Java tutorial
/* Copyright (C) 2014 Martin Frick ( Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ package us.softoption.tree; /*To understand the algorithms here, you might want to check * * Frick, M [2012] 'Best-path theorem proving: compiling derivations', * Chapter in Rationis Defensor: Essays in Honour of Colin Cheyne. Springer, * 2012, ISBN-10: 9400739826, pp. 255- 275. * */ import static us.softoption.infrastructure.Symbols.chAnd; import static us.softoption.infrastructure.Symbols.chBlank; import static us.softoption.infrastructure.Symbols.chExiquant; import static us.softoption.infrastructure.Symbols.chImplic; import static us.softoption.infrastructure.Symbols.chNeg; import static us.softoption.infrastructure.Symbols.chUniquant; import static us.softoption.infrastructure.Symbols.strCR; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Set; import us.softoption.infrastructure.TFlag; import us.softoption.infrastructure.TUtilities; import us.softoption.parser.TFormula; import us.softoption.parser.TParser; import; /* In the Pascale version, there was no display and the whole tree was built out of TGWTTestNodes using their left and right links. TGWTTestNodes were all there were. In Swing, JTree is going to display the tree, and the data Model will be a DefaultTreeModel built out of DefaultTreeNodes. For this, our old TGWTTestNodes are just going to have the data on the formula lists etc. These TGWTTestNodes have their toString method overrided so they can draw themselves as part of JTree. This means that if you want the left and right children, say, the TGWTTestNodes know nothing about these. You have to get the fSwingTreeNode (which is the node that holds the TGWTTestNode) then do something like this DefaultMutableTreeNode leftChild = (DefaultMutableTreeNode)fSwingTreeNode.getChildAt(0); leftChildNode=(TTestNode)(leftChild.getUserObject()); DefaultMutableTreeNode rightChild = (DefaultMutableTreeNode)fSwingTreeNode.getChildAt(1); rightChildNode=(TTestNode)(rightChild.getUserObject()); */ /* Careful: there are TTreeModels, TreeNodes, TGWTTestNodes etc. and these are different Note that when you start one of these TGWTTestNodes from, say, root, there has to be and almost circular initialization. There needs to be a TTreeModel and root's TreeNode needs to refer to it. And the TTreeModel itself needs to know what root TreeNode it is talking about. So typically you do something like TGWTTestNode aTestRoot = new TGWTTestNode(fDeriverDocument.getParser(),null); //does not initialize TreeModel TTreeModel aTreeModel= new TTreeModel(aTestRoot.fSwingTreeNode); // produces a TreeModel and points it to root's TreeNode aTestRoot.fGWTTree=aTreeModel; //Tree Model initialized now */ /* In Pascal, there just used to be the nodes and some globals (for example, to say whether change of variable is needed). And the 'assumption' was that there was only one tree going at once and so the globals were used sequentially for tree after tree. But any particular proof (tree) may involve little test proofs of its own (ie independent trees). These cannot share global variables. This was hacked around in Pascal. It would be better if each tree had its own context. Now, each node knows of the TreeDataModel of the tree it belongs to. So, we just subclass that to form TTreeDataModel and put the context there. The 'stringstore' is there. */ /* Change of variable... If you have, say, Fx,(Ex)Gx in the antecedents */ public class TGWTTestNode extends TreeItem { public static TGWTTestNode gOpenNode = null; /*constants*/ /*argumenttype = (valid, notvalid, notknown);*/ public static final int valid = 1; public static final int notValid = 2; public static final int notKnown = -1; public static final int notFound = -1; public static final int absurd = 1; // this and following used to identify the kind of node public static final int atomic = 2; // DO NOT ALTER THE ORDER OF THESE, WE RELY ON THE S public static final int atomicS = 3; // CONSTANTS BEING THE SUCCESSOR OF THE ORDINARY ONES public static final int negatomic = 4; public static final int negatomicS = 5; public static final int doubleneg = 6; public static final int doublenegS = 7; public static final int aand = 8; public static final int aandS = 9; public static final int negand = 10; public static final int negandS = 11; public static final int ore = 12; public static final int oreS = 13; public static final int nore = 14; public static final int noreS = 15; public static final int implic = 16; public static final int arrowS = 17; public static final int negarrow = 18; public static final int negarrowS = 19; public static final int equivv = 20; public static final int equivvS = 21; public static final int nequiv = 22; public static final int nequivS = 23; public static final int uni = 24; public static final int uniS = 25; public static final int uniSCV = 26; public static final int uniSpec = 27; public static final int neguni = 28; public static final int neguniS = 29; public static final int exi = 30; public static final int exiS = 31; public static final int exiCV = 32; public static final int negexi = 33; public static final int negexiS = 34; public static final int unique = 35; public static final int negunique = 36; public static final int unknown = 37; public static final int unknownS = 38; public static final int startroot = 39; public static final int modalNecessary = 40; public static final int notNecessary = 41; public static final int modalPossible = 42; public static final int notPossible = 43; public static final int typedUni = 44; public static final int typedUniS = 45; public static final int negTypedUni = 46; public static final int negTypedUniS = 47; public static final int typedExi = 48; public static final int typedExiS = 49; public static final int negTypedExi = 50; public static final int negTypedExiS = 51; public static final int modalKappa = 52; public static final int notModalKappa = 53; public static final int modalRho = 54; public static final int notModalRho = 55; public static final int modalDoubleKappa = 56; public static final int kMaxTreeDepth = 256; //June10 was 256 //public static boolean gExCV = false; //public static boolean gExCVFlag = false; // used for showing that quantifiers need to change variables public TParser fParser; /*formulatype = (absurd, atomic, atomicS, negatomic, negatomicS, doubleneg, doublenegS, aand, aandS, negand, negandS, ore, oreS, nore, noreS, aroww, arrowS, negarrow, negarrowS, equivv, equivvS, nequiv, nequivS, uni, uniS, uniSCV, uniSpec, neguni, neguniS, exi, exiS, exiCV, negexi, negexiS, unique, negunique, unknown, unknownS, startroot); */ public boolean fClosed = false; public boolean fDead = false; public ArrayList fAntecedents = new ArrayList(); public ArrayList fSuccedent = new ArrayList(); public int fStepType = unknown; public int fStepsToExpiry = 0; public int fNodeDepth = 0; public boolean fRecurse = true; public char fNewVariable = chBlank; // for changing variables with quantifier // TGWTTestNode fLLink=null; SEE NOTES ABOVE ABOUT THIS, USED IN PASCAL BUT NOT HERE // TGWTTestNode fRLink=null; public TGWTTree fGWTTree = null; // the tree it belongs to, we subclass default to add context // public DefaultMutableTreeNode fSwingTreeNode= new DefaultMutableTreeNode(this); // the node that holds me /*For modal logic, these tableaux are semantic tableaux so each DataNode has a 'world', this is the fWorld field. For the most part we leave it blank which means any world */ public static final String nullWorld = ""; String fJustification = ""; String fWorld = nullWorld; int fLineno = 0, fFirstjustno = 0, fSecondjustno = 0; ArrayList fInstantiations = new ArrayList(); // for instantions of Universal Formulas /*TTestnode = object(TObject) fClosed: boolean; fDead: boolean; fAntecedents: TList; (*list of antecedents*) fSucceedent: TList; fSteptype: formulatype; fLlink: TGWTTestNode; fRlink: TGWTTestNode; */ Boolean fLabelOnly = false; String fLabel = ""; Boolean fSelected = false; public TGWTTestNode() { } public TGWTTestNode(String displayStr) { /*2015 unsure about this super(displayStr); */ super.setText(displayStr); //new 2015 } public TGWTTestNode(TParser aParser, TGWTTree aTree) { fParser = aParser; fGWTTree = aTree; } /******************* Factory *************************/ public TGWTTestNode supplyTGWTTestNode(TParser aParser, TGWTTree aTreeModel) { // so we can subclass return new TGWTTestNode(aParser, aTreeModel); } static TGWTTestNode supplyLeftDiagonal() { TGWTTestNode leftDiag = new TGWTTestNode(new String("LeftDiag")); leftDiag.fLabelOnly = true; leftDiag.fLabel = "LeftDiag"; return leftDiag; } static TGWTTestNode supplyRightDiagonal() { TGWTTestNode rightDiag = new TGWTTestNode(new String("RightDiag")); rightDiag.fLabelOnly = true; rightDiag.fLabel = "RightDiag"; return rightDiag; } static TGWTTestNode supplyClosed() { TGWTTestNode closed = new TGWTTestNode(new String("Closed")); closed.fClosed = true; //important return closed; } static TGWTTestNode supplyVertical() { TGWTTestNode vertical = new TGWTTestNode(new String("RightDiag")); vertical.fLabelOnly = true; vertical.fLabel = "Vertical"; return vertical; } static TGWTTestNode supplyBlank() { TGWTTestNode blank = new TGWTTestNode(new String("")); blank.fLabelOnly = true; blank.fLabel = ""; return blank; } static TGWTTestNode supplyHorizontal() { TGWTTestNode blank = new TGWTTestNode(new String("Horizontal")); blank.fLabelOnly = true; blank.fLabel = ""; return blank; } /******************************************************/ /************* getters and setters for Beans and File IO ******************/ public boolean getClosed() { return fClosed; } public void setClosed(boolean closed) { fClosed = closed; } public boolean getDead() { return fDead; } public void setDead(boolean dead) { fDead = dead; } public ArrayList getAntecedents() { return fAntecedents; } public void setAntecedents(ArrayList antecedents) { fAntecedents = antecedents; } public ArrayList getSuccedent() { return fSuccedent; } public void setSuccedent(ArrayList succedents) { fSuccedent = succedents; } public TGWTTree getTreeModel() { return fGWTTree; } public void setTreeModel(TGWTTree aTreeModel) { fGWTTree = aTreeModel; } /* public DefaultMutableTreeNode getTreeNode(){ return fSwingTreeNode; } public void setTreeNode(DefaultMutableTreeNode aTreeNode){ fSwingTreeNode=aTreeNode; } */ public TParser getParser() { return fParser; } public void setParser(TParser aParser) { fParser = aParser; } /************************************************/ public void addToAntecedents(TFormula theFormula) { fAntecedents.add(theFormula); } boolean anteEqSucc() { /* {one in antecedent list is equal to one in succdent list } */ int length = fSuccedent.size(); if (length == 0) return false; else { boolean found = false; int i = 0; while ((i < length) && (!found)) { found = ((TFormula) (fSuccedent.get(i))).formulaInList(fAntecedents); i++; } return found; } } /* function TGWTTestNode.AnteEqSucc: boolean; {one in antecedent list identical to succeedent } var found: boolean; succeedentformula: TFormula; function TestItem (item: TObject): boolean; var antecedentformula: TFormula; begin antecedentformula := TFormula(item); TestItem := SpecialEqualFormulas(antecedentformula, succeedentformula); end; begin found := false; if fSucceedent.fsize <> 0 then begin succeedentformula := TFormula(fSucceedent.First); if fAntecedents.fsize <> 0 then if (fAntecedents.FirstThat(TestItem) <> nil) then found := true; end; AnteEqSucc := found; end; */ public int treeDepth() { //from this as root // TGWTTestNode leftChildNode=null, rightChildNode=null; int depth = this.fNodeDepth; int rightDepth = 0; int numChildren = getChildCount(); if (numChildren > 0) { TGWTTestNode leftChild = (TGWTTestNode) getChild(0); //TODO leftChildNode=(TTestNode)(leftChild.getUserObject()); depth = leftChild.treeDepth(); if (numChildren > 1) { TGWTTestNode rightChild = (TGWTTestNode) getChild(1); // rightChildNode=(TTestNode)(rightChild.getUserObject()); rightDepth = rightChild.treeDepth(); } } if (rightDepth > depth) return rightDepth; else return depth; } public TGWTTestNode aNodeOpen() { TGWTTestNode returnNode = null, leftChild = null, rightChild = null; if (fClosed) return null; else { int numChildren = this.getChildCount(); if (numChildren > 0) { leftChild = (TGWTTestNode) getChild(0); // leftChildNode=(TTestNode)(leftChild.getUserObject()); returnNode = leftChild.aNodeOpen(); if ((returnNode == null) && (numChildren > 1)) { rightChild = (TGWTTestNode) getChild(1); // rightChildNode=(TTestNode)(rightChild.getUserObject()); returnNode = rightChild.aNodeOpen(); } } if ((returnNode == null) && (numChildren == 0) && (fDead)) // terminal dead and not closed returnNode = this; } return returnNode; } /* function TGWTTestNode.ANodeOpen (var openNode: TGWTTestNode): boolean; {finds whether there is a terminal leaf which is open} var found: boolean; begin found := false; if not fClosed then begin if (fLlink <> nil) then found := found or fLlink.ANodeOpen(openNode); if not found then if (fRlink <> nil) then found := found or fRlink.ANodeOpen(openNode); if (fLlink = nil) and (fRlink = nil) and not fClosed and fDead then begin found := true; openNode := SELF; end; end; ANodeOpen := found; end; */ public boolean closeSequent() { /* {This checks whether 'branch' is closed and closes its node} {two cases: two antecedents contradict, or an antecedent equals the consequent} */ boolean closedIt = false; TFormula dummyOne = new TFormula(), dummyTwo = new TFormula(); if (anteEqSucc()) { fClosed = true; fStepType = atomic; closedIt = true; } else if (TFormula.twoInListContradict(fAntecedents, dummyOne, dummyTwo)) { fClosed = true; fStepType = atomicS; closedIt = true; } else if (containsAbsurd()) { fClosed = true; fStepType = absurd; closedIt = true; } return closedIt; } /* function TGWTTestNode.CloseSequent; var tempbool: boolean; firstone, secondone: TFormula; {This checks whether 'branch' is closed and closes its node} {two cases: two antecedents contradict, or an antecedent equals the consequent} begin tempbool := false; if SELF.AnteEqSucc then begin fClosed := true; fSteptype := atomic; tempbool := true; end else begin if SELF.TwoContradict(firstone, secondone) then begin fClosed := true; fSteptype := atomicS; tempbool := true; end else if SELF.ContainsAbsurd then begin fClosed := true; fSteptype := absurd; tempbool := true; end end; CloseSequent := tempbool; end; */ boolean containsAbsurd() { return TFormula.fAbsurd.formulaInList(fAntecedents); } /* function TGWTTestNode.ContainsAbsurd: boolean; {one in antecedent list identical to Absurd} var found: boolean; function TestItem (item: TObject): boolean; var antecedentformula: TFormula; begin antecedentformula := TFormula(item); TestItem := SpecialEqualFormulas(antecedentformula, gAbsurdFormula); end; begin found := false; if fAntecedents.fsize <> 0 then if (fAntecedents.FirstThat(TestItem) <> nil) then found := true; ContainsAbsurd := found; end; */ public TGWTTestNode copyNode() { // this copies the node, but uses the same parser and treemodel TGWTTestNode newNode = supplyTGWTTestNode(fParser, fGWTTree); newNode.fClosed = fClosed; newNode.fDead = fDead; newNode.fAntecedents = (ArrayList) fAntecedents.clone(); //shallow copy newNode.fSuccedent = (ArrayList) fSuccedent.clone(); newNode.fStepType = fStepType; newNode.fStepsToExpiry = fStepsToExpiry; newNode.fNodeDepth = fNodeDepth; newNode.fRecurse = fRecurse; newNode.fNewVariable = fNewVariable; //does not set its fSwingTreeNode newNode.fGWTTree = fGWTTree; newNode.fJustification = fJustification; newNode.fWorld = fWorld; newNode.fLineno = fLineno; newNode.fFirstjustno = fFirstjustno; newNode.fSecondjustno = fSecondjustno; newNode.fInstantiations = (ArrayList) (fInstantiations.clone()); // for instantions of Universal Formulas newNode.fLabelOnly = fLabelOnly; newNode.fLabel = fLabel; newNode.fSelected = fSelected; return newNode; } /* function TGWTTestNode.CopyNode: TGWTTestNode; {the actual formulas do not get copied} var newnode: TGWTTestNode; begin New(newnode); FailNIL(newnode); newnode.ITestnode; {creates lists} newnode.fAntecedents.Free; {check new} newnode.fSucceedent.Free; with newnode do begin fClosed := SELF.fClosed; fDead := SELF.fDead; fAntecedents := CopyFormList(SELF.fAntecedents); fSucceedent := CopyFormList(SELF.fSucceedent); fSteptype := SELF.fsteptype; { check June 5 unknown; thisnode.fsteptype;} fLlink := SELF.fLlink; fRlink := SELF.fRlink; end; CopyNode := newnode; newnode := nil; end; */ public TGWTTestNode copyNodeInFull() { TGWTTestNode temp = this.copyNode(); if ((temp.fAntecedents != null) && temp.fAntecedents.size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < temp.fAntecedents.size(); i++) { temp.fAntecedents.set(i, ((TFormula) temp.fAntecedents.get(i)).copyFormula()); } } if ((temp.fSuccedent != null) && temp.fSuccedent.size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < temp.fSuccedent.size(); i++) { temp.fSuccedent.set(i, ((TFormula) temp.fSuccedent.get(i)).copyFormula()); } } return temp; } /* function TGWTTestNode.CopyNodeinFull: TGWTTestNode; var temp: TGWTTestNode; {copies formulas as well, but not instantiating info} procedure CopyAnteItem (item: TObject); var tempformula: TFormula; begin tempformula := TFormula(item).CopyFormula; if (tempformula.fkind = quantifier) then {quant} tempformula.finfo := Copy(tempformula.finfo, 1, 1); {removes extra instantiating information, which we do not want for a secondtest} temp.fAntecedents.InsertLast(tempformula); end; procedure CopySuccItem (item: TObject); var tempformula: TFormula; begin tempformula := TFormula(item).CopyFormula; if tempformula.fkind = quantifier then {quant} tempformula.finfo := Copy(tempformula.finfo, 1, 1); {removes extra instantiating information, which we do not want for a secondtest} temp.fSucceedent.InsertLast(tempformula); end; begin temp := SELF.CopyNode; temp.fAntecedents.DeleteAll; temp.fSucceedent.DeleteAll; SELF.fAntecedents.Each(CopyAnteItem); {rebuilds lists} SELF.fSucceedent.Each(CopySuccItem); CopyNodeinFull := temp; temp := nil; end; */ public TGWTTestNode copyNodeInFullWithInstInfo() { //{copies the node, the formulas, and instantiating info} /*There is an issue here with context or instantiations. The instantiaton are stored in a hash table keyed by the formula. But if you copy a formula, that formula is no longer a key. Hence you have to reinsert.