Java tutorial
package utilities; import; import; import; import; /* This file is part of SMAP. SMAP is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. SMAP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with SMAP. If not, see <>. */ import; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.Date; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.sql.Time; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; //import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook; //import; //import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import org.apache.poi.xssf.streaming.SXSSFWorkbook; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook; import; import*; import org.smap.model.FormDesc; import org.smap.sdal.Utilities.GeneralUtilityMethods; import org.smap.sdal.constants.SmapServerMeta; import org.smap.sdal.managers.LogManager; import org.smap.sdal.model.FileDescription; import org.smap.sdal.model.MetaItem; import org.smap.sdal.model.Option; import org.smap.sdal.model.TableColumn; import com.opencsv.CSVReader; import model.ExchangeColumn; import model.ExchangeHeader; /* * Handle import export of files * Handle the formats created by Smap Exports * Worksheets containing form data are called "d_" formname * Column containing a unique key for each record is called "prikey" * Column linking to the unique key of a parent record is called "parkey" * Attempt to handle exports of Aggregate data from Google sheets * The names of worksheets will need to be changed before importing * The main worksheet needs to be called "d_main" * The other worksheets need "d_" prepended * Column containing a unique key for each record is called "metainstanceid" * Column linking to the unique key of a parent record is called "parentuid" */ public class ExchangeManager { private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ExchangeManager.class.getName()); LogManager lm = new LogManager(); // Application log private ResourceBundle localisation; private String tz; Workbook wb = null; boolean isXLSX = false; public ExchangeManager(ResourceBundle l, String tz) { localisation = l; if (tz == null) { tz = "UTC"; } = tz; } HashMap<String, String> surveyNames = null; public ArrayList<FileDescription> createExchangeFiles(Connection sd, Connection connectionResults, String user, int sId, HttpServletRequest request, String dirPath, boolean superUser, boolean incMedia) throws Exception { wb = new SXSSFWorkbook(10); Sheet sheet = null; ArrayList<FileDescription> files = new ArrayList<FileDescription>(); String filename = "data.xlsx"; String filePath = dirPath + "/" + filename; OutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(dirPath + "/data.xlsx"); files.add(new FileDescription(filename, filePath)); HashMap<String, String> selMultChoiceNames = new HashMap<String, String>(); Map<String, CellStyle> styles = XLSUtilities.createStyles(wb); surveyNames = new HashMap<String, String>(); String basePath = null; String language = "none"; String dateName = null; int dateForm = 0; if (sId != 0) { PreparedStatement pstmt2 = null; PreparedStatement pstmtSSC = null; PreparedStatement pstmtQType = null; PreparedStatement pstmtDateFilter = null; try { basePath = GeneralUtilityMethods.getBasePath(request); // Prepare statement to get server side includes String sqlSSC = "select, ssc.function, ssc.type, ssc.units from ssc ssc, form f " + " where f.f_id = ssc.f_id " + " and f.table_name = ? " + " order by;"; pstmtSSC = sd.prepareStatement(sqlSSC); // Prepare the statement to get the question type and read only attribute String sqlQType = "select q.qtype, q.readonly from question q, form f " + " where q.f_id = f.f_id " + " and f.table_name = ? " + " and q.qname = ?;"; pstmtQType = sd.prepareStatement(sqlQType); ArrayList<FormDesc> formList = getFormList(sd, sId); /* * Create a work sheet for each form */ String surveyIdent = GeneralUtilityMethods.getSurveyIdent(sd, sId); for (FormDesc f : formList) { sheet = wb.createSheet("d_" +; TableColumn c; int parentId = 0; if (f.parent > 0) { parentId = f.parent; } HashMap<String, String> selectMultipleColumnNames = new HashMap<String, String>(); // Get the list of table columns f.columnList = GeneralUtilityMethods.getColumnsInForm(sd, connectionResults, localisation, language, sId, surveyIdent, user, null, // Roles