Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


  The following code is from Michael Schmidt(MichaelMSchmidt (at)
  The code is published under BSD license.
  Thanks for the input from Michael Schmidt.

package us.mschmidt.komo;

 * This is a generic calculator engine that includes a memory register, some
 * numeric conversions (square root, inverse), and the ability to chain 
 * calculations.  To use it, create a GUI shell with a display and some means 
 * of entering keystrokes (Buttons work well).  Invoke this engine from the GUI
 * shell using the constructor method, which requires that the display size 
 * (String length) be set.  Obtain the initial display, if desired, with the 
 * getDisplayString() method.  Subsequently, the display string is returned by 
 * the setInput() method when an operation (character) is passed to the engine.
 * <p>
 * The constructor requires a display size to be set.  The minimum is three
 * characters, with at least 22 characters recommended and recommended  size 
 * being 30 characters.  
 * @author    Michael Schmidt
 * @version   1.1
class CalcEngine {

    // Instantiatee constants
    private final String calcChars;
    private final String convChars;
    private final String dispChars;
    private final String memChars;
    private final String errChars;

    // Instantiate variables
    // The error messages
    private String nanErr = new String();
    private String tooLongErr = new String();
    private String infinityErr = new String();
    private int displaySize;

    // The calculator 'registers'
    private String displayString = new String();
    private String memoryString = new String();
    private String operatorString = new String();

    // A boolean to indicate if display will be cleared on the next key entry
    private boolean clearDisplay;

    // A character to store the pending calculation
    private char calcChar;

     * Constructor to create the calculator engine object.
     * @param displaySizeVal   The GUI display size, minimum of 3 and
     *                                     recommended size of 30
    CalcEngine(final int displaySizeVal) {
        final int minSize = 3;
        // Initialize operation characters
        calcChars = "+-/*=";
        convChars = "IQ";
        dispChars = "BCERS.0123456789";
        memChars = "DLMP";
        errChars = "EINO*";

        // Set initial display and internal variables
        displayString = "0.";
        clearDisplay = true;
        calcChar = ' ';

        // Set the display size
        displaySize = minSize;
        if (displaySizeVal > minSize) {
            displaySize = displaySizeVal;
        // Customize the error strings based on the display size

     * Customizes the error messages based on the display size.
    private void setErrorStrings() {

        // Initialize constants for display size thresholds
        final int infLength = 8;
        final int nanLength = 12;
        final int tooLongLength = 15;
        final int fullLength = 22;

        // Set default strings for optimal display size
        nanErr = "Not a Number";
        tooLongErr = "Number too long";
        infinityErr = "Infinity";

        if (displaySize < infLength) {
            nanErr = "NaN";
            tooLongErr = "***";
            infinityErr = "Inf";
        } else if (displaySize < nanLength) {
            nanErr = "NaN";
            tooLongErr = "Overflow";
        } else if (displaySize < tooLongLength) {
            tooLongErr = "Overflow";
        } else if (displaySize >= fullLength) {
            nanErr = "ERROR: " + nanErr;
            tooLongErr = "ERROR: " + tooLongErr;
            infinityErr = "ERROR: " + infinityErr;

     * Provides the display string to the calling class.  Used after the  
     * engine is instantiated.  Subsequently, the display string is returned by
     * the setInput() method.
     * @return   the display String
    public String getDisplayString() {
        return displayString;

     * Allows entry of keystrokes from the calling class.
     * @param keyVal   A designation of the key pressed by the user using the
     *                         code.  
     *                         Display codes: B backspace, C clear, E clear entry,
     *                         R recall memory to display, S change sign, . decimal, 
     *                         0-9 numeric entries.
     *                         Memory codes: D clear memory, M subtract from memory, 
     *                         L store in memory, P add to memory. 
     *                         Calculate codes: I inverse, Q square root, S subtract.
     * @return            boolean true if the display has changed, false if not
    public String setInput(final char keyVal) {
        final char keyChar = keyVal;
        if (dispChars.indexOf(keyChar) != -1) {
        } else if (convChars.indexOf(keyChar) != -1) {
        } else if (memChars.indexOf(keyChar) != -1) {
        } else if (calcChars.indexOf(keyChar) != -1) {
        return displayString;

