Java tutorial
package utilities; /* This file is part of SMAP. SMAP is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. SMAP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with SMAP. If not, see <>. */ import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import*; import org.javarosa.xpath.XPathParseTool; import org.smap.sdal.Utilities.ApplicationException; import org.smap.sdal.Utilities.ApplicationWarning; import org.smap.sdal.Utilities.GeneralUtilityMethods; import org.smap.sdal.constants.SmapQuestionTypes; import org.smap.sdal.model.Form; import org.smap.sdal.model.KeyValueSimp; import org.smap.sdal.model.Label; import org.smap.sdal.model.Language; import org.smap.sdal.model.ManifestInfo; import org.smap.sdal.model.MetaItem; import org.smap.sdal.model.Option; import org.smap.sdal.model.OptionList; import org.smap.sdal.model.Pulldata; import org.smap.sdal.model.Question; import org.smap.sdal.model.Role; import org.smap.sdal.model.RoleColumnFilterRef; import org.smap.sdal.model.SqlFrag; import org.smap.sdal.model.Survey; public class XLSTemplateUploadManager { /* * Globals */ Workbook wb = null; Sheet surveySheet = null; Sheet choicesSheet = null; Sheet settingsSheet = null; int rowNumSurvey = 0; // Heading row is 0 int rowNumChoices = 0; int rowNumSettings = 0; int lastRowNumSurvey = 0; int lastRowNumChoices = 0; int lastRowNumSettings = 0; HashMap<String, Integer> surveyHeader = null; HashMap<String, Integer> choicesHeader = null; HashMap<String, Integer> settingsHeader = null; HashMap<String, Integer> choiceFilterHeader = null; HashMap<String, Integer> columnRoleHeader = null; HashMap<String, Integer> rowRoleHeader = null; HashMap<String, String> questionNames; // Mapping between original name and truncated name HashMap<String, String> optionNames; // Mapping between original name and truncated name boolean merge; HashMap<String, Integer> qNameMap = new HashMap<>(); // Use in question name validation HashMap<String, HashMap<String, Integer>> oNameMap = new HashMap<>(); // Use in option name validation Pattern validQname = Pattern.compile("^[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_\\-\\.]*$"); Pattern validChoiceName = Pattern.compile("^[A-Za-z0-9_@\\-\\.\\+%,():/]*$"); HashMap<Integer, Stack<Question>> groupStackMap = new HashMap<>(); // Keep track of groups in forms boolean inFieldList = false; // Only some questions are allowed inside a field list boolean useDefaultLanguage = false; boolean inTableListGroup = false; boolean foundSelectInTableListGroup = false; boolean justStartedTableListGroup = false; int metaId = -1000; Survey survey = null; private class FunctionCheck { String name; int args; String template; FunctionCheck(String n, int a, String t) { name = n; args = a; template = t; } } private ArrayList<FunctionCheck> functions = new ArrayList<>(); private ResourceBundle localisation = null; private ArrayList<ApplicationWarning> warnings = null; public XLSTemplateUploadManager(ResourceBundle l, ArrayList<ApplicationWarning> w) { localisation = l; warnings = w; // Initialise Function Check array functions.add(new FunctionCheck("count", 1, "count(nodeset)")); functions.add(new FunctionCheck("if", 3, "if(condition, a, b)")); } /* * Get a survey definition from an XLS file */ public Survey getSurvey(Connection sd, int oId, String type, InputStream inputStream, String displayName, int p_id, HashMap<String, String> questionNames, HashMap<String, String> optionNames, boolean merge, int existingVersion) throws Exception { this.questionNames = questionNames; this.optionNames = optionNames; this.merge = merge; wb = WorkbookFactory.create(inputStream); // Create survey and set defaults survey = new Survey(); survey.displayName = displayName; survey.o_id = oId; survey.p_id = p_id; survey.version = merge ? existingVersion + 1 : 1; survey.loadedFromXLS = true; survey.deleted = false; survey.blocked = false; survey.meta .add(new MetaItem(metaId--, "string", "instanceID", null, "instanceid", null, false, null, null)); survey.meta.add( new MetaItem(metaId--, "string", "instanceName", null, "instancename", null, false, null, null)); surveySheet = wb.getSheet("survey"); choicesSheet = wb.getSheet("choices"); settingsSheet = wb.getSheet("settings"); if (surveySheet == null) { throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_nw", -1, "survey", null, null, null); } else if (surveySheet.getPhysicalNumberOfRows() == 0) { throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_ew", -1, "survey", null, null, null); } else { lastRowNumSurvey = surveySheet.getLastRowNum(); if (choicesSheet != null) { lastRowNumChoices = choicesSheet.getLastRowNum(); } if (settingsSheet != null) { lastRowNumSettings = settingsSheet.getLastRowNum(); } getHeaders(); // get headers and set the languages from them /* * 1. Process the choices sheet */ if (choicesSheet != null) { while (rowNumChoices <= lastRowNumChoices) { Row row = choicesSheet.getRow(rowNumChoices++); if (row != null) { int lastCellNum = row.getLastCellNum(); String listName = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "list name", choicesHeader, lastCellNum, null); if (listName == null) { listName = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "list_name", choicesHeader, lastCellNum, null); } if (listName != null) { OptionList ol = survey.optionLists.get(listName); if (ol == null) { ol = new OptionList(); survey.optionLists.put(listName, ol); } ol.options.add(getOption(row, listName)); } } } } /* * 2. Process the survey sheet */ Form f = getForm("main", -1, -1, null); // Validate the top level form if (survey.forms.get(0).questions.size() == 0) { throw new ApplicationException(localisation.getString("tu_nq")); } validateForm(1, f); /* * 