*/ TGWTTestNode temp = this.copyNode(); TFormula copyFormula, originalFormula; String instants; if ((temp.fAntecedents != null) && temp.fAntecedents.size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < temp.fAntecedents.size(); i++) { originalFormula = (TFormula) temp.fAntecedents.get(i); copyFormula = originalFormula.copyFormula(); if (fGWTTree.getOldInstantiations().containsKey(originalFormula)) { instants = (String) (fGWTTree.getOldInstantiations().get(originalFormula)); fGWTTree.getOldInstantiations().put(copyFormula, instants); } temp.fAntecedents.set(i, copyFormula); } } if ((temp.fSuccedent != null) && temp.fSuccedent.size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < temp.fSuccedent.size(); i++) { originalFormula = (TFormula) temp.fSuccedent.get(i); copyFormula = originalFormula.copyFormula(); if (fGWTTree.getOldInstantiations().containsKey(originalFormula)) { instants = (String) (fGWTTree.getOldInstantiations().get(originalFormula)); fGWTTree.getOldInstantiations().put(copyFormula, instants); } temp.fSuccedent.set(i, copyFormula); } } return /*/*Tif (fGWTTree.getOldInstantiations().containsKey(quantform)) oldInstants=(String)(fGWTTree.getOldInstantiations().get(quantform)); instants=TUtilities.stringDifference(instants, oldInstants); if (instants.length()==0) return false; else{ fGWTTree.getNewInstantiations().put(quantform,instants); */ temp; } /* function TGWTTestNode.CopyNodeinFullWithInstInfo: TGWTTestNode; var temp: TGWTTestNode; {copies formulas as well, and instantiating info} procedure CopyAnteItem (item: TObject); var tempformula: TFormula; begin tempformula := TFormula(item).CopyFormula; temp.fAntecedents.InsertLast(tempformula); end; procedure CopySuccItem (item: TObject); var tempformula: TFormula; begin tempformula := TFormula(item).CopyFormula; temp.fSucceedent.InsertLast(tempformula); end; begin temp := SELF.CopyNode; temp.fAntecedents.DeleteAll; temp.fSucceedent.DeleteAll; SELF.fAntecedents.Each(CopyAnteItem); {rebuilds lists} SELF.fSucceedent.Each(CopySuccItem); CopyNodeinFullWithInstInfo := temp; temp := nil; end; */ public TGWTTestNode getLeftChild() { TGWTTestNode leftChildNode = null; int numChildren = getChildCount(); if (numChildren > 0) { return (TGWTTestNode) getChild(0); // leftChildNode = (TTestNode) (leftChild.getUserObject()); } return leftChildNode; } public TGWTTestNode getRightChild() { TGWTTestNode rightChildNode = null; int numChildren = getChildCount(); if (numChildren > 1) { return (TGWTTestNode) getChild(1); /* DefaultMutableTreeNode rightChild = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) fSwingTreeNode. getChildAt(1); rightChildNode = (TTestNode) (rightChild.getUserObject()); */ } return rightChildNode; } ArrayList<TGWTTestNode> getPath() { ArrayList<TGWTTestNode> path = new ArrayList<TGWTTestNode>(); // in reverse ie going up path.add(this); TGWTTestNode search; search = (TGWTTestNode) this.getParentItem(); while (search != null) { path.add(search); search = (TGWTTestNode) search.getParentItem(); } Collections.reverse(path); // now coming down from the root return path; } ArrayList<TGWTTestNode> getAscendants(TGWTTestNode target) { ArrayList path = new ArrayList<TGWTTestNode>(); // in reverse ie going up TGWTTestNode search; search = (TGWTTestNode) target.getParentItem(); while (search != null) { path.add(search); search = (TGWTTestNode) search.getParentItem(); } return path; } ArrayList<TGWTTestNode> getDescendants(TGWTTestNode target) { //does not include root ArrayList<TGWTTestNode> descendants = new ArrayList<TGWTTestNode>(); TGWTTestNode searchNode = target; int numChildren = target.getChildCount(); for (int i = 0; i < numChildren; i++) { searchNode = (TGWTTestNode) (target.getChild(i)); descendants.add(searchNode); descendants.addAll(getDescendants(searchNode)); } return descendants; } ArrayList<TFormula> getAscendantFormulas(TGWTTestNode target) { ArrayList path = target.getAscendants(target); ArrayList<TFormula> formulas = new ArrayList<TFormula>(); TGWTTestNode search; for (int i = 0; i < path.size(); i++) { search = (TGWTTestNode) path.get(i); if (search != null && search.fAntecedents != null && search.fAntecedents.size() > 0) formulas.add((TFormula) search.fAntecedents.get(0)); } return formulas; } ArrayList<TFormula> getDescendantFormulas(TGWTTestNode target) { ArrayList path = target.getDescendants(target); ArrayList<TFormula> formulas = new ArrayList<TFormula>(); TGWTTestNode search; for (int i = 0; i < path.size(); i++) { search = (TGWTTestNode) path.get(i); if (search != null && search.fAntecedents != null && search.fAntecedents.size() > 0) formulas.add((TFormula) search.fAntecedents.get(0)); } return formulas; } TFormula newConstantForBranches(TGWTTestNode target) { //InBranchesContaining target ArrayList<TFormula> formulas = getAscendantFormulas(target); if (target.fAntecedents != null && target.fAntecedents.size() > 0) formulas.add((TFormula) target.fAntecedents.get(0)); formulas.addAll(getDescendantFormulas(target)); return TParser.newConstant(formulas, null); } String newWorldForBranches(TGWTTestNode target) { //InBranchesContaining target String worlds = ""; ArrayList<TGWTTestNode> nodes = getAscendants(target); nodes.add(target); nodes.addAll(getDescendants(target)); TGWTTestNode search; for (int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) { search = (TGWTTestNode) nodes.get(i); worlds += search.fWorld; } return fParser.firstNewWorld(worlds); } /* Enumeration breadthFirst = fTreeDataRoot.fSwingTreeNode.breadthFirstEnumeration(); TGWTTestNodenext = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) (breadthFirst.nextElement()); TGWTTestNode searchNode=null; while (next!=null){ if ((next.getUserObject() instanceof TGWTTestNode)&& (next==target|| next.isNodeAncestor(target)|| next.isNodeDescendant(target))){ searchNode=(TGWTTestNode)(next.getUserObject()); worlds+=searchNode.fWorld; //will give us duplicates } if (breadthFirst.hasMoreElements()) { next = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) (breadthFirst.nextElement()); } else next=null; } return fParser.firstNewWorld(worlds); */ String termsToTry(TFormula quantform, TFlag capturing) { /* warns if there is capturing of variables} {This is to help find instantiations-- these have to be terms that occur } {(Herbrand Universe) and which are legitimate substitutions, no capturing} */ String totalTerms = TFormula.freeAtomicTermsInListOfFormulas(fAntecedents) + TFormula.freeAtomicTermsInListOfFormulas(fSuccedent); totalTerms = TUtilities.removeDuplicateChars(totalTerms); TFormula termForm = new TFormula(TFormula.variable, "", null, null); for (int i = totalTerms.length() - 1; i > -1; i--) { termForm.fInfo = totalTerms.substring(i); if (!(quantform.fRLink.freeForTest(termForm, quantform.quantVarForm()))) { totalTerms = totalTerms.substring(0, i - 1); //{should prevent capturing} capturing.setValue(true); } } return totalTerms; } /* function TGWTTestNode.TermsToTry (quantform: TFormula; var capturing: boolean): str255; {warns if there is capturing of variables} {This is to help find instantiations-- these have to be terms that occur } {(Herbrand Universe) and which are legitimate substitutions, no capturing} var totalterms: str255; i: integer; termForm: TFormula; begin supplyFormula(termForm); termForm.fKind := variable; (*check*) totalterms := concat(FreeTermsInList(fAntecedents), FreeTermsInList(fSucceedent)); RemoveDuplicates(totalterms); for i := length(totalterms) downto 1 do begin termForm.fInfo := totalterms[i]; if not quantform.fRlink.FreeForTest(termForm, quantform.QuantVarForm) then begin Delete(totalterms, i, 1); {should prevent capturing} capturing := true; end; end; termForm.DismantleFormula; TermsToTry := totalterms; {Debugging} {$IFC myDebugging} if FALSE then writeln('constantsottry ', totalterms); {$ENDC} end; */ int highestLineNo(TGWTTestNode start) { int highest = start.fLineno; ArrayList<TGWTTestNode> descendants = getDescendants(start); for (int i = 0; i < descendants.size(); i++) { if (((TGWTTestNode) descendants.get(i)).fLineno > highest) highest = ((TGWTTestNode) descendants.get(i)).fLineno; } return highest; } boolean prepareQuant(TFormula quantform, TFlag exhausted, TFlag capturing) { /* {This prepares a node for UI or EG. It finds the instantiation constants} {the checks whether the formula has been instantiated before} {If it has the earlier instantiating constants are checked if there } {are no new ones, false is returned. If there are new ones, they are inserted in the stringtable hashmap. And a copy of the quantformula is altered} {appropriately.} */ String instants = this.termsToTry(quantform, capturing); int length = instants.length(); if (length == 0) instants += quantform.quantVar(); //if none, give it its own variable, //the subclass does not do this because termsToTry always returns something String oldInstants = ""; if (fGWTTree.getOldInstantiations().containsKey(quantform)) oldInstants = (String) (fGWTTree.getOldInstantiations().get(quantform)); instants = TUtilities.stringDifference(instants, oldInstants); if (instants.length() == 0) return false; else { fGWTTree.getNewInstantiations().put(quantform, instants); return true; } } /* function TGWTTestNode.PrepareQuant (var quantform: TFormula; var exhausted, capturing: boolean): boolean; {This prepares a node for UI or EG. It finds the instantiation constants} {the checks whether the formula has been instantiated before} {If it has the earlier instantiating constants are checked if there } {are no new ones, false is returned. If there are new ones, spare characters} {in the info field are used to indicate their number and the index to a list of all} {of them as a new insert in the stringtable. And a copy of the quantformula is altered} {appropriately.} var instants, oldinstants: str255; lengthInst, newinst, i: integer; tempbool: boolean; searchStr: string[1]; begin tempbool := false; searchStr := 'a'; instants := SELF.TermsToTry(quantform, capturing); lengthInst := length(instants); if lengthInst = 0 then {gives it one instantion, its own variable} begin instants := quantform.QuantVar; lengthInst := 1; end; if (NoOfInstantiations(quantform) = 0) then {not instantiated before} tempbool := true else { instantiated before} begin oldInstants := gStringstore[StringStoreIndex(quantform)]; for i := 1 to length(oldInstants) do (*removes oldinstants from new instants list*) begin searchStr[1] := oldInstants[i]; while pos(searchStr, instants) <> 0 do Delete(instants, pos(searchStr, instants), 1); end; newinst := length(instants); { RemoveDuplicates(instants); new instants on tail} {$IFC myDebugging} if FALSE then begin writeln('prepare quant after remove instants ', instants); end; {$ENDC} if newinst > 0 then begin instants := concat(instants, gStringstore[StringStoreIndex(quantform)]); lengthInst := newinst; tempbool := true; end; end; if tempbool then begin if gStringtop >= kMaxInst then begin exhausted := true; tempbool := false; {BugAlert('', '', '', 'Too many instantiations of variables.');} end else begin gStringstore[gStringtop] := instants; gStringtop := gStringtop + 1; end; end; if tempbool then begin quantform := quantform.CopyFormula; {check, makes garbage alter copy} StoreNoOfInstantiationsAndIndex(quantform, lengthInst, (gStringtop - 1)); {quantform.finfo := concat(Copy(quantform.finfo, 1, 1), twocharStr); } end; {$IFC myDebugging} if FALSE then begin writeln('prepare quanto ', quantform.fInfo, 'instants ', instants, 'length ', lengthInst); if tempbool then writeln('preparequanttrue') else writeln('preparequant false') end; {$ENDC} PrepareQuant := tempbool; end; */ static public ArrayList decidableFormulaSatisfiable(TParser aParser, TFormula theFormula) { /*returns either null or a list of atomic formulas and their negations*/ /*used by the 'games' */ TGWTTestNode aTestRoot = new TGWTTestNode(aParser, null); //does not initialize TreeModel // notice not using factory here because static TGWTTree aTreeModel = new TGWTTree(); //new TTreeModel(aTestRoot.fSwingTreeNode); //pre June 2012 aTestRoot.fGWTTree=aTreeModel; aTestRoot.fGWTTree = aTreeModel; aTestRoot.addToAntecedents(theFormula); if (aTestRoot.closeSequent()) { //never happens with a single formula!? return null; //not satisfiable } int answer = aTestRoot.treeValid(aTreeModel, TGWTTestNode.kMaxTreeDepth); if (answer == valid) return null; else { //in the prop case there should be no 'unknown' this is invalid ie satisfiable TGWTTestNode openNode = aTestRoot.aNodeOpen(); if (openNode == null) return null; //cannot happen else return openNode.createInterpretationList(); } } public ArrayList createInterpretationList() { /* {this takes gOpen Node (DNO'T USE GLOBAL ANY MORE) and makes an interpretationlist of formulas from it} {seems ok may 90} */ TFormula nextFormula; ArrayList returnList = new ArrayList(); if (fAntecedents != null) { Iterator iter = fAntecedents.