Java tutorial
package version1.Neo4jTest; /** * Licensed to Neo Technology under one or more contributor * license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. Neo Technology licenses this file to you under * the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ import java.awt.Label; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.Vector; import javassist.bytecode.Descriptor.Iterator; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; //import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.compiler.v2_1.planDescription.PlanDescription.Arguments$; import org.neo4j.graphdb.Direction; import org.neo4j.graphdb.DynamicLabel; import org.neo4j.graphdb.GraphDatabaseService; import org.neo4j.graphdb.Node; import org.neo4j.graphdb.Relationship; import org.neo4j.graphdb.RelationshipType; import org.neo4j.graphdb.Transaction; import org.neo4j.graphdb.factory.GraphDatabaseFactory; import org.neo4j.graphdb.index.Index; import org.neo4j.graphdb.index.IndexHits; import org.neo4j.graphdb.index.IndexManager; import org.neo4j.graphdb.index.RelationshipIndex; import org.neo4j.graphdb.schema.IndexDefinition; import org.neo4j.graphdb.schema.Schema; import org.neo4j.kernel.EmbeddedGraphDatabase; import WikiLinks.WikiLinks; import subsets.Cube; import subsets.GenerateSCSubset; public class Wiki2Neo4j { private static final String DB_PATH = "C://Users//frisch//Desktop//Neo4j//test88"; public String greeting; // START SNIPPET: vars GraphDatabaseService graphDb; Node firstNode; Node secondNode; Node thirdNode; String version = "Version 1.2"; TreeMap<String, Node> string_node = new TreeMap(); TreeMap<String, Node> cube_properties = new TreeMap(); WikiLinks wikilinks = new WikiLinks(); TreeMap<String, HashSet> Attribute_Dependency = new TreeMap(); Relationship relationship; // END SNIPPET: vars // START SNIPPET: createReltype private static enum RelTypes implements RelationshipType { MEMBER_OF, TRANSITION, USES, CARDINALITY, PROPERTY_OF, HAT_RECHTLICHE_GRUNDLAGE, DERIVED_BY, REPORTED_ON, HAT_MELDEVERPFLICHTUNG//, HAS_ROLE, HAS_PERMISSION } // END SNIPPET: createReltype public void addDependency(String a, String b) { HashSet x = Attribute_Dependency.get(a); if (x == null) { x = new HashSet(); x.add(b); Attribute_Dependency.put(a, x); } else { x.add(b); //Attribute_Dependency.put(a,x); } } public static void main(final String[] args) { System.out.println("Starting"); Wiki2Neo4j hello = new Wiki2Neo4j(); HTMLParser wikiparser = new HTMLParser("frischwo01", "winter2014"); WikiLinks wikilinks = new WikiLinks(); String SC_Attribute_link = wikilinks.sc_attribute_link; String BC_Entitaeten_link = ""; String BC_Attribute_link = wikilinks.basiccubeatttribute; String Meldekonzepte_link = wikilinks.meldekonzepte_link; String SC_Algorithmen_link = ""; String BC_Algorithmen_link = ""; //working // String SC_Attribute_link = ""; // String BC_Entitaeten_link = ""; // String BC_Attribute_link = ""; // String Meldekonzepte_link = wikilinks.meldekonzepte_link; // String SC_Algorithmen_link = ""; // String BC_Algorithmen_link = ""; //String SmartCubes_link = ""; GenerateSCSubset gebsubset = new GenerateSCSubset(); ArrayList<Cube> all_cubes = new ArrayList(); gebsubset.setup_all_Cubes(all_cubes); boolean parseCL = true; deleteFileOrDirectory(new File(DB_PATH));//loescht Graph Database //Initialisiere Datenbank am Anfang hello.graphDb = new GraphDatabaseFactory().newEmbeddedDatabase(DB_PATH); registerShutdownHook(hello.graphDb); boolean parsing_false = true; ArrayList codelisteArrayList = null; if (parseCL) { while (parsing_false) { try { codelisteArrayList = wikiparser .Codelisten(""); if (codelisteArrayList.size() > 1) parsing_false = false; } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.toString()); } } for (int i = 0; i < codelisteArrayList.size(); i++) { Codeliste