3, Process the settings sheet */ if (settingsSheet != null && settingsHeader != null) { Row row = settingsSheet.getRow(rowNumSettings++); if (row != null) { int lastCellNum = row.getLastCellNum(); // Default language survey.def_lang = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "default_language", settingsHeader, lastCellNum, null); if (survey.def_lang != null) { boolean validLanguage = false; for (Language l : survey.languages) { if ( { validLanguage = true; break; } } if (!validLanguage) { throw new ApplicationException(localisation.getString("tu_idl")); } } survey.instanceNameDefn = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "instance_name", settingsHeader, lastCellNum, null); survey.surveyClass = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "style", settingsHeader, lastCellNum, null); survey.task_file = getBooleanColumn(row, "allow_import", settingsHeader, lastCellNum); survey.setHideOnDevice(getBooleanColumn(row, "hide_on_device", settingsHeader, lastCellNum)); survey.timing_data = getBooleanColumn(row, "timing_data", settingsHeader, lastCellNum); survey.hrk = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "key", settingsHeader, lastCellNum, null); String pdRepeats = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "pulldata_repeat", settingsHeader, lastCellNum, null); if (pdRepeats != null) { String[] pdArray = pdRepeats.split(":"); if (pdArray.length > 0) { for (String pd : pdArray) { pd = pd.trim(); int idx = pd.indexOf("("); if (idx > 0) { String sName = pd.substring(0, idx); String key = pd.substring(idx + 1, pd.length() - 1); if (survey.pulldata == null) { survey.pulldata = new ArrayList<Pulldata>(); } survey.pulldata.add(new Pulldata(sName, key)); } } } } survey.key_policy = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "key_policy", settingsHeader, lastCellNum, null); // Add row filters if (rowRoleHeader != null && rowRoleHeader.size() > 0) { for (String h : rowRoleHeader.keySet()) { String filter = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, h, settingsHeader, lastCellNum, null); if (filter != null) { Role r = survey.roles.get(h); if (r != null) { SqlFrag sq = new SqlFrag(); sq.addSqlFragment(filter, false, localisation); settingsQuestionInSurvey(sq.humanNames, h); // validate question names r.row_filter = filter; } } } } } } } /* * Add default preloads */ if (!hasMeta("start")) { survey.meta.add(new MetaItem(metaId--, "dateTime", "_start", "start", "_start", "timestamp", true, "start", null)); } if (!hasMeta("end")) { survey.meta .add(new MetaItem(metaId--, "dateTime", "_end", "end", "_end", "timestamp", true, "end", null)); } if (!hasMeta("deviceid")) { survey.meta.add(new MetaItem(metaId--, "string", "_device", "deviceid", "_device", "property", true, "device", null)); } validateSurvey(); // 4. Final Validation return survey; } private boolean hasMeta(String sourceParam) { for (MetaItem mi : survey.meta) { if (mi.isPreload && mi.sourceParam.equals(sourceParam)) { return true; } } return false; } private Option getOption(Row row, String listName) throws ApplicationException, Exception { Option o = new Option(); int lastCellNum = row.getLastCellNum(); o.optionList = listName; o.value = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "name", choicesHeader, lastCellNum, null); o.display_name = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "display_name", choicesHeader, lastCellNum, null); getLabels(row, lastCellNum, choicesHeader, o.labels, "choice"); if (merge) { // Attempt to get existing column name String n = optionNames.get(listName + "__" + o.value); if (n != null) { o.columnName = n; } else { o.columnName = GeneralUtilityMethods.cleanName(o.value, false, false, false); } } else { o.columnName = GeneralUtilityMethods.cleanName(o.value, false, false, false); } o.cascade_filters = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (String key : choiceFilterHeader.keySet()) { String value = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, key, choicesHeader, lastCellNum, null); if (value != null) { o.cascade_filters.put(key, value); } } o.published = false; // Default to unpublised TODO work out when this can be set to published validateOption(o, rowNumChoices); return o; } /* * Get the survey header and the choices header so we can identify all the languages up front * This should work gracefully with a badly designed forms where there are inconsistent language * names between the survey and choices sheet */ private void getHeaders() throws ApplicationException { choiceFilterHeader = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); HashMap<String, String> langMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); // Get survey sheet headers while (rowNumSurvey <= lastRowNumSurvey) { Row row = surveySheet.getRow(rowNumSurvey++); if (row != null) { surveyHeader = XLSUtilities.getHeader(row, localisation, rowNumSurvey, "survey"); // Add languages in order they exist in the header hence won't use keyset of surveyHeader int lastCellNum = row.getLastCellNum(); for (int i = 0; i <= lastCellNum; i++) { Cell cell = row.getCell(i); if (cell != null) { String name = cell.getStringCellValue(); if (name.startsWith("label::")) { // Only check the question label for languages, any others will be assumed to be errors String[] sArray = name.split("::"); if (sArray.length > 0) { String exists = langMap.get(sArray[1]); if (exists == null) { langMap.put(sArray[1], sArray[1]); survey.languages.add(new Language(0, sArray[1])); } } } } } // Get security roles for (String h : surveyHeader.keySet()) { if (h.startsWith("role::")) { if (columnRoleHeader == null) { columnRoleHeader = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); } columnRoleHeader.put(h, surveyHeader.get(h)); String[] roleA = h.split("::"); if (roleA.length > 1) { survey.roles.put(h, new Role(roleA[1])); } } } break; } } // Get choice sheet header if (choicesSheet != null) { while (rowNumChoices <= lastRowNumChoices) { Row row = choicesSheet.getRow(rowNumChoices++); if (row != null) { choicesHeader = XLSUtilities.getHeader(row, localisation, rowNumChoices, "choices"); // Get the headers for filters for (String h : choicesHeader.keySet()) { if (h.equals("list name") || h.equals("name") || h.equals("label") || h.equals("display_name") || h.startsWith("label::") || h.equals("image") || h.startsWith("image::") // deprecate? || h.startsWith("media::image") || h.equals("audio") || h.startsWith("audio::") // deprecate? || h.startsWith("media::audio") || h.equals("video") || h.startsWith("media::video") || h.startsWith("video::")) { // deprecate? continue; } // The rest must be filter columns choiceFilterHeader.put(h, choicesHeader.get(h)); } break; } } } // Add a default language if needed if (survey.languages.size() == 0) { survey.languages.add(new Language(0, "language")); useDefaultLanguage = true; } // Get Setting sheet headers if (settingsSheet != null) { while (rowNumSettings <= lastRowNumSettings) { Row row = settingsSheet.getRow(rowNumSettings++); if (row != null) { settingsHeader = XLSUtilities.getHeader(row, localisation, rowNumSettings, "settings"); break; } } // Add security roles if (settingsHeader != null) { for (String h : settingsHeader.keySet()) { if (h.startsWith("role::")) { if (rowRoleHeader == null) { rowRoleHeader = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); } rowRoleHeader.put(h, settingsHeader.get(h)); String[] roleA = h.split("::"); if (roleA.length > 1) { survey.roles.put(h, new Role(roleA[1])); } } } } } } /* * Process the question rows to create a form */ private Form getForm(String name, int parentFormIndex, int parentQuestionIndex, ArrayList<KeyValueSimp> parameters) throws Exception { Form f = new Form(name, parentFormIndex, parentQuestionIndex); setFormReference(parameters, f); setFormMerge(parameters, f); survey.forms.add(f); int thisFormIndex = survey.forms.size() - 1; while (rowNumSurvey <= lastRowNumSurvey) { Row row = surveySheet.getRow(rowNumSurvey++); if (row != null) { Question q = getQuestion(row, thisFormIndex, f.questions.size()); if (q != null) { MetaItem item = GeneralUtilityMethods.getPreloadItem(q.type,, q.display_name, metaId, q.appearance); if (item != null) { metaId--; validateQuestion(q, rowNumSurvey, thisFormIndex); survey.meta.add(item); } else { if (q.type.equals("end repeat")) { if (parentFormIndex < 0) { throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_eer", rowNumSurvey, "survey", null, null, null); } return f; } // Update the survey manifest if csv files are referenced from the appearance and/or the calculation ManifestInfo mi = GeneralUtilityMethods.addManifestFromAppearance(q.appearance, survey.manifest); mi = GeneralUtilityMethods.addManifestFromCalculate(q.calculation, mi.manifest); survey.manifest = mi.manifest; validateQuestion(q, rowNumSurvey, thisFormIndex); f.questions.add(q); if (q.type.equals("begin repeat")) { int repeatRowNumber = rowNumSurvey; Form subForm = getForm(, thisFormIndex, f.questions.size() - 1, q.paramArray); validateForm(repeatRowNumber, subForm); } } } } } return f; } /* * Get a question from the excel sheet */ private Question getQuestion(Row row, int formIndex, int questionIndex) throws ApplicationException, Exception { Question q = new Question(); int lastCellNum = row.getLastCellNum(); // 1. Question type String type = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "type", surveyHeader, lastCellNum, null); // 2. Question name = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "name", surveyHeader, lastCellNum, null); // Check type is not null if (type == null && != null) { throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_mt", rowNumSurvey, "survey", null, null, null); } else if (type == null && == null) { return null; // blank row } q.type = convertType(type, q); if (q.type.equals("geopoint") || q.type.equals("geotrace") || q.type.equals("geoshape")) { = "the_geom"; } // 3. Labels getLabels(row, lastCellNum, surveyHeader, q.labels, q.type); if (merge) { String n = questionNames.get(; if (n != null) { q.columnName = n; } else { q.columnName = GeneralUtilityMethods.cleanName(, true, true, true); } } else { q.columnName = GeneralUtilityMethods.cleanName(, true, true, true); } // display name q.display_name = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "display_name", surveyHeader, lastCellNum, null); // 4. choice filter q.choice_filter = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "choice_filter", surveyHeader, lastCellNum, null); q.choice_filter = GeneralUtilityMethods.cleanXlsNames(q.choice_filter); // 5. Constraint q.constraint = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "constraint", surveyHeader, lastCellNum, null); q.constraint = GeneralUtilityMethods.cleanXlsNames(q.constraint); // 6. Constraint message q.constraint_msg = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "constraint_message", surveyHeader, lastCellNum, null); if (q.constraint_msg == null) { q.constraint_msg = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "constraint-msg", surveyHeader, lastCellNum, null); // as used by enketo } // 7. Relevant q.relevant = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "relevant", surveyHeader, lastCellNum, null); q.relevant = GeneralUtilityMethods.cleanXlsNames(q.relevant); // 7. Repeat count if (q.type.equals("begin