utilities.XLSTemplateUploadManager.java Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for utilities.XLSTemplateUploadManager.java


package utilities;

This file is part of SMAP.
SMAP is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
SMAP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with SMAP.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

import java.io.InputStream;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.*;
import org.javarosa.xpath.XPathParseTool;
import org.smap.sdal.Utilities.ApplicationException;
import org.smap.sdal.Utilities.ApplicationWarning;
import org.smap.sdal.Utilities.GeneralUtilityMethods;
import org.smap.sdal.constants.SmapQuestionTypes;
import org.smap.sdal.model.Form;
import org.smap.sdal.model.KeyValueSimp;
import org.smap.sdal.model.Label;
import org.smap.sdal.model.Language;
import org.smap.sdal.model.ManifestInfo;
import org.smap.sdal.model.MetaItem;
import org.smap.sdal.model.Option;
import org.smap.sdal.model.OptionList;
import org.smap.sdal.model.Pulldata;
import org.smap.sdal.model.Question;
import org.smap.sdal.model.Role;
import org.smap.sdal.model.RoleColumnFilterRef;
import org.smap.sdal.model.SqlFrag;
import org.smap.sdal.model.Survey;

public class XLSTemplateUploadManager {

     * Globals
    Workbook wb = null;
    Sheet surveySheet = null;
    Sheet choicesSheet = null;
    Sheet settingsSheet = null;

    int rowNumSurvey = 0; // Heading row is 0
    int rowNumChoices = 0;
    int rowNumSettings = 0;
    int lastRowNumSurvey = 0;
    int lastRowNumChoices = 0;
    int lastRowNumSettings = 0;

    HashMap<String, Integer> surveyHeader = null;
    HashMap<String, Integer> choicesHeader = null;
    HashMap<String, Integer> settingsHeader = null;
    HashMap<String, Integer> choiceFilterHeader = null;
    HashMap<String, Integer> columnRoleHeader = null;
    HashMap<String, Integer> rowRoleHeader = null;

    HashMap<String, String> questionNames; // Mapping between original name and truncated name
    HashMap<String, String> optionNames; // Mapping between original name and truncated name
    boolean merge;

    HashMap<String, Integer> qNameMap = new HashMap<>(); // Use in question name validation
    HashMap<String, HashMap<String, Integer>> oNameMap = new HashMap<>(); // Use in option name validation
    Pattern validQname = Pattern.compile("^[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_\\-\\.]*$");
    Pattern validChoiceName = Pattern.compile("^[A-Za-z0-9_@\\-\\.\\+%,():/]*$");

    HashMap<Integer, Stack<Question>> groupStackMap = new HashMap<>(); // Keep track of groups in forms
    boolean inFieldList = false; // Only some questions are allowed inside a field list

    boolean useDefaultLanguage = false;

    boolean inTableListGroup = false;
    boolean foundSelectInTableListGroup = false;
    boolean justStartedTableListGroup = false;

    int metaId = -1000;

    Survey survey = null;

    private class FunctionCheck {
        String name;
        int args;
        String template;

        FunctionCheck(String n, int a, String t) {
            name = n;
            args = a;
            template = t;

    private ArrayList<FunctionCheck> functions = new ArrayList<>();
    private ResourceBundle localisation = null;
    private ArrayList<ApplicationWarning> warnings = null;

    public XLSTemplateUploadManager(ResourceBundle l, ArrayList<ApplicationWarning> w) {

        localisation = l;
        warnings = w;

        // Initialise Function Check array
        functions.add(new FunctionCheck("count", 1, "count(nodeset)"));
        functions.add(new FunctionCheck("if", 3, "if(condition, a, b)"));


     * Get a survey definition from an XLS file
    public Survey getSurvey(Connection sd, int oId, String type, InputStream inputStream, String displayName,
            int p_id, HashMap<String, String> questionNames, HashMap<String, String> optionNames, boolean merge,
            int existingVersion) throws Exception {

        this.questionNames = questionNames;
        this.optionNames = optionNames;
        this.merge = merge;

        wb = WorkbookFactory.create(inputStream);

        // Create survey and set defaults
        survey = new Survey();
        survey.displayName = displayName;
        survey.o_id = oId;
        survey.p_id = p_id;
        survey.version = merge ? existingVersion + 1 : 1;
        survey.loadedFromXLS = true;
        survey.deleted = false;
        survey.blocked = false;
                .add(new MetaItem(metaId--, "string", "instanceID", null, "instanceid", null, false, null, null));
                new MetaItem(metaId--, "string", "instanceName", null, "instancename", null, false, null, null));

        surveySheet = wb.getSheet("survey");
        choicesSheet = wb.getSheet("choices");
        settingsSheet = wb.getSheet("settings");

        if (surveySheet == null) {
            throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_nw", -1, "survey", null, null, null);
        } else if (surveySheet.getPhysicalNumberOfRows() == 0) {
            throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_ew", -1, "survey", null, null, null);
        } else {

            lastRowNumSurvey = surveySheet.getLastRowNum();
            if (choicesSheet != null) {
                lastRowNumChoices = choicesSheet.getLastRowNum();
            if (settingsSheet != null) {
                lastRowNumSettings = settingsSheet.getLastRowNum();

            getHeaders(); // get headers and set the languages from them

             * 1. Process the choices sheet
            if (choicesSheet != null) {
                while (rowNumChoices <= lastRowNumChoices) {

                    Row row = choicesSheet.getRow(rowNumChoices++);

                    if (row != null) {
                        int lastCellNum = row.getLastCellNum();
                        String listName = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "list name", choicesHeader, lastCellNum,
                        if (listName == null) {
                            listName = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "list_name", choicesHeader, lastCellNum,

