Java tutorial
/* Copyright (C) 2014 Martin Frick ( Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ package us.softoption.proofs; /*This is a Feb2013 Google GWT friendly version of 2012 TRewriteRules */ //scanned through 5/22/2015 import static us.softoption.infrastructure.Symbols.chAnd; import static us.softoption.infrastructure.Symbols.chEquiv; import static us.softoption.infrastructure.Symbols.chExiquant; import static us.softoption.infrastructure.Symbols.chImplic; import static us.softoption.infrastructure.Symbols.chNeg; import static us.softoption.infrastructure.Symbols.chOr; import static us.softoption.infrastructure.Symbols.chUniquant; import static us.softoption.infrastructure.Symbols.strEquals; import static us.softoption.infrastructure.Symbols.strIntersection; import static us.softoption.infrastructure.Symbols.strMemberOf; import static us.softoption.infrastructure.Symbols.strMinus; import static us.softoption.infrastructure.Symbols.strPowerSet; import static us.softoption.infrastructure.Symbols.strSubsetOf; import static us.softoption.infrastructure.Symbols.strUnion; import static us.softoption.infrastructure.Symbols.strXProd; import static us.softoption.parser.TFormula.unary; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Set; import us.softoption.infrastructure.TPreferencesData; import us.softoption.parser.TFormula; import us.softoption.parser.TParser; import; import; import; /*what we are going to do here is to abstract the rewriting from the adding of a line. The rewriting can be widespread but the line adding needs to be different for each logical system*/ /*maybe use gwt list box */ public class TGWTRewriteRules { String fPreSelection, fOldSelection, fSelection, fPostSelection, fSelectionRewrite; protected TextBox fBeforeText = new TextBox(); protected TextBox fAfterText = new TextBox(); protected TextBox fBeforeTextReference = new TextBox(); protected TFormula fSelectionRoot = null; //this is the root of the //text they have selected protected TFormula fNewRoot = null; protected String fLastRewrite = ""; TFormula fSelectedFormula; //from proof private ListBox fRulesListBox = new ListBox();; protected ArrayList fRulesList = new ArrayList(); TParser fParser = new TParser(); /* This almost always wants to have its Deriver document because the undoable proof edits set the fDirty field of the document */ /* public TRewrite(){ initialize(); } */ public TGWTRewriteRules(TFormula selectedFormula, TParser aParser /*TDeriverDocument itsDeriverDocument*/) { //NEW super(itsDeriverDocument); fParser = aParser; fPreSelection = ""; fSelection = ""; fPostSelection = ""; fSelectionRewrite = ""; fOldSelection = ""; fBeforeText.setText(fParser.writeFormulaToString(selectedFormula)); fBeforeTextReference.setText(fParser.writeFormulaToString(selectedFormula)); fAfterText.setText(""); //fBeforeText.setReadOnly(true); // unfortunabe;y the ipad won't let us do the correct selecting //if the text is not editablle. So we make it editable // but then check that it does not change fAfterText.setReadOnly(true); fNewRoot = new TFormula(); fSelectionRoot = new TFormula(); fSelectedFormula = selectedFormula; fSelectionRewrite = ""; initialize(); } private void initialize() { initializeRulesList(); initializeRulesBox(); /*to do fBeforeText.addCaretListener(new CaretListener(){ public void caretUpdate(CaretEvent e){ int dot = e.getDot(); int mark = e.getMark(); if (dot!=mark) doChoice(); ;}}); */ /*we need to act on selection change but don't have any * handy listener */ // Create a new timer Timer pollTimer = new Timer() { public void run() { if (!fBeforeText.getText().equals(fBeforeTextReference.getText())) { fBeforeText.setText(fBeforeTextReference.getText()); //has to be set editable but we don't want eidting } fSelection = fBeforeText.getSelectedText(); if (!fSelection.equals(fOldSelection)) { //a change if (fSelection.equals("")) fAfterText.setText(fBeforeTextReference.getText()); //nothing selected set new to old else doChoice(); //a selection that may rewrite fOldSelection = fSelection.substring(0); //need copy } } }; pollTimer.scheduleRepeating(1000); // every second } /* The TextComponentDemo program uses a caret listener to display the current position of the caret or, if text is selected, the extent of the selection. The caret listener class in this example is a JLabel subclass. Here's the code that creates the caret listener label and makes it a caret listener of the text pane: //Create the status area CaretListenerLabel caretListenerLabel = new CaretListenerLabel( "Caret Status"); ... textPane.addCaretListener(caretListenerLabel); A caret listener must implement one method, caretUpdate, which is called each time the caret moves or the selection changes. Here's the CaretListenerLabel implementation of caretUpdate: public void caretUpdate(CaretEvent e) { //Get the location in the text int dot = e.getDot(); int mark = e.getMark(); if (dot == mark) { // no selection try { Rectangle caretCoords = textPane.modelToView(dot); //Convert it to view coordinates setText("caret: text position: " + dot + ", view location = [" + caretCoords.x + ", " + caretCoords.y + "]" + newline); } catch (BadLocationException ble) { setText("caret: text position: " + dot + newline); } } else if (dot < mark) { setText("selection from: " + dot + " to " + mark + newline); } else { setText("selection from: " + mark + " to " + dot + newline); } } As you can see, this listener updates its text label to reflect the current state of the caret or selection. */ void doChoice() { if (testOldFormula()) { //boolean error? // Window.alert("Demo 1 click"); AbstractRule rule = (AbstractRule) getSelectedRule(); if (rule != null && (rule.doRule())) putNewFormula(); } else { fAfterText.setText(""); fAfterText.setText(fBeforeText.getText()); } } //getSelectedItem /*************** some getters and setters ************/ public String getLastRewrite() { return fLastRewrite; } public TextBox getBeforeText() { return fBeforeText; } public TextBox getAfterText() { return fAfterText; } public ListBox getListBox() { return fRulesListBox; } public TFormula getNewRoot() { return fNewRoot; } public TFormula getSelectionRoot() { return fSelectionRoot; } public TFormula getAfterRoot() { // we need to find the entire after formula TFormula afterRoot = new TFormula(); StringReader aReader = new StringReader(fAfterText.getText()); ArrayList dummy = new ArrayList(); boolean wellFormed = fParser.wffCheck(afterRoot, /*dummy,*/ aReader); if (wellFormed) return afterRoot; else return null; } /****** end of getters *******/ boolean testOldFormula() { boolean wellFormed = false; String entry = fBeforeText.getText(); int selStart = fBeforeText.getCursorPos(); fSelection = fBeforeText.getSelectedText(); // int selEnd=fBeforeText.getSelectionEnd(); //int entryEnd=entry.length(); fPreSelection = entry.substring(0, selStart); fPostSelection = entry.substring(selStart + fSelection.length(), entry.length()); fSelectionRoot = new TFormula(); StringReader aReader = new StringReader(fSelection); ArrayList dummy = new ArrayList(); wellFormed = fParser.wffCheck(fSelectionRoot, /*dummy*/aReader); /*The subformula check is for this with AvBcd they could select AvBc which is WFF but not a subformula*/ if (!wellFormed || !(fSelectedFormula).subFormulaOccursInFormula(fSelectionRoot, fSelectedFormula)) { //Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().beep(); //give error message? //fBeforeText.setSelectionRange(0,0); // we'll clear the selection if it is not well formed return false; //not occurs } /* to do String entry=fBeforeText.getText(); int selStart=fBeforeText.getSelectionStart(); int selEnd=fBeforeText.getSelectionEnd(); //int entryEnd=entry.length(); try {fPreSelection=fBeforeText.getText(0,selStart);} //NB getText uses offset, len catch (BadLocationException e) {fPreSelection=""; System.out.print("Rewrite catch Pre");} fSelection=fBeforeText.getSelectedText(); try {fPostSelection=fBeforeText.getText(selEnd,entry.length()-selEnd);} catch (BadLocationException ex) {fPostSelection=""; System.out.print("Rewrite catch Post"); } fSelectionRoot = new TFormula(); StringReader aReader = new StringReader(fSelection); ArrayList dummy = new ArrayList(); wellFormed = fParser.wffCheck(fSelectionRoot, /*dummy,aReader); /*The subformula check is for this with AvBcd they could select AvBc which is WFF but not a subformula if (!wellFormed||!(fSelectedFormula).subFormulaOccursInFormula(fSelectionRoot, fSelectedFormula)){ Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().beep(); //give error message?,0); // we'll clear the selection if it is not well formed } */ return wellFormed; } /* function TRewriteWindow.GetOldFormula (var preselection, selection, postselection: str255; var itsroot: TFormula): boolean; var entryView: TEditText; startsel, endsel: integer; newValuation: TList; entireStr: str255; {this next bit is a patch to prevent them selecting only Fa of a formula Fabc.} {This can only happen with predicates, and it can only happen at the end} {with the last one.