to apply parentId, f.f_id, f.table_name, false, // Don't include Read Only true, // Include parent key false, // Don't include "bad" columns false, // Don't include instance id true, // Include prikey true, // Include other meta data true, // Include preloads true, // instancename false, // Survey duration superUser, false, false, // Don't include audit data tz, false // mgmt ); // Get the list of spreadsheet columns ArrayList<ExchangeColumn> cols = new ArrayList<>(); for (int j = 0; j < f.columnList.size(); j++) { c = f.columnList.get(j); //String name = c.column_name; String qType = c.type; String questionName; String optionName = null; // Hack for meta values use the column name as the question name may have been translated if (c.isMeta) { questionName = c.column_name; } else { questionName = c.question_name; } if (qType.equals("select")) { optionName = c.option_name; selMultChoiceNames.put(c.column_name, optionName); // Add the name of sql column to a look up table for the get data stage String n = selectMultipleColumnNames.get(questionName); if (n == null) { // New Select multiple selectMultipleColumnNames.put(questionName, questionName); // Record that we have this select multiple addToHeader(sd, cols, "none", questionName, c.column_name, qType, sId, f, true); } } else { addToHeader(sd, cols, "none", questionName, c.column_name, qType, sId, f, true); } // Set the sql selection text for this column String selName = null; if (c.isGeometry()) { selName = "ST_AsTEXT(" + c.column_name + ") "; } else if (qType.equals("dateTime")) { // Return all timestamps at UTC with no time zone selName = "timezone('UTC', " + c.column_name + ") as " + c.column_name; } else { selName = c.column_name; } if (f.columns == null) { f.columns = selName; } else { f.columns += "," + selName; } } createHeader(cols, sheet, styles); try { getData(sd, connectionResults, formList, f, selMultChoiceNames, cols, sheet, styles, sId, null, null, dateName, dateForm, basePath, dirPath, files, incMedia); } catch (Exception e) { // Ignore errors if the only problem is that the tables have not been created yet if (e.getMessage() != null) { if (e.getMessage().contains("ERROR: relation") && e.getMessage().contains("does not exist")) { // all good } else { throw e; } } else { throw e; } } } } finally { try { if (pstmt2 != null) { pstmt2.close(); } } catch (SQLException e) { } try { if (pstmtSSC != null) { pstmtSSC.close(); } } catch (SQLException e) { } try { if (pstmtQType != null) { pstmtQType.close(); } } catch (SQLException e) { } try { if (pstmtDateFilter != null) { pstmtDateFilter.close(); } } catch (SQLException e) { } } } wb.write(outputStream); outputStream.close(); // XLSX temporary streaming files need to be deleted ((SXSSFWorkbook) wb).dispose(); return files; } /* * Get a sorted list of forms in order from parents to children */ public ArrayList<FormDesc> getFormList(Connection sd, int sId) throws SQLException { HashMap<String, FormDesc> forms = new HashMap<String, FormDesc>(); // A description of each form in the survey ArrayList<FormDesc> formList = new ArrayList<FormDesc>(); // A list of all the forms FormDesc topForm = null; /* * Get the tables / forms in this survey */ String sql = null; sql = "SELECT name, f_id, table_name, parentform FROM form" + " WHERE s_id = ? " + " ORDER BY f_id;"; PreparedStatement pstmt = null; try { pstmt = sd.prepareStatement(sql); pstmt.setInt(1, sId); ResultSet resultSet = pstmt.executeQuery(); while ( { FormDesc fd = new FormDesc(); = resultSet.getString("name"); fd.f_id = resultSet.getInt("f_id"); fd.parent = resultSet.getInt("parentform"); fd.table_name = resultSet.getString("table_name"); forms.put(, fd); if (fd.parent == 0) { topForm = fd; } } /* * Put the forms into a list in top down order */ formList.add(topForm); // The top level form addChildren(topForm, forms, formList); } finally { try { if (pstmt != null) { pstmt.close(); } } catch (SQLException e) { } } return formList; } /* * Load data from a file into the form */ public int loadFormDataFromCsvFile(Connection results, PreparedStatement pstmtGetCol, PreparedStatement pstmtGetColGS, PreparedStatement pstmtGetChoices, File file, FormDesc form, String