                        if (listName != null) {
                            OptionList ol = survey.optionLists.get(listName);
                            if (ol == null) {
                                ol = new OptionList();
                                survey.optionLists.put(listName, ol);
                            ol.options.add(getOption(row, listName));


             * 2. Process the survey sheet
            Form f = getForm("main", -1, -1, null);
            // Validate the top level form
            if (survey.forms.get(0).questions.size() == 0) {
                throw new ApplicationException(localisation.getString("tu_nq"));
            validateForm(1, f);

             * 3, Process the settings sheet
            if (settingsSheet != null && settingsHeader != null) {
                Row row = settingsSheet.getRow(rowNumSettings++);
                if (row != null) {
                    int lastCellNum = row.getLastCellNum();

                    // Default language
                    survey.def_lang = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "default_language", settingsHeader,
                            lastCellNum, null);
                    if (survey.def_lang != null) {
                        boolean validLanguage = false;
                        for (Language l : survey.languages) {
                            if (l.name.equals(survey.def_lang)) {
                                validLanguage = true;
                        if (!validLanguage) {
                            throw new ApplicationException(localisation.getString("tu_idl"));

                    survey.instanceNameDefn = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "instance_name", settingsHeader,
                            lastCellNum, null);
                    survey.surveyClass = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "style", settingsHeader, lastCellNum,
                    survey.task_file = getBooleanColumn(row, "allow_import", settingsHeader, lastCellNum);
                    survey.setHideOnDevice(getBooleanColumn(row, "hide_on_device", settingsHeader, lastCellNum));
                    survey.timing_data = getBooleanColumn(row, "timing_data", settingsHeader, lastCellNum);
                    survey.hrk = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "key", settingsHeader, lastCellNum, null);
                    String pdRepeats = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "pulldata_repeat", settingsHeader,
                            lastCellNum, null);
                    if (pdRepeats != null) {
                        String[] pdArray = pdRepeats.split(":");
                        if (pdArray.length > 0) {
                            for (String pd : pdArray) {
                                pd = pd.trim();
                                int idx = pd.indexOf("(");
                                if (idx > 0) {
                                    String sName = pd.substring(0, idx);
                                    String key = pd.substring(idx + 1, pd.length() - 1);
                                    if (survey.pulldata == null) {
                                        survey.pulldata = new ArrayList<Pulldata>();
                                    survey.pulldata.add(new Pulldata(sName, key));

                    survey.key_policy = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "key_policy", settingsHeader, lastCellNum,

                    // Add row filters
                    if (rowRoleHeader != null && rowRoleHeader.size() > 0) {
                        for (String h : rowRoleHeader.keySet()) {
                            String filter = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, h, settingsHeader, lastCellNum, null);
                            if (filter != null) {
                                Role r = survey.roles.get(h);
                                if (r != null) {
                                    SqlFrag sq = new SqlFrag();
                                    sq.addSqlFragment(filter, false, localisation);
                                    settingsQuestionInSurvey(sq.humanNames, h); // validate question names
                                    r.row_filter = filter;


         * Add default preloads
        if (!hasMeta("start")) {
            survey.meta.add(new MetaItem(metaId--, "dateTime", "_start", "start", "_start", "timestamp", true,
                    "start", null));
        if (!hasMeta("end")) {
                    .add(new MetaItem(metaId--, "dateTime", "_end", "end", "_end", "timestamp", true, "end", null));
        if (!hasMeta("deviceid")) {
            survey.meta.add(new MetaItem(metaId--, "string", "_device", "deviceid", "_device", "property", true,
                    "device", null));

        validateSurvey(); // 4. Final Validation

        return survey;


    private boolean hasMeta(String sourceParam) {
        for (MetaItem mi : survey.meta) {
            if (mi.isPreload && mi.sourceParam.equals(sourceParam)) {
                return true;
        return false;

    private Option getOption(Row row, String listName) throws ApplicationException, Exception {

        Option o = new Option();
        int lastCellNum = row.getLastCellNum();
        o.optionList = listName;

        o.value = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "name", choicesHeader, lastCellNum, null);
        o.display_name = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "display_name", choicesHeader, lastCellNum, null);
        getLabels(row, lastCellNum, choicesHeader, o.labels, "choice");

        if (merge) {
            // Attempt to get existing column name
            String n = optionNames.get(listName + "__" + o.value);
            if (n != null) {
                o.columnName = n;
            } else {
                o.columnName = GeneralUtilityMethods.cleanName(o.value, false, false, false);
        } else {
            o.columnName = GeneralUtilityMethods.cleanName(o.value, false, false, false);
        o.cascade_filters = new HashMap<String, String>();
        for (String key : choiceFilterHeader.keySet()) {
            String value = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, key, choicesHeader, lastCellNum, null);
            if (value != null) {
                o.cascade_filters.put(key, value);

        o.published = false; // Default to unpublised TODO work out when this can be set to published
        validateOption(o, rowNumChoices);

        return o;

     * Get the survey header and the choices header so we can identify all the languages up front
     * This should work gracefully with a badly designed forms where there are inconsistent language
     *  names between the survey and choices sheet
    private void getHeaders() throws ApplicationException {

        choiceFilterHeader = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
        HashMap<String, String> langMap = new HashMap<String, String>();

        // Get survey sheet headers
        while (rowNumSurvey <= lastRowNumSurvey) {
            Row row = surveySheet.getRow(rowNumSurvey++);
            if (row != null) {
                surveyHeader = XLSUtilities.getHeader(row, localisation, rowNumSurvey, "survey");

