Java tutorial
package view; /*- * #%L * Zork Clone * %% * Copyright (C) 2016 Frederik Kammel * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * #L% */ import com.github.vatbub.common.core.Common; import com.github.vatbub.common.core.logging.FOKLogger; import com.github.vatbub.common.view.core.CustomGroup; import com.github.vatbub.common.view.core.ExceptionAlert; import com.github.vatbub.common.view.reporting.ReportingDialog; import common.AppConfig; import javafx.animation.FadeTransition; import javafx.application.Application; import javafx.application.Platform; import; import; import javafx.event.ActionEvent; import javafx.event.EventHandler; import javafx.fxml.FXML; import javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader; import javafx.geometry.Bounds; import javafx.geometry.Point2D; import javafx.scene.Cursor; import javafx.scene.Node; import javafx.scene.Parent; import javafx.scene.Scene; import javafx.scene.control.*; import javafx.scene.image.Image; import javafx.scene.image.ImageView; import javafx.scene.input.KeyCode; import javafx.scene.input.MouseEvent; import javafx.scene.input.ZoomEvent; import javafx.scene.layout.AnchorPane; import javafx.scene.shape.Line; import javafx.stage.FileChooser; import javafx.stage.Stage; import javafx.util.Duration; import model.Game; import model.Room; import model.WalkDirection; import model.WalkDirectionUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.exception.ExceptionUtils; import; import; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.logging.Level; public class EditorView extends Application { public static EditorView currentEditorInstance; public static ResourceBundle bundle; private static Stage stage; public final ConnectionLineList lineList = new ConnectionLineList(); private final ObjectProperty<Game> currentGame = new SimpleObjectProperty<>(); private boolean unselectingDisabled; // Unconnected Rooms will not be saved but need to be hold in the RAM while editing private RoomRectangleList unconnectedRooms = new RoomRectangleList(); private RoomRectangleList allRoomsAsList; private RoomRectangleList allRoomsAsListCopy; private EditMode currentEditMode = EditMode.MOVE; private EditMode previousEditMode; private boolean isMouseOverDrawing = false; private boolean compassIconFaded = false; private boolean insertRoomDragDetected; private ExecutorService renderThreadPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1); /** * Used to display a temporary room when in EditMode.INSERT_ROOM */ private RoomRectangle tempRoomForRoomInsertion; /** * A thread safe room counter */ private int currentRoomCount = 0; private double currentMouseX = 0; private double currentMouseY = 0; @SuppressWarnings("unused") @FXML // ResourceBundle that was given to the FXMLLoader private ResourceBundle resources; @SuppressWarnings("unused") @FXML // URL location of the FXML file that was given to the FXMLLoader private URL location; @FXML // fx:id="insertRoom" private ToggleButton insertRoom; // Value injected by FXMLLoader @FXML // fx:id="drawing" private CustomGroup drawing; // Value injected by FXMLLoader private final ConnectionLine.InvalidationRunnable lineInvalidationRunnable = (lineToDispose) -> {, "Invalidated line that connected " + lineToDispose.getStartRoom().getRoom().getName() + " and " + lineToDispose.getEndRoom().getRoom().getName()); lineList.remove(lineToDispose); if (lineToDispose.getStartRoom().getRoom().isDirectlyConnectedTo(lineToDispose.getEndRoom().getRoom())) { // Connection between rooms must be deleted lineToDispose.getStartRoom().getRoom().getAdjacentRooms() .remove(WalkDirectionUtils.getFromLine(lineToDispose)); lineToDispose.getEndRoom().getRoom().getAdjacentRooms() .remove(WalkDirectionUtils.invert(WalkDirectionUtils.getFromLine(lineToDispose))); } Platform.runLater(() -> drawing.getChildren().remove(lineToDispose)); }; @FXML // fx:id="insertPath" private ToggleButton insertPath; // Value injected by FXMLLoader @FXML private ToggleButton moveButton; @FXML private Button autoLayoutButton; @FXML private Button refreshViewButton; @SuppressWarnings("unused") @FXML private MenuItem newMenuItem; @FXML