Java tutorial
/*************************************** * ViPER * * The Video Processing * * Evaluation Resource * * * * Distributed under the GPL license * * Terms available at * * * * Copyright University of Maryland, * * College Park. * ***************************************/ package viper.api.time; import*; import java.util.*; import org.apache.commons.collections.*; import viper.api.*; import edu.umd.cfar.lamp.viper.util.*; /** * A list, with the elements run length encoded. It offers log n * access and edit time, on average. Note that it uses the * <tt>equals</tt> method to check equality, not <tt>==</tt>, so * <code>null</code> elements will not be accepted. * Setting a range to <code>null</code> is the same as removing that range. * It does not implement java.util.List, as it takes * {@link viper.api.time.Instant} indexes instead of ints. * This is a modified version of viper.util.LengthwiseEncodedList * that uses Instants instead of the more general Comparable. */ public class TimeEncodedList implements Cloneable, TemporalRange, Serializable { /** * This is stored as a java.util.TreeMap (red/black tree, I think), * with the keys being the first frame, and the values containing * the object value and the last frame, exclusive. */ private TreeMap values; /** * Creates a new instance of LengthwiseEncodedList. */ public TimeEncodedList() { values = new TreeMap(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void clear() { values.clear(); } /** * Tests to see if the list is encoded by Time (instead * of some Frame). * @return <code>true</code> iff the List contains values * and they are indexed by Time. */ public boolean isTimeBased() { return (values.size() > 0) && (values.firstKey() instanceof Time); } /** * Tests to see if the list is encoded by frame (instead * of some Time). * @return <code>true</code> iff the List contains values * and they are indexed by Frame. */ public boolean isFrameBased() { return (values.size() > 0) && (values.firstKey() instanceof Frame); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o == this) { return true; } else if (o instanceof TimeEncodedList) { return this.values.equals(((TimeEncodedList) o).values); } else { return false; } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public int hashCode() { return values.hashCode(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Object clone() { TimeEncodedList nl = new TimeEncodedList(); nl.values.putAll(values); return nl; } /** * Get the value at the specified index in the list. * @param index the index into the list * @return the value at the specified index */ public Object get(Instant index) { assert index != null; SortedMap m = values.tailMap(index); if (!m.isEmpty() && m.firstKey().equals(index)) { return ((LelNode) m.get(index)).getValue(); } m = values.headMap(index); if (!m.isEmpty()) { LelNode v = (LelNode) m.get(m.lastKey()); if (v.getEnd().compareTo(index) > 0) { return v.getValue(); } } return null; } /** * Sets the value at the given interval. * @param span the interval to modify * @param value the new value to take on for the interval */ public void set(Interval span, Object value) { set(span.getStart(), span.getEnd(), value); } /** * Sets the value at the given range. Note that, like * <code>SortedMap</code>, this means that value is set in the * range from start, inclusive, to stop, exclusive. * @param start the first index to set * @param stop the first index that is not set * @param value all elements in the list in the range [start, stop) * will take this value * @throws IllegalArgumentException if start is not less than stop */ public void set(Comparable start, Comparable stop, Object value) { if (start.compareTo(stop) >= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Start not strictly less than stop: " + start + " !