repeat")) { q.repeatCount = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "repeat_count", surveyHeader, lastCellNum, null); } // 8. Default q.defaultanswer = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "default", surveyHeader, lastCellNum, null); // 9. Readonly q.readonly = getBooleanColumn(row, "readonly", surveyHeader, lastCellNum); // 10. Appearance q.appearance = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "appearance", surveyHeader, lastCellNum, null); q.appearance = GeneralUtilityMethods.cleanXlsNames(q.appearance); // 11. Parameters String paramString = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "parameters", surveyHeader, lastCellNum, null); q.paramArray = GeneralUtilityMethods.convertParametersToArray(paramString); // 12. autoplay q.autoplay = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "autoplay", surveyHeader, lastCellNum, null); // 13. body::accuracyThreshold q.accuracy = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "body::accuracyThreshold", surveyHeader, lastCellNum, null); // 14. Required q.required = getBooleanColumn(row, "required", surveyHeader, lastCellNum); // 15. Required Message q.required_msg = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "required_message", surveyHeader, lastCellNum, null); // 16. Calculation q.calculation = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "calculation", surveyHeader, lastCellNum, null); q.calculation = GeneralUtilityMethods.cleanXlsNames(q.calculation); // 17. Display Name q.display_name = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "display_name", surveyHeader, lastCellNum, null); // 18. Compressed if (q.type.equals("select")) { q.compressed = true; } // 19. body::intent q.intent = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "body::intent", surveyHeader, lastCellNum, null); // Add Column Roles if (columnRoleHeader != null && columnRoleHeader.size() > 0) { for (String h : columnRoleHeader.keySet()) { if (getBooleanColumn(row, h, surveyHeader, lastCellNum)) { Role r = survey.roles.get(h); if (r != null) { if (r.column_filter_ref == null) { r.column_filter_ref = new ArrayList<RoleColumnFilterRef>(); } r.column_filter_ref.add(new RoleColumnFilterRef(formIndex, questionIndex)); } } } } /* * Handle Groups */ if (q.type.equals("begin group")) { Stack<Question> groupStack = getGroupStack(formIndex); groupStack.push(q); if (q.appearance != null && q.appearance.contains("table-list")) { inTableListGroup = true; foundSelectInTableListGroup = false; justStartedTableListGroup = true; } else { inTableListGroup = false; } } if (q.type.equals("end group")) { Stack<Question> groupStack = getGroupStack(formIndex); if (groupStack.isEmpty()) { Form f = survey.forms.get(formIndex); throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_eegm", rowNumSurvey, "survey",, null, null); } Question currentGroupQuestion = groupStack.pop(); if (inTableListGroup && !foundSelectInTableListGroup) { throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_need_s", rowNumSurvey, "survey",, null, null); } inTableListGroup = false; if ( != null && > 0 && !"_groupEnd")) { // ignore end groups that end with _groupEnd as they were generated by old xls exports // Validate the provided group name against the current group if (! { throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_eeg", rowNumSurvey, "survey",,, null); } } else { // Set the name of the end group to its group =; } } /* * Validate questions inside table list group */ if (inTableListGroup) { if (!justStartedTableListGroup) { if (!q.type.startsWith("select")) { throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_ns", rowNumSurvey, "survey", q.type, null, null); } else { foundSelectInTableListGroup = true; } } justStartedTableListGroup = false; } /* * Derived Values */ // 1. Source if (q.type.equals("begin group") || q.type.equals("end group") || q.type.equals("begin repeat")) { q.source = null; } else { q.source = "user"; } // 2. Visibility q.visible = convertVisible(type); return q; } /* * For media try under the default column heading if the language specific is null */ private void getLabels(Row row, int lastCellNum, HashMap<String, Integer> header, ArrayList<Label> labels, String type) throws ApplicationException, Exception { // Get the label language values String defaultLabel = getDefaultLabel(type); if (useDefaultLanguage) { Label lab = new Label(); lab.text = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "label", header, lastCellNum, defaultLabel); lab.hint = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "hint", header, lastCellNum, null); lab.guidance_hint = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "guidance_hint", header, lastCellNum, null); lab.image = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "image", header, lastCellNum, null); if (lab.image == null) { lab.image = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "media::image", header, lastCellNum, null); } = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "video", header, lastCellNum, null); if ( == null) { = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "media::video", header, lastCellNum, null); } = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "audio", header, lastCellNum, null); if ( == null) { = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "media::audio", header, lastCellNum, null); } lab.text = GeneralUtilityMethods.cleanXlsNames(lab.text); labels.add(lab); } else { // Find out if any language has a hint or label. If so make sure every language does boolean hintSet = false; boolean guidanceHintSet = false; boolean labelSet = false; for (int i = 0; i < survey.languages.size(); i++) { String lang = survey.languages.get(i).name; if (XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "hint::" + lang, header, lastCellNum, null) != null) { hintSet = true; } if (XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "guidance_hint::" + lang, header, lastCellNum, null) != null) { guidanceHintSet = true; } if (XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "label::" + lang, header, lastCellNum, null) != null) { labelSet = true; } } for (int i = 0; i < survey.languages.size(); i++) { String lang = survey.languages.get(i).name; Label lab = new Label(); if (labelSet) { lab.text = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "label::" + lang, header, lastCellNum, "-"); } else { lab.text = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "label::" + lang, header, lastCellNum, null); } if (hintSet) { lab.hint = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "hint::" + lang, header, lastCellNum, "-"); } else { lab.hint = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "hint::" + lang, header, lastCellNum, null); } if (guidanceHintSet) { lab.guidance_hint = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "guidance_hint::" + lang, header, lastCellNum, "-"); } else { lab.guidance_hint = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "guidance_hint::" + lang, header, lastCellNum, null); } // image - try various combination of headers lab.image = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "media::image::" + lang, header, lastCellNum, null); if (lab.image == null) { lab.image = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "image::" + lang, header, lastCellNum, null); } if (lab.image == null) { lab.image = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "media::image", header, lastCellNum, null); } if (lab.image == null) { lab.image = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "image", header, lastCellNum, null); } // video - try various combination of headers = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "media::video::" + lang, header, lastCellNum, null); if ( == null) { = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "video::" + lang, header, lastCellNum, null); } if ( == null) { = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "media::video", header, lastCellNum, null); } if ( == null) { = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "video", header, lastCellNum, null); } // video - try various combination of headers = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "media::audio::" + lang, header, lastCellNum, null); if ( == null) { = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "audio::" + lang, header, lastCellNum, null); } if ( == null) { = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "media::audio", header, lastCellNum, null); } if ( == null) { = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, "audio", header, lastCellNum, null); } lab.text = GeneralUtilityMethods.cleanXlsNames(lab.text); labels.add(lab); } } } private String getDefaultLabel(String type) { String def = "-"; if (type.equals("begin group") || type.equals("end group") || type.equals("begin repeat") || type.equals("end repeat")) { def = null; } return def; } private String convertType(String in, Question q) throws ApplicationException { String type = getValidQuestionType(in); // Validate and normalise input if (type == null) { throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_ut", rowNumSurvey, "survey", in, null, null); } // Do type conversions if (type.equals("text")) { type = "string"; } else if (type.startsWith("select_one") || type.startsWith("select_multiple") || type.startsWith("rank")) { String[] array = type.split("\\s+"); if (array.length <= 1) { throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_mln", rowNumSurvey, "survey", in.trim(), null, null); } q.list_name = array[1].trim(); if (q.list_name.length() == 0) { q.list_name = null; } if (type.startsWith("select_one")) { type = "select1"; } else if (type.startsWith("select_multiple")) { type = "select"; } else if (type.startsWith("rank")) { type = "rank"; } } return type; } private boolean convertVisible(String type) throws Exception { boolean visible = true; if (type.equals("calculate")) { visible = false; } else if (type.equals("end group")) { visible = false; } else if (GeneralUtilityMethods.getPreloadItem(type, "", "", -2000, null) != null) { visible = false; } return visible; } private void validateForm(int rowNumber, Form f) throws Exception { if (f.questions.size() == 0) { // Form must have at least one question throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_er", rowNumber, "survey", null, null, null); } else { // Questions must be visible boolean hasVisibleQuestion = false; for (Question qx : f.questions) { if (!qx.type.equals("calculate")) { hasVisibleQuestion = true; break; } } if (!hasVisibleQuestion) { ApplicationException e = XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_er", rowNumber, "survey", null, null, null); warnings.add(new ApplicationWarning(e.getMessage())); } } /* * Validate groups */ for (int i = 0; i < f.questions.size(); i++) { Question q = f.questions.get(i); if (q.type.equals("begin group")) { validateGroup(f.questions, q, i); } } } private int validateGroup(ArrayList<Question> questions, Question groupQuestion, int start) throws ApplicationException { Question q; String name =; int i; boolean hasVisibleQuestion = false; for (i = start + 1; i < questions.size(); i++) { q = questions.get(i); if (q.type.equals("begin group")) { hasVisibleQuestion = true; // Count another group as a visible question, as long as this embedded group has a visible question then all is good validateGroup(questions, q, i); // recursive