private ScrollPane scrollPane; @FXML private ImageView compassImage; @SuppressWarnings("unused") @FXML private MenuItem menuItemClose; @SuppressWarnings("unused") @FXML private MenuItem menuItemOpen; @FXML private MenuItem menuItemSave; @SuppressWarnings("unused") @FXML private MenuItem menuItemSaveAs; @FXML private AnchorPane scrollPaneContainer; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private EventHandler<MouseEvent> forwardEventsToSelectableNodesHandler = (event -> { if (getCurrentEditMode() == EditMode.MOVE) { for (Node child : new ArrayList<>(drawing.getChildren())) { if (child instanceof Selectable) { if (((Selectable) child).isSelected() && event.getTarget() != child) { FOKLogger.fine(EditorView.class.getName(), "Child is: " + child.toString() + "\ntarget is: " + event.getTarget().toString()); child.fireEvent(event); event.consume(); } } } } }); public static void main(String[] args) { Common.setAppName("zorkGameEditor"); Common.setAwsAccessKey(AppConfig.awsLogAccessKeyID); Common.setAwsSecretAccessKey(AppConfig.awsLogSecretAccessKeyID); FOKLogger.enableLoggingOfUncaughtExceptions(); for (String arg : args) { if (arg.toLowerCase().matches("mockappversion=.*")) { // Set the mock version String version = arg.substring(arg.toLowerCase().indexOf('=') + 1); Common.setMockAppVersion(version); } else if (arg.toLowerCase().matches("mockbuildnumber=.*")) { // Set the mock build number String buildnumber = arg.substring(arg.toLowerCase().indexOf('=') + 1); Common.setMockBuildNumber(buildnumber); } else if (arg.toLowerCase().matches("mockpackaging=.*")) { // Set the mock packaging String packaging = arg.substring(arg.toLowerCase().indexOf('=') + 1); Common.setMockPackaging(packaging); } else if (arg.toLowerCase().matches("locale=.*")) { // set the gui language String guiLanguageCode = arg.substring(arg.toLowerCase().indexOf('=') + 1);, "Setting language: " + guiLanguageCode); Locale.setDefault(new Locale(guiLanguageCode)); } } launch(args); } @FXML void fileBugMenuItemOnAction(@SuppressWarnings("unused") ActionEvent event) {, "Manual call of the ReportingDialog"); new ReportingDialog(stage.getScene()).show(AppConfig.gitHubUserName, AppConfig.gitHubRepoName); } @FXML void menuItemSaveOnAction(ActionEvent event) { if (getCurrentGame().getFileSource() == null) { // show the save as dialog menuItemSaveAsOnAction(event); } else { // simply save try { getCurrentGame().save(getCurrentGame().getFileSource()); } catch (IOException e) { FOKLogger.log(MainWindow.class.getName(), Level.SEVERE, "Could not save the game from the \"Save\" menu", e); new Alert(Alert.AlertType.ERROR, "Could not save the game file: \n\n" + ExceptionUtils.getRootCauseMessage(e)).show(); } } } @FXML void menuItemSaveAsOnAction(@SuppressWarnings("unused") ActionEvent event) { FileChooser fileChooser = new FileChooser(); fileChooser.setTitle("Save game file"); File file = fileChooser.showSaveDialog(stage); if (file != null) { // if file == null the action was aborted try { getCurrentGame().save(file); } catch (IOException e) { FOKLogger.log(MainWindow.class.getName(), Level.SEVERE, "Could not save the game from the \"Save As\" menu", e); new Alert(Alert.AlertType.ERROR, "Could not save the game file: \n\n" + ExceptionUtils.getRootCauseMessage(e)).show(); } } } @FXML void menuItemOpenOnAction(@SuppressWarnings("unused") ActionEvent event) { FileChooser fileChooser = new FileChooser(); fileChooser.setTitle("Open a game file"); File file = fileChooser.showOpenDialog(stage); if (file != null) { // if file == null the action was aborted try { loadGame(file); } catch (IOException | ClassNotFoundException e) { FOKLogger.log(MainWindow.class.getName(), Level.SEVERE, "Failed to open game " + file.toString(), e); new Alert(Alert.AlertType.ERROR, "Could not open the game file: \n\n" + ExceptionUtils.getRootCauseMessage(e)).show(); } } } @FXML void menuItemCloseOnAction(@SuppressWarnings("unused") ActionEvent event) { Platform.exit(); } @FXML void insertRoomOnAction(@SuppressWarnings("unused") ActionEvent event) { this.setCurrentEditMode(EditMode.INSERT_ROOM); } @FXML void insertRoomOnDragDetected(@SuppressWarnings("unused") MouseEvent