Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014 Ricardo Lorenzo<> * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package utils.gce; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import conf.PlayConfiguration; import play.libs.Json; import utils.CappedList; import utils.file.FileUtils; import utils.gce.auth.GoogleComputeEngineAuth; import; import; import; import java.util.*; /** * Created by ricardolorenzo on 18/07/2014. */ public class GoogleComputeEngineClient { private static final String APPLICATION_NAME = "Ricardo Lorenzo GCE Client/1.0"; private static final Long OPERATIONS_PER_PAGE = 50L; private static final JsonFactory JSON_FACTORY; private static final HttpTransport HTTP_TRANSPORT; private static final List<String> IMAGE_PROJECTS; private static final String projectId; private static Optional<String> zoneName; private Compute compute; private GoogleComputeEngineAuth auth; static { JSON_FACTORY = new JacksonFactory(); HTTP_TRANSPORT = new NetHttpTransport(); //IMAGE_PROJECTS = Arrays.asList(new String[]{ "debian-cloud", "centos-cloud" }); IMAGE_PROJECTS = Arrays.asList(new String[] { "debian-cloud" }); projectId = PlayConfiguration.getProperty("google.projectId"); if (PlayConfiguration.hasProperty("google.zoneName")) { zoneName = Optional.ofNullable(PlayConfiguration.getProperty("google.zoneName")); } } public GoogleComputeEngineClient(final GoogleComputeEngineAuth auth) { this.auth = auth; compute = new Compute.Builder(HTTP_TRANSPORT, JSON_FACTORY, null).setApplicationName(APPLICATION_NAME) .setHttpRequestInitializer(auth.getCredential()).build(); } public String getProjectId() { return projectId; } public String getZone() { return zoneName.get(); } public void setZone(String zoneName) { GoogleComputeEngineClient.zoneName = Optional.ofNullable(zoneName); } public List<Disk> getDisks() throws GoogleComputeEngineException { if (!zoneName.isPresent()) { throw new GoogleComputeEngineException("zone name not specified"); } try { Compute.Disks.List list = compute.disks().list(projectId, zoneName.get()); return list.execute().getItems(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new GoogleComputeEngineException(e); } } public List<DiskType> getDiskTypes() throws GoogleComputeEngineException { if (!zoneName.isPresent()) { throw new GoogleComputeEngineException("zone name not specified"); } try { Compute.DiskTypes.List list = compute.diskTypes().list(projectId, zoneName.get()); return list.execute().getItems(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new GoogleComputeEngineException(e); } } public List<Instance> getInstances(List<String> tags) throws GoogleComputeEngineException { if (!zoneName.isPresent()) { throw new GoogleComputeEngineException("zone name not specified"); } try { Compute.Instances.List list = compute.instances().list(projectId, zoneName.get()); if (tags != null && !tags.isEmpty()) { List<Instance> instances = new ArrayList<>(); for (Instance i : list.execute().getItems()) { int tag_match = 0; Optional<List<String>> tagsItems = Optional .ofNullable(i.getTags() != null ? i.getTags().getItems() : null); for (String tag : tags) { if (tagsItems.isPresent() && tagsItems.get().contains(tag)) { tag_match++; } } if (tag_match == tags.size()) { instances.add(i); } } return instances; } else { return list.execute().getItems(); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new GoogleComputeEngineException(e); } } public List<Zone> getZones() throws GoogleComputeEngineException { try { Compute.Zones.List list = compute.zones().list(projectId); return list.execute().getItems(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new GoogleComputeEngineException(e); } } public List<Image> getImages() throws GoogleComputeEngineException { try { List<Image> images = new ArrayList<>(); for (String project : IMAGE_PROJECTS) { Compute.Images.List list = compute.images().list(project); List<Image> res_images = list.execute().getItems(); if (res_images != null) { images.addAll(res_images); } } return