Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2000-2007, Shakarchi Asaf * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package velo.adapters; /*Import Java's SQL support*/ import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import org.apache.commons.dbutils.DbUtils; import org.apache.commons.dbutils.QueryRunner; import org.apache.commons.dbutils.ResultSetHandler; import org.apache.commons.dbutils.handlers.MapListHandler; import org.apache.commons.dbutils.wrappers.StringTrimmedResultSet; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import velo.common.EdmMessages; import velo.entity.Resource; import velo.entity.ResourceAdmin; import velo.exceptions.AdapterCommandExecutionException; import velo.exceptions.AdapterException; import velo.exceptions.DecryptionException; import velo.exceptions.JdbcDbTypeNotFoundException; import velo.exceptions.JdbcDriverNotFoundException; import velo.query.Query; import velo.query.SingleQuery; import velo.resource.resourceDescriptor.ResourceDescriptor; /** * A class used to wrap a connection to a database * that can be accessed with jdbc. * * @author Rani sharim */ public class JdbcAdapter extends QueryBasedAdapter { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1987305452306161213L; private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(JdbcAdapter.class.getName()); /** * Holds the JDBC Connection object */ Connection jdbcConnection = null; /** * Holds the JDBC Statement object */ Statement statement = null; /** * The name of the JDBC Driver */ String driverName = null; /** * The DB Type as JDBC expect to be specified on the JDBC connection string url */ String dbType = null; //Must have an empty constructor per adapter. public JdbcAdapter() { } public JdbcAdapter(Resource resource) { super(resource); } /* * Constructor * @param resource The Resource entity object the Adapter works with * @throws ResourceDescriptorException */ /* public JdbcAdapter(Resource resource) throws ResourceDescriptorException { super(resource); //Cast the ResourceDescriptorSpecificAttributes object to JDBC Specific Object (Assuming resourceDescriptor was already set by first parent!) // ResourceDescriptorJdbcAttributes tsdja = (ResourceDescriptorJdbcAttributes)getResourceDescriptor().getResourceSpecificAttributes(); // setResourceDescriptorJdbcAttributes(tsdja); } */ public boolean connect() throws AdapterException { log.debug("Connecting via JDBC Adapter to Resource named: '" + getResource().getDisplayName() + "'"); //Must init the adapter, mostly initialize the JDBC driver init(); EdmMessages ems = new EdmMessages(); //Rewind the list and loop through each of the admins until a successful connection //If the end of the list is reached, then raise an exception //"Connecting to Resource name: " + getResource().getDisplayName() + ", via Adapter class name: " + this.getClass().getName());"Connecting to Resource name: " + getResource().getDisplayName() + ", via Adapter class name: " + this.getClass().getName()); /////; ResourceDescriptor rd = getResourceDescriptor(); if (rd == null) { throw new AdapterException("Could not get resource descriptor!"); } //Get hostname/dbname from the ResourceCollection String dbName = getResourceDescriptor().getString("specific.dbName"); String hostName = getResourceDescriptor().getString(""); String dbType = getResourceDescriptor().getString("specific.dbType"); String hostPort = getResourceDescriptor().getString("specific.port"); Integer queryTimeout = getResourceDescriptor().getInt("specific.query-timeout"); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Connecting to host: '" + hostName + ", to DB: '" + dbName + "', with dbType: '" + dbType + "', to port: '" + hostPort + "', with query execution timeout in seconds set to: '" + queryTimeout + "'"); } if (queryTimeout > 2) { setQueryTimeout(queryTimeout); } else { //Default is 30 seconds setQueryTimeout(30); }"Db name is: " + dbName + ", hostName is: " + hostName + "," + "Port: " + hostPort + ", DB Type: " + dbType); /////; //Build the Properties object Properties properties = new Properties(); //dbName/port are already set by the JDBC URL TEMPLATE //properties.put("databaseName",dbName); //properties.put("port",hostPort); // Build the JDBC connection string String urlConnectionString = buildUrlConnectionString(dbName, hostName, hostPort); //Holds the JDBC Connection Connection jdbcConnection; //Set the bConnectionEstablished by default to false setConnected(false); // Get the iterator of the admin list Iterator<ResourceAdmin> tsAdminIterator = getResource().getResourceAdmins().iterator(); //Make sure we got admins! if (getResource().getResourceAdmins().size() < 1) {"Could not connect to Target System, cannot find any administrators for Resource name: " + getResource().getDisplayName()); /////logger.warning(ems.getLastMessage()); throw new AdapterException( "Could not connect to Target System, cannot find any administrators for Resource name: " + getResource().getDisplayName()); } //While not the end of the admin list is reached or while the connection estalbished do: while (tsAdminIterator.hasNext()) { //Get the current TS Admin object ResourceAdmin tsAdmin =; //Try to connect with the current iterated ts admin //LOL//logger.fine("Constructed URL connection string is: " + urlConnectionString); //LOL//logger.fine("Iterating admin list, trying currently to connect with admin username: " + tsAdmin.getUserName()); properties.put("user", tsAdmin.getUserName()); try { properties.put("password", tsAdmin.getDecryptedPassword()); } catch (DecryptionException de) { throw new AdapterException("Could not connect to target due to: " + de); } try { //COmmented, using DbUtil's way jdbcConnection = DriverManager.getConnection (urlConnectionString, properties); jdbcConnection = DriverManager.getConnection(urlConnectionString, properties); setJdbcConnection(jdbcConnection); } catch (SQLException jdbcException) { ems.warning("Couldnt connect with Admin name: " + tsAdmin.getUserName() + ", continuing with next one (if available), error message is: " + jdbcException.getMessage()); /////logger.warning(ems.getLastMessage()); //Just continue to the next admin //LOL//logger.warning("Failed to connect with admin user name: " + tsAdmin.getUserName() + "with error message: " + jdbcException.getMessage()+ ", continuing to the next admin..."); //If there are NO admins left then throw an exception with an error that a connection could not get established if (!tsAdminIterator.hasNext()) { throw new AdapterException("Could not establish connection with Resource name: " + getResource().getDisplayName() + ", due to connectivity problem or wrong credentials, long trailed connection session log: " + ems.toString()); } else { continue; } } //Try to check whether the connection is open or not, if connection established //Then set bConnectionEstablished to true try { if (!getJdbcConnection().isClosed()) { //Set Connected to true setConnected(true); } else { //LOL//logger.warning("DB found as closed!"); } } catch (SQLException sqlException) { sqlException.printStackTrace(); } //LOL//"Successfully connected to database name: " + dbName); return true; } return false; } public boolean disconnect() { try { if (!getJdbcConnection().isClosed()) { try { getJdbcConnection().close(); // LOG: "Database connection terminated" return true; } //Catch exception of close() catch (Exception e) { //LOL//logger.severe(e.getMessage()); return false; } } else { return false; } } // Catch exception of isClosed() catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e); return false; } } /** * Load the JDBC driver before connecting to the system * @return true/false upon success/failure */ public boolean loadDriver() { try { //"Found drivername for TS: " + (String) getResourceDescriptor().getSpecificAttributes().get("driverName")); //Class.forName ("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver").newInstance (); //Class.forName ("").newInstance (); //Commented, currently using Commons.DbUtil Class.forName (getResourceDescriptorJdbcAttributes().getJdbcDriverName()).newInstance(); DbUtils.loadDriver(getResourceDescriptor().getString("specific.driverName")); return true; } catch (Exception e) { /////logger.severe(e.getMessage()); //LOG: Log the message return false; } } public void runQuery(Query queryManager) throws AdapterException { //try { //currently does nothing //query.buildQuery(); log.debug("Execution of JdbcAdapter->runQuery() method started..."); //"Executing Query: " + query.getQueryString() + ", of type: " + query.getActionType()); //System.out.println("Query ACTION TYPE CLASS: " + query.getActionType().getClass().getName()); //System.out.println("ACTIONOPTIONS.INSERT TYPE CLASS: " + ActionOptions.INSERT.getClass().getName()); List lMap = null; for (SingleQuery currSQ : queryManager.getQueries()) { switch (currSQ.getQueryType()) { case INSERT: case UPDATE: log.debug("An Insert/Update query type is being executed..."); try { //"Jdbc query execution for 'INSERT'/'UPDATE' action type STARTED."); log.debug("Executing query, please wait..."); //for (SingleQuery currSQ : queryManager.getQueries()) { //Statement st = getJdbcConnection().createStatement(); // Statement st = factoryStatement(); PreparedStatement stmt = currSQ.factoryPreparedStatement(getJdbcConnection()); log.trace("Executing query against the system..."); //qRunner.update(getJdbcConnection(), query.getQueryString()); //st.executeQuery(query.getQueryString()); //Executes the given SQL statement, which may be an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement or an SQL statement that returns nothing, such as an SQL DDL statement. stmt.executeUpdate(); //"Jdbc query execution for 'INSERT' action type ENDED."); log.debug("Successfully finished executing an 'Update/Insert' query!"); //Close the statement stmt.close(); // } } catch (SQLException e) { //logger.warning("Unable to INSERT record, failed with message: " + e.getMessage()); throw new AdapterException("Unable to INSERT record, failed with message: " + e.getMessage()); } break; case SELECT: try { log.debug("Jdbc query execution for 'SELECT' action type STARTED."); //qRunner = new QueryRunner(); //List lMap = (List)qRunner.query(getJdbcConnection(),query.getQueryString(), new MapListHandler()); //Statement st = getJdbcConnection().createStatement(); // Statement st = factoryStatement(); PreparedStatement stmt = currSQ.factoryPreparedStatement(getJdbcConnection()); log.debug("Executing query..."); ResultSet rs = (ResultSet) stmt.executeQuery(); rs = StringTrimmedResultSet.wrap(rs); MapListHandler mlh = new MapListHandler(new VeloDbUtilsRowProcessor()); if (lMap == null) { lMap = (List) mlh.handle(rs); } else { lMap.addAll((List) mlh.handle(rs)); } /* try { BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream("/sniffit.txt"), "UTF-8")); for (int i = 0; i < lMap.size(); i++) { Map currCol = (Map) lMap.get(i); System.out.println(currCol); String firstName = (String) currCol.get("firstName"); String lastName = (String) currCol.get("lastName"); System.out.println("FirstName: " + firstName); System.out.println("LastName: " + lastName); writer.write(firstName + "\n\n" + lastName); } writer.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) { fnfe.printStackTrace(); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee) { uee.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException ioe) { ioe.printStackTrace(); } */ // Set the result to the adapter setResult(lMap); //"Jdbc query execution for 'SELECT' action type ENDED."); //Return success //Close the statement stmt.close(); log.debug("Successfully finished executing a -SELECT- query!"); } catch (SQLException e) { //logger.warning("Unable to INSERT/UPDATE record" + e.getMessage()); throw new AdapterException("Unable to INSERT/UPDATE record" + e.getMessage()); } //Debugging // // Iterator mapIterator = lMap.iterator(); // while (mapIterator.hasNext()) { // System.out.println(; // } break; case DELETE: try { log.debug("A Delete query type is being executed..."); //"Jdbc query execution for 'DELETE' action type STARTED."); //Statement st = getJdbcConnection().createStatement(); //st.setQueryTimeout(getQueryTimeout()); //qRunner.update(getJdbcConnection(), query.getQueryString()); //st.execute(query.getQueryString()); // for (String queryString : query.getQueries()) { log.debug("Executing query..."); PreparedStatement stmt = currSQ.factoryPreparedStatement(getJdbcConnection()); // Statement st = factoryStatement(); //Executes the given SQL statement, which may be an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement or an SQL statement that returns nothing, such as an SQL DDL statement. // st.executeUpdate(queryString); stmt.executeUpdate(); //qRunner.update(getJdbcConnection(), query.getQueryString()); //"Jdbc query execution for 'DELETE' action type ENDED."); //Return failure //Close the statement stmt.close(); log.debug("Successfully finished executing a -DELETE- query!"); } catch (SQLException e) { //logger.warning("Unable to DELETE record: " + e.getMessage()); throw new AdapterException("Unable to DELETE record: " + e.getMessage()); } break; default: throw new AdapterException("Jdbc query execution FAILED, must set Action type before execution!"); } } } /** * Perform a query, return true/false upon result * @param query The query object with the query to execute * @return true/false upon result * @throws AdapterCommandExecutionException */ public boolean isTrueQuery(Query queryManager) throws AdapterCommandExecutionException { if (!queryManager.isHasQueries()) { throw new AdapterCommandExecutionException("Could not find any queries to execute..."); } //"Executing isTrueQuery action, checking whether the query returns true/false"); //"Executing query: " + query.getQueryString()); //Before executing, make sure that the connection is not null if (getJdbcConnection() == null) { throw new AdapterCommandExecutionException("Jdbc query execution FAILED, connection object is null."); } ResultSetHandler rsh = new ResultSetHandler() { public Boolean handle(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException { if (! { return false; } ResultSetMetaData meta = rs.getMetaData(); int cols = meta.getColumnCount(); Object[] result = new Object[cols]; for (int i = 0; i < cols; i++) { result[i] = rs.getObject(i + 1); } return true; } }; QueryRunner qRunner = new QueryRunner(); try { SingleQuery sq = queryManager.getQueries().iterator().next(); boolean result = (Boolean) qRunner.query(sq.getQueryString(), sq.getParams(), rsh); // boolean result = (Boolean) qRunner.query(getJdbcConnection(), queryManager.getQueries().iterator().next().getQueryString(), rsh); if (result) { return true; } else { return false; } } catch (SQLException se) { String message = "Failed to perform 'isTrueQuery', failed with message: " + se.getMessage(); //logger.warning(message); //Since we cannot thorugh an exception (since true/false must be returned) lets log into the adapter messages the failure message getMsgs().warning(message); return false; } } /** * @deprecated use runQuery() instead */ public boolean runCommandString(String sCmdString) { try { /* Statement stmt = getJdbcConnection().createStatement(); //System.out.println(stmt); stmt.executeQuery(sCmdString); //Set the statement to the class setStatement(stmt); //Return the statement after execution return true; */ QueryRunner qRunner = new QueryRunner(); //List lMap = (List) qRunner.query(getJdbcConnection(), // "SELECT UserId, FirstName FROM dbo.qflow.qfUser WHERE UserId<100"); //new String[] { "1", "2" }, new MapListHandler()); List lMap = (List) qRunner.query(getJdbcConnection(), sCmdString, new MapListHandler()); /*Tests for (int i = 0; i < lMap.size(); i++) { Map vals = (Map) lMap.get(i); System.out.println("\tId >>" + vals.get("userId")); System.out.println("\tName >>" + vals.get("userName")); } */ return true; } //Catch exception if something went wrong while creating/executing the query catch (SQLException se) { //logger.warning("SQL Exception has occured: " + se.getMessage()); return false; } } /** * @deprecated * @return true/false */ public boolean setLastCommandResultSetFromConnector() { return false; } /** * @deprecated * @return true/false */ public boolean setBLastCommandSuccessfullFromConnector() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return false; } /** * Get the driver name to load as expected by Init * @return The Driver Name * @throws JdbcDriverNotFoundException - When no driver name found */ public String getDriverName() throws JdbcDriverNotFoundException { if (this.driverName != null) { return this.driverName; } else { //Throw a 'Drivername not found' exception throw new JdbcDriverNotFoundException(); } } /** * Get the DB type (required by the ConnectionString) * @return The DB Type string * @throws JdbcDbTypeNotFoundException - Where no DB Type found */ public String getDbType() throws JdbcDbTypeNotFoundException { if (this.dbType != null) { return this.dbType; } else { //Throw a 'Drivertype not found' exception throw new JdbcDbTypeNotFoundException(); } } /** * Return a connection string url as expected by JDBC * @param dbName The DB Type as expected by jdbC (I.e Mysql,Oracle, etc...) * @param hostName The hostname of the Database to connect to * @param hostPort The port of the DB hostname * @return The connection string url as expected by JDBC */ public String buildUrlConnectionString(String dbName, String hostName, String hostPort) throws AdapterException { //Get the jdbc URL template from the TargetDescriptors String jdbcTemplateURL = (String) getResourceDescriptor().getString("specific.urlTemplate"); if (jdbcTemplateURL == null) { throw new AdapterException("URL Template was not found in resource configuration"); } jdbcTemplateURL = jdbcTemplateURL.replaceFirst("%d", dbName); jdbcTemplateURL = jdbcTemplateURL.replaceFirst("%h", hostName); jdbcTemplateURL = jdbcTemplateURL.replaceFirst("%p", hostPort); /////"Generated JDBC connection URL string is: " + jdbcTemplateURL); return jdbcTemplateURL; } /** * Set the JDBC "Connection" object to the class * @param jdbcConnection - The JDBC Connection object to set */ public void setJdbcConnection(Connection jdbcConnection) { //logger.fine("Connection is: " + jdbcConnection); this.jdbcConnection = jdbcConnection; } /** * Get the JDBC "Connection" object from the class * @return The JDBC Connection object, returns null if not exist */ public Connection getJdbcConnection() { /* if (this.jdbcConnection != null) { return this.jdbcConnection; } else { return null; } */ return this.jdbcConnection; } /* * Set a statement to the class * @param stmt - The new statement to set * @return true/false upon success failure public boolean setStatement(Statement stmt) { this.statement = stmt; if (this.statement != null) { return true; } else { return false; } } public Statement getStatement() { if (this.statement != null) { return this.statement; } else { //LOG: no statement was found return null; } } */ public boolean init() { boolean Validated = true; if (loadDriver()) { //LOG: Successfully loaded JDBC driver } else { //LOG: Failed to load JDBC driver Validated = false; } //IF initialize was validated, then return true, otherwise return false if (Validated) { return true; } else { return false; } } public Statement factoryStatement() throws SQLException { Statement st = getJdbcConnection().createStatement(); st.setQueryTimeout(getQueryTimeout()); return st; } public void dumpResults() { int i = 0; for (Object currRow : getResult()) { i++; Map<String, Object> currRowMap = (Map<String, Object>) currRow;"Start of row [" + i + "]"); for (Map.Entry<String, Object> currColumn : currRowMap.entrySet()) {"\t column name: '" + currColumn.getKey() + "', value: '" + currColumn.getValue() + "'[" + currColumn.getValue().getClass().getName() + "]"); }"End of row [" + i + "]"); } } }//eoc