Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2010 - 2013 Eric Myhre <>
 * This file is part of AHSlib.
 * AHSlib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License, or
 * (at the original copyright holder's option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with this program. If not, see <>.

package us.exultant.ahs.crypto.bc;

import us.exultant.ahs.util.*;
import us.exultant.ahs.crypto.*;
import us.exultant.ahs.crypto.bc.mod.*;
import java.util.*;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.*;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.digests.*;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.macs.*;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.modes.*;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.paddings.*;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.*;

 * <p>
 * Implements an Encrypt-Then-Mac symmetric cryptosystem composed of the AES cipher, CTR
 * block mode, and PKCS7 padding, with an HMAC composed from SHA-1. Encryption and
 * decryption modes are each provided by their own nested subclass ({@link Encryptor} and
 * {@link Decryptor}, respectively).
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * Once initialized, the encryptor and decryptor objects will recall keys they last used
 * and be able to skip some steps of their key schedule initialization if repeated
 * operations are requested on the same keys, which can result in significant performance
 * savings in some applications.
 * </p>
 * @author Eric Myhre <tt></tt>
// so really, the reason i did separate subclasses for enc and dec is so that i wouldn't have to deal with the issue of a cipher initialized to the same key but a different mode.  i'm okay with throwing a few bytes of memory at that.
public abstract class AesCtrPkcs7Sha1 {
    public AesCtrPkcs7Sha1() {
        // build the system
        $cipher = new PaddedBufferedBlockCipher(new SICBlockCipher(new AESEngineMod()), // i've decided to frown upon CBC because of the bug i noticed with IVs in that code.
                new PKCS7Padding());
        $hmac = new HMac(new SHA1Digest());

    protected final BufferedBlockCipher $cipher;
    protected final HMac $hmac;
    protected byte[] $lastKey;
    protected byte[] $lastMacKey;
    public static final List<Integer> VALID_KEY_SIZES = Collections.unmodifiableList(Arr.asList(32, 24, 16)); // 128,192,256

    public List<Integer> getValidKeySizes() {
        return VALID_KEY_SIZES;
        // perhaps some sort of general purpose key-fabrication and/or validation factories should be returned by methods like this in the eventual resolution of a general interface for worker classes like this.

    //TODO:AHS:CRYPTO: make a method that figures out what the IV was by the end of making a ciphertext.  we also need this in a more general sense: we need to be able to tell that for previously encrypted CiphertextSymmetric, since there are situations where we intend to "resume" encryption under the same key later.

     * Implements the {@link AesCtrPkcs7Sha1} system in encryption mode.
    public static final class Encryptor extends AesCtrPkcs7Sha1 {
        public Encryptor() {

         * This method uses a zero-block as an IV -- do NOT encrypt with the same
         * key twice when using this function or both ciphertexts will be
         * compromised. (This is not typically a sensible thing to do with a key,
         * but an example situation in which this is actually perfectly reasonable
         * usage is when the base key is a one-time use key using in some larger
         * scheme (typically sent in a message itself encrypted assymetrically or
         * resulting from an agreement scheme).
         * @param $key
         *                this key will not be used directly; rather, an
         *                encryption key and a mac key will be derived from it,
         *                both of the same size as this key.
         * @param $cleartext
         *                nuff said.
         * @return CiphertextSymmetric
        public CiphertextSymmetric encrypt(Ks $key, byte[] $cleartext) {
            Ks[] $kss = deriveKeys($key);
            return encrypt($kss[0], new Kc(new byte[] { 0 }), $kss[1], $cleartext);

         * @param $key
         *                The key for symmetric encryption.
         * @param $iv
         *                The Initialization Vector to use in encryption.
         * @param $mackey
         *                The key to use to construct MAC for authenticity.
         * @param $cleartext
         *                nuff said.
         * @return CiphertextSymmetric
        public CiphertextSymmetric encrypt(Ks $key, Kc $iv, Ks $mackey, byte[] $cleartext) {
            warmup($key, $iv, $mackey, true);