images; } catch (IOException e) { throw new GoogleComputeEngineException(e); } } public List<MachineType> getMachineTypes() throws GoogleComputeEngineException { if (!zoneName.isPresent()) { throw new GoogleComputeEngineException("zone name not specified"); } try { Compute.MachineTypes.List list = compute.machineTypes().list(projectId, zoneName.get()); return list.execute().getItems(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new GoogleComputeEngineException(e); } } public List<Network> getNetworks() throws GoogleComputeEngineException { try { Compute.Networks.List list = compute.networks().list(projectId); return list.execute().getItems(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new GoogleComputeEngineException(e); } } public List<Operation> getOperations() throws GoogleComputeEngineException { try { List<Operation> operations = getLastOperationsPage(); return operations; } catch (IOException e) { throw new GoogleComputeEngineException(e); } } private List<Operation> getLastOperationsPage() throws IOException, GoogleComputeEngineException { if (!zoneName.isPresent()) { throw new GoogleComputeEngineException("zone name not specified"); } Compute.ZoneOperations.List list = compute.zoneOperations().list(projectId, zoneName.get()); /** * TODO get the maximum from the configuration */ list.setMaxResults(OPERATIONS_PER_PAGE); CappedList<Operation> operations = new CappedList<>(OPERATIONS_PER_PAGE.intValue()); OperationList pageList = list.execute(); operations.addAll(pageList.getItems()); while (pageList.getNextPageToken() != null) { list.setPageToken(pageList.getNextPageToken()); pageList = list.execute(); operations.addAll(pageList.getItems()); } return new ArrayList<>(operations); } public Disk getDisk(String diskName) throws GoogleComputeEngineException { if (!zoneName.isPresent()) { throw new GoogleComputeEngineException("zone name not specified"); } try { Compute.Disks.Get get = compute.disks().get(projectId, zoneName.get(), diskName); return get.execute(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new GoogleComputeEngineException(e); } } public void attachDiskToInstance(String instanceName, String diskName) throws GoogleComputeEngineException { if (!zoneName.isPresent()) { throw new GoogleComputeEngineException("zone name not specified"); } Disk disk = getDisk(diskName); AttachedDisk attachedDisk = new AttachedDisk(); attachedDisk.setBoot(false); attachedDisk.setAutoDelete(true); attachedDisk.setDeviceName(diskName); attachedDisk.setMode("READ_WRITE"); attachedDisk.setSource(disk.getSelfLink()); try { Compute.Instances.AttachDisk attachDisk = compute.instances().attachDisk(projectId, zoneName.get(), instanceName, attachedDisk); attachDisk.execute(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new GoogleComputeEngineException(e); } } public String createDisk(String name, String diskType, Integer sizeGb) throws GoogleComputeEngineException { if (!zoneName.isPresent()) { throw new GoogleComputeEngineException("zone name not specified"); } try { Disk disk = new Disk(); disk.setName(name); disk.setZone(zoneName.get()); disk.setSizeGb(sizeGb.longValue()); disk.setType(diskType); Compute.Disks.Insert insert = compute.disks().insert(projectId, zoneName.get(), disk); return insert.execute().getTargetLink(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new GoogleComputeEngineException(e); } } public void deleteDisk(String diskName) throws GoogleComputeEngineException { if (!zoneName.isPresent()) { throw new GoogleComputeEngineException("zone name not specified"); } try { Compute.Disks.Delete delete = compute.disks().delete(projectId, zoneName.get(), diskName); delete.execute(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new GoogleComputeEngineException(e); } } private static AttachedDisk createAttachedDisk(String name, Integer sizeGb, String diskType, String sourceImage) { AttachedDiskInitializeParams paramaters = new AttachedDiskInitializeParams(); paramaters.setDiskName(name); paramaters.setDiskSizeGb(sizeGb.longValue()); if (diskType != null && !diskType.isEmpty()) { paramaters.setDiskType(diskType); } if (sourceImage != null && !sourceImage.isEmpty()) { paramaters.setSourceImage(sourceImage); } AttachedDisk disk = new AttachedDisk(); disk.setBoot(true); //disk.setType("PERSISTENT"); disk.setMode("READ_WRITE"); disk.setAutoDelete(true); disk.setInitializeParams(paramaters); return disk; } public void setInstanceTags(String instanceName, Map<String, String> tags) throws GoogleComputeEngineException { if (!zoneName.isPresent()) { throw new GoogleComputeEngineException("zone name not specified"); } Tags t = new Tags(); if (tags != null && !tags.isEmpty()) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> e : tags.entrySet()) { t.set(e.getKey(), e.getValue()); } } t = t.encodeFingerprint(GoogleComputeEngineFingerprint.getSha1Hash(t.toString())); try { Compute.Instances.SetTags setTags = compute.instances().setTags(projectId, zoneName.get(), instanceName, t); setTags.execute(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new GoogleComputeEngineException(e); } } public void setInstanceMetaData(String instanceName, Map<String, String> metadata) throws GoogleComputeEngineException { if (!zoneName.isPresent()) { throw new GoogleComputeEngineException("zone name not specified"); } Metadata m = new Metadata(); if (metadata != null && !metadata.isEmpty()) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> e : metadata.entrySet()) { m.set(e.getKey(), e.getValue()); } } m = m.encodeFingerprint(GoogleComputeEngineFingerprint.getSha1Hash(m.toString())); try { Compute.Instances.SetMetadata setMetadata = compute.instances().setMetadata(projectId, zoneName.get(), instanceName, m); setMetadata.execute(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new GoogleComputeEngineException(e); } } public Network getNetwork(String networkName) throws GoogleComputeEngineException { try { Compute.Networks.Get get = compute.networks().get(projectId, networkName); return get.execute(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new GoogleComputeEngineException(e); } } public String createNetwork(String name, String description, String ip4Range, String ip4Gateway) throws GoogleComputeEngineException { Network net = new Network(); net.setName(name); if (Optional.ofNullable(description).isPresent()) { net.setDescription(description); } net.setIPv4Range(ip4Range); if (Optional.ofNullable(ip4Gateway).isPresent()) { net.setGatewayIPv4(ip4Gateway); } try { Compute.Networks.Insert insert = compute.networks().insert(projectId, net); return insert.execute().getTargetLink(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new GoogleComputeEngineException(e); } } public void deleteNetwork(String networkName) throws GoogleComputeEngineException { try { Compute.Networks.Delete delete = compute.networks().delete(projectId, networkName); delete.execute(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new GoogleComputeEngineException(e); } } public Instance getInstance(String instanceName) throws GoogleComputeEngineException { if (!zoneName.isPresent()) { throw new GoogleComputeEngineException("zone name not specified"); } try { Compute.Instances.Get get = compute.instances().get(projectId, zoneName.get(), instanceName); return get.execute(); } catch (IOException e) { String message = e.getMessage(); if (message != null && message.contains("{") && message.contains("}")) { message = message.substring(message.indexOf("{")); message = message.substring(0, message.lastIndexOf("}") + 1); JsonNode node = Json.parse(message).get("code"); if (node != null && node.asInt() == 404) { return null; } } throw new GoogleComputeEngineException(e); } } public boolean instanceExists(String instanceName) throws GoogleComputeEngineException { if (!zoneName.isPresent()) { throw new GoogleComputeEngineException("zone name not specified"); } try { Compute.Instances.Get get = compute.instances().get(projectId, zoneName.get(), instanceName); if (get.execute() != null) { return