                // Add languages in order they exist in the header hence won't use keyset of surveyHeader
                int lastCellNum = row.getLastCellNum();
                for (int i = 0; i <= lastCellNum; i++) {
                    Cell cell = row.getCell(i);
                    if (cell != null) {
                        String name = cell.getStringCellValue();
                        if (name.startsWith("label::")) { // Only check the question label for languages, any others will be assumed to be errors
                            String[] sArray = name.split("::");
                            if (sArray.length > 0) {
                                String exists = langMap.get(sArray[1]);
                                if (exists == null) {
                                    langMap.put(sArray[1], sArray[1]);
                                    survey.languages.add(new Language(0, sArray[1]));

                // Get security roles
                for (String h : surveyHeader.keySet()) {
                    if (h.startsWith("role::")) {
                        if (columnRoleHeader == null) {
                            columnRoleHeader = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
                        columnRoleHeader.put(h, surveyHeader.get(h));
                        String[] roleA = h.split("::");
                        if (roleA.length > 1) {
                            survey.roles.put(h, new Role(roleA[1]));


        // Get choice sheet header
        if (choicesSheet != null) {
            while (rowNumChoices <= lastRowNumChoices) {
                Row row = choicesSheet.getRow(rowNumChoices++);
                if (row != null) {
                    choicesHeader = XLSUtilities.getHeader(row, localisation, rowNumChoices, "choices");

                    // Get the headers for filters
                    for (String h : choicesHeader.keySet()) {
                        if (h.equals("list name") || h.equals("name") || h.equals("label")
                                || h.equals("display_name") || h.startsWith("label::") || h.equals("image")
                                || h.startsWith("image::") // deprecate?
                                || h.startsWith("media::image") || h.equals("audio") || h.startsWith("audio::") // deprecate?
                                || h.startsWith("media::audio") || h.equals("video") || h.startsWith("media::video")
                                || h.startsWith("video::")) { // deprecate?
                        // The rest must be filter columns
                        choiceFilterHeader.put(h, choicesHeader.get(h));


        // Add a default language if needed
        if (survey.languages.size() == 0) {
            survey.languages.add(new Language(0, "language"));
            useDefaultLanguage = true;

        // Get Setting sheet headers
        if (settingsSheet != null) {
            while (rowNumSettings <= lastRowNumSettings) {
                Row row = settingsSheet.getRow(rowNumSettings++);
                if (row != null) {
                    settingsHeader = XLSUtilities.getHeader(row, localisation, rowNumSettings, "settings");

            // Add security roles
            if (settingsHeader != null) {
                for (String h : settingsHeader.keySet()) {
                    if (h.startsWith("role::")) {
                        if (rowRoleHeader == null) {
                            rowRoleHeader = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
                        rowRoleHeader.put(h, settingsHeader.get(h));
                        String[] roleA = h.split("::");
                        if (roleA.length > 1) {
                            survey.roles.put(h, new Role(roleA[1]));


     * Process the question rows to create a form
    private Form getForm(String name, int parentFormIndex, int parentQuestionIndex,
            ArrayList<KeyValueSimp> parameters) throws Exception {

        Form f = new Form(name, parentFormIndex, parentQuestionIndex);
        setFormReference(parameters, f);
        setFormMerge(parameters, f);

        int thisFormIndex = survey.forms.size() - 1;

        while (rowNumSurvey <= lastRowNumSurvey) {

            Row row = surveySheet.getRow(rowNumSurvey++);

            if (row != null) {
                Question q = getQuestion(row, thisFormIndex, f.questions.size());
                if (q != null) {
                    MetaItem item = GeneralUtilityMethods.getPreloadItem(q.type, q.name, q.display_name, metaId,
                    if (item != null) {
                        validateQuestion(q, rowNumSurvey, thisFormIndex);
                    } else {
                        if (q.type.equals("end repeat")) {
                            if (parentFormIndex < 0) {
                                throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_eer", rowNumSurvey,
                                        "survey", null, null, null);
                            return f;

                        // Update the survey manifest if csv files are referenced from the appearance and/or the calculation
                        ManifestInfo mi = GeneralUtilityMethods.addManifestFromAppearance(q.appearance,
                        mi = GeneralUtilityMethods.addManifestFromCalculate(q.calculation, mi.manifest);
                        survey.manifest = mi.manifest;

                        validateQuestion(q, rowNumSurvey, thisFormIndex);

                        if (q.type.equals("begin repeat")) {
                            int repeatRowNumber = rowNumSurvey;
                            Form subForm = getForm(q.name, thisFormIndex, f.questions.size() - 1, q.paramArray);
                            validateForm(repeatRowNumber, subForm);



        return f;


     * Get a question from the excel sheet
    private Question getQuestion(Row row, int formIndex, int questionIndex) throws ApplicationException, Exception {

        Question q = new Question();
        int lastCellNum = row.getLastCellNum();

        // 1. Question type
        String type = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "type", surveyHeader, lastCellNum, null);

        // 2. Question name
        q.name = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "name", surveyHeader, lastCellNum, null);

        // Check type is not null
        if (type == null && q.name != null) {
            throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_mt", rowNumSurvey, "survey", null, null,
        } else if (type == null && q.name == null) {
            return null; // blank row

        q.type = convertType(type, q);
        if (q.type.equals("geopoint") || q.type.equals("geotrace") || q.type.equals("geoshape")) {
            q.name = "the_geom";

        // 3. Labels
        getLabels(row, lastCellNum, surveyHeader, q.labels, q.type);

        if (merge) {
            String n = questionNames.get(q.name);
            if (n != null) {
                q.columnName = n;
            } else {
                q.columnName = GeneralUtilityMethods.cleanName(q.name, true, true, true);
        } else {
            q.columnName = GeneralUtilityMethods.cleanName(q.name, true, true, true);

        // display name
        q.display_name = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "display_name", surveyHeader, lastCellNum, null);

        // 4. choice filter
        q.choice_filter = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "choice_filter", surveyHeader, lastCellNum, null);
        q.choice_filter = GeneralUtilityMethods.cleanXlsNames(q.choice_filter);