            // crunch the numbers
            byte[] $ciphertext = null;
            try {
                $ciphertext = BcUtil.invokeCipher($cipher, $cleartext);
            } catch (InvalidCipherTextException $e) {
                throw new MajorBug("This doesn't even make sense for encryption mode.", $e);
            byte[] $mac = new byte[$hmac.getMacSize()];
            $hmac.update($ciphertext, 0, $ciphertext.length);
            $hmac.doFinal($mac, 0);

            // victory
            return CiphertextSymmetric.storeEncMac($iv, $ciphertext, $mac);

     * Implements the {@link AesCtrPkcs7Sha1} system in decryption mode.
    public static final class Decryptor extends AesCtrPkcs7Sha1 {
        public Decryptor() {

         * This method uses a zero-block as an IV. It is the inverse of
         * {@link Encryptor#encrypt(Ks, byte[])}.
         * @param $key
         *                this key will not be used directly; rather, an
         *                encryption key and a mac key will be derived from it,
         *                both of the same size as this key.
         * @param $ciphertext
         *                nuff said.
         * @return the cleartext byte array.
         * @throws InvalidCipherTextException
         *                 if the decryption failed for any reason: invalid MAC,
         *                 invalid padding, etc.
        public byte[] encrypt(Ks $key, CiphertextSymmetric $ciphertext) throws InvalidCipherTextException {
            Ks[] $kss = deriveKeys($key);
            return decrypt($kss[0], new Kc(new byte[] { 0 }), $kss[1], $ciphertext);

         * @param $key
         *                The key for symmetric encryption.
         * @param $iv
         *                The Initialization Vector to use in encryption.
         * @param $mackey
         *                The key to use to construct MAC for authenticity.
         * @param $ciphertext
         *                nuff said.
         * @return the cleartext byte array.
         * @throws InvalidCipherTextException
         *                 if the decryption failed for any reason: invalid MAC,
         *                 invalid padding, etc.
        public byte[] decrypt(Ks $key, Kc $iv, Ks $mackey, CiphertextSymmetric $ciphertext)
                throws InvalidCipherTextException {
            warmup($key, $iv, $mackey, false);

            // crunch the numbers
            byte[] $mac = new byte[$hmac.getMacSize()];
            $hmac.update($ciphertext.getBody(), 0, $ciphertext.getBody().length);
            $hmac.doFinal($mac, 0);
            if (!Arr.equals($mac, $ciphertext.getMac()))
                throw new InvalidCipherTextException("Invalid MAC"); // this is one way to notice bad encryption.
            return BcUtil.invokeCipher($cipher, $ciphertext.getBody()); // this is another; it will also throw InvalidCipherTextException if the padding doesn't match.

    /** Get two keys from one. */
    private static Ks[] deriveKeys(Ks $key) {
        return BcUtil.deriveKeys($key, 345, 2);

     * Check if the keys given match existing keys and skip like mad if so; initialize
     * the cipher and the hmac as necessary.
    protected final void warmup(Ks $key, Kc $iv, Ks $mackey, boolean $encryptMode) {
        // init the bitch
        if ($lastKey != $key.getBytes()) {
            $lastKey = $key.getBytes();
            $cipher.init($encryptMode, new ParametersWithIV(new KeyParamMod($key.getBytes()), $iv.getBytes()));
            // damnit, BC... i want different exceptions for an invalid IV and an invalid key, or at the very least i'd like it if you threw them from different functions so i could tell them apart by careful calling and multiple try blocks.  but noooooo.

        if ($lastMacKey != $mackey.getBytes()) {
            $lastMacKey = $mackey.getBytes();
            $hmac.init(new KeyParamMod($mackey.getBytes()));
        // we did make the assumptions above that if we didn't need to init then reset would already have been done.
        // since any entrance to this function that doesn't result in an init definitely had the last state of those systems being a doFinal which in turn did a reset... yeah, we're good.