codeliset = (Codeliste) codelisteArrayList.get(i); System.out.println("adding Codelist"); hello.addCodeliste2Db(codeliset); } } TreeMap<String, TreeMap> SmartCubes = new TreeMap(); //wikiparser.ParseObject(SmartCubes_link,"-Cube"); TreeMap<String, TreeMap> SC_Attribute = wikiparser.ParseObject(SC_Attribute_link, "_"); TreeMap<String, TreeMap> BC_Attribute = wikiparser.ParseObject(BC_Attribute_link, "_"); TreeMap<String, TreeMap> BCEntitaeten = wikiparser.ParseObject(BC_Entitaeten_link, "_"); TreeMap<String, TreeMap> Meldekonzepte = wikiparser.ParseObject(Meldekonzepte_link, "_"); TreeMap<String, TreeMap> SC_Algorithmen = wikiparser.ParseObject(SC_Algorithmen_link, "_"); TreeMap<String, TreeMap> BC_Algorithmen = wikiparser.ParseObject(BC_Algorithmen_link, "_"); // TreeMap<String,String> scattribut1 = new TreeMap(); // scattribut1.put("Bezeichnung des Smart Cube Attributs", "XYZ"); // TreeMap<String,String> bcattribut1 = new TreeMap(); // bcattribut1.put("Bezeichnung des BC Attributs", "ABC"); // //TreeMap<String, TreeMap> SC_Attribute = new TreeMap(); // TreeMap<String, TreeMap> BC_Attribute = new TreeMap(); // //SC_Attribute.put("scattribut1", scattribut1); // BC_Attribute.put("bcattribut1", bcattribut1); TreeMap<String, String> BC = new TreeMap(); BC.put("name", "BasicCube"); TreeMap<String, TreeMap> test = new TreeMap(); test.put("Basic Cube", BC); hello.addNodes2Db("BasicCube", "name", test); for (int i = 0; i < all_cubes.size(); i++) { Cube cube = all_cubes.get(i); TreeMap<String, String> dummy = new TreeMap(); dummy.put("Bezeichnung des Smart Cubes", cube.getCubelongName()); SmartCubes.put(cube.getCubelongName(), dummy); } hello.addNodes2Db("SmartCube", "Bezeichnung des Smart Cubes", SmartCubes); hello.addNodes2Db("SCAttribut", "Bezeichnung des Smart Cube Attributs", SC_Attribute); hello.addNodes2Db("BCAttribut", "Bezeichnung des BC Attributs", BC_Attribute); hello.addNodes2Db("Meldekonzept", "Bezeichnung des Meldekonzepts", Meldekonzepte); hello.addNodes2Db("BCEntitaet", "Name der Entitaet", BCEntitaeten); hello.addNodes2Db("SCAlgorithmen", "Bezeichnung des Algorithmus", SC_Algorithmen); hello.addNodes2Db("BCAlgorithmen", "Bezeichnung des Algorithmus", BC_Algorithmen); hello.addCubeProperties(all_cubes); System.out.println("Adding addiional nodes"); hello.connectEnititestoAttributes("BCEntitaet", "Beschreibende Attribute", RelTypes.MEMBER_OF, -1); hello.connectEnititestoAttributes("Codeliste", "Kommtvorin", RelTypes.MEMBER_OF, 1); //hello.connectEnititestoAttributes("SCAttribut","Algorithmus/Entstehung/Bildung",RelTypes.TRANSITION,-1); //use of an anominous class -> in future lamdba expression hello.connectObjecttoObject("SCAttribut", "Algorithmus/Entstehung/Bildung", RelTypes.TRANSITION, -1, new Executable() { @Override public void execute(Node hitnode, org.neo4j.kernel.EmbeddedGraphDatabase graphDb, TreeMap<String, Node> string_node, String x) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub if (x.contains("1:1")) { for (String key : string_node.keySet()) { if (x.contains(key.toString())) { Node nodex = string_node.get(key); Relationship relationship = hitnode.createRelationshipTo(nodex, RelTypes.TRANSITION); hello.addDependency((String) hitnode.getProperty("name"), (String) nodex.getProperty("name")); //hier direkte Ueberleitung einfuehren // Node ueberleitung_node = string_node.get("1zu1Ueberleitung"); // // if (ueberleitung_node == null){ // ueberleitung_node = graphDb.createNode((org.neo4j.graphdb.Label) DynamicLabel.label("SCAlgorithmen")); // ueberleitung_node.setProperty("name", "1zu1Ueberleitung"); // ueberleitung_node.setProperty("Bezeichnung des Algorithmus","1zu1Ueberleitung"); // string_node.put("1zu1Ueberleitung", ueberleitung_node); // } // // relationship = hitnode.createRelationshipTo(ueberleitung_node, RelTypes.DERIVED_BY); // relationship = ueberleitung_node.createRelationshipTo(nodex, RelTypes.USES); } } } else { //Attribut wird abgeleitet try (Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx()) { IndexManager indexMan = graphDb.index(); Index<Node> index = indexMan.forNodes("SCAlgorithmen"); IndexHits<Node> hits = index.get("SCAlgorithmen", "xyz"); String parts[] = x.split("\\("); String part1 = parts[0].replace(" ", ""); try { for (Node bcalgos : hits) { try { String name = (String) bcalgos .getProperty("Bezeichnung des Algorithmus"); if (x.replace(" ", "").contains(name)) {//(x.contains(name)){ Relationship relationship = hitnode.createRelationshipTo(bcalgos, RelTypes.DERIVED_BY); hello.addDependency((String) hitnode.getProperty("name"), (String) bcalgos.getProperty("name")); //relationship.setProperty( "message", "brave Neo4j"); } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.toString()); } } //end node iteration } finally { hits.close(); } tx.success(); } //ende Attribut wird abgeleitet } } }); hello.connectObjecttoObject("Meldekonzept", "Formale Beschreibung", RelTypes.USES, -1, new Executable() { //Verbinde die SC Algorithmen - aber ausschlielich mit Basic Cube Attributen @Override public void execute(Node hitnode, org.neo4j.kernel.EmbeddedGraphDatabase graphDb, TreeMap<String, Node> string_node, String x) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub try (Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx()) { IndexManager indexMan = graphDb.index(); Index<Node> index = indexMan.forNodes("BCAttribut"); IndexHits<Node> hits = index.get("BCAttribut", "xyz"); try { for (Node bcattribut : hits) { try { String name = (String) bcattribut.getProperty("Bezeichnung des BC Attributs"); if (x.contains(name)) {//(x.contains(name)){ Relationship relationship = hitnode.createRelationshipTo(bcattribut, RelTypes.USES); hello.addDependency((String) hitnode.getProperty("name"), (String) bcattribut.getProperty("name")); //relationship.setProperty( "message", "brave Neo4j"); } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.toString()); } } //end node iteration } finally { hits.close(); } tx.success(); } //ende Attribut wird abgeleitet } }); hello.connectObjecttoObject("SCAlgorithmen", "Formale Beschreibung", RelTypes.USES, -1, new Executable() { //Verbinde die SC Algorithmen - aber ausschlielich mit Basic Cube Attributen @Override public void execute(Node hitnode, org.neo4j.kernel.EmbeddedGraphDatabase graphDb, TreeMap<String, Node> string_node, String x) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub try (Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx()) { IndexManager indexMan = graphDb.index(); Index<Node> index = indexMan.forNodes("BCAttribut"); IndexHits<Node> hits = index.get("BCAttribut", "xyz"); try { for (Node bcattribut : hits) { try { String name = (String) bcattribut.getProperty("Bezeichnung des BC Attributs"); if (x.contains(name)) {//(x.contains(name)){ Relationship relationship = hitnode.createRelationshipTo(bcattribut, RelTypes.USES); hello.addDependency((String) hitnode.getProperty("name"), (String) bcattribut.getProperty("name")); //relationship.setProperty( "message", "brave Neo4j"); } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.toString()); } } //end node iteration } finally { hits.close(); } tx.success(); } //ende Attribut wird abgeleitet } }); //hello.connectEnititestoAttributes("BCAlgorithmen","Formale Beschreibung",RelTypes.USES); hello.connectEnititestoAttributes("BCAlgorithmen", "Kommt vor in/wird verwendet fr", RelTypes.USES, 1); //hello.connectEnititestoAttributes("SCAlgorithmen","Formale Beschreibung",RelTypes.USES,1); hello.connectEnitites_to_Node("BCEntitaet", "BasicCube", RelTypes.MEMBER_OF); hello.connectCubetoAttributes(all_cubes, RelTypes.MEMBER_OF); hello.graphDb.shutdown(); System.out.println("Check" + hello.Attribute_Dependency.toString()); JSONObject json_dep = new JSONObject(); for (String key : hello.Attribute_Dependency.keySet()) { HashSet x = hello.Attribute_Dependency.get(key); java.util.Iterator it = x.