sIdent, HashMap<String, File> mediaFiles, ArrayList<String> responseMsg, String basePath, ResourceBundle localisation, ArrayList<MetaItem> preloads, String importSource, Timestamp importTime, String serverName, SimpleDateFormat sdf) throws Exception { CSVReader reader = null; XlsReader xlsReader = null; //FileInputStream fis = null; int recordsWritten = 0; PreparedStatement pstmtDeleteExisting = null; ExchangeHeader eh = new ExchangeHeader(); try { form.keyMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); pstmtGetCol.setInt(1, form.f_id); // Prepare the statement to get column names for the form pstmtGetColGS.setInt(1, form.f_id); // Prepare the statement to get column names for the form String[] line; //if(isCSV) { reader = new CSVReader(new FileReader(file)); line = reader.readNext(); //} else { // fis = new FileInputStream(file); // xlsReader = new XlsReader(fis,; // line = xlsReader.readNext(true); //} if (line != null && line.length > 0) { processHeader(results, pstmtGetCol, pstmtGetChoices, pstmtGetColGS, responseMsg, preloads, eh, line, form); if (eh.columns.size() > 0 || (eh.lonIndex >= 0 && eh.latIndex >= 0)) { /* * Get the data */ while (true) { //if(isCSV) { line = reader.readNext(); //} else { // line = xlsReader.readNext(false); //} if (line == null) { break; } recordsWritten += processRecord(eh, line, form, importSource, importTime, responseMsg, serverName, basePath, sIdent, mediaFiles, sdf, recordsWritten); } results.commit(); } else { responseMsg.add(localisation.getString("pk_nq") + " " +; } } } finally { try { if (xlsReader != null) { xlsReader.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { } //try{if(fis != null) {fis.close();}} catch (Exception e) {} try { if (reader != null) { reader.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { } try { if (eh.pstmtInsert != null) { eh.pstmtInsert.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { } try { if (pstmtDeleteExisting != null) { pstmtDeleteExisting.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { } }"Records written: " + recordsWritten); return recordsWritten; } public ArrayList<String> getFormsFromXLSX(InputStream inputStream) throws Exception { ArrayList<String> forms = new ArrayList<String>(); Workbook wb = null; try { wb = new XSSFWorkbook(inputStream); int sheetCount = wb.getNumberOfSheets(); for (int i = 0; i < sheetCount; i++) { String name = wb.getSheetName(i); if (name.startsWith("d_")) { // Legacy forms remove prefix added by older results exports 30th January 2018 name = name.substring(2); } forms.add(name); } } finally { try { wb.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } return forms; } /* * Create a header row and set column widths */ private void createHeader(ArrayList<ExchangeColumn> cols, Sheet sheet, Map<String, CellStyle> styles) { // Create survey sheet header row Row headerRow = sheet.createRow(0); CellStyle headerStyle = styles.get("header"); for (int i = 0; i < cols.size(); i++) { ExchangeColumn col = cols.get(i); Cell cell = headerRow.createCell(i); cell.setCellStyle(headerStyle); cell.setCellValue(col.humanName); } } /* * Add to the header */ private void addToHeader(Connection sd, ArrayList<ExchangeColumn> cols, String language, String human_name, String colName, String qType, int sId, FormDesc f, boolean merge_select_multiple) throws SQLException { if (qType != null && qType.equals("geopoint")) { cols.add(new ExchangeColumn("lat")); cols.add(new ExchangeColumn("lon")); } else { ExchangeColumn col = new ExchangeColumn(human_name); if (qType.equals("image")) { } cols.add(col); } } /* * Get the longitude and latitude from a WKT POINT */ private String[] getLonLat(String point) { String[] coords = null; int idx1 = point.indexOf("("); int idx2 = point.indexOf(")"); if (idx2 > idx1) { String lonLat = point.substring(idx1 + 1, idx2); coords = lonLat.split(" "); } return coords; } /* * Add the list of children to parent forms */ private void addChildren(FormDesc parentForm, HashMap<String, FormDesc> forms, ArrayList<FormDesc> formList) { for (FormDesc fd : forms.values()) { if (fd.parent != 0 && fd.parent == parentForm.f_id) { if (parentForm.children == null) { parentForm.children = new ArrayList<FormDesc>(); } parentForm.children.add(fd); fd.parentForm = parentForm; formList.add(fd); addChildren(fd, forms, formList); } } } private boolean notEmpty(String v) { if (v == null || v.trim().length() == 0) { return false; } else { return true; } } /* * Write out the data */ private void getData(Connection sd, Connection connectionResults, ArrayList<FormDesc> formList, FormDesc f, HashMap<String, String> choiceNames, ArrayList<ExchangeColumn> cols, Sheet sheet, Map<String, CellStyle> styles, int sId, Date startDate, Date endDate, String dateName, int dateForm, String basePath, String dirPath, ArrayList<FileDescription> files, boolean incMedia) throws Exception { StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(); PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet resultSet = null; /* * Retrieve the data for this table */ sql.append("select "); sql.append(f.columns); sql.append(" from "); sql.append(f.table_name); sql.append(" where _bad is false order by prikey asc"); try { pstmt = connectionResults.prepareStatement(sql.toString());"Get data: " + pstmt.toString()); resultSet = pstmt.executeQuery(); int rowIndex = 1; while ( { Row row = sheet.createRow(rowIndex); int colIndex = 0; // Column index String currentSelectMultipleQuestionName = null; String multipleChoiceValue = null; for (int i = 0; i < f.columnList.size(); i++) { TableColumn c = f.columnList.get(i); String columnName = c.column_name; String columnType = c.type; String value = resultSet.getString(i + 1); boolean writeValue = true; if (value == null) { value = ""; } String choice = choiceNames.get(columnName); if (choice != null) { // Have to handle merge of select multiple String selectMultipleQuestionName = columnName.substring(0, columnName.indexOf("__")); if (currentSelectMultipleQuestionName == null) { currentSelectMultipleQuestionName = selectMultipleQuestionName; multipleChoiceValue = XLSUtilities.updateMultipleChoiceValue(value, choice, multipleChoiceValue); writeValue = false; } else if (currentSelectMultipleQuestionName.equals(selectMultipleQuestionName) && (i != f.columnList.size() - 1)) { // Continuing on with the same select multiple and its not the end of the record multipleChoiceValue = XLSUtilities.updateMultipleChoiceValue(value, choice, multipleChoiceValue); writeValue = false; } else if (i == f.columnList.size() - 1) { // Its the end of the record multipleChoiceValue = XLSUtilities.updateMultipleChoiceValue(value, choice, multipleChoiceValue); value = multipleChoiceValue; } else { // A second select multiple directly after the first - write out the previous String newMultipleChoiceValue = value; value = multipleChoiceValue; // Restart process for the new select multiple currentSelectMultipleQuestionName = selectMultipleQuestionName; multipleChoiceValue = null; multipleChoiceValue = XLSUtilities.updateMultipleChoiceValue(newMultipleChoiceValue, choice, multipleChoiceValue); } } else { // Write out the previous multiple choice value before continuing with the non multiple choice value if (currentSelectMultipleQuestionName != null) { ArrayList<String> values = getContent(sd, multipleChoiceValue, false, currentSelectMultipleQuestionName, "select"); for (int j = 0; j < values.size(); j++) { writeValue(row, colIndex++, values.get(j), sheet, styles); } } // Restart Select Multiple Process multipleChoiceValue = null; currentSelectMultipleQuestionName = null; } if (c.isAttachment() && value != null && value.trim().length() > 0) { if (incMedia) { // Path to attachment String attachmentPath = basePath + "/" + value; // Get name int idx = value.lastIndexOf('/'); if (idx > -1) { value = value.substring(idx + 1); } // Copy file to temporary zip folder File source = new File(attachmentPath); if (source.exists()) { String newPath = dirPath + "/" + value; File dest = new File(newPath); try { FileUtils.copyFile(source, dest); files.add(new FileDescription(value, newPath)); } catch (Exception e) {"Error: Failed to add file " + source + " to exchange export. " + e.getMessage()); } } else {"Error: media file does not exist: " + attachmentPath); } } } if (writeValue) { ArrayList<String> values = getContent(sd, value, false, columnName, columnType); for (int j = 0; j < values.size(); j++) { writeValue(row, colIndex++, values.get(j), sheet, styles); } } } rowIndex++; } } finally { if (resultSet != null) try { resultSet.