validation } else if (q.type.equals("end group")) { break; } else if (!q.type.equals("calculate")) { hasVisibleQuestion = true; } } if (!hasVisibleQuestion) { Integer rowNumber = qNameMap.get(name.toLowerCase()); ApplicationException e = XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_er", rowNumber, "survey", null, null, null); warnings.add(new ApplicationWarning(e.getMessage())); } return i + 1; } private void validateQuestion(Question q, int rowNumber, int formIndex) throws Exception { /* * Check Name */ if ( == null || == 0) { // Check for a missing name throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_mn", rowNumber, "survey", null, null, null); } else if (!validQname.matcher( { // Check for a valid name throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_qn", rowNumber, "survey",, null, null); } else if (!q.type.equals("end group") && qNameMap.get( != null && !"the_geom")) { // Check for a duplicate name throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_dq", rowNumber, "survey",, null, null); } if (!q.type.equals("end group")) { qNameMap.put(, rowNumber); } // check relevance if (q.relevant != null) { ArrayList<String> refs = GeneralUtilityMethods.getXlsNames(q.relevant); if (refs.contains( { // Circular references throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_cr", rowNumber, "survey", "relevant",, null); } checkParentheses(localisation, q.relevant, rowNumber, "survey", "relevant",; try { XPathParseTool.parseXPath(GeneralUtilityMethods.convertAllxlsNamesToPseudoXPath(q.relevant)); } catch (Exception e) { throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_jr", rowNumber, "survey", "relevant", e.getMessage(), null); } testXExprFunctions(q.relevant, localisation, true, rowNumber, "relevant"); } // check constraint if (q.constraint != null) { checkParentheses(localisation, q.constraint, rowNumber, "survey", "constraint",; try { XPathParseTool.parseXPath(GeneralUtilityMethods.convertAllxlsNamesToPseudoXPath(q.constraint)); } catch (Exception e) { throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_jr", rowNumber, "survey", "constraint", e.getMessage(), null); } testXExprFunctions(q.constraint, localisation, true, rowNumber, "constraint"); } // check calculate if (q.calculation != null) { checkParentheses(localisation, q.calculation, rowNumber, "survey", "calculation",; try { XPathParseTool.parseXPath(GeneralUtilityMethods.convertAllxlsNamesToPseudoXPath(q.calculation)); } catch (Exception e) { throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_jr", rowNumber, "survey", "calculation", e.getMessage(), null); } testXExprFunctions(q.calculation, localisation, true, rowNumber, "calculation"); } // check appearance if (q.appearance != null) { checkParentheses(localisation, q.appearance, rowNumber, "survey", "appearance",; testXExprFunctions(q.appearance, localisation, true, rowNumber, "appearance"); } // Check choice filter if (q.choice_filter != null) { checkParentheses(localisation, q.choice_filter, rowNumber, "survey", "choice_filter",; try { XPathParseTool.parseXPath(GeneralUtilityMethods.convertAllxlsNamesToPseudoXPath(q.choice_filter)); } catch (Exception e) { throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_jr", rowNumber, "survey", "choice_filter", e.getMessage(), null); } testXExprFunctions(q.choice_filter, localisation, true, rowNumber, "choice_filter"); } // Check intent if (q.intent != null) { boolean valid = false; if (q.type.equals("begin group")) { if (q.appearance != null && q.appearance.contains("field-list")) { valid = true; } } if (!valid) { throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_int", rowNumber, "survey", null, null, null); } } // invalid question in field-list if (inFieldList) { if (q.type.equals("end group")) { inFieldList = false; } else if (q.type.equals("begin group") || q.type.equals("begin repeat")) { Stack<Question> groupStack = getGroupStack(formIndex); String groupName = groupStack.pop().name; throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_fl", rowNumber, "survey", q.type, groupName, null); } } else { if (q.type.equals("begin group")) { if (q.appearance != null && q.appearance.contains("field-list")) { inFieldList = true; } } } // List name not in choices if (q.list_name != null) { if (survey.optionLists.get(q.list_name) == null) { throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_lnf", rowNumber, "survey", q.list_name, null, null); } } // check parameters if (q.paramArray != null) { ArrayList<KeyValueSimp> noDups = new ArrayList<KeyValueSimp>(); HashMap<String, String> paramHashMap = new HashMap<>(); for (KeyValueSimp kv : q.paramArray) { String existing = paramHashMap.get(kv.k); if (existing == null) { noDups.add(kv); paramHashMap.put(kv.k, kv.v); } else { if (existing.equals(kv.v)) { // Its a duplicate just discard by not adding to the noDups output } else { // Conflicting values throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_cf", rowNumber, "survey", kv.k, null, null); } } } q.paramArray = noDups; } // Check that parent and child forms have the form_identifier parameter if (q.type.equals("parent_form") || q.type.equals(SmapQuestionTypes.CHILD_FORM)) { boolean hasFormIdentifier = false; for (KeyValueSimp kv : q.paramArray) { if (kv.k.equals("form_identifier")) { hasFormIdentifier = true; break; } } if (!hasFormIdentifier) { throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_form_launch", rowNumber, "survey", null, null, null); } } } private void checkParentheses(ResourceBundle localisation, String expression, int rowNumber, String sheet, String column, String name) throws ApplicationException { checkMatchedParenthesies(localisation, '{', '}', expression, rowNumber, sheet, column); checkMatchedParenthesies(localisation, '(', ')', expression, rowNumber, sheet, column); } private void checkMatchedParenthesies(ResourceBundle localisation, char p1, char p2, String expression, int rowNumber, String sheet, String column) throws ApplicationException { int depth = 0; int locn = 0; if (expression != null) { for (int i = 0; i < expression.length(); i++) { char c = expression.charAt(i); if (c == p1) { depth++; locn = i; } else if (c == p2) { depth--; locn = i; } if (depth < 0) { break; } } if (depth != 0) { if (p1 == '(') { throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_mbs", rowNumber, sheet, column, String.valueOf(locn), null); } else if (p1 == '{') { throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_mbc", rowNumber, sheet, column, String.valueOf(locn), null); } } } } private void validateSurvey() throws Exception { // Validate forms and questions for (Form f : survey.forms) { if (f.reference) { Integer rowNumber = qNameMap.get(; if ( { throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_ref_self", rowNumber, "survey",, null, null); } else { boolean validRef = false; for (Form refForm : survey.forms) { if ( { if (refForm.reference) { throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_ref_ref", rowNumber, "survey",,, null); } else { validRef = true; break; } } } if (!validRef) { throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_ref_nf", rowNumber, "survey", f.referenceName,, null); } } } for (Question q : f.questions) { if (q.relevant != null) { ArrayList<String> refs = GeneralUtilityMethods.getXlsNames(q.relevant); if (refs.size() > 0) { questionInSurvey(refs, "relevant", q); } } if (q.constraint != null) { ArrayList<String> refs = GeneralUtilityMethods.getXlsNames(q.constraint); if (refs.size() > 0) { questionInSurvey(refs, "constraint", q); } } if (q.repeatCount != null) { ArrayList<String> refs = GeneralUtilityMethods.getXlsNames(q.repeatCount); if (refs.size() > 0) { questionInSurvey(refs, "repeat_count", q); } // Make sure there is not a question with a name that will clash with the automatically generated repeat count name repeatCountClash(q); } if (q.choice_filter != null) { ArrayList<String> refs = GeneralUtilityMethods.getXlsNames(q.choice_filter); if (refs.size() > 0) { questionInSurvey(refs, "choice_filter", q); } } if (q.labels != null) { int idx = 0; for (Label l : q.labels) { ArrayList<String> refs = GeneralUtilityMethods.getXlsNames(l.text); if (refs.size() > 0) { questionInSurvey(refs, "label::" + survey.languages.get(idx).name, q); if (refs.contains( { // Check for self reference Integer rowNumber = qNameMap.get(; throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_cr", rowNumber, "survey", "label::" + survey.languages.get(idx).name,, null); } } idx++; } } if (q.calculation != null) { ArrayList<String> refs = GeneralUtilityMethods.getXlsNames(q.calculation); if (refs.size() > 0) { questionInSurvey(refs, "calculation", q); } } if (q.appearance != null) { ArrayList<String> refs = GeneralUtilityMethods.getXlsNames(q.appearance); if (refs.size() > 0) { questionInSurvey(refs, "appearance", q); } } } } // Validate Settings if (survey.instanceNameDefn != null) { ArrayList<String> refs = GeneralUtilityMethods.getXlsNames(survey.instanceNameDefn); if (refs.size() > 0) { settingsQuestionInSurvey(refs, "instance_name"); } } // Validate groups for (Integer formIndex : groupStackMap.keySet()) { Stack<Question> groupStack = groupStackMap.get(formIndex); if (!groupStack.isEmpty()) { String groupName = groupStack.pop().name; Integer rowNumber = qNameMap.get(groupName.toLowerCase()); throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_meg", rowNumber, "survey", groupName, null, null); } } } private void validateOption(Option o, int rowNumber) throws ApplicationException { HashMap<String, Integer> listMap = oNameMap.get(o.optionList); if (listMap == null) { listMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); oNameMap.put(o.optionList, listMap); } if (o.value == null || o.value.trim().length() == 0) { // Check for a missing value throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_vr", rowNumber, "choices", o.optionList, null, null); } else if (!validChoiceName.matcher(o.value).matches()) { // Check for a valid value throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_cn", rowNumber, "choices", o.value, null, null); } else if (listMap.get(o.value) != null) { // Check for a duplicate value ApplicationException e = XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_do", rowNumber, "choices", o.value, o.optionList, null); warnings.add(new ApplicationWarning(e.getMessage())); } listMap.put(o.value, rowNumber); } private void questionInSurvey(ArrayList<String> names, String context, Question q) throws ApplicationException { for (String name : names) { if (qNameMap.get(name.toLowerCase()) == null) { Integer rowNumber = qNameMap.get(; throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_mq", rowNumber, "survey", context, name, null); } } } private void repeatCountClash(Question q) throws ApplicationException { String name = + "_count"; if (qNameMap.get(name) != null) { Integer rowNumber = qNameMap.get(name); throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_rc", rowNumber, "survey", name,, null); } } private void settingsQuestionInSurvey(ArrayList<String> names, String colname) throws ApplicationException { for (String name : names) { if (qNameMap.get(name.toLowerCase()) == null) { String msg = localisation.getString("tu_mq"); msg = msg.replace("%s1", colname); msg = msg.replace("%s2", "settings"); msg = msg.replaceAll("%s3", name); throw