     * Clears the display when 1) the clearDisplay flag had previously been set
     * to 'true' and 2) a new character or calculation operation is entered.
    private void doDisplayClear() {
        if (clearDisplay) {
            displayString = "";
            clearDisplay = false;

     * Performs number conversion operations: inverse (1/X) and square root.
     * @param keyVal   a designation of the key pressed by the user
    private void doConvertOp(final char keyVal) {
        final char opChar = keyVal;
        String tempString = doConvert(displayString, opChar);
        clearDisplay = true;
        if (tempString.length() > 0) {
            displayString = tempString;

     * Performs display operations.  Simple assignment operations are performed 
     * in this method while more complex operations are performed in sub-methods. 
     * @param keyVal   a designation of which key was pressed by the user
    private void doDisplayOp(final char keyVal) {
        final char opChar = keyVal;

        switch (opChar) {
        case 'B': // Backspace

        case 'C': // Clear.  Note use of dropthrough
            operatorString = "";
            calcChar = ' ';

        case 'E': // Clear Entry
            displayString = "0.";
            clearDisplay = true;

        case 'R': // Recall Memory to Display
            displayString = memoryString;

        case 'S': // Change Sign

        case '.': // Can't have two decimal points.

        case '0': // Don't want 00 to be entered.

        default: // Default case is for the digits 1 through 9.

     * Performs backspace operation.
    private void doBackspace() {
        if (isError(displayString)) {
        if (displayString.length() > 0) {
            displayString = displayString.substring(0, displayString.length() - 1);

     * Performs operation to add a character to the display.
     * @param c   the character to add
    private void doAddChar(final char c) {
        if (isError(displayString)) {
        if (displayString.length() < displaySize) {
            displayString += c;

     * Performs sign change operation.
    private void doChangeSign() {
        if (isError(displayString)) {
        if ('-' == displayString.charAt(0)) {
            displayString = displayString.substring(1, displayString.length());
        } else if (displayString.length() < displaySize) {
            displayString = '-' + displayString;

     * Performs operation when decimal is pressed.
     * @param c   the decimal character
    private void doDecimal(final char c) {
        if (isError(displayString)) {
        if (displayString.indexOf('.') == -1 && displayString.length() < displaySize) {
            displayString += c;

     * Performs operation when '0' is pressed.
     * @param c   the zero operation character
    private void doZero(final char c) {
        if (isError(displayString)) {
        if (!displayString.equals("0") && displayString.length() < displaySize) {
            displayString += c;

     * Updates the value stored in the memory register.  Simple assignment 
     * operations are performed here while more complex operations are performed 
     * in sub-methods.
     * @param keyVal   a designation of which key was pressed by the user
    private void doMemoryOp(final char keyVal) {
        final char opChar = keyVal;

        switch (opChar) {
        case 'D': // Clear Memory
            memoryString = "";

        case 'L': // Save to Memory

        case 'M': // Subtract from Memory

        case 'P': // Add to Memory

        default: // Do nothing - this should never happen.

        clearDisplay = true;

     * Performs the operation to add a display entry to the number in the
     * memory register.
    private void addToMemory() {
        String tempString = new String();
        if (0 == memoryString.length()) {
            tempString = trimString(displayString);
        } else {
            tempString = doComputation(memoryString, displayString, '+');

     * Performs the operation to subtract a display entry from the number in the
     * memory register.
    private void subtractFromMemory() {
        String tempString = new String();
        if (0 == memoryString.length()) {
            tempString = doComputation("0", displayString, '-');
        } else {
            tempString = doComputation(memoryString, displayString, '-');

     * Checks if String is valid and, if so, assigns it to the memory register.
     * @param s   the String to assign
    private void assignMemoryString(final String s) {
        if (isError(s)) {
            displayString = s;
        } else {
            memoryString = s;

     * Guides 2-number calculations.  Updates the operator string, display 
     * string, and the pending calculation flag.  Performs calculation if 
     * possible.
     * @param keyVal   a designation of which key was pressed byt he user
    private void doCalcOp(final char keyVal) {
        final char opChar = keyVal;

        // If there is no display value, the keystroke is deemed invalid and 
        // nothing is done.
        if (0 == displayString.length()) {

