Java tutorial
package utils; import; import enums.ConfiguredPages; import enums.Licensee; import io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.*; import org.openqa.selenium.html5.*; import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Actions; import; import; import; import; import pageObjects.core.AbstractPortalPage; import utils.core.AbstractTest; import utils.core.CustomExpectedConditions; import utils.core.DataContainer; import utils.core.WebDriverFactory; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; public class WebDriverUtils { private static final int TIMEOUT = 10; private static final int WAIT = 1000; // Waits public static void waitFor() { waitFor(WAIT); } public static void waitFor(long millisec) { System.out.println("Waiting for " + millisec + " ms"); if (millisec > 0) { try { Thread.sleep(millisec); } catch (InterruptedException e) { AbstractTest.failTest("Sleep failed"); } } else { AbstractTest.failTest("Please set correct wait time"); } } public static void waitForElement(String xpath) { waitForElement(WebDriverFactory.getPortalDriver(), xpath); } public static void waitForElement(WebDriver webDriver, String xpath) { waitForElement(webDriver, xpath, TIMEOUT); } public static void waitForElement(String xpath, long timeout) { waitForElement(WebDriverFactory.getPortalDriver(), xpath, timeout); } public static void waitForElement(WebDriver webDriver, String xpath, long timeout) { System.out.println("Waiting for " + xpath + " element"); WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(webDriver, timeout); try { wait.until(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOfElementLocated(By.xpath(xpath))); } catch (TimeoutException e) { AbstractTest.failTest("Element: " + xpath + "<div>Did not appear after: " + timeout + " s</div>"); } } public static void waitForElementToDisappear(String xpath) { waitForElementToDisappear(WebDriverFactory.getPortalDriver(), xpath); } public static void waitForElementToDisappear(WebDriver webDriver, String xpath) { waitForElementToDisappear(webDriver, xpath, TIMEOUT); } public static void waitForElementToDisappear(String xpath, long timeout) { waitForElementToDisappear(WebDriverFactory.getPortalDriver(), xpath, timeout); } public static void waitForElementToDisappear(WebDriver webDriver, String xpath, long timeout) { System.out.println("Waiting for " + xpath + " element to disappear"); WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(webDriver, timeout); try { wait.until(ExpectedConditions.invisibilityOfElementLocated(By.xpath(xpath))); } catch (TimeoutException e) { AbstractTest.failTest("Element: " + xpath + "<div>Did not disappear after: " + timeout + " s</div>"); } } public static void waitForPageToLoad() { waitForPageToLoad(WebDriverFactory.getPortalDriver()); waitForElementToDisappear(AbstractPortalPage.SITE_LOADER_XP); } public static void waitForPageToLoad(WebDriver webDriver) { WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(webDriver, 30); try { wait.until(CustomExpectedConditions.pageLoadComplete()); } catch (TimeoutException e) { AbstractTest.failTest("Page didn't load in 30 sec"); } } public static void waitForNumberOfElements(String xpath, int number) { waitForNumberOfElements(WebDriverFactory.getPortalDriver(), xpath, number); } public static void waitForNumberOfElements(WebDriver webDriver, String xpath, int number) { waitForNumberOfElements(webDriver, xpath, number, TIMEOUT); } public static void waitForNumberOfElements(WebDriver webDriver, String xpath, int number, long timeout) { WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(webDriver, timeout); try { wait.until(CustomExpectedConditions.numberOfElementsEquals(number, xpath)); } catch (TimeoutException e) { AbstractTest .failTest("Number of elements did not become: " + number + "<div>In " + timeout + " ms</div>"); } } //Element actions /* YIU implementation private static void tap(WebDriver webDriver, String css) { System.out.println("Tapping "+ css +" element"); TouchAct touchAct = new TouchAct(webDriver); touchAct.tap(css); }*/ private static void tap(WebDriver webDriver, String css) { System.out.println("Tapping " + css + " element"); executeScript(webDriver, "$('" + css + "').trigger('tap')"); } public static void click(Locator locator) { click(WebDriverFactory.getPortalDriver(), locator); } public static void click(String xpath) { click(WebDriverFactory.getPortalDriver(), xpath); } public static void click(WebDriver webDriver, String xpath) { System.out.println("Clicking " + xpath + " element"); WebElement webElement = getElement(webDriver, xpath); mouseOver(webDriver, webElement); try {; } catch (WebDriverException e) { AbstractTest.failTest("Could not click element by xpath: " + xpath); } } public static void click(WebDriver webDriver, Locator locator) { switch (WebDriverFactory.getPlatform()) { case desktop: click(webDriver, locator.getXpath()); break; case mobile: tap(webDriver, locator.getCss()); break; } } public static void clickWithOffset(String xpath) { clickWithOffset(WebDriverFactory.getPortalDriver(), getElement(xpath), 0, -5); } public static void clickWithOffset(WebElement webElement) { clickWithOffset(WebDriverFactory.getPortalDriver(), webElement, 0, -5); } /** * Moves the mouse to an offset from the top-left corner of the element. * @param xOffset Offset from the top-left corner. A negative value means coordinates left from the element. * @param yOffset Offset from the top-left corner. A negative value means coordinates above the element. */ public static void clickWithOffset(WebElement webElement, int xOffset, int yOffset) { clickWithOffset(WebDriverFactory.getPortalDriver(), webElement, xOffset, yOffset); } public static void clickWithOffset(WebDriver webDriver, WebElement webElement, int xOffset, int yOffset) { System.out.println("Clicking web element with X offset " + xOffset + " and Y offset " + yOffset + "."); try { getAction(webDriver).moveToElement(webElement, xOffset, yOffset).click().build().perform(); } catch (WebDriverException e) { AbstractTest.failTest("Could not click element on web element with X offset " + xOffset + " and Y offset " + yOffset + "."); } } private static Actions getAction(WebDriver webDriver) { return new Actions(webDriver); } public static String getAttribute(String xpath, String attribute) { System.out.println("Getting attribute " + attribute + " of " + xpath + " element"); return getAttribute(WebDriverFactory.getPortalDriver(), xpath, attribute); } public static String getAttribute(WebDriver webDriver, String xpath, String attribute) { System.out.println("Getting attribute " + attribute + " of " + xpath + " element"); try { return getElement(webDriver, xpath).getAttribute(attribute); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { AbstractTest.failTest("Could not find element by Xpath: " + xpath); } return null; } public static int getElementHeight(String xpath) { return getElementHeight(WebDriverFactory.getPortalDriver(), xpath); } public static int getElementHeight(WebDriver webDriver, String xpath) { try { return getElement(webDriver, xpath).getSize().getHeight(); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { AbstractTest.failTest("Could not find element: " + xpath); } return 0; } public static int getElementWidth(String xpath) { return getElementWidth(WebDriverFactory.getPortalDriver(), xpath); } public static int getElementWidth(WebDriver webDriver, String xpath) { try { return getElement(webDriver, xpath).getSize().getWidth(); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { AbstractTest.failTest("Could not find element: " + xpath); } return 0; } public static String getElementText(String xpath) { return getElementText(WebDriverFactory.getPortalDriver(), xpath); } public static String getElementText(WebDriver webDriver, String xpath) { System.out.println("Getting text of " + xpath + " element"); return getElement(webDriver, xpath).getText(); } private static String getElementValue(WebElement webElement) { return webElement.getAttribute("value"); } public static boolean isVisible(String xpath) { return isVisible(WebDriverFactory.getPortalDriver(), xpath); } public static boolean isVisible(WebDriver webDriver, String xpath) { return isVisible(webDriver, xpath, TIMEOUT); } public static boolean isVisible(String xpath, long timeout) { return