new ApplicationException(msg); } } } private String getValidQuestionType(String in) { String out = null; in = in.trim(); String type = in.toLowerCase(); if (type.equals("text")) { out = "text"; } else if (type.equals("integer") || type.equals("int")) { out = "int"; } else if (type.equals("decimal")) { out = "decimal"; } else if (type.startsWith("select_one") || type.startsWith("select one")) { int idx = type.indexOf("one"); out = "select_one " + in.substring(idx + 3).trim(); } else if (type.startsWith("select_multiple") || type.startsWith("select multiple")) { int idx = type.indexOf("multiple"); out = "select_multiple " + in.substring(idx + 8).trim(); } else if (type.startsWith("rank") || type.startsWith("odk:rank")) { int idx = type.indexOf("rank"); out = "rank " + in.substring(idx + 4).trim(); } else if (type.equals("note")) { out = "note"; } else if (type.equals("geopoint") || type.equals("location")) { out = "geopoint"; } else if (type.equals("geotrace")) { out = "geotrace"; } else if (type.equals("geoshape")) { out = "geoshape"; } else if (type.equals("date")) { out = "date"; } else if (type.equals("datetime")) { out = "dateTime"; } else if (type.equals("time")) { out = "time"; } else if (type.equals("image")) { out = "image"; } else if (type.equals("audio")) { out = "audio"; } else if (type.equals("video")) { out = "video"; } else if (type.equals("file")) { out = "file"; } else if (type.equals("barcode")) { out = "barcode"; } else if (type.equals("calculate") || type.equals("calculation")) { out = "calculate"; } else if (type.equals("acknowledge")) { out = "acknowledge"; } else if (type.equals("chart")) { out = "chart"; } else if (type.equals("parent_form")) { out = "parent_form"; } else if (type.equals(SmapQuestionTypes.CHILD_FORM)) { out = SmapQuestionTypes.CHILD_FORM; } else if (type.equals("range")) { out = "range"; } else if (type.equals("begin repeat") || type.equals("begin_repeat")) { out = "begin repeat"; } else if (type.equals("end repeat") || type.equals("end_repeat")) { out = "end repeat"; } else if (type.equals("begin group") || type.equals("begin_group")) { out = "begin group"; } else if (type.equals("end group") || type.equals("end_group")) { out = "end group"; } else if (type.equals("start")) { out = "start"; } else if (type.equals("end")) { out = "end"; } else if (type.equals("today")) { out = "today"; } else if (type.equals("deviceid")) { out = "deviceid"; } else if (type.equals("subscriberid")) { out = "subscriberid"; } else if (type.equals("simserial")) { out = "simserial"; } else if (type.equals("phonenumber")) { out = "phonenumber"; } else if (type.equals("username")) { out = "username"; } else if (type.equals("email")) { out = "email"; } else if (type.equals("hidden value")) { // Commcare out = "calculate"; } else if (type.equals("label")) { // Commcare out = "note"; } else if (type.equals("trigger")) { // Commcare out = "trigger"; } return out; } private boolean getBooleanColumn(Row row, String name, HashMap<String, Integer> header, int lastCellNum) throws ApplicationException { String v = XLSUtilities.getTextColumn(row, name, header, lastCellNum, null); if (v != null) { v = v.trim(); } else { return false; } if (v.equalsIgnoreCase("yes") || v.equalsIgnoreCase("true") || v.equalsIgnoreCase("y")) { return true; } else { return false; } } private void setFormReference(ArrayList<KeyValueSimp> parameters, Form f) throws ApplicationException { if (parameters != null) { String ref = GeneralUtilityMethods.getSurveyParameter("ref", parameters); if (ref != null) { f.reference = true; f.referenceName = ref; } } } private void setFormMerge(ArrayList<KeyValueSimp> parameters, Form f) throws ApplicationException { if (parameters != null) { String ref = GeneralUtilityMethods.getSurveyParameter("merge", parameters); // deprecate if (ref != null) { f.merge = true; } ref = GeneralUtilityMethods.getSurveyParameter("key_policy", parameters); if (ref != null) { if (ref.equals("replace")) { f.replace = true; } else if (ref.equals("merge")) { f.merge = true; } } } } /* * Test for valid java rosa functions in an XPath expression * If the call is for an appearance then only the search function is valid and "search" without parameters is also valid */ private void testXExprFunctions(String in, ResourceBundle localisation, boolean isAppearance, int rowNumber, String column) throws Exception { // 1. remove any text inside quotes boolean inside = false; StringBuffer noText = new StringBuffer(""); for (int i = 0; i < in.length(); i++) { if (in.charAt(i) == '\'') { inside = !inside; } else if (!inside) { noText.append(in.charAt(i)); } } if (noText.length() > 0) { String process = noText.toString(); for (FunctionCheck f : functions) { Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile( + "[\\s]*\\("); java.util.regex.Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(process); while (matcher.find()) { StringBuffer toTest = new StringBuffer(""); String matched =; // remove sub functions int depth = 0; boolean end = false; for (int i = matcher.start(); i < noText.length(); i++) { if (noText.charAt(i) == '(') { depth++; } else if (noText.charAt(i) == ')') { depth--; if (depth == 0) { end = true; } } if (depth <= 1) { toTest.append(noText.charAt(i)); } if (end) { break; } } String[] args = toTest.toString().split(","); if (args.length != f.args) { throw XLSUtilities.getApplicationException(localisation, "tu_args", rowNumber, "survey", column,, f.template); } } } } } private Stack<Question> getGroupStack(Integer formIdx) { Stack<Question> gs = null; gs = groupStackMap.get(formIdx); if (gs == null) { gs = new Stack<Question>(); groupStackMap.put(formIdx, gs); } return gs; } }