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } ; if (pstmt != null) try { pstmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } } /* * Create a header row and set column widths */ private void writeValue(Row row, int idx, String value, Sheet sheet, Map<String, CellStyle> styles) throws IOException { CreationHelper createHelper = wb.getCreationHelper(); CellStyle style = styles.get("default"); Cell cell = row.createCell(idx); cell.setCellStyle(style); cell.setCellValue(value); } /* * Return the text */ private ArrayList<String> getContent(Connection con, String value, boolean firstCol, String columnName, String columnType) throws NumberFormatException, SQLException { ArrayList<String> out = new ArrayList<String>(); if (value == null) { value = ""; } if (columnType.equals("geopoint")) { String coords[] = getLonLat(value); if (coords != null && coords.length > 1) { out.add(coords[1]); out.add(coords[0]); } else { out.add(value); out.add(value); } } else if (value.startsWith("POLYGON") || value.startsWith("LINESTRING")) { // Can't split linestrings and polygons so just remove the POLYGON or LINESTRING wrapper int idx = value.lastIndexOf('('); int idx2 = value.indexOf(')'); if (idx2 > idx && idx > -1) { out.add(value.substring(idx + 1, idx2)); } else { out.add(""); } } else if (columnName.equals("_device")) { out.add(value); } else if (columnName.equals("_complete")) { out.add(value.equals("f") ? "No" : "Yes"); } else if (columnName.equals(SmapServerMeta.SURVEY_ID_NAME)) { String displayName = surveyNames.get(out); if (displayName == null) { try { displayName = GeneralUtilityMethods.getSurveyName(con, Integer.parseInt(value)); } catch (Exception e) { displayName = ""; } surveyNames.put(value, displayName); } out.add(displayName); } else if (columnType.equals("dateTime")) { // Convert the timestamp to the excel format specified in the xl2 mso-format int idx1 = out.indexOf('.'); // Drop the milliseconds if (idx1 > 0) { value = value.substring(0, idx1); } out.add(value); } else { out.add(value); } return out; } /* * Check to see if a question is in a form */ private ExchangeColumn getColumn(Connection cResults, String tableName, PreparedStatement pstmtGetCol, PreparedStatement pstmtGetChoices, String qName, ArrayList<ExchangeColumn> columns, ArrayList<String> responseMsg, ResourceBundle localisation, ArrayList<MetaItem> preloads) throws SQLException { ExchangeColumn col = null; String geomCol = null; // Cater for lat, lon columns which map to a geopoint if (qName.equals("lat") || qName.equals("lon") || qName.equals("plotgpsLatitude") || qName.equals("plotgpsLongitude")) { geomCol = qName; qName = "the_geom"; } // Only add this question if it has not previously been added, questions can only be updated once in a single transaction boolean questionExists = false; for (ExchangeColumn haveColumn : columns) { if ( { questionExists = true; break; } } if (!questionExists) { if (qName.equals("prikey") || qName.equals("metainstanceid")) { col = new ExchangeColumn(); = qName; col.columnName = "prikey"; col.type = "int"; col.write = false; // Don't write the primary key a new one will be generated } else if (qName.equals("parkey") || qName.equals("parentuid")) { col = new ExchangeColumn(); = qName; col.columnName = "parkey"; col.type = "int"; } else if (qName.equals("Key") || qName.equals("_hrk")) { col = new ExchangeColumn(); = qName; col.columnName = "_hrk"; col.type = "string"; if (!GeneralUtilityMethods.hasColumn(cResults, tableName, col.columnName)) { // Add this column if it is not already in the table GeneralUtilityMethods.addColumn(cResults, tableName, col.columnName, "text"); } } else if (qName.equals("User") || qName.equals("_user")) { col = new ExchangeColumn(); = qName; col.columnName = "_user"; col.type = "string"; } else if (qName.equals("Survey Name") || qName.equals(SmapServerMeta.SURVEY_ID_NAME)) { col = new ExchangeColumn(); = qName; col.columnName = SmapServerMeta.SURVEY_ID_NAME; col.type = "int"; } else if (qName.equals("Survey Notes") || qName.equals("_survey_notes")) { col = new ExchangeColumn(); = qName; col.columnName = "_survey_notes"; col.type = "int"; } else if (qName.equals("Location