Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2017 Florida Institute for Human and Machine Cognition (IHMC) * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package us.ihmc.idl; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import org.apache.commons.lang3.NotImplementedException; import us.ihmc.pubsub.common.SerializedPayload; /** * Helper class to serialize and deserialize IDL messages. * * It should not be necessary to use this class directly. Use the IDLGenerator to create the neccessary java files to serialize and deserialize messages * * @author Jesper Smith * */ public class CDR { private static final int encapsulation_size = 4; public static final int UNSIGNED_SHORT_MAX = 0xFFFF; public static final long UNSIGNED_INT_MAX = 0xFFFFFFFFL; private SerializedPayload payload; private ByteBuffer buf; private static short options = 0x0; public static int alignment(int current_alignment, int dataSize) { return (dataSize - (current_alignment % dataSize)) & (dataSize - 1); } public void serialize(SerializedPayload payload) { writeEncapsulation(payload); buf = payload.getData(); this.payload = payload; } public static void writeEncapsulation(SerializedPayload payload) { ByteBuffer buf = payload.getData(); //Write encapsulation buf.put((byte) 0x0); buf.put((byte) payload.getEncapsulation()); buf.putShort(options); } public void deserialize(SerializedPayload payload) { readEncapsulation(payload); buf = payload.getData(); this.payload = payload; } public static void readEncapsulation(SerializedPayload payload) { ByteBuffer buf = payload.getData(); /* int dummy = */ buf.get(); short encapsulation = buf.get(); payload.setEncapsulation(encapsulation); /* this.options = */ buf.getShort(); } public void finishSerialize() { buf.flip(); payload.setLength(buf.limit()); } public void finishDeserialize() { } public static int getTypeSize(int elementTypeSize) { return elementTypeSize + encapsulation_size; } /** * Signed short */ public short read_type_1() { align(2); return buf.getShort(); } public void write_type_1(short val) { align(2); buf.putShort(val); } /** * Signed int */ public int read_type_2() { align(4); return buf.getInt(); } public void write_type_2(int val) { align(4); buf.putInt(val); } /** * Unsigned short */ public int read_type_3() { return Short.toUnsignedInt(read_type_1()); } public void write_type_3(int val) { if (val < 0) throw new ArithmeticException( "( int " + val + " cannot be cast to unsigned short. cannot be negative"); else if (val > UNSIGNED_SHORT_MAX) throw new ArithmeticException("( int " + val + " cannot be cast to unsigned short. UNSIGNED_SHORT_MAX = " + UNSIGNED_SHORT_MAX); write_type_1((short) val); } /** * Unsigned int */ public long read_type_4() { return Integer.toUnsignedLong(read_type_2()); } public void write_type_4(long val) { if (val < 0) throw new ArithmeticException( "( long " + val + " cannot be cast to unsigned int. cannot be negative"); else if (val > UNSIGNED_INT_MAX) throw new ArithmeticException("( long " + val + " cannot be cast to unsigned int. UNSIGNED_INT_MAX = " + UNSIGNED_INT_MAX); write_type_2((int) val); } /** * Float */ public float read_type_5() { align(4); return buf.getFloat(); } public void write_type_5(float val) { align(4); buf.putFloat(val); } /** * Double */ public double read_type_6() { align(8); return buf.getDouble(); } public void write_type_6(double val) { align(8); buf.putDouble(val); } /** * Boolean */ public boolean read_type_7() { int val = read_type_9(); return val != (byte) 0; } public void write_type_7(boolean val) { write_type_9(val ? (byte) 1 : (byte) 0); } /** * Char */ public char read_type_8() { return (char) (buf.get() & 0xFF); } public void write_type_8(char val) { buf.put((byte) val); } /** * Octet */ public byte read_type_9() { return buf.get(); } public void write_type_9(byte val) { buf.put(val); } /** * Union */ public Object read_type_b() { throw new NotImplementedException("Union types are not implemented yet"); } public void write_type_b(Object object) { throw new NotImplementedException("Union types are not implemented yet"); } /** * Enum */ public int read_type_c() { return read_type_2(); } public void write_type_c(int val) { write_type_2(val); } /** * String */ public void read_type_d(StringBuilder res) { int length = read_type_2() - 1; res.setLength(length); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { res.setCharAt(i, (char) buf.get()); } buf.get(); } public void write_type_d(StringBuilder str) { write_type_2(str.length() + 1); for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) { buf.put((byte) str.charAt(i)); } buf.put((byte) 0); } /** * Sequence */ public void read_type_e(IDLSequence seq) { int length = read_type_2(); seq.resetQuick(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { seq.readElement(i, this); } } public void write_type_e(IDLSequence seq) { int length = seq.size(); write_type_2(length); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { seq.writeElement(i, this); } } /** * Array */ public void read_type_f() { } /** * Signed long, 64 bit */ public long read_type_11() { align(8); return buf.getLong(); } public void write_type_11(long val) { align(8); buf.putLong(val); } /** * Unsigned long, 64bit */ public long read_type_12() { return read_type_11(); } public void write_type_12(long val) { write_type_11(val); } /** * Long doubles (16 bytes, unsupported) */ public double read_type_13() { throw new NotImplementedException("Java does not support 16 byte Double values"); } public void write_type_13(double val) { throw new NotImplementedException("Java does not support 16 byte Double values"); } /** * Wide char (32 bits) */ public char read_type_14() { return (char) read_type_2(); } public void write_type_14(char val) { write_type_2((int) val); } /** * Wide string */ public void read_type_15(StringBuilder res) { int length = read_type_2(); res.setLength(length); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { res.setCharAt(i, buf.getChar()); } } public void write_type_15(StringBuilder str) { write_type_2(str.length()); for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) { buf.putChar(str.charAt(i)); } } public int align(int byteBoundary) { int position = buf.position() - encapsulation_size; int adv = (position % byteBoundary); if (adv != 0) { buf.position(position + encapsulation_size + (byteBoundary - adv)); } return adv; } }