Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of LinkImputeR. * * LinkImputeR is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * LinkImputeR is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with LinkImpute. If not, see <>. */ package VCF; import VCF.Changers.GenotypeChanger; import VCF.Changers.PositionChanger; import VCF.Exceptions.VCFDataException; import VCF.Exceptions.VCFDataLineException; import VCF.Exceptions.VCFException; import VCF.Exceptions.VCFHeaderLineException; import VCF.Exceptions.VCFInputException; import VCF.Exceptions.VCFMissingFormatException; import VCF.Filters.PositionFilter; import VCF.Filters.SampleFilter; import VCF.Mappers.ByteMapper; import VCF.Mappers.DoubleMapper; import VCF.Mappers.IntegerMapper; import VCF.Mappers.Mapper; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.function.IntFunction; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils; /** * Represents the data from a VCF file * @author Daniel Money * @version 1.1.3 */ public class VCF { /** * Constructor from a VCF file * @param f The VCF file * @throws VCF.Exceptions.VCFException If there is a problem with the VCF file * or the data in it. */ public VCF(File f) throws VCFException { this(f, new ArrayList<>(), new ArrayList<>(), new ArrayList<>(), new ArrayList<>(), new ArrayList<>()); } /** * Constructor from a file, filtering positions at read time. Ensures * filtered positions are not stored in memory reducing memory usage when * reading a large VCF file with many positions that will be filtered * @param f The file * @param filters The position filters to apply * @throws VCF.Exceptions.VCFException If there is a problem with the VCF file * or the data in it. */ public VCF(File f, List<PositionFilter> filters) throws VCFException { this(f, new ArrayList<>(), new ArrayList<>(), new ArrayList<>(), filters, new ArrayList<>()); } /** * Constructor from a file, filtering positions at read time and changing * genotypes read in. By changing genotypes as they are read in any information * contained in the genotype field that will not be used can be discarded so * saving memory. * @param f The file * @param preFilters A list of filters to be applied before any changes are * applied (e.g. to filter out snps without the required data) * @param positionChangers List of changers to apply to the positions * @param genotypeChangers List of changers to apply to the genotypes * @param filters The position filters to apply (after the changers) * @param requiredFormats A list of formats required to be in the VCF * @throws VCF.Exceptions.VCFException If there is a problem with the VCF file * or the data in it */ public VCF(File f, List<PositionFilter> preFilters, List<PositionChanger> positionChangers, List<GenotypeChanger> genotypeChangers, List<PositionFilter> filters, List<String> requiredFormats) throws VCFException { BufferedReader in; try { if (isGZipped(f)) { in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new GZIPInputStream(new FileInputStream(f)))); } else { in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(f)); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new VCFInputException("VCF file (" + f.getPath() + ") does not exist", e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new VCFInputException("Problem reading VCF file (" + f.getPath() + ")", e); } int lineNumber = 0; try { ArrayList<PositionMeta> positionList = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<RawGenotype[]> genotypeList = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<String> metaLines = new ArrayList<>(); String line; while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) { lineNumber++; if (line.startsWith("##")) { metaLines.add(line); } else if (line.startsWith("#")) { //Process meta data since we've read it all in meta = new Meta(metaLines); boolean allFormats = true; StringBuilder missingString = new StringBuilder(); for (String format : requiredFormats) { if (!meta.hasFormat(format)) { allFormats = false; missingString.append(" "); missingString.append(format); } } if (!allFormats) { throw new VCFMissingFormatException( "The VCF is missing the following required formats" + missingString.toString()); } //Now deal with the header line String[] parts = line.split("\t"); try { samples = Arrays.copyOfRange(parts, 