} {We find the index of the last predicate, then parse it, then write it back} {to get its real length, then increase the selection to include it (if the selection does} {not already do so} function FindLastPredicator: integer; var index, i: integer; begin index := 0; for i := 1 to length(selection) do if selection[i] in gPredicates then index := i; FindLastPredicator := index; end; function IndexEndLastPredicator: integer; var lastPredForm: TFormula; lastindex: integer; begin lastindex := FindLastPredicator; if lastindex = 0 then IndexEndLastPredicator := 0 else begin gIllformed := FALSE; gInputStr := concat(selection, postselection); GetStringInput; skip(1, standardfilter); (*primes gCurrch, and gLookaheadCh*) skip(lastindex - 1, standardFilter); fProofWindow.fParser.Predicate(lastPredForm, gIllformed); if gIllformed then {should never be} begin sysBeep(5); {check} IndexEndLastPredicator := 0 end else begin gOutputStr := strNull; fProofWindow.fParser.WriteFormulaToString(lastPredForm, gOutputStr); lastPredForm.DismantleFormula; IndexEndLastPredicator := lastIndex + length(gOutputStr) - 1; gOutputStr := strNull; end; end; end; procedure AdjustEnd; var transfer: integer; begin transfer := (IndexEndLastPredicator - length(selection)); if (transfer > 0) then begin selection := concat(selection, copy(postselection, 1, transfer)); delete(postselection, 1, transfer); end; end; begin GetOldFormula := FALSE; preselection := strNull; selection := strNull; postselection := strNull; entryView := TEditText(SELF.FindSubView('VW03')); startsel := entryView.fTEView.fHTE^^.selstart; endsel := entryView.fTEView.fHTE^^.selend; entryView.GetText(entireStr); preselection := Copy(entireStr, 1, startsel); {check this on indices} selection := Copy(entireStr, startsel + 1, (endsel - startsel)); {check this on indices} postselection := Copy(entireStr, endsel + 1, length(entireStr) - endsel); {check} { this on indices} AdjustEnd; (*a patch*) gIllformed := FALSE; gInputStr := selection; GetStringInput; skip(1, standardfilter); (*primes gCurrch, and gLookaheadCh*) fProofWindow.fParser.wffcheck(itsroot, newValuation, gIllformed); if gIllformed then begin sysBeep(5); {check} end else GetOldFormula := TRUE; end; */ void putNewFormula() { if (!(fNewRoot == null || fParser.writeFormulaToString(fNewRoot).equals(""))) // we'll only do this if there is change { if ((fPreSelection.length() == 0) && (fSelection.length() > 0) && (fPostSelection.length() == 0) ) { if ((fSelection.charAt(0) != '(')) fSelectionRewrite = fParser.writeFormulaToString(fNewRoot); //we'll omit brackets else fSelectionRewrite = fParser.writeInner(fNewRoot); /* {the problem here is that the user has the choice} {suppressing extra brackets-- we don't want to give her more than she gives} {us} */ } else fSelectionRewrite = fParser.writeInner(fNewRoot); //{June 1990 but then you get the problem of p:-pVp and then the pVp associating incorrectly!} fAfterText.setText(fPreSelection + fSelectionRewrite + fPostSelection); } } /* procedure TRewriteWindow.PutNewFormula (preselection, selection, postselection: str255; itsroot: TFormula); var exitView: TStaticText; begin if length(selection) > 0 then begin if (length(preselection) = 0) and (length(postselection) = 0) then begin if selection[1] <> '(' then fProofWindow.fParser.WriteFormulatoString(itsroot, selection) {the problem here is that the user} { has the choice} { else of suppressing extra brackets-- we don't want to give her more than she gives} { us} else fProofWindow.fParser.WriteInner(itsroot, selection); end else {if selection[1] <> '(' then changed June90} { fProofWindow.fParser.WriteFormulatoString(itsroot, selection) the problem here is that the user} { has the choice} { else of suppressing extra brackets-- we don't want to give her more than she gives} { us} fProofWindow.fParser.WriteInner(itsroot, selection); {June 1990 but then you get the problem of p:-pVp and then the pVp associating incorrectly!} itsroot.DismantleFormula; exitView := TStaticText(SELF.FindSubView('VW05')); exitView.SetText(concat(preselection, selection, postselection), TRUE); end; end; */ /********************************** The Rules ************************************/ /*The rules are implemented as objects */ class AbstractRule { // public String fJustification="Error fJustification not defined"; boolean doRule() { return false; } public String toString() { return "Error toString not defined"; } } class DoAndAssocLR extends AbstractRule { boolean doRule() { TFormula one, two, three; if (fParser.isAnd(fSelectionRoot) && fParser.isAnd(fSelectionRoot.getRLink())) { fNewRoot = fSelectionRoot.copyFormula(); //we do surgery and later compare if old = new so we need a copy for that test to work one = fNewRoot.fLLink; //{p} (p^(q^r)) two = fNewRoot.fRLink.fLLink;// {q} three = fNewRoot.fRLink.fRLink; //{r} fNewRoot.fLLink = fNewRoot.fRLink; fNewRoot.fRLink = three; fNewRoot.fLLink.fLLink = one; fNewRoot.fLLink.fRLink = two; fLastRewrite = " Assoc"; return true; } return false; } public String toHTMLString() { return "<html>" + "<em>Association </em>" + "<strong>" + "p" + fParser.renderAnd() + "(q" + fParser.renderAnd() + "r) :- (p" + fParser.renderAnd() + "q)" + fParser.renderAnd() + "r" + "</strong>" + "</html>"; } public String toString() { return "Association " + "p" + fParser.renderAnd() + "(q" + fParser.renderAnd() + "r) :- (p" + fParser.renderAnd() + "q)" + fParser.renderAnd() + "r" + ""; } } /* function TRewriteWindow.DoAndAssocLR (var oldformula, newformula: TFormula): boolean; var one, two, three: TFormula; begin if oldformula.finfo = chAnd then if oldformula.frlink.finfo = chAnd then begin newformula := oldformula; one := newformula.fllink; {p} two := newformula.frlink.fllink; {q} three := newformula.frlink.frlink; {r} newformula.fllink := newformula.frlink; newformula.frlink := three; newformula.fllink.fllink := one; newformula.fllink.frlink := two; oldformula := nil; fLastRewrite := ' Assoc'; DoAndAssocLR := TRUE; end else begin DoAndAssocLR := FALSE; oldformula.DismantleFormula; end; end; */ class DoAndAssocRL extends AbstractRule { boolean doRule() { TFormula one, two, three; if (fParser.isAnd(fSelectionRoot) && fParser.isAnd(fSelectionRoot.getLLink())) { fNewRoot = fSelectionRoot.copyFormula(); //we do surgery and later compare if old = new so we need a copy for that test to work one = fNewRoot.fLLink.fLLink; //{p} (p^q)^r) two = fNewRoot.fLLink.fRLink;// {q} three = fNewRoot.fRLink; //{r} fNewRoot.fRLink = fNewRoot.fLLink; fNewRoot.fLLink = one; fNewRoot.fRLink.fLLink = two; fNewRoot.fRLink.fRLink = three; /* one := newformula.fllink.fllink; {p} two := newformula.fllink.frlink; {q} three := newformula.frlink; {r} newformula.frlink := newformula.fllink; newformula.fllink := one; newformula.frlink.fllink := two; newformula.frlink.frlink := three; */ fLastRewrite = " Assoc"; return true; } return false; } public String toHTMLString() { return "<html>" + "<em>Association </em>" + "<strong>" + "(p" + fParser.renderAnd() + "q)" + fParser.renderAnd() + "r :- p" + fParser.renderAnd() + "(q" + fParser.renderAnd() + "r)" + "</strong>" + "</html>"; } public String toString() { return "Association " + "(p" + fParser.renderAnd() + "q)" + fParser.renderAnd() + "r :- p" + fParser.renderAnd() + "(q" + fParser.renderAnd() + "r)" + ""; } } class DoOrAssocLR extends AbstractRule { boolean doRule() { TFormula one, two, three; if (fParser.isOr(fSelectionRoot) && fParser.isOr(fSelectionRoot.getRLink())) { fNewRoot = fSelectionRoot.copyFormula(); //we do surgery and later compare if old = new so we need a copy for that test to work one = fNewRoot.fLLink; //{p} (p^(q^r)) two = fNewRoot.fRLink.fLLink;// {q} three = fNewRoot.fRLink.fRLink; //{r} fNewRoot.fLLink = fNewRoot.fRLink; fNewRoot.fRLink = three; fNewRoot.fLLink.fLLink = one; fNewRoot.fLLink.fRLink = two; fLastRewrite = " Assoc"; return true; } return false; } public String toHTMLString() { return "<html>" + "<em>Association </em>" + "<strong>" + "p" + fParser.renderOr() + "(q" + fParser.renderOr() + "r) :- (p" + fParser.renderOr() + "q)" + fParser.renderOr() + "r" + "</strong>" + "</html>"; } public String toString() { return "Association " + "p" + fParser.renderOr() + "(q" + fParser.renderOr() + "r) :- (p" + fParser.renderOr() + "q)" + fParser.renderOr() + "r" + ""; } } class DoOrAssocRL extends AbstractRule { boolean doRule() { TFormula one, two, three; if (fParser.isOr(fSelectionRoot) && fParser.isOr(fSelectionRoot.getLLink())) { fNewRoot = fSelectionRoot.copyFormula(); //we do surgery and later compare if old = new so we need a copy for that test to work one = fNewRoot.fLLink.fLLink; //{p} (p^q)^r) two = fNewRoot.fLLink.fRLink;// {q} three = fNewRoot.fRLink; //{r} fNewRoot.fRLink = fNewRoot.fLLink; fNewRoot.fLLink = one; fNewRoot.fRLink.fLLink = two; fNewRoot.fRLink.fRLink = three; /* one := newformula.fllink.fllink; {p} two := newformula.fllink.frlink; {q} three := newformula.frlink; {r} newformula.frlink := newformula.fllink; newformula.fllink := one; newformula.frlink.fllink := two; newformula.frlink.frlink := three; */ fLastRewrite = " Assoc"; return true; } return false; } public String toHTMLString() { return "<html>" + "<em>Association </em>" + "<strong>" + "(p" + fParser.renderOr() + "q)" + fParser.renderOr() + "r :- p" + fParser.renderOr() + "(q" + fParser.renderOr() + "r)" + "</strong>" + "</html>"; } public String toString() { return "Association " + "(p" + fParser.renderOr() + "q)" + fParser.renderOr() + "r :- p" + fParser.renderOr() + "(q" + fParser.renderOr() + "r)" + ""; } } class DoCommAnd extends AbstractRule { boolean doRule() { if (fParser.isAnd(fSelectionRoot)) { fNewRoot = fSelectionRoot; fSelectionRoot = fNewRoot.fLLink; fNewRoot.fLLink = fNewRoot.fRLink; fNewRoot.fRLink = fSelectionRoot; //commuting fLastRewrite = " Com"; return true; } return false; } public String toHTMLString() { return "<html>" + "<em>Commutation </em>" + "<strong>" + "p" + fParser.renderAnd() + "q :: q" + fParser.renderAnd() + "p" + "</strong>" + "</html>"; } public String toString() { return "Commutation " + "p" + fParser.renderAnd() + "q :: q" + fParser.renderAnd() + "p" + ""; } } class DoCommOr extends AbstractRule { boolean doRule() { if (fParser.isOr(fSelectionRoot)) { fNewRoot = fSelectionRoot; fSelectionRoot = fNewRoot.fLLink; fNewRoot.fLLink = fNewRoot.fRLink; fNewRoot.fRLink = fSelectionRoot; //commuting fLastRewrite = " Com"; return true; } return false; } public String toHTMLString() { return "<html>" + "<em>Commutation </em>" + "<strong>" + "p" + fParser.renderOr() + "q :: q" + fParser.renderOr() + "p" + "</strong>" + "</html>"; } public String toString() { return "Commutation " + "p" + fParser.renderOr() + "q :: q" + fParser.renderOr() + "p" + ""; } } /* function TRewriteWindow.DoComm (var oldformula, newformula: TFormula): boolean; begin if oldformula.finfo = chAnd then begin newformula := oldformula; oldformula := newformula.fllink; newformula.fllink := newformula.frlink; {commuting} newformula.frlink := oldformula; oldformula := nil; fLastRewrite := ' Com'; DoComm := TRUE; end else begin DoComm := FALSE; oldformula.DismantleFormula; end; end; */ class DoDMAnd extends AbstractRule { boolean doRule() { TFormula p, q, formulanode; if (fParser.isAnd(fSelectionRoot) && fParser.isNegation(fSelectionRoot.getLLink()) && fParser.isNegation(fSelectionRoot.getRLink())) { fNewRoot = fSelectionRoot.copyFormula(); //we do surgery and later compare if old = new so we need a copy for that test to work p = (fNewRoot.fLLink.fRLink).copyFormula(); //{p} q = (fNewRoot.fRLink.fRLink).copyFormula();// {q} formulanode = new TFormula(TFormula.binary, String.valueOf(chOr), p, q); fNewRoot = new TFormula(TFormula.unary, String.valueOf(chNeg), null, formulanode); fLastRewrite = " De M"; return true; } if (fParser.isNegation(fSelectionRoot) && fParser.isOr(fSelectionRoot.getRLink())) { fNewRoot = fSelectionRoot.copyFormula(); //we do surgery and later compare if old = new so we need a copy for that test to work p = (fNewRoot.fRLink.fLLink).copyFormula(); //{p} q = (fNewRoot.fRLink.fRLink).copyFormula();// {q} formulanode = new TFormula(TFormula.binary, String.valueOf(chAnd), new TFormula(TFormula.unary, String.valueOf(chNeg), null, p), new TFormula(TFormula.unary, String.valueOf(chNeg), null, q)); fNewRoot = formulanode; fLastRewrite = " De M"; return true; } return false; } public String toHTMLString() { return "<html>" + "<em>De Morgan </em>" + "<strong>" + fParser.renderNot() + "p" + fParser.renderAnd() + fParser.renderNot() + "q :: " + fParser.renderNot() + "(p" + fParser.renderOr() + "q)" + "</strong>" + "</html>"; } public String toString() { return "De Morgan " + fParser.renderNot() + "p" + fParser.renderAnd() + fParser.renderNot() + "q :: " + fParser.renderNot() + "(p" + fParser.renderOr() + "q)" + ""; } } /* function TRewriteWindow.DoDMAnd (var oldformula, newformula: TFormula): boolean; var p, q, formulanode: TFormula; tempboolean: boolean; begin tempboolean := FALSE; if oldformula.finfo = chAnd then if oldformula.fllink.finfo = chNeg then if oldformula.frlink.finfo = chNeg then begin p := oldformula.fllink.frlink; {p} q := oldformula.frlink.frlink; {q} SupplyFormula(formulanode); formulanode.fKind := binary; formulanode.finfo := chOr; formulanode.fllink := p.CopyFormula; formulanode.frlink := q.CopyFormula; newformula := formulanode; formulanode := nil; SupplyFormula(formulanode); formulanode.fKind := unary; formulanode.finfo := chNeg; formulanode.frlink := newformula; newformula := formulanode; formulanode := nil; oldformula.DismantleFormula; oldformula := nil; fLastRewrite := ' De M'; tempboolean := TRUE; end; if not tempboolean then {second case} if oldformula.finfo = chNeg then if oldformula.frlink.finfo = chOr then begin p := oldformula.frlink.fllink; {p} q := oldformula.frlink.frlink; {q} SupplyFormula(formulanode); formulanode.fKind := unary; formulanode.finfo := chNeg; formulanode.frlink := p.CopyFormula; newformula := formulanode; formulanode := nil; SupplyFormula(formulanode); formulanode.fKind := binary; formulanode.finfo := chAnd; formulanode.fllink := newformula; newformula := formulanode; formulanode := nil; SupplyFormula(formulanode); formulanode.fKind := unary; formulanode.finfo := chNeg; formulanode.frlink := q.CopyFormula; newformula.frlink := formulanode; formulanode := nil; oldformula.DismantleFormula; oldformula := nil; fLastRewrite := ' De M'; tempboolean := TRUE; end; if not tempboolean then oldformula.DismantleFormula; DoDMAnd := tempboolean; end; */ class DoDMOr extends AbstractRule { boolean doRule() { TFormula p, q, formulanode; if (fParser.isOr(fSelectionRoot) && fParser.isNegation(fSelectionRoot.getLLink()) && fParser.isNegation(fSelectionRoot.getRLink())) { fNewRoot = fSelectionRoot.copyFormula(); //we do surgery and later compare if old = new so we need a copy for that test to work p = (fNewRoot.fLLink.fRLink).copyFormula(); //{p} q = (fNewRoot.fRLink.fRLink).copyFormula();// {q} formulanode = new TFormula(TFormula.binary, String.valueOf(chAnd), p, q); fNewRoot = new TFormula(TFormula.unary, String.valueOf(chNeg), null, formulanode); fLastRewrite = " De M"; return true; } if (fParser.isNegation(fSelectionRoot) && fParser.isAnd(fSelectionRoot.getRLink())) { fNewRoot = fSelectionRoot.copyFormula(); //we do surgery and later compare if old = new so we need a copy for that test to work p = (fNewRoot.fRLink.fLLink).copyFormula(); //{p} q = (fNewRoot.fRLink.fRLink).copyFormula();// {q} formulanode = new TFormula(TFormula.binary, String.valueOf(chOr), new TFormula(TFormula.unary, String.valueOf(chNeg), null, p), new TFormula(TFormula.unary, String.valueOf(chNeg), null, q)); fNewRoot = formulanode; fLastRewrite = " De M"; return true; } return false; } public String toHTMLString() { return "<html>" + "<em>De Morgan </em>" + "<strong>" + fParser.renderNot() + "p" + fParser.renderOr() + fParser.renderNot() + "q :: " + fParser.renderNot() + "(p" + fParser.renderAnd() + "q)" + "</strong>" + "</html>"; } public String toString() { return "De Morgan " + fParser.renderNot() + "p" + fParser.renderOr() + fParser.renderNot() + "q :: " + fParser.renderNot() + "(p" + fParser.renderAnd() + "q)" + ""; } } class DoDistribAnd extends AbstractRule { boolean doRule() { TFormula p, q, r, formulanode; if (fParser.isAnd(fSelectionRoot) && fParser.isOr(fSelectionRoot.getRLink())) { p = fSelectionRoot.fLLink; //{p} (p^(qvr)) q = fSelectionRoot.fRLink.fLLink;// {q} r = fSelectionRoot.fRLink.fRLink; //{r} formulanode = new TFormula(TFormula.binary, String.valueOf(chOr), new TFormula(TFormula.binary, String.valueOf(chAnd), p, q), new TFormula(TFormula.binary, String.valueOf(chAnd), p, r)); fNewRoot = formulanode.copyFormula(); fLastRewrite = " Dist"; return true; } // right to left if (fParser.isOr(fSelectionRoot) && fParser.isAnd(fSelectionRoot.getLLink()) && fParser.isAnd(fSelectionRoot.getRLink()) && fSelectionRoot.getLLink().getLLink().equalFormulas(fSelectionRoot.getLLink().getLLink(), fSelectionRoot.getRLink().getLLink())) { p = fSelectionRoot.fLLink.fLLink; //{p} (p^q)v(p^r)) q = fSelectionRoot.fLLink.fRLink; r = fSelectionRoot.fRLink.fRLink; //{r} formulanode = new TFormula(TFormula.binary, String.valueOf(chAnd), p, new TFormula(TFormula.binary, String.valueOf(chOr), q, r)); fNewRoot = formulanode.copyFormula(); fLastRewrite = " Dist"; return true; } return false; } public String toHTMLString() { return "<html>" + "<em>Distribution </em>" + "<strong>" + "p" + fParser.renderAnd() + "(q" + fParser.renderOr() + "r) :: (p" + fParser.renderAnd() + "q)" + fParser.renderOr() + "(p" + fParser.renderAnd() + "r)" + "</strong>" + "</html>"; } public String toString() { return "Distribution " + "p" + fParser.renderAnd() + "(q" + fParser.renderOr() + "r) :: (p" + fParser.renderAnd() + "q)" + fParser.renderOr() + "(p" + fParser.renderAnd() + "r)" + ""; } } /* function TRewriteWindow.DoDistribAnd (var oldformula, newformula: TFormula): boolean; var p, q, r, formulanode: TFormula; tempboolean: boolean; begin tempboolean := FALSE; if oldformula.finfo = chAnd then if oldformula.frlink.finfo = chOr then begin p := oldformula.fllink; {p} q := oldformula.frlink.fllink; {q} r := oldformula.frlink.frlink; {r} SupplyFormula(formulanode); formulanode.fKind := binary; formulanode.finfo := chOr; newformula := formulanode; formulanode := nil; SupplyFormula(formulanode); formulanode.fKind := binary; formulanode.finfo := chAnd; formulanode.fllink := p.CopyFormula; formulanode.frlink := q.CopyFormula; newformula.fllink := formulanode; formulanode := nil; SupplyFormula(formulanode); formulanode.fKind := binary; formulanode.finfo := chAnd; formulanode.fllink := p.CopyFormula; formulanode.frlink := r.CopyFormula; newformula.frlink := formulanode; formulanode := nil; oldformula.DismantleFormula; oldformula := nil; fLastRewrite := ' Dist'; tempboolean := TRUE; end; if not tempboolean then {second case} if oldformula.finfo = chOr then if oldformula.fllink.finfo = chAnd then if oldformula.frlink.finfo = chAnd then if EqualFormulas(oldformula.fllink.fllink, oldformula.frlink.fllink) then begin p := oldformula.fllink.fllink; {p} q := oldformula.fllink.frlink; {q} r := oldformula.frlink.frlink; {r} SupplyFormula(formulanode); formulanode.fKind := binary; formulanode.finfo := chAnd; newformula := formulanode; formulanode := nil; newformula.fllink := p.CopyFormula; SupplyFormula(formulanode); formulanode.fKind := binary; formulanode.finfo := chOr; formulanode.fllink := q.CopyFormula; formulanode.frlink := r.CopyFormula; newformula.frlink := formulanode; formulanode := nil; oldformula.DismantleFormula; oldformula := nil; fLastRewrite := ' Dist'; tempboolean := TRUE; end; if not tempboolean then oldformula.DismantleFormula; DoDistribAnd := tempboolean; end; */ class DoDistribOr extends AbstractRule { boolean doRule() { TFormula p, q, r, formulanode; if (fParser.isOr(fSelectionRoot) && fParser.isAnd(fSelectionRoot.getRLink())) { p = fSelectionRoot.fLLink; //{p} (pv(q^r)) q = fSelectionRoot.fRLink.fLLink;// {q} r = fSelectionRoot.fRLink.fRLink; //{r} formulanode = new TFormula(TFormula.binary, String.valueOf(chAnd), new TFormula(TFormula.binary, String.valueOf(chOr), p, q), new TFormula(TFormula.binary, String.valueOf(chOr), p, r)); //(pvq)^(pvr)) fNewRoot = formulanode.copyFormula(); fLastRewrite = " Dist"; return true; } // right to left if (fParser.isAnd(fSelectionRoot) && fParser.isOr(fSelectionRoot.getLLink()) && fParser.isOr(fSelectionRoot.getRLink()) && fSelectionRoot.getLLink().getLLink().equalFormulas(fSelectionRoot.getLLink().getLLink(), fSelectionRoot.getRLink().getLLink())) { p = fSelectionRoot.fLLink.fLLink; //{p} (pvq)^(pvr)) q = fSelectionRoot.fLLink.fRLink; r = fSelectionRoot.fRLink.fRLink; //{r} formulanode = new TFormula(TFormula.binary, String.valueOf(chOr), p, new