Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package Utilities; import Encryption.BitInputStream; import Encryption.BitOutputStream; import Encryption.HuffmanTree; //import java.awt.SplashScreen; import; import; import; import; import; import; import static java.lang.System.exit; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.Set; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSArray; import org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSString; import org.apache.pdfbox.pdfparser.PDFStreamParser; import org.apache.pdfbox.pdfwriter.ContentStreamWriter; import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument; import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDPage; import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.common.PDStream; import org.apache.pdfbox.util.PDFOperator; import; import; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook; /** * * @author SPC Cui */ public class GlobalVar { // index in database// String data = LAST4SSN + GlobalVar.PARSE + LAST_NAME // + GlobalVar.PARSE + LEAVE_TYPE + GlobalVar.PARSE // + SO_DATE + GlobalVar.PARSE + SI_DATE + GlobalVar.PARSE // + LEAVE_DAYS + GlobalVar.PARSE + LEAVE_AREA // + GlobalVar.PARSE + CTRL_NUM + GlobalVar.PARSE // + FIRST_FIVE_LETTER_NAME + GlobalVar.PARSE + INPUT_SOURCE; // --- new leave txt file---- public static final int LAST4SSN_ID = 0; //SSN public static final int LN_ID = 1; // last name public static final int LV_T_ID = 2; //leave type public static final int PSO_D_ID = 3; // projected sign out date public static final int PSI_D_ID = 4; // projected sign in date public static final int P_ND_ID = 5; // project number of leave days; public static final int LV_A_ID = 6; // leave area public static final int CN_ID = 7; // PACID public static final int L5_ID = 8; // last five letter name public static final int IS_ID = 9; //input source // -- sign out txt file --- public static final int SO_D_ID = 10; // Sign out date public static final int SO_T_ID = 11; // Sign out time // -- sign in --- public static final int SI_D_ID = 12; // Sign in date public static final int SI_T_ID = 13; // Sign in time public static final int A_ND_ID = 14; // Actual number of leave days. // dates public static final int DATE_LEN = 6; //150101 - Jan 1, 2015 public static final int ORDER_LEAVE_DAYS_IN_DMO = 3; // three digits in dmo public static final int YEAR_BASE = 2000; // two-digit year to four digit year,e.g. 15 -> 2015 public static final int SSN_LEN = 9; public static final int LAST4SSN_LEN = 4; public static final int PACID_LEN = 8; //e.g. NM1FB5AA public static final double ONE_DAY_IN_MILLISECOND = 86400000.0; public static final double SOME_SEC_IN_MILLISECOND = 10.0; // unit: milliseconds public static Boolean ENCRYPTED = true; // Splash screen public static final long PROCESS_STEP = 2; // In splash screen, 2 increment public static int START_PROCESS = 0; // 0% public static int DECODING_PROCESS = 10; // 10% public static int DECODED_PROCESS = 85; // 85% public static int LOADED_PROCESS = 95; // 95% // response from sign in sign out handler public static final int SSN_NOT_FOUND = -5; public static final int NAME_SSN_NOT_MATCH = -4; public static final int LEAVE_FORM_EXPIRED = -3; public static final int SIGN_IN_TOO_LATE = -2; public static final int SIGN_OUT_TOO_EARLY = -2; public static final int SUCCESS = 1; // new leave form public static final int INPUT_SOURCE_LENGTH = 2; public static final int MAX_CTRL_NUM_LEN = 7; public static final String FOLDER_NAME = "data"; public static final String SECURE_FOLDER_NAME = "source"; public static final String ICON_NAME = "crest.jpg"; public static final String SPLASHSCREN_NAME = "photo.jpg"; public static final int NUM_SPLASHSCREEN = 4; // random number generator // check if the leaves have been previously logged public static final int DUP_CTRL_NUM_ERR = -1; public static final int OVERLAP_LEAVE_ERR = -2; public static final int GOOD_LEAVE = 1; public static final int SIGN_IN_SIGN_OUT_ERR = 2; public static final int NULL_INFO_ERR = 3; public static final int FUTURE_SIGN_IN_OUT_ERR = 4; public static final int IAS_ERR = 5; public static final int NULL_SSN_ERR = 6; public static final int NULL_DATE_ERR = 7; public static final int ELEVEN_MONTH = 330; public static final String FILE_EXT = ".txt"; // public static final String ADSN = "4824"; public static final String CYCLE = "C0"; public static final int NUM_WHITE_SPACE = 21; //for dmo transaction public static final int LEN_CTRL_NUM = 5; public static final int LEN_SEQ_NUM = 4; // in the batch file public static final int LEN_SEQ_NUM_5_DIGIT = 5; // sequence number on the documents public static final String PARSE = "`"; public static final String CSV_PARSE = ","; public static final String SPACE_PARSE = " "; public static final String LIST_SPACE_PARSE = " "; // used in the list on the panel. public static final String NEW_LEAVE_DB_NAME = "NewLeaveRoster"; public static final String SIGN_IN_LEAVE_DB_NAME = "SignInRoster"; public static final String SIGN_OUT_LEAVE_DB_NAME = "SignOutRoster"; public static final String BATCH_FILE_NAME = "UNVERIFIED_AFAFC.DAT"; public static final String VERIFIED_BATCH_FILE_NAME = "AFAFC.DAT"; public static final String BATCH_FILE_NAME_EXT = ".DAT"; // drot file public static final String DROT_FILE_NAME = "DROT"; public static final String DROT_FILE_EXT = ".drot"; public static final String ENCRYPTED_DROT = "ENCRYPTED.drot"; // data array for encrypted drot file public static final int DROT_NUM_DATA = 3; // total pieces of data below public static final int DROT_PROCESS_STATUS_INDEX = 0; // proc = P, recycle = Y, rej = R public static final int DROT_SSN_INDEX = 1; public static final int DROT_CTRL_NUM_INDEX = 2; // the order saved on the drot file // public static final int DROT_PROCESS_TYPE_INDEX = 0; // report = 3, start = 1, stop = 2 public static final String DECODED_EXT = ".lon"; public static final String ENCODED_EXT = ".src"; public static final int NUM_LINES = 1000; //max num of lines in the output files public static final int DB_FILE_DELAY = 0; //delay between encoding and decoding files // process status public static final String LEAVE_PROCESSED = "P"; public static final String LEAVE_REJECT = "J"; public static final String LEAVE_RECYCLED = "Y"; public static final String LEAVE_REJPART = "A"; public static final String LEAVE_OTHER = "O"; public static final int CHAR_MAX = 256; // max char value to be encoded //Excel writer public static final int COL_WIDTH = 20; //column width of in units of 1/256th of a character width // public static final String[] NEW_LEAVE_TITLES = {"Ctrl Number", // "Last Four SSN", "Last Name", "Projected Sign-out Date", "Projected Sign-in Date", "Leave Area", // "Leave Type", "Num of Days", "First Five"}; // public static final String[] NEW_LEAVE_TITLES = {"Ctrl Number", // "Last Four SSN", "Last Name", "Projected Sign-out Date", "Projected Sign-in Date", "Leave Area", // "Leave Type"}; // public static final String LEAVE_LIST_TITLE = "Control Number | Last 4 SSN | Last Name | Sign-out Date | Sign-in Date | Leave Area " // + "| Leave Type"; public static final String[] LEAVE_TITLES_V1 = { "Ctrl Number", "Last Four SSN", "Last Name", "Sign-out Date", "Sign-in Date", "Leave Area", "Leave Type" }; // excel sheet. Must match the title above public static final int CTRL_NUM_CELL_INDEX_V1 = 0; public static final int LAST4_CELL_INDEX_V1 = 1; public static final int LAST_NAME_CELL_INDEX_V1 = 2; public static final int SIGN_OUT_DATE_CELL_INDEX_V1 = 3; // for compare drot vs roster public static final int SIGN_IN_DATE_CELL_INDEX_V1 = 4; public static final int LEAVE_AREA_CELL_INDEX_V1 = 5; // the 5th cell data public static final int LEAVE_TYPE_CELL_INDEX_V1 = 6; // contains Full SSN, should avoid using this format as much as possible public static final String[] LEAVE_TITLES_V2 = { "Ctrl Number", "Full SSN", "Sign-out Date", "Sign-in Date", "Leave Area", "Leave Type" }; public static final int CTRL_NUM_CELL_INDEX_V2 = 0; public static final int FULL_SSN_CELL_INDEX_V2 = 1; public static final int SIGN_OUT_DATE_CELL_INDEX_V2 = 2; // for compare drot vs roster public static final int SIGN_IN_DATE_CELL_INDEX_V2 = 3; public static final int LEAVE_AREA_CELL_INDEX_V2 = 4; // the 5th cell data public static final int LEAVE_TYPE_CELL_INDEX_V2 = 5; public static final int EFF_LAST_NAME_CHAR = 4; // number of effective characters of last names, multi-key map public static final int JUNK_LINES_UCFR_ROSTER = 6; // skip the junk lines //for SSNDataBase public static final String SSN_DB_KEY = "SSN"; public static final String LAST_NAME_DB_KEY = "LAST NAME"; public static final String FIRST_NAME_DB_KEY = "FIRST NAME"; public static final String FIRST_FIVE_LETTER_DB_KEY = "FIRST FIVE"; public static final String DUTY_STATUS_DB_KEY = "DUTY STATUS"; public static final String[] SIGNED_LEAVE_TITLES = { "Ctrl Number", "Last Four", "Last Name", "Sign-out Date", "Sign-in Date", "Leave Area", "Leave Type" }; public static final String OS = System.getProperty(""); //32 bit os public static final String XLS_NEW_LEAVE_FILE_NAME = "NewLeaveFormRoster.xlsx"; public static final String XLS_SIGNED_LEAVE_FILE_NAME = "SignedLeaveFormRoster.xlsx"; // on the UCFR roster //public static final String SSN_CSV_FIRST_CELL_CONTENT = "Unit/PAS"; public static final int NAME_INDEX_SSN_CSV = 4; public static final int SSN_INDEX_SSN_CSV = 6; public static final int DUTY_STATUS_INDEX_SSN_CSV = 7; public static final boolean DELETE_MODIFIED_UCFR_FILE = true; // LTR: Proc 525196233 GONZA SB01 T6 2 RY 4830 20150717 07-16 [WEB] RY99999 public static final int PROCESS_STATUS_INDEX_LTR = 0; public static final int SSN_INDEX_LTR = 1; // public static final int ITEM_NO = 12; // no. of items in a valid leave transaction contains // public static final int CHAR_NO = 113; // no of characters for a valid trimmed leave transaction (before shrinking) // robot delay public static final int SPEED_DJMS = 2000; public static final int SPEED1 = 1; public static int SPEED2 = 400; public static final int PAGE_NUM_LINE = 4; //the line shows 01 OF 02 in djms //batch files public static final int FID_START_INDEX = 0; public static final int FID_STOP_INDEX = 5; public static final int SSN_START_INDEX = 5; public static final int SSN_STOP_INDEX = 14; //exclusive public static final int SO_START_INDEX = 19; public static final int SO_STOP_INDEX = 25; //exclusive public static final int SI_START_INDEX = 25; public static final int SI_STOP_INDEX = 31; //exclusive public static final int LV_TYPE_START_INDEX = 31; public static final int LV_TYPE_STOP_INDEX = 32; //exclusive public static final int LV_DAYS_START_INDEX = 32; public static final int LV_DAYS_STOP_INDEX = 35; //exclusive public static final int CTRL_NUM_START_INDEX = 36; public static final int CTRL_NUM_STOP_INDEX = 43; //exclusive public static final int OVERSEA_LEAVE_DAYS = 30; public static final String TEMP_DMO_NAME = "XXXXX"; // for full SSN xlsx file if UCFR is not loaded, // pdf button public static int VOID_BUTTON_INDEX = 0; public static int SKIP_BUTTON_INDEX = 1; public static int SELECT_BUTTON_INDEX = 2; public static int NUM_BUTTON = 3; public static int MAX_NUM_PAGES = 500; //max number of pages a pdf file can have // pdf file processing public static int COMMENT_TEXT_X_POSITION = 200; public static int COMMENT_TEXT_Y_POSITION = 760; public static int COMMENT_FONT_SIZE = 14; public static int PRE_PROC_TEXT_X_POSITION = 100; public static int PRE_PROC_TEXT_Y_POSITION = 650; public static int PRE_PROC_FONT_SIZE = 6; public static String PRE_PROC_KEY_SYMBOL = "-@#"; //symbol determine if the pdf is pre-processed public static int SEQ_NUM_TEXT_X_POSITION = 600; public static int SEQ_NUM_TEXT_Y_POSITION = 400; public static int SEQ_NUM_FONT_SIZE = 20; public static int DATE_STAMP_X_POSITION = 150; public static int DATE_STAMP_Y_POSITION = 20; public static int DATE_STAMP_FONT_SIZE = 20; //colored xlsx roster public static final short BAD_STATUS_COLOR = IndexedColors.DARK_RED.getIndex(); //AWOL, DFR, Suspend, etc dd public static final short ETS_STATUS_COLOR = IndexedColors.BLUE.getIndex(); //dd public static final short DUPLICATE_LV_COLOR = IndexedColors.YELLOW.getIndex(); //dd public static final short DUPLICATE_CTRL_NUM_COLOR = IndexedColors.CORAL.getIndex(); //dd public static final short AFTER_PCS_COLOR = IndexedColors.TAN.getIndex(); //dd public static final short INPROCESSING_COLOR = IndexedColors.ORCHID.getIndex(); //dd public static final short WRONG_SSN_COLOR = IndexedColors.CORNFLOWER_BLUE.getIndex(); // dd public static final short OVERLAP_LV_COLOR = IndexedColors.LIGHT_ORANGE.getIndex(); //dd public static final short AUDITOR_DELETED_COLOR = IndexedColors.GREY_50_PERCENT.getIndex(); //dd public static final short IN_CYCLE_DUPLICATE_COLOR = IndexedColors.WHITE.getIndex(); //dd // global public static final int NO_ERR = 0; public static final int BAD_STATUS_ERR = 1; //ETS, AWOL, DFR, Suspend, etc public static final int ETS_ERR = 2; //private final int PCS_ERR = 3; public static final int DUPLICATE_LV_ERR = 3; public static final int DUPLICATE_CTRL_NUM_ERR = 4; public static final int AFTER_PCS_ERR = 5; //SM took leave after PCS public static final int INPROCESSING_ERR = 6; //SM took leave after PCS public static final int WRONG_SSN_ERR = 7; public static final int OVERLAP_LV_ERR = 8; public static final int AUDIT_DELETE_ERR = 9; public static final int IN_CYCLE_DUPLICATION_INVALID_FIRST_FIVE_ERR = 10; // position of legend color map public static final int LEGEND_X = 7; public static final int LEGEND_Y = 9; // temp file name public static final String PRE_CEDMS_PDF = "temp_CEDMS.pdf"; public static final String NUMBERED_PDF = "temp_numbered.pdf"; // public static final String MERGED_PDF = "temp_merged.pdf"; // return true if dir is created successfully, return false, otherwise. public static Boolean dirMake(File dir) { if (!dir.exists()) { if (dir.mkdir()) { System.out.println("Directory is created"); return true; } else { System.out.println("Directory is created unsuccessfully!"); return false; } } return false; } // return true if the syntax of the date valid public static Boolean isDateSyntaxValid(String date) { // System.out.println("date length " + date.length()); if (date.length() != GlobalVar.DATE_LEN) { return false; } String num = date.replaceAll("[^\\d]", ""); //remove all the non-digits chars // throw illegal argeument exception if non-digits characters passed in if (num.length() != GlobalVar.DATE_LEN) { return false; } MyDate myDate = new MyDate(date); //if string passed in can't create a new date, get null if (myDate.getDay() == null) { return false; } else { return true; } } public static String computeNumOfDays(MyDate so, MyDate si) { if (so != null && si != null) { String days = "" + so.getDaysDiff(si); while (days.length() < GlobalVar.ORDER_LEAVE_DAYS_IN_DMO) { days = "0" + days; } return days; } else { return null; } } // read the data from the cell, return the correspondance DMO code for leave type public static String getDMOLeaveType(String cellStringValue) { if (cellStringValue != null) { if (cellStringValue.length() == 1) { cellStringValue = cellStringValue.toUpperCase().trim(); char letter = cellStringValue.charAt(0); switch (letter) { case 'A': return "A"; case 'D': return "D"; case 'F': return "F"; case 'T': return "T"; case 'N': return "N"; case 'P': return "P"; //case 'T': return "T"; default: return null; } } else { String key = cellStringValue.substring(0, 3); if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("Ord")) { return "A"; } else if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("Eme")) { return "D"; } else if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("Con")) { return "F"; } else if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("Per")) { return "T"; } else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, " Invalid leave type is given! Return null."); //exit(1); return null; } } } else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, " DMO leave type is not given!"); exit(1); } throw new IllegalArgumentException(" String value is null"); //return ""; // shall never fall here. } // read the data from the cell, return the correspondance DMO code for leave area public static String getDMOLeaveArea(String cellStringValue) { cellStringValue = cellStringValue.toUpperCase().trim(); if (cellStringValue != null) { switch (cellStringValue.charAt(0)) { //CONUS, OCONUS case 'C': return "1"; case 'O': return "2"; default: return null; } } else { return null; } } public static String getDMOLeaveArea(double cellNumericValue) { int value = (int) cellNumericValue; switch (value) { case 1: return "1"; case 2: return "2"; default: return null; } } // take an integer, return LEN_SEQ_NUM character long string public static String globalCountGenerator(int globalCount) { int base = 1; for (int i = 0; i < LEN_SEQ_NUM; i++) { base *= 10; } int global = globalCount + base; String ans = global + ""; return ans.substring(ans.length() - GlobalVar.LEN_SEQ_NUM, ans.length()); } // take an integer, return LEN_SEQ_NUM character long string public static String globalCountGenerator5Digit(int