Java tutorial
/* * Direitos Autorais Reservados (c) 2011 Juno Roesler * Contato: * * Esta biblioteca software livre; voc pode redistribu-la e/ou modific-la sob os * termos da Licena Pblica Geral Menor do GNU conforme publicada pela Free * Software Foundation; tanto a verso 2.1 da Licena, ou qualquer * verso posterior. * * Esta biblioteca distribuda na expectativa de que seja til, porm, SEM * NENHUMA GARANTIA; nem mesmo a garantia implcita de COMERCIABILIDADE * OU ADEQUAO A UMA FINALIDADE ESPEC?FICA. Consulte a Licena Pblica * Geral Menor do GNU para mais detalhes. * * Voc deve ter recebido uma cpia da Licena Pblica Geral Menor do GNU junto * com esta biblioteca; se no, acesse *, * ou escreva para a Free Software Foundation, Inc., no * endereo 59 Temple Street, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. */ package us.pserver.revok.http; import; import; import; import org.apache.http.Consts; import org.apache.http.HttpEntity; import org.apache.http.entity.ContentType; import org.apache.http.entity.InputStreamEntity; import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils; import us.pserver.cdr.StringByteConverter; import us.pserver.cdr.crypt.CryptAlgorithm; import us.pserver.cdr.crypt.CryptKey; import us.pserver.revok.protocol.JsonSerializer; import us.pserver.revok.protocol.ObjectSerializer; import us.pserver.revok.protocol.XmlSerializer; import us.pserver.streams.IO; import us.pserver.streams.MixedWriteBuffer; import us.pserver.streams.StreamCoderFactory; /** * A factory for embed Http RPC info * in the Http message body. * * @author Juno Roesler - * @version 1.1 - 201506 */ public class HttpContentFactory { /** * <code> * TYPE_X_JAVA_ROB = "application/x-java-rob" * </code><br> * Mime type for java remote object. */ public static final ContentType TYPE_X_JAVA_ROB = ContentType.create("application/x-java-rob", Consts.UTF_8); private StreamCoderFactory sfact; private final StringByteConverter scv; private ContentType type; private CryptKey key; private Object obj; private InputStream input; private ObjectSerializer serial; /** * Constructor receives the mime content type. * @param type mime content type. */ public HttpContentFactory(ContentType type) { if (type == null) type = TYPE_X_JAVA_ROB; this.type = type; sfact = StreamCoderFactory.getNew(); scv = new StringByteConverter(); key = null; obj = null; input = null; serial = new JsonSerializer(); } /** * Constructor which receives the mime content * type and the object serializator. * @param type Mime content type. * @param os <code>ObjectSerializer</code>. */ public HttpContentFactory(ContentType type, ObjectSerializer os) { this(type); if (os == null) os = new JsonSerializer(); serial = os; } /** * Constructor which receives an <code>ObjectSerializer</code>. * @param os <code>ObjectSerializer</code>. */ public HttpContentFactory(ObjectSerializer os) { this(TYPE_X_JAVA_ROB); if (os == null) os = new JsonSerializer(); serial = os; } /** * Default constructor without arguments. */ public HttpContentFactory() { this(TYPE_X_JAVA_ROB); } /** * Create an <code>HttpEntityFactory</code> * with the specified content mime type. * @param type Content mime type. * @return <code>HttpEntityFactory</code> instance. */ public static HttpContentFactory instance(ContentType type) { return new HttpContentFactory(type); } /** * Create an <code>HttpEntityFactory</code> * with the specified content mime type and * object serializator. * @param type Content mime type. * @param os <code>ObjectSerializer</code>. * @return <code>HttpEntityFactory</code> instance. */ public static HttpContentFactory instance(ContentType type, ObjectSerializer os) { return new HttpContentFactory(type, os); } /** * Create an <code>HttpEntityFactory</code> * with the specified object serializator. * @param os <code>ObjectSerializer</code>. * @return <code>HttpEntityFactory</code> instance. */ public static HttpContentFactory instance(ObjectSerializer os) { return new HttpContentFactory(os); } /** * Create an <code>HttpEntityFactory</code>. * @return <code>HttpEntityFactory</code> instance. */ public static HttpContentFactory instance() { return new HttpContentFactory(); } /** * Get the object serializer used by this instance * of <code>HttpEntityFactory</code>. * @return The object serializer used by this * instance of <code>HttpEntityFactory</code>. */ public ObjectSerializer getObjectSerializer() { return serial; } /** * Set the object serializer used by this instance * of <code>HttpEntityFactory</code>. * @param serializer The object serializer used by this * instance of <code>HttpEntityFactory</code>. * @return This modified <code>HttpEntityFactory</code> instance. */ public HttpContentFactory setObjectSerializer(ObjectSerializer serializer) { if (serializer != null) { serial = serializer; } return this; } /** * Enable criptography for this instance of * <code>HttpEntityFactory</code>. * @param key Criptography key. * @return This modified <code>HttpEntityFactory</code> instance. */ public HttpContentFactory enableCryptCoder(CryptKey key) { if (key != null) { sfact.setCryptCoderEnabled(true, key); this.key = key; } return