event) { insertRoomDragDetected = true; setCurrentEditMode(EditMode.INSERT_ROOM); } @FXML void insertRoomOnMouseDragged(MouseEvent event) { Bounds scrollPaneBounds = scrollPaneContainer.localToScene(scrollPane.getBoundsInLocal()); if (event.getSceneX() >= scrollPaneBounds.getMinX() && event.getSceneX() <= scrollPaneBounds.getMaxX() && event.getSceneY() >= scrollPaneBounds.getMinY() && event.getSceneY() <= scrollPaneBounds.getMaxY()) { // we're in the scroll pane if (!isMouseOverDrawing) { scrollPaneOnMouseEntered(event); } } else { if (isMouseOverDrawing) { scrollPaneOnMouseExited(event); } } scrollPaneOnMouseMoved(event); } @FXML void insertRoomOnMousePressed(@SuppressWarnings("unused") MouseEvent event) { insertRoom.setCursor(Cursor.CLOSED_HAND); } @FXML void insertRoomOnMouseReleased(MouseEvent event) { insertRoom.setCursor(Cursor.OPEN_HAND); if (insertRoomDragDetected) { insertRoomDragDetected = false; scrollPaneOnMouseClicked(event); } } @FXML void insertPathOnAction(@SuppressWarnings("unused") ActionEvent event) { this.setCurrentEditMode(EditMode.INSERT_PATH); } @FXML void newMenuItemOnAction(@SuppressWarnings("unused") ActionEvent event) { initGame(); } @FXML void moveButtonOnAction(@SuppressWarnings("unused") ActionEvent event) { this.setCurrentEditMode(EditMode.MOVE); } @FXML void autoLayoutButtonOnAction(@SuppressWarnings("unused") ActionEvent event) { renderView(); } @FXML void refreshViewButtonOnAction(@SuppressWarnings("unused") ActionEvent event) { renderView(false); } @FXML void scrollPaneOnZoom(ZoomEvent event) { FOKLogger.fine(MainWindow.class.getName(), "Zooming in view, new Zoom level: " + event.getZoomFactor()); drawing.setScaleX(drawing.getScaleX() * event.getZoomFactor()); drawing.setScaleY(drawing.getScaleY() * event.getZoomFactor()); // TODO: Update the actual size in the scrollpane (so that scrollbars appear when zooming in // TODO: Add Keyboard and touchpad zoom // TODO: do the zoom with the right zoom center } @FXML void scrollPaneOnMouseReleased(MouseEvent event) { if (!event.isControlDown() & !unselectingDisabled) { FOKLogger.finest(MainWindow.class.getName(), "Unselected all rooms through clicking the scroll pane"); unselectEverything(); } unselectingDisabled = false; } @FXML void scrollPaneOnMouseClicked(MouseEvent event) { /* event.getTarget() instanceof RoomRectangle is necessary because the event is required twice: - once with event.getTarget() instanceof RoomRectangle and - once with event.getTarget() instanceof Label (the name label of the room) ... and we need to suppress one of the two because we don't want to insert two rooms */ /* When the user uses a touch screen and adds a new room by clicking the insertRoom-button and then clicking the scrollPane, the event target is an instance of ScrollPaneSkin$4 which is an anonymous inner class in ScrollPane. Since we cannot directly check the class type using instanceof against that inner class, we need to use event.getTarget().getClass().getName() and do a String comparison for this particular use case. Keep in mind that this is an internal api of java and the class name of that class might change at ANY TIME so things might break just by upgrading the java version! (But we have no other choice unfortunately :( ) See and for more info */ FOKLogger.finest(EditorView.class.getName(), "scrollPaneOnMouseClicked occurred. event target class is " + event.getTarget().getClass().getName()); if (currentEditMode == EditMode.INSERT_ROOM && (event.getTarget() instanceof RoomRectangle || event.getTarget() instanceof ToggleButton || event.getTarget().getClass().getName() .equals("$4")) && event.getClickCount() == 1 && tempRoomForRoomInsertion != null) { // add tempRoomForRoomInsertion to the game FOKLogger.fine(MainWindow.class.getName(), "Added room to game: " + tempRoomForRoomInsertion.getRoom().getName()); tempRoomForRoomInsertion.setTemporary(false); tempRoomForRoomInsertion.setSelected(false); allRoomsAsList.add(tempRoomForRoomInsertion); // this.renderView(false, false, true); this.renderView(false, false); this.setCurrentEditMode(this.getPreviousEditMode()); } } @FXML void