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { try { json_dep.append(key, (String); //json_dep.put(key, (String); } catch (JSONException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } String content = json_dep.toString(); try { //String content = json_smartcube.toString(); File file = new File("C://Users//frisch//Desktop//json_export" + "//" + "Cube_Dependency.json"); // if file doesnt exists, then create it if (!file.exists()) { file.createNewFile(); } FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(file.getAbsoluteFile()); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(fw); bw.write(content); bw.close(); System.out.println("Done"); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println("Ende"); //} //hello.createDb(); //hello.addNodes2Db(BCAttribute); //hello.removeData(); } void addCubeProperties(ArrayList<Cube> all_cubes) { //graphDb = new GraphDatabaseFactory().newEmbeddedDatabase(DB_PATH); registerShutdownHook(graphDb); try (Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx()) { for (int i = 0; i < all_cubes.size(); i++) {//Iteration ber alle Cubes Cube cube = all_cubes.get(i); Node BAT_node = string_node.get(cube.getMeldetermin() + "BAT"); Node cube_node = string_node.get(cube.getCubelongName()); Node metacube_node = string_node.get(cube.getMetaCube()); cube_node.setProperty("Meldetermin", cube.getMeldetermin()); cube_node.setProperty("MetaCube", cube.getMetaCube()); if (cube.getMeldeverpflichtungen().size() > 0) { java.util.Iterator it = cube.getMeldeverpflichtungen().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String Meldeverpflichtung = (String); Node meldeverpflichtung_node = string_node.get(Meldeverpflichtung); if (meldeverpflichtung_node == null) { meldeverpflichtung_node = graphDb .createNode((org.neo4j.graphdb.Label) DynamicLabel.label("Meldeverpflichtung")); string_node.put(Meldeverpflichtung, meldeverpflichtung_node); } meldeverpflichtung_node.setProperty("name", Meldeverpflichtung); meldeverpflichtung_node.setProperty("Bezeichnung der Meldeverpflichtung", Meldeverpflichtung); relationship = cube_node.createRelationshipTo(meldeverpflichtung_node, RelTypes.HAT_MELDEVERPFLICHTUNG); } } if (BAT_node == null) { BAT_node = graphDb.createNode((org.neo4j.graphdb.Label) DynamicLabel.label("Meldetermin")); BAT_node.setProperty("name", cube.getMeldetermin() + "BAT"); BAT_node.setProperty("Meldetermin", cube.getMeldetermin()); string_node.put(cube.getMeldetermin() + "BAT", BAT_node); relationship = cube_node.createRelationshipTo(BAT_node, RelTypes.REPORTED_ON); } else { relationship = cube_node.createRelationshipTo(BAT_node, RelTypes.REPORTED_ON); } if (metacube_node == null) { metacube_node = graphDb.createNode((org.neo4j.graphdb.Label) DynamicLabel.label("MetaCube")); metacube_node.setProperty("name", cube.getMetaCube()); string_node.put(cube.getMetaCube(), metacube_node); relationship = cube_node.createRelationshipTo(metacube_node, RelTypes.MEMBER_OF); } else { relationship = cube_node.createRelationshipTo(metacube_node, RelTypes.MEMBER_OF); } } // Node EBA_ITS = graphDb.createNode((org.neo4j.graphdb.Label) DynamicLabel.label("Gesetz")); // EBA_ITS.setProperty("Bezeichnung", "EBA ITS"); // EBA_ITS.setProperty("Text", "EBA Implementing Technical Standards on supervisory reporting under Regulation (EU) No 575/2013"); // EBA_ITS.setProperty("Regulation","575/2013"); // Node CRR = graphDb.createNode((org.neo4j.graphdb.Label) DynamicLabel.label("Gesetz")); // CRR.setProperty("Bezeichnung", "CRR"); // CRR.setProperty("Text", "Verordnung (EU) Nr. 575/2013 des Europischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 26. Juni 2013 ber Aufsichtsanforderungen an Kreditinstitute und Wertpapierfirmen und zur nderung der Verordnung (EU) Nr. 646/2012"); // CRR.setProperty("Regulation","646/2012"); // Node ESVG = graphDb.createNode((org.neo4j.graphdb.Label) DynamicLabel.label("Gesetz")); // ESVG.setProperty("Bezeichnung", "ESVG"); // ESVG.setProperty("Text", "Europischen System Volkswirtschaftlicher Gesamtrechnungen auf nationaler und regionaler Ebene in der Europischen Union (ESA_2010)"); // ESVG.setProperty("Regulation","549/2013"); // // Node EZB_IF_STATISTIK = graphDb.createNode((org.neo4j.graphdb.Label) DynamicLabel.label("Gesetz")); // EZB_IF_STATISTIK.setProperty("Bezeichnung", "EZB_IF STATISTIK"); // EZB_IF_STATISTIK.setProperty("Text", "Verordnung (EU) Nr. 1073/2013 der Europischen Zentralbank vom 18. Oktober 2013 ber die Statistik ber Aktiva und Passiva von Investmentfonds (Neufassung) (EZB/2013/38)"); // EZB_IF_STATISTIK.setProperty("Regulation","1073/2013"); // // Node MONSTAT = graphDb.createNode((org.neo4j.graphdb.Label) DynamicLabel.label("Gesetz")); // MONSTAT.setProperty("Bezeichnung", "MONSTAT"); // MONSTAT.setProperty("Text", "Verordnung (EU) Nr. 1071/2013 der Europischen Zentralbank vom 24.September 2013 ber die Bilanz des Sektors der monetren Finanzinstitute (EZB/2013/33)"); // MONSTAT.setProperty("Regulation","1071/2013"); // // Node ZINSTAT = graphDb.createNode((org.neo4j.graphdb.Label) DynamicLabel.label("Gesetz")); // ZINSTAT.setProperty("Bezeichnung", "ZINSSTAT"); // ZINSTAT.setProperty("Text", "Verordnung (EU) Nr. 1072/2013 der Europischen Zentralbank vom 24. September 2013 ber die Statistik ber die von monetren Finanzinstituten angewandten Zinsstze fr Einlagen und Kredite gegenber privaten Haushalten und nichtfinanziellen Kapitalgesellschaften (EZB/2013/34)"); // ZINSTAT.setProperty("Regulation","1072/2013"); // // Node NBGESETZ = graphDb.createNode((org.neo4j.graphdb.Label) DynamicLabel.label("Gesetz")); // NBGESETZ.setProperty("Bezeichnung", "Nationalbankgesetz"); // NBGESETZ.setProperty("Text", "Nationalbankgesetz 44 Abs. 1"); // NBGESETZ.setProperty("Regulation"," 44 Abs. 1"); // // // Index<Node> nodeIndex = graphDb.index().forNodes("Gesetz"); // nodeIndex.add(EBA_ITS, "Gesetz", "xyz"); // nodeIndex.add(CRR, "Gesetz", "xyz"); // nodeIndex.add(ESVG, "Gesetz", "xyz"); // nodeIndex.add(EZB_IF_STATISTIK, "Gesetz", "xyz"); // nodeIndex.add(MONSTAT, "Gesetz", "xyz"); // nodeIndex.add(ZINSTAT, "Gesetz", "xyz"); // nodeIndex.add(NBGESETZ, "Gesetz", "xyz"); // // IndexManager indexMan = graphDb.index(); // Index<Node> index = indexMan.forNodes("Gesetz"); // IndexHits<Node> hits = index.get("Gesetz", "xyz"); // // try // { // for ( Node node : hits ) // { // String text = (String) node.getProperty("Text"); // for (String key:SmartCubes.keySet()){ // TreeMap<String, String> cube = SmartCubes.get(key); // String name = cube.get("Bezeichnung des Smart Cubes"); // Node cube_node = string_node.get(name); // String gesetzliche_grundlage = (String) cube_node.getProperty("Gesetzliche Grundlage"); // if (gesetzliche_grundlage.contains(text)) relationship = cube_node.createRelationshipTo(node, RelTypes.HAT_RECHTLICHE_GRUNDLAGE); // } // } // // } // finally // { // hits.close(); // } // // Node MP = graphDb.createNode((org.neo4j.graphdb.Label) DynamicLabel.label("Meldeperiodizitt")); // MP.setProperty("Meldeperiodizitt", "monatlich"); // // Node MT = graphDb.createNode((org.neo4j.graphdb.Label) DynamicLabel.label("Meldetermin"));; // MT.setProperty("Meldetermin", "10. Bankarbeitstag"); // // Node MW = graphDb.createNode((org.neo4j.graphdb.Label) DynamicLabel.label("Meldewhrung"));; // MW.setProperty("Meldewhrung", "EUR"); // // for (String key:SmartCubes.keySet()){ // TreeMap<String, String> cube = SmartCubes.get(key); // String name = cube.get("Bezeichnung des Smart Cubes"); // Node cube_node = string_node.get(name); // if (cube_node!