TFormula(TFormula.binary, String.valueOf(chAnd), q, r)); fNewRoot = formulanode.copyFormula(); fLastRewrite = " Dist"; return true; } return false; } public String toHTMLString() { return "<html>" + "<em>Distribution </em>" + "<strong>" + "p" + fParser.renderOr() + "(q" + fParser.renderAnd() + "r) :: (p" + fParser.renderOr() + "q)" + fParser.renderAnd() + "(p" + fParser.renderOr() + "r)" + "</strong>" + "</html>"; } public String toString() { return "Distribution " + "p" + fParser.renderOr() + "(q" + fParser.renderAnd() + "r) :: (p" + fParser.renderOr() + "q)" + fParser.renderAnd() + "(p" + fParser.renderOr() + "r)" + ""; } } class DoDNLR extends AbstractRule { boolean doRule() { TFormula p; p = fSelectionRoot.copyFormula(); fNewRoot = new TFormula(TFormula.unary, String.valueOf(chNeg), null, new TFormula(TFormula.unary, String.valueOf(chNeg), null, p)); fLastRewrite = " DN"; return true; } public String toHTMLString() { return "<html>" + "<em>Double Neg </em>" + "<strong>" + "p :- " + fParser.renderNot() + fParser.renderNot() + "p" + "</strong>" + "</html>"; } public String toString() { return "Double Neg " + "p :- " + fParser.renderNot() + fParser.renderNot() + "p" + ""; } } /* function TRewriteWindow.DoDNLR (var oldformula, newformula: TFormula): boolean; var p, formulanode: TFormula; begin p := oldformula; {p} SupplyFormula(formulanode); formulanode.fKind := unary; formulanode.finfo := chNeg; formulanode.frlink := p.CopyFormula; newformula := formulanode; formulanode := nil; SupplyFormula(formulanode); formulanode.fKind := unary; formulanode.finfo := chNeg; formulanode.frlink := newformula; newformula := formulanode; formulanode := nil; oldformula.DismantleFormula; oldformula := nil; fLastRewrite := ' DN'; DoDNLR := TRUE; end; */ class DoExtension extends AbstractRule { boolean doRule() { TFormula p, q, z, zMemberp, zMemberq; if (fParser.isEquality(fSelectionRoot)) { // p=q::(Allz)(z member p iff z member q) p = fSelectionRoot.firstTerm().copyFormula(); q = fSelectionRoot.secondTerm().copyFormula(); //we don't want to capture anything here Set<String> badVar = fParser.variablesInFormula(fSelectionRoot); String goodVar = fParser.nthNewVariable(1, badVar); if (!goodVar.equals("")) { z = new TFormula(TFormula.variable, String.valueOf(goodVar), null, null); zMemberp = new TFormula(TFormula.predicator, strMemberOf, null, null); zMemberp.appendToFormulaList(z.copyFormula()); zMemberp.appendToFormulaList(p.copyFormula()); zMemberq = new TFormula(TFormula.predicator, strMemberOf, null, null); zMemberq.appendToFormulaList(z.copyFormula()); zMemberq.appendToFormulaList(q.copyFormula()); fNewRoot = new TFormula(TFormula.quantifier, String.valueOf(chUniquant), z, new TFormula(TFormula.binary, String.valueOf(chEquiv), zMemberp, zMemberq)); fLastRewrite = " Extens"; return true; } } if (fParser.isUniquant(fSelectionRoot) && fParser.isEquiv(fSelectionRoot.scope()) && fParser.isMemberOf(fSelectionRoot.scope().fLLink) && fParser.isMemberOf(fSelectionRoot.scope().fRLink)) { // // p=q::(Allz)(z member p iff z member q) TFormula z1, z2, z3, scope, left, right; scope = fSelectionRoot.scope(); left = scope.fLLink; right = scope.fRLink; z1 = fSelectionRoot.quantVarForm(); z2 = left.firstTerm(); z3 = right.firstTerm(); if (z1.equalFormulas(z1, z2) && z2.equalFormulas(z2, z3)) { TFormula pSubsetq; p = left.secondTerm(); q = right.secondTerm(); pSubsetq = new TFormula(TFormula.equality, strEquals, null, null); pSubsetq.appendToFormulaList(p.copyFormula()); pSubsetq.appendToFormulaList(q.copyFormula()); fNewRoot = pSubsetq; fLastRewrite = " Extens"; return true; } } return false; } public String toHTMLString() {// psubsetq::(Allz)(z member p -> z member q) return "<html>" + "<em>Extensionality </em>" + "<strong>" + "p" + fParser.renderEquals() + "q :: " + "(" + fParser.renderUniquant() + "m)((m" + fParser.renderMemberOf() + "p)" + fParser.renderEquiv() + "(m" + fParser.renderMemberOf() + "q))" + "</strong>" + "</html>"; } public String toString() {// psubsetq::(Allz)(z member p -> z member q) return "Extensionality " + "p" + fParser.renderEquals() + "q :: " + "(" + fParser.renderUniquant() + "m)((m" + fParser.renderMemberOf() + "p)" + fParser.renderEquiv() + "(m" + fParser.renderMemberOf() + "q))" + ""; } } class DoDNRL extends AbstractRule { boolean doRule() { TFormula p; if (fParser.isNegation(fSelectionRoot) && fParser.isNegation(fSelectionRoot.getRLink())) { p = fSelectionRoot.fRLink.fRLink.copyFormula(); fNewRoot = p; fLastRewrite = " DN"; return true; } return false; } public String toHTMLString() { return "<html>" + "<em>Double Neg </em>" + "<strong>" + fParser.renderNot() + fParser.renderNot() + "p" + " :- p" + "</strong>" + "</html>"; } public String toString() { return "Double Neg " + fParser.renderNot() + fParser.renderNot() + "p" + " :- p" + ""; } } class DoEquiv1 extends AbstractRule { boolean doRule() { TFormula p, q, formulanode; if (fParser.isEquiv(fSelectionRoot)) { p = fSelectionRoot.fLLink; //{p} p<->q q = fSelectionRoot.fRLink;// {q} formulanode = new TFormula(TFormula.binary, String.valueOf(chAnd), new TFormula(TFormula.binary, String.valueOf(chImplic), p, q), new TFormula(TFormula.binary, String.valueOf(chImplic), q, p)); fNewRoot = formulanode.copyFormula(); fLastRewrite = " Equiv"; return true; } // right to left if (fParser.isAnd(fSelectionRoot) && fParser.isImplic(fSelectionRoot.getLLink()) && fParser.isImplic(fSelectionRoot.getRLink()) && //p->q)^(q->p)) fSelectionRoot.getLLink().getLLink().equalFormulas(fSelectionRoot.getLLink().getLLink(), fSelectionRoot.getRLink().getRLink()) && fSelectionRoot.getRLink().getLLink().equalFormulas(fSelectionRoot.getRLink().getLLink(), fSelectionRoot.getLLink().getRLink())) { p = fSelectionRoot.fLLink.fLLink; //{p} (p->q)^(q->p)) q = fSelectionRoot.fLLink.fRLink; formulanode = new TFormula(TFormula.binary, String.valueOf(chEquiv), p, q); fNewRoot = formulanode.copyFormula(); fLastRewrite = " Equiv"; return true; } return false; } public String toHTMLString() { return "<html>" + "<em>Equivalence </em>" + "<strong>" + "p" + fParser.renderEquiv() + "q :: (p" + fParser.renderImplic() + "q)" + fParser.renderAnd() + "(q" + fParser.renderImplic() + "p)" + "</strong>" + "</html>"; } public String toString() { return "Equivalence " + "p" + fParser.renderEquiv() + "q :: (p" + fParser.renderImplic() + "q)" + fParser.renderAnd() + "(q" + fParser.renderImplic() + "p)" + ""; } } class DoEquiv2 extends AbstractRule { boolean doRule() { TFormula p, q, formulanode; if (fParser.isEquiv(fSelectionRoot)) { p = fSelectionRoot.fLLink.copyFormula(); //{p} p<->q q = fSelectionRoot.fRLink.copyFormula();// {q} formulanode = new TFormula(TFormula.binary, String.valueOf(chOr), new TFormula(TFormula.binary, String.valueOf(chAnd), p, q), new TFormula(TFormula.binary, String.valueOf(chAnd), new TFormula(TFormula.unary, String.valueOf(chNeg), null, p), new TFormula(TFormula.unary, String.valueOf(chNeg), null, q))); fNewRoot = formulanode; fLastRewrite = " Equiv"; return true; } // right to left if (fParser.isOr(fSelectionRoot) && fParser.isAnd(fSelectionRoot.getLLink()) && fParser.isAnd(fSelectionRoot.getRLink()) && //(p^q)v(~p^~q) fParser.isNegation(fSelectionRoot.getRLink().getLLink()) && fParser.isNegation(fSelectionRoot.getRLink().getRLink()) && fSelectionRoot.getLLink().getLLink().equalFormulas(fSelectionRoot.getLLink().getLLink(), fSelectionRoot.getRLink().getLLink().getRLink()) //p && fSelectionRoot.getLLink().getRLink().equalFormulas(fSelectionRoot.getLLink().getRLink(), //q fSelectionRoot.getRLink().getRLink().getRLink())) { p = fSelectionRoot.fLLink.fLLink.copyFormula(); //{p} (p^q)v(~p^~q) q = fSelectionRoot.fLLink.fRLink.copyFormula(); formulanode = new TFormula(TFormula.binary, String.valueOf(chEquiv), p, q); fNewRoot = formulanode; fLastRewrite = " Equiv"; return true; } return false; } public String toHTMLString() { return "<html>" + "<em>Equivalence </em>" + "<strong>" + "p" + fParser.renderEquiv() + "q :: (p" + fParser.renderAnd() + "q)" + fParser.renderOr() + "(" + fParser.renderNot() + "p" + fParser.renderAnd() + fParser.renderNot() + "q)" + "</strong>" + "</html>"; } public String toString() { return "Equivalence " + "p" + fParser.renderEquiv() + "q :: (p" + fParser.renderAnd() + "q)" + fParser.renderOr() + "(" + fParser.renderNot() + "p" + fParser.renderAnd() + fParser.renderNot() + "q)" + ""; } } class DoExp extends AbstractRule { boolean doRule() { TFormula p, q, r, formulanode; if (fParser.isImplic(fSelectionRoot) && fParser.isAnd(fSelectionRoot.getLLink())) { p = fSelectionRoot.fLLink.fLLink; //{p} (p^q)->r) q = fSelectionRoot.fLLink.fRLink;// {q} r = fSelectionRoot.fRLink; //{r} formulanode = new TFormula(TFormula.binary, String.valueOf(chImplic), p, new TFormula(TFormula.binary, String.valueOf(chImplic), q, r)); fNewRoot = formulanode.copyFormula(); fLastRewrite = " Exp"; return true; } // right to left p->(q->r) if (fParser.isImplic(fSelectionRoot) && fParser.isImplic(fSelectionRoot.getRLink())) { p = fSelectionRoot.fLLink; //{p} p->(q->r) q = fSelectionRoot.fRLink.fLLink; r = fSelectionRoot.fRLink.fRLink; //{r} formulanode = new TFormula(TFormula.binary, String.valueOf(chImplic), new TFormula(TFormula.binary, String.valueOf(chAnd), p, q), r); fNewRoot = formulanode.copyFormula(); fLastRewrite = " Exp"; return true; } return false; } public String toHTMLString() { return "<html>" + "<em>Exportation </em>" + "<strong>" + "(p" + fParser.renderAnd() + "q)" + fParser.renderImplic() + "r :: p" + fParser.renderImplic() + "(q" + fParser.renderImplic() + "r)" + "</strong>" + "</html>"; } public String toString() { return "Exportation " + "(p" + fParser.renderAnd() + "q)" + fParser.renderImplic() + "r :: p" + fParser.renderImplic() + "(q" + fParser.renderImplic() + "r)" + ""; } } /* function TRewriteWindow.DoExp (var oldformula, newformula: TFormula): boolean; var p, q, r, formulanode: TFormula; tempboolean: boolean; begin tempboolean := FALSE; if oldformula.finfo = chImplic then if oldformula.fllink.finfo = chAnd then begin p := oldformula.fllink.fllink; {p} q := oldformula.fllink.frlink; {q} r := oldformula.frlink; {r} SupplyFormula(formulanode); formulanode.fKind := binary; formulanode.finfo := chImplic; formulanode.fllink := p.CopyFormula; newformula := formulanode; formulanode := nil; SupplyFormula(formulanode); formulanode.fKind := binary; formulanode.finfo := chImplic; formulanode.fllink := q.CopyFormula; formulanode.frlink := r.CopyFormula; newformula.frlink := formulanode; formulanode := nil; oldformula.DismantleFormula; oldformula := nil; fLastRewrite := ' Exp'; tempboolean := TRUE; end; if not tempboolean then {second case} if oldformula.finfo = chImplic then if oldformula.frlink.finfo = chImplic then begin p := oldformula.fllink; {p} q := oldformula.frlink.fllink; {q} r := oldformula.frlink.frlink; {r} SupplyFormula(formulanode); formulanode.fKind := binary; formulanode.finfo := chImplic; formulanode.frlink := r.CopyFormula; newformula := formulanode; formulanode := nil; SupplyFormula(formulanode); formulanode.fKind := binary; formulanode.finfo := chAnd; formulanode.fllink := p.CopyFormula; formulanode.frlink := q.CopyFormula; newformula.fllink := formulanode; formulanode := nil; oldformula.DismantleFormula; oldformula := nil; fLastRewrite := ' Exp'; tempboolean := TRUE; end; if not tempboolean then oldformula.DismantleFormula; DoExp := tempboolean; end; */ class DoImplic extends AbstractRule { boolean doRule() { TFormula p, q; if (fParser.isImplic(fSelectionRoot)) { // p->q::~pvq p = fSelectionRoot.fLLink.copyFormula(); q = fSelectionRoot.fRLink.copyFormula(); fNewRoot = new TFormula(TFormula.binary, String.valueOf(chOr), new TFormula(TFormula.unary, String.valueOf(chNeg), null, p), q); fLastRewrite = " Impl"; return true; } if (fParser.isOr(fSelectionRoot) && fParser.isNegation(fSelectionRoot.fLLink)) { // p->q::~pvq p = fSelectionRoot.fLLink.fRLink.copyFormula(); q = fSelectionRoot.fRLink.copyFormula(); fNewRoot = new TFormula(TFormula.binary, String.valueOf(chImplic), p, q); fLastRewrite = " Impl"; return true; } return false; } public String toHTMLString() { return "<html>" + "<em>Implication </em>" + "<strong>" + "p" + fParser.renderImplic() + "q :: " + fParser.renderNot() + "q" + fParser.renderOr() + "p" + "</strong>" + "</html>"; } public String toString() { return "Implication " + "p" + fParser.renderImplic() + "q :: " + fParser.renderNot() + "q" + fParser.renderOr() + "p" + ""; } } /* function TRewriteWindow.DoImplic (var oldformula, newformula: TFormula): boolean; var p, q, formulanode: TFormula; tempboolean: boolean; begin tempboolean := FALSE; if oldformula.finfo = chImplic then begin p := oldformula.fllink; {p} q := oldformula.frlink; {q} SupplyFormula(formulanode); formulanode.fKind := binary; formulanode.finfo := chOr; formulanode.frlink := q.CopyFormula; newformula := formulanode; formulanode := nil; SupplyFormula(formulanode); formulanode.fKind := unary; formulanode.finfo := chNeg; formulanode.frlink := p.CopyFormula; newformula.fllink := formulanode; formulanode := nil; oldformula.DismantleFormula; oldformula := nil; fLastRewrite := ' Impl'; tempboolean := TRUE; end; if not tempboolean then {second case} if oldformula.finfo = chOr then if oldformula.fllink.finfo = chNeg then begin p := oldformula.fllink.frlink; {p} q := oldformula.frlink; {q} SupplyFormula(formulanode); formulanode.fKind := binary; formulanode.finfo := chImplic; formulanode.fllink := p.CopyFormula; formulanode.frlink := q.CopyFormula; newformula := formulanode; formulanode := nil; oldformula.DismantleFormula; oldformula := nil; fLastRewrite := ' Impl'; tempboolean := TRUE; end; if not tempboolean then oldformula.DismantleFormula; DoImplic := TRUE; end; */ /* class QuantTest { //{take care here for this might be Ex! for the unique quantifier} boolean testIt(TFormula quantRoot) { skip(1); // the opening bracktet, now looking at quantifier if ((fCurrCh == chExiquant) && (fLookAheadCh == chUnique)) // {unique case} skip(1); // {now looking at exclamation mark} TFormula newnode = new TFormula(quantifier, String.valueOf(fCurrCh), null, null); TFormula variableNode = new TFormula(variable, String.valueOf(fLookAheadCh), null, null); skip(1); //now looking at variable newnode.fLLink = variableNode; if (!(isVariable(fCurrCh)) || (fLookAheadCh != ')')) { writeError(gCR + "( *Either '" + fCurrCh + "' should be a variable or a ) is missing. *)"); return ILLFORMED; } else { skip(2); // the variable and the ) TFormula rLink = new TFormula(); if (secondary(rLink)) { //the scope of the quantified expression newnode.fRLink = rLink; quantRoot.assignFieldsToMe(newnode); newnode = null; return WELLFORMED; } else return ILLFORMED; } */ class DoQNExi extends AbstractRule { boolean doRule() { TFormula p, m; if (fParser.isNegation(fSelectionRoot) && fParser.isExiquant(fSelectionRoot.fRLink)) { // ~(Ex m)p)::(Allx m)~p) p = fSelectionRoot.fRLink.fRLink.copyFormula(); m = fSelectionRoot.fRLink.quantVarForm().copyFormula(); fNewRoot = new TFormula(TFormula.quantifier, String.valueOf(chUniquant), m, new TFormula(TFormula.unary, String.valueOf(chNeg), null, p)); fLastRewrite = " QN"; return true; } if (fParser.isUniquant(fSelectionRoot) && fParser.isNegation(fSelectionRoot.fRLink)) { // ~(Ex m)p)::(Allx m)~p) p = fSelectionRoot.scope().fRLink.copyFormula(); m = fSelectionRoot.quantVarForm().copyFormula(); fNewRoot = new TFormula(TFormula.unary, String.valueOf(chNeg), null, new TFormula(TFormula.quantifier, String.valueOf(chExiquant), m, p)); fLastRewrite = " QN"; return true; } return false; } public String toHTMLString() { return "<html>" + "<em>Quant Neg </em>" + "<strong>" + fParser.renderNot() + "(" + fParser.renderExiquant() + "m)p :: " + "(" + fParser.renderUniquant() + "m)" + fParser.renderNot() + "p" + "</strong>" + "</html>"; } public String toString() { return "Quant Neg " + fParser.renderNot() + "(" + fParser.renderExiquant() + "m)p :: " + "(" + fParser.renderUniquant() + "m)" + fParser.renderNot() + "p" + ""; } } /* function TRewriteWindow.DoQNExi (var oldformula, newformula: TFormula): boolean; var p, formulanode, variForm: TFormula; tempboolean: boolean; begin tempboolean := FALSE; if oldformula.finfo = chNeg then if oldformula.frlink.finfo[1] = chExiquant then begin p := oldformula.frlink.frlink; {p} variForm := oldformula.frlink.QuantVarForm.CopyFormula; SupplyFormula(formulanode); formulanode.fKind := quantifier; formulanode.finfo := chUniquant; formulanode.fLLink := variForm; newformula := formulanode; formulanode := nil; SupplyFormula(formulanode); formulanode.fKind := unary; formulanode.finfo := chNeg; formulanode.frlink := p.CopyFormula; newformula.frlink := formulanode; formulanode := nil; oldformula.DismantleFormula; oldformula := nil; fLastRewrite := ' QN'; tempboolean := TRUE; end; if not tempboolean then {second case} if oldformula.finfo[1] = chUniquant then if oldformula.frlink.finfo = chNeg then begin p := oldformula.frlink.frlink; {p} variForm := oldformula.QuantVarForm.CopyFormula; SupplyFormula(formulanode); formulanode.fKind := unary; formulanode.finfo := chNeg; newformula := formulanode; formulanode := nil; SupplyFormula(formulanode); formulanode.fKind := quantifier; formulanode.finfo := chExiquant; formulanode.fllink := variForm; formulanode.frlink := p.CopyFormula; newformula.frlink := formulanode; formulanode := nil; oldformula.DismantleFormula; oldformula := nil; fLastRewrite := ' QN'; tempboolean := TRUE; end; if not tempboolean then oldformula.DismantleFormula; DoQNExi := tempboolean; end; */ class DoQNUni extends AbstractRule { boolean doRule() { TFormula p, m; if (fParser.isNegation(fSelectionRoot) && fParser.isUniquant(fSelectionRoot.fRLink)) { // ~(All x m)p)::(Ex m)~p) p = fSelectionRoot.fRLink.fRLink.copyFormula(); m = fSelectionRoot.fRLink.quantVarForm().copyFormula(); fNewRoot = new TFormula(TFormula.quantifier, String.valueOf(chExiquant), m, new TFormula(TFormula.unary, String.valueOf(chNeg), null, p)); fLastRewrite = " QN"; return true; } if (fParser.isExiquant(fSelectionRoot) && fParser.isNegation(fSelectionRoot.fRLink)) { // ~(All x m)p)::(Ex m)~p) p = fSelectionRoot.scope().fRLink.copyFormula(); m = fSelectionRoot.quantVarForm().copyFormula(); fNewRoot = new TFormula(TFormula.unary, String.valueOf(chNeg), null, new TFormula(TFormula.quantifier, String.valueOf(chUniquant), m, p)); fLastRewrite = " QN"; return true; } return false; } public String toHTMLString() { return "<html>" + "<em>Quant Neg </em>" + "<strong>" + fParser.renderNot() + "(" + fParser.renderUniquant() + "m)p :: " + "(" + fParser.renderExiquant() + "m)" + fParser.renderNot() + "p" + "</strong>" + "</html>"; } public String toString() { return "Quant Neg </em>" + fParser.renderNot() + "(" + fParser.renderUniquant() + "m)p :: " + "(" + fParser.renderExiquant() + "m)" + fParser.renderNot() + "p" + ""; } } class DoSubset extends AbstractRule { boolean doRule() { TFormula p, q, z, zMemberp, zMemberq; if (fParser.isSubset(fSelectionRoot)) { // psubsetq::(Allz)(z member p -> z member q) p = fSelectionRoot.firstTerm().copyFormula(); q = fSelectionRoot.secondTerm().copyFormula(); //we don't want to capture anything here Set<String> badVar = fParser.variablesInFormula(fSelectionRoot); String goodVar = fParser.nthNewVariable(1, badVar); if (!goodVar.equals("")) { z = new TFormula(TFormula.variable, String.valueOf(goodVar), null, null); zMemberp = new TFormula(TFormula.predicator, strMemberOf, null, null); zMemberp.appendToFormulaList(z.copyFormula()); zMemberp.appendToFormulaList(p.copyFormula()); zMemberq = new TFormula(TFormula.predicator, strMemberOf, null, null); zMemberq.appendToFormulaList(z.copyFormula()); zMemberq.appendToFormulaList(q.copyFormula()); fNewRoot = new TFormula(TFormula.quantifier, String.valueOf(chUniquant), z, new TFormula(TFormula.binary, String.valueOf(chImplic), zMemberp, zMemberq)); fLastRewrite = " Subset"; return true; } } if (fParser.isUniquant(fSelectionRoot) && fParser.isImplic(fSelectionRoot.scope()) && fParser.isMemberOf(fSelectionRoot.scope().fLLink) && fParser.isMemberOf(fSelectionRoot.scope().fRLink)) { // psubsetq::(Allz)(z member p -> z member q) TFormula z1, z2, z3, scope, left, right; scope = fSelectionRoot.scope(); left = scope.fLLink; right = scope.fRLink; z1 = fSelectionRoot.quantVarForm(); z2 = left.firstTerm(); z3 = right.firstTerm(); if (z1.equalFormulas(z1, z2) && z2.equalFormulas(z2, z3)) { TFormula pSubsetq; p = left.secondTerm(); q = right.secondTerm(); pSubsetq = new TFormula(TFormula.predicator, strSubsetOf, null, null); pSubsetq.appendToFormulaList(p.copyFormula()); pSubsetq.appendToFormulaList(q.copyFormula()); fNewRoot = pSubsetq; fLastRewrite = " Subset"; return true; } } return false; } public String toHTMLString() {// psubsetq::(Allz)(z member p -> z member q) return "<html>" + "<em>Subset </em>" + "<strong>" + "p" + fParser.renderSubset() + "q :: " + "(" + fParser.renderUniquant() + "m)((m" + fParser.renderMemberOf() + "p)" + fParser.renderImplic() + "(m" + fParser.renderMemberOf() + "q))" + "</strong>" + "</html>"; } public String toString() {// psubsetq::(Allz)(z member p -> z member q) return "Subset " + "p" + fParser.renderSubset() + "q :: " + "(" + fParser.renderUniquant() + "m)((m" + fParser.renderMemberOf() + "p)" + fParser.renderImplic() + "(m" + fParser.renderMemberOf() + "q))" + ""; } } class DoPowerSet extends AbstractRule { boolean doRule() { TFormula p, q; if (fParser.isMemberOf(fSelectionRoot) && fParser.isPowerSet(fSelectionRoot.secondTerm())) { // p MemberOf Power q:: p subset q p = fSelectionRoot.firstTerm().copyFormula(); q = fSelectionRoot.secondTerm().firstTerm().copyFormula(); TFormula pSubsetq; pSubsetq = new TFormula(TFormula.predicator, strSubsetOf, null, null); pSubsetq.appendToFormulaList(p.copyFormula()); pSubsetq.appendToFormulaList(q.copyFormula()); fNewRoot = pSubsetq; fLastRewrite = " PowerSet"; return true; } if (fParser.isSubset(fSelectionRoot)) { // p MemberOf Power q:: p subset q p = fSelectionRoot.firstTerm().copyFormula(); q = fSelectionRoot.secondTerm().copyFormula(); TFormula powerSetq, pMemberPowerq; powerSetq = new TFormula(TFormula.functor, strPowerSet, null, null); powerSetq.appendToFormulaList(q.copyFormula()); pMemberPowerq = new TFormula(TFormula.predicator, strMemberOf, null, null); pMemberPowerq.appendToFormulaList(p.copyFormula()); pMemberPowerq.appendToFormulaList(powerSetq.copyFormula()); fNewRoot = pMemberPowerq; fLastRewrite = " PowerSet"; return true; } return false; } public String toHTMLString() {//p MemberOf Power q:: p subset q return "<html>" + "<em>PowerSet </em>" + "<strong>" + "p" + fParser.renderMemberOf() + fParser.renderPowerSet() + "(q) :: " + "p" + fParser.renderSubset() + "q" + "</strong>" + "</html>"; } public String toString() {//p MemberOf Power q:: p subset q return "PowerSet " + "p" + fParser.renderMemberOf() + fParser.renderPowerSet() + "(q) :: " + "p" + fParser.renderSubset() + "q" + ""; } } class DoTautOrLR extends AbstractRule { //p :- pVp boolean doRule() { TFormula p; p = fSelectionRoot.copyFormula(); //{p} ( fNewRoot = new TFormula(TFormula.binary, String.valueOf(chOr), p, p.copyFormula()); fLastRewrite = " Taut"; return true; } public String toHTMLString() { return "<html>" + "<em>Tautology </em>" + "<strong>" + "p" + " :- " + "p" + fParser.renderOr() + "p" + "</strong>" + "</html>"; } public String toString() { return "Tautology " + "p" + " :- " + "p" + fParser.renderOr() + "p" + ""; } } class DoTautOrRL extends AbstractRule { //pVp :- p boolean doRule() { TFormula p; if (fParser.isOr(fSelectionRoot) && fSelectionRoot.fLLink.equalFormulas(fSelectionRoot.fLLink, fSelectionRoot.fRLink)) { p = fSelectionRoot.fLLink.copyFormula(); //{p} ( fNewRoot = p; fLastRewrite = " Taut"; return true; } else return false; } public String toHTMLString() { return "<html>" + "<em>Tautology </em>" + "<strong>" + "p" + fParser.renderOr() + "p" + " :- " + "p" + "</strong>" + "</html>"; } public String toString() { return "Tautology " + "p" + fParser.renderOr() + "p" + " :- " + "p" + ""; } } class DoTautAndLR extends AbstractRule { //p :- p.p boolean doRule() { TFormula p; p = fSelectionRoot.copyFormula(); //{p} ( fNewRoot = new TFormula(TFormula.binary, String.valueOf(chAnd), p, p.copyFormula()); fLastRewrite = " Taut"; return true; } public String toHTMLString() { return "<html>" + "<em>Tautology </em>" + "<strong>" + "p" + " :- " + "p" + fParser.renderAnd() + "p" + "</strong>" + "</html>"; } public String toString() { return "Tautology " + "p" + " :- " + "p" + fParser.renderAnd() + "p" + ""; } } class DoTautAndRL extends AbstractRule { //p.p :- p boolean doRule() { TFormula p; if (fParser.isAnd(fSelectionRoot) && fSelectionRoot.fLLink.equalFormulas(fSelectionRoot.fLLink, fSelectionRoot.fRLink)) { p = fSelectionRoot.fLLink.copyFormula(); //{p} ( fNewRoot = p; fLastRewrite = " Taut"; return true; } else return false; } public String toHTMLString() { return "<html>" + "<em>Tautology </em>" + "<strong>" + "p" + fParser.renderAnd() + "p" + " :- " + "p" + "</strong>" + "</html>"; } public String toString() { return "Tautology " + "p" + fParser.renderAnd() + "p" + " :- " + "p" + ""; } } class DoTransLR extends AbstractRule { //p->q :: ~q->~p boolean doRule() { TFormula p, q; if (fParser.isImplic(fSelectionRoot)) { p = fSelectionRoot.fLLink.copyFormula(); //{p} ( q = fSelectionRoot.fRLink.copyFormula();// {q} fNewRoot = new TFormula(TFormula.binary, String.valueOf(chImplic), new TFormula(TFormula.unary, String.valueOf(chNeg), null, q), new TFormula(TFormula.unary, String.valueOf(chNeg), null, p)); fLastRewrite = " Trans"; return true; } return false; } public String toHTMLString() { return "<html>" + "<em>Transposition </em>" + "<strong>" + "p" + fParser.renderImplic() + "q" + " :- " + fParser.renderNot() + "q" + fParser.renderImplic() + fParser.renderNot() + "p" + "</strong>" + "</html>"; } public String toString() { return "Transposition " + "p" + fParser.renderImplic() + "q" + " :- " + fParser.renderNot() + "q" + fParser.renderImplic() + fParser.renderNot() + "p" + ""; } } /* function TRewriteWindow.DoTransLR (var oldformula, newformula: TFormula): boolean; var p, q, formulanode: TFormula; tempboolean: boolean; begin tempboolean := FALSE; if oldformula.finfo = chImplic then begin p := oldformula.fllink; {p} q := oldformula.frlink; {q} SupplyFormula(formulanode); formulanode.fKind := binary; formulanode.finfo := chImplic; newformula := formulanode; formulanode := nil; SupplyFormula(formulanode); formulanode.fKind := unary; formulanode.finfo := chNeg; formulanode.frlink := q.CopyFormula; newformula.fllink := formulanode; formulanode := nil; SupplyFormula(formulanode); formulanode.fKind := unary; formulanode.finfo := chNeg; formulanode.frlink := p.CopyFormula; newformula.frlink := formulanode; formulanode := nil; oldformula.DismantleFormula; oldformula := nil; fLastRewrite := ' Trans'; tempboolean := TRUE; end; if not tempboolean then oldformula.DismantleFormula; DoTransLR := tempboolean; end; */ class DoTransRL extends AbstractRule { // ~q->~p:: p->q boolean doRule() { TFormula p, q; if (fParser.isImplic(fSelectionRoot) && fParser.isNegation(fSelectionRoot.fLLink) && fParser.isNegation(fSelectionRoot.fRLink)) { q = fSelectionRoot.fLLink.fRLink.copyFormula(); //{p} ( p = fSelectionRoot.fRLink.fRLink.copyFormula();// {q} fNewRoot = new TFormula(TFormula.binary, String.valueOf(chImplic), p, q); fLastRewrite = " Trans"; return true; } return false; } public String toHTMLString() { return "<html>" + "<em>Transposition </em>" + "<strong>" + fParser.renderNot() + "q" + fParser.renderImplic() + fParser.renderNot() + "p :- p" + fParser.renderImplic() + "q" + "</strong>" + "</html>"; } public String toString() { return "Transposition " + fParser.renderNot() + "q" + fParser.renderImplic() + fParser.renderNot() + "p :- p" + fParser.renderImplic() + "q" + ""; } } class DoTypeExi extends AbstractRule { boolean doRule() { TFormula p, m, Tm; char type; if (fParser.isExiquant(fSelectionRoot) && fParser.isAnd(fSelectionRoot.scope()) && fParser.isMonadicPredicateWithVar(fSelectionRoot.scope().getLLink())) { // (Ex m:t)p :: (Ex m)(Tm and p) /* p=fSelectionRoot.scope().fRLink.copyFormula(); m=fSelectionRoot.quantVarForm().copyFormula(); Tm=fSelectionRoot.scope().getLLink().copyFormula(); if (m.equalFormulas(m,Tm.firstTerm())){ TFormula typeNode = new TFormula(TFormula.functor, Tm.fInfo.toLowerCase(), null, null); TFormula head = new TFormula(TFormula.kons, "", m, null); head.appendToFormulaList(typeNode); fNewRoot = new TFormula(TParser.typedQuantifier, String.valueOf(chExiquant), head, p ); fLastRewrite = " Type"; return true; */ fNewRoot = fParser.contractTypeExi(fSelectionRoot); if (fNewRoot != null) { fLastRewrite = " Type"; return true; } } if (fParser.isTypedExiquant(fSelectionRoot)) { /// (Ex m:t)p :: (Ex m)(Tm and p) fNewRoot = fParser.expandTypeExi(fSelectionRoot); if (fNewRoot != null) { fLastRewrite = " Type"; return true; } /* p=fSelectionRoot.scope().copyFormula(); m=fSelectionRoot.quantVarForm().copyFormula(); type=fSelectionRoot.quantType(); if (type!