Java tutorial
package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.bson.Document; import com.mongodb.MongoClient; import com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions; import com.mongodb.ServerAddress; import com.mongodb.client.AggregateIterable; import com.mongodb.client.FindIterable; import com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection; import com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase; /** * Calculate basic statistics from the honeypot data. This class demonstrates * basic Java-MongoDB interactions including retrieving documents directly as * well as using the aggregation framework to use MongoDB's summarization * capabilities. * <p> * This program is intended to demonstrate the use of MongoDB within a Java * program. * <p> * Copyright (C) 2016 David S. Read * <p> * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any * later version. * <p> * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more * details. * <p> * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see * <p> * For information on MongoDB: * @author readda * @version 01.00.00 */ public class BasicStatistics { /** * The logger */ private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(BasicStatistics.class); /** * The MongoDB server */ private static final String MONGO_DB_IP = "localhost"; /** * The MongoDB port */ private static final int MONGO_DB_PORT = 27017; /** * The database containing the honeypot-related collections. */ private static final String HONEYPOT_DATABASE = "infuzitDemo"; /** * The collection containing the raw anonymized honeypot data. */ private static final String HONEYPOT_COLLECTION = "honeypotData"; /** * The maximum number of documents to display when reporting results. */ private static final int NUMBER_OF_ITEMS_TO_DISPLAY = 10; /** * The Mongo client instance - our connection to the server. */ private MongoClient mongoClient; /** * The Mongo database instance - our access to a specific database. */ private MongoDatabase mongoDatabase; /** * The total number of attacks in the collection. Each document represents * one attack. */ private long totalAttacks; /** * The total number of countries represented in the attack data. */ private int totalAttackingCountries; /** * Create the instance. This will populate the aggregate count of documents * (attacks) and countries. * @see #totalAttacks * @see #computeAttackCountryCount() */ public BasicStatistics() {"Connecting to server: " + MONGO_DB_IP + ":" + MONGO_DB_PORT + " and database: " + HONEYPOT_DATABASE); /** * Set a short timeout for connecting so that we don't wait the default 30 * seconds to detect a problem. */ MongoClientOptions.Builder optionsBuilder = new MongoClientOptions.Builder(); optionsBuilder.serverSelectionTimeout(2000); MongoClientOptions options =; /** * Create the MongoClient instance. */ mongoClient = new MongoClient(new ServerAddress(MONGO_DB_IP, MONGO_DB_PORT), options); /** * Create the MongoDatabase instance. */ mongoDatabase = mongoClient.getDatabase(HONEYPOT_DATABASE); /** * Get the MongoCollection instance which provides read and write access * (bed on permissions) to a specific collection in the database. */ MongoCollection<Document> collection = accessCollection(HONEYPOT_COLLECTION); /** * Get the count of documents in the collection. If the collection cannot be * accessed an exception will the thrown. */ try { totalAttacks = collection.count(); } catch (Throwable throwable) { LOG.fatal("Unable to connect to the MongoDB instance at " + MONGO_DB_IP + ":" + MONGO_DB_PORT, throwable); throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to connect to the MongoDB instance at " + MONGO_DB_IP + ":" + MONGO_DB_PORT + ". Are you sure it is running?", throwable); } /** * If no documents were retrieved then apparently the demo collection was * not loaded into the database. */ if (totalAttacks == 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to load documents from the collection " + HONEYPOT_COLLECTION + " in the database " + HONEYPOT_DATABASE + ". Are you sure it was loaded?"); } computeAttackCountryCount(); } /** * Get a Mongo collection instance. * @param collection * The name of the collection * @return The Mongo collection instance */ private MongoCollection<Document> accessCollection(String collection) { return mongoDatabase.getCollection(collection); } /** * Calculate the number of countries found in the honeypot attack data and * set the attribute. * @see #totalAttackingCountries */ private void computeAttackCountryCount() { MongoCollection<Document> collection = accessCollection(HONEYPOT_COLLECTION); Map<String, String> attackCountries = new HashMap<>(); List<Document> attacks = collection.find() .projection(new Document("_id", 0).append("client_country_code", 1)) .into(new ArrayList<Document>()); for (Document attack : attacks) { String countryCode = attack.getString("client_country_code"); if (attackCountries.get(countryCode) == null) { attackCountries.put(countryCode, countryCode); } } totalAttackingCountries = attackCountries.size(); } /** * Report the overall statistics on the console. * @see #totalAttacks * @see #totalAttackingCountries */ private void overallStats() { printHeader("Overall Statistics"); System.out.println("Total Attacks: " + totalAttacks); System.out.println("Total