Java tutorial
// // See toplevel license.txt for copyright and license terms. package util.awt; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Point; import java.util.EnumSet; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; /** Utilities related to serializing AWT objects as JSON. */ public class AWTJSONUtil { /** Serialize 'p' as JSON. */ public static JSONObject pointToJSON(Point p) { JSONObject o = new JSONObject(); try { o.put("x", p.x); o.put("y", p.y); } catch (JSONException e) { assert (false); } return o; } /** Deserialize a Point from 'o'. */ public static Point pointFromJSON(JSONObject o) throws JSONException { Point p = new Point(); p.x = (int) o.getLong("x"); p.y = (int) o.getLong("y"); return p; } /** Serialize 'd' as JSON. */ public static JSONObject dimensionToJSON(Dimension d) { JSONObject o = new JSONObject(); try { o.put("w", d.width); o.put("h", d.height); } catch (JSONException e) { assert (false); } return o; } /** Deserialize a Dimension from 'o'. */ public static Dimension dimensionFromJSON(JSONObject o) throws JSONException { Dimension d = new Dimension(); d.width = (int) o.getLong("w"); d.height = (int) o.getLong("h"); return d; } /** Render 'set' as a JSON array. */ public static <T extends Enum<T>> JSONArray enumSetToJSON(EnumSet<T> set) { JSONArray ret = new JSONArray(); for (T t : set) { ret.put(; } return ret; } /** Deserialize an EnumSet from a JSON array. */ public static <T extends Enum<T>> EnumSet<T> enumSetFromJSON(Class<T> enumType, JSONArray array) throws JSONException { EnumSet<T> ret = EnumSet.noneOf(enumType); for (int i = 0; i < array.length(); i++) { String element = array.getString(i); try { T t = Enum.valueOf(enumType, element); ret.add(t); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new JSONException("Unknown enumerator in set of " + enumType.getSimpleName() + ": \"" + element + "\": " + e.getMessage()); } } return ret; } } // EOF