Java tutorial
package utilities; import; /* This file is part of SMAP. SMAP is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. SMAP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with SMAP. If not, see <>. */ import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.apache.poi.xssf.streaming.SXSSFWorkbook; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.*; import*; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFDateUtil; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook; import org.smap.sdal.Utilities.GeneralUtilityMethods; import org.smap.sdal.model.Action; import org.smap.sdal.model.KeyValue; import org.smap.sdal.model.LQAS; import org.smap.sdal.model.LQASGroup; import org.smap.sdal.model.LQASItem; import org.smap.sdal.model.LQASdataItem; import org.smap.sdal.model.ReportConfig; import org.smap.sdal.model.SqlFrag; import org.smap.sdal.model.TableColumn; import org.smap.sdal.model.TableColumnMarkup; import org.smap.sdal.model.TaskProperties; import org.smap.sdal.model.Role; public class XLSCustomReportsManager { private class Column { String name; public Column(ResourceBundle localisation, int col, String n) { name = n; } // Return the width of this column public int getWidth() { int width = 256 * 20; // 20 characters is default return width; } /* * Return true if this table column is a question * All table/columns should probably be questions */ public boolean isQuestion(String type) { boolean resp = false; if (type != null && type.trim().length() > 0) { resp = true; } return resp; } // Get a value for this column from the provided properties object public String getValue(TableColumn props, Sheet sheet, ArrayList<Column> cols, Map<String, CellStyle> styles) { String value = null; if (name.equals("row type")) { if (isQuestion(props.type)) { value = "column"; } } else if (name.equals("data type")) { value = props.type; } else if (name.equals("name")) { value = props.column_name; } else if (name.equals("display name")) { value = props.displayName; } else if (name.equals("hide")) { value = props.readonly ? "yes" : "no"; } else if (name.equals("filter")) { value = props.filter ? "yes" : "no"; } else if (name.equals("calculation")) { if (props.calculation != null) { if (props.type != null && props.type.equals("calculate")) { if (props.isCondition) { value = "condition"; } else { if (props.calculation.expression != null) { value = props.calculation.expression.toString(); } } } } } else if (name.equals("parameters")) { value = ""; int count = 0; if (props.parameters != null) { for (String k : props.parameters.keySet()) { if (count++ > 0) { value += " "; } value += k; value += "="; value += props.parameters.get(k); } } } if (value == null) { value = ""; } return value; } // Get a date value for this column from the provided properties object public Timestamp getDateValue(TaskProperties props) { Timestamp value = null; if (name.equals("from")) { value = props.from; } else if (name.equals("to")) { value =; } return value; } } private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(SurveyInfo.class.getName()); Workbook wb = null; int rowNumber = 1; // Heading row is 0 ArrayList<KeyValue> markup = new ArrayList<KeyValue>(); public XLSCustomReportsManager() { // Add list of markup mappings between appearance values and bootstrap classes markup.add(new KeyValue("red", "bg-danger", false)); markup.add(new KeyValue("green", "bg-success", false)); markup.add(new KeyValue("blue", "bg-info", false)); markup.add(new KeyValue("yellow", "bg-warning", false)); } /* * Create an oversight form definition from an XLS file */ public ReportConfig getOversightDefinition(Connection sd, int oId, String type, InputStream inputStream, ResourceBundle localisation, boolean isSecurityManager) throws Exception { ReportConfig config = new ReportConfig(); config.columns = new ArrayList<TableColumn>(); Sheet sheet = null; Sheet settingsSheet = null; Row row = null; int lastRowNum = 0; HashMap<String, Integer> header = null; if (type != null && type.equals("xls")) { wb = new HSSFWorkbook(inputStream); } else { wb = new XSSFWorkbook(inputStream); } /* * Get the task sheet settings */ settingsSheet = wb.getSheet("settings"); if (settingsSheet != null && settingsSheet.getPhysicalNumberOfRows() > 0) { int lastSettingsRow = settingsSheet.getLastRowNum(); for (int j = 0; j <= lastSettingsRow; j++) { row = settingsSheet.getRow(j); if (row != null) { int lastCellNum = row.getLastCellNum(); if (lastCellNum > 0) { Cell c = row.getCell(0); String k = c.getStringCellValue(); if (k != null && k.trim().toLowerCase().equals("time zone:")) { c = row.getCell(1); break; } } } } } sheet = wb.getSheet("definition"); if (sheet == null) { if (wb.getNumberOfSheets() == 1) { sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0); } else { throw new Exception("A worksheet called 'definition' not found"); } } if (sheet.getPhysicalNumberOfRows() > 0) { lastRowNum = sheet.getLastRowNum(); boolean needHeader = true; boolean foundData = false; TableColumn currentCol = null; boolean processingConditions = false; PreparedStatement pstmtGetRoleId = null; String sqlGetRoleId = "select id from role where o_id = ? and name = ?"; // Get ready to process roles pstmtGetRoleId = sd.prepareStatement(sqlGetRoleId); pstmtGetRoleId.setInt(1, oId); for (int j = 0; j <= lastRowNum; j++) { row = sheet.getRow(j); if (row != null) { int lastCellNum = row.getLastCellNum(); if (needHeader) { header = XLSUtilities.getHeader(row, localisation, j, "definition"); needHeader = false; } else { String rowType = XLSUtilities.getColumn(row, "row type", header, lastCellNum, null); if (rowType != null && rowType.trim().length() > 0) { foundData = true; rowType = rowType.trim().toLowerCase(); // Close of any condition type calculations if (processingConditions && !rowType.equals("condition")) { processingConditions = false; currentCol.calculation.add("END"); } // Process the row if (rowType.equals("column")) { currentCol = new TableColumn(); config.columns.add(currentCol); // Get data type String dataType = XLSUtilities.getColumn(row, "data type", header, lastCellNum, null); if (dataType != null) { if (!dataType.equals("text") && !dataType.equals("date") && !dataType.equals("calculate") && !dataType.equals("decimal") && !dataType.equals("integer") && !dataType.equals("select_one")) { throw new Exception(localisation.getString("mf_idt") + ": " + dataType + " " + localisation.getString("mf_or") + ": " + (j + 1)); } currentCol.type = dataType; } else { throw new Exception(localisation.getString("mf_mdt") + " " + localisation.getString("mf_or") + ": " + (j + 1)); } // Get column name String colName = XLSUtilities.getColumn(row, "name", header, lastCellNum, null); if (colName != null) { colName = colName.trim().toLowerCase(); String modColName = colName.replaceAll("[^a-z0-9_]", ""); modColName = GeneralUtilityMethods.cleanName(modColName, true, true, true); if (colName.length() != modColName.length()) { throw new Exception(localisation.getString("mf_in") + ": " + colName + " " + localisation.getString("mf_or") + ": " + (j + 1)); } else if (colName.length() > 60) { throw new Exception(localisation.getString("mf_ntl") + ": " + colName + " " + localisation.getString("mf_or") + ": " + (j + 1)); } currentCol.column_name = colName; } else { throw new Exception(localisation.getString("mf_mn") + localisation.getString("mf_or") + ": " + (j + 1)); } // Get display name String dispName = XLSUtilities.getColumn(row, "display name", header, lastCellNum, null); if (dispName != null) { currentCol.displayName = dispName; } else { throw new Exception(localisation.getString("mf_mdn") + " " + localisation.getString("mf_or") + ": " + (j + 1)); } // Get hide state String hide = XLSUtilities.getColumn(row, "hide", header, lastCellNum, null); currentCol.hide = false; if (hide != null) { hide = hide.toLowerCase().trim(); if (hide.equals("yes") || hide.equals("true")) { currentCol.hide = true; } } // Get readonly state String readonly = XLSUtilities.getColumn(row, "readonly", header, lastCellNum, null); currentCol.readonly = false; if (readonly != null) { readonly = readonly.toLowerCase().trim(); if (readonly.equals("yes") || readonly.equals("true")) { currentCol.readonly = true; } } // Get filter state String filter = XLSUtilities.getColumn(row, "filter", header, lastCellNum, null); currentCol.filter = false; if (filter != null) { filter = filter.toLowerCase().trim(); if (filter.equals("yes") || filter.equals("true")) { currentCol.filter = true; } } // Get parameters try { currentCol.parameters = getParamObj( XLSUtilities.getColumn(row, "parameters", header, lastCellNum, null)); } catch (Exception e) { // Ignore errors if parameters are not found } // Get calculation state if (currentCol.type.equals("calculate")) { String calculation = XLSUtilities.getColumn(row, "calculation", header, lastCellNum, null); if (calculation != null && calculation.length() > 0) { calculation = calculation.trim(); if (calculation.equals("condition")) { // Calculation set by condition rows currentCol.isCondition = true; } else if (calculation.length() > 0) { currentCol.calculation = new SqlFrag(); currentCol.calculation.addSqlFragment(calculation, true, localisation); } } else { throw new Exception(localisation.getString("mf_mc") + " " + localisation.getString("mf_or") + ": " + (j + 1)); } } } else if (rowType.equals("choice")) { if (currentCol != null && currentCol.type.equals("select_one")) { String name = XLSUtilities.getColumn(row, "name", header, lastCellNum, null); String dispName = XLSUtilities.getColumn(row, "display name", header, lastCellNum, null); if (name == null) { name = XLSUtilities.getColumn(row, "value", header, lastCellNum, null); // Legacy implementation dispName = name; } if (name != null && dispName != null) { if (currentCol.choices == null) { currentCol.choices = new ArrayList<KeyValue>(); currentCol.choices.add(new KeyValue("", "")); // Add the not selected choice automatically as this has to be the default } currentCol.choices.add(new KeyValue(name, dispName)); currentCol.filter = true; // Add conditional color String appearance = XLSUtilities.getColumn(row, "appearance", header, lastCellNum, null); if (appearance != null) { if (currentCol.markup == null) { currentCol.markup = new ArrayList<TableColumnMarkup>(); } currentCol.markup .add(new TableColumnMarkup(name, getMarkup(appearance))); } } else { throw new Exception(localisation.getString("mf_mv") + " " + localisation.getString("mf_or") + ": " + (j + 1)); } } else { throw new Exception(localisation.getString("mf_un_c") + " " + localisation.getString("mf_or") + ": " + (j + 1)); } } else if (rowType.equals("user_role")) { if (currentCol != null && currentCol.type.equals("select_one")) { String role = XLSUtilities.getColumn(row, "name", header, lastCellNum, null); if (role != null) { if (currentCol.choices == null) { currentCol.choices = new ArrayList<KeyValue>(); currentCol.choices.add(new KeyValue("", "")); // Add the not selected choice automatically as this has to be the default } currentCol.choices.add(new KeyValue(role, role, true)); currentCol.filter = true; } else { throw new Exception(localisation.getString("mf_mv_o") + " " + localisation.getString("mf_or") + ": " + (j + 1)); } } else { throw new Exception(localisation.getString("mf_un_u") + " " + localisation.getString("mf_or") + ": " + (j + 1)); } } else if (rowType.equals("action")) { if (currentCol != null) { String action = XLSUtilities.getColumn(row, "action", header, lastCellNum, null); if (action != null) { if (action.equals("respond")) { if (currentCol.actions == null) { currentCol.actions = new ArrayList<Action>(); } } else { throw new Exception(localisation.getString("mf_ia") + " " + localisation.getString("mf_or") + ": " + (j + 1)); } // Get the action details Action todo = new Action(action); todo.notify_type = XLSUtilities.getColumn(row, "notify type", header, lastCellNum, null); todo.notify_person = XLSUtilities.getColumn(row, "notify person", header, lastCellNum, null); if (isSecurityManager) { String roles = XLSUtilities.getColumn(row, "roles", header, lastCellNum, null); if (roles != null) { todo.roles = new ArrayList<Role>(); String rArray[] = roles.split(","); for (int i = 0; i < rArray.length; i++) { pstmtGetRoleId.setString(2, rArray[i].trim()); ResultSet rs = pstmtGetRoleId.executeQuery(); if ( { todo.roles.add(new Role(rs.getInt(1), rArray[i].trim())); } } } } // Checks for a valid