        // 5. Constraint
        q.constraint = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "constraint", surveyHeader, lastCellNum, null);
        q.constraint = GeneralUtilityMethods.cleanXlsNames(q.constraint);

        // 6. Constraint message
        q.constraint_msg = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "constraint_message", surveyHeader, lastCellNum, null);
        if (q.constraint_msg == null) {
            q.constraint_msg = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "constraint-msg", surveyHeader, lastCellNum, null); // as used by enketo

        // 7. Relevant
        q.relevant = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "relevant", surveyHeader, lastCellNum, null);
        q.relevant = GeneralUtilityMethods.cleanXlsNames(q.relevant);

        // 7. Repeat count
        if (q.type.equals("begin repeat")) {
            q.repeatCount = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "repeat_count", surveyHeader, lastCellNum, null);

        // 8. Default
        q.defaultanswer = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "default", surveyHeader, lastCellNum, null);

        // 9. Readonly
        q.readonly = getBooleanColumn(row, "readonly", surveyHeader, lastCellNum);

        // 10. Appearance
        q.appearance = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "appearance", surveyHeader, lastCellNum, null);
        q.appearance = GeneralUtilityMethods.cleanXlsNames(q.appearance);

        // 11. Parameters
        String paramString = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "parameters", surveyHeader, lastCellNum, null);
        q.paramArray = GeneralUtilityMethods.convertParametersToArray(paramString);

        // 12. autoplay
        q.autoplay = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "autoplay", surveyHeader, lastCellNum, null);

        // 13. body::accuracyThreshold
        q.accuracy = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "body::accuracyThreshold", surveyHeader, lastCellNum, null);

        // 14. Required
        q.required = getBooleanColumn(row, "required", surveyHeader, lastCellNum);

        // 15. Required Message
        q.required_msg = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "required_message", surveyHeader, lastCellNum, null);

        // 16. Calculation
        q.calculation = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "calculation", surveyHeader, lastCellNum, null);
        q.calculation = GeneralUtilityMethods.cleanXlsNames(q.calculation);

        // 17. Display Name
        q.display_name = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "display_name", surveyHeader, lastCellNum, null);

        // 18. Compressed
        if (q.type.equals("select")) {
            q.compressed = true;

        // 19. body::intent
        q.intent = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "body::intent", surveyHeader, lastCellNum, null);

        // Add Column Roles
        if (columnRoleHeader != null && columnRoleHeader.size() > 0) {
            for (String h : columnRoleHeader.keySet()) {
                if (getBooleanColumn(row, h, surveyHeader, lastCellNum)) {
                    Role r = survey.roles.get(h);
                    if (r != null) {
                        if (r.column_filter_ref == null) {
                            r.column_filter_ref = new ArrayList<RoleColumnFilterRef>();
                        r.column_filter_ref.add(new RoleColumnFilterRef(formIndex, questionIndex));

         * Handle Groups
        if (q.type.equals("begin group")) {
            Stack<Question> groupStack = getGroupStack(formIndex);
            if (q.appearance != null && q.appearance.contains("table-list")) {
                inTableListGroup = true;
                foundSelectInTableListGroup = false;
                justStartedTableListGroup = true;
            } else {
                inTableListGroup = false;
        if (q.type.equals("end group")) {
            Stack<Question> groupStack = getGroupStack(formIndex);
            if (groupStack.isEmpty()) {
                Form f = survey.forms.get(formIndex);
                throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_eegm", rowNumSurvey, "survey", f.name,
                        null, null);

            Question currentGroupQuestion = groupStack.pop();

            if (inTableListGroup && !foundSelectInTableListGroup) {
                throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_need_s", rowNumSurvey, "survey",
                        currentGroupQuestion.name, null, null);
            inTableListGroup = false;

            if (q.name != null && q.name.trim().length() > 0 && !q.name.endsWith("_groupEnd")) { // ignore end groups that end with _groupEnd as they were generated by old xls exports
                // Validate the provided group name against the current group
                if (!q.name.equals(currentGroupQuestion.name)) {
                    throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_eeg", rowNumSurvey, "survey",
                            q.name, currentGroupQuestion.name, null);
            } else {
                // Set the name of the end group to its group
                q.name = currentGroupQuestion.name;

         * Validate questions inside table list group
        if (inTableListGroup) {
            if (!justStartedTableListGroup) {
                if (!q.type.startsWith("select")) {
                    throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_ns", rowNumSurvey, "survey",
                            q.type, null, null);
                } else {
                    foundSelectInTableListGroup = true;
            justStartedTableListGroup = false;

         * Derived Values
        // 1. Source
        if (q.type.equals("begin group") || q.type.equals("end group") || q.type.equals("begin repeat")) {
            q.source = null;
        } else {
            q.source = "user";

        // 2. Visibility
        q.visible = convertVisible(type);

        return q;

     * For media try under the default column heading if the language specific is null
    private void getLabels(Row row, int lastCellNum, HashMap<String, Integer> header, ArrayList<Label> labels,
            String type) throws ApplicationException, Exception {