scrollPaneOnMouseEntered(MouseEvent event) { isMouseOverDrawing = true; currentMouseX = event.getScreenX(); currentMouseY = event.getScreenY(); if (this.getCurrentEditMode() == EditMode.INSERT_ROOM) { initInsertRoomEditMode(); } } @FXML void scrollPaneOnMouseExited(@SuppressWarnings("unused") MouseEvent event) { isMouseOverDrawing = false; if (this.getCurrentEditMode() == EditMode.INSERT_ROOM) { terminateInsertRoomEditMode(); } } @FXML void scrollPaneOnMouseMoved(MouseEvent event) { currentMouseX = event.getScreenX(); currentMouseY = event.getScreenY(); if (currentEditMode == EditMode.INSERT_ROOM) { insertRoomUpdateTempRoomPosition(); } // Fade compassIcon if (event.getX() >= compassImage.getLayoutX() && event.getX() <= (compassImage.getLayoutX() + compassImage.getFitWidth()) && event.getY() >= compassImage.getLayoutY() && event.getY() <= (compassImage.getLayoutY() + compassImage.getFitHeight()) && !compassIconFaded) { // fade out compassIconFaded = true; compassImageFadeOut(); } if ((event.getX() < compassImage.getLayoutX() || event.getX() > (compassImage.getLayoutX() + compassImage.getFitWidth()) || event.getY() < compassImage.getLayoutY() || event.getY() > (compassImage.getLayoutY() + compassImage.getFitHeight())) && compassIconFaded) { // fade in compassIconFaded = false; compassImageFadeIn(); } } /** * Performs initializing actions for the EditMode.INSERT_ROOM */ private void initInsertRoomEditMode() { tempRoomForRoomInsertion = new RoomRectangle(null); int roomIndex; if (allRoomsAsList == null) { roomIndex = 0; } else { roomIndex = currentRoomCount; } tempRoomForRoomInsertion.getRoom().setName("Room " + roomIndex); tempRoomForRoomInsertion.setTemporary(true); tempRoomForRoomInsertion.setCustomParent(drawing); insertRoomUpdateTempRoomPosition(); } /** * Performs terminating actions for the EditMode.INSERT_ROOM */ private void terminateInsertRoomEditMode() { if (tempRoomForRoomInsertion != null) { tempRoomForRoomInsertion.setCustomParent(null); tempRoomForRoomInsertion = null; } } /** * Updates the position of tempRoomForRoomInsertion when the current edit mode is EditMode.INSERT_ROOM */ private void insertRoomUpdateTempRoomPosition() { if (tempRoomForRoomInsertion != null) { // convert coordinates Point2D point = drawing.screenToLocal(currentMouseX - tempRoomForRoomInsertion.getWidth() / 2.0, currentMouseY - tempRoomForRoomInsertion.getHeight() / 2.0); tempRoomForRoomInsertion.setX(point.getX()); tempRoomForRoomInsertion.setY(point.getY()); } } private void compassImageFadeOut() { FadeTransition ft = new FadeTransition(Duration.millis(250), compassImage); ft.setFromValue(compassImage.getOpacity()); ft.setToValue(0.2); ft.setAutoReverse(false);; } private void compassImageFadeIn() { FadeTransition ft = new FadeTransition(Duration.millis(250), compassImage); ft.setFromValue(compassImage.getOpacity()); ft.setAutoReverse(false); ft.setToValue(0.5);; } public void unselectEverything() { for (Node child : drawing.getChildren()) { if (child instanceof RoomRectangle) { ((RoomRectangle) child).setSelected(false); } else if (child instanceof ConnectionLine) { ((ConnectionLine) child).setSelected(false); } } } /** * Updates the internal connection status of a room (if it is connected to the current room of the game) * * @param room The room to update */ private void updateConnectionStatusOfRoom(RoomRectangle room) { boolean isConnected = getCurrentGame().getCurrentRoom().isConnectedTo(room.getRoom()); if (isConnected && unconnectedRooms.contains(room)) { // room was marked as unconnected and now is connected unconnectedRooms.remove(room); } else if (!isConnected && !unconnectedRooms.contains(room)) { // room was marked as connected and now is unconnected unconnectedRooms.add(room); } // in any other case, the status did not change and we don't need to do anything } /** * Renders the current game and unconnected rooms in the view. */ public void renderView() { this.renderView(true); } /** * Renders the current game and unconnected rooms in the view. * * @param autoLayout If {@code true}, the rooms will be automatically laid out according to their topology. */ public void renderView(boolean autoLayout) { this.renderView(autoLayout, false); } /** * Renders the current game and unconnected rooms in the view. * * @param autoLayout If {@code true}, the rooms will be automatically laid out according to their topology. * @param onlyUpdateLines If {@code true}, only connecting lines between the rooms are rendered, rooms are left as they are. Useful if the user is currently moving the room around with the mouse. */ public void renderView(boolean autoLayout, boolean onlyUpdateLines) { int indexCorrection = 0; while (drawing.getChildren().size() > indexCorrection) { if (!onlyUpdateLines && !