9, parts.length); } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException | IllegalArgumentException ex) { throw new VCFHeaderLineException( "Not enough fields in header line (line number " + lineNumber + ")"); } } else { if (samples == null) { throw new VCFHeaderLineException("Data lines occur before header line"); } String[] parts = line.split("\t"); if (parts.length < samples.length + 9) { throw new VCFDataLineException( "Not enough fields in data line (line number " + lineNumber + ")"); } if (parts.length > samples.length + 9) { throw new VCFDataLineException( "Too many fields in data line (line number " + lineNumber + ")"); } String[] metaArray = Arrays.copyOfRange(parts, 0, 9); PositionMeta pm = new PositionMeta(metaArray); RawGenotype[] data = new RawGenotype[parts.length - 9]; for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { data[i] = new RawGenotype(parts[i + 9]); } Position p = new Position(pm, samples, data); boolean preallmatch = true; for (PositionFilter filter : filters) { preallmatch = preallmatch && filter.test(p); } if (preallmatch) { for (PositionChanger c : positionChangers) { c.change(p); } for (Genotype g : p.genotypeList()) { for (GenotypeChanger c : genotypeChangers) { c.change(g); } } boolean allmatch = true; for (PositionFilter filter : filters) { allmatch = allmatch && filter.test(p); } if (allmatch) { positionList.add(pm); genotypeList.add(data); } } } } positions = positionList.toArray(new PositionMeta[positionList.size()]); genotypes = genotypeList.toArray(new RawGenotype[genotypeList.size()][]); pVis = new boolean[positions.length]; Arrays.fill(pVis, true); if (samples == null) { throw new VCFHeaderLineException("No data line line in VCF"); } sVis = new boolean[samples.length]; Arrays.fill(sVis, true); } catch (IOException e) { if (lineNumber == 0) { throw new VCFInputException("Problem reading VCF", e); } else { throw new VCFInputException("Problem reading VCF (line number " + lineNumber + ")", e); } } } /** * Create a VCF object from data rather than a file * @param meta The meta data for the VCF * @param positions The positions for the VCF (which includes information * on samples and genotypes). * @throws VCFDataException If there is a problem with the passed in list of positions */ public VCF(Meta meta, List<Position> positions) throws VCFDataException { this.meta = meta; samples = null; ArrayList<PositionMeta> positionsList = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<RawGenotype[]> genotypeList = new ArrayList<>(); for (Position p : positions) { if (samples == null) { samples = p.samples(); } else { if (!Arrays.equals(samples, p.samples())) { throw new VCFDataException("A position does not have the same samples as a previous position"); } } positionsList.add(p.meta()); genotypeList.add(p.getRawGenotypes()); } this.positions = positionsList.toArray(new PositionMeta[positionsList.size()]); genotypes = genotypeList.toArray(new RawGenotype[genotypeList.size()][]); pVis = new boolean[this.positions.length]; Arrays.fill(pVis, true); if (samples == null) { throw new VCFDataException("No positions provided from which to initalise samples"); } sVis = new boolean[samples.length]; Arrays.fill(sVis, true); } /** * Gets a stream of genotypes. Genotypes are returned by position * i.e. the genotypes for one position are returned before moving onto the * next position. * @return The stream */ public Stream<Genotype> genotypeStream() { return genotypesByPositionStream(); } /** * Gets a stream of genotypes by position. * That is the genotypes for one position are returned before moving onto the * next position. * @return The stream */ public Stream<Genotype> genotypesByPositionStream() { return positionStream().flatMap(p -> p.genotypeStream()); } /** * Gets a stream of genotypes by sample. * That is the genotypes for one sample are returned before moving onto the * next sample. * @return The stream */ public Stream<Genotype> genotypesBySampleStream() { return sampleStream().flatMap(s -> s.genotypeStream()); } /** * Returns the data for a single position * @param position The position meta data to return the data for * @return The position data */ public Position singlePosition(PositionMeta position) { return singlePosition(ArrayUtils.indexOf(positions, position)); } private Position