notification if (action.equals("respond") && todo.notify_type == null) { throw new Exception(localisation.getString("mf_mnt") + " " + localisation.getString("mf_or") + ": " + (j + 1)); } currentCol.actions.add(todo); } else { throw new Exception(localisation.getString("mf_mv_a") + " " + localisation.getString("mf_or") + ": " + (j + 1)); } } else { throw new Exception(localisation.getString("mf_un_a") + " " + localisation.getString("mf_or") + ": " + (j + 1)); } } else if (rowType.equals("condition")) { if (currentCol != null && currentCol.type.equals("calculate")) { processingConditions = true; String condition = XLSUtilities.getColumn(row, "condition", header, lastCellNum, null); String value = XLSUtilities.getColumn(row, "value", header, lastCellNum, null); if (condition == null) { throw new Exception("Missing \"condition\" on row: " + (j + 1)); } else { if (currentCol.calculation == null) { currentCol.calculation = new SqlFrag(); currentCol.calculation.add("CASE"); } if (condition.toLowerCase().trim().equals("all")) { currentCol.calculation.add("ELSE"); currentCol.calculation.addSqlFragment(value, false, localisation); //currentCol.calculation.addText(value); } else { currentCol.calculation.add("WHEN"); currentCol.calculation.addSqlFragment(condition, true, localisation); currentCol.calculation.add("THEN"); //currentCol.calculation.addText(value); currentCol.calculation.addSqlFragment(value, false, localisation); } } // Add conditional markup and save value for use in export of form String appearance = XLSUtilities.getColumn(row, "appearance", header, lastCellNum, null); if (currentCol.markup == null) { currentCol.markup = new ArrayList<TableColumnMarkup>(); } currentCol.markup.add(new TableColumnMarkup(value, getMarkup(appearance))); } else { throw new Exception(localisation.getString("mf_uc") + " " + localisation.getString("mf_or") + ": " + (j + 1)); } } else if (rowType.equals("settings")) { config.settings = getParamObj( XLSUtilities.getColumn(row, "parameters", header, lastCellNum, null)); } else { throw new Exception(localisation.getString("mf_ur") + " " + localisation.getString("mf_or") + ": " + (j + 1)); } } } } } if (!foundData) { throw new Exception(localisation.getString("mf_nd")); } // Close of any condition type calculations if (processingConditions) { processingConditions = false; currentCol.calculation.add("END"); } } // Final Validatation for (TableColumn col : config.columns) { // 1. Check for condition calculations without any corresponding contion entries if (col.isCondition && col.calculation == null) { throw new Exception(localisation.getString("mf_ncr") + ": " + col.column_name); } } return config; } /* * Export an oversight definition to an XLS file */ public void writeOversightDefinition(Connection sd, Connection cResults, int oId, String type, OutputStream outputStream, ReportConfig config, ResourceBundle localisation) throws Exception { boolean isXLSX; if (type != null && type.equals("xls")) { wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); isXLSX = false; } else { wb = new SXSSFWorkbook(10); isXLSX = true; } Sheet sheet = wb.createSheet("definition"); sheet.createFreezePane(2, 1); Map<String, CellStyle> styles = XLSUtilities.createStyles(wb); ArrayList<Column> cols = getColumnList(localisation); createHeader(cols, sheet, styles); processCustomReportListForXLS(config, sheet, styles, cols); wb.write(outputStream); outputStream.close(); // If XLSX then temporary streaming files need to be deleted if (isXLSX) { ((SXSSFWorkbook) wb).dispose(); } } /* * Create an LQAS definition from an XLS file */ public LQAS getLQASReport(Connection sd, int oId, String type, InputStream inputStream, ResourceBundle localisation) throws Exception { LQAS lqas = null; String lot = null; ArrayList<TableColumn> defn = new ArrayList<TableColumn>(); Sheet sheet = null; Sheet settingsSheet = null; Row row = null; int lastRowNum = 0; HashMap<String, Integer> header = null; System.out.println("Getting LQAS report"); if (type != null && type.equals("xls")) { wb = new HSSFWorkbook(inputStream); } else { wb = new XSSFWorkbook(inputStream); } /* * Get the settings */ settingsSheet = wb.getSheet("settings"); if (settingsSheet != null && settingsSheet.getPhysicalNumberOfRows() > 0) { int lastSettingsRow = settingsSheet.getLastRowNum(); for (int j = 0; j <= lastSettingsRow; j++) { row = settingsSheet.getRow(j); if (row != null) { int lastCellNum = row.getLastCellNum(); if (lastCellNum > 0) { Cell c = row.getCell(0); String k = c.getStringCellValue(); if (k != null && k.trim().toLowerCase().equals("lot")) { c = row.getCell(1); lot = c.getStringCellValue(); } } } } } if (lot != null) { lqas = new LQAS(lot); } else { throw new Exception("Lot value not specified in settings"); } sheet = wb.getSheet("definition"); if (sheet.getPhysicalNumberOfRows() > 0) { lastRowNum = sheet.getLastRowNum(); boolean processingConditions = false; boolean needHeader = true; LQASGroup currentGroup = null; LQASdataItem currentDataItem = null; LQASItem currentItem = null; TableColumn tc = new TableColumn(); for (int j = 0; j <= lastRowNum; j++) { row = sheet.getRow(j); if (row != null) { int lastCellNum = row.getLastCellNum(); if (needHeader) { header = XLSUtilities.getHeader(row, localisation, j, "definition"); needHeader = false; } else { String rowType = XLSUtilities.getColumn(row, "row type", header, lastCellNum, null); if (rowType != null) { rowType = rowType.trim().toLowerCase(); String name = XLSUtilities.getColumn(row, "name", header, lastCellNum, null); // Close of any condition type calculations if (processingConditions && !rowType.equals("condition")) { processingConditions = false;"END"); } // Process the row if (rowType.equals("group")) { String groupName = XLSUtilities.getColumn(row, "display name", header, lastCellNum, null); currentGroup = new LQASGroup(groupName); lqas.groups.add(currentGroup); } else if (rowType.equals("data")) { SqlFrag select = null; String[] sources = null; // Get data type String dataType = XLSUtilities.getColumn(row, "data type", header, lastCellNum, null); if (dataType != null) { if (!dataType.equals("text") && !dataType.equals("date") && !dataType.equals("calculate") && !dataType.equals("decimal") && !dataType.equals("integer") && !dataType.equals("select_one")) { throw new Exception(localisation.getString("mf_idt") + ": " + dataType + " " + localisation.getString("mf_or") + ": " + (j + 1)); } } else { throw new Exception(localisation.getString("mf_mdt") + " " + localisation.getString("mf_or") + ": " + (j + 1)); } // Get calculation state String calculation = XLSUtilities.getColumn(row, "calculation", header, lastCellNum, null); if (calculation != null && calculation.length() > 0) { calculation = calculation.trim(); if (calculation.equals("condition")) { // Calculation set by condition rows } else if (calculation.length() > 0) { select = new SqlFrag(); select.addSqlFragment(calculation, false, localisation); } } else { throw new Exception(localisation.getString("mf_mc") + " " + localisation.getString("mf_or") + ": " + (j + 1)); } currentDataItem = new LQASdataItem(name, select, dataType.equals("text")); lqas.dataItems.add(currentDataItem); } else if (rowType.equals("item")) { // Get data type String dataType = XLSUtilities.getColumn(row, "data type", header, lastCellNum, null); if (dataType != null) { if (!dataType.equals("text") && !dataType.equals("date") && !dataType.equals("calculate") && !dataType.equals("decimal") && !dataType.equals("integer") && !dataType.equals("select_one")) { throw new Exception(localisation.getString("mf_idt") + ": " + dataType + " " + localisation.getString("mf_or") + ": " + (j + 1)); } } else { throw new Exception(localisation.getString("mf_mdt") + " " + localisation.getString("mf_or") + ": " + (j + 1)); } String targetResponseText = XLSUtilities.getColumn(row, "target response text", header, lastCellNum, null); String displayName = XLSUtilities.getColumn(row, "display name", header, lastCellNum, null); // Get calculation String calculation = XLSUtilities.getColumn(row, "calculation", header, lastCellNum, null); if (calculation != null && calculation.length() > 0) { calculation = calculation.trim(); } else { throw new Exception(localisation.getString("mf_mc") + " " + localisation.getString("mf_or") + ": " + (j + 1)); } ArrayList<String> sources = getSourcesFromItem(calculation); currentItem = new LQASItem(name, displayName, calculation, targetResponseText, sources); currentGroup.items.add(currentItem); } else if (rowType.equals("footer")) { String displayName = XLSUtilities.getColumn(row, "display name", header, lastCellNum, null); lqas.footer = new LQASItem("footer", displayName, null, null, null); } else if (rowType.equals("condition")) { if (currentDataItem != null) { processingConditions = true; String condition = XLSUtilities.getColumn(row, "condition", header, lastCellNum, null); String value = XLSUtilities.getColumn(row, "value", header, lastCellNum, null); if (condition == null) { throw new Exception("Missing \"condition\" on row: " + (j + 1)); } else { if ( == null) { = new SqlFrag();"CASE"); } if (condition.toLowerCase().trim().equals("all")) {"ELSE");; } else {"WHEN");, true, localisation);"THEN");; } } } else { throw new Exception(localisation.getString("mf_uc") + " " + localisation.getString("mf_or") + ": " + (j + 1)); } } else { throw new Exception(localisation.getString("mf_ur") + " " + localisation.getString("mf_or") + ": " + (j + 1)); } } } } } // Close of any condition type calculations if (processingConditions) { processingConditions = false;"END"); } } return lqas; } private ArrayList<String> getSourcesFromItem(String calc) { ArrayList<String> sources = new ArrayList<String>(); if (calc != null) { String[] tokens = calc.split("[\\s]"); // Split on white space for (int j = 0; j < tokens.length; j++) { String token = tokens[j].trim(); if (token.startsWith("#{") && token.endsWith("}")) { String name = token.substring(2, token.length() - 1); boolean captured = false; for (int i = 0; i < sources.size(); i++) { if (sources.get(i).equals(name)) { captured = true; break; } } if (!captured) { sources.add(name); } } } } return sources; } /* * Convert an appearance to jquery classes * TODO markup should be handled in the client */ private String getMarkup(String app) { StringBuffer markupString = new StringBuffer(""); if (app != null) { String[] apps = app.trim().toLowerCase().split(" "); boolean hasMarkup = false; for (int i = 0; i < apps.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < markup.size(); j++) { if (markup.get(j).k.equals(apps[i])) { if (hasMarkup) { markupString.append(" "); } hasMarkup = true; markupString.append(markup.get(j).v); } } } } return markupString.toString().trim(); } /* * Convert an appearance to jquery classes * TODO markup should be handled in the client */ private String markupToAppearance(String markupString) { StringBuffer appString = new StringBuffer(""); if (markup != null) { String[] markupArray = markupString.split(" "); boolean hasApp = false; for (int i = 0; i < markupArray.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < markup.size(); j++) { if (markup.get(j).v.equals(markupArray[i])) { if (hasApp) { appString.append(" "); } hasApp = true; appString.append(markup.get(j).k); } } } } return appString.toString().trim(); } /* * Get the columns for the oversight form definition sheet */ private ArrayList<Column> getColumnList(ResourceBundle localisation) { ArrayList<Column> cols = new ArrayList<Column>(); int colNumber = 0; cols.add(new Column(localisation, colNumber++, "row type")); cols.add(new Column(localisation, colNumber++, "data type")); cols.add(new Column(localisation, colNumber++, "name")); cols.add(new Column(localisation, colNumber++, "display name")); cols.add(new Column(localisation, colNumber++, "hide")); cols.add(new Column(localisation, colNumber++, "readonly")); cols.add(new Column(localisation, colNumber++, "filter")); cols.add(new Column(localisation, colNumber++, "calculation")); cols.add(new Column(localisation, colNumber++, "condition")); cols.add(new Column(localisation, colNumber++, "value")); cols.add(new Column(localisation, colNumber++, "appearance")); cols.add(new Column(localisation, colNumber++, "parameters")); return cols; } /* * Create a header row and set column widths */ private void createHeader(ArrayList<Column> cols, Sheet sheet, Map<String, CellStyle> styles) { // Set column widths for (int i = 0; i < cols.size(); i++) { sheet.setColumnWidth(i, cols.get(i).getWidth()); } // Create survey sheet header row Row headerRow = sheet.createRow(0); CellStyle headerStyle = styles.get("header"); for (int i = 0; i < cols.size(); i++) { Column col = cols.get(i); Cell cell = headerRow.createCell(i); cell.setCellStyle(headerStyle); cell.setCellValue(; } } /* * Convert an oversight report configurationto XLS */ private void processCustomReportListForXLS(ReportConfig config, Sheet sheet, Map<String, CellStyle> styles, ArrayList<Column> cols) throws IOException { for (TableColumn tc : config.columns) { Row row = sheet.createRow(rowNumber++); // Add question rows for (int i = 0; i < cols.size(); i++) { Column col = cols.get(i); Cell cell = row.createCell(i); cell.setCellStyle(styles.get("default")); cell.setCellValue(col.getValue(tc, sheet, cols, styles)); } // Add condition rows if (tc.calculation != null && tc.calculation.conditions != null && tc.isCondition) { for (int j = 0; j < tc.calculation.conditions.size(); j++) { row = sheet.createRow(rowNumber++); createCell(row, getIndexCol(cols, "row type"), "condition", styles.get("default")); createCell(row, getIndexCol(cols, "condition"), tc.calculation.conditions.get(j), styles.get("default")); createCell(row, getIndexCol(cols, "condition"), tc.calculation.conditions.get(j), styles.get("default")); if (tc.markup != null) { createCell(row, getIndexCol(cols, "value"), tc.markup.get(j).value, styles.get("default")); createCell(row, getIndexCol(cols, "appearance"), markupToAppearance(tc.markup.get(j).classes), styles.get("default")); } } } // Add choice rows if (tc.choices != null) { for (int j = 0; j < tc.choices.size(); j++) { KeyValue choice = tc.choices.get(j); row = sheet.createRow(rowNumber++); createCell(row, getIndexCol(cols, "row type"), choice.isRole ? "user_role" : "choice", styles.get("default")); createCell(row, getIndexCol(cols, "name"), choice.k, styles.get("default")); createCell(row, getIndexCol(cols, "display name"), choice.v, styles.get("default")); if (tc.markup != null && j < tc.markup.size()) { createCell(row, getIndexCol(cols, "appearance"), markupToAppearance(tc.markup.get(j).classes), styles.get("default")); } } } // Add action rows if (tc.actions != null) { for (int j = 0; j < tc.actions.size(); j++) { Action a = tc.actions.get(j); row = sheet.createRow(rowNumber++); createCell(row, getIndexCol(cols, "row type"), "action", styles.get("default")); createCell(row, getIndexCol(cols, "action"), a.action, styles.get("default")); createCell(row, getIndexCol(cols, "notify type"), a.notify_type, styles.get("default")); createCell(row, getIndexCol(cols, "notify person"), a.notify_person, styles.get("default")); StringBuffer roles = new StringBuffer(""); if (a.roles != null) { for (int k = 0; k < a.roles.size(); k++) { Role r = a.roles.get(k); roles.append(; } } } } } } private int getIndexCol(ArrayList<Column> cols, String name) { int col = -1; for (int i = 0; i < cols.size(); i++) { if (cols.get(i).name.equals(name)) { col = i; break; } } return col; } private void createCell(Row row, int colIdx, String value, CellStyle style) { if (colIdx >= 0) { Cell cell = row.createCell(colIdx); cell.setCellStyle(style); cell.setCellValue(value); } } private HashMap<String, String> getParamObj(String parameters) { HashMap<String, String> paramObj = null; // Remove any white space around the equal signs parameters = GeneralUtilityMethods.removeSurroundingWhiteSpace(parameters, '='); if (parameters != null) { paramObj = new HashMap<String, String>(); String[] params = parameters.split(" "); for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { String[] p = params[i].split("="); if (p.length > 1) { if (p[0].equals("rows")) { try { int rows = Integer.valueOf(p[1]); // Check that rows is an integer paramObj.put(p[0], p[1]); } catch (Exception e) { // Ignore exceptions } } else if (p[0].equals("source")) { paramObj.put(p[0], p[1]); } else if (p[0].equals("form_data")) { paramObj.put(p[0], p[1]); } else if (p[0].equals("auto")) { paramObj.put(p[0], p[1]); } // Ignore parameters that we don't know about } } } return paramObj; } }