        // If there is no operator value, '=' key presses are considered 
        // invalid.  If a calculation key is pressed, check that the display 
        // value is valid and if so, copy the display value to the operator.  
        // No calculation is done.
        if (0 == operatorString.length()) {
            if ('=' != opChar) {
                if (isError(displayString)) {
                    calcChar = ' ';
                } else {
                    operatorString = displayString;
                    calcChar = opChar;
                clearDisplay = true;

        // There are operator and display values, so do the pending calculation.
        displayString = doComputation(operatorString, displayString, calcChar);

        // If '=' was pressed or result was invalid, reset pending calculation
        // flag and operator value.  Otherwise, set new calculation flag so 
        // calculations can be chained.
        if (('=' == opChar) || isError(displayString)) {
            calcChar = ' ';
            operatorString = "";
        } else {
            calcChar = opChar;
            operatorString = displayString;

        // Set the clear display flag
        clearDisplay = true;

     * Performs the computations.
     * @param numStringA   the displayed value
     * @param numStringB   the stored value
     * @param opVal            the operation to be performed
     * @return                  the solution as a string variable
    private String doComputation(final String numStringA, final String numStringB, final char opVal) {
        String valStringA = numStringA;
        String valStringB = numStringB;
        char opChar = opVal;
        Double valA = 0.0;
        Double valB = 0.0;
        Double valAnswer = 0.0;

        // Make sure register strings are numbers
        if (valStringA.length() > 0 && valStringB.length() > 0) {
            try {
                valA = Double.parseDouble(numStringA);
                valB = Double.parseDouble(numStringB);
            } catch (final NumberFormatException e) {
                return nanErr;
        } else {
            return "";

        switch (opChar) {
        case '+': // Addition
            valAnswer = valA + valB;

        case '-': // Subtraction
            valAnswer = valA - valB;

        case '/': // Division
            valAnswer = valA / valB;

        case '*': // Multiplication
            valAnswer = valA * valB;

        default: // Do nothing - this should never happen

        // Convert answer to properly formatted string.
        return trimString(valAnswer.toString());

     * Performs number conversion computations.
     * @param numString   the number to be converted
     * @param opVal      designation of the operation to be performed
     * @return         the converted value
    private String doConvert(final String numString, final char opVal) {
        char opChar = opVal;
        String valString = numString;
        Double valA = 0.0;
        Double valAnswer = 0.0;

        // Make sure String is a number.  If it is zero-length, assume the
        // keystroke was inadvertent and return "".
        if (valString.length() > 0) {
            try {
                valA = Double.parseDouble(valString);
            } catch (final NumberFormatException e) {
                return nanErr;
        } else {
            return "";

        switch (opChar) {
        case 'Q': // Square Root
            valAnswer = Math.sqrt(valA);

        case 'I': // Inverse
            valAnswer = 1.0 / valA;

        default: // Do nothing - this should never happen

        // Return properly formatted result String.
        return trimString(valAnswer.toString());

     * Formats String to be displayed.
     * @param stringVal   a new string to be displayed
     * @return               the properly formatted and trimmed string
    private String trimString(final String stringVal) {
        String returnString = stringVal;

        // Check if value is Not a Number
        if (returnString.equals("NaN")) {
            return nanErr;

        // Check if value is infinity
        if (returnString.endsWith("Infinity")) {
            return infinityErr;

        // Check if value is -0
        if (returnString.equals("-0.0")) {
            return "0";

        // Trim unnecessary trailing .0
        if (returnString.endsWith(".0")) {
            returnString = returnString.substring(0, returnString.length() - 2);

        // Check if string is too long to display
        if (returnString.length() > displaySize) {
            return tooLongErr;

        return returnString;

     * Tests if the String is an error message.
     * @param s   the String to be tested
     * @return   boolean true if this is an error message, false if not
    private boolean isError(final String s) {
        String testString = s;
        if (0 == testString.length()) {
            return false;
        char c = testString.charAt(0);
        return ((errChars.indexOf(c) == -1)) ? false : true;

     * Override to provide useful information when the class toString method is
     * called.
     * @return   the information String
     * @see       java.lang.Object#toString()
    public final String toString() {
        return "komo.CalcEngine is the engine portion of the calculator utility";