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { nextFormula = (TFormula); switch (nextFormula.fKind) { case TFormula.unary: if (TParser.isPredicator(nextFormula.fRLink)) returnList.add(0, nextFormula); break; case TFormula.predicator: //{check equality, not used yet} returnList.add(0, nextFormula); //THE PASCALIS MORE COMPLEX CHECKING PREDICATE break; default: ; } } } TFormula.removeDuplicateFormulas(returnList); return returnList; } /* procedure TJournalWindow.CreateInterpretationList; {this takes gOpen Node and makes an interpretationlist of formulas from it} {seems ok may 90} procedure AddToList (item: TObject); var tempformula: TFormula; predCh: CHAR; function Equals (item: TObject): boolean; var found: boolean; begin found := EqualFormulas(tempformula, TFormula(item)); Equals := found; end; begin tempformula := TFormula(item); case tempformula.fkind of unary, predicator, equality: {check equality, not used yet} begin if tempformula.fKind = unary then predCh := tempformula.fRLink.fInfo[1] else predCh := tempformula.fInfo[1]; if predCh in gPredicates then begin if fInterpretationList.FirstThat(Equals) = nil then {no duplicates} begin tempformula := tempformula.CopyFormula; {for garbage} fInterpretationList.InsertFirst(tempformula); tempformula := nil; end; end; end; otherwise end; end; begin DismantleInterpretationList; if gOpenNode <> nil then begin if gOpenNode.fAntecedents.fSize <> 0 then gOpenNode.fAntecedents.Each(AddToList); if gOpenNode.fSucceedent.fSize <> 0 then gOpenNode.fSucceedent.Each(AddToList); {check this, shouldn't these be negations,} { although this list is always empty} end; end; */ public static String interpretationListToString(ArrayList interpretation) { // String outputStr=TFormula.atomicTermsInListOfFormulas(interpretation); Set<String> outputStrSet = TFormula.atomicTermsInListOfFormulas(interpretation); String outputStr = ""; for (Iterator i = outputStrSet.iterator(); i.hasNext();) outputStr +=; outputStr = TUtilities.separateStringWithCommas(outputStr); String firstStr = "Universe= { " + outputStr + " }" + strCR; String secondStr = ""; outputStr = TFormula.trueAtomicFormulasInList(interpretation); if (outputStr.length() > 0) { outputStr = TUtilities.separateStringWithCommas(outputStr); secondStr = "True Propositions= { " + outputStr + " }" + strCR; } String thirdStr = ""; outputStr = TFormula.falseAtomicFormulasInList(interpretation); if (outputStr.length() > 0) { outputStr = TUtilities.separateStringWithCommas(outputStr); thirdStr = "False Propositions= { " + outputStr + " }" + strCR; } String fourthStr = ""; int length = TParser.gPredicates.length(); String predicate; int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { predicate = TParser.gPredicates.substring(i, i + 1); outputStr = TFormula.extensionOfUnaryPredicate(interpretation, predicate); if ((outputStr != null) && (outputStr.length() > 0)) { count += 1; outputStr = TUtilities.separateStringWithCommas(outputStr); fourthStr += predicate + " = { " + outputStr + " }" + strCR; } } String fifthStr = ""; count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { predicate = TParser.gPredicates.substring(i, i + 1); outputStr = TFormula.extensionOfBinaryPredicate(interpretation, predicate); if ((outputStr != null) && (outputStr.length() > 0)) { count += 1; outputStr = TUtilities.intoOrderedPairs(outputStr); fifthStr += predicate + " = { " + outputStr + " }" + strCR; } } // NEED THE EXTRA BIT HERE ABOUT CYCLES return firstStr + secondStr + thirdStr + fourthStr + fifthStr; } boolean deriveIfClause(TFormula arrow) { // June 2010 hack to preserv heap return false; } boolean deriveIfClauseCommentedOut(TFormula arrow) { /*{This is test that permits arrow elim (A->B) only if we have the if clause ie A}. But when we are trying to derive A, and we encounter say D->F we don't then want to see if we can derive D. In Pascal, we used gMaxrecurse to sort this out. Here we just put a flag fRecurse on TGWTTestNode*/ TGWTTestNode test = this.copyNodeInFullWithInstInfo(); //node, formulas, and context /*This might look different, but in the old days the context went withe the formula now it needs expplicit copying*/ test.fRecurse = false; // don't recurse /* int index =test.fAntecedents.indexOf(arrow); test.fAntecedents.remove(index); */ for (int i = test.fAntecedents.size() - 1; i > -1; i--) { TFormula testFormula = (TFormula) fAntecedents.get(i); //remove the copy of the arrow if (TFormula.equalFormulas(testFormula, arrow)) test.fAntecedents.remove(i); } test.fSuccedent.clear(); test.fSuccedent.add(arrow.fLLink.copyFormula()); // the target is A TGWTTree aTreeModel = new TGWTTree();//new TGWTTree(test.fSwingTreeNode); test.fGWTTree = aTreeModel; // new context //startSatisfactionTree?? if (test.treeValid(aTreeModel, 5) == valid) //only do 5 steps { test = null; //june 10 unsure about freeing heap space aTreeModel = null; return true; } else { test = null; //june 10 unsure about freeing heap space aTreeModel = null; return false; } } /* function DeriveIfClause: boolean; {This is test that permits arrow elim only if we have the if clause} var ifDerivable, tempexCV, tempexCVflag, tempuniCV, tempuniCVflag: boolean; temptest: TGWTTestNode; ifFormula, implicFormula: TFormula; function EqualsImplic (item: TObject): boolean; begin EqualsImplic := EqualFormulas(implicFormula, TFormula(item)); end; function EqualsIfClause (item: TObject): boolean; begin EqualsIfClause := EqualFormulas(implicFormula.fLlink, TFormula(item)); end; procedure AssembleFirstTest; {same as other} {This is a test of whether we can prove A from the rest of the premises} {without (A>B) } var garbageformula: TFormula; begin temptest := nil; temptest := SELF.CopyNodeinFull; with temptest do begin fSteptype := unknown; fDead := false; {must reset it for a new test} fClosed := false; fLlink := nil; fRlink := nil; end; garbageFormula := TFormula(temptest.fAntecedents.FirstThat(EqualsImplic)); temptest.fAntecedents.Delete(garbageFormula); garbageFormula.DismantleFormula; ifFormula := implicFormula.fLlink.CopyFormula; {A} if temptest.fSucceedent.fSize > 0 then begin garbageFormula := TFormula(temptest.fSucceedent.First); garbageFormula.DismantleFormula; end; temptest.fSucceedent.DeleteAll; temptest.fSucceedent.InsertFirst(ifFormula); ifFormula := nil; end; begin ifDerivable := false; {just checking whether if-clause is present, immediately} implicFormula := testformula; {A>B set by ArrowItem} if fAntecedents.FirstThat(EqualsIfClause) <> nil then ifDerivable := true; {looking in more depth, but not recursing} if (gMaxrecurse > 0) and not ifDerivable then begin gMaxrecurse := gMaxrecurse - 1; {do not wish to recurse with this} tempexCV := gExCV; {do not wish to changethese} tempexCVflag := gExCVflag; tempUniCV := gUniCV; {do not wish to changethese} tempUniCVflag := gUniCVflag; AssembleFirstTest; if temptest.TreeValid(5) = valid then {5 is a guess} ifDerivable := true; DismantleTestTree(temptest); gMaxrecurse := gMaxrecurse + 1; gExCV := tempexCV; {returns to former state} gExCVflag := tempexCVflag; gUniCV := tempUniCV; {returns to former state} gUniCVflag := tempUniCVflag; end; DeriveIfClause := ifDerivable; end; */ /* June 10. kill calls extend which does one step, then calls kill on its * children with stopDepth decremented. */ boolean kill(int stopDepth) { /*{extends entire tree to completion, if possible}*/ TFlag exhausted = new TFlag(false); if (stopDepth < 1) return false; //we've run out of steps if (!fDead) { fStepsToExpiry--; extend(exhausted); } if ((stopDepth > 0) && fStepsToExpiry > 0) { int numChildren = getChildCount(); boolean childrenKilled = true; if (numChildren > 0) { TGWTTestNode leftChild = (TGWTTestNode) getChild(0); childrenKilled = leftChild.kill(stopDepth - 1); if ((childrenKilled) && (numChildren > 1)) { // added the && children killed // DefaultMutableTreeNode rightChild = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) // fSwingTreeNode.getChildAt(1); TGWTTestNode rightChild = (TGWTTestNode) getChild(1); childrenKilled = rightChild.kill(stopDepth - 1); } } return childrenKilled; } return false; // expired, no more steps permitted } /* procedure TGWTTestNode.Kill (var killed: boolean; var treesize: integer); {extends entire tree to completion, if possible} var exhausted: boolean; begin exhausted := false; while EventAvail(keyDownMask, gEvent) and (treesize < kMaxtreesize) and not gBaleOutFlag do begin gEvent.Message := BitAnd(gEvent.Message, $FF); {charcode mask} if (BitAnd(gEvent.Modifiers, CmdKey) = CmdKey) then begin gBaleOutFlag := true; treesize := kMaxtreesize; end else if GetNextEvent(keyDownMask, gEvent) then ; {removes it from queue} end; treesize := treesize + 1; if treesize <= kMaxtreesize then begin if not fDead then SELF.Extend(exhausted); if exhausted then begin treesize := kMaxtreesize + 1 end else begin if (fLlink <> nil) then fLlink.Kill(killed, treesize); if (fRlink <> nil) then fRlink.Kill(killed, treesize); end; end; end; */ void extend(TFlag exhausted) { /* {This forms a binary tree of sequences of formulas} */ TGWTTestNode ltemp, rtemp; TFormula newFormula, secondNewFormula, tempFormula; if (closeSequent()) fDead = true; else { /* {The idea is to take a copy of the node. This copies the node and its formula list} {but does not copy the formulas. This copy will eventually be the left link} {Then use FindFirst to see if there is an extendable formula} {in the copy. If there is, a second copy is taken to form the right link} {Then the extendable formula is copied then changed to form the product parts so that} {the copied node becomes the next node; the type of change gets entered on the} {parent by First Formula and First Formula also brings the extendable formula} {to the head of the list} FindFirst brings the extendable formula to the head of ltemp, not to the head of the node itself. June 04-- if you understand that you're a better man (person) than I */ fStepType = unknown; ltemp = this.copyNode(); TFormula.removeDuplicateFormulas(ltemp.fAntecedents); TFormula.removeDuplicateFormulas(ltemp.fSuccedent); fStepType = ltemp.findFirst(exhausted); switch (fStepType) { case aand: newFormula = ((TFormula) ltemp.fAntecedents.get(0)).fLLink.copyFormula(); secondNewFormula = ((TFormula) ltemp.fAntecedents.get(0)).fRLink.copyFormula(); ltemp.fAntecedents.remove(0); // the and ltemp.fAntecedents.add(0, secondNewFormula); ltemp.fAntecedents.add(0, newFormula); straightInsert(ltemp, null); break; case aandS: newFormula = ((TFormula) ltemp.fSuccedent.get(0)).fLLink.copyFormula(); secondNewFormula = ((TFormula) ltemp.fSuccedent.get(0)).fRLink.copyFormula(); ltemp.fSuccedent.remove(0); rtemp = ltemp.copyNode(); ltemp.fSuccedent.add(0, newFormula); rtemp.fSuccedent.add(0, secondNewFormula); splitInsert(ltemp, rtemp); break; /* aandS: begin newformula := TFormula(ltemp.fSucceedent.First).fLlink.CopyFormula; secondnewformula := TFormula(ltemp.fSucceedent.First).fRlink.CopyFormula; ltemp.fSucceedent.Delete(ltemp.fSucceedent.First); ltemp.fSucceedent.InsertFirst(newformula); newformula := nil; rtemp.fSucceedent.Delete(rtemp.fSucceedent.First); rtemp.fSucceedent.InsertFirst(secondnewformula); secondnewformula := nil; SplitInsert; end; */ case implic: //{A>B} tempFormula = ((TFormula) ltemp.fAntecedents.get(0)).fLLink.copyFormula(); // going to be ~A newFormula = new TFormula(); newFormula.fKind = TFormula.unary; newFormula.fInfo = String.valueOf(chNeg); newFormula.fRLink = tempFormula; tempFormula = null; secondNewFormula = ((TFormula) ltemp.fAntecedents.get(0)).fRLink.copyFormula(); // B ltemp.fAntecedents.remove(0); // the arrow rtemp = ltemp.copyNode(); ltemp.fAntecedents.add(0, newFormula); rtemp.fAntecedents.add(0, secondNewFormula); splitInsert(ltemp, rtemp); break; /* aroww: {A>B} begin secondnewformula := TFormula(ltemp.fAntecedents.First).fLlink.CopyFormula; {~A} New(newformula); FailNIL(newformula); newformula.IFormula; with newformula do begin fkind := unary; finfo := chNeg; fRlink := secondnewformula; end; ltemp.fAntecedents.Delete(ltemp.fAntecedents.First); ltemp.fAntecedents.InsertFirst(newformula); newformula := nil; secondnewformula := nil; {notA} newformula := TFormula(rtemp.fAntecedents.First).fRlink.CopyFormula; rtemp.fAntecedents.Delete(rtemp.fAntecedents.First); rtemp.fAntecedents.InsertFirst(newformula); newformula := nil; {B} SplitInsert; end; */ case arrowS: newFormula = ((TFormula) ltemp.fSuccedent.get(0)).fLLink.copyFormula(); // the A secondNewFormula = ((TFormula) ltemp.fSuccedent.get(0)).fRLink.copyFormula(); //the B ltemp.fSuccedent.remove(0); // the arrow ltemp.fSuccedent.add(0, secondNewFormula); // the B ltemp.fAntecedents.add(0, newFormula); // the A straightInsert(ltemp, null); break; /* arrowS: begin newformula := TFormula(ltemp.fSucceedent.First).fLlink.CopyFormula; ltemp.fAntecedents.InsertFirst(newformula); newformula := nil; secondnewformula := nil; {A} newformula := TFormula(ltemp.fSucceedent.First).fRlink.CopyFormula; ltemp.fSucceedent.Delete(ltemp.fSucceedent.First); ltemp.fSucceedent.InsertFirst(newformula); newformula := nil; {B} rtemp.DismantleTestNode; rtemp := nil; StraightInsert; end; */ case doubleneg: newFormula = ((TFormula) ltemp.fAntecedents.get(0)).fRLink.fRLink.copyFormula(); ltemp.fAntecedents.remove(0); // the doubleneg ltemp.fAntecedents.add(0, newFormula); straightInsert(ltemp, null); break; /* doubleneg: begin newformula := TFormula(ltemp.fAntecedents.First).fRlink.fRlink.CopyFormula; ltemp.fAntecedents.Delete(ltemp.fAntecedents.First); ltemp.fAntecedents.InsertFirst(newformula); newformula := nil; rtemp.DismantleTestNode; rtemp := nil; StraightInsert; end; */ case doublenegS: newFormula = ((TFormula) ltemp.fSuccedent.get(0)).fRLink.fRLink.copyFormula(); ltemp.fSuccedent.remove(0); // no conclusion, reductio ltemp.fSuccedent.add(0, newFormula); straightInsert(ltemp, null); break; /* doublenegS: begin newformula := TFormula(ltemp.fSucceedent.First).fRlink.fRlink.CopyFormula; ltemp.fSucceedent.Delete(ltemp.fSucceedent.First); ltemp.fSucceedent.InsertFirst(newformula); newformula := nil; rtemp.DismantleTestNode; rtemp := nil; StraightInsert; end; */ case equivv: newFormula = ((TFormula) ltemp.fAntecedents.get(0)).copyFormula(); newFormula.fInfo = String.valueOf(chImplic); // change to A->B secondNewFormula = new TFormula(); secondNewFormula.fKind = TFormula.binary; secondNewFormula.fInfo = String.valueOf(chImplic); secondNewFormula.fLLink = newFormula.fRLink.copyFormula(); //{B} secondNewFormula.fRLink = newFormula.fLLink.copyFormula(); //{A} ltemp.fAntecedents.remove(0); // the implic ltemp.fAntecedents.add(0, secondNewFormula); ltemp.fAntecedents.add(0, newFormula); straightInsert(ltemp, null); break; /* equivv: begin newformula := TFormula(ltemp.fAntecedents.First).CopyFormula; newformula.finfo := chImplic; {chagne to A > B } New(secondnewformula); FailNIL(secondnewformula); secondnewformula.IFormula; with secondnewformula do begin fkind := binary; finfo := chImplic; fLlink := newformula.fRlink.CopyFormula; {B} fRlink := newformula.fLlink.CopyFormula; {A} end; ltemp.fAntecedents.Delete(ltemp.fAntecedents.First); {equivv} ltemp.fAntecedents.InsertFirst(secondnewformula); ltemp.fAntecedents.InsertFirst(newformula); newformula := nil; secondnewformula := nil; rtemp.DismantleTestNode; rtemp := nil; StraightInsert; end; } */ case equivvS: //{A>B} newFormula = ((TFormula) ltemp.fSuccedent.get(0)).fLLink.copyFormula(); // A secondNewFormula = ((TFormula) ltemp.fSuccedent.get(0)).fRLink.copyFormula(); // B ltemp.fAntecedents.add(0, newFormula); ltemp.fSuccedent.remove(0); ltemp.fSuccedent.add(0, secondNewFormula); rtemp = ltemp.copyNode(); rtemp.fAntecedents.remove(0); // the A rtemp.fAntecedents.add(0, secondNewFormula.copyFormula()); //B rtemp.fSuccedent.remove(0); //B rtemp.fSuccedent.add(0, newFormula.copyFormula()); splitInsert(ltemp, rtemp); break; /* equivvS: begin newformula := TFormula(ltemp.fSucceedent.First).fLlink.CopyFormula; {A} secondnewformula := TFormula(ltemp.fSucceedent.First).fRlink.CopyFormula; {B} ltemp.fAntecedents.InsertFirst(newformula); ltemp.fSucceedent.Delete(ltemp.fSucceedent.First); ltemp.fSucceedent.InsertFirst(secondnewformula); newformula := nil; secondnewformula := nil; newformula := TFormula(rtemp.fSucceedent.First).fRlink.CopyFormula; secondnewformula := TFormula(rtemp.fSucceedent.First).fLlink.CopyFormula; rtemp.fAntecedents.InsertFirst(newformula); rtemp.fSucceedent.Delete(rtemp.fSucceedent.First); rtemp.fSucceedent.InsertFirst(secondnewformula); SplitInsert; end; */ case exi: doExi(ltemp); /* newFormula = ((TFormula)ltemp.fAntecedents.get(0)).scope().copyFormula(); // secondNewFormula= new TFormula(); //use quantvarform? secondNewFormula= ((TFormula)ltemp.fAntecedents.get(0)).quantVarForm().copyFormula(); ltemp.fAntecedents.remove(0); // the exi ltemp.fAntecedents.add(0,secondNewFormula); // the variable ltemp.fAntecedents.add(0,newFormula); // he scope straightInsert(ltemp,null); */ break; /* exi: { x is not free in ante or succ} begin New(secondnewformula); FailNIL(secondnewformula); secondnewformula.IFormula; secondnewformula.fKind := functor; secondnewformula.finfo := TFormula(ltemp.fAntecedents.First).QuantVar; newformula := TFormula(ltemp.fAntecedents.First).fRlink.CopyFormula; ltemp.fAntecedents.Delete(ltemp.fAntecedents.First); ltemp.fAntecedents.InsertFirst(secondnewformula); ltemp.fAntecedents.InsertFirst(newformula); rtemp.DismantleTestNode; rtemp := nil; StraightInsert; end; */ case typedExi: TFormula typedExiQuant = (TFormula) (ltemp.fAntecedents.get(0)); TFormula plainExiQuant = fParser.expandTypeExi(typedExiQuant); ltemp.fAntecedents.remove(0); // the typed exiquant ltemp.fAntecedents.add(0, plainExiQuant); //append straightInsert(ltemp, null); break; case exiCV: //{to cope with x free in ante or succ} TFormula newVar, oldVar, exiQuant, scope; exiQuant = ((TFormula) ltemp.fAntecedents.get(0)); //eg (Ex)Fx don't copy here because it is the key to the store oldVar = exiQuant.quantVarForm(); //eg x scope = exiQuant.scope(); String newInfo = null; if (fGWTTree.getNewInstantiations().containsKey(exiQuant)) { newInfo = (String) (fGWTTree.getNewInstantiations().get(exiQuant)); } if (newInfo != null) { newVar = new TFormula(TFormula.functor, newInfo, null, null); TFormula.subTermVar(scope, newVar, oldVar); // eg Fy ltemp.fAntecedents.remove(0); // the exi ltemp.fAntecedents.add(0, oldVar); // the variable ltemp.fAntecedents.add(0, newVar); ltemp.fAntecedents.add(0, scope); straightInsert(ltemp, null); System.out.print("exiCV called in extend"); } break; /* exiCV: {to cope with x free in ante or succ} begin newformula := TFormula(ltemp.fAntecedents.First); {copied in find first?