= null){ // relationship = MP.createRelationshipTo(cube_node, RelTypes.PROPERTY_OF ); // relationship = MT.createRelationshipTo(cube_node, RelTypes.PROPERTY_OF ); // relationship = MW.createRelationshipTo(cube_node, RelTypes.PROPERTY_OF ); // //Test // relationship = cube_node.createRelationshipTo(MONSTAT, RelTypes.HAT_RECHTLICHE_GRUNDLAGE ); // relationship = cube_node.createRelationshipTo(NBGESETZ, RelTypes.HAT_RECHTLICHE_GRUNDLAGE ); // } // // } tx.success(); } } void connectEnitites_to_Node(String type, String nodename, RelTypes Rel) { // boolean getDB = false; // // while(getDB == false){ // try{ // graphDb = new GraphDatabaseFactory().newEmbeddedDatabase(DB_PATH); // getDB = true; // }catch(Exception e){ // System.out.println(e.toString()); // } // } registerShutdownHook(graphDb); Node x = (Node) string_node.get(nodename); if (x != null) { try (Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx()) { IndexManager indexMan = graphDb.index(); Index<Node> index = indexMan.forNodes(type); IndexHits<Node> hits = index.get(type, "xyz"); try { for (Node node : hits) { relationship = node.createRelationshipTo(x, Rel); } } finally { hits.close(); } tx.success(); } } } void connectObjecttoObject(String type, String parsefield, RelTypes rel, int direction, Executable exec) { // graphDb = new GraphDatabaseFactory().newEmbeddedDatabase(DB_PATH); // registerShutdownHook(graphDb); try (Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx()) { IndexManager indexMan = graphDb.index(); Index<Node> index = indexMan.forNodes(type); IndexHits<Node> hits = index.get(type, "xyz"); try { for (Node node : hits) { try { String text = (String) node.getProperty(parsefield); // Code auslagern exec.execute(node, (EmbeddedGraphDatabase) graphDb, string_node, text); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.toString()); } } //end node iteration } finally { hits.close(); } tx.success(); } } void connectEnititestoAttributes(String type, String parsefield, RelTypes rel, int direction) { // graphDb = new GraphDatabaseFactory().newEmbeddedDatabase(DB_PATH); // registerShutdownHook(graphDb); try (Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx()) { IndexManager indexMan = graphDb.index(); Index<Node> index = indexMan.forNodes(type); IndexHits<Node> hits = index.get(type, "xyz"); try { for (Node node : hits) { try { String beschreibende_attribute = (String) node.getProperty(parsefield); for (String key : string_node.keySet()) { if (beschreibende_attribute.contains(key)) { Node nodex = (Node) string_node.get(key); if (direction == 1) relationship = node.createRelationshipTo(nodex, rel); if (direction == -1) relationship = nodex.createRelationshipTo(node, rel); //relationship.setProperty( "message", "brave Neo4j"); } } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.toString()); } } //end node iteration } finally { hits.close(); } tx.success(); } } void connectCubetoAttributes(ArrayList<Cube> all_cubes, RelTypes rel) { registerShutdownHook(graphDb); try (Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx()) { for (int i = 0; i < all_cubes.size(); i++) { Cube cube = all_cubes.get(i); Node cube_node = (Node) string_node.get(cube.getCubelongName()); HashSet SC_Attribute = new HashSet(); for (String key : cube.Meldekonzept_SCDimensionen.keySet()) { HashSet dummy = cube.Meldekonzept_SCDimensionen.get(key); //Node meldekonzept_node = (Node) string_node.get(key.toString()); if (dummy != null) SC_Attribute.addAll(dummy); // if (meldekonzept_node!