globalCount) { int base = 1; for (int i = 0; i < LEN_SEQ_NUM_5_DIGIT; i++) { base *= 10; } int global = globalCount + base; String ans = global + ""; return ans.substring(ans.length() - LEN_SEQ_NUM_5_DIGIT, ans.length()); } // for DMO public static String whiteSpace() { String whiteSpace = ""; for (int i = 0; i < GlobalVar.NUM_WHITE_SPACE; i++) { whiteSpace = " " + whiteSpace; } return whiteSpace; } // oversea 2nd line: 1SB03111111111ROMER15070815080700000000000000000000000000 4830KHE2@0003 public static String overseaPadding() { return "00000000000000000000000000 "; } // check if the leaves have been previously logged. // return GOOD_LEAVE if passed in leave is a valid one // return DUPLICATE_CTRL_NUM if it has duplicate ctrl number // return OVERLAP_LEAVE if its overlaps with previouos leaves. // Map<String, Map<String, List<String>>> has key of SSN, dates of values, leaves posted before public static int checkLeaves(String ctrl, String SSN, String SO, String SI, String first5, Map<String, Map<String, List<String>>> leaves) { if (ctrl != null && SSN != null && SO != null && SI != null && first5 != null) { MyDate today = new MyDate(); MyDate newSO = new MyDate(SO); MyDate newSI = new MyDate(SI); if (newSO.after(newSI)) { return SIGN_IN_SIGN_OUT_ERR; } if (newSO.after(today) || newSI.after(today)) { return FUTURE_SIGN_IN_OUT_ERR; } if (!leaves.containsKey(SSN)) { Map<String, List<String>> value = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); List<String> dates = new ArrayList<String>(); dates.add(SO); dates.add(SI); value.put(ctrl, dates); leaves.put(SSN, value); return GOOD_LEAVE; } else { //has the ssn Map<String, List<String>> leavesOftheSSN = leaves.get(SSN); // Map<ctrlNum, List<leave>> if (leavesOftheSSN.containsKey(ctrl)) { return DUPLICATE_CTRL_NUM_ERR; //duplicate control number } else { //look through each leave Set<String> valueSet = new HashSet<>(leavesOftheSSN.keySet()); for (String thisCtrl : valueSet) { //System.out.println(thisCtrl); List<String> dates = leavesOftheSSN.get(thisCtrl); MyDate thisSO = new MyDate(dates.get(0)); MyDate thisSI = new MyDate(dates.get(1)); // System.out.println(); if (newSO.getDaysDiff(today) > ELEVEN_MONTH) { return IAS_ERR; } if (newSO.beforeOrEqual(thisSI) && newSI.afterOrEqual(thisSO)) { System.out.println(" overlap leaves 1."); return OVERLAP_LEAVE_ERR; } else if (newSI.afterOrEqual(thisSO) && newSI.beforeOrEqual(thisSI)) { // System.out.println(" overlap leaves 2. "); return OVERLAP_LEAVE_ERR; } else if (newSI.afterOrEqual(thisSI) && newSO.beforeOrEqual(thisSO)) { System.out.println(" overlap leaves 3."); return OVERLAP_LEAVE_ERR; } else { //ok to add List<String> newDates = new ArrayList<String>(); newDates.add(SO); newDates.add(SI); leavesOftheSSN.put(ctrl, newDates); // //return GOOD_LEAVE; } } // // went through all the leaves before the current one. Good to add // List<String> newDates = new ArrayList<String>(); // newDates.add(SO); // newDates.add(SI); // leavesOftheSSN.put(ctrl, newDates); return GOOD_LEAVE; } } } else if (SSN != null && (SI == null || SO == null)) { return NULL_DATE_ERR; } else if (SSN != null) { return NULL_SSN_ERR; } else { return NULL_INFO_ERR; } } // given input file and output File Name public static void encode(String inFile, String outputFile) throws IOException { // open input file and count character frequencies FileInputStream input = new FileInputStream(inFile); int[] count = new int[CHAR_MAX]; int n =; while (n != -1) { count[n]++; n =; } // build tree, get codes HuffmanTree t = new HuffmanTree(count); String[] codes = new String[CHAR_MAX + 1]; t.assign(codes); // open output, write header BitOutputStream output = new BitOutputStream(outputFile); t.writeHeader(output); // reset input, encode file, close output input.close();// input = new FileInputStream(inFile); //cause file occupied by the user n =; while (n != -1) { writeString(codes[n], output); n =; } writeString(codes[CHAR_MAX], output); input.close(); output.close(); } public static void decode(String inFile, String outputFile) throws IOException { // open encoded file, open output, build tree, decode BitInputStream input = new BitInputStream(inFile); PrintStream output = new PrintStream(new File(outputFile)); HuffmanTree t = new HuffmanTree(input); t.decode(input, output, CHAR_MAX); output.close(); input.close(); } public static void writeString(String s, BitOutputStream output) { for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) output.writeBit(s.charAt(i) - '0'); } // clear new leave form temp data. return true if action of deleting db is executed, return false otherwise public static boolean clearDataBase(String dataBaseName) { int response = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, "Contine to delete all the " + dataBaseName + " entered before?", "Confirm", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); if (response == JOptionPane.NO_OPTION) { //keep the old data file System.out.println(" No button clicked"); } else if (response == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { if (dataBaseName.equals("New leave")) { String dir = GlobalVar.FOLDER_NAME + "/" + GlobalVar.NEW_LEAVE_DB_NAME + GlobalVar.FILE_EXT; File file = new File(dir); if (file.exists()) { if (file.delete()) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, dataBaseName + " are successfully cleared!"); return true; } else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Can't delete" + dataBaseName + ". The temp file is opened by another program!"); return false; } } else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, dataBaseName + " have been successfully cleared"); return false; } } else { String dir1 = GlobalVar.FOLDER_NAME + "/" + GlobalVar.SIGN_IN_LEAVE_DB_NAME + GlobalVar.FILE_EXT; String dir2 = GlobalVar.FOLDER_NAME + "/" + GlobalVar.SIGN_OUT_LEAVE_DB_NAME + GlobalVar.FILE_EXT; File file1 = new File(dir1); File file2 = new File(dir2); if (file1.exists() || file2.exists()) { file1.delete(); file2.delete(); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, dataBaseName + " are successfully cleared!"); return true; } else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, dataBaseName + " have been successfully cleared!"); return false; } } } else if (response == JOptionPane.CLOSED_OPTION) { System.out.println(" JOptionPane closed"); //return false; } return false; } // return the last four of the SSN public static String last4Generator(String SSN) { if (SSN != null) { if (SSN.length() == SSN_LEN) { return SSN.substring(5); } else if (SSN.length() == LAST4SSN_LEN) { return SSN; } else if (SSN.length() < LAST4SSN_LEN) { while (SSN.length() < LAST4SSN_LEN) { SSN = "0" + SSN; } return SSN; } else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Invalid SSN. Can't generate last four!"); exit(1); return null; } } else { return null; } } // return input source given control number public static String getInputSource(String ctrlNum) { return ctrlNum.substring(0, 2); } public static void encodeSSNfile(String SSNfile) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, InterruptedException { String tempFile = "modified.txt"; File sourceFile = new File(SSNfile); File destFile = new File(tempFile); PrintStream output; try (Scanner input = new Scanner(sourceFile)) { output = new PrintStream(destFile); // skip the junk // for (int i = 0; i < JUNK_LINES_UCFR_ROSTER; i++){ // input.nextLine(); // } int lineCount = 0; while (input.hasNextLine()) { String line = input.nextLine(); String[] items = line.split(CSV_PARSE); if (items != null && items.length > DUTY_STATUS_INDEX_SSN_CSV) { String rawSsn = items[GlobalVar.SSN_INDEX_SSN_CSV]; String letters = rawSsn.replaceAll("[0-9]", ""); if (rawSsn != null && rawSsn.length() > 0 && letters.length() == 0) { //contains no letters but digits //System.out.println(rawSsn); output.println(line); } } lineCount++; } input.close(); output.close(); System.out.println(lineCount); } encodeSSNfileHelper(tempFile); if (DELETE_MODIFIED_UCFR_FILE) {// modified file that truncated irrelavant lines destFile.delete(); } } // pre: passed in SSNfile must be valid // pass in a giant UCFR file and divide it into small ones and encrypt them private static void encodeSSNfileHelper(String SSNfile) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, InterruptedException { File folder = new File(GlobalVar.SECURE_FOLDER_NAME); GlobalVar.dirMake(folder); //String file = "myData.lon"; File sourceFile = new File(SSNfile); Scanner input = new Scanner(sourceFile); PrintStream output; int num = 0; //Boolean isNew = false; int fileCount = 0; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // divide the DMO database into many small files //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// String inFileName = SECURE_FOLDER_NAME + "/file" + fileCount + DECODED_EXT; File inFile = new File(inFileName); // decoded file output = new PrintStream(inFile); // divide the file into small ones and encode each // stops if reaches empty line while (input.hasNext()) { String line = input.nextLine(); //System.out.println(line); String[] items = line.split(CSV_PARSE); String name = items[NAME_INDEX_SSN_CSV]; // full name info on UCFR roster if (items != null && name != null) { output.println(line); num++; if (num % GlobalVar.NUM_LINES == 0) { output.close(); // close the previous file //encode the raw data file and delete after done String targetFileName = SECURE_FOLDER_NAME + "/file" + fileCount + ENCODED_EXT; GlobalVar.encode(inFileName, targetFileName); System.out.println(" unencrypted file deleted: " + inFile.delete()); System.out.println("File: " + fileCount + " is processed."); fileCount++; inFileName = SECURE_FOLDER_NAME + "/file" + fileCount + DECODED_EXT; // open a new file inFile = new File(inFileName); output = new PrintStream(inFile); } } } //retrieve the last source file and target file //Thread.sleep(1000); output.close(); //must close before delete String targetFileName = SECURE_FOLDER_NAME + "/file" + fileCount + ENCODED_EXT; inFileName = SECURE_FOLDER_NAME + "/file" + fileCount + DECODED_EXT; inFile = new File(inFileName); encode(inFileName, targetFileName); System.out.println(" unencrypted file deleted: " + inFile.delete()); // delete status System.out.println("File: " + fileCount + " is processed."); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // start decoding /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // fileCount = 0; // File encodedfolder = new File(GlobalVar.SECURE_FOLDER_NAME); // for (File encodedfile : encodedfolder.listFiles()) { // String encodedFileName = encodedfile.getName(); // String[] encodedFileNameArray = encodedFileName.split("\\."); // // String decodedFileName = GlobalVar.SECURE_FOLDER_NAME + "\\" + encodedFileNameArray[0] + GlobalVar.FILE_EXT; //GlobalVar.FILE_EXT = ".txt" // encodedFileName = GlobalVar.SECURE_FOLDER_NAME + "\\" + encodedFileName; // GlobalVar.decode(encodedFileName, decodedFileName); // encodedfile.delete(); // } } // given SSN, return false, if SSN is not valid, return true, otherwise public static Boolean isSSNvalid(String SSN_string) { if (SSN_string.length() != GlobalVar.SSN_LEN) { return false; } SSN_string = SSN_string.replaceAll("[^\\d]", ""); if (SSN_string.length() != GlobalVar.SSN_LEN) { return false; } return true; } // pre: ssn is not an empty string // pad ssn with 0 in the front if it is not ssn long. public static String fullSSNgenerator(String ssn) { if (ssn != null) { ssn = ssn.replaceAll("-", ""); //replace