isVisible(WebDriverFactory.getPortalDriver(), xpath, timeout); } public static boolean isVisible(WebDriver webDriver, String xpath, long timeout) { System.out.println("Checking if " + xpath + " visible"); WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(webDriver, timeout); try { wait.until(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOfElementLocated(By.xpath(xpath))); } catch (TimeoutException e) { return false; } return true; } public static boolean isTextVisible(String text) { return isTextVisible(WebDriverFactory.getPortalDriver(), text); } public static boolean isTextVisible(WebDriver webDriver, String text) { return isVisible(webDriver, getElementXpathWithText(text), 1); } public static boolean isTextVisible(WebDriver webDriver, String text, int timeOutInSeconds) { return isVisible(webDriver, getElementXpathWithText(text), timeOutInSeconds); } private static String getElementXpathWithText(String text) { return "//*[text()='" + text + "']"; } public static boolean isClickable(WebDriver webDriver, String xpath) { return isVisible(webDriver, xpath, TIMEOUT); } public static boolean isClickable(WebDriver webDriver, String xpath, long timeout) { WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(webDriver, timeout); try { wait.until(ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable(By.xpath(xpath))); } catch (TimeoutException e) { return false; } return true; } public static boolean isElementVisible(WebDriver webDriver, String xpath) { return isVisible(webDriver, xpath) && isElementDimensionsPositive(webDriver, xpath); } public static boolean isElementVisible(String xpath, long timeout) { return isElementVisible(WebDriverFactory.getPortalDriver(), xpath, timeout); } public static boolean isElementVisible(WebDriver webDriver, String xpath, long timeout) { return isVisible(webDriver, xpath, timeout) && isElementDimensionsPositive(webDriver, xpath); } public static boolean isElementDimensionsPositive(WebDriver webDriver, String xpath) { int width = getElementWidth(webDriver, xpath); int height = getElementHeight(webDriver, xpath); return width > 0 && height > 0; } public static void mouseOver(String xpath) { mouseOver(WebDriverFactory.getPortalDriver(), xpath); } public static void mouseOver(WebDriver webDriver, String xpath) { mouseOver(webDriver, getElement(webDriver, xpath)); } private static void mouseOver(WebDriver webDriver, WebElement webElement) { getAction(webDriver).moveToElement(webElement).perform(); } //Input field public static void clearAndInputTextToField(String xpath, String text) { clearAndInputTextToField(WebDriverFactory.getPortalDriver(), xpath, text); } public static void clearAndInputTextToField(WebDriver webDriver, String xpath, String text) { clearAndInputTextToField(webDriver, xpath, text, 0); } public static void clearAndInputTextToField(String xpath, String text, int sleepTimeMillisec) { clearAndInputTextToField(WebDriverFactory.getPortalDriver(), xpath, text, sleepTimeMillisec); } public static void clearAndInputTextToField(WebDriver webDriver, String xpath, String text, int sleepTimeMillisec) { try { if (sleepTimeMillisec != 0) { clearField(webDriver, xpath); inputTextToField(webDriver, xpath, text, sleepTimeMillisec); } else { clearField(webDriver, xpath); inputTextToField(webDriver, xpath, text); } } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { AbstractTest.failTest("Could not find element: " + xpath); } } protected static void clearField(WebDriver webDriver, String xpath) { getElement(webDriver, xpath).clear(); } public static String getInputFieldText(String xpath) { return getInputFieldText(WebDriverFactory.getPortalDriver(), xpath); } public static String getInputFieldText(WebDriver webDriver, String xpath) { return getElement(webDriver, xpath).getAttribute("value"); } public static void inputTextToField(String xpath, String text) { inputTextToField(WebDriverFactory.getPortalDriver(), xpath, text); } public static void inputTextToField(WebDriver webDriver, String xpath, String text) { System.out.println("Inputting " + text + " ro field " + xpath); try { getElement(webDriver, xpath).sendKeys(text); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { AbstractTest.failTest("Could not find element: " + xpath); } } public static void inputTextToField(WebDriver webDriver, String xpath, String text, int sleepTimeMillisec) { for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++) { try { getElement(webDriver, xpath).sendKeys(text.charAt(i) + ""); Thread.sleep(sleepTimeMillisec); } catch (InterruptedException e) { AbstractTest.failTest("Sleep failed"); } } } public static boolean isEditable(String xpath) { return isEditable(WebDriverFactory.getPortalDriver(), xpath); } public static boolean isEditable(WebDriver webDriver, String xpath) { String baseText = getInputFieldText(webDriver, xpath); String text = "editable"; clearAndInputTextToField(webDriver, xpath, text); String editedText = getInputFieldText(webDriver, xpath); if (editedText.equals(text)) { clearAndInputTextToField(webDriver, xpath, baseText); return true; } else { return false; } } public static boolean isEditableNew(String xpath) { return WebDriverFactory.getPortalDriver().findElement(By.xpath(xpath)).isEnabled(); } public static void pressKey(Keys key) { pressKey(WebDriverFactory.getPortalDriver(), key); } public static void pressKey(WebDriver webDriver, Keys key) { System.out.println("Pressing key" + key); getAction(webDriver).sendKeys(key).perform(); } //Checkbox element public static boolean getCheckBoxState(String xpath) { return getCheckBoxState(WebDriverFactory.getPortalDriver(), xpath); } public static boolean getCheckBoxState(WebDriver webDriver, String xpath) { try { return getElement(webDriver, xpath).isSelected(); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { AbstractTest.failTest("Could not find element: " + xpath); } return false; } public static void setCheckBoxState(String xpath, boolean desiredState) { setCheckBoxState(WebDriverFactory.getPortalDriver(), xpath, desiredState); } public static void setCheckBoxState(WebDriver webDriver, String xpath, boolean desiredState) { try { if (getCheckBoxState(webDriver, xpath) != desiredState) { click(webDriver, xpath); } } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { AbstractTest.failTest("Could not find element: " + xpath); } } public static void setCheckBoxState(String id, String attribute, boolean value) { AbstractTest.failTest("$('" + id + "')." + attribute + " = " + value + ""); } //Dropdown private static Select createDropdown(WebDriver webDriver, String xpath) { return new Select(getElement(webDriver, xpath)); } private static WebElement getDropdownLastOption(WebDriver webDriver, String xpath) { WebElement option = null; try { List<WebElement> options = getDropdownOptions(webDriver, xpath); int lastIndex = options.size() - 1; option = options.get(lastIndex); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { AbstractTest.failTest("Could not find element: " + xpath); } return option; } public static void setDropdownOptionByText(String xpath, String value) { setDropdownOptionByText(WebDriverFactory.getPortalDriver(), xpath, value); } public static void setDropdownOptionByText(WebDriver webDriver, String xpath, String value) { try { Select dropdown = createDropdown(webDriver, xpath); dropdown.selectByVisibleText(value); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { AbstractTest.failTest(e.getMessage() + " on web element " + xpath); } } public static void setDropdownOptionByIndex(String xpath, int index) { setDropdownOptionByIndex(WebDriverFactory.getPortalDriver(), xpath, index); } public static void setDropdownOptionByIndex(WebDriver webDriver, String xpath, int index) { try { Select dropdown = createDropdown(webDriver, xpath); dropdown.selectByIndex(index); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { AbstractTest.failTest(e.getMessage() + " on web element " + xpath); } } public static void setDropdownOptionByValue(String xpath, String value) { setDropdownOptionByValue(WebDriverFactory.getPortalDriver(), xpath, value); } public static void setDropdownOptionByValue(WebDriver webDriver, String xpath, String value) { try { Select dropdown = createDropdown(webDriver, xpath); dropdown.selectByValue(value); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { AbstractTest.failTest("Could not find element " + xpath + " with value \"" + value + "\""); } } private static List<WebElement> getDropdownOptions(WebDriver webDriver, String xpath) { List<WebElement> options = null; try { Select dropdown = createDropdown(webDriver, xpath); options = dropdown.getOptions(); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { AbstractTest.failTest("Could not find element: " + xpath); } return options; } public static List<String> getDropdownOptionsText(String xpath) { return getDropdownOptionsText(WebDriverFactory.getPortalDriver(), xpath); } public static List<String> getDropdownOptionsText(WebDriver webDriver, String xpath) { List<String> optionsText = null; try { List<WebElement> options = getDropdownOptions(webDriver, xpath); optionsText = new ArrayList<String>(); for (WebElement option : options) { optionsText.add(option.getText()); } } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { AbstractTest.failTest("Could not find element: " + xpath); } return optionsText; } public static List<String> getDropdownOptionsValue(String xpath) { return getDropdownOptionsValue(WebDriverFactory.getPortalDriver(), xpath); } public static List<String> getDropdownOptionsValue(WebDriver webDriver, String xpath) { List<String> optionsValue = null; try { List<WebElement> options = getDropdownOptions(webDriver, xpath); optionsValue = new ArrayList<String>(); for (WebElement option : options) { optionsValue.add(getElementValue(option)); } } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { AbstractTest.failTest("Could not find element: " + xpath); } return optionsValue; } private static WebElement getDropdownSelectedOption(WebDriver webDriver, String xpath) { WebElement option = null; try { Select dropdown = createDropdown(webDriver, xpath); option = dropdown.getFirstSelectedOption(); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { AbstractTest.failTest("Could not find element: " + xpath); } return option; } public static String getDropdownSelectedOptionText(String xpath) { return getDropdownSelectedOptionText(WebDriverFactory.getPortalDriver(), xpath); } public static String getDropdownSelectedOptionText(WebDriver webDriver, String xpath) { try { return getDropdownSelectedOption(webDriver, xpath).getText().trim(); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { AbstractTest.failTest("Could not find element: " + xpath); } return null; } public static String getDropdownSelectedOptionValue(String xpath) { return getDropdownSelectedOptionValue(WebDriverFactory.getPortalDriver(), xpath); } public static String getDropdownSelectedOptionValue(WebDriver webDriver, String xpath) { try { return getDropdownSelectedOption(webDriver, xpath).getAttribute("value").replace("[", "") .replace("]", "").replace(",", "").replace(" ", ""); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { AbstractTest.failTest("Could not find element: " + xpath); } return null; } public static int getDropdownItemsAmount(String xpath) { return getDropdownOptionsValue(xpath).size(); } //Custom dropdown public static void setCustomDropdownOptionByText(WebDriver webDriver, String xpath, String text) { try { String list = openCustomDropdown(webDriver, xpath); click(webDriver, list + "//li[contains(text(), '" + text + "')]"); waitForElementToDisappear(webDriver, list); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { AbstractTest.failTest("Could not find element " + xpath + " with text '" + text + "'"); } } public static void setCustomDropdownOptionByValue(String xpath, String value) { setCustomDropdownOptionByValue(WebDriverFactory.getPortalDriver(), xpath, value); } public static void setCustomDropdownOptionByValue(WebDriver webDriver, String xpath, String value) { try { String list = openCustomDropdown(webDriver, xpath); click(webDriver, list + "//li[@data-lang ='" + value + "']"); waitForElementToDisappear(webDriver, list); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { AbstractTest.failTest("Could not find element " + xpath + " with value '" + value + "'"); } } public static List<String> getCustomDropdownOptionsText(WebDriver webDriver, String xpath) { List<String> optionsText = new ArrayList<>(); try { for (WebElement option : getCustomDropdownOptions(webDriver, xpath)) { optionsText.add(option.getText()); } } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { AbstractTest.failTest("Could not find element: " + xpath); } return optionsText; } public static List<String> getCustomDropdownOptionsValue(String xpath) { return getCustomDropdownOptionsValue(WebDriverFactory.getPortalDriver(), xpath); } public static List<String> getCustomDropdownOptionsValue(WebDriver webDriver, String xpath) { List<String> optionsValue = new ArrayList<>(); try { for (WebElement option : getCustomDropdownOptions(webDriver, xpath)) { optionsValue.add(option.getAttribute("data-lang")); } } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { AbstractTest.failTest("Could not find element: " + xpath); } return optionsValue; } public static String getCustomDropdownSelectedOptionText(WebDriver webDriver, String xpath) { try { return getCustomDropdownSelectedOption(webDriver, xpath).getText(); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { AbstractTest.failTest("Could not find element: " + xpath); } return null; } public static String getCustomDropdownSelectedOptionValue(String xpath) { return getCustomDropdownSelectedOptionValue(WebDriverFactory.getPortalDriver(), xpath); } public static String getCustomDropdownSelectedOptionValue(WebDriver webDriver, String xpath) { try { WebElement option = getCustomDropdownSelectedOption(webDriver, xpath); if (DataContainer.getDriverData().getLicensee().equals(Licensee.core)) { return option.getAttribute("data-lang"); } else { return option.getAttribute("class").split(" ")[1]; } } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { AbstractTest.failTest("Could not find element: " + xpath); } return null; } private static WebElement getCustomDropdownSelectedOption(WebDriver webDriver, String xpath) { try { if (DataContainer.getDriverData().getLicensee().equals(Licensee.core)) { String list = getFollowingElement(xpath); return getElement(webDriver, list + "//li[contains(@class, 'selected')]"); } else { return getElement(webDriver, xpath + "//span"); } } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { AbstractTest.failTest("Could not find element: " + xpath); } return null; } public static String openCustomDropdown(String xpath) { return openCustomDropdown(WebDriverFactory.getPortalDriver(), xpath); } public static String openCustomDropdown(WebDriver webDriver, String xpath) { String list = getFollowingElement(xpath); click(webDriver, xpath); waitForElement(webDriver, list); return list; } private static List<WebElement> getCustomDropdownOptions(WebDriver webDriver, String xpath) { String list = getFollowingElement(xpath); return getElementsByXpath(webDriver, list + "//li"); } private static List<WebElement> getElementsByXpath(WebDriver webDriver, String xpath) { return webDriver.findElements(By.xpath(xpath)); } public static List<WebElement> getElementsByClassName(String className) { return getElementsByClassName(WebDriverFactory.getPortalDriver(), className); } private static List<WebElement> getElementsByClassName(WebDriver webDriver, String className) { return webDriver.findElements(By.className(className)); } //List public static List<String> getListOfAttributeValues(WebDriver webDriver, String xpath, String attributeName) { List<String> result = new ArrayList(); String xpathItems = xpath + "//ul/li"; for (int itemIndex = 1; itemIndex <= getXpathCount(webDriver, xpathItems); itemIndex++) { result.add(getAttribute(webDriver, xpathItems + "[" + itemIndex + "]", attributeName)); } return result; } //Cookie public static String getCookieValue(WebDriver webDriver, String name) { return webDriver.manage().getCookieNamed(name).getValue(); } public static void clearCookies() { clearCookies(WebDriverFactory.getPortalDriver()); } public static void clearCookies(WebDriver webDriver) { webDriver.manage().deleteAllCookies(); } public static void addCookie(WebDriver webDriver, String name, String value, String domain, String path, Date expiry) { Cookie cookie = new Cookie(name, value, domain, path, expiry); webDriver.manage().addCookie(cookie); } public static Cookie