(drawing.getChildren().get(indexCorrection) instanceof ConnectionLine)) { drawing.getChildren().remove(indexCorrection); } else if (drawing.getChildren().get(indexCorrection) instanceof ConnectionLine) { // Check if line is still valid ((ConnectionLine) drawing.getChildren().get(indexCorrection)).updateLocation(); indexCorrection++; } else { indexCorrection++; } } renderThreadPool.submit(() -> { // update the connection status of all rooms if (allRoomsAsList != null) { for (RoomRectangle room : allRoomsAsList) { updateConnectionStatusOfRoom(room); } } LinkedList<RoomRectangle> renderQueue = new LinkedList<>(); // The distance between connected rooms double roomDistance = 50; RoomRectangle startRoom; if (allRoomsAsList == null) { // First time to render startRoom = new RoomRectangle(drawing, this.getCurrentGame().getCurrentRoom()); allRoomsAsListCopy = new RoomRectangleList(); allRoomsAsList = new RoomRectangleList(); allRoomsAsList.add(startRoom); } else { startRoom = allRoomsAsList.findByRoom(this.getCurrentGame().getCurrentRoom()); allRoomsAsListCopy = allRoomsAsList; if (!onlyUpdateLines) { allRoomsAsList = new RoomRectangleList(); } } renderQueue.add(startRoom); // render unconnected rooms renderQueue.addAll(unconnectedRooms); while (!renderQueue.isEmpty()) { RoomRectangle currentRoom = renderQueue.remove(); if (currentRoom == null) { FOKLogger.severe(EditorView.class.getName(), "currentRoom == null means that the room was never added to allRoomsAsList and that means that we ran into a bug, so report it :("); Platform.runLater(() -> new ReportingDialog(stage.getScene()).show(AppConfig.gitHubUserName, AppConfig.gitHubRepoName, new IllegalStateException( "A room of the game was never added to allRoomsAsList. This is an internal bug and needs to be reported to the dev team. Please tell us at what you did when this exception occurred."))); } //noinspection ConstantConditions if (!currentRoom.isRendered()) { if (!allRoomsAsList.contains(currentRoom)) { allRoomsAsList.add(currentRoom); } currentRoom.setCustomParent(drawing); currentRoom.updateNameLabelPosition(); } for (Map.Entry<WalkDirection, Room> entry : currentRoom.getRoom().getAdjacentRooms().entrySet()) { RoomRectangle newRoom; newRoom = allRoomsAsListCopy.findByRoom(entry.getValue()); if (newRoom == null) { // not rendered yet newRoom = new RoomRectangle(drawing, entry.getValue()); allRoomsAsList.add(newRoom); } // Set room position if (autoLayout && !newRoom.isRendered()) { switch (entry.getKey()) { case NORTH: newRoom.setY(currentRoom.getY() - newRoom.getHeight() - roomDistance); newRoom.setX(currentRoom.getX() + currentRoom.getWidth() / 2 - newRoom.getWidth() / 2); break; case WEST: newRoom.setY(currentRoom.getY()); newRoom.setX(currentRoom.getX() - newRoom.getWidth() - roomDistance); break; case EAST: newRoom.setY(currentRoom.getY()); newRoom.setX(currentRoom.getX() + currentRoom.getWidth() + roomDistance); break; case SOUTH: newRoom.setY(currentRoom.getY() + currentRoom.getHeight() + roomDistance); newRoom.setX(currentRoom.getX() + currentRoom.getWidth() / 2 - newRoom.getWidth() / 2); break; case NORTH_WEST: newRoom.setY(currentRoom.getY() - newRoom.getHeight() - roomDistance); newRoom.setX(currentRoom.getX() - newRoom.getWidth() - roomDistance); break; case NORTH_EAST: newRoom.setY(currentRoom.getY() - newRoom.getHeight() - roomDistance); newRoom.setX(currentRoom.getX() + currentRoom.getWidth() + roomDistance); break; case SOUTH_WEST: newRoom.setY(currentRoom.getY() + currentRoom.getHeight() + roomDistance); newRoom.setX(currentRoom.getX() - newRoom.getWidth() - roomDistance); break; case