some ssn with format of 000-00-0000 if (ssn.length() > SSN_LEN) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, " Invalid SSN! SSN is longer than 9 digits."); return null; } else if (ssn.contains("[^0-9]")) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, " SSN should not contain any non-digit characters."); return null; } else { while (ssn.length() < SSN_LEN) { ssn = "0" + ssn; } return ssn; } } else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, " SSN can not be null"); return null; } } public static String shrinkLine(String raw) { return raw.replaceAll("\\s+", " "); } public static String removeNonDigits(String raw) { return raw.replaceAll("[^0-9]", ""); //.replaceAll("[^\\d]",""); } public static String removeDigits(String raw) { return raw.replaceAll("[0-9]", ""); //.replaceAll("[\\d]",""); } //sanity checks and return ctrl number from the raw one public static String readCtrlNum(String ctrlNum) { ctrlNum = ctrlNum.toUpperCase().trim(); if (ctrlNum.length() == GlobalVar.MAX_CTRL_NUM_LEN) { String inputSource = ctrlNum.substring(0, GlobalVar.INPUT_SOURCE_LENGTH).toUpperCase(); String is = inputSource.replaceAll("[^A-Z]", ""); //remove all non-letters //extract characters other than the input source String numStr = ctrlNum.substring(GlobalVar.INPUT_SOURCE_LENGTH).replaceAll("[^\\d]", ""); //extract all the numbers if (is.length() == GlobalVar.INPUT_SOURCE_LENGTH && numStr.length() == GlobalVar.LEN_CTRL_NUM) { //JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Invalid ctrl number received."); return ctrlNum; } else { return null; } } else { return null; } } // return the process status code given the text, // used in & // e.g, // PROCESSED = "P"; // REJECT = "J"; // RECYCLED = "Y"; // REJPART = "A"; // OTHER = "O"; public static String readProcessStatus(String status) { if (status.equalsIgnoreCase("pro")) { return GlobalVar.LEAVE_PROCESSED; } else if (status.equalsIgnoreCase("rej")) { return GlobalVar.LEAVE_REJECT; } else if (status.equalsIgnoreCase("rec")) { return GlobalVar.LEAVE_RECYCLED; // } else if (status.equalsIgnoreCase("Rej*Part")) { // return GlobalVar.LEAVE_REJPART; } else { return GlobalVar.LEAVE_OTHER; } } public static int batchGenerator(String SSN, String first5, String lastName, String signOutDate, String signInDate, String leaveType, String leaveDays, String leaveArea, String ctrlNum, int leaveMsg, int lineCount, int globalCount, PrintStream output, List<String> errorList, String ADSN) { String lc = ADSN; String cycle = GlobalVar.CYCLE; String inputSource = GlobalVar.getInputSource(ctrlNum); //int leaveMsg = GlobalVar.checkLeaves(ctrlNum, SSN, signOutDate, signInDate, first5, leaves); int leaveDaysIntType = Integer.parseInt(leaveDays); if (leaveMsg == GlobalVar.GOOD_LEAVE) { // ready to code and increment sequence for next transaction if (Integer.parseInt(leaveDays) > OVERSEA_LEAVE_DAYS) { //threshold for warning msg for leaves over 30 days JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Line " + lineCount + " : " + ctrlNum + " " + SSN + " leaves over " + leaveDays + " days!"); } if (leaveDaysIntType > GlobalVar.OVERSEA_LEAVE_DAYS && leaveArea.equals("2")) { // overseas over 30 days String data = "ASB03" + SSN + first5 + signOutDate + signInDate + leaveType + leaveDays + leaveArea + ctrlNum + "000" + GlobalVar.whiteSpace() + lc + inputSource + cycle + "@" + GlobalVar.globalCountGenerator(globalCount); output.println(data); String data1 = "1SB03" + SSN + first5 + signOutDate + signInDate + GlobalVar.overseaPadding() + lc + inputSource + cycle + "@" + GlobalVar.globalCountGenerator(globalCount); output.println(data1); } else { String data = "0SB03" + SSN + first5 + signOutDate + signInDate + leaveType + leaveDays + leaveArea + ctrlNum + "000" + GlobalVar.whiteSpace() + lc + inputSource + cycle + "@" + GlobalVar.globalCountGenerator(globalCount); output.println(data); } globalCount++; // } else if (leaveMsg == GlobalVar.OVERLAP_LEAVE_ERR){ // // String lastName = container.get("Last Name"); // String msg = "Line: " + lineCount + ": " + ctrlNum // + " " + lastName + " " + signOutDate + " - " + signInDate; // JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, msg + "\n is overlapping with a leave posted before."); // } else if (leaveMsg == GlobalVar.DUPLICATE_CTRL_NUM_ERR) { // //String lastName = container.get("Last Name"); // JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Line " + lineCount + ": Duplicate control number " // + ctrlNum + " for " + lastName + "."); // } } else if (leaveMsg == GlobalVar.OVERLAP_LEAVE_ERR) { //String lastName = container.get(keyList.get(GlobalVar.LAST_NAME_INDEX)); String msg = "Line " + lineCount + " : " + ctrlNum + " " + SSN + " " + signOutDate + " - " + signInDate + " overlapps with a leave posted before."; errorList.add(msg); //JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, msg + "\n is overlapping with a leave posted before."); } else if (leaveMsg == GlobalVar.DUPLICATE_CTRL_NUM_ERR) { //String lastName = container.get(keyList.get(GlobalVar.LAST_NAME_INDEX)); String msg = "Line " + lineCount + " : Duplicate control number " + ctrlNum + " for " + SSN + "."; errorList.add(msg); // JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Line " + lineCount + " : Duplicate control number " // + ctrlNum + " for " + lastName + "."); } else if (leaveMsg == GlobalVar.SIGN_IN_SIGN_OUT_ERR) { String msg = "Line " + lineCount + " : sign-in sign-out dates invalid."; errorList.add(msg); // JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Line " + lineCount + " : sign-in sigg-out dates invalid." ); } else if (leaveMsg == GlobalVar.NULL_INFO_ERR) { //JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Line " + lineCount + " : contains null