Trigger") || qName.equals("_location_trigger")) { col = new ExchangeColumn(); = qName; col.columnName = "_location_trigger"; col.type = "int"; } else if (qName.equals("Upload Time") || qName.equals(SmapServerMeta.UPLOAD_TIME_NAME) || qName.equals("metasubmissiondate")) { col = new ExchangeColumn(); = qName; col.columnName = SmapServerMeta.UPLOAD_TIME_NAME; col.type = "dateTime"; } else if (qName.equals(SmapServerMeta.SCHEDULED_START_NAME)) { col = new ExchangeColumn(); = qName; col.columnName = SmapServerMeta.SCHEDULED_START_NAME; col.type = "dateTime"; if (!GeneralUtilityMethods.hasColumn(cResults, tableName, col.columnName)) { // Add this column if it is not already in the table GeneralUtilityMethods.addColumn(cResults, tableName, col.columnName, "timestamp with time zone"); } } else if (qName.equals("Version") || qName.equals("_version")) { col = new ExchangeColumn(); = qName; col.columnName = "_version"; col.type = "int"; } else if (qName.equals("Complete") || qName.equals("_complete") || qName.equals("metaiscomplete")) { col = new ExchangeColumn(); = qName; col.columnName = "_complete"; col.type = "boolean"; } else if (qName.equals("Instance Name") || qName.equals("instancename")) { col = new ExchangeColumn(); = qName; col.columnName = "instancename"; col.type = "string"; } else if (qName.toLowerCase().equals("instanceid")) { // Don't add a column, instanceid is added by default, however record the column for this data } else if (qName.equals("plotgpsAltitude")) { col = new ExchangeColumn(); = qName; col.columnName = "the_geom_alt"; col.type = "decimal"; } else if (qName.equals("plotgpsAccuracy")) { col = new ExchangeColumn(); = qName; col.columnName = "the_geom_acc"; col.type = "decimal"; } else { pstmtGetCol.setString(2, qName.toLowerCase()); // Search for a question"Get column: " + pstmtGetCol.toString()); ResultSet rs = pstmtGetCol.executeQuery(); if ( { // This column name is in the survey col = new ExchangeColumn(); = qName; col.columnName = rs.getString("column_name"); col.geomCol = geomCol; // This column holds the latitude, longitude, Altitude, Accuracy or none of these col.type = rs.getString("qtype"); if (col.type.startsWith("select")) { // Get choices for this select question int qId = rs.getInt("q_id"); col.choices = new ArrayList<Option>(); pstmtGetChoices.setInt(1, qId);"Get choices:" + pstmtGetChoices.toString()); ResultSet rsChoices = pstmtGetChoices.executeQuery(); while ( { Option o = new Option(); o.columnName = rsChoices.getString("column_name"); o.value = rsChoices.getString("ovalue"); col.choices.add(o); } } } else { // Check to see if it is a preload for (MetaItem mi : preloads) { if (mi.isPreload) { if ( { col = new ExchangeColumn(); = qName; col.columnName = mi.columnName; col.type = mi.type; break; } } } } } } else { responseMsg .add(localisation.getString("mf_col") + " " + qName + " " + localisation.getString("imp_i2")); } return col; } public void processHeader(Connection results, PreparedStatement pstmtGetCol, PreparedStatement pstmtGetChoices, PreparedStatement pstmtGetColGS, ArrayList<String> responseMsg, ArrayList<MetaItem> preloads, ExchangeHeader eh, String[] line, FormDesc form) throws SQLException { /* * Get the columns in the file that are also in the form * Assume first line is the header */ for (int i = 0; i < line.length; i++) { String colName = line[i].replace("'", "''"); // Escape apostrophes if (colName.trim().length() > 0) { if (colName.toLowerCase().equals("instanceid")) { eh.instanceIdColumn = i; } // If this column is in the survey then add it to the list of columns to be processed // Do this test for a load from excel ExchangeColumn col = getColumn(results, form.table_name, pstmtGetCol, pstmtGetChoices, colName, eh.columns, responseMsg, localisation, preloads); if (col != null) { col.index = i; if (col.geomCol != null) { // Do not add the geom columns to the list of columns to be parsed if (col.geomCol.equals("lon") || col.geomCol.equals("plotgpsLongitude")) { eh.lonIndex = i; } else if (col.geomCol.equals("lat") || col.geomCol.equals("plotgpsLatitude")) { eh.latIndex = i; } } else { eh.columns.add(col); } } else { // Perform test for a load from a google sheets export col = getColumn(results, form.table_name, pstmtGetColGS, pstmtGetChoices, colName, eh.columns, responseMsg, localisation, preloads); if (col != null) { col.index = i; if (col.geomCol != null) { // Do not add the geom columns to the list of columns to be parsed if (col.geomCol.equals("lon") || col.geomCol.equals("plotgpsLongitude")) { eh.lonIndex = i; } else if (col.geomCol.equals("lat") || col.geomCol.equals("plotgpsLatitude")) { eh.latIndex = i; } } else { eh.columns.add(col); } } else { responseMsg.add(localisation.getString("imp_qn") + " " + colName + " " + localisation.getString("imp_nfi") + ": " +; } } } }"Loading data from " + eh.columns.size() + " columns out of " + line.length + " columns in the data file"); if (eh.columns.size() > 0 || (eh.lonIndex >= 0 && eh.latIndex >= 0)) { /* * Add the source column if it is not already in the results table */ if (!GeneralUtilityMethods.hasColumn(results, form.table_name, "_import_source")) { GeneralUtilityMethods.addColumn(results, form.table_name, "_import_source", "text"); } if (!GeneralUtilityMethods.hasColumn(results, form.table_name, "_import_time")) { GeneralUtilityMethods.addColumn(results, form.table_name, "_import_time", "timestamp with time zone"); } /* * Create the insert statement */ StringBuffer sqlInsert = new StringBuffer("insert into " + form.table_name + "("); sqlInsert.append("_import_source, _import_time"); if (form.parent == 0) { sqlInsert.append(",instanceid"); } for (int i = 0; i < eh.columns.size(); i++) { ExchangeColumn col = eh.columns.get(i); if (col.write) { sqlInsert.append(",").append(col.columnName); } } // Add the geopoint column if latitude and longitude were provided in the data file if (eh.lonIndex >= 0 && eh.latIndex >= 0) { sqlInsert.append(",").append("the_geom"); ; eh.hasGeopoint = true; } /* * Add place holders for the data */ sqlInsert.append(") values("); sqlInsert.append("?, ?"); // _import_source and _import_time if (form.parent == 0) { sqlInsert.append(",?"); // instanceid } for (int i = 0; i < eh.columns.size(); i++) { ExchangeColumn col = eh.columns.get(i); if (col.write) { if (col.type.equals("geoshape")) { sqlInsert.append(",").append("ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((' || ? || '))', 4326)"); } else if (col.type.equals("geotrace")) { sqlInsert.append(",").append("ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(' || ? || ')', 4326)"); } else { sqlInsert.append(",").append("?"); } } } // Add the geopoint value if (eh.hasGeopoint) { sqlInsert.append(",").append("ST_GeomFromText('POINT(' || ? || ' ' || ? ||')', 4326)"); } sqlInsert.append(")"); eh.pstmtInsert = results.prepareStatement(sqlInsert.toString(), Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); } } public int processRecord(ExchangeHeader eh, String[] line, FormDesc form, String importSource, Timestamp importTime, ArrayList<String> responseMsg, String serverName, String basePath, String sIdent, HashMap<String, File> mediaFiles, SimpleDateFormat sdf, int recordsWritten) throws SQLException { int index = 1; int count = 0; String prikey = null; boolean writeRecord = true; eh.pstmtInsert.setString(index++, importSource); eh.pstmtInsert.setTimestamp(index++, importTime); if (form.parent == 0) { String instanceId = null; if (eh.instanceIdColumn >= 0) { instanceId = line[eh.instanceIdColumn].trim(); } if (instanceId == null || instanceId.trim().length() == 0) { instanceId = "uuid:" + String.valueOf(UUID.randomUUID()); } eh.pstmtInsert.setString(index++, instanceId); } for (int i = 0; i < eh.columns.size(); i++) { ExchangeColumn col = eh.columns.get(i); // ignore empty columns at end of line if (col.index >= line.length) { if (col.type.equals("int")) { eh.pstmtInsert.setInt(index++, 0); } else if (col.type.equals("decimal")) { eh.pstmtInsert.setDouble(index++, 0.0); } else if (col.type.equals("date")) { eh.pstmtInsert.setDate(index++, null); } else if (col.type.equals("dateTime")) { eh.pstmtInsert.setTimestamp(index++, null); } else if (col.type.equals("time")) { eh.pstmtInsert.setTime(index++, null); } else { eh.pstmtInsert.setString(index++, null); } continue; } String value = line[col.index].trim(); if ("prikey") ||"metainstanceid")) { prikey = value; } else if ("parkey") ||"parentuid")) { if (form.parent == 0) { eh.pstmtInsert.setInt(index++, 0); } else { String