} eg (Ex)Fx ltemp.fAntecedents.Delete(ltemp.fAntecedents.First); {removes first} tempInfo := newformula.finfo; eg x oldCh := newformula.QuantVar; newCh := NewVariable(newformula); {supplied by FindFirst} eg y New(secondnewformula); FailNIL(secondnewformula); secondnewformula.IFormula; secondnewformula.fKind := variable; secondnewformula.finfo := oldCh; oldVarForm := secondnewformula; eg variable x {Put in a dummy containing only information on old quantified variable} ltemp.fAntecedents.InsertFirst(secondnewformula); {to be third} secondnewformula := nil; New(secondnewformula); FailNIL(secondnewformula); secondnewformula.IFormula; secondnewformula.fKind := variable; secondnewformula.finfo := newCh; newVarForm := secondnewformula; {Put in a dummy containing only information on new quantified variable} ltemp.fAntecedents.InsertFirst(secondnewformula); {to be second} eg variable y secondnewformula := nil; {inserted second } garbageFormula := newformula; newformula := newformula.fRlink; {already copied in FindFirst} eg old scope Fx garbageFormula.fRlink := nil; garbageFormula.DismantleFormula; {the exiquant} newvarForm := newvarForm.CopyFormula; {12/15/90} NewSubTermVar(newformula, newvarForm, oldVarForm); ltemp.fAntecedents.InsertFirst(newformula); {to be first} eg scope with new var Fy newformula := nil; {inserted first } rtemp.DismantleTestNode; rtemp := nil; StraightInsert; end; */ case exiS: //{FindFirst does this} // fLLink = ltemp; //{puts in entire sub-tree} straightInsert(ltemp, null); break; /* exiS: begin {FindFirst does this} SELF.fLlink := ltemp; {puts in entire sub-tree} SELF.fRlink := nil; rtemp.DismantleTestNode; rtemp := nil; end; */ case typedExiS: typedExiQuant = (TFormula) (ltemp.fSuccedent.get(0)); exiQuant = fParser.expandTypeExi(typedExiQuant); ltemp.fSuccedent.remove(0); // the typed uniquant ltemp.fSuccedent.add(0, exiQuant); //append straightInsert(ltemp, null); break; case negand: tempFormula = ((TFormula) ltemp.fAntecedents.get(0)).fRLink.fLLink.copyFormula(); // going to be ~A newFormula = new TFormula(); newFormula.fKind = TFormula.unary; newFormula.fInfo = String.valueOf(chNeg); newFormula.fRLink = tempFormula; tempFormula = null; tempFormula = ((TFormula) ltemp.fAntecedents.get(0)).fRLink.fRLink.copyFormula(); // going to be ~B secondNewFormula = new TFormula(); secondNewFormula.fKind = TFormula.unary; secondNewFormula.fInfo = String.valueOf(chNeg); secondNewFormula.fRLink = tempFormula; tempFormula = null; ltemp.fAntecedents.remove(0); // the negand rtemp = ltemp.copyNode(); ltemp.fAntecedents.add(0, newFormula); rtemp.fAntecedents.add(0, secondNewFormula); splitInsert(ltemp, rtemp); break; /* negand: begin secondnewformula := TFormula(ltemp.fAntecedents.First).fRlink.fLlink.CopyFormula; New(newformula); FailNIL(newformula); newformula.IFormula; with newformula do begin fkind := unary; finfo := chNeg; fRlink := secondnewformula; end; ltemp.fAntecedents.Delete(ltemp.fAntecedents.First); ltemp.fAntecedents.InsertFirst(newformula); newformula := nil; secondnewformula := nil; {notA} secondnewformula := TFormula(rtemp.fAntecedents.First).fRlink.fRlink.CopyFormula; New(newformula); FailNIL(newformula); newformula.IFormula; with newformula do begin fkind := unary; finfo := chNeg; fRlink := secondnewformula; end; rtemp.fAntecedents.Delete(rtemp.fAntecedents.First); rtemp.fAntecedents.InsertFirst(newformula); newformula := nil; secondnewformula := nil; SplitInsert; end; */ case negarrow: newFormula = ((TFormula) ltemp.fAntecedents.get(0)).fRLink.fLLink.copyFormula(); // A { TFormula B = ((TFormula) ltemp.fAntecedents.get(0)).fRLink.fRLink.copyFormula(); // going to be ~B secondNewFormula = new TFormula(); secondNewFormula.fKind = TFormula.unary; secondNewFormula.fInfo = String.valueOf(chNeg); secondNewFormula.fRLink = B; } ltemp.fAntecedents.remove(0); // the negand ltemp.fAntecedents.add(0, secondNewFormula); ltemp.fAntecedents.add(0, newFormula); straightInsert(ltemp, null); break; /* negarrow: begin newformula := TFormula(ltemp.fAntecedents.First).fRlink.fLlink.CopyFormula; {if clause} ltemp.fAntecedents.Delete(ltemp.fAntecedents.First); ltemp.fAntecedents.InsertFirst(newformula); newformula := nil; {A} secondnewformula := TFormula(rtemp.fAntecedents.First).fRlink.fRlink.CopyFormula; {then clause} New(newformula); FailNIL(newformula); newformula.IFormula; with newformula do begin fkind := unary; finfo := chNeg; fRlink := secondnewformula; {not B} end; ltemp.fAntecedents.InsertBefore(2, newformula); newformula := nil; secondnewformula := nil; rtemp.DismantleTestNode; rtemp := nil; StraightInsert; end; */ case negexi: //{want to change not is into all not} TFormula uniFormula = ((TFormula) ltemp.fAntecedents.get(0)).fRLink.copyFormula(); // Ex uniFormula.fInfo = String.valueOf(chUniquant); //changed exiquant to uniquant uniFormula.fRLink = new TFormula(TFormula.unary, String.valueOf(chNeg), null, uniFormula.fRLink); //negated scope ltemp.fAntecedents.remove(0); // the negexi ltemp.fAntecedents.add(0, uniFormula); straightInsert(ltemp, null); break; /* negexi: {want to change not is into all not} begin newformula := TFormula(ltemp.fAntecedents.First).CopyFormula; secondnewformula := newformula.fRlink; { ex} newformula.fRlink := newformula.fRlink.fRlink; {not scope} secondnewformula.fRlink := newformula; {ex not scope} newformula := secondnewformula; secondnewformula := nil; newformula.finfo[1] := chUniquant; ltemp.fAntecedents.Delete(ltemp.fAntecedents.First); ltemp.fAntecedents.InsertFirst(newformula); newformula := nil; rtemp.DismantleTestNode; rtemp := nil; StraightInsert; end; */ case negTypedExi: TFormula negTypedExiQuant = (TFormula) (ltemp.fAntecedents.get(0)); TFormula negExiQuant; negExiQuant = fParser.expandTypeExi(negTypedExiQuant.fRLink); negExiQuant = new TFormula(TFormula.unary, String.valueOf(chNeg), null, negExiQuant); ltemp.fAntecedents.remove(0); // the negtyped uniquant ltemp.fAntecedents.add(0, negExiQuant); //append straightInsert(ltemp, null); break; case neguni: //{want to change not all into is not } TFormula exiFormula = ((TFormula) ltemp.fAntecedents.get(0)).fRLink.copyFormula(); // Ex exiFormula.fInfo = String.valueOf(chExiquant); //changed uniquant to exiquant exiFormula.fRLink = new TFormula(TFormula.unary, String.valueOf(chNeg), null, exiFormula.fRLink); //negated scope, thus is not ltemp.fAntecedents.remove(0); // the negexi ltemp.fAntecedents.add(0, exiFormula); straightInsert(ltemp, null); break; /* negUni: {want to change not all into is not} begin newformula := TFormula(ltemp.fAntecedents.First).CopyFormula; secondnewformula := newformula.fRlink; { uni} newformula.fRlink := newformula.fRlink.fRlink; {not scope} secondnewformula.fRlink := newformula; {ex not scope} newformula := secondnewformula; secondnewformula := nil; newformula.finfo[1] := chExiquant; ltemp.fAntecedents.Delete(ltemp.fAntecedents.First); ltemp.fAntecedents.InsertFirst(newformula); newformula := nil; rtemp.DismantleTestNode; rtemp := nil; StraightInsert; end; */ case negTypedUni: TFormula negTypedUniQuant = (TFormula) (ltemp.fAntecedents.get(0)); TFormula negUniQuant; negUniQuant = fParser.expandTypeUni(negTypedUniQuant.fRLink); negUniQuant = new TFormula(TFormula.unary, String.valueOf(chNeg), null, negUniQuant); ltemp.fAntecedents.remove(0); // the negtyped uniquant ltemp.fAntecedents.add(0, negUniQuant); //append straightInsert(ltemp, null); break; /* */ case nore: tempFormula = ((TFormula) ltemp.fAntecedents.get(0)).fRLink.fLLink.copyFormula(); // A newFormula = new TFormula(); // going to be ~A newFormula.fKind = TFormula.unary; newFormula.fInfo = String.valueOf(chNeg); newFormula.fRLink = tempFormula; tempFormula = ((TFormula) ltemp.fAntecedents.get(0)).fRLink.fRLink.copyFormula(); // going to be ~B secondNewFormula = new TFormula(); secondNewFormula.fKind = TFormula.unary; secondNewFormula.fInfo = String.valueOf(chNeg); secondNewFormula.fRLink = tempFormula; ltemp.fAntecedents.remove(0); // the negand ltemp.fAntecedents.add(0, secondNewFormula); ltemp.fAntecedents.add(0, newFormula); straightInsert(ltemp, null); break; case negatomicS: case negandS: case noreS: case negarrowS: case nequivS: case neguniS: case negexiS: case negTypedUniS: case negTypedExiS: newFormula = ((TFormula) ltemp.fSuccedent.get(0)).fRLink.copyFormula(); ltemp.fSuccedent.remove(0); // no conclusion, reductio ltemp.fAntecedents.add(0, newFormula); straightInsert(ltemp, null); break; /* case SELF.fSteptype of negatomicS, negandS, noreS, negarrowS, nequivS, negUniS, negExiS: begin newformula := TFormula(ltemp.fSucceedent.First).fRlink.CopyFormula; ltemp.fSucceedent.DeleteAll; {no conclusion-- reductio} ltemp.fAntecedents.InsertFirst(newformula); newformula := nil; rtemp.DismantleTestNode; rtemp := nil; StraightInsert; end; */ case nequiv: // heading for not((A->B)&(B->A)) TFormula A = ((TFormula) ltemp.fAntecedents.get(0)).fRLink.fLLink.copyFormula(); TFormula B = ((TFormula) ltemp.fAntecedents.get(0)).fRLink.fRLink.copyFormula(); TFormula AarrowB = new TFormula(); AarrowB.fKind = TFormula.binary; AarrowB.fInfo = String.valueOf(chImplic); AarrowB.fLLink = A; AarrowB.fRLink = B; TFormula BarrowA = new TFormula(); BarrowA.fKind = TFormula.binary; BarrowA.fInfo = String.valueOf(chImplic); BarrowA.fLLink = B.copyFormula(); BarrowA.fRLink = A.copyFormula(); TFormula and = new TFormula(); and.fKind = TFormula.binary; and.fInfo = String.valueOf(chAnd); and.fLLink = AarrowB; and.fRLink = BarrowA; newFormula = new TFormula(); newFormula.fKind = TFormula.unary; newFormula.fInfo = String.valueOf(chNeg); newFormula.fRLink = and; ltemp.fAntecedents.remove(0); // the nequiv ltemp.fAntecedents.add(0, newFormula); straightInsert(ltemp, null); break; /* nequiv: begin New(secondnewformula); FailNIL(secondnewformula); secondnewformula.IFormula; with secondnewformula do begin fkind := binary; finfo := chAnd; fLlink := TFormula(ltemp.fAntecedents.First).fRlink.CopyFormula;{A=B} fRlink := TFormula(ltemp.fAntecedents.First).fRlink.CopyFormula;{A=B} end; secondnewformula.fLlink.finfo := chImplic; {A>B} secondnewformula.fRlink.finfo := chImplic; {A>B} newformula := secondnewformula.fRlink.fLlink; secondnewformula.fRlink.fLlink := secondnewformula.fRlink.fRlink; secondnewformula.fRlink.fRlink := newformula; newformula := nil; {B>A} New(newformula); FailNIL(secondnewformula); newformula.IFormula; with newformula do begin fkind := unary; finfo := chNeg; fRlink := secondnewformula; {not A>BandB>A} end; ltemp.fAntecedents.Delete(ltemp.fAntecedents.First); ltemp.fAntecedents.InsertFirst(newformula); newformula := nil; secondnewformula := nil; rtemp.DismantleTestNode; rtemp := nil; StraightInsert; end; */ case uni: /*{FindFirst brings a Copy of uniquant to head and fills in details of the required new instantiations in the newInstantiations hash map [Actually I don't think it takes a copy any more, but this does not matter]. This inserts all the instantiated formulas. Copies the uniquant, gets the old instantiations from the original appends the new instants puts that in the old instants hashmap for the copy. Moves the copy of the uniquant to the end of the list forcing Find First } {to instantiate other uniquants before coming here again}*/ TFormula uniQuant = (TFormula) (ltemp.fAntecedents.get(0)); String oldInstants = ""; if (fGWTTree.getOldInstantiations().containsKey(uniQuant)) oldInstants = (String) (fGWTTree.getOldInstantiations().get(uniQuant)); String newInstants = ""; if (fGWTTree.getNewInstantiations().containsKey(uniQuant)) newInstants = (String) (fGWTTree.getNewInstantiations().get(uniQuant)); //actually, findFirst() guarantees them ltemp.fAntecedents.remove(0); // the uniquant uniQuant = uniQuant.copyFormula(); //copy fGWTTree.getOldInstantiations().put(uniQuant, oldInstants + newInstants); // add its instantiation info ltemp.fAntecedents.add(uniQuant); //append TFormula variForm = uniQuant.quantVarForm(); TFormula termForm; TFormula newInstance; for (int i = 0; i < newInstants.length(); i++) { termForm = new TFormula(TFormula.functor, newInstants.substring(i, i + 1), null, null); newInstance = uniQuant.scope().copyFormula(); TFormula.subTermVar(newInstance, termForm, variForm); ltemp.fAntecedents.add(0, newInstance); // put it first } straightInsert(ltemp, null); break; /* uni: begin {FindFirst brings a Copy of uniquant to head and fills in details of instantiations} {number required at info2 and index to string at info3 This inserts the instantiations} {2, 3, 4, etc. then moves the uniquant to the end of the list forcing Find First } {to instantiate other uniquants before coming here again} tempInfo := TFormula(ltemp.fAntecedents.First).finfo; variCh := TFormula(ltemp.fAntecedents.First).QuantVar; variForm := TFormula(ltemp.fAntecedents.First).QuantVarForm; supplyFormula(termForm); termForm.fkind := functor; { variable := tempInfo[2]; } numberOfInstantiations := NoOfInstantiations(TFormula(ltemp.fAntecedents.First)); storeIndex := StringStoreIndex(TFormula(ltemp.fAntecedents.First)); secondnewformula := TFormula(ltemp.fAntecedents.First); {moves} { uniquant to end} ltemp.fAntecedents.Delete(ltemp.fAntecedents.First); ltemp.fAntecedents.InsertLast(secondnewformula); secondnewformula := nil; for j := 1 to numberOfInstantiations do begin newformula := TFormula(rtemp.fAntecedents.First).fRlink.CopyFormula; {scope} termForm.fInfo := gStringstore[storeIndex][j]; NewSubTermVar(newformula, termForm, variForm); ltemp.fAntecedents.InsertFirst(newformula); newformula := nil; end; termform.DismantleFormula; rtemp.DismantleTestNode; rtemp := nil; StraightInsert; end; */ case typedUni: TFormula typedUniQuant = (TFormula) (ltemp.fAntecedents.get(0)); uniQuant = fParser.expandTypeUni(typedUniQuant); ltemp.fAntecedents.remove(0); // the typed uniquant ltemp.fAntecedents.add(0, uniQuant); //append straightInsert(ltemp, null); break; case ore: newFormula = ((TFormula) ltemp.fAntecedents.get(0)).fLLink.copyFormula(); // A secondNewFormula = ((TFormula) ltemp.fAntecedents.get(0)).fRLink.copyFormula(); // B ltemp.fAntecedents.remove(0); // the or rtemp = ltemp.copyNode(); ltemp.fAntecedents.add(0, newFormula); rtemp.fAntecedents.add(0, secondNewFormula); splitInsert(ltemp, rtemp); break; /* ore: begin newformula := TFormula(ltemp.fAntecedents.First).fLlink.CopyFormula; ltemp.fAntecedents.Delete(ltemp.fAntecedents.First); ltemp.fAntecedents.InsertFirst(newformula); newformula := nil; {A} newformula := TFormula(rtemp.fAntecedents.First).fRlink.CopyFormula; rtemp.fAntecedents.Delete(rtemp.fAntecedents.First); rtemp.fAntecedents.InsertFirst(newformula); newformula := nil; {B} SplitInsert; end; */ case oreS: TFormula temp = ((TFormula) ltemp.fSuccedent.get(0)).fLLink.copyFormula(); newFormula = new TFormula(); newFormula.fKind = TFormula.unary; newFormula.fInfo = String.valueOf(chNeg); newFormula.fRLink = temp; ltemp.fAntecedents.add(0, newFormula); // not A secondNewFormula = ((TFormula) ltemp.fSuccedent.get(0)).fRLink.copyFormula(); ltemp.fSuccedent.remove(0); // the or ltemp.fSuccedent.add(0, secondNewFormula); // the B straightInsert(ltemp, null); break; /*oreS: begin secondnewformula := TFormula(ltemp.fSucceedent.First).fLlink.CopyFormula; New(newformula); FailNIL(newformula); newformula.IFormula; with newformula do begin fkind := unary; finfo := chNeg; fRlink := secondnewformula; end; ltemp.fAntecedents.InsertFirst(newformula); newformula := nil; secondnewformula := nil; {notA} newformula := TFormula(ltemp.fSucceedent.First).fRlink.CopyFormula; secondnewformula := TFormula(ltemp.fSucceedent.First).fRlink.CopyFormula; ltemp.fSucceedent.Delete(ltemp.fSucceedent.First); ltemp.fSucceedent.InsertFirst(newformula); newformula := nil; {B} rtemp.DismantleTestNode; rtemp := nil; StraightInsert; end; */ case uniS: doUniS(ltemp); /* newFormula = ((TFormula)ltemp.fSuccedent.get(0)).fRLink.copyFormula(); ltemp.fSuccedent.remove(0); // the uni ltemp.fSuccedent.add(0,newFormula); straightInsert(ltemp,null); */ break; /* uniS: begin newformula := TFormula(ltemp.fSucceedent.First).fRlink.CopyFormula; ltemp.fSucceedent.Delete(ltemp.fSucceedent.First); ltemp.fSucceedent.InsertFirst(newformula); rtemp.DismantleTestNode; rtemp := nil; StraightInsert; end; } */ case typedUniS: typedUniQuant = (TFormula) (ltemp.fSuccedent.get(0)); uniQuant = fParser.expandTypeUni(typedUniQuant); ltemp.fSuccedent.remove(0); // the typed uniquant ltemp.fSuccedent.add(0, uniQuant); //append straightInsert(ltemp, null); break; case unknown: ; } fDead = true; } } /* begin if SELF.CloseSequent then fDead := true else begin {The idea is to take a copy of the node. This copies the node and its formula list} {but does not copy the formulas. This copy will eventually be the left link} {Then use FindFirst to see if there is an extendable formula} {in the copy. If there is, a second copy is taken to form the right link} {Then the extendable formula is copied then changed to form the product parts so that} {the copied node becomes the next node; the type of change gets entered on the} {parent by First Formula and First Formula also brings the extendable formula} {to the head of the list} SELF.fSteptype := unknown; {mf 12/16/90 I am worried here about an open node} {which cannot be extended-- if it has some other entry on it then the when the tree} {is dismantled formulas which have not been created will get collected} ltemp := SELF.CopyNode; ltemp.RemoveDuplicateFormulas; (*formulas in ante list*) if ltemp.FindFirst(steptypeParam, exhausted) then begin SELF.fSteptype := steptypeParam; rtemp := ltemp.CopyNode; {findFirst brings active formula to head} aand: begin newformula := TFormula(ltemp.fAntecedents.First).fLlink.CopyFormula; secondnewformula := TFormula(ltemp.fAntecedents.First).fRlink.CopyFormula; ltemp.fAntecedents.Delete(ltemp.fAntecedents.First); ltemp.fAntecedents.InsertFirst(secondnewformula); ltemp.fAntecedents.InsertFirst(newformula); newformula := nil; secondnewformula := nil; rtemp.DismantleTestNode; rtemp := nil; StraightInsert; end; } */ /* if (listOfFormulas != null) { Iterator iter = listOfFormulas.