        // Get the label language values
        String defaultLabel = getDefaultLabel(type);
        if (useDefaultLanguage) {
            Label lab = new Label();
            lab.text = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "label", header, lastCellNum, defaultLabel);
            lab.hint = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "hint", header, lastCellNum, null);
            lab.guidance_hint = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "guidance_hint", header, lastCellNum, null);

            lab.image = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "image", header, lastCellNum, null);
            if (lab.image == null) {
                lab.image = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "media::image", header, lastCellNum, null);
            lab.video = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "video", header, lastCellNum, null);
            if (lab.video == null) {
                lab.video = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "media::video", header, lastCellNum, null);
            lab.audio = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "audio", header, lastCellNum, null);
            if (lab.audio == null) {
                lab.audio = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "media::audio", header, lastCellNum, null);

            lab.text = GeneralUtilityMethods.cleanXlsNames(lab.text);
        } else {

            // Find out if any language has a hint or label.  If so make sure every language does
            boolean hintSet = false;
            boolean guidanceHintSet = false;
            boolean labelSet = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < survey.languages.size(); i++) {
                String lang = survey.languages.get(i).name;
                if (XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "hint::" + lang, header, lastCellNum, null) != null) {
                    hintSet = true;
                if (XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "guidance_hint::" + lang, header, lastCellNum, null) != null) {
                    guidanceHintSet = true;
                if (XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "label::" + lang, header, lastCellNum, null) != null) {
                    labelSet = true;

            for (int i = 0; i < survey.languages.size(); i++) {
                String lang = survey.languages.get(i).name;

                Label lab = new Label();
                if (labelSet) {
                    lab.text = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "label::" + lang, header, lastCellNum, "-");
                } else {
                    lab.text = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "label::" + lang, header, lastCellNum, null);

                if (hintSet) {
                    lab.hint = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "hint::" + lang, header, lastCellNum, "-");
                } else {
                    lab.hint = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "hint::" + lang, header, lastCellNum, null);

                if (guidanceHintSet) {
                    lab.guidance_hint = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "guidance_hint::" + lang, header,
                            lastCellNum, "-");
                } else {
                    lab.guidance_hint = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "guidance_hint::" + lang, header,
                            lastCellNum, null);

                // image - try various combination of headers
                lab.image = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "media::image::" + lang, header, lastCellNum, null);
                if (lab.image == null) {
                    lab.image = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "image::" + lang, header, lastCellNum, null);
                if (lab.image == null) {
                    lab.image = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "media::image", header, lastCellNum, null);
                if (lab.image == null) {
                    lab.image = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "image", header, lastCellNum, null);

                // video - try various combination of headers
                lab.video = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "media::video::" + lang, header, lastCellNum, null);
                if (lab.video == null) {
                    lab.video = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "video::" + lang, header, lastCellNum, null);
                if (lab.video == null) {
                    lab.video = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "media::video", header, lastCellNum, null);
                if (lab.video == null) {
                    lab.video = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "video", header, lastCellNum, null);

                // video - try various combination of headers
                lab.audio = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "media::audio::" + lang, header, lastCellNum, null);
                if (lab.audio == null) {
                    lab.audio = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "audio::" + lang, header, lastCellNum, null);
                if (lab.audio == null) {
                    lab.audio = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "media::audio", header, lastCellNum, null);
                if (lab.audio == null) {
                    lab.audio = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "audio", header, lastCellNum, null);

                lab.text = GeneralUtilityMethods.cleanXlsNames(lab.text);


    private String getDefaultLabel(String type) {
        String def = "-";
        if (type.equals("begin group") || type.equals("end group") || type.equals("begin repeat")
                || type.equals("end repeat")) {
            def = null;
        return def;

    private String convertType(String in, Question q) throws ApplicationException {

        String type = getValidQuestionType(in);

        // Validate and normalise input
        if (type == null) {
            throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_ut", rowNumSurvey, "survey", in, null,

        // Do type conversions
        if (type.equals("text")) {
            type = "string";
        } else if (type.startsWith("select_one") || type.startsWith("select_multiple") || type.startsWith("rank")) {

            String[] array = type.split("\\s+");
            if (array.length <= 1) {
                throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_mln", rowNumSurvey, "survey",
                        in.trim(), null, null);
            q.list_name = array[1].trim();
            if (q.list_name.length() == 0) {
                q.list_name = null;

            if (type.startsWith("select_one")) {
                type = "select1";
            } else if (type.startsWith("select_multiple")) {
                type = "select";
            } else if (type.startsWith("rank")) {
                type = "rank";

        return type;

    private boolean convertVisible(String type) throws Exception {
        boolean visible = true;
        if (type.equals("calculate")) {
            visible = false;
        } else if (type.equals("end group")) {
            visible = false;
        } else if (GeneralUtilityMethods.getPreloadItem(type, "", "", -2000, null) != null) {
            visible = false;

        return visible;

    private void validateForm(int rowNumber, Form f) throws Exception {

        if (f.questions.size() == 0) {
            // Form must have at least one question
            throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_er", rowNumber, "survey", null, null,
        } else {
            // Questions must be visible
            boolean hasVisibleQuestion = false;
            for (Question qx : f.questions) {
                if (!qx.type.equals("calculate")) {
                    hasVisibleQuestion = true;

            if (!hasVisibleQuestion) {
                ApplicationException e = XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_er", rowNumber,
                        "survey", null, null, null);
                warnings.add(new ApplicationWarning(e.getMessage()));

         * Validate groups
        for (int i = 0; i < f.questions.size(); i++) {
            Question q = f.questions.get(i);
            if (q.type.equals("begin group")) {
                validateGroup(f.questions, q, i);

    private int validateGroup(ArrayList<Question> questions, Question groupQuestion, int start)
            throws ApplicationException {

        Question q;
        String name = groupQuestion.name;
        int i;
        boolean hasVisibleQuestion = false;
        for (i = start + 1; i < questions.size(); i++) {
            q = questions.get(i);
            if (q.type.equals("begin group")) {
                hasVisibleQuestion = true; // Count another group as a visible question, as long as this embedded group has a visible question then all is good
                validateGroup(questions, q, i); // recursive validation
            } else if (q.type.equals("end group")) {
            } else if (!q.type.equals("calculate")) {
                hasVisibleQuestion = true;

        if (!hasVisibleQuestion) {
            Integer rowNumber = qNameMap.get(name.toLowerCase());
            ApplicationException e = XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_er", rowNumber,
                    "survey", null, null, null);
            warnings.add(new ApplicationWarning(e.getMessage()));
        return i + 1;

    private void validateQuestion(Question q, int rowNumber, int formIndex) throws Exception {