parkey = value; String newParKey = form.parentForm.keyMap.get(parkey); int iParKey = -1; try { iParKey = Integer.parseInt(newParKey); } catch (Exception e) { } if (newParKey == null || iParKey == -1) { responseMsg.add(localisation.getString("pk_nf") + " " + parkey + " " + localisation.getString("pk_if") + " " +; writeRecord = false; } else { eh.pstmtInsert.setInt(index++, iParKey); } } } else if (GeneralUtilityMethods.isAttachmentType(col.type)) { // If the data references a media file then process the attachment File srcPathFile = null; String srcUrl = null; if (value != null && (value.trim().startsWith("https://") || value.trim().startsWith("http://"))) { // If the link is to a file on the same server (or this is localhost) do not duplicate the media value = value.trim(); String serverHttpsUrl = "https://" + serverName + "/"; String serverHttpUrl = "http://" + serverName + "/"; if (serverName.equals("localhost") || value.startsWith(serverHttpUrl) || value.startsWith(serverHttpsUrl)) { int idx = value.indexOf(serverName) + serverName.length(); value = value.substring(idx); } else { // Get the attachment from the link so it can be loaded srcUrl = value; value = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); // Create a random name for the initial download } } else { // Attachment should have been loaded with the zip file srcPathFile = mediaFiles.get(value); } // Copy the attachments to the target location and get the new name if (srcPathFile != null || srcUrl != null) { value = GeneralUtilityMethods.createAttachments(value, srcPathFile, basePath, sIdent, srcUrl); } if (value != null && value.trim().length() == 0) { value = null; } eh.pstmtInsert.setString(index++, value); } else if (col.type.equals("int")) { int iVal = 0; if (notEmpty(value)) { try { iVal = Integer.parseInt(value); } catch (Exception e) { } } eh.pstmtInsert.setInt(index++, iVal); } else if (col.type.equals("decimal") || col.type.equals("range")) { double dVal = 0.0; if (notEmpty(value)) { try { dVal = Double.parseDouble(value); } catch (Exception e) { } } eh.pstmtInsert.setDouble(index++, dVal); } else if (col.type.equals("boolean")) { boolean bVal = false; if (notEmpty(value)) { try { bVal = Boolean.parseBoolean(value); } catch (Exception e) { } } eh.pstmtInsert.setBoolean(index++, bVal); } else if (col.type.equals("date")) { Date dateVal = null; if (notEmpty(value)) { try { dateVal = Date.valueOf(value); } catch (Exception e) { try { java.util.Date uDate = sdf.parse(value); dateVal = new Date(uDate.getTime()); } catch (Exception ex) {"Error parsing date: " + col.columnName + " : " + value + " : " + e.getMessage()); } } } eh.pstmtInsert.setDate(index++, dateVal); } else if (col.type.equals("dateTime")) { Timestamp tsVal = null; if (notEmpty(value)) { try { java.util.Date uDate = sdf.parse(value); tsVal = new Timestamp(uDate.getTime()); } catch (Exception e) { try { java.util.Date uDate = sdf.parse(value); tsVal = new Timestamp(uDate.getTime()); } catch (Exception ex) {"Error parsing datetime: " + value + " : " + e.getMessage()); } } } eh.pstmtInsert.setTimestamp(index++, tsVal); } else if (col.type.equals("time")) { int hour = 0; int minute = 0; int second = 0; if (notEmpty(value)) { try { String[] tVals = value.split(":"); if (tVals.length > 0) { hour = Integer.parseInt(tVals[0]); } if (tVals.length > 1) { minute = Integer.parseInt(tVals[1]); } if (tVals.length > 2) { second = Integer.parseInt(tVals[2]); } } catch (Exception e) {"Error parsing datetime: " + value + " : " + e.getMessage()); } } Time tVal = new Time(hour, minute, second); eh.pstmtInsert.setTime(index++, tVal); } else { eh.pstmtInsert.setString(index++, value); } } // Add the geopoint value if it exists if (eh.hasGeopoint) { String lon = line[eh.lonIndex]; String lat = line[eh.latIndex]; if (lon == null || lon.length() == 0) { lon = "0.0"; } if (lat == null || lat.length() == 0) { lat = "0.0"; } eh.pstmtInsert.setString(index++, lon); eh.pstmtInsert.setString(index++, lat); } if (writeRecord) { if (recordsWritten == 0) {"Inserting first record: " + eh.pstmtInsert.toString()); } eh.pstmtInsert.executeUpdate(); ResultSet rs = eh.pstmtInsert.getGeneratedKeys(); if ( { form.keyMap.put(prikey, rs.getString(1)); } count++; } return count; } }