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ( (TFormula); } } } function AndEEtcItem (item: TObject): boolean; var testformula: TFormula; begin testformula := TFormula(item); foundtype := testformula.TypeofFormula; found := ((foundtype = aand) or (foundtype = doubleneg) or (foundtype = equivv)); AndEEtcItem := found; end; */ /******************** potential overrides for subclasses ************/ void doExi(TGWTTestNode ltemp) { TFormula newFormula = ((TFormula) ltemp.fAntecedents.get(0)).scope().copyFormula(); // secondNewFormula= new TFormula(); //use quantvarform? TFormula secondNewFormula = ((TFormula) ltemp.fAntecedents.get(0)).quantVarForm().copyFormula(); /* secondNewFormula.fKind = TFormula.functor; //Dec 06 why functor not variable secondNewFormula.fInfo = String.valueOf(((TFormula)ltemp.fAntecedents.get(0)).quantVar()); */ ltemp.fAntecedents.remove(0); // the exi ltemp.fAntecedents.add(0, secondNewFormula); // the variable ltemp.fAntecedents.add(0, newFormula); // he scope straightInsert(ltemp, null); } void doUniS(TGWTTestNode ltemp) { TFormula newFormula = ((TFormula) ltemp.fSuccedent.get(0)).fRLink.copyFormula(); ltemp.fSuccedent.remove(0); // the uni ltemp.fSuccedent.add(0, newFormula); straightInsert(ltemp, null); } /********************** end of overrides *****************************/ int firstSweep(int length) { /*seems ok April 05*/ boolean found = false; TFormula testFormula = null; int index = 0; while (index < length && !found) { testFormula = (TFormula) fAntecedents.get(index); if ((typeOfFormula(testFormula) == implic) && fRecurse && deriveIfClause(testFormula)) { //only attempt modus ponens if have both parts found = true; fAntecedents.remove(index); fAntecedents.add(0, testFormula); // move to front return implic; } else index++; } return notFound; } /* function ArrowItem (item: TObject): boolean; begin testformula := TFormula(item); foundtype := testformula.TypeofFormula; found := (foundtype = aroww); if found then found := DeriveIfClause; {only attempts modus ponens if it has both} { bits} ArrowItem := found; end; */ int secondSweep(int length) { /**seems ok April 05*/ boolean found = false; TFormula testFormula = null; int index = 0; int type = notFound; while (index < length && !found) { testFormula = (TFormula) fAntecedents.get(index); type = typeOfFormula(testFormula); if ((type == aand) || (type == doubleneg) || (type == equivv)) { //andEEtrc found = true; fAntecedents.remove(index); fAntecedents.add(0, testFormula); // move to front return type; } else index++; } return notFound; } int secondSweepSucc(int lengthSucc) { /**seems ok April 05*/ boolean found = false; TFormula testFormula = null; int index = 0; int type = notFound; while (index < lengthSucc && !found) { testFormula = (TFormula) fSuccedent.get(index); type = typeOfFormula(testFormula); if ((type == equivv) || (type == implic) || (type == negatomic) || (type == negand) || (type == nore) || (type == negarrow) || (type == nequiv) || (type == neguni) || (type == negexi)) { found = true; return type + 1; // the types for the succedent are one more than the ordinary types } else index++; } return notFound; } /* function ReductioEtcItem (item: TObject): boolean; var testformula: TFormula; begin testformula := TFormula(item); foundtype := testformula.TypeofFormula; found := ((foundtype = equivv) or (foundtype = aroww) or (foundtype = negatomic) or (foundtype = negand) or (foundtype = nore) or (foundtype = negarrow) or (foundtype = nequiv) or (foundtype = negUni) or (foundtype = negexi)); ReductioEtcItem := found; end; */ /* {Second sweep. Takes and-E, doublenegE, equivE,reductio, conditional proof, equivI} if not found then begin newHead := fAntecedents.FirstThat(AndEEtcItem); if found then begin steptype := foundtype; BringtoHead; end; if not found and (fSucceedent.fsize <> 0) then {reductio, conditional proof, equivI} begin newHead := fSucceedent.FirstThat(ReductioEtcItem); if found then begin steptype := Succ(foundtype); { this gives the right type for the succeedent} { corresponding to} end; end; end; */ int thirdSweep(int length) { /*seems ok April 05*/ boolean found = false; TFormula testFormula = null; int index = 0; int type; while (index < length && !found) { testFormula = (TFormula) fAntecedents.get(index); type = typeOfFormula(testFormula); if (type == ore) { found = true; fAntecedents.remove(index); fAntecedents.add(0, testFormula); // move to front return type; } else index++; } return notFound; } /* {Third sweep. vE } if not found then begin newHead := fAntecedents.FirstThat(OrItem); if found then begin steptype := foundtype; BringtoHead; end; end; */ int fourthSweepPlainEI(int length) { /**************** Fourth sweep EI not CV *********************/ //THE CV NOT FULLY IMPLEMENTED YET IN EXTEND /*Nov 06 First we need to find an Exi formula. This may cause us to flag Change Variables (CV). If there is no plain EXI the next sweep will pick up the CVs, If we do, then if CV (change variables) is flagged, we change variables. If not CV we try to do it ordinarily, we may be able to or we may have to unfind it and set CV */ boolean found = false; TFormula testFormula = null; int index = 0; int type; while (index < length && !found) { testFormula = (TFormula) fAntecedents.get(index); type = typeOfFormula(testFormula); if (type == exi) { found = true; if (TFormula.varFree(testFormula.quantVarForm(), fAntecedents) //free in antecednets || TFormula.varFree(testFormula.quantVarForm(), fSuccedent)) { // or succedent fGWTTree.setExCVFlag(true); // signal for change of variable found = false; //unfind it, it cannot be instantiated type = notFound; index++; // move on to next } } else index++; } if (found) { // good to go fAntecedents.remove(index); fAntecedents.add(0, testFormula); // move to front type = exi; return type; } else return notFound; } int fourthSweepEICV(int length) { /**************** Fourth sweep EI or UG *********************/ //THE CV NOT FULLY IMPLEMENTED YET IN EXTEND /*Nov 06 First we need to find an Exi formula. If we do, then if CV (change variables) is flagged, we change variables. If not CV we try to do it ordinarily, we may be able to or we may have to unfind it and set CV */ boolean found = false; TFormula testFormula = null; int index = 0; int type = notFound; if (fGWTTree.getExCV()) { //we only do this if we are changing variables while (index < length && !found) { testFormula = (TFormula) fAntecedents.get(index); type = typeOfFormula(testFormula); if (type == exi) { found = true; char tempCh = firstNewTerm(); if (tempCh != chBlank) { fNewVariable = tempCh; testFormula = testFormula.copyFormula(); // we'll take a copy because there will be instanti // information fGWTTree.getNewInstantiations().put(testFormula, "" + tempCh); // we have it stored twice April28 fAntecedents.remove(index); fAntecedents.add(0, testFormula); // move to front type = exiCV; } else { //no instantiating variable found = false; type = unknown; } } else index++; } if (found)// good to go return type; } return notFound; } /* function ExiItem (item: TObject): boolean; var testformula: TFormula; begin testformula := TFormula(item); foundtype := testformula.TypeofFormula; found := (foundtype = exi); if found then if NewVarFree(testformula.QuantVarForm, SELF.fAntecedents) or NewVarFree(testformula.QuantVarForm, SELF.fSucceedent) then begin found := false; {unfinds one that cannot be existentially instantiated} steptype := unknown; gExCVflag := true; end; ExiItem := found; end; */ /* {Fourth sweep. EI UG} if not found then begin newHead := fAntecedents.FirstThat(ExiItem); if found then begin steptype := foundtype; if gExCV then begin tempCh := SELF.FirstNewTerm; if (tempCh <> ' ') then begin BringtoHead; testformula := TFormula(fAntecedents.First).CopyFormula; fAntecedents.Delete(fAntecedents.First); StoreNewVariable(testformula, tempCh); { quantInfo := 'a'; } { quantInfo[1] := tempCh; check} { testformula.finfo := concat(testformula.finfo, quantInfo); var to} { change to} fAntecedents.InsertFirst(testformula); testformula := nil; quantInfo := ''; steptype := exiCV; end else begin found := false; {no more new terms} steptype := unknown; end; end else BringtoHead; end; */ int fourthSweepSucc(int length) { /**************** Fourth sweep EI or UG *********************/ //THE CV NOT FULLY IMPLEMENTED YET IN EXTEND boolean found = false; TFormula testFormula = null; int index = 0; int type; while (index < length && !found) { testFormula = (TFormula) fSuccedent.get(index); type = typeOfFormula(testFormula); if (type == uni) { found = true; type = uniS; if (TFormula.varFree(testFormula.quantVarForm(), fAntecedents)) { //free in antecednets found = false; //unfind it, it cannot be instantiated type = notFound; index++; // move on to next fGWTTree.setUniCVFlag(true); // signal for change of variable } } else index++; } if (found) { // good to go if (fGWTTree.getUniCV()) { char tempCh = firstNewTerm(); if (tempCh != chBlank) { fNewVariable = tempCh; testFormula = testFormula.copyFormula(); // we'll take a copy because there will be instanti // information fGWTTree.getNewInstantiations().put(testFormula, "" + tempCh); // we have it stored twice April28 fSuccedent.remove(index); fSuccedent.add(0, testFormula); // move to front type = uniSCV; return type; } else { // no new term found = false; type = notFound; } } else { // found but no complications fSuccedent.remove(index); fSuccedent.add(0, testFormula); // move to front type = uniS; return type; } } return notFound; } /**************** Fourth and a half sweep EI or UG *********************/ /* function UniSItem (item: TObject): boolean; var testformula: TFormula; begin testformula := TFormula(item); foundtype := testformula.TypeofFormula; found := (foundtype = uni); if found then if NewVarFree(testformula.QuantVarForm, SELF.fAntecedents) then begin found := false; gUniCVflag := true; end; UniSItem := found; end; */ /* if not found and (fSucceedent.fsize <> 0) then begin newHead := fSucceedent.FirstThat(UniSItem); if found then begin steptype := Succ(foundtype); { this gives the right type for the succeedent} { corresponding to} end; if found then begin if gUniCV then begin tempCh := SELF.FirstNewTerm; if (tempCh <> ' ') then begin testformula := TFormula(fSucceedent.First).CopyFormula; fSucceedent.Delete(fSucceedent.First); StoreNewVariable(testformula, tempCh); {testformula.finfo := concat(testformula.finfo, strofchar(tempCh)); instantiation ino} fSucceedent.InsertFirst(testformula); testformula := nil; steptype := uniSCV; {changing vars} end else begin found := false; {no more new terms} steptype := unknown; end; end end; end; end; */ /*****************************/ int fifthSweepSucc(int lengthSucc) { /**************** Fifth sweep andS oreS doublenegS *********************/ boolean found = false; TFormula testFormula = null; int index = 0; while (index < lengthSucc && !found) { testFormula = (TFormula) fSuccedent.get(index); // there is only one succedent, but // I suppose I am paving the way for generalization int type = typeOfFormula(testFormula); if ((type == doubleneg) || (type == aand) || (type == ore)) { found = true; fSuccedent.remove(index); fSuccedent.add(0, testFormula); // move to front return type + 1; // the types for the succedent are one more than the ordinary types } else index++; } return notFound; } /* {fifth sweep. andS oreS doublenegS } if not found and (fSucceedent.fsize <> 0) then begin newHead := fSucceedent.FirstThat(AndSEtcItem); if found then begin steptype := Succ(foundtype); { this gives the right type for the succeedent} { corresponding to} end; end; function AndSEtcItem (item: TObject): boolean; var testformula: TFormula; begin testformula := TFormula(item); foundtype := testformula.TypeofFormula; found := (foundtype = doubleneg) or (foundtype = aand) or (foundtype = ore); AndSEtcItem := found; end; */ int sixththSweep(int length, TFlag exhausted) { boolean found = false; TFormula testFormula = null; int index = 0; while (index < length && !found) { testFormula = (TFormula) fAntecedents.get(index); int type = typeOfFormula(testFormula); if (type == uni) { if (prepareQuant(testFormula, exhausted, fGWTTree.getResetNeeded())) { //checks whether it cn be instantiated found = true; fAntecedents.remove(index); fAntecedents.add(0, testFormula); // move to front return type; } } if (type == typedUni) { found = true; fAntecedents.remove(index); fAntecedents.add(0, testFormula); // move to front return type; } index++; } fGWTTree.setUniCVFlag(fGWTTree.getUniCVFlag() || fGWTTree.getResetNeeded().getValue()); return notFound; } /* function UniItem (item: TObject): boolean; var testformula: TFormula; begin testformula := TFormula(item); foundtype := testformula.TypeofFormula; found := (foundtype = uni); if found then begin found := SELF.PrepareQuant(testformula, exhausted, gResetneeded); {This checks whether the uniquant has been fully instantiated already and unfinds it if so} quantInfo := testformula.finfo; if found then testformula.DismantleFormula; (*PrepareQuant makes a copy which we dont want*) end; {sixth sweep and UI first then EG} if not found then begin newHead := fAntecedents.FirstThat(UniItem); if found then begin steptype := foundtype; BringtoHead; testformula := TFormula(fAntecedents.First); {preparequant copies} fAntecedents.Delete(fAntecedents.First); {check mf} testformula := testformula.CopyFormula; (*needed for garbage collector*) testformula.finfo := quantInfo; {instantiation ino} {Debugging} {$IFC myDebugging} if FALSE then writeln('findfirst uniquantinfo ', quantInfo); {$ENDC} fAntecedents.InsertFirst(testformula); testformula := nil; quantInfo := ''; end else gUniCVflag := gUniCVflag or gResetneeded; {MF} */ int sixthSweepSucc(int succLength, TFlag exhausted) { boolean found = false; TFormula testFormula = null; int index = 0; int type = notFound; while (index < succLength && !found) { testFormula = (TFormula) fSuccedent.get(index); type = typeOfFormula(testFormula); if ((type == exi) && (prepareQuant(testFormula, exhausted, fGWTTree.getResetNeeded()))) { //{This checks whether the exiquant has been fully instantiated already and unfinds it if so} found = true; type = exiS; } else index++; } /* The instantiations are in a hash map keyed of the formula. prepareQuant() checks whether there are any new ones available, and, if so, adds them and returns true */ if (found) { fSuccedent.remove(index); // usually only one succedent, this allows for the generalization fSuccedent.add(0, testFormula); // move test formula to front if (!canDoExiS()) { //exiS actually does it found = false; return