< " + stop); } if (value == null) { remove(start, stop); return; } SortedMap head = values.headMap(start); if (!head.isEmpty()) { LelNode n = (LelNode) head.get(head.lastKey()); if (n.getValue().equals(value)) { if (n.getEnd().compareTo(start) >= 0) { start = (Instant) head.lastKey(); } } else if (n.getEnd().compareTo(start) > 0) { head.put(head.lastKey(), new LelNode((Instant) start, n.getValue())); if (n.getEnd().compareTo(stop) > 0) { values.put(start, new LelNode((Instant) stop, value)); values.put(stop, new LelNode(n.getEnd(), n.getValue())); return; } } } SortedMap sub = values.subMap(start, stop); if (!sub.isEmpty()) { LelNode n = (LelNode) sub.get(sub.lastKey()); if (n.getValue().equals(value)) { if (n.getEnd().compareTo(stop) > 0) { stop = n.getEnd(); } } else if (n.getEnd().compareTo(stop) > 0) { values.put(stop, new LelNode(n.getEnd(), n.getValue())); } } values.subMap(start, stop).clear(); values.put(start, new TimeEncodedList.LelNode((Instant) stop, value)); } /** * Removes all values at the given range. Note that, like * <code>SortedMap</code>, this means that value is set in the * range from start, inclusive, to stop, exclusive. * @param start the first index to remove * @param stop the first index that is not removed * @return <code>true</code> if any elements were removed */ public boolean remove(Comparable start, Comparable stop) { boolean someFound = false; SortedMap head = values.headMap(start); if (!head.isEmpty()) { LelNode n = (LelNode) head.get(head.lastKey()); if (n.getEnd().compareTo(start) > 0) { someFound = true; head.put(head.lastKey(), new LelNode((Instant) start, n.getValue())); if (n.getEnd().compareTo(stop) > 0) { // this object spans the whole removed range values.put(stop, new TimeEncodedList.LelNode(n.getEnd(), n.getValue())); return true; } } } // By now, will have removed anything coming in from the head // Just remove the stuff in the subMap, making sure to put back // the leftovers. SortedMap sub = values.subMap(start, stop); if (!sub.isEmpty()) { LelNode n = (LelNode) sub.get(sub.lastKey()); if (n.getEnd().compareTo(stop) > 0) { values.put(stop, new LelNode(n.getEnd(), n.getValue())); } values.subMap(start, stop).clear(); return true; } return someFound; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public String toString() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (Iterator iter = values.entrySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Map.Entry currEntry = (Map.Entry); Instant currStart = (Instant) currEntry.getKey(); Instant currEnd = ((LelNode) currEntry.getValue()).getEnd(); Object currValue = ((LelNode) currEntry.getValue()).getValue(); sb.append(currStart).append(':').append(currEnd); sb.append("*(\"").append(StringHelp.backslashify(currValue.toString())).append("\")"); if (iter.hasNext()) { sb.append(", "); } } return sb.toString(); } /** * Gets an iterator over the given interval. * This is an intersection operation. * @param i the interval to intersect with * @return an iterator of {@link Interval} objects * over the given interval */ public Iterator iterator(Interval i) { return new TimeEncodedList.CroppedIterator(this, i); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Iterator iterator() { return new TimeEncodedList.DynamicValueIterator(this); } /** * Represents an object over a span of time/frames. */ private class LelNode extends Pair implements Serializable { LelNode(Instant e, Object v) { super(e, v); if (v == null) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } } Instant getEnd() { return (Instant) super.getFirst(); } Object getValue() { return super.getSecond(); } } /** * A useful class for representing an object bound to an * interval. */ public static final class DynamicAttributeValueImpl extends AbstractInstantInterval implements DynamicAttributeValue { private InstantInterval s; private Object v; /** * Creates a new DynamicAttributeValueImpl backed by the * Map.Entry o. * @param o A Map.Entry mapping start time to a LelNode */ DynamicAttributeValueImpl(Object o) { Map.Entry v = (Map.Entry) o; LelNode ln = (LelNode) v.getValue(); this.s = new Span((Instant) v.getKey(), ln.getEnd()); this.v = ln.getValue(); assert getValue() != null; assert getEnd() != null; assert getStart() != null; } /** * Gets a new instance with the given span and value. * * @param s The span in which the time encoded list/whatever has the given value * @param v The value */ public DynamicAttributeValueImpl(InstantInterval s, Object v) { this.s = s; this.v = v; } /** * Gets a new DynamicAttributeValue with the given span and * value. * @param s The first Instant * @param e The last Instant * @param v The value that is holds over the given set of Instants */ public DynamicAttributeValueImpl(Instant s, Instant e, Object v) { this.s = new Span(s, e); this.v = v; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Object getValue() { return v; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Instant getStartInstant() { return