singlePosition(int i) { return new Position(positions[i], samples, sVis, genotypes[i]); } /** * Returns the data for a single sample * @param sample The string representing the sample to return the data for * @return The position data */ public Sample singleSample(String sample) { return singleSample(ArrayUtils.indexOf(samples, sample)); } private Sample singleSample(int i) { return new Sample(samples[i], positions, pVis, -> genotype[i]) .toArray((IntFunction<RawGenotype[]>) RawGenotype[]::new)); } /** * Returns a stream of positions in the VCF * @return The stream */ public Stream<Position> positionStream() { return IntStream.range(0, genotypes.length).filter(i -> pVis[i]) .mapToObj(i -> new Position(positions[i], samples, sVis, genotypes[i])); } /** * Returns a stream of samples in the VCF * @return The stream */ public Stream<Sample> sampleStream() { return IntStream.range(0, samples.length).filter(i -> sVis[i]) .mapToObj(i -> new Sample(samples[i], positions, pVis, .map(genotype -> genotype[i]).toArray((IntFunction<RawGenotype[]>) RawGenotype[]::new))); } /** * Get the meta information for this VCF * @return The meta information */ public Meta getMeta() { return meta; } /** * Filter the samples based on the given filter. Samples are merely hidden, * not deleted, as they can then be unhidden (see resetVisible) which makes * applying different filters to the same VCF much easier. * @param filter The sample filter to be applied. * @throws VCF.Exceptions.VCFDataException If there is a problem with the * data in the VCF */ public void filterSamples(SampleFilter filter) throws VCFDataException { for (int i = 0; i < samples.length; i++) { sVis[i] = sVis[i] && filter.test(singleSample(i)); } } /** * Filter the positions based on the given filter. Positions are merely hidden, * not deleted, as they can then be unhidden (see resetVisible) which makes * applying different filters to the same VCF much easier. * @param filter The position filter to be applied. * @throws VCF.Exceptions.VCFDataException If there is a problem with the * data in the VCF */ public void filterPositions(PositionFilter filter) throws VCFDataException { for (int i = 0; i < positions.length; i++) { pVis[i] = pVis[i] && filter.test(singlePosition(i)); } } /** * Limits the VCF to the given position. Again positions are hidden, not * deleted. * @param keep The positions to keep. */ public void limitToPositions(List<PositionMeta> keep) { for (int oi = 0; oi < positions.length; oi++) { if (!keep.contains(positions[oi])) { pVis[oi] = false; } } } /** * Limits the VCF to the given samples. Again samples are hidden, not * deleted. * @param keep The positions to keep. */ public void limitToSamples(List<String> keep) { for (int oi = 0; oi < samples.length; oi++) { if (!keep.contains(samples[oi])) { sVis[oi] = false; } } } /** * Returns the number of (visible) positions in the VCF * @return The number of positions */ public int numberPositions() { return (int) IntStream.range(0, pVis.length).filter(i -> pVis[i]).count(); } /** * Returns the number of (visible) samples in the VCF * @return The number of samples */ public int numberSamples() { //return samples.length; return (int) IntStream.range(0, sVis.length).filter(i -> sVis[i]).count(); } /** * Writes the VCF to a file. Only visible samples / positions are written. * @param f The file to write to * @throws IOException If there is an IO problem */ public void writeFile(File f) throws IOException { PrintWriter out; if (f.getName().endsWith(".gz")) { out = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter( new GZIPOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(f))))); } else { out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(f))); } meta.getLinesStream().forEach(out::println); out.print("#CHROM\tPOS\tID\tREF\tALT\tQUAL\tFILTER\tINFO\tFORMAT"); -> out.print("\t" + s)); out.println(); positionStream().forEach(p -> out.println(p.toText())); out.close(); } /** * Gets data from the genotypes in the VCF as an array * @param <V> The type of data returned * @param format The format in the genotype data to get the data from * @param mapper A mapper mapping from the string (in the VCF) to the * required type * @return The array * @throws VCF.Exceptions.VCFDataException If there is a problem with the * data