=null){ // relationship = meldekonzept_node.createRelationshipTo(cube_node, rel); // java.util.Iterator it = dummy.iterator(); // while(it.hasNext()){ // String sc_attribut_name = (String); // Node sc_attribut = (Node) string_node.get(sc_attribut_name); // if (sc_attribut != null & cube_node != null) relationship = sc_attribut.createRelationshipTo(cube_node, rel);//meldekonzept_node // } // } } //Iteration ueber MK java.util.Iterator it = SC_Attribute.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String sc_attribut_name = (String); Node sc_attribut_node = (Node) string_node.get(sc_attribut_name); if (sc_attribut_node != null & cube_node != null) relationship = sc_attribut_node.createRelationshipTo(cube_node, rel);//meldekonzept_node } } tx.success(); } } void addCodeliste2Db(Codeliste codeliste) { // START SNIPPET: startDb // boolean getDB = false; // // while(getDB == false){ // try{ // graphDb = new GraphDatabaseFactory().newEmbeddedDatabase(DB_PATH); // getDB = true; // }catch(Exception e){ // System.out.println(e.toString()); // } // } // // registerShutdownHook( graphDb ); //org.neo4j.graphdb.Label label = DynamicLabel.label("Codeliste"); try (Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx()) { Index<Node> nodeIndex = graphDb.index().forNodes("Codeliste"); Node node_coldeiste = graphDb.createNode((org.neo4j.graphdb.Label) DynamicLabel.label("Codeliste")); node_coldeiste.setProperty("Name", codeliste.Name); node_coldeiste.setProperty("ExcludeState", codeliste.ExcludeState); node_coldeiste.setProperty("Kommtvorin", codeliste.Kommtvorin); nodeIndex.add(node_coldeiste, "Codeliste", "xyz"); for (int i = 1; i < codeliste.Codes.size(); i++) { String[] code = (String[]) codeliste.Codes.get(i); if (code[0] != null && code[1] != null && code[2] != null) { Node node_code = graphDb.createNode((org.neo4j.graphdb.Label) DynamicLabel.label("Code")); node_code.setProperty("Code", code[0]); node_code.setProperty("Codebezeichnung", code[1]); node_code.setProperty("Beschreibung", code[2]); relationship = node_code.createRelationshipTo(node_coldeiste, RelTypes.MEMBER_OF); //relationship.setProperty( "message", "brave Neo4j " ); } } tx.success(); } //graphDb.shutdown(); } void addRelation(String type1, String type2) { graphDb = new GraphDatabaseFactory().newEmbeddedDatabase(DB_PATH); registerShutdownHook(graphDb); try (Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx()) { IndexManager indexMan = graphDb.index(); Index<Node> index = indexMan.forNodes("timeline1"); IndexHits<Node> hits = index.get("timeline1", "xyz"); try { for (Node node : hits) { // do something with the hit } } finally { hits.close(); } Index<Node> nodeIndex1 = graphDb.index().forNodes(type1); Index<Node> nodeIndex2 = graphDb.index().forNodes(type2); for (Node node : graphDb.getAllNodes()) { } tx.success(); } graphDb.shutdown(); } public void addNodeProperty(TreeMap<String, String> treemap, String property, Node node) { String string = treemap.get(property); if (string != null) node.setProperty(property, string); } void addNodes2Db(String type, String string_to_parse, TreeMap<String, TreeMap> Object) { // START SNIPPET: startDb // graphDb = new GraphDatabaseFactory().newEmbeddedDatabase(DB_PATH); // registerShutdownHook(graphDb); org.neo4j.graphdb.Label label = DynamicLabel.label(type); try (Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx()) { Index<Node> nodeIndex = graphDb.index().forNodes(type); //IndexManager indexMan = graphDb.index(); //Index<Node> index = indexMan.forNodes("timeline1"); //Node cube = graphDb.createNode((org.neo4j.graphdb.Label) DynamicLabel.label("BasicCube")); for (String key : Object.keySet()) { TreeMap<String, String> BCAttribut = Object.get(key); Node node = graphDb.createNode(label); //checking String name = BCAttribut.get(string_to_parse); node.setProperty("name", key); addNodeProperty(BCAttribut, "ExcludeState", node); addNodeProperty(BCAttribut, "Datentyp", node); addNodeProperty(BCAttribut, "Feldlnge", node); addNodeProperty(BCAttribut, "Beschreibende