s.getStartInstant(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Instant getEndInstant() { return s.getEndInstant(); } /** * Hashes based on the interval and the value. * {@inheritDoc} */ public int hashCode() { int hash = super.hashCode(); if (getValue() != null) { hash ^= getValue().hashCode(); } return hash; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public boolean equals(Object o) { if ((o instanceof DynamicAttributeValue) && super.equals(o)) { DynamicAttributeValue that = (DynamicAttributeValue) o; if (this.getValue() == that.getValue()) { return true; } else if (this.getValue() == null || that.getValue() == null) { return false; } else { return getValue().equals(that.getValue()); } } else { return false; } } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @return <code>"value"@[start,end)</code> */ public String toString() { return "\"" + StringHelp.backslashify(getValue().toString()) + "\"@" + super.toString(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Interval change(Comparable start, Comparable stop) { return new DynamicAttributeValueImpl(new Span((Instant) start, (Instant) stop), getValue()); } } private static final class DynamicValueIterator implements Iterator { private Iterator t; private DynamicAttributeValue cachedNext; protected DynamicAttributeValue cache() { DynamicAttributeValue old = cachedNext; if (t.hasNext()) { cachedNext = new DynamicAttributeValueImpl(; } else { cachedNext = null; } return old; } DynamicValueIterator(TimeEncodedList lel) { t = lel.values.entrySet().iterator(); cache(); } DynamicValueIterator(Map valuesmap) { t = valuesmap.entrySet().iterator(); cache(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Object next() { if (hasNext()) { return cache(); } throw new NoSuchElementException(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public boolean hasNext() { return cachedNext != null; } /** * Not implemented. * {@inheritDoc} */ public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } } private static final class CroppedIterator implements Iterator { private Iterator t; private DynamicAttributeValue cachedNext; private Interval sub; protected DynamicAttributeValue cache() { DynamicAttributeValue old = cachedNext; if (t.hasNext()) { cachedNext = new DynamicAttributeValueImpl(; if (!t.hasNext() && cachedNext.getEnd().compareTo(sub.getEnd()) > 0) { // the first call is to avoid unnecessary comparisons // this line is only ever called on the last lel node whose key // is within the interval 'sub', so we know that it intersects // 'sub', as it starts within it and ends after it. cachedNext = (DynamicAttributeValue) Intervals.intersection(cachedNext, sub); } } else { cachedNext = null; } return old; } CroppedIterator(TimeEncodedList lel, Interval sub) { this.sub = sub; Instant subStart = (Instant) sub.getStart(); Instant subEnd = (Instant) sub.getEnd(); SortedMap head = lel.values.headMap(subStart); t = lel.values.subMap(sub.getStart(), sub.getEnd()).entrySet().iterator(); if (head != null && head.size() > 0) { Instant firstStart = (Instant) head.lastKey(); LelNode ln = (LelNode) head.get(firstStart); Instant firstEnd = ln.getEnd(); if (firstEnd.compareTo(subStart) <= 0) { cache(); } else { Instant end = firstEnd; if (firstEnd.compareTo(sub.getEnd()) > 0) { end = subEnd; } cachedNext = new DynamicAttributeValueImpl(subStart, end, ln.getValue()); } } else { cache(); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Object next() { if (hasNext()) { return cache(); } throw new NoSuchElementException(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public boolean hasNext() { return cachedNext != null; } /** * Not implemented. * {@inheritDoc} */ public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Object get(Comparable index) { return get((Instant) index); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public boolean intersects(TemporalRange other) { return InstantRange.intersect(this, other); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Interval getExtrema() { if (values.size() > 0) { Instant first = (Instant) values.firstKey(); LelNode lastPair = (LelNode) values.get(values.lastKey()); return new Span(first, lastPair.getEnd()); } else { return new Span(Frame.ALPHA, Frame.ALPHA); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public boolean addAll(IntervalIndexList l) { Iterator iter = l.iterator(); boolean