true; } return false; } catch (IOException e) { String message = e.getMessage(); if (message != null && message.contains("{") && message.contains("}")) { message = message.substring(message.indexOf("{")); message = message.substring(0, message.lastIndexOf("}") + 1); JsonNode node = Json.parse(message).get("code"); if (node != null && node.asInt() == 404) { return false; } } throw new GoogleComputeEngineException(e); } } public String createInstance(String name, String machineType, List<String> network, Integer sizeGb, String sourceImage, Map<String, String> dataDisks, List<String> tags, List<String> sshKeys, String startupScript, boolean publicAddress) throws GoogleComputeEngineException { if (!zoneName.isPresent()) { throw new GoogleComputeEngineException("zone name not specified"); } try { Instance instance = new Instance(); instance.setFactory(JSON_FACTORY); instance.setMachineType(machineType); instance.setName(name); instance.setZone(zoneName.get()); instance.setCanIpForward(publicAddress); instance.setServiceAccounts(auth.getInstanceServiceAccounts()); if (network != null && !network.isEmpty()) { int count = 0; List<NetworkInterface> networkInterfaces = new ArrayList<>(); for (String n : network) { NetworkInterface iface = new NetworkInterface(); iface.setFactory(JSON_FACTORY); iface.setName("eth" + count); iface.setNetwork(n); if (publicAddress) { AccessConfig ac = new AccessConfig(); ac.setType("ONE_TO_ONE_NAT"); iface.setAccessConfigs(Arrays.asList(ac)); } networkInterfaces.add(iface); count++; } instance.setNetworkInterfaces(networkInterfaces); } List<AttachedDisk> attachedDisks = new ArrayList<>(); attachedDisks.add(createAttachedDisk(name + "-disk-root", sizeGb, null, sourceImage)); if (dataDisks != null && !dataDisks.isEmpty()) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> dataDisk : dataDisks.entrySet()) { AttachedDisk attachedDisk = new AttachedDisk(); attachedDisk.setBoot(false); attachedDisk.setAutoDelete(true); attachedDisk.setDeviceName(dataDisk.getKey()); attachedDisk.setMode("READ_WRITE"); attachedDisk.setSource(dataDisk.getValue()); attachedDisks.add(attachedDisk); } } instance.setDisks(attachedDisks); if (tags != null && !tags.isEmpty()) { Tags t = new Tags(); t.setItems(tags); instance.setTags(t.encodeFingerprint(GoogleComputeEngineFingerprint.getSha1Hash(t.toString()))); } if (Optional.ofNullable(startupScript).isPresent() || (sshKeys != null && !sshKeys.isEmpty())) { Metadata m = new Metadata(); List<Metadata.Items> itemList = new ArrayList<>(); if (Optional.ofNullable(startupScript).isPresent()) { Metadata.Items items = new Metadata.Items(); if (startupScript .matches("\\b(https?|ftp)://[-a-zA-Z0-9+&@#/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[-a-zA-Z0-9+&@#/%=~_|]")) { items.setKey("startup-script-url"); items.setValue(startupScript); } else { items.setKey("startup-script"); File f = new File(startupScript); if (f.exists()) { items.setValue(FileUtils.readFileAsString(f)); } else { items.setValue("file not found [" + startupScript + "]"); } } itemList.add(items); } if (sshKeys != null && !sshKeys.isEmpty()) { for (String key : sshKeys) { Metadata.Items items = new Metadata.Items(); items.setKey("sshKeys"); items.setValue(key); itemList.add(items); } } m.setItems(itemList); instance.setMetadata(m.encodeFingerprint(GoogleComputeEngineFingerprint.getSha1Hash(m.toString()))); } Compute.Instances.Insert insert = compute.instances().insert(projectId, zoneName.get(), instance); return insert.execute().getTargetLink(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new GoogleComputeEngineException(e); } } public void deleteInstance(String instanceName) throws GoogleComputeEngineException { if (!zoneName.isPresent()) { throw new GoogleComputeEngineException("zone name not specified"); } try { Compute.Instances.Delete delete = compute.instances().delete(projectId, zoneName.get(), instanceName); delete.execute(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new GoogleComputeEngineException(e); } } }