getCookie(WebDriver webDriver, String cookieName) { return webDriver.manage().getCookieNamed(cookieName); } public static boolean isCookieExists(WebDriver webDriver, String cookieName) { return getCookie(webDriver, cookieName) != null; } public static void deleteCookie(WebDriver webDriver, String cookieName) { webDriver.manage().deleteCookieNamed(cookieName); } //Navigation public static String getCurrentUrl() { return getCurrentUrl(WebDriverFactory.getPortalDriver()); } public static String getCurrentUrl(WebDriver webDriver) { return webDriver.getCurrentUrl(); } public static String getCurrentLanguageCode() { String leftover = getCurrentUrl(WebDriverFactory.getPortalDriver()) .replace(DataContainer.getDriverData().getCurrentUrl(), ""); int index = leftover.indexOf("/"); if (index != -1) { return leftover.substring(0, index); } else { if (leftover.length() == 2 || leftover.length() == 5) { return leftover; } else { return ""; } } } public static void navigateToInternalURL(String relativeURL) { navigateToInternalURL(WebDriverFactory.getPortalDriver(), relativeURL); } public static void navigateToInternalURL(WebDriver webDriver, String relativeURL) { String url = DataContainer.getDriverData().getCurrentUrl() + relativeURL; navigateToURL(webDriver, url); } public static void navigateToInternalURL(WebDriver webDriver, String baseUrl, String relativeURL) { String url = baseUrl + relativeURL; navigateToURL(webDriver, url); } public static void navigateToURL(String url) { navigateToURL(WebDriverFactory.getPortalDriver(), url); } public static void navigateToURL(WebDriver webDriver, String url) { System.out.println("Navigating to url " + url); webDriver.get(url); } public static void refreshPage() { System.out.println("Refreshing page"); refreshPage(WebDriverFactory.getPortalDriver()); waitForPageToLoad(); } public static void refreshPage(WebDriver webDriver) { webDriver.navigate().refresh(); } //WindowHandling public static void closeCurrentWindow(WebDriver webDriver) { webDriver.close(); } public static String getWindowHandle(WebDriver webDriver) { return webDriver.getWindowHandle(); } public static Set<String> getWindowHandles(WebDriver webDriver) { return webDriver.getWindowHandles(); } public static void switchToOtherWindow(WebDriver webDriver, String mainWindowHandle) { for (String winHandle : getWindowHandles(webDriver)) { if (!winHandle.equals(mainWindowHandle)) { switchToWindow(webDriver, winHandle); } } } public static void switchToWindow(WebDriver webDriver, String handle) { System.out.println("Switching to window " + handle); webDriver.switchTo().window(handle); } public static boolean isGameLaunched(ConfiguredPages page) { if (getWindowHandles(WebDriverFactory.getPortalDriver()).size() == 1 && getCurrentUrl(WebDriverFactory.getPortalDriver()).contains(page.toString())) { return false; } else { return true; } } //iFrame public static void switchFromIframe(WebDriver webDriver) { System.out.println("Switching from iframe"); webDriver.switchTo().defaultContent(); } public static void switchToIframeById(WebDriver webDriver, String iframeId) { System.out.println("Switching to iframe " + iframeId); webDriver.switchTo().frame(iframeId); } public static void switchToIframeByXpath(WebDriver webDriver, String iframeXpath) { System.out.println("Switching to iframe " + iframeXpath); webDriver.switchTo().frame(getElement(webDriver, iframeXpath)); } //Script public static void acceptJavaScriptAlert(WebDriver webDriver) { Alert alert = webDriver.switchTo().alert(); alert.accept(); } public static void executeScript(String javascript) { executeScript(WebDriverFactory.getPortalDriver(), javascript); } public static void executeScript(WebDriver webDriver, String javascript) { ((JavascriptExecutor) webDriver).executeScript(javascript); } //Mobile public static void setOrientation(ScreenOrientation screenOrientation) { AppiumDriver appiumDriver = (AppiumDriver) WebDriverFactory.getPortalDriver(); appiumDriver.rotate(screenOrientation); waitFor(1000); } public static ScreenOrientation getOrientation() { AppiumDriver appiumDriver = (AppiumDriver) WebDriverFactory.getPortalDriver(); return appiumDriver.getOrientation(); } public