notFound; } return exiS; } return notFound; //HERE CAN DO EXIS } /**************** then EG *********************/ /* if not found and (fSucceedent.fsize <> 0) then {either no antecedents or not found} begin testformula := TFormula(fSucceedent.First); foundtype := testformula.TypeofFormula; found := (foundtype = exi); {exiS for EG} if found then begin steptype := Succ(foundtype); { this gives the right type for the succeedent} { corresponding to} found := SELF.PrepareQuant(testformula, exhausted, dummy); {This checks whether the exiquant has been fully instantiated already and unfinds it if so} quantInfo := testformula.finfo; if found then begin tempFormula := TFormula(fSucceedent.First); (*not garbage*) fSucceedent.Delete(fSucceedent.First); testformula.finfo := quantInfo; {instantiation ino} fSucceedent.InsertFirst(testformula); quantInfo := ''; tempexCV := gExCV; {cando exis can change this} tempexCVflag := gExCVflag; {we do not wish it to until all else tried} if not SELF.CanDoExiS then {actually does it or unfinds it} begin fSucceedent.Delete(fSucceedent.First); (*testformula*) fSucceedent.InsertFirst(tempformula); tempformula := nil; testformula.DismantleFormula; (*prepareQuant makes testformula a copy*) found := false; steptype := unknown; gExCV := tempexCV; {returns to former state} gExCVflag := tempexCVflag; end else tempformula := nil; end; end; end; end; */ int sixthSweepSuccTwo(int succLength) { boolean found = false; TFormula testFormula = null; int index = 0; int type = notFound; while (index < succLength && !found) { testFormula = (TFormula) fSuccedent.get(index); type = typeOfFormula(testFormula); if (type == uni) { found = true; if (fGWTTree.getUniCV()) { char tempCh = firstNewTerm(); if (tempCh != chBlank) { fNewVariable = tempCh; testFormula = testFormula.copyFormula(); // we'll take a copy because there will be instanti // information fGWTTree.getNewInstantiations().put(testFormula, "" + tempCh); // we have it stored twice April28 fSuccedent.remove(index); fSuccedent.add(0, testFormula); // move to front type = uniSCV; return type; } else { // no new term found = false; } } else { fGWTTree.setUniCVFlag(true); type = uniSpec; return type; } } index++; } return notFound; } /* {check this with D-Planner} if not found and (fSucceedent.fsize <> 0) then {either no antecedents or not found} begin testformula := TFormula(fSucceedent.First); foundtype := testformula.TypeofFormula; found := (foundtype = uni); if found then begin if gUniCV then begin tempCh := SELF.FirstNewTerm; if (tempCh <> ' ') then begin testformula := TFormula(fSucceedent.First).CopyFormula; fSucceedent.Delete(fSucceedent.First); StoreNewVariable(testformula, tempCh); { testformula.finfo := concat(testformula.finfo, strofchar(tempCh)); instantiation} { ino} fSucceedent.InsertFirst(testformula); testformula := nil; steptype := uniSCV; {changing vars} end else begin found := false; {no more new terms} steptype := unknown; end; end else begin gUniCVflag := true; steptype := uniSpec; {reduction uniS with free variables} end; end; end; {$IFC myDebugging} if FALSE then if found then writeln('found in sweep6'); {$ENDC} */ TGWTTestNode canDeriveThis(TFormula thisFormula, int maxSteps) { //{This is test that sees whether we can derive thisFormula } /*We are trying to see wheter we can derive Fa Fb Fc say as a precursor to proving ExFx. This needs to be in the same context. But the problem here is with failures not success. Each failure needs to backtrack and leave the context as it was. (A success can change the context. The hash tables for instantiaions do not matter as they are keyed on individual formulas (they could just end up with a few redundant entries*/ /* Careful: there are TTreeModels, TreeNodes, TGWTTestNodes etc. and these are different Note that when you start one of these TGWTTestNodes from, say, root, there has to be and almost circular initialization. There needs to be a TTreeModel and root's TreeNode needs to refer to it. And the TTreeModel itself needs to know what root TreeNode it is talking about. So typically you do something like TGWTTestNode aTestRoot = new TGWTTestNode(fDeriverDocument.getParser(),null); //does not initialize TreeModel TTreeModel aTreeModel= new TTreeModel(aTestRoot.fSwingTreeNode); // produces a TreeModel and points it to root's TreeNode aTestRoot.fGWTTree=aTreeModel; //Tree Model initialized now */ TGWTTestNode test = this.copyNodeInFullWithInstInfo(); //node, formulas, and context test.fSuccedent.clear(); test.fSuccedent.add(thisFormula.copyFormula()); // the target is A TGWTTree trialExtension = fGWTTree.shallowCopy(test/*fSwingTreeNode*/); // gives new model, copy of flags, pointer to instantiations test.fGWTTree = trialExtension; // new context if (test.treeValid(trialExtension, maxSteps) == valid) //only do maxSteps return test; else return null; } void copySubTreeIn(TGWTTestNode root) { /* the assumption here is that this root belongs to a different Tree Model ie the context is different, but we don't care */ TGWTTestNode leftChild = root.getLeftChild(); TGWTTestNode rightChild = root.getRightChild(); /*TO DO I don't fully understand this, June 2012 root.fGWTTree=this.fGWTTree; //change context, root now belongs to this tree root.fSwingTreeNode= new DefaultMutableTreeNode(root); // start afresch //trouble here June05 fSwingTreeNode.add(root.fSwingTreeNode); if (leftChild!=null) root.copySubTreeIn(leftChild); if (rightChild!=null) root.copySubTreeIn(rightChild); */ } boolean canDoExiS() { //{this searches for a suitable instantiation and makes it} //{or does nothing} boolean done = false; TGWTTestNode successTree = null; TFormula exiQuant = (TFormula) (fSuccedent.get(0)); String newInstants = ""; if (fGWTTree.getNewInstantiations().containsKey(exiQuant)) newInstants = (String) (fGWTTree.getNewInstantiations().get(exiQuant)); TFormula variForm = exiQuant.quantVarForm(); TFormula termForm; TFormula newInstance; for (int i = 0; (i < newInstants.length()) && !done; i++) { termForm = new TFormula(TFormula.functor, newInstants.substring(i, i + 1), null, null); newInstance = exiQuant.scope().copyFormula(); TFormula.subTermVar(newInstance, termForm, variForm); successTree = canDeriveThis(newInstance, kMaxTreeDepth); if (successTree != null) done = true; } if (done) /* we now want to splice the new tree in, the contexts are different but this does not matter because the new tree is closed and so all instantiations have been used correctly*/ { // we want to replace this node by successTree this.fClosed = successTree.fClosed; this.fDead = successTree.fDead; this.fAntecedents = successTree.fAntecedents; this.fSuccedent = successTree.fSuccedent; this.fStepType = successTree.fStepType; this.fStepsToExpiry = successTree.fStepsToExpiry; this.fNodeDepth = successTree.fNodeDepth; this.fNewVariable = successTree.fNewVariable; // this.fGWTTree = successTree.fGWTTree; leave context // this.fSwingTreeNode = successTree.fSwingTreeNode; TGWTTestNode leftChild = successTree.getLeftChild(); TGWTTestNode rightChild = successTree.getRightChild(); /* I used to have this June05 which was not working properly*/ if (leftChild != null) copySubTreeIn(leftChild); if (rightChild != null) copySubTreeIn(rightChild); /*but surely the next will do */ } return done; } /* function TGWTTestNode.CanDoExiS: boolean; {this searches for a suitable instantiation and makes it} {or does nothing} var temptest: TGWTTestNode; i: integer; done, tempexCV, tempexCVflag: boolean; instants: string[15]; garbageformula, termForm, variForm, firstForm: TFormula; variable: char; procedure AssembleTest (i: integer); {This is a test of whether we can prove an instantiation from the rest of the premises} var testformula: TFormula; begin temptest := nil; temptest := SELF.CopyNodeinFull; temptest.fDead := false; {must reset it for a new test} temptest.fClosed := false; temptest.fLlink := nil; temptest.fRlink := nil; testformula := TFormula(temptest.fSucceedent.First).fRlink.CopyFormula; {scope} termForm.fInfo := instants[i]; {variable := selfInfo[2]; } NewSubTermVar(testformula, termForm, variForm); garbageformula := TFormula(temptest.fSucceedent.First); temptest.fSucceedent.Delete(temptest.fSucceedent.First); garbageformula.DismantleFormula; temptest.fSucceedent.InsertFirst(testformula); testformula := nil; end; begin tempexCV := gExCV; {indicates need to change variables} tempexCVflag := gExCVflag; done := false; SupplyFormula(termForm); termForm.fKind := functor; firstForm := TFormula(fSucceedent.First); (*prepare quant has filled this in*) variForm := firstForm.QuantVarForm; i := NoOfInstantiations(firstForm); {the number of instantiations to try} instants := gStringstore[StringStoreIndex(firstForm)]; while not done and (i > 0) do begin AssembleTest(i); if temptest.TreeValid(kMaxtreesize) = valid then done := true else DismantleTestTree(temptest); i := i - 1; end; if done then {adds new tree in} begin if SELF.fAntecedents <> nil then begin SELF.fAntecedents.DeleteAll; SELF.fAntecedents.Free; (*freeing list not formulas*) SELF.fAntecedents := nil; end; if SELF.fSucceedent <> nil then begin garbageformula := TFormula(SELF.fSucceedent.First); garbageformula.DismantleFormula; (*the original existential is itself a copy*) SELF.fSucceedent.DeleteAll; SELF.fSucceedent.Free; (*freeing list not formulas*) SELF.fSucceedent := nil; end; {we have two copies of this} SELF.fClosed := temptest.fClosed; SELF.fDead := temptest.fDead; SELF.fAntecedents := temptest.fAntecedents; SELF.fSucceedent := temptest.fSucceedent; SELF.fSteptype := temptest.fSteptype; SELF.fLlink := temptest.fLlink; SELF.fRlink := temptest.fRlink; temptest.Free; {we have two copies of this} temptest := nil; end; gExCV := tempexCV; {returns to former state} gExCVflag := tempexCVflag; termForm.DismantleFormula; CanDoExiS := done; end; */ /* function NorEtcItem (item: TObject): boolean; var testformula: TFormula; begin testformula := TFormula(item); foundtype := testformula.TypeofFormula; found := (foundtype = aroww) or (foundtype = nore) or (foundtype = negand) or (foundtype = nequiv) or (foundtype = negarrow); NorEtcItem := found; end; {Eighth arrow without if-clause, nor, negand,nequiv negarrow } if not found then begin newHead := fAntecedents.FirstThat(NorEtcItem); if found then begin steptype := foundtype; BringtoHead; end; end; */ /* function NeguniNegExitem (item: TObject): boolean; var testformula: TFormula; begin testformula := TFormula(item); foundtype := testformula.TypeofFormula; found := (foundtype = negUni) or (foundtype = negexi); NeguniNegExitem := found; end; {seventh sweep : neguni, negexi} if not found then begin newHead := fAntecedents.FirstThat(NeguniNegExitem); if found then begin steptype := foundtype; BringtoHead; end; end; */ int seventhSweep(int length) { boolean found = false; TFormula testFormula = null; int index = 0; while (index < length && !found) { testFormula = (TFormula) fAntecedents.get(index); int type = typeOfFormula(testFormula); if ((type == neguni) || (type == negexi)) { found = true; fAntecedents.remove(index); fAntecedents.add(0, testFormula); // move to front return type; } else index++; } return notFound; } /************** Seventh sweep ********************/ /* {seventh sweep : neguni, negexi} if not found then begin newHead := fAntecedents.FirstThat(NeguniNegExitem); if found then begin steptype := foundtype; BringtoHead; end; end; function NeguniNegExitem (item: TObject): boolean; var testformula: TFormula; begin testformula := TFormula(item); foundtype := testformula.TypeofFormula; found := (foundtype = negUni) or (foundtype = negexi); NeguniNegExitem := found; end; */ /**************** Eight sweep rrow without if-clause, nor, negand,nequiv negarrow *********************/ int eighthSweep(int length) { boolean found = false; TFormula testFormula = null; int index = 0; while (index < length && !found) { testFormula = (TFormula) fAntecedents.get(index); int type = typeOfFormula(testFormula); if ((type == implic) || (type == nore) || (type == negand) || (type == nequiv) || (type == negarrow)) { found = true; fAntecedents.remove(index); fAntecedents.add(0, testFormula); // move to front return type; } else index++; } return notFound; } /* function NorEtcItem (item: TObject): boolean; var testformula: TFormula; begin testformula := TFormula(item); foundtype := testformula.TypeofFormula; found := (foundtype = aroww) or (foundtype = nore) or (foundtype = negand) or (foundtype = nequiv) or (foundtype = negarrow); NorEtcItem := found; end; */ /* {Eighth arrow without if-clause, nor, negand,nequiv negarrow } if not found then begin newHead := fAntecedents.FirstThat(NorEtcItem); if found then begin steptype := foundtype; BringtoHead; end; end; */ int ninethSweep(int length) { boolean found = false; TFormula testFormula = null; int index = 0; while (index < length && !found) { testFormula = (TFormula) fAntecedents.get(index); int type = typeOfFormula(testFormula); if ((type != neguni) && (type != negexi) && (type != atomic) && (type != negatomic) && (type != uni) && (type != exi)) { found = true; fAntecedents.remove(index); fAntecedents.add(0, testFormula); // move to front return type; } else index++; } return notFound; } /**************** Nineth sweep Rest *********************/ /* function RestItem (item: TObject): boolean; var testformula: TFormula; begin testformula := TFormula(item); foundtype := testformula.TypeofFormula; found := (foundtype <> negUni) and (foundtype <> negexi) and ((foundtype <> atomic) and (foundtype <> negatomic) and (foundtype <> uni) and (foundtype <> exi)); RestItem := found; end; } */ /**************** Nine and a half sweep RestS *********************/ int ninethSweepSucc(int lengthSucc) { boolean found = false; TFormula testFormula = null; int index = 0; while (index < lengthSucc && !found) { testFormula = (TFormula) fSuccedent.get(index); int type = typeOfFormula(testFormula); if ((type != atomic) && (type != negatomic) && (type != exi)) { found = true; return type + 1; // the types for the succedent are one more than the ordinary types } else index++; } return notFound; } /* function RestSItem (item: TObject): boolean; var testformula: TFormula; begin testformula := TFormula(item); foundtype := testformula.TypeofFormula; found := (foundtype <> atomic) and (foundtype <> negatomic) and (foundtype <> exi); RestSItem := found; end; ***** if not found and (fSucceedent.fsize <> 0) then begin newHead := fSucceedent.FirstThat(RestSItem); if found then begin steptype := Succ(foundtype); { this gives the right type for the succeedent} { corresponding to} end; end; */ int findFirst(TFlag exhausted) { int length = fAntecedents.size(); int lengthSucc = fSuccedent.size(); int index = 0; int value = notFound; value = firstSweep(length); if (value != notFound) return value; value = secondSweep(length); if (value != notFound) return value; value = secondSweepSucc(lengthSucc); if (value != notFound) return value; value = thirdSweep(length); if (value != notFound) return value; value = fourthSweepPlainEI(length); if (value != notFound) return value; value = fourthSweepEICV(length); if (value != notFound) return value; value = fourthSweepSucc(lengthSucc); if (value != notFound) return value; value = fifthSweepSucc(lengthSucc); if (value != notFound) return value; value = sixththSweep(length, exhausted); if (value != notFound) return value; value = sixthSweepSucc(lengthSucc, exhausted); if (value != notFound) return value; value = sixthSweepSuccTwo(lengthSucc); if (value != notFound) return value; value = seventhSweep(length); if (value != notFound) return value; value = eighthSweep(length); if (value != notFound) return value; value = ninethSweep(length); if (value != notFound) return value; value = ninethSweepSucc(lengthSucc); if (value != notFound) return value; /* NOTE HERE THERE IS MORE TO COME ON QUANTIFIERS-- CHECK PASCAL*/ return notFound; } /* function TGWTTestNode.FindFirst (var steptype: formulatype; var exhausted: boolean): boolean; {This is important. It controls the overall strategy. It finds first preferred formula to } {process in antecedent list or in succ list and shifts it to head of its list and fills in type } {of inference on node. There are perhaps 32 types of inference. It prefers some } {to others} var foundtype: formulatype; found, tempexCV, tempexCVflag, tempUniCV, tempUniCVflag, dummy: boolean; tempCh: char; newHead: TObject; testformula, tempformula: TFormula; quantInfo: str255; newtree: TGWTTestNode; */ /* begin found := false; {first sweep for arrow, this is to stop