         * Check Name
        if (q.name == null || q.name.trim().length() == 0) {
            // Check for a missing name
            throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_mn", rowNumber, "survey", null, null,

        } else if (!validQname.matcher(q.name).matches()) {
            // Check for a valid name
            throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_qn", rowNumber, "survey", q.name, null,

        } else if (!q.type.equals("end group") && qNameMap.get(q.name.toLowerCase()) != null
                && !q.name.equals("the_geom")) {
            // Check for a duplicate name
            throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_dq", rowNumber, "survey", q.name, null,

        if (!q.type.equals("end group")) {
            qNameMap.put(q.name.toLowerCase(), rowNumber);

        // check relevance
        if (q.relevant != null) {
            ArrayList<String> refs = GeneralUtilityMethods.getXlsNames(q.relevant);
            if (refs.contains(q.name)) { // Circular references
                throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_cr", rowNumber, "survey", "relevant",
                        q.name, null);

            checkParentheses(localisation, q.relevant, rowNumber, "survey", "relevant", q.name);
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_jr", rowNumber, "survey", "relevant",
                        e.getMessage(), null);
            testXExprFunctions(q.relevant, localisation, true, rowNumber, "relevant");

        // check constraint
        if (q.constraint != null) {
            checkParentheses(localisation, q.constraint, rowNumber, "survey", "constraint", q.name);
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_jr", rowNumber, "survey", "constraint",
                        e.getMessage(), null);
            testXExprFunctions(q.constraint, localisation, true, rowNumber, "constraint");

        // check calculate
        if (q.calculation != null) {
            checkParentheses(localisation, q.calculation, rowNumber, "survey", "calculation", q.name);
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_jr", rowNumber, "survey",
                        "calculation", e.getMessage(), null);
            testXExprFunctions(q.calculation, localisation, true, rowNumber, "calculation");

        // check appearance
        if (q.appearance != null) {
            checkParentheses(localisation, q.appearance, rowNumber, "survey", "appearance", q.name);
            testXExprFunctions(q.appearance, localisation, true, rowNumber, "appearance");


        // Check choice filter
        if (q.choice_filter != null) {
            checkParentheses(localisation, q.choice_filter, rowNumber, "survey", "choice_filter", q.name);
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_jr", rowNumber, "survey",
                        "choice_filter", e.getMessage(), null);
            testXExprFunctions(q.choice_filter, localisation, true, rowNumber, "choice_filter");

        // Check intent
        if (q.intent != null) {
            boolean valid = false;
            if (q.type.equals("begin group")) {
                if (q.appearance != null && q.appearance.contains("field-list")) {
                    valid = true;
            if (!valid) {
                throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_int", rowNumber, "survey", null, null,

        // invalid question in field-list
        if (inFieldList) {
            if (q.type.equals("end group")) {
                inFieldList = false;
            } else if (q.type.equals("begin group") || q.type.equals("begin repeat")) {
                Stack<Question> groupStack = getGroupStack(formIndex);
                String groupName = groupStack.pop().name;
                throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_fl", rowNumber, "survey", q.type,
                        groupName, null);
        } else {
            if (q.type.equals("begin group")) {
                if (q.appearance != null && q.appearance.contains("field-list")) {
                    inFieldList = true;

        // List name not in choices
        if (q.list_name != null) {
            if (survey.optionLists.get(q.list_name) == null) {
                throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_lnf", rowNumber, "survey", q.list_name,
                        null, null);

        // check parameters
        if (q.paramArray != null) {
            ArrayList<KeyValueSimp> noDups = new ArrayList<KeyValueSimp>();
            HashMap<String, String> paramHashMap = new HashMap<>();
            for (KeyValueSimp kv : q.paramArray) {
                String existing = paramHashMap.get(kv.k);
                if (existing == null) {
                    paramHashMap.put(kv.k, kv.v);
                } else {
                    if (existing.equals(kv.v)) {
                        // Its a duplicate just discard by not adding to the noDups output
                    } else {
                        // Conflicting values
                        throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_cf", rowNumber, "survey", kv.k,
                                null, null);
            q.paramArray = noDups;


        // Check that parent and child forms have the form_identifier parameter
        if (q.type.equals("parent_form") || q.type.equals(SmapQuestionTypes.CHILD_FORM)) {
            boolean hasFormIdentifier = false;
            for (KeyValueSimp kv : q.paramArray) {
                if (kv.k.equals("form_identifier")) {
                    hasFormIdentifier = true;
            if (!hasFormIdentifier) {
                throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_form_launch", rowNumber, "survey",
                        null, null, null);


    private void checkParentheses(ResourceBundle localisation, String expression, int rowNumber, String sheet,
            String column, String name) throws ApplicationException {
        checkMatchedParenthesies(localisation, '{', '}', expression, rowNumber, sheet, column);
        checkMatchedParenthesies(localisation, '(', ')', expression, rowNumber, sheet, column);

    private void checkMatchedParenthesies(ResourceBundle localisation, char p1, char p2, String expression,
            int rowNumber, String sheet, String column) throws ApplicationException {
        int depth = 0;
        int locn = 0;
        if (expression != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < expression.length(); i++) {
                char c = expression.charAt(i);
                if (c == p1) {
                    locn = i;
                } else if (c == p2) {
                    locn = i;
                if (depth < 0) {

            if (depth != 0) {
                if (p1 == '(') {
                    throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_mbs", rowNumber, sheet, column,
                            String.valueOf(locn), null);
                } else if (p1 == '{') {
                    throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_mbc", rowNumber, sheet, column,
                            String.valueOf(locn), null);