changed = false; while (iter.hasNext()) { changed = true;// XXX addAll returns true even if nothing changes Interval c = (Interval); if (c instanceof DynamicValue) { this.set(c, ((DynamicValue) c).getValue()); } else { this.set(c, Boolean.TRUE); } } return changed; } /** * Looks for the time, not the object. * @param o the comparable object to check for * @return if the specified object is within the range * @throws IllegalArgumentException if o isn't comparable */ public boolean contains(Object o) { if (o == this) { return true; } else if (o instanceof Comparable) { return this.get((Comparable) o) != null; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(o.toString()); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public IntervalIndexList subList(Comparable start, Comparable stop) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Comparable firstBefore(Comparable c) { SortedMap head = values.headMap(c); if (!head.isEmpty()) { return (Comparable) head.lastKey(); } return null; } public Comparable firstBeforeOrAt(Comparable c) { if (values.containsKey(c)) { return c; } return firstBefore(c); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Comparable firstAfterOrAt(Comparable c) { SortedMap tail = values.tailMap(c); if (!tail.isEmpty()) { return (Comparable) tail.firstKey(); } return null; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Comparable firstAfter(Comparable c) { SortedMap tail = values.tailMap(c); if (!tail.isEmpty()) { Iterator iter = tail.keySet().iterator(); Comparable a = (Comparable); if (a.compareTo(c) == 0) { if (iter.hasNext()) { a = (Comparable); } else { return null; } } return c; } return null; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Comparable endOf(Comparable c) { LelNode l = (LelNode) values.get(c); if (l == null) { Comparable start = firstBefore(c); l = (LelNode) values.get(start); if (l.getEnd().compareTo(c) <= 0) { return null; } } return l.getEnd(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public boolean isEmpty() { return values.isEmpty(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void map(Transformer c) { Iterator entries = values.entrySet().iterator(); values = new TreeMap(); Object lastValue = null; Instant lastStart = null; Instant lastEnd = null; while (entries.hasNext()) { Map.Entry currEntry = (Map.Entry); Instant start = (Instant) currEntry.getKey(); LelNode node = (LelNode) currEntry.getValue(); Object newValue = c.transform(node.getValue()); if (newValue != null) { Instant newEnd = node.getEnd(); if (start.equals(lastEnd) && newValue.equals(lastValue)) { start = lastStart; } node = new LelNode(newEnd, newValue); values.put(start, node); lastStart = start; lastEnd = newEnd; lastValue = newValue; } } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public int getContiguousIntervalCount() { return values.size(); } /** @inheritDoc */ public void shift(Instant amount) { if ((this.isFrameBased() && !(amount instanceof Frame)) || (this.isTimeBased() && !(amount instanceof Time))) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Shifting by wrong unit type"); } long shift = amount.longValue(); if (shift < 0) { Instant curr = (Instant) getExtrema().getStart(); while (curr != null) { Instant end = (Instant) endOf(curr); Object o = get(curr); remove(curr, end); this.set(curr.go(shift), end.go(shift), o); curr = (Instant) firstAfterOrAt(end); } } else if (shift > 0) { Instant curr = (Instant) getExtrema().getEnd(); Instant start = (Instant) firstBefore(curr); while (start != null) { curr = (Instant) endOf(start); Object o = get(start); remove(start, curr); set(start.go(shift), curr.go(shift), o); start = (Instant) firstBefore(start); } } } /** * Crops the range so that it is down to this size. * @param validSpan */ public void crop(InstantInterval validSpan) { if ((this.isFrameBased() && !validSpan.isFrameBased()) || (this.isTimeBased() && !validSpan.isTimeBased())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Shifting by wrong unit type"); } Interval extrema = getExtrema(); if (extrema.contains(validSpan)) { return; } Comparable before = firstBefore(validSpan.getStart()); if (before != null) { remove(extrema.getStart(), validSpan.getStart()); } Comparable after = firstAfter(validSpan.getEnd()); if (after == null) { after = endOf(validSpan.getEnd()); } if (after != null) { remove(validSpan.getEnd(), extrema.getEnd()); } } }