decomposing the if clause then putting it back} newHead := fAntecedents.FirstThat(ArrowItem); {$IFC myDebugging} if FALSE then if found then begin writeln('found in sweep1 and this is the result'); SELF.Buglook end; {$ENDC} if found then begin steptype := foundtype; BringtoHead; end; {Second sweep. Takes and-E, doublenegE, equivE,reductio, conditional proof, equivI} if not found then begin newHead := fAntecedents.FirstThat(AndEEtcItem); if found then begin steptype := foundtype; BringtoHead; end; */ char firstNewTerm() { String termsPresent = termsInNode(); int length = TParser.fVariables.length(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { char ch = TParser.fVariables.charAt(i); if (termsPresent.indexOf(ch) == -1) return ch; } return chBlank; } /* function TGWTTestNode.FirstNewTerm: char; var termspresent: str255; newterm: string[1]; found: boolean; i, j: integer; begin termspresent := SELF.TermsinNode; found := false; newterm := ' '; i := ord('m'); j := ord('z'); while not found and not (i > j) do begin newterm[1] := chr(i); if pos(newterm, termspresent) = 0 then found := true; i := i + 1; end; if found then FirstNewTerm := newterm[1] else FirstNewTerm := ' '; end; */ public void initializeContext /*startSatisfactionTree*/(TGWTTree aTreeModel) { //fOldInstantiations= new HashMap(); //of quantified formulas //fNewInstantiations= new HashMap(); //of quantifiers //fGWTTree=aTreeModel; treeValid does this aTreeModel.setExCVFlag(false); } /* public void startSatisfactionTree(){ //MORE TO COME fTestRoot= new TGWTTestNode(fParser); } */ /* procedure StartSatisfactionTree; var testformula: TFormula; begin InitStringStore; gExCV := false; {indicates need to change variables} gExCVflag := false; gUniCV := false; {indicates need to change variables} gUniCVflag := false; gMaxrecurse := 1; {permits one go at modus ponens test in FindFirst} New(gTestroot); FailNIL(gTestroot); gTestroot.ITestnode; gConstantsInTestRoot := ''; end; */ public void splitInsert(TGWTTestNode leftNode, TGWTTestNode rightNode) { /*adds immediately after thisone*/ leftNode.fNodeDepth = this.fNodeDepth + 1; this.addItem(leftNode); //todo fSwingTreeNode.add(leftNode.fSwingTreeNode); if (rightNode != null) { rightNode.fNodeDepth = this.fNodeDepth + 1; this.addItem(rightNode); //todo fSwingTreeNode.add(rightNode.fSwingTreeNode); } } public void straightInsert(TGWTTestNode leftNode, TGWTTestNode rightNode) { /*adds immediately after thisone*/ leftNode.fNodeDepth = this.fNodeDepth + 1; this.addItem(leftNode); //old fSwingTreeNode.add(leftNode.fSwingTreeNode); if (rightNode != null) { rightNode.fNodeDepth = this.fNodeDepth + 2; leftNode.addItem(rightNode); //old leftNode.fSwingTreeNode.add(rightNode.fSwingTreeNode); } } /********************* Insertion *****************************************/ /*This is a special kind of thing. A tree has levels (i.e. depth) and the insertions * must take place at the next level (and always after leaves). Then insertions take place in * all open branches. So, if a branch is closed, there is no insertion. If a branch is open, * but short of the level, padding is added, then the insertion takes place */ /* * public void straightInsert(TTestNode leftNode, TTestNode rightNode, DefaultMutableTreeNode hostRoot, int depth){ /*we are trying to add to every terminal leaf that is not closed. And we have to increase depth so that they are added at the next level Enumeration breadthFirst=this.fSwingTreeNode.breadthFirstEnumeration(); DefaultMutableTreeNode next=null; TTestNode leftCopy=leftNode; TTestNode rightCopy=rightNode; if (breadthFirst.hasMoreElements()) next=(DefaultMutableTreeNode)(breadthFirst.nextElement()); //me while (next!=null){ Object userObject=next.getUserObject(); // this can be DataNode, but it can be a string if (userObject instanceof TTreeDataNode){ // we act only on these TTreeDataNode data = (TTreeDataNode) userObject; if (!data.fClosed && next.getChildCount() == 0) { //open leaf int level = next.getLevel(); //int lineNo = ( (TTreeDataNode) leftCopy).fLineno = data.fLineno + 1; int lineNo = data.fLineno + 1; ( (TTreeDataNode) leftCopy).fLineno = lineNo; while (level < depth) { // padding down to the right insert level DefaultMutableTreeNode vertical = supplyVertical(); next.add(vertical); next = vertical; if (!isLevelBlank(hostRoot, level+1)) // the vertical is on level+1 lineNo += 1; level += 1; } // ((TTreeDataNode)leftCopy).fLineno=((TTreeDataNode)(next.getUserObject())).fLineno+1; //set its line number ( (TTreeDataNode) leftCopy).fLineno = lineNo; //set its line number next.add(leftCopy.fSwingTreeNode); if (rightCopy != null) { // ((TTreeDataNode)rightCopy).fLineno=((TTreeDataNode)leftCopy).fLineno+1; //set its line number ( (TTreeDataNode) rightCopy).fLineno = lineNo+1; //set its line number leftCopy.fSwingTreeNode.add(rightCopy.fSwingTreeNode); //straight extension of two items down left branch rightCopy = rightCopy.copyNodeInFull(); } leftCopy = leftCopy.copyNodeInFull(); } } if (breadthFirst.hasMoreElements()) next = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) (breadthFirst.nextElement()); else next = null; } } * */ boolean isLeaf(TGWTTestNode aNode) { return aNode.getChildCount() == 0; } void deSelectAll() { this.fSelected = false; int numChildren = this.getChildCount(); for (int i = 0; i < numChildren; i++) { TGWTTestNode searchNode = (TGWTTestNode) (this.getChild(i)); searchNode.deSelectAll(); } } public boolean isTreeClosed() { return (returnOpenLeaf() == null); } public TGWTTestNode returnOpenLeaf() { //a node needs to be a leaf, not a label, and open int numChildren = this.getChildCount(); if (numChildren == 0) { //a leaf if (!fLabelOnly && !fClosed) return this; else return null; } else { TGWTTestNode openLeaf = null; for (int i = 0; (i < numChildren) && openLeaf == null; i++) { openLeaf = ((TGWTTestNode) (this.getChild(i))).returnOpenLeaf(); } return openLeaf; } } public ArrayList<TGWTTestNode> allOpenLeaves() { //a node needs to be a leaf, not a label, and open ArrayList openLeaves = new ArrayList(); int numChildren = this.getChildCount(); if (numChildren == 0) { //a leaf if (!fLabelOnly && !fClosed) { openLeaves.add(this); } } else { // not a leaf, has children for (int i = 0; (i < numChildren); i++) { openLeaves.addAll(((TGWTTestNode) (this.getChild(i))).allOpenLeaves()); } } return openLeaves; } public boolean branchComplete(ArrayList<TGWTTestNode> branch) { /*Three conditions a) every normal non-literal extended b) every universal instantiated c) every universal instantiated to every constant or closed term in branch */ boolean complete = true; int branchLength = branch.size(); TGWTTestNode search; for (int i = 0; (i < branchLength) && complete; i++) { search = branch.get(i); if (search.fAntecedents != null && search.fAntecedents.size() != 0) { //only interested in formula int type = typeOfFormula((TFormula) (search.fAntecedents.get(0))); if (!search.fDead && // a non universal not extended type != uni && type != atomic && type != negatomic) complete = false; if (!search.fDead && type == uni && search.fInstantiations.size() == 0) // not instantiated complete = false; if (!search.fDead && type == uni && search.fInstantiations.size() != 0) { if (!everyClosedTermInstantiated(closedTermsInBranch(branch), search.fInstantiations)) complete = false; // all terms not instantiated //complete = false; } } } return complete; } boolean everyClosedTermInstantiated(TFormula closedTerms, ArrayList instantiations) { TFormula search = closedTerms; // the closed terms are in a linked list with the value off left and the link right while (search != null) { if (!search.fLLink.formulaInList(instantiations)) return false; search = search.fRLink; } return true; } public TFormula closedTermsInBranch(ArrayList<TGWTTestNode> branch) { TFormula head = null; TFormula temp = null; boolean duplicates = true; Object userObject; int branchLength = branch.size(); TGWTTestNode search; for (int i = 0; (i < branchLength); i++) { search = branch.get(i); if (search.fAntecedents != null && search.fAntecedents.size() != 0) { //only interested in formula TFormula nodeFormula = (TFormula) (search.fAntecedents.get(0)); if (nodeFormula != null) { temp = nodeFormula.closedTermsInFormula(); head = TFormula.concatLists(head, temp, !duplicates); } } } return head; } public boolean isABranchOpenAndComplete() { /*There needs to be an open branch, which is complete*/ ArrayList<TGWTTestNode> openLeaves = allOpenLeaves(); boolean success = false; int numOpenLeaves = openLeaves.size(); ArrayList<TGWTTestNode> branch; for (int i = 0; (i < numOpenLeaves) && !success; i++) { branch = openLeaves.get(i).getPath(); if (branchComplete(branch)) //open and complete success = true; } return success; } void straightInsert(TGWTTestNode at, TGWTTestNode left, TGWTTestNode right, int depth) { /*is called with new lefts and rights?*/ if (at != null) { TGWTTestNode leftCopy = left; TGWTTestNode rightCopy = right; // we need to treat all open leaves int numChildren = at.getChildCount(); if (isLeaf(at)) { //we are at a leaf if (!at.fClosed) { // open int lineNo = at.fLineno; TGWTTestNode searchNode = at; while (depth > 0) { TGWTTestNode padding = supplyVertical(); padding.fNodeDepth = searchNode.fNodeDepth + 1; searchNode.addItem(padding); searchNode = padding; lineNo += 1; depth -= 1; } if (left != null) { if (!left.fClosed) { //the closure nodes do not have linenumbers lineNo += 1; left.fLineno = lineNo; } left.fNodeDepth = searchNode.fNodeDepth + 1; searchNode.addItem(left); //insert } if (right != null) { if (!right.fClosed) { lineNo += 1; right.fLineno = lineNo; } right.fNodeDepth = searchNode.fNodeDepth + 2; (searchNode.getChild(0)).addItem(right); //go down one and insert } } else ; //if the leaf is closed we do nothing } else { //we need to come down to depth, but we are not at a leaf yet //TGWTTestNode searchNode=(TGWTTestNode)(at.getChild(0)); //straightInsert(searchNode, left, right, depth-1); for (int i = 0; i < numChildren; i++) { if (i > 0) { //take copies for all but first if (leftCopy != null) leftCopy = leftCopy.copyNodeInFull(); if (rightCopy != null) rightCopy = rightCopy.copyNodeInFull(); } TGWTTestNode searchNode = (TGWTTestNode) (at.getChild(i)); straightInsert(searchNode, leftCopy, rightCopy, depth - 1); } } } } void splitInsertTwo(TGWTTestNode at, TGWTTestNode left, TGWTTestNode left2, TGWTTestNode right, TGWTTestNode right2, int depth) { /*is called with new lefts and rights?*/ if (at != null) { TGWTTestNode leftCopy = left; TGWTTestNode rightCopy = right; TGWTTestNode left2Copy = left2; TGWTTestNode right2Copy = right2; // we need to treat all open leaves int numChildren = at.getChildCount(); if (isLeaf(at)) { //we are at a leaf if (!at.fClosed) { // open int lineNo = at.fLineno; TGWTTestNode searchNode = at; while (depth > 0) { TGWTTestNode padding = supplyVertical(); padding.fNodeDepth = searchNode.fNodeDepth + 1; searchNode.addItem(padding); searchNode = padding; lineNo += 1; depth -= 1; } TGWTTestNode leftDiagonal = supplyLeftDiagonal(); // diagonals don't have and don't increment lineNos TGWTTestNode rightDiagonal = supplyRightDiagonal(); if (left != null) { lineNo += 1; left.fLineno = lineNo; left.fNodeDepth = searchNode.fNodeDepth + 2; //not sure whether increment 1 or 2 searchNode.addItem(leftDiagonal); //insert leftDiagonal.addItem(left); } if (left2 != null) { lineNo += 1; left2.fLineno = lineNo; left2.fNodeDepth = searchNode.fNodeDepth + 3; //not sure whether increment 1 or 2 left.addItem(left2); //below the other one } if (right != null) { // lineNo+=1; //same lineNo right.fLineno = lineNo - 1; right.fNodeDepth = searchNode.fNodeDepth + 2; searchNode.addItem(rightDiagonal); //insert rightDiagonal.addItem(right); } if (right2 != null) { // lineNo+=1; //same lineNo right2.fLineno = lineNo; right2.fNodeDepth = searchNode.fNodeDepth + 3; right.addItem(right2); } } else ; //if the leaf is closed we do nothing } else { //we need to come down to depth, but we are not at a leaf yet for (int i = 0; i < numChildren; i++) { if (i > 0) { //take copies for all but first if (leftCopy != null) leftCopy = leftCopy.copyNodeInFull(); if (left2Copy != null) left2Copy = left2Copy.copyNodeInFull(); if (rightCopy != null) rightCopy = rightCopy.copyNodeInFull(); if (right2Copy != null) right2Copy = right2Copy.copyNodeInFull(); } TGWTTestNode searchNode = (TGWTTestNode) (at.getChild(i)); splitInsertTwo(searchNode, leftCopy, left2Copy, rightCopy, right2Copy, depth - 1); } } } } /* * public void splitInsertTwo(TTestNode leftNode,TTestNode left2Node, TTestNode rightNode,TTestNode right2Node, DefaultMutableTreeNode hostRoot,int depth){ /*we are trying to add to every terminal leaf that is not closed Enumeration breadthFirst=this.fSwingTreeNode.breadthFirstEnumeration(); DefaultMutableTreeNode next=null; TTestNode leftCopy=leftNode; TTestNode left2Copy=left2Node; TTestNode rightCopy=rightNode; TTestNode right2Copy=right2Node; DefaultMutableTreeNode leftDiagonal=null; DefaultMutableTreeNode rightDiagonal=null; if (breadthFirst.hasMoreElements()) next=(DefaultMutableTreeNode)(breadthFirst.nextElement()); //me while (next!=null){ Object userObject=next.getUserObject(); // this can be DataNode, but it can be a string if (userObject instanceof TTreeDataNode){ // we act only on these TTreeDataNode data = (TTreeDataNode) userObject; if (!data.fClosed && next.getChildCount() == 0) { int level = next.getLevel(); //int lineNo = ( (TTreeDataNode) leftCopy).fLineno = data.fLineno + 1; int lineNo = data.fLineno + 1; ( (TTreeDataNode) leftCopy).fLineno = lineNo; ( (TTreeDataNode) left2Copy).fLineno = lineNo+1; while (level < depth) { // padding down to the right insert level DefaultMutableTreeNode vertical = supplyVertical(); next.add(vertical); next = vertical; if (!isLevelBlank(hostRoot, level+1)) lineNo += 1; level += 1; } ( (TTreeDataNode) leftCopy).fLineno = lineNo; //set its line number ( (TTreeDataNode) left2Copy).fLineno = lineNo+1; //set its line number ( (TTreeDataNode) rightCopy).fLineno = lineNo; //set its line number ( (TTreeDataNode) right2Copy).fLineno = lineNo+1; //set its line number leftDiagonal = supplyLeftDiagonal(); // diagonals don't have and don't increment lineNos next.add(leftDiagonal); leftDiagonal.add(leftCopy.fSwingTreeNode); leftCopy.fSwingTreeNode.add(left2Copy.fSwingTreeNode); rightDiagonal = supplyRightDiagonal(); next.add(rightDiagonal); rightDiagonal.add(rightCopy.fSwingTreeNode); rightCopy.fSwingTreeNode.add(right2Copy.fSwingTreeNode); leftCopy = leftCopy.copyNodeInFull(); left2Copy = left2Copy.copyNodeInFull(); rightCopy = rightCopy.copyNodeInFull(); right2Copy = right2Copy.copyNodeInFull(); depth+=3; // if we do this more than once we must make later on different levels // they can share the central column but not the central cell. // must clear two entries and diagonals } } if (breadthFirst.hasMoreElements()) next = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) (breadthFirst.nextElement()); else next = null; } } * * */ void splitInsert(TGWTTestNode at, TGWTTestNode left, TGWTTestNode right, int depth, TGWTTestNode root) { //we need to know how deep to come i.e. the padding, and the next line number to use int highestLineNo = highestLineNo(root); /*is called with new lefts and rights?*/ if (at != null) { TGWTTestNode leftCopy = left; TGWTTestNode rightCopy = right; // we need to treat all open leaves int numChildren = at.getChildCount(); if (isLeaf(at)) { //we are at a leaf if (!at.fClosed) { // open int lineNo = at.fLineno; TGWTTestNode searchNode = at; while (depth > 0) { TGWTTestNode padding = supplyVertical(); padding.fNodeDepth = searchNode.fNodeDepth + 1; searchNode.addItem(padding); searchNode = padding; lineNo += 1; // tlhis is doing nothing depth -= 1; } lineNo = highestLineNo; //set it TGWTTestNode leftDiagonal = supplyLeftDiagonal(); // diagonals don't have and don't increment lineNos TGWTTestNode rightDiagonal = supplyRightDiagonal(); if (left != null) { lineNo += 1; left.fLineno = lineNo; left.fNodeDepth = searchNode.fNodeDepth + 2; //not sure whether increment 1 or 2 searchNode.addItem(leftDiagonal); //insert leftDiagonal.addItem(left); } if (right != null) { // lineNo+=1; //same lineNo right.fLineno = lineNo; right.fNodeDepth = searchNode.fNodeDepth + 2; searchNode.addItem(rightDiagonal); //insert rightDiagonal.addItem(right); } } else ; //if the leaf is closed we do nothing } else { //we need to come down to depth, but we are not at a leaf yet for (int i = 0; i < numChildren; i++) { if (i > 0) { //take copies for all but first if (leftCopy != null) leftCopy = leftCopy.copyNodeInFull(); if (rightCopy != null) rightCopy = rightCopy.copyNodeInFull(); } TGWTTestNode searchNode = (TGWTTestNode) (at.getChild(i)); splitInsert(searchNode, leftCopy, rightCopy, depth - 1, root); } } } } /* From TTreeDataNode public void splitInsert(TTestNode leftNode, TTestNode rightNode,DefaultMutableTreeNode hostRoot,int depth){ /*we are trying to add to every terminal leaf that is not closed Enumeration breadthFirst=this.fSwingTreeNode.breadthFirstEnumeration(); DefaultMutableTreeNode next=null; TTestNode leftCopy=leftNode; TTestNode rightCopy=rightNode; DefaultMutableTreeNode leftDiagonal=null; DefaultMutableTreeNode rightDiagonal=null; if (breadthFirst.hasMoreElements()) next=(DefaultMutableTreeNode)(breadthFirst.nextElement()); //me while (next!