this; } /** * Disable all coders for this instance of * <code>HttpEntityFactory</code>. * @return This modified <code>HttpEntityFactory</code> instance. */ public HttpContentFactory disableAllCoders() { sfact.clearCoders(); return this; } /** * Disable criptography for this instance of * <code>HttpEntityFactory</code>. * @return This modified <code>HttpEntityFactory</code> instance. */ public HttpContentFactory disableCryptCoder() { sfact.setCryptCoderEnabled(false, null); return this; } /** * Enable GZip compression for this instance of * <code>HttpEntityFactory</code>. * @return This modified <code>HttpEntityFactory</code> instance. */ public HttpContentFactory enableGZipCoder() { sfact.setGZipCoderEnabled(true); return this; } /** * Disable GZip compression for this instance of * <code>HttpEntityFactory</code>. * @return This modified <code>HttpEntityFactory</code> instance. */ public HttpContentFactory disableGZipCoder() { sfact.setGZipCoderEnabled(false); return this; } /** * Enable Base64 encoding for this instance of * <code>HttpEntityFactory</code>. * @return This modified <code>HttpEntityFactory</code> instance. */ public HttpContentFactory enableBase64Coder() { sfact.setBase64CoderEnabled(true); return this; } /** * Disable Base64 encoding for this instance of * <code>HttpEntityFactory</code>. * @return This modified <code>HttpEntityFactory</code> instance. */ public HttpContentFactory disableBase64Coder() { sfact.setBase64CoderEnabled(false); return this; } /** * Put an object for embed in http content. * @param obj Object for embed in http content. * @return This modified <code>HttpEntityFactory</code> instance. */ public HttpContentFactory put(Object obj) { if (obj != null) { this.obj = obj; } return this; } /** * Put an input stream for embed in http content. * @param is Input stream for embed in http content. * @return This modified <code>HttpEntityFactory</code> instance. */ public HttpContentFactory put(InputStream is) { if (is != null) { this.input = is; } return this; } /** * Write the criptography key in http content. * @throws IOException In case of error writing. */ private void writeCryptKey(OutputStream out) throws IOException { if (key != null) { // write plain data out.write(scv.convert(XmlConsts.START_CRYPT_KEY)); out.write(scv.convert(key.toString())); out.write(scv.convert(XmlConsts.END_CRYPT_KEY)); } } /** * Write the object in http content. * @param os OutputStream for write the content. * @throws IOException In case of error writing. */ private void writeObject(OutputStream os) throws IOException { if (os == null) return; if (obj != null) { buffer.write(scv.convert(XmlConsts.START_CONTENT)); os.write(scv.convert(XmlConsts.START_ROB)); os.write(serial.toBytes(obj)); os.write(scv.convert(XmlConsts.END_ROB)); os.flush(); } } /** * Write the input stream content. * @param os OutputStream for write the content. * @throws IOException In case of error writing. */ private void writeInputStream(OutputStream os) throws IOException { if (os == null) return; if (input != null) { if (obj == null) { buffer.write(scv.convert(XmlConsts.START_CONTENT)); } os.write(scv.convert(XmlConsts.START_STREAM));, os); os.write(scv.convert(XmlConsts.END_STREAM)); os.flush(); } if (obj != null || input != null) { os.write(scv.convert(XmlConsts.END_CONTENT)); os.flush(); } } /** * Create the <code>HttpEntity</code> with the content to be transmitted. * @return The <code>HttpEntity</code> with the content to be transmitted. * @throws IOException In case of error creating the <code>HttpEntity</code>. */ public HttpEntity create() throws IOException { if (key == null && obj == null && input == null) return null; InputStream istream = createStream(); return new InputStreamEntity(istream, istream.available(), type); } /** * Create an <code>InputStream</code> with the content to be transmitted. * @return <code>InputStream</code> with the content to be transmitted. * @throws IOException In case of error creating the <code>InputStream</code>. */ public InputStream createStream() throws IOException { if (key == null && obj == null && input == null) return null; buffer.clear(); buffer.write(scv.convert(XmlConsts.START_XML)); // Encoded OutputStream OutputStream os = buffer.getOutputStream(); writeCryptKey(); writeObject(os); writeInputStream(os); os.write(scv.convert(XmlConsts.END_XML)); os.flush(); os.close(); return buffer.getReadBuffer().getRawInputStream(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { HttpContentFactory fac = HttpContentFactory.instance(new XmlSerializer()).enableGZipCoder() .enableCryptCoder(CryptKey.createRandomKey(CryptAlgorithm.AES_CBC_PKCS5)); class MSG { String str; public MSG(String s) { str = s; } public String toString() { return "MSG{str=" + str + "}"; } } fac.put(new MSG("Hello EntityFactory!")); HttpEntity ent = fac.create(); ent.writeTo(System.out); System.out.println(); ent = fac.create(); HttpEntityParser ep = HttpEntityParser.instance(new XmlSerializer());//.enableGZipCoder(); ep.parse(ent); System.out.println("* key: " + ep.getCryptKey()); System.out.println("* rob: " + ep.getObject()); EntityUtils.consume(ent); } }