=chBlank){ Tm = new TFormula(TFormula.predicator, String.valueOf(type).toUpperCase(), null, null); Tm.appendToFormulaList(m.copyFormula()); //Tm fNewRoot = new TFormula(TFormula.quantifier, String.valueOf(chExiquant), m, new TFormula(TFormula.binary, String.valueOf(chAnd), Tm, p) ); fLastRewrite = " Type"; return true; } */ } return false; } public String toHTMLString() { return "<html>" + "<em>Type Exi </em>" + "<strong>" + "(" + fParser.renderExiquant() + "m:t)p :: " + "(" + fParser.renderExiquant() + "m)(Tm" + fParser.renderAnd() + "p)" + "</strong>" + "</html>"; } public String toString() { return "Type Exi " + "(" + fParser.renderExiquant() + "m:t)p :: " + "(" + fParser.renderExiquant() + "m)(Tm" + fParser.renderAnd() + "p)" + ""; } } class DoTypeUni extends AbstractRule { boolean doRule() { TFormula p, m, Tm; char type; if (fParser.isUniquant(fSelectionRoot) && fParser.isImplic(fSelectionRoot.scope()) && fParser.isMonadicPredicateWithVar(fSelectionRoot.scope().getLLink())) { // (All m:t)p :: (All m)(Tm implic p) /* p=fSelectionRoot.scope().fRLink.copyFormula(); m=fSelectionRoot.quantVarForm().copyFormula(); Tm=fSelectionRoot.scope().getLLink().copyFormula(); if (m.equalFormulas(m,Tm.firstTerm())){ TFormula typeNode = new TFormula(TFormula.functor, Tm.fInfo.toLowerCase(), null, null); TFormula head = new TFormula(TFormula.kons, "", m, null); head.appendToFormulaList(typeNode); fNewRoot = new TFormula(TParser.typedQuantifier, String.valueOf(chUniquant), head, p ); */ fNewRoot = fParser.contractTypeUni(fSelectionRoot); if (fNewRoot != null) { fLastRewrite = " Type"; return true; } } if (fParser.isTypedUniquant(fSelectionRoot)) { // (All m:t)p :: (All m)(Tm implic p) fNewRoot = fParser.expandTypeUni(fSelectionRoot); if (fNewRoot != null) { fLastRewrite = " Type"; return true; } /* p=fSelectionRoot.scope().copyFormula(); m=fSelectionRoot.quantVarForm().copyFormula(); type=fSelectionRoot.quantType(); if (type!=chBlank){ Tm = new TFormula(TFormula.predicator, String.valueOf(type).toUpperCase(), null, null); Tm.appendToFormulaList(m.copyFormula()); //Tm fNewRoot = new TFormula(TFormula.quantifier, String.valueOf(chUniquant), m, new TFormula(TFormula.binary, String.valueOf(chImplic), Tm, p) ); fLastRewrite = " Type"; return true; } */ } return false; } public String toHTMLString() { return "<html>" + "<em>Type Uni </em>" + "<strong>" + "(" + fParser.renderUniquant() + "m:t)p :: " + "(" + fParser.renderUniquant() + "m)(Tm" + fParser.renderImplic() + "p)" + "</strong>" + "</html>"; } public String toString() { return "Type Uni " + "(" + fParser.renderUniquant() + "m:t)p :: " + "(" + fParser.renderUniquant() + "m)(Tm" + fParser.renderImplic() + "p)" + ""; } } class DoComplement extends AbstractRule { boolean doRule() { TFormula p, q, r, pMemberq, pMemberr, pNotMemberr; if (fParser.isMemberOf(fSelectionRoot) && fParser.isComplement(fSelectionRoot.secondTerm())) { // p member (q - r)::p member q and p notMember r) p = fSelectionRoot.firstTerm().copyFormula(); q = fSelectionRoot.secondTerm().firstTerm().copyFormula(); r = fSelectionRoot.secondTerm().secondTerm().copyFormula(); pMemberq = new TFormula(TFormula.predicator, strMemberOf, null, null); pMemberq.appendToFormulaList(p.copyFormula()); pMemberq.appendToFormulaList(q.copyFormula()); pMemberr = new TFormula(TFormula.predicator, strMemberOf, null, null); pMemberr.appendToFormulaList(p.copyFormula()); pMemberr.appendToFormulaList(r.copyFormula()); pNotMemberr = new TFormula(unary, String.valueOf(chNeg), null, pMemberr); fNewRoot = new TFormula(TFormula.binary, String.valueOf(chAnd), pMemberq, pNotMemberr); fLastRewrite = " Complement"; return true; } if (fParser.isAnd(fSelectionRoot) && // p member (q - r)::p member q and p notMember r) fParser.isMemberOf(fSelectionRoot.fLLink) && fParser.isNegation(fSelectionRoot.fRLink) && fParser.isMemberOf(fSelectionRoot.fRLink.fRLink)) { TFormula p1, p2; p1 = fSelectionRoot.fLLink.firstTerm(); p2 = fSelectionRoot.fRLink.fRLink.firstTerm(); if (p1.equalFormulas(p1, p2)) { TFormula qComplementr, pMemberqComplementr; q = fSelectionRoot.fLLink.secondTerm(); r = fSelectionRoot.fRLink.fRLink.secondTerm(); qComplementr = new TFormula(TFormula.functor, strMinus, null, null); qComplementr.appendToFormulaList(q.copyFormula()); qComplementr.appendToFormulaList(r.copyFormula()); pMemberqComplementr = new TFormula(TFormula.predicator, strMemberOf, null, null); pMemberqComplementr.appendToFormulaList(p1.copyFormula()); pMemberqComplementr.appendToFormulaList(qComplementr.copyFormula()); fNewRoot = pMemberqComplementr; fLastRewrite = " Complement"; return true; } } return false; } public String toHTMLString() {//p member (q - r)::p member q and p notMember r return "<html>" + "<em>Complement </em>" + "<strong>" + "p" + fParser.renderMemberOf() + "(q" + fParser.renderComplement() + "r) :: " + "(p" + fParser.renderMemberOf() + "q)" + fParser.renderAnd() + "(p" + fParser.renderNotMemberOf() + "r)" + "</strong>" + "</html>"; } public String toString() {//p member (q - r)::p member q and p notMember r return "Complement " + "p" + fParser.renderMemberOf() + "(q" + fParser.renderComplement() + "r) :: " + "(p" + fParser.renderMemberOf() + "q)" + fParser.renderAnd() + "(p" + fParser.renderNotMemberOf() + "r)" + ""; } } class DoIntersection extends AbstractRule { boolean doRule() { TFormula p, q, r, z, zMemberp, zMemberq, pMemberq, pMemberr; if (fParser.isMemberOf(fSelectionRoot) && fParser.isIntersection(fSelectionRoot.secondTerm())) { // p member (q intersection r)::p member q and p member r) p = fSelectionRoot.firstTerm().copyFormula(); q = fSelectionRoot.secondTerm().firstTerm().copyFormula(); r = fSelectionRoot.secondTerm().secondTerm().copyFormula(); pMemberq = new TFormula(TFormula.predicator, strMemberOf, null, null); pMemberq.appendToFormulaList(p.copyFormula()); pMemberq.appendToFormulaList(q.copyFormula()); pMemberr = new TFormula(TFormula.predicator, strMemberOf, null, null); pMemberr.appendToFormulaList(p.copyFormula()); pMemberr.appendToFormulaList(r.copyFormula()); fNewRoot = new TFormula(TFormula.binary, String.valueOf(chAnd), pMemberq, pMemberr); fLastRewrite = " Intersection"; return true; } if (fParser.isAnd(fSelectionRoot) && // p member (q intersect r)::p member q and p member r) fParser.isMemberOf(fSelectionRoot.fLLink) && fParser.isMemberOf(fSelectionRoot.fRLink)) { TFormula p1, p2; p1 = fSelectionRoot.fLLink.firstTerm(); p2 = fSelectionRoot.fRLink.firstTerm(); if (p1.equalFormulas(p1, p2)) { TFormula qIntersectionr, pMemberqUnionr; q = fSelectionRoot.fLLink.secondTerm(); r = fSelectionRoot.fRLink.secondTerm(); qIntersectionr = new TFormula(TFormula.functor, strIntersection, null, null); qIntersectionr.appendToFormulaList(q.copyFormula()); qIntersectionr.appendToFormulaList(r.copyFormula()); pMemberqUnionr = new TFormula(TFormula.predicator, strMemberOf, null, null); pMemberqUnionr.appendToFormulaList(p1.copyFormula()); pMemberqUnionr.appendToFormulaList(qIntersectionr.copyFormula()); fNewRoot = pMemberqUnionr; fLastRewrite = " Intersection"; return true; } } return false; } public String toHTMLString() {//p member (q union r)::p member q and p member r) return "<html>" + "<em>Intersection </em>" + "<strong>" + "p" + fParser.renderMemberOf() + "(q" + fParser.renderIntersection() + "r) :: " + "(p" + fParser.renderMemberOf() + "q)" + fParser.renderAnd() + "(p" + fParser.renderMemberOf() + "r)" + "</strong>" + "</html>"; } public String toString() {//p member (q union r)::p member q and p member r) return "Intersection " + "p" + fParser.renderMemberOf() + "(q" + fParser.renderIntersection() + "r) :: " + "(p" + fParser.renderMemberOf() + "q)" + fParser.renderAnd() + "(p" + fParser.renderMemberOf() + "r)" + ""; } } class DoPair extends AbstractRule { boolean doRule() { TFormula p, q, r, z, zMemberp, zMemberq, pMemberq, pMemberr; if (fParser.isMemberOf(fSelectionRoot) && fParser.isComprehension(fSelectionRoot.secondTerm())) { // p member {q,r}::p = q or p = r) p = fSelectionRoot.firstTerm().copyFormula(); q = fSelectionRoot.secondTerm().firstTerm().copyFormula(); r = fSelectionRoot.secondTerm().secondTerm().copyFormula(); pMemberq = new TFormula(TFormula.equality, strEquals, null, null); pMemberq.appendToFormulaList(p.copyFormula()); pMemberq.appendToFormulaList(q.copyFormula()); pMemberr = new TFormula(TFormula.equality, strEquals, null, null); pMemberr.appendToFormulaList(p.copyFormula()); pMemberr.appendToFormulaList(r.copyFormula()); fNewRoot = new TFormula(TFormula.binary, String.valueOf(chOr), pMemberq, pMemberr); fLastRewrite = " Pair"; return true; } if (fParser.isOr(fSelectionRoot) && // // p member {q,r}::p = q or p = r) fParser.isEquality(fSelectionRoot.fLLink) && fParser.isEquality(fSelectionRoot.fRLink)) { TFormula p1, p2; p1 = fSelectionRoot.fLLink.firstTerm(); p2 = fSelectionRoot.fRLink.firstTerm(); if (p1.equalFormulas(p1, p2)) { TFormula pMemberComp, qCompr; q = fSelectionRoot.fLLink.secondTerm(); r = fSelectionRoot.fRLink.secondTerm(); qCompr = new TFormula(TFormula.comprehension, "", null, null); qCompr.appendToFormulaList(q.copyFormula()); qCompr.appendToFormulaList(r.copyFormula()); pMemberComp = new TFormula(TFormula.predicator, strMemberOf, null, null); pMemberComp.appendToFormulaList(p1.copyFormula()); pMemberComp.appendToFormulaList(qCompr.copyFormula()); fNewRoot = pMemberComp; fLastRewrite = " Pair"; return true; } } return false; } public String toHTMLString() {//p member (q union r)::p member q and p member r) return "<html>" + "<em>Pair " + " </em>" + "<strong>" + "p" + fParser.renderMemberOf() + "{q,r} :: " + "(p=q)" + fParser.renderOr() + "(p=r)" + "</strong>" + "</html>"; } public String toString() {//p member (q union r)::p member q and p member r) return "Pair " + " " + "p" + fParser.renderMemberOf() + "{q,r} :: " + "(p=q)" + fParser.renderOr() + "(p=r)" + ""; } } class DoUnion extends AbstractRule { boolean doRule() { TFormula p, q, r, z, zMemberp, zMemberq, pMemberq, pMemberr; if (fParser.isMemberOf(fSelectionRoot) && fParser.isUnion(fSelectionRoot.secondTerm())) { // p member (q union r)::p member q or p member r) p = fSelectionRoot.firstTerm().copyFormula(); q = fSelectionRoot.secondTerm().firstTerm().copyFormula(); r = fSelectionRoot.secondTerm().secondTerm().copyFormula(); pMemberq = new TFormula(TFormula.predicator, strMemberOf, null, null); pMemberq.appendToFormulaList(p.copyFormula()); pMemberq.appendToFormulaList(q.copyFormula()); pMemberr = new TFormula(TFormula.predicator, strMemberOf, null, null); pMemberr.appendToFormulaList(p.copyFormula()); pMemberr.appendToFormulaList(r.copyFormula()); fNewRoot = new TFormula(TFormula.binary, String.valueOf(chOr), pMemberq, pMemberr); fLastRewrite = " Union"; return true; } if (fParser.isOr(fSelectionRoot) && // p member (q