getIDASHttpRequest().sendPOSTToIdasXML(postCon); } catch (Exception e) {; e.printStackTrace(); } if (responseReceivedDev != null && !responseReceivedDev.trim().isEmpty()) { // get Devices Ids String[] dataDevicesIds; XPathString xpathStr = new XPathString(responseReceivedDev); try { dataDevicesIds = xpathStr.parseXpathValues( "//Envelope/Body/getDataByServiceResponse/devices/device/deviceID/globalIdentifier/text()"); } catch (Exception ex) { dataDevicesIds = new String[1]; } // get Devices registration time String[] dataDevicesRegTm; xpathStr = new XPathString(responseReceivedDev); try { dataDevicesRegTm = xpathStr.parseXpathValues( "//Envelope/Body/getDataByServiceResponse/devices/device/registrationTime/text()"); } catch (Exception ex) { dataDevicesRegTm = new String[1]; } // get Devices creation Time String[] dataDevicesCreatTime; xpathStr = new XPathString(responseReceivedDev); try { dataDevicesCreatTime = xpathStr.parseXpathValues( "//Envelope/Body/getDataByServiceResponse/devices/device/creationTime/text()"); } catch (Exception ex) { dataDevicesCreatTime = new String[1]; } // get Devices Status String[] dataDevicesStatus; xpathStr = new XPathString(responseReceivedDev); try { dataDevicesStatus = xpathStr .parseXpathValues("//Envelope/Body/getDataByServiceResponse/devices/device/status/text()"); } catch (Exception ex) { dataDevicesStatus = new String[1]; } // form the DCA DataDevice objects if (dataDevicesIds != null && dataDevicesRegTm != null && dataDevicesCreatTime != null && dataDevicesStatus != null && dataDevicesIds.length > 0 && dataDevicesIds.length == dataDevicesRegTm.length && dataDevicesIds.length == dataDevicesCreatTime.length && dataDevicesIds.length == dataDevicesStatus.length) { for (int i = 0; i < dataDevicesIds.length; i++) { DCADataDevice tmpDCADev = new DCADataDevice(); = dataDevicesIds[i]; tmpDCADev.registrationTime = dataDevicesRegTm[i]; tmpDCADev.creationTime = dataDevicesCreatTime[i]; tmpDCADev.status = dataDevicesStatus[i]; vecToRet.add(tmpDCADev); } } } return vecToRet; }//End get_ALL_DCADataDevicesList /** * Associates devices to the corresponding concentrators */ private void connectDataDevicesToConcentrators(Vector<DCAConcentrator> allConcs, Vector<DCADataDevice> allDevs) { if (allConcs != null && allDevs != null) { for (int j = 0; j < allConcs.size(); j++) { DCAConcentrator tmpCurrDCAConc = allConcs.elementAt(j); for (int k = 0; k < allDevs.size(); k++) { if (allDevs.elementAt(k).id.startsWith( + ".")) { tmpCurrDCAConc.dataDevicesVec.add(allDevs.elementAt(k)); } } } } }//End connectDataDevicesToConcentrators /**************************************************** * */ /** * Auxilliary class for DCA comm */ private class DCAConcentrator { public String id; public String ipv4; public String locationStr; public Vector<DCADataDevice> dataDevicesVec; DCAConcentrator() { id = ""; ipv4 = ""; locationStr = ""; dataDevicesVec = new Vector<DCADataDevice>(); } } /** * Auxiliary class for DCA comm . DataDevice is a SmartDevice */ private class DCADataDevice { public String id; public String creationTime; public String registrationTime; public String status; DCADataDevice() { id = ""; creationTime = ""; registrationTime = ""; status = ""; } } }