SOUTH_EAST: newRoom.setY(currentRoom.getY() + currentRoom.getHeight() + roomDistance); newRoom.setX(currentRoom.getX() + currentRoom.getWidth() + roomDistance); break; } } ConnectionLine connectionLine = lineList.findByStartAndEndRoomIgnoreLineDirection(currentRoom, newRoom); if (connectionLine == null) { // create a new line connectionLine = new ConnectionLine(currentRoom, newRoom); connectionLine.setInvalidationRunnable(lineInvalidationRunnable); lineList.add(connectionLine); final Line connectionLineCopy = connectionLine; Platform.runLater(() -> drawing.getChildren().add(connectionLineCopy)); } ConnectionLine finalConnectionLine = connectionLine; Platform.runLater(finalConnectionLine::updateLocation); if (!newRoom.isRendered()) { // render the child renderQueue.add(newRoom); } } } // set the room count currentRoomCount = allRoomsAsList.size(); allRoomsAsListCopy = null; }); } @FXML // This method is called by the FXMLLoader when initialization is complete void initialize() { assert insertRoom != null : "fx:id=\"insertRoom\" was not injected: check your FXML file 'EditorMain.fxml'."; assert drawing != null : "fx:id=\"drawing\" was not injected: check your FXML file 'EditorMain.fxml'."; assert insertPath != null : "fx:id=\"insertPath\" was not injected: check your FXML file 'EditorMain.fxml'."; currentEditorInstance = this; // modify the default exception handler to show the ReportingDialog on every uncaught exception final Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler currentUncaughtExceptionHandler = Thread .getDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler(); Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler((thread, exception) -> { if (currentUncaughtExceptionHandler != null) { // execute current handler as we only want to append it currentUncaughtExceptionHandler.uncaughtException(thread, exception); } Platform.runLater(() -> { new ExceptionAlert(exception).showAndWait(); new ReportingDialog(stage.getScene()).show(AppConfig.gitHubUserName, AppConfig.gitHubRepoName, exception); }); }); currentGame.addListener((observable, oldValue, newValue) -> { if (newValue != null) { newValue.modifiedProperty().addListener((observable1, oldValue1, newValue1) -> { this.menuItemSave.setDisable(!newValue1); setWindowTitle(newValue); }); } setWindowTitle(newValue); }); initGame(); scrollPane.hvalueProperty().addListener((observable, oldValue, newValue) -> unselectingDisabled = true); scrollPane.vvalueProperty().addListener((observable, oldValue, newValue) -> unselectingDisabled = true); // add button icons insertRoom.setGraphic(new ImageView(new Image(EditorView.class.getResourceAsStream("add-room.png")))); moveButton.setGraphic(new ImageView(new Image(EditorView.class.getResourceAsStream("move-arrows.png")))); insertPath.setGraphic( new ImageView(new Image(EditorView.class.getResourceAsStream("connecting-points.png")))); autoLayoutButton .setGraphic(new ImageView(new Image(EditorView.class.getResourceAsStream("autoLayout.png")))); refreshViewButton .setGraphic(new ImageView(new Image(EditorView.class.getResourceAsStream("refreshView.png")))); // add tooltips insertRoom.setTooltip(new Tooltip("Insert a new room")); moveButton.setTooltip(new Tooltip("Move rooms")); insertPath.setTooltip(new Tooltip("Connect rooms to create walk paths")); autoLayoutButton.setTooltip(new Tooltip("Automatically rearrange the rooms in the view below")); refreshViewButton.setTooltip(new Tooltip("Refresh the current view")); // forward events to all selected items // drawing.setOnMouseClicked(forwardEventsToSelectableNodesHandler); // drawing.setOnMousePressed(forwardEventsToSelectableNodesHandler); // drawing.setOnMouseReleased(forwardEventsToSelectableNodesHandler); // drawing.setOnDragDetected(forwardEventsToSelectableNodesHandler); // drawing.setOnMouseDragged(forwardEventsToSelectableNodesHandler); scrollPane.setOnKeyPressed(event -> { if (event.getCode().equals(KeyCode.DELETE)) { for (Node child : new ArrayList<>(drawing.getChildren())) { if (child instanceof Disposable) { if (((Disposable) child).isSelected() && event.getTarget() != child) { FOKLogger.fine(EditorView.class.getName(), "Sending disposal command to child, Child is: " + child.toString() + "\ntarget is: " + event.getTarget().toString()); try { ((Disposable) child).dispose(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { FOKLogger.log(EditorView.class.getName(), Level.INFO, "User tried to remove the current room (not allowed)", e); new Alert(Alert.AlertType.ERROR, "Could not perform delete operation: \n\n" + ExceptionUtils.getRootCauseMessage(e)).show(); } } } } } else if (event.getCode().equals(KeyCode.A) && event.isControlDown()) { // select everything for (Node child : new ArrayList<>(drawing.getChildren())) { if (child instanceof Selectable) { ((Selectable) child).setSelected(true); } } } }); } /** * Initializes a new game */ public void initGame() { Game game = new Game(); game.getCurrentRoom().setName("startRoom"); loadGame(game); } /** * Loads the specified game file to this gui * * @param file The file to load */ public void loadGame(File file) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { Game game = Game.load(file); loadGame(game); } /** * Loads the specified game to this gui * * @param game The game to load */ public void loadGame(Game game) { currentGame.setValue(game); unconnectedRooms = new RoomRectangleList(); allRoomsAsList = null; for (ConnectionLine line : new ConnectionLineList(lineList)) { line.invalidate(); } renderView(); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public void setWindowTitle() { setWindowTitle(currentGame.getValue()); } public void setWindowTitle(Game game) { String title = bundle.getString("windowTitle"); if (game != null) { title = title + " - "; if (game.getFileSource() == null) { title = title + "unsaved game"; } else { title = title + game.getFileSource().getName(); } if (game.isModified()) { title = title + "*"; } } stage.setTitle(title); } @Override public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception { Platform.setImplicitExit(true); bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("view.strings"); stage = primaryStage; try { Parent root = FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource("EditorMain.fxml"), bundle); Scene scene = new Scene(root); scene.getStylesheets().add(getClass().getResource("EditorMain.css").toExternalForm()); primaryStage.setMinWidth(scene.getRoot().minWidth(0) + 70); primaryStage.setMinHeight(scene.getRoot().minHeight(0) + 70); primaryStage.setScene(scene); // Set Icon primaryStage.getIcons().add(new Image(MainWindow.class.getResourceAsStream("icon.png")));; } catch (Exception e) { FOKLogger.log(MainWindow.class.getName(), Level.SEVERE, "An error occurred", e); } } @Override public void stop() { renderThreadPool.shutdownNow(); // We need to call that explicitly because the ExecutorService makes the default exit bug around System.exit(0); } public EditMode getCurrentEditMode() { return currentEditMode; } public void setCurrentEditMode(EditMode currentEditMode) { FOKLogger.finer(MainWindow.class.getName(), "Setting currentEditMode to " + currentEditMode.toString()); previousEditMode = this.currentEditMode; // Initialize or terminate the insert room mode if (isMouseOverDrawing) { if (currentEditMode == EditMode.INSERT_ROOM && previousEditMode != EditMode.INSERT_ROOM) { initInsertRoomEditMode(); } else if (currentEditMode != EditMode.INSERT_ROOM && previousEditMode == EditMode.INSERT_ROOM) { terminateInsertRoomEditMode(); } } this.currentEditMode = currentEditMode; this.insertPath.setSelected(currentEditMode == EditMode.INSERT_PATH); this.moveButton.setSelected(currentEditMode == EditMode.MOVE); this.insertRoom.setSelected(currentEditMode == EditMode.INSERT_ROOM); } public EditMode getPreviousEditMode() { return previousEditMode; } public RoomRectangleList getAllRoomsAsList() { if (allRoomsAsListCopy != null) { return allRoomsAsListCopy; } else { return allRoomsAsList; } } public RoomRectangleList getUnconnectedRooms() { return unconnectedRooms; } public Game getCurrentGame() { return currentGame.get(); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public ObjectProperty<Game> currentGameProperty() { return currentGame; } }