=null){ Object userObject=next.getUserObject(); // this can be DataNode, but it can be a string if (userObject instanceof TTreeDataNode){ // we act only on these TTreeDataNode data = (TTreeDataNode) userObject; if (!data.fClosed && next.getChildCount() == 0) { int level = next.getLevel(); //int lineNo = ( (TTreeDataNode) leftCopy).fLineno = data.fLineno + 1; int lineNo = data.fLineno + 1; ( (TTreeDataNode) leftCopy).fLineno = lineNo; while (level < depth) { // padding down to the right insert level DefaultMutableTreeNode vertical = supplyVertical(); next.add(vertical); next = vertical; if (!isLevelBlank(hostRoot, level+1)) lineNo += 1; level += 1; } ( (TTreeDataNode) leftCopy).fLineno = lineNo; //set its line number ( (TTreeDataNode) rightCopy).fLineno = lineNo; //set its line number leftDiagonal = supplyLeftDiagonal(); // diagonals don't have and don't increment lineNos next.add(leftDiagonal); leftDiagonal.add(leftCopy.fSwingTreeNode); rightDiagonal = supplyRightDiagonal(); next.add(rightDiagonal); rightDiagonal.add(rightCopy.fSwingTreeNode); leftCopy = leftCopy.copyNodeInFull(); rightCopy = rightCopy.copyNodeInFull(); depth+=2; // if we do this more than once we must make later on different levels // they can share the central column but not the central cell. // must also clear diagonals } } if (breadthFirst.hasMoreElements()) next = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) (breadthFirst.nextElement()); else next = null; } } */ int getDepth() { int numChildren = this.getChildCount(); if (numChildren == 0) return 1; else { int maxChildDepth = 1; int iChildDepth = 1; for (int i = 0; i < numChildren; i++) { iChildDepth = ((TGWTTestNode) (this.getChild(i))).getDepth(); if (iChildDepth > maxChildDepth) maxChildDepth = iChildDepth; } return (maxChildDepth + 1); } } int getLiveDepth() { //This is the tree depth but if the deepest node is a closure node, we don't count it if (this.fClosed) return 0; int numChildren = this.getChildCount(); if (numChildren == 0) return 1; else { int maxChildDepth = 0; //child can be closuree node int iChildDepth = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numChildren; i++) { iChildDepth = ((TGWTTestNode) (this.getChild(i))).getLiveDepth(); if (iChildDepth > maxChildDepth) maxChildDepth = iChildDepth; } return (maxChildDepth + 1); } } int getNodeDepth(TGWTTestNode target) { if (target == null) return 0; if (this == target) return 1; int numChildren = this.getChildCount(); if (numChildren == 0) // if numChildren 0 and this is not the target, it is not there return 0; else { int temp; TGWTTestNode search; for (int i = 0; i < numChildren; i++) { search = (TGWTTestNode) (this.getChild(i)); temp = search.getNodeDepth(target); if (temp != 0) return (temp + 1); // the target can be there only once } return 0; } } /* void straightInsert(TTreeDataNode at, TTreeDataNode left, TTreeDataNode right){ int depth = fTreeTableModel.getTreeDepth(); at.straightInsert(left, right,fTreeDataRoot.fSwingTreeNode,depth); //this updates the tree fTreeTableModel.updateCache(); fTreeTableModel.treeChanged(TTreeDisplayTableModel.ROWCHANGE,null); //need/have a listener for this // fTreeTableView.resetWidths(); // fTreeTableView.doLayout(); /* TO DO deSelectAll(); tellListeners(new UndoableEditEvent(this,null)); } void splitInsert(TTreeDataNode at, TTreeDataNode left, TTreeDataNode right){ int depth = fTreeTableModel.getTreeDepth(); at.splitInsert(left,right,fTreeDataRoot.fSwingTreeNode,depth); //this updates the tree // int [] newWidths = fTreeTableView.calculateWidths(fTreeTableModel.getItsColumn(at.fSwingTreeNode)); // column widths, uses oldCache fTreeTableModel.updateCache(); // this updates the table data based on the tree fTreeTableModel.treeChanged(TTreeDisplayTableModel.COLCHANGE,null); //need a listener for this /* TO DO fTreeTableView.resetWidths2(fTreeDataRoot); fTreeTableView.doLayout(); deSelectAll(); tellListeners(new UndoableEditEvent(this,null)); } void splitInsertTwo(TTreeDataNode at, TTreeDataNode left,TTreeDataNode left2, TTreeDataNode right,TTreeDataNode right2){ int depth = fTreeTableModel.getTreeDepth(); at.splitInsertTwo(left,left2,right,right2,fTreeDataRoot.fSwingTreeNode,depth); //this updates the tree fTreeTableModel.updateCache(); // this updates the table data based on the tree fTreeTableModel.treeChanged(TTreeDisplayTableModel.COLCHANGE,null); //need a listener for this /* TO DO fTreeTableView.resetWidths2(fTreeDataRoot); fTreeTableView.doLayout(); deSelectAll(); tellListeners(new UndoableEditEvent(this,null)); } */ String termsInNode() { return ""; } /* function TGWTTestNode.TermsinNode: str255; var tempterms: str255; begin tempterms := ''; tempterms := concat(TermsinList(fAntecedents), TermsinList(fSucceedent)); RemoveDuplicates(tempterms); TermsinNode := tempterms; end; */ @Override public String toString() { if (fLabelOnly) return fLabel; else { String returnStr = ""; int length = fAntecedents.size(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { returnStr = returnStr + fParser.writeFormulaToString((TFormula) fAntecedents.get(i)); if (i < (length - 1)) returnStr = returnStr + ", "; } if (fWorld.length() > 0) returnStr += " (" + fWorld + ")"; return returnStr; } } /* @Override public String toString(){ String returnStr=""; int length=fAntecedents.size(); for (int i=0;i<length;i++){ returnStr= returnStr + fParser.writeFormulaToString((TFormula)fAntecedents.get(i)); if (i<(length-1)) returnStr= returnStr +", "; } returnStr+=" "+ chTherefore; length=fSuccedent.size(); for (int i=0;i<length;i++){ returnStr= returnStr + fParser.writeFormulaToString((TFormula)fSuccedent.get(i)); if (i<(length-1)) returnStr= returnStr +", "; } if (fDead) returnStr+=" dead"; if (fClosed) returnStr+=" closed"; else returnStr+=" open"; returnStr+=" " + fStepType; return returnStr; } */ private void resetForCV() { /* we are going to start again, but in change variable mode */ //reset it fClosed = false; fDead = false; fStepType = unknown; fStepsToExpiry = 0; fNodeDepth = 0; //reset its model fGWTTree.resetForCV(); // new context } public int treeValid(TGWTTree aTreeModel, int maxSteps) { //NEED TO FINSIH MAXSREPS CODE /* expects a properly filled in root The bare node has to belong to a tree model. */ /*May 05 This operates in two modes: ordinary and change variable. When running in ordinary, this can set a flag for change variable. If the tree turns out to be valid, this does not matter. But otherwise the whole thing needs to be run again with variables changed.*/ /*This needs rewriting June 10, there are several redunancies when checking depth * and CV other routine */ fGWTTree = aTreeModel; fStepsToExpiry = maxSteps; boolean killed; int depth = 0; boolean modeOrdinary = !fGWTTree.getExCV(); //ie don't change variable if (modeOrdinary) { killed = kill(maxSteps); // the main processing depth = treeDepth(); //not used /*we process in order down a branch, so typically a branch is much longer than what we have processed*/ if (!killed) { //either CV or out of steps if (fGWTTree.getExCVFlag()) { // wants change variables fGWTTree.resetForCV(); // new context modeOrdinary = false; // now the second part will do it again } else return notKnown; // just run out of steps } if (killed) { gOpenNode = aNodeOpen(); if (gOpenNode == null) //closed and complete return valid; else { if (fGWTTree.getExCVFlag()) { // wants change variables resetForCV(); // start again with new context modeOrdinary = false; // now the second part will do it again } else { //noCV flag, open node //open complete return notValid; } } } } if (!modeOrdinary) { // now we are changing variables to do it all again return treeValidChangeVariables(aTreeModel, maxSteps); } return notKnown; } public int treeValidChangeVariables(TGWTTree aTreeModel, int maxSteps) { //NEED TO FINSIH MAXSREPS CODE fStepsToExpiry = maxSteps; // allow it the same number of steps as the original fNodeDepth = 0; boolean killed; int depth = 0; killed = kill(maxSteps); // the main processing if (depth > maxSteps/*fStepsToExpiry<1*/) return notKnown; else { gOpenNode = aNodeOpen(); if (gOpenNode == null) //closed and complete return valid; else { if (killed) //open complete return notValid; else return notKnown; // open but not complete } } } /* function TGWTTestNode.TreeValid; {var root: boolean, maxstesps integer} {expects a properly filled in rootnode} var killed, stilltesting: boolean; treesize: integer; begin killed := true; stilltesting := true; gBaleOutFlag := false; treesize := kMaxtreesize - maxsteps; {only runs for maxsteps nodes} SELF.Kill(killed, treesize); { WriteTree(root);} if (treesize > kMaxtreesize) or gBaleOutFlag then TreeValid := notknown else begin while stilltesting do begin if SELF.ANodeOpen(gOpenNode) then begin if killed then begin TreeValid := notvalid; stilltesting := false; end else begin {open live branch} TreeValid := notknown; {not known at this point} stilltesting := false; end; end else begin TreeValid := valid; {valid} stilltesting := false; end; end; end; end; */ /* procedure NodeSatisfiable; var argtype: argumenttype; tempTest: TGWTTestNode; begin if gTestroot.CloseSequent then begin gTestroot.fClosed := TRUE; gTestroot.fDead := TRUE; end; argtype := gTestroot.TreeValid(128); if gExCVFlag then {falgging for change of variable} if not (argtype = valid) then gExCV := TRUE; if gExCV then begin tempTest := gTestroot.CopyNodeinFull; DismantleTestTree(gTestroot); StartSatisfactionTree; {re-initializes, including gExCV} gExCV := TRUE; tempTest.fClosed := FALSE; tempTest.fDead := FALSE; tempTest.fSteptype := unknown; tempTest.fLLink := nil; tempTest.fRLink := nil; gTestroot := tempTest; tempTest := nil; argtype := gTestroot.TreeValid(128); end; case argtype of notvalid: begin fDeriverDocument.WriteToJournal(concat(gCr, '(*Satisfiable.*)'), TRUE, FALSE); CreateInterpretationList; if MEMBER(gApplication.fLastCommand, TShapeClearCommand) then gApplication.CommitLastCommand; {the idea here is that the} { user may try to clear the previous drawing, but it is not really} { cleared until committed} drawable := TRUE; WriteInterpretationList(drawable); if drawable then begin if (fDeriverDocument.fShapeList.fSize < 2) then begin fDeriverDocument.WriteToJournal(concat(gCr, '(*Interpretation drawn.*)'), TRUE, FALSE); ConstructDrawing; end else fDeriverDocument.WriteToJournal(concat(gCr, '(*Interpretation can be drawn, if the existing drawing is cleared.*)'), TRUE, FALSE); end else fDeriverDocument.WriteToJournal(concat(gCr, '(*Interpretation not drawable.*)'), TRUE, FALSE); end; valid: fDeriverDocument.WriteToJournal(concat(gCr, '(*Not satisfiable.*)'), TRUE, FALSE); notknown: fDeriverDocument.WriteToJournal(concat(gCr, '(*Not known whether satisfiable.*)'), TRUE, FALSE); otherwise end; end; */ /* function TGWTTestNode.TwoContradict (var firstone, secondone: TFormula): boolean; {var thisone : testptr;head : frmlaListptr;} {var firstone, secondone : TFormula} {This checks whether there are two contradictory formulas among the} {antecedent list; if there are their indices is passed back.} {at the moment tests twice} var found: boolean; function Contradicts (First, second: TFormula): boolean; begin Contradicts := false; if (First.fkind = unary) then {a negation} if SpecialEqualFormulas(First.fRlink, second) then Contradicts := true; if (second.fkind = unary) then {a negation} if SpecialEqualFormulas(second.fRlink, First) then Contradicts := true; end; procedure DoToItem (item: TObject); function TestItem (seconditem: TObject): boolean; begin secondone := TFormula(seconditem); TestItem := Contradicts(firstone, secondone); end; begin if not found then begin firstone := TFormula(item); if fAntecedents.FirstThat(TestItem) <> nil then found := true; end; end; begin found := false; fAntecedents.Each(DoToItem); TwoContradict := found; end; */ public void addToInstantiations(TFormula instantion) { fInstantiations.add(instantion); } public ArrayList getInstantiations() { return fInstantiations; } public int typeOfFormula(TFormula aFormula) { int returnType = unknown; switch (aFormula.fKind) { case (TFormula.unary): { //negation (or modalNecessary modalPossible if (fParser.isModalNecessary(aFormula)) return modalNecessary; if (fParser.isModalPossible(aFormula)) return modalPossible; if (fParser.isNegation(aFormula)) { if (fParser.isModalNecessary(aFormula.fRLink)) return notNecessary; if (fParser.isModalPossible(aFormula.fRLink)) return notPossible; if (fParser.isModalKappa(aFormula.fRLink)) return notModalKappa; if (fParser.isModalRho(aFormula.fRLink)) return notModalRho; } if (fParser.isNegation(aFormula)) { switch (typeOfFormula(aFormula.fRLink)) { case atomic: return negatomic; case negatomic: case doubleneg: case negarrow: case negand: case nore: case nequiv: case neguni: case negexi: case notNecessary: case notPossible: return doubleneg; case implic: return negarrow; case aand: return negand; case ore: return nore; case equivv: return nequiv; case uni: return neguni; case exi: return negexi; case unique: return negunique; case typedUni: return negTypedUni; case typedExi: return negTypedExi; default: return unknown; } } } case TFormula.modalRho: if (fParser.isModalRho(aFormula)) return modalRho; case TFormula.modalKappa: { if (fParser.isModalKappa(aFormula)) { if (fParser.isModalKappa(aFormula.fRLink)) return modalDoubleKappa; else return modalKappa; } } case TFormula.binary: { if (fParser.isImplic(aFormula)) return implic; else if (fParser.isAnd(aFormula)) return aand; else if (fParser.isOr(aFormula)) return ore; else if (fParser.isEquiv(aFormula)) return equivv; } case TFormula.quantifier: { if (fParser.isUniquant(aFormula)) return uni; else if (fParser.isExiquant(aFormula)) return exi; else if (fParser.isUnique(aFormula)) return unique; } case TFormula.typedQuantifier: { if (fParser.isTypedUniquant(aFormula)) return typedUni; else if (fParser.isTypedExiquant(aFormula)) return typedExi; } } return atomic; } /* function TFormula.TypeofFormula: formulatype; begin TypeofFormula := unknown; case SELF.fKind of unary: case SELF.fRLink.TypeofFormula of atomic: TypeofFormula := negatomic; negatomic, doubleneg, negarrow, negand, nore, nequiv, neguni, negexi: TypeofFormula := doubleneg; aroww: TypeofFormula := negarrow; aand: TypeofFormula := negand; ore: TypeofFormula := nore; equivv: TypeofFormula := nequiv; uni: TypeofFormula := neguni; exi: TypeofFormula := negexi; unique: TypeofFormula := negunique; otherwise end; binary: begin if (fInfo[1] = chImplic) then TypeofFormula := aroww else if (fInfo[1] = chAnd) then TypeofFormula := aand else if (fInfo[1] = chOr) then TypeofFormula := ore else if (fInfo[1] = chEquiv) then TypeofFormula := equivv; end; quantifier: begin if (fInfo[1] = chUniquant) then TypeofFormula := uni else if (fInfo[1] = chExiquant) then TypeofFormula := exi else if (fInfo[1] = chUnique) then TypeofFormula := unique; end; otherwise TypeofFormula := atomic; end; end; */ /** Provides an enumeration of a tree in breadth-first traversal * order. */ public Enumeration breadthFirstEnumeration() { return new BreadthFirstEnumeration(this); } static class BreadthFirstEnumeration implements Enumeration { LinkedList queue = new LinkedList(); BreadthFirstEnumeration(TGWTTestNode node) { queue.add(node); } public boolean hasMoreElements() { return !queue.isEmpty(); } public Object nextElement() { if (queue.isEmpty()) throw new NoSuchElementException("No more elements left."); TGWTTestNode node = (TGWTTestNode) queue.removeFirst(); int numChildren = node.getChildCount(); for (int i = 0; i < numChildren; i++) queue.add(node.getChild(i)); /* Enumeration children = node.getChildren(); while (children.hasMoreElements()) queue.add(children.nextElement()); */ return node; } } }