    private void validateSurvey() throws Exception {

        // Validate forms and questions
        for (Form f : survey.forms) {
            if (f.reference) {
                Integer rowNumber = qNameMap.get(f.name.toLowerCase());
                if (f.name.equals(f.referenceName)) {
                    throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_ref_self", rowNumber, "survey",
                            f.name, null, null);
                } else {
                    boolean validRef = false;
                    for (Form refForm : survey.forms) {
                        if (refForm.name.equals(f.referenceName)) {
                            if (refForm.reference) {
                                throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_ref_ref", rowNumber,
                                        "survey", f.name, refForm.name, null);
                            } else {
                                validRef = true;
                    if (!validRef) {
                        throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_ref_nf", rowNumber, "survey",
                                f.referenceName, f.name, null);
            for (Question q : f.questions) {
                if (q.relevant != null) {
                    ArrayList<String> refs = GeneralUtilityMethods.getXlsNames(q.relevant);
                    if (refs.size() > 0) {
                        questionInSurvey(refs, "relevant", q);
                if (q.constraint != null) {
                    ArrayList<String> refs = GeneralUtilityMethods.getXlsNames(q.constraint);
                    if (refs.size() > 0) {
                        questionInSurvey(refs, "constraint", q);
                if (q.repeatCount != null) {
                    ArrayList<String> refs = GeneralUtilityMethods.getXlsNames(q.repeatCount);
                    if (refs.size() > 0) {
                        questionInSurvey(refs, "repeat_count", q);
                    // Make sure there is not a question with a name that will clash with the automatically generated repeat count name
                if (q.choice_filter != null) {
                    ArrayList<String> refs = GeneralUtilityMethods.getXlsNames(q.choice_filter);
                    if (refs.size() > 0) {
                        questionInSurvey(refs, "choice_filter", q);
                if (q.labels != null) {
                    int idx = 0;
                    for (Label l : q.labels) {
                        ArrayList<String> refs = GeneralUtilityMethods.getXlsNames(l.text);
                        if (refs.size() > 0) {
                            questionInSurvey(refs, "label::" + survey.languages.get(idx).name, q);

                            if (refs.contains(q.name)) { // Check for self reference
                                Integer rowNumber = qNameMap.get(q.name.toLowerCase());
                                throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_cr", rowNumber,
                                        "survey", "label::" + survey.languages.get(idx).name, q.name, null);
                if (q.calculation != null) {
                    ArrayList<String> refs = GeneralUtilityMethods.getXlsNames(q.calculation);
                    if (refs.size() > 0) {
                        questionInSurvey(refs, "calculation", q);
                if (q.appearance != null) {
                    ArrayList<String> refs = GeneralUtilityMethods.getXlsNames(q.appearance);
                    if (refs.size() > 0) {
                        questionInSurvey(refs, "appearance", q);

        // Validate Settings
        if (survey.instanceNameDefn != null) {
            ArrayList<String> refs = GeneralUtilityMethods.getXlsNames(survey.instanceNameDefn);
            if (refs.size() > 0) {
                settingsQuestionInSurvey(refs, "instance_name");

        // Validate groups
        for (Integer formIndex : groupStackMap.keySet()) {
            Stack<Question> groupStack = groupStackMap.get(formIndex);

            if (!groupStack.isEmpty()) {
                String groupName = groupStack.pop().name;
                Integer rowNumber = qNameMap.get(groupName.toLowerCase());
                throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_meg", rowNumber, "survey", groupName,
                        null, null);

    private void validateOption(Option o, int rowNumber) throws ApplicationException {

        HashMap<String, Integer> listMap = oNameMap.get(o.optionList);
        if (listMap == null) {
            listMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
            oNameMap.put(o.optionList, listMap);

        if (o.value == null || o.value.trim().length() == 0) {
            // Check for a missing value
            throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_vr", rowNumber, "choices", o.optionList,
                    null, null);

        } else if (!validChoiceName.matcher(o.value).matches()) {
            // Check for a valid value
            throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_cn", rowNumber, "choices", o.value, null,

        } else if (listMap.get(o.value) != null) {
            // Check for a duplicate value
            ApplicationException e = XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_do", rowNumber,
                    "choices", o.value, o.optionList, null);
            warnings.add(new ApplicationWarning(e.getMessage()));

        listMap.put(o.value, rowNumber);


    private void questionInSurvey(ArrayList<String> names, String context, Question q) throws ApplicationException {
        for (String name : names) {
            if (qNameMap.get(name.toLowerCase()) == null) {
                Integer rowNumber = qNameMap.get(q.name.toLowerCase());
                throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_mq", rowNumber, "survey", context,
                        name, null);

    private void repeatCountClash(Question q) throws ApplicationException {
        String name = q.name.toLowerCase() + "_count";
        if (qNameMap.get(name) != null) {
            Integer rowNumber = qNameMap.get(name);
            throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_rc", rowNumber, "survey", name, q.name,

    private void settingsQuestionInSurvey(ArrayList<String> names, String colname) throws ApplicationException {
        for (String name : names) {
            if (qNameMap.get(name.toLowerCase()) == null) {
                String msg = localisation.getString("tu_mq");
                msg = msg.replace("%s1", colname);
                msg = msg.replace("%s2", "settings");
                msg = msg.replaceAll("%s3", name);
                throw new ApplicationException(msg);

    private String getValidQuestionType(String in) {

        String out = null;
        in = in.trim();
        String type = in.toLowerCase();