info." ); String msg = "Line " + lineCount + " : contains null info."; errorList.add(msg); } else if (leaveMsg == GlobalVar.NULL_DATE_ERR) { //JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Line " + lineCount + " : contains null info." ); String msg = "Line " + lineCount + " : contains invalid date."; errorList.add(msg); } else if (leaveMsg == GlobalVar.NULL_SSN_ERR) { //JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Line " + lineCount + " : contains null info." ); String msg = "Line " + lineCount + " : contains invalid ssn."; errorList.add(msg); } else if (leaveMsg == GlobalVar.FUTURE_SIGN_IN_OUT_ERR) { String msg = "Line " + lineCount + " : Can't sign in, sign out in the future."; errorList.add(msg); //JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Line " + lineCount + " : Can't sign in, sign out in the future." ); } else if (leaveMsg == IAS_ERR) { //JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Line " + lineCount + " : IAS error. Please turn in leave form to DMPO in person." ); String msg = "Line " + lineCount + " : IAS error. Please turn in leave form to DMPO in person."; errorList.add(msg); } return globalCount; } // pre: given the copied string from a pdf page, // post: return ctrl number and last full SSN ssn. public static String[] getCtrlNumAndfullSSN(String res) { String[] data = res.split(GlobalVar.PRE_PROC_KEY_SYMBOL); if (data != null && data.length > 1) { String ctrlNum = data[0]; String fullSSN = data[1]; if (ctrlNum.length() >= MAX_CTRL_NUM_LEN && fullSSN.length() >= GlobalVar.SSN_LEN) { // ctrlNum and last4SSN ctrlNum = ctrlNum.substring(ctrlNum.length() - MAX_CTRL_NUM_LEN); fullSSN = fullSSN.substring(0, GlobalVar.SSN_LEN); String[] result = { ctrlNum, fullSSN }; return result; } } return null; } // create a standard style for given workbook public static CellStyle createStandardStyle(XSSFWorkbook myWorkBook) { CellStyle style = myWorkBook.createCellStyle(); style.setBorderRight(CellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style.setRightBorderColor(IndexedColors.BLACK.getIndex()); style.setBorderBottom(CellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style.setBottomBorderColor(IndexedColors.BLACK.getIndex()); style.setBorderLeft(CellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style.setLeftBorderColor(IndexedColors.BLACK.getIndex()); style.setBorderTop(CellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style.setTopBorderColor(IndexedColors.BLACK.getIndex()); style.setWrapText(true); return style; } // pre: the pdf file pre-processed and pre-numbered // post: re-number the sequence numbers if any public static void updateSeqNum(PDDocument doc, String cycle) throws IOException { int sequenceNum = 1; List pages = doc.getDocumentCatalog().getAllPages(); for (int i = 0; i < pages.size(); i++) { PDPage page = (PDPage) pages.get(i); PDStream contents = page.getContents(); PDFStreamParser parser = new PDFStreamParser(contents.getStream()); parser.parse(); List tokens = parser.getTokens(); for (int j = 0; j < tokens.size(); j++) { Object next = tokens.get(j); if (next instanceof PDFOperator) { PDFOperator op = (PDFOperator) next; // Tj and TJ are the two operators that display strings in a PDF if (op.getOperation().equals("Tj")) { // Tj takes one operator and that is the string // to display so lets update that operator COSString previous = (COSString) tokens.get(j - 1); String string = previous.getString(); // System.out.println(string); // System.out.println(string.charAt(5)); if (string.contains("/0")) { String seq = cycle + "/" + GlobalVar.globalCountGenerator5Digit(sequenceNum); string = string.replaceFirst(string, seq); previous.reset(); previous.append(string.getBytes("ISO-8859-1")); sequenceNum++; break; } //Word you want to change. Currently this code changes word "Solr" to "Solr123" previous.reset(); previous.append(string.getBytes("ISO-8859-1")); } else if (op.getOperation().equals("TJ")) { COSArray previous = (COSArray) tokens.get(j - 1); for (int k = 0; k < previous.size(); k++) { Object arrElement = previous.getObject(k); if (arrElement instanceof COSString) { COSString cosString = (COSString) arrElement; String string = cosString.getString(); // System.out.println(string); if (string.contains("/00")) { String seq = cycle + "/" + GlobalVar.globalCountGenerator5Digit(sequenceNum); string = string.replaceFirst(string, seq); cosString.reset(); cosString.append(string.getBytes("ISO-8859-1")); sequenceNum++; break; } // Currently this code changes word "Solr" to "Solr123" cosString.reset(); cosString.append(string.getBytes("ISO-8859-1")); // break; } } } } } // now that the tokens are updated we will replace the page content stream. PDStream updatedStream = new PDStream(doc); OutputStream out = updatedStream.createOutputStream(); ContentStreamWriter tokenWriter = new ContentStreamWriter(out); tokenWriter.writeTokens(tokens); page.setContents(updatedStream); } } // given the error code, return the comment that writes on the pdf page. public static String commentMap(int errCode, String adsn) { switch (errCode) { case GlobalVar.BAD_STATUS_ERR: return "Bad Status: AWOL, DFR, Confined, Suspend, etc"; case GlobalVar.ETS_ERR: return "ETS status. Process in Separation"; case GlobalVar.DUPLICATE_LV_ERR: return "Duplicate leave (NAR)"; case GlobalVar.DUPLICATE_CTRL_NUM_ERR: return "Duplicate ctrl num"; case GlobalVar.AFTER_PCS_ERR: return "SM took leave after left " + GlobalVar.ADSNmap(adsn); case GlobalVar.INPROCESSING_ERR: return "SM doesn't belong to " + GlobalVar.ADSNmap(adsn) + ". Needs in-processing"; case GlobalVar.WRONG_SSN_ERR: return "Wrong SSN"; case GlobalVar.OVERLAP_LV_ERR: return "Overlaps with leave posted before."; case GlobalVar.AUDIT_DELETE_ERR: return "Deleted by auditors due to format issues."; case GlobalVar.IN_CYCLE_DUPLICATION_INVALID_FIRST_FIVE_ERR: return "In cycle duplications/Invalid first five."; default: return "Good leave."; } } // return public static String ADSNmap(String adsn) { if (adsn.charAt(0) == 'O') { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Please contact Cui, Wei for this issue. Check ADSN in lib/config.DAT."); } else { int adsnNumber = Integer.parseInt(adsn); switch (adsnNumber) { case 4801: return "Ft Rucker"; case 4802: return "Ft Shafter"; case 4803: return "Ft Benning"; case 4804: return "Ft Eustis"; case 4805: return "Ft Dix"; case 4806: return "Ft McClellan"; case 4807: return "DMPO Indianapolis"; case 4808: return "Presidio Of Monterey"; case 4809: return "Ft Belvoir"; case 4810: return "Ft Sill"; case 4811: return "Ft McCoy"; case 4812: return "Ft Riley"; case 4813: return "Ft Huachuca"; case 4814: return "Ft McPherson"; case 4815: return "Ft Meade"; case 4816: return "Ft Buchanan"; case 4817: return "Ft Richardson"; case 4818: return "Ft Wainwright"; case 4819: return "Ft Greely"; case 4820: return "Ft Carson"; case 4821: return "Ft. Leavenworth"; case 4822: return "Ft. Sam Houston"; case 4823: return "Ft. Drum"; case 4824: return "Ft. Bliss"; case 4825: return "Ft. Polk"; case 4826: return "MICOM"; case 4827: return "US Military Academy"; case 4828: return "Ft. Leonardwood"; case 4829: return "Schofield Barracks"; case 4830: return "JBLM"; case 4831: return "15th Finance"; case 4832: return "215th Finance"; case 4833: return "230th Finance"; case 4834: return "13th Finance Group"; case 4835: return "Ft. Jackson"; case 4836: return "Ft Irwin"; case 4837: return "Ft Stewart"; case 4838: return "Aberdeen Proving Grounds"; case 4839: return "Ft Lee"; case 4840: return "Ft Campbell"; case 4841: return "82nd Airborne"; case 4842: return "107th Finance Battalion"; case 4843: return "18th Airborne Corps"; case 4844: return "Ft Knox"; case 4845: return "Ft Gordon"; case 4846: return "Camp Zama"; case 4848: return "Bethesda"; case 4901: return "USPFO For Montgomery"; case 4902: return "USPFO For Ft Richardson"; case 4904: return "USPFO For Phoenix"; case 4905: return "USPFO For North Little Rock"; case 4906: return "USPFO For San Luis Obispo"; case 4908: return "USPFO For Englewood"; case 4909: return "USPFO For Hartford"; case 4910: return "USPFO For New Castle"; case 4912: return "USPFO For St Augustine"; case 4913: return "USPFO For Atlanta"; case 4914: return "USPFO For Tamuning"; case 4916: return "USPFO For Boise"; case 4917: return "USPFO For Springfield"; case 4918: return "USPFO For Indianapolis"; case 4919: return "USPFO For Johnston"; case 4920: return "USPFO For Topeka"; case 4921: return "USPFO For Frankfort"; case 4922: return "USPFO For New Orleans"; case 4923: return "USPFO For Augusta"; case 4924: return "USPFO For Havre De Grace"; case 4925: return "USPFO For Natick"; case 4926: return "USPFO For Lansing"; case 4927: return "USPFO For St Paul"; case 4928: return "USPFO For Jackson"; case 4929: return "USPFO For Jefferson City"; case 4930: return "USPFO For Helena"; case 4931: return "USPFO For Lincoln"; case 4932: return "USPFO For Carson City"; case 4933: return "USPFO For Concord"; case 4934: return "USPFO For Lawrenceville"; case 4935: return "USPFO For Santa Fe"; case 4936: return "USPFO For Latham"; case 4937: return "USPFO For Raleigh"; case 4938: return "USPFO For Bismark"; case 4939: return "USPFO For Columbus"; case 4940: return "USPFO For Oklahoma City"; case 4941: return "USPFO For Salem"; case 4942: return "USPFO For Annville"; case 4943: return "USPFO For Puerto Rico"; case 4944: return "USPFO For Providence"; case 4945: return "USPFO For Columbia"; case 4946: return "USPFO For Rapid City"; case 4947: return "USPFO For Nashville"; case 4948: return "USPFO For Austin"; case 4949: return "USPFO For Draper"; case 4950: return "USPFO For Colchester"; case 4951: return "USPFO For Richmond"; case 4952: return "USPFO For St Croix"; case 4953: return "USPFO For Tacoma"; case 4954: return "USPFO For Buckhannon"; case 4955: return "USPFO For Madison"; case 4956: return "USPFO For Cheyenne"; case 5061: return "Ft Ritchie"; case 5083: return "Ft Monmouth"; case 5480: return "Camp Humphries"; case 5499: return "SHAPE Headquarters"; case 5548: return "Finance Office"; case 5588: return "Riyahd"; case 6311: return "Tongduchon"; case 6321: return "Wurzburg"; case 6332: return "Hanover"; case 6335: return "Vicenza"; case 6340: return "Ft Leavenworth"; case 6342: return "Ft Clayton"; case 6350: return "Camp Zama"; case 6372: return "33rd Finance Support Unit"; case 6375: return "USARCT"; case 6387: return "Hanau"; case 6409: return "Taegu"; case 6411: return "Seoul"; case 6420: return "Redstone Arsenal"; case 6460: return "208th Finance Battalion"; case 6552: return "Fitzsimmons AMC"; case 6567: return "Class B Finance Office"; case 6583: return "8th Finance Battalion"; case 8508: return "USAMPAO"; case 8520: return "SOFT-FSU"; case 8586: return "USARPSA"; case 8599: return "8th Finance Battalion Forward"; case 8748: return "Dhahran"; case 8763: return "Kosovo"; case 9999: return "Intransit Accounts"; case 81: return "White House Command"; //OO81 case 155: return "US Military Academy"; //O155 default: return "JBLM"; } } // throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invaid ADSN is given! Check ADSN in lib/config.DAT."); } // return public static String etsMapCode(String adsn) { int adsnNumber = Integer.parseInt(adsn); switch (adsnNumber) { case 4830: return "RY"; case 4826: return "DT"; case 4844: return "TR"; // case 4824: return "@@"; // case 4846: return "@@"; // case 4848: return "@@"; default: return "@@"; } } }