static String getDomain() { String baseUrl = DataContainer.getDriverData().getCurrentUrl(); int firstDotIndex = baseUrl.indexOf("."); return baseUrl.substring(firstDotIndex).replace("/", "").replace(":8080", ""); } private static WebElement getElement(Locator locator) { return getElement(WebDriverFactory.getPortalDriver(), locator); } private static WebElement getElement(WebDriver webDriver, Locator locator) { String css = locator.getCss(); System.out.println("Getting element by css " + css); try { return webDriver.findElement(By.cssSelector(css)); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { AbstractTest.failTest("Could not find element by css: " + css); } return null; } public static WebElement getElement(String xpath) { return getElement(WebDriverFactory.getPortalDriver(), xpath); } public static WebElement getElement(WebDriver webDriver, String xpath) { System.out.println("Getting element by xpath " + xpath); try { return webDriver.findElement(By.xpath(xpath)); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { AbstractTest.failTest("Could not find element: " + xpath); } return null; } //Xpath actions public static int getXpathCount(String xpath) { return getXpathCount(WebDriverFactory.getPortalDriver(), xpath); } public static int getXpathCount(WebDriver webDriver, String xpath) { return getElementsByXpath(webDriver, xpath).size(); } public static String getFollowingElement(String xpath, int index) { return "//*[preceding-sibling::" + xpath.substring(2) + "][" + index + "]"; } public static String getFollowingElement(String xpath) { return "//*[preceding-sibling::" + xpath.substring(2) + "]"; } public static String getPrecedingElement(String xpath, int index) { return "//*[following-sibling::" + xpath.substring(2) + "][" + index + "]"; } public static String getPrecedingElement(String xpath) { return "//*[following-sibling::" + xpath.substring(2) + "]"; } public static void paste(String xpath) { paste(WebDriverFactory.getPortalDriver(), xpath); } public static void paste(WebDriver webDriver, String xpath) { getElement(webDriver, xpath).sendKeys(Keys.chord(Keys.CONTROL, "v")); } public static void copy(String xpath) { copy(WebDriverFactory.getPortalDriver(), xpath); } public static void copy(WebDriver webDriver, String xpath) { WebElement element = getElement(webDriver, xpath); element.sendKeys(Keys.chord(Keys.CONTROL, "a")); element.sendKeys(Keys.chord(Keys.CONTROL, "c")); } /*Local storage*/ private static LocalStorage getLocalStorage(WebDriver webDriver) { return ((WebStorage) webDriver).getLocalStorage(); } public static int getLocalStorageSize(WebDriver webDriver) { return getLocalStorage(webDriver).size(); } public static String getLocalStorageItem(WebDriver webDriver, String key) { return getLocalStorage(webDriver).getItem(key); } public static void setLocalStorageItem(WebDriver webDriver, String key, String value) { getLocalStorage(webDriver).setItem(key, value); } public static void removeLocalStorageItem(WebDriver webDriver, String key) { getLocalStorage(webDriver).removeItem(key); } public static void clearLocalStorage(WebDriver webDriver) { getLocalStorage(webDriver).clear(); } public static void clearLocalStorage() { executeScript("window.localStorage.clear();"); // getLocalStorage(WebDriverFactory.getPortalDriver()).clear(); } public static void waitForFileDownload(String prepaidcardCvsPath) { FluentWait<File> waiter = new FluentWait<File>(new File(prepaidcardCvsPath)); waiter.withTimeout(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS); waiter.pollingEvery(1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); waiter.until(new Predicate<File>() { @Override public boolean apply(File input) { return input.exists() && input.length() > 0; } }); } public static int getCountOfNodes(WebDriver driver, String xpath) { return driver.findElements(By.xpath(xpath)).size(); } public static int getCountOfNodes(String xpath) { return getCountOfNodes(WebDriverFactory.getPortalDriver(), xpath); } // Radio button public static void setRadioButton(String xpath) { WebElement element = (WebElement) WebDriverFactory.getPortalDriver().findElements(By.xpath(xpath));; } }