in the VCF */ public <V> V[][] asArray(String format, Mapper<V> mapper) throws VCFDataException { V[][] array = mapper.get2DArray(numberPositions()); int cp = 0; for (int i = 0; i < genotypes.length; i++) { if (pVis[i]) { int cs = 0; V[] a = mapper.getArray(numberSamples()); for (int j = 0; j < genotypes[i].length; j++) { if (sVis[i]) { a[cs] = Genotype(genotypes[i][j], positions[i], samples[j]).getData(format)); cs++; } } array[cp] = a; cp++; } } return array; } /** * Gets data from the genotypes in the VCF as a transposed array * @param <V> The type of data returned * @param format The format in the genotype data to get the data from * @param mapper A mapper mapping from the string (in the VCF) to the * required type * @return The array * @throws VCF.Exceptions.VCFDataException If there is a problem with the * data in the VCF */ public <V> V[][] asArrayTransposed(String format, Mapper<V> mapper) throws VCFDataException { V[][] array = mapper.get2DArray(numberSamples()); int cs = 0; for (int i = 0; i < genotypes[0].length; i++) { if (sVis[i]) { int cp = 0; V[] a = mapper.getArray(numberPositions()); for (int j = 0; j < genotypes.length; j++) { if (pVis[j]) { a[cp] = Genotype(genotypes[j][i], positions[j], samples[i]).getData(format)); cp++; } } array[cs] = a; cs++; } } return array; } /** * Gets data from the genotypes in the VCF as an integer array * @param format The format in the genotype data to get the data from * @param mapper A mapper mapping from the string (in the VCF) to an integer * @return The array * @throws VCF.Exceptions.VCFDataException If there is a problem with the * data in the VCF */ public int[][] asIntegerArray(String format, IntegerMapper mapper) throws VCFDataException { int[][] array = new int[numberPositions()][]; int cp = 0; for (int i = 0; i < genotypes.length; i++) { if (pVis[i]) { int cs = 0; int[] a = new int[numberSamples()]; for (int j = 0; j < genotypes[i].length; j++) { if (sVis[i]) { a[cs] = Genotype(genotypes[i][j], positions[i], samples[j]).getData(format)); cs++; } } array[cp] = a; cp++; } } return array; } /** * Gets data from the genotypes in the VCF as a transposed integer array * @param format The format in the genotype data to get the data from * @param mapper A mapper mapping from the string (in the VCF) to an integer * @return The array * @throws VCF.Exceptions.VCFDataException If there is a problem with the * data in the VCF */ public int[][] asIntegerArrayTransposed(String format, IntegerMapper mapper) throws VCFDataException { int[][] array = new int[numberSamples()][]; int cs = 0; for (int i = 0; i < genotypes[0].length; i++) { if (sVis[i]) { int cp = 0; int[] a = new int[numberPositions()]; for (int j = 0; j < genotypes.length; j++) { if (pVis[j]) { a[cp] = Genotype(genotypes[j][i], positions[j], samples[i]).getData(format)); cp++; } } array[cs] = a; cs++; } } return array; } /** * Gets data from the genotypes in the VCF as a double array * @param format The format in the genotype data to get the data from * @param mapper A mapper mapping from the string (in the VCF) to a double * @return The array * @throws VCF.Exceptions.VCFDataException If there is a problem with the * data in the VCF */ public double[][] asDoubleArray(String format, DoubleMapper mapper) throws VCFDataException { double[][] array = new double[numberPositions()][]; int cp = 0; for (int i = 0; i < genotypes.length; i++) { if (pVis[i]) { int cs = 0; double[] a = new double[numberSamples()]; for (int j = 0; j < genotypes[i].length; j++) { if (sVis[i]) { a[cs] = Genotype(genotypes[i][j], positions[i], samples[j]).getData(format)); cs++; } } array[cp] = a; cp++; } } return array; } /** * Gets data from the genotypes in the VCF as a transposed double array * @param format The format in the genotype data to get the data from * @param mapper A mapper mapping from the string (in the VCF) to a double * @return The array * @throws VCF.Exceptions.VCFDataException If there is a problem with the * data in the VCF */ public double[][] asDoubleArrayTransposed(String format, DoubleMapper mapper) throws VCFDataException { double[][] array = new double[numberSamples()][]; int cs = 0; for (int i = 0; i < genotypes[0].length; i++) { if (sVis[i]) { int cp = 0; double[] a = new double[numberPositions()]; for (int j = 0; j < genotypes.length; j++) { if (pVis[j]) { a[cp] = Genotype(genotypes[j][i], positions[j], samples[i]).getData(format)); cp++; } } array[cs] = a; cs++; } } return array; } /** * Gets data from the genotypes in the VCF as a byte array * @param format The format in the genotype data to get the data from * @param mapper A mapper mapping from the string (in the VCF) to a byte * @return The array * @throws VCF.Exceptions.VCFDataException If there is a problem with the * data in the VCF */ public byte[][] asByteArray(String format, ByteMapper mapper) throws VCFDataException { byte[][] array = new byte[numberPositions()][]; int cp = 0; for (int i = 0; i < genotypes.length; i++) { if (pVis[i]) { int cs = 0; byte[] a = new byte[numberSamples()]; for (int j = 0; j < genotypes[i].length; j++) { if (sVis[i]) { a[cs] = Genotype(genotypes[i][j], positions[i], samples[j]).getData(format)); cs++; } } array[cp] = a; cp++; } } return array; } /** * Gets data from the genotypes in the VCF as a transposed byte array * @param format The format in the genotype data to get the data from * @param mapper A mapper mapping from the string (in the VCF) to a byte * @return The array * @throws VCF.Exceptions.VCFDataException If there is a problem with the * data in the VCF */ public byte[][] asByteArrayTransposed(String format, ByteMapper mapper) throws VCFDataException { byte[][] array = new byte[numberSamples()][]; int cs = 0; for (int i = 0; i < genotypes[0].length; i++) { if (sVis[i]) { int cp = 0; byte[] a = new byte[numberPositions()]; for (int j = 0; j < genotypes.length; j++) { if (pVis[j]) { a[cp] = Genotype(genotypes[j][i], positions[j], samples[i]).getData(format)); cp++; } } array[cs] = a; cs++; } } return array; } /** * Get a stream of sample names * @return The stream */ public String[] getSamples() { //return samples; return IntStream.range(0, samples.length).filter(i -> sVis[i]).mapToObj(i -> samples[i]) .toArray(String[]::new); } /** * Get a stream of position meta data * @return The stream */ public PositionMeta[] getPositions() { //return positions; return IntStream.range(0, positions.length).filter(i -> pVis[i]).mapToObj(i -> positions[i]) .toArray((IntFunction<PositionMeta[]>) PositionMeta[]::new); } /** * Resets all samples and positions to be visible, that is the state * immediately after the VCF was constructed. */ public void resetVisible() { Arrays.fill(pVis, true); Arrays.fill(sVis, true); } private Meta meta; private RawGenotype[][] genotypes; private PositionMeta[] positions; private String[] samples; private boolean[] pVis; private boolean[] sVis; /** * Utility function that returns the number of positions in a file * without reading in any data * @param f The VCF file * @return The number of positions * @throws VCF.Exceptions.VCFInputException If there is a problem with reading * the VCF */ public static int numberPositionsFromFile(File f) throws VCFInputException { BufferedReader in; try { if (isGZipped(f)) { in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new GZIPInputStream(new FileInputStream(f)))); } else { in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(f)); } int lines = 0; String line; while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) { if (!line.startsWith("#")) { lines++; } } in.close(); return lines; } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new VCFInputException("VCF file (" + f.getPath() + ") does not exist", e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new VCFInputException("Problem reading VCF file (" + f.getPath() + ")", e); } } /** * Utility function that returns the number of samples in a file * without reading in any data * @param f The VCF file * @return The number of samples * @throws IOException If there is an IO problem */ public static int numberSamplesFromFile(File f) throws IOException { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(f)); String line; while (!(line = reader.readLine()).matches("^#[^#].*")) ; return (line.split("\t").length - 9); } // Can't believe there's not a better way to do this but google suggest not // From private static boolean isGZipped(File f) throws IOException { int magic; RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(f, "r"); magic = & 0xff | (( << 8) & 0xff00); raf.close(); return magic == GZIPInputStream.GZIP_MAGIC; } }