Attribute", node); addNodeProperty(BCAttribut, "Algorithmus/Entstehung/Bildung", node); addNodeProperty(BCAttribut, "Bildung", node); //Smart Cubes addNodeProperty(BCAttribut, "Gesetzliche Grundlage", node); addNodeProperty(BCAttribut, "Melderkreis", node); addNodeProperty(BCAttribut, "Meldeperiodizitt", node); addNodeProperty(BCAttribut, "Meldetermin", node); addNodeProperty(BCAttribut, "Meldeperiode", node); addNodeProperty(BCAttribut, "Meldewhrung", node); addNodeProperty(BCAttribut, "Formale Beschreibung", node); addNodeProperty(BCAttribut, "Kommt vor in/wird verwendet fr", node); nodeIndex.add(node, type, "xyz"); if (name != null) string_node.put(name, node); //System.out.println(":"+name+":"); if (name != null) node.setProperty(string_to_parse, name); //Zu Testzwecken //relationship = cube.createRelationshipTo(node, RelTypes.MEMBER_OF ); //relationship.setProperty( "message", "brave Neo4j " ); } tx.success(); } //graphDb.shutdown(); } void createDb() { deleteFileOrDirectory(new File(DB_PATH)); // START SNIPPET: startDb graphDb = new GraphDatabaseFactory().newEmbeddedDatabase(DB_PATH); registerShutdownHook(graphDb); // END SNIPPET: startDb // START SNIPPET: transaction try (Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx()) { // Database operations go here // END SNIPPET: transaction // START SNIPPET: addData IndexManager index = graphDb.index(); Index<Node> actors = index.forNodes("actors"); Index<Node> movies = index.forNodes("movies"); RelationshipIndex roles = index.forRelationships("roles"); Schema schema = graphDb.schema(); // IndexDefinition indexDefinition = schema.indexFor( DynamicLabel.label( "User" )) // .on( "username" ) // .create(); org.neo4j.graphdb.Label label = DynamicLabel.label("Beaver"); firstNode = graphDb.createNode(); firstNode.setProperty("message", "Hello, "); secondNode = graphDb.createNode(); secondNode.setProperty("message", "World!"); thirdNode = graphDb.createNode(label); thirdNode.setProperty("Name", "Wolfgang Frisch"); thirdNode.setProperty("Alter", 31); actors.add(thirdNode, "Name", thirdNode.getProperty("Name")); relationship = firstNode.createRelationshipTo(secondNode, RelTypes.MEMBER_OF); relationship.setProperty("message", "brave Neo4j "); // END SNIPPET: addData // START SNIPPET: readData System.out.print(firstNode.getProperty("message")); System.out.print(relationship.getProperty("message")); System.out.print(secondNode.getProperty("message")); // END SNIPPET: readData greeting = ((String) firstNode.getProperty("message")) + ((String) relationship.getProperty("message")) + ((String) secondNode.getProperty("message")); // START SNIPPET: transaction System.out.println("ENDE"); tx.success(); } // END SNIPPET: transaction } void removeData() { try (Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx()) { // START SNIPPET: removingData // let's remove the data //firstNode.getSingleRelationship( RelTypes.KNOWS, Direction.OUTGOING ).delete(); //firstNode.delete(); //secondNode.delete(); // END SNIPPET: removingData tx.success(); } } void shutDown() { System.out.println(); System.out.println("Shutting down database ..."); // START SNIPPET: shutdownServer graphDb.shutdown(); // END SNIPPET: shutdownServer } // START SNIPPET: shutdownHook private static void registerShutdownHook(final GraphDatabaseService graphDb) { // Registers a shutdown hook for the Neo4j instance so that it // shuts down nicely when the VM exits (even if you "Ctrl-C" the // running application). Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread() { @Override public void run() { graphDb.shutdown(); } }); } // END SNIPPET: shutdownHook private static void deleteFileOrDirectory(File file) { if (file.exists()) { if (file.isDirectory()) { for (File child : file.listFiles()) { deleteFileOrDirectory(child); } } file.delete(); } } }