        if (type.equals("text")) {
            out = "text";
        } else if (type.equals("integer") || type.equals("int")) {
            out = "int";
        } else if (type.equals("decimal")) {
            out = "decimal";
        } else if (type.startsWith("select_one") || type.startsWith("select one")) {
            int idx = type.indexOf("one");
            out = "select_one " + in.substring(idx + 3).trim();
        } else if (type.startsWith("select_multiple") || type.startsWith("select multiple")) {
            int idx = type.indexOf("multiple");
            out = "select_multiple " + in.substring(idx + 8).trim();
        } else if (type.startsWith("rank") || type.startsWith("odk:rank")) {
            int idx = type.indexOf("rank");
            out = "rank " + in.substring(idx + 4).trim();
        } else if (type.equals("note")) {
            out = "note";
        } else if (type.equals("geopoint") || type.equals("location")) {
            out = "geopoint";
        } else if (type.equals("geotrace")) {
            out = "geotrace";
        } else if (type.equals("geoshape")) {
            out = "geoshape";
        } else if (type.equals("date")) {
            out = "date";
        } else if (type.equals("datetime")) {
            out = "dateTime";
        } else if (type.equals("time")) {
            out = "time";
        } else if (type.equals("image")) {
            out = "image";
        } else if (type.equals("audio")) {
            out = "audio";
        } else if (type.equals("video")) {
            out = "video";
        } else if (type.equals("file")) {
            out = "file";
        } else if (type.equals("barcode")) {
            out = "barcode";
        } else if (type.equals("calculate") || type.equals("calculation")) {
            out = "calculate";
        } else if (type.equals("acknowledge")) {
            out = "acknowledge";
        } else if (type.equals("chart")) {
            out = "chart";
        } else if (type.equals("parent_form")) {
            out = "parent_form";
        } else if (type.equals(SmapQuestionTypes.CHILD_FORM)) {
            out = SmapQuestionTypes.CHILD_FORM;
        } else if (type.equals("range")) {
            out = "range";
        } else if (type.equals("begin repeat") || type.equals("begin_repeat")) {
            out = "begin repeat";
        } else if (type.equals("end repeat") || type.equals("end_repeat")) {
            out = "end repeat";
        } else if (type.equals("begin group") || type.equals("begin_group")) {
            out = "begin group";
        } else if (type.equals("end group") || type.equals("end_group")) {
            out = "end group";
        } else if (type.equals("start")) {
            out = "start";
        } else if (type.equals("end")) {
            out = "end";
        } else if (type.equals("today")) {
            out = "today";
        } else if (type.equals("deviceid")) {
            out = "deviceid";
        } else if (type.equals("subscriberid")) {
            out = "subscriberid";
        } else if (type.equals("simserial")) {
            out = "simserial";
        } else if (type.equals("phonenumber")) {
            out = "phonenumber";
        } else if (type.equals("username")) {
            out = "username";
        } else if (type.equals("email")) {
            out = "email";
        } else if (type.equals("hidden value")) { // Commcare 
            out = "calculate";
        } else if (type.equals("label")) { // Commcare 
            out = "note";
        } else if (type.equals("trigger")) { // Commcare 
            out = "trigger";

        return out;

    private boolean getBooleanColumn(Row row, String name, HashMap<String, Integer> header, int lastCellNum)
            throws ApplicationException {
        String v = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, name, header, lastCellNum, null);

        if (v != null) {
            v = v.trim();
        } else {
            return false;

        if (v.equalsIgnoreCase("yes") || v.equalsIgnoreCase("true") || v.equalsIgnoreCase("y")) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

    private void setFormReference(ArrayList<KeyValueSimp> parameters, Form f) throws ApplicationException {
        if (parameters != null) {
            String ref = GeneralUtilityMethods.getSurveyParameter("ref", parameters);
            if (ref != null) {
                f.reference = true;
                f.referenceName = ref;


    private void setFormMerge(ArrayList<KeyValueSimp> parameters, Form f) throws ApplicationException {
        if (parameters != null) {
            String ref = GeneralUtilityMethods.getSurveyParameter("merge", parameters); // deprecate
            if (ref != null) {
                f.merge = true;
            ref = GeneralUtilityMethods.getSurveyParameter("key_policy", parameters);
            if (ref != null) {
                if (ref.equals("replace")) {
                    f.replace = true;
                } else if (ref.equals("merge")) {
                    f.merge = true;


     * Test for valid java rosa functions in an XPath expression
     * If the call is for an appearance then only the search function is valid and "search" without parameters is also valid
    private void testXExprFunctions(String in, ResourceBundle localisation, boolean isAppearance, int rowNumber,
            String column) throws Exception {

        // 1. remove any text inside quotes
        boolean inside = false;
        StringBuffer noText = new StringBuffer("");
        for (int i = 0; i < in.length(); i++) {
            if (in.charAt(i) == '\'') {
                inside = !inside;
            } else if (!inside) {

        if (noText.length() > 0) {
            String process = noText.toString();
            for (FunctionCheck f : functions) {
                Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(f.name + "[\\s]*\\(");
                java.util.regex.Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(process);

                while (matcher.find()) {

                    StringBuffer toTest = new StringBuffer("");
                    String matched = matcher.group();

                    // remove sub functions
                    int depth = 0;
                    boolean end = false;
                    for (int i = matcher.start(); i < noText.length(); i++) {
                        if (noText.charAt(i) == '(') {
                        } else if (noText.charAt(i) == ')') {
                            if (depth == 0) {
                                end = true;
                        if (depth <= 1) {
                        if (end) {

                    String[] args = toTest.toString().split(",");
                    if (args.length != f.args) {
                        throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_args", rowNumber, "survey",
                                column, f.name, f.template);

    private Stack<Question> getGroupStack(Integer formIdx) {
        Stack<Question> gs = null;
        gs = groupStackMap.get(formIdx);
        if (gs == null) {
            gs = new Stack<Question>();
            groupStackMap.put(formIdx, gs);
        return gs;