union r)::p member q or p member r) fParser.isMemberOf(fSelectionRoot.fLLink) && fParser.isMemberOf(fSelectionRoot.fRLink)) { TFormula p1, p2; p1 = fSelectionRoot.fLLink.firstTerm(); p2 = fSelectionRoot.fRLink.firstTerm(); if (p1.equalFormulas(p1, p2)) { TFormula qUnionr, pMemberqUnionr; q = fSelectionRoot.fLLink.secondTerm(); r = fSelectionRoot.fRLink.secondTerm(); qUnionr = new TFormula(TFormula.functor, strUnion, null, null); qUnionr.appendToFormulaList(q.copyFormula()); qUnionr.appendToFormulaList(r.copyFormula()); pMemberqUnionr = new TFormula(TFormula.predicator, strMemberOf, null, null); pMemberqUnionr.appendToFormulaList(p1.copyFormula()); pMemberqUnionr.appendToFormulaList(qUnionr.copyFormula()); fNewRoot = pMemberqUnionr; fLastRewrite = " Union"; return true; } } return false; } public String toHTMLString() {//p member (q union r)::p member q or p member r) return "<html>" + "<em>Union </em>" + "<strong>" + "p" + fParser.renderMemberOf() + "(q" + fParser.renderUnion() + "r) :: " + "(p" + fParser.renderMemberOf() + "q)" + fParser.renderOr() + "(p" + fParser.renderMemberOf() + "r)" + "</strong>" + "</html>"; } public String toString() {//p member (q union r)::p member q or p member r) return "Union " + "p" + fParser.renderMemberOf() + "(q" + fParser.renderUnion() + "r) :: " + "(p" + fParser.renderMemberOf() + "q)" + fParser.renderOr() + "(p" + fParser.renderMemberOf() + "r)" + ""; } } class DoXProd extends AbstractRule { boolean doRule() { TFormula p, q, r, s, pMemberq, rMembers; if (fParser.isMemberOf(fSelectionRoot) && fParser.isXProd(fSelectionRoot.secondTerm()) && fParser.isPair(fSelectionRoot.firstTerm())) { // <p,q> member (r X s)::p member q and r member s) p = fSelectionRoot.firstTerm().firstTerm().copyFormula(); q = fSelectionRoot.firstTerm().secondTerm().copyFormula(); r = fSelectionRoot.secondTerm().firstTerm().copyFormula(); s = fSelectionRoot.secondTerm().secondTerm().copyFormula(); pMemberq = new TFormula(TFormula.predicator, strMemberOf, null, null); pMemberq.appendToFormulaList(p.copyFormula()); pMemberq.appendToFormulaList(q.copyFormula()); rMembers = new TFormula(TFormula.predicator, strMemberOf, null, null); rMembers.appendToFormulaList(r.copyFormula()); rMembers.appendToFormulaList(s.copyFormula()); fNewRoot = new TFormula(TFormula.binary, String.valueOf(chAnd), pMemberq, rMembers); fLastRewrite = " XProd"; return true; } if (fParser.isAnd(fSelectionRoot) && // <p,q> member (r X s)::p member q and r member s) fParser.isMemberOf(fSelectionRoot.fLLink) && fParser.isMemberOf(fSelectionRoot.fRLink)) { p = fSelectionRoot.fLLink.firstTerm(); q = fSelectionRoot.fLLink.secondTerm(); r = fSelectionRoot.fRLink.firstTerm(); s = fSelectionRoot.fRLink.secondTerm(); TFormula rXs, pPairq, pqMemberrs; q = fSelectionRoot.fLLink.secondTerm(); r = fSelectionRoot.fRLink.secondTerm(); rXs = new TFormula(TFormula.functor, strXProd, null, null); rXs.appendToFormulaList(r.copyFormula()); rXs.appendToFormulaList(s.copyFormula()); pPairq = new TFormula(TFormula.pair, "", null, null); pPairq.appendToFormulaList(p.copyFormula()); pPairq.appendToFormulaList(q.copyFormula()); pqMemberrs = new TFormula(TFormula.predicator, strMemberOf, null, null); pqMemberrs.appendToFormulaList(pPairq); pqMemberrs.appendToFormulaList(rXs); fNewRoot = pqMemberrs; fLastRewrite = " XProd"; return true; } return false; } public String toHTMLString() {//p member (q union r)::p member q and p member r) return "<html>" + "<em>XProd </em>" + "<strong>" + "<p,q>" + fParser.renderMemberOf() + "(r" + fParser.renderXProd() + "s) :: " + "(p" + fParser.renderMemberOf() + "q)" + fParser.renderAnd() + "(r" + fParser.renderMemberOf() + "s)" + "</strong>" + "</html>"; } public String toString() {//p member (q union r)::p member q and p member r) return "XProd " + fParser.renderMemberOf() + "(r" + fParser.renderXProd() + "s) :: " + "(p" + fParser.renderMemberOf() + "q)" + fParser.renderAnd() + "(r" + fParser.renderMemberOf() + "s)" + ""; } } /*************************************** End of Rules ********************************/ /* sample code ListBox getListBox(boolean dropdown) { ListBox widget = new ListBox(); widget.addStyleName("demo-ListBox"); widget.addItem("One"); widget.addItem("Two"); widget.addItem("Three"); widget.addItem("Four"); widget.addItem("Five"); if(!dropdown)widget.setVisibleItemCount(3); return widget; } */ void initializeRulesList() { // fRulesList=new ArrayList(); fRulesList.add(new DoAndAssocLR()); fRulesList.add(new DoAndAssocRL()); fRulesList.add(new DoOrAssocLR()); fRulesList.add(new DoOrAssocRL()); fRulesList.add(new DoCommAnd()); fRulesList.add(new DoCommOr()); if (TPreferencesData.fSetTheory) fRulesList.add(new DoComplement()); fRulesList.add(new DoDMAnd()); fRulesList.add(new DoDMOr()); fRulesList.add(new DoDistribAnd()); fRulesList.add(new DoDistribOr()); fRulesList.add(new DoDNLR()); fRulesList.add(new DoDNRL()); fRulesList.add(new DoEquiv1()); fRulesList.add(new DoEquiv2()); if (TPreferencesData.fSetTheory) fRulesList.add(new DoExtension()); fRulesList.add(new DoExp()); fRulesList.add(new DoImplic()); if (TPreferencesData.fSetTheory) fRulesList.add(new DoIntersection()); if (TPreferencesData.fSetTheory) fRulesList.add(new DoPair()); if (TPreferencesData.fSetTheory) fRulesList.add(new DoPowerSet()); fRulesList.add(new DoQNExi()); fRulesList.add(new DoQNUni()); if (TPreferencesData.fSetTheory) fRulesList.add(new DoSubset()); fRulesList.add(new DoTautOrLR()); fRulesList.add(new DoTautOrRL()); fRulesList.add(new DoTautAndLR()); fRulesList.add(new DoTautAndRL()); fRulesList.add(new DoTransLR()); fRulesList.add(new DoTransRL()); fRulesList.add(new DoTypeExi()); fRulesList.add(new DoTypeUni()); if (TPreferencesData.fSetTheory) fRulesList.add(new DoUnion()); if (TPreferencesData.fSetTheory) fRulesList.add(new DoXProd()); } AbstractRule getSelectedRule() { int index = fRulesListBox.getSelectedIndex(); if (index > -1) return (AbstractRule) (fRulesList.get(index)); else return null; } void initializeRulesBox() { AbstractRule rule; for (int i = 0; i < fRulesList.size(); i++) { rule = (AbstractRule) (fRulesList.get(i)); fRulesListBox.addItem(rule.toString()); } /* rules=new JComboBox(); rules.setMaximumRowCount(26); rules.addItem(new DoAndAssocLR()); rules.addItem(new DoAndAssocRL()); rules.addItem(new DoOrAssocLR()); rules.addItem(new DoOrAssocRL()); rules.addItem(new DoCommAnd()); rules.addItem(new DoCommOr()); if (TPreferencesData.fSetTheory) rules.addItem(new DoComplement()); rules.addItem(new DoDMAnd()); rules.addItem(new DoDMOr()); rules.addItem(new DoDistribAnd()); rules.addItem(new DoDistribOr()); rules.addItem(new DoDNLR()); rules.addItem(new DoDNRL()); rules.addItem(new DoEquiv1()); rules.addItem(new DoEquiv2()); if (TPreferencesData.fSetTheory) rules.addItem(new DoExtension()); rules.addItem(new DoExp()); rules.addItem(new DoImplic()); if (TPreferencesData.fSetTheory) rules.addItem(new DoIntersection()); if (TPreferencesData.fSetTheory) rules.addItem(new DoPair()); if (TPreferencesData.fSetTheory) rules.addItem(new DoPowerSet()); rules.addItem(new DoQNExi()); rules.addItem(new DoQNUni()); if (TPreferencesData.fSetTheory) rules.addItem(new DoSubset()); rules.addItem(new DoTautOrLR()); rules.addItem(new DoTautOrRL()); rules.addItem(new DoTautAndLR()); rules.addItem(new DoTautAndRL()); rules.addItem(new DoTransLR()); rules.addItem(new DoTransRL()); rules.addItem(new DoTypeExi()); rules.addItem(new DoTypeUni()); if (TPreferencesData.fSetTheory) rules.addItem(new DoUnion()); if (TPreferencesData.fSetTheory) rules.addItem(new DoXProd()); */ } /* if (firstLine!=null){ TProofline newline = new TProofline(fParser); newline.fFormula=firstLine.fFormula.copyFormula(); newline.fFirstjustno=firstLine.fLineno; newline.fJustification= repeatJustification; newline.fSubprooflevel= fModel.getHeadLastLine().fSubprooflevel; TUndoableProofEdit newEdit = new TUndoableProofEdit(); newEdit.fNewLines.add(newline); newEdit.doEdit(); } */ /********* needs to go up ***********/ /* public class RewriteAction extends AbstractAction{ // TProofline fFirstLine; RewriteAction(String label){ putValue(NAME, label); // fFirstLine=firstLine; } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae){ if ((fNewRoot!=null)&& (fSelectionRoot!=null)&& !fNewRoot.equalFormulas(fNewRoot,fSelectionRoot) ) { // we need to find the entire after formula TFormula afterRoot = new TFormula(); StringReader aReader = new StringReader(fAfterText.getText()); ArrayList dummy = new ArrayList(); boolean wellFormed = fParser.wffCheck(afterRoot, dummy, aReader); if (wellFormed){ // should alwyas be TProofline newline = new TProofline(fParser); newline.fFormula = afterRoot.copyFormula(); newline.fFirstjustno = fSelectedLine.fLineno; newline.fJustification = fLastRewrite; newline.fSubprooflevel = fModel.getHeadLastLine().fSubprooflevel; TUndoableProofEdit newEdit = new TUndoableProofEdit(); newEdit.fNewLines.add(newline); newEdit.doEdit(); removeInputPane(); } } } } */ /* UP public void doRewrite(){ JButton defaultButton; TProofInputPanel inputPane; fSelectionRewrite=""; fSelectedLine=fProofListView.oneSelected(); if (fSelectedLine!=null){ String originalFormulaStr=fParser.writeFormulaToString(fSelectedLine.fFormula); fBeforeText.setText(originalFormulaStr); fAfterText.setText(""); fNewRoot=new TFormula(); fSelectionRoot=new TFormula(); defaultButton = new JButton(new RewriteAction("Go")); JComponent[]components = {fComboBox, new JButton(new CancelAction()), defaultButton }; // put cancel on left inputPane = new TProofInputPanel("Choose rule, select (sub)formula to rewrite, click Go...", fBeforeText, "After rewrite, the formula will look like this:", fAfterText, components); addInputPane(inputPane); inputPane.getRootPane().setDefaultButton(defaultButton); fInputPane.setVisible(true); // need this fBeforeText.requestFocus(); // so selected text shows } } */ /* void rewriteMenuItem_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { doRewrite(); } */ }