Attacking Countries: " + totalAttackingCountries); } /** * Summarize the count of attacks by country. This method queries the * collection for all attack documents and then uses a Map to aggregate the * data. The resulting Map is then used to populate an array of CountryCode * instances which is then sorted in order to find the top attacking * countries. * <p> * Compare this to the countryBreakdownAggregation which produces the same * report but uses MongoDB's aggregation framework. * @see #countryBreakdownAggregation() */ private void countryBreakdownCoded() { Map<String, Integer> attacksByCountry = new HashMap<>(); MongoCollection<Document> collection = accessCollection(HONEYPOT_COLLECTION); /** * Retrieve the client_country_code from each document. The find() * method returns an iterable which will iterate through all the * documents. The projection() is then used to limit the retrieved * fields to just the one with the client system's country code. */ FindIterable<Document> attacks = collection.find() .projection(new Document("_id", 0).append("client_country_code", 1)); /** * Iterate through all the documents and keep a count of matches by * country code. */ for (Document attack : attacks) { String countryCode = attack.getString("client_country_code"); Integer attackCount = attacksByCountry.get(countryCode); if (attackCount == null) { attackCount = 0; } attackCount++; attacksByCountry.put(countryCode, attackCount); } /** * Create an array to house the resulting country codes and counts. */ List<CountryCount> countryAttackCount = new ArrayList<>(); /** * Populate the array with country codes and counts from the map. */ for (String countryCode : attacksByCountry.keySet()) { countryAttackCount.add(new CountryCount(countryCode, attacksByCountry.get(countryCode))); } /** * Sort the resulting array (note that CountryCount implements * Comparable). The sort is then reversed to put the largest number * first. */ Collections.sort(countryAttackCount); Collections.reverse(countryAttackCount); /** * Report the top country codes with their associated attack counts. */ int limit = Math.min(totalAttackingCountries, NUMBER_OF_ITEMS_TO_DISPLAY); printHeader("Top " + limit + " Attack Countries (using Java coded aggregation)"); for (int index = 0; index < limit; ++index) { int numAttacks = countryAttackCount.get(index).getAttackCount(); System.out.println(" " + countryAttackCount.get(index).getCountryCode() + ": " + numAttacks + " (" + (int) ((numAttacks * 100) / (double) totalAttacks) + "%)"); } } /** * Summarize the number of attacks recorded by each honeypot server and * channel (sensor). This method queries the collection for all attack * documents and then uses a Map to aggregate the data. The resulting Map is * then used to populate an array of ServerChannelCount instances which is * then sorted in order to present the servers and channels in order. * <p> * Compare this to the honeypotBreakdownAggregation which produces the same * report but uses MongoDB's aggregation framework. * @see #honeypotBreakdownAggregation() */ private void honeypotBreakdownCoded() { Map<String, Integer> attacksByServerAndChannel = new HashMap<>(); MongoCollection<Document> collection = accessCollection(HONEYPOT_COLLECTION); /** * Retrieve the server_ip_mask (in the payload subdocument) and channel * from each document. The find() method returns an iterable which will * iterate through all the documents. The projection() is then used to * limit the retrieved fields to just the server_ip_mask and channel. */ FindIterable<Document> attacks = collection.find() .projection(new Document("_id", 0).append("payload.server_ip_mask", 1).append("channel", 1)); /** * Iterate through all the documents and keep a count of matches by * server and channel. */ for (Document attack : attacks) { Document payload = (Document) attack.get("payload"); String serverAndChannel = payload.getInteger("server_ip_mask") + "," + attack.getString("channel"); Integer attackCount = attacksByServerAndChannel.get(serverAndChannel); if (attackCount == null) { attackCount = 0; } attackCount++; attacksByServerAndChannel.put(serverAndChannel, attackCount); } /** * Create an array to house the resulting servers, channels and counts. */ List<ServerChannelCount> serverChannelAttackCount = new ArrayList<>(); /** * Populate the array with server and channel as well as the counts from * the map. */ for (String countryCode : attacksByServerAndChannel.keySet()) { serverChannelAttackCount .add(new ServerChannelCount(countryCode, attacksByServerAndChannel.get(countryCode))); } /** * Sort the resulting array (note that ServerChannelCount implements * Comparable). */ Collections.sort(serverChannelAttackCount); /** * Report the attack counts for each server and channel. */ printHeader("Attack Counts for Servers and Channels (using Java coded aggregation)"); for (ServerChannelCount serverChannel : serverChannelAttackCount) { int numAttacks = serverChannel.getAttackCount(); System.out.println(" Server:" + serverChannel.getServerIpMask() + " Channel:" + serverChannel.getChannel() + " Attack Count:" + numAttacks + " (" + (int) ((numAttacks * 100) / (double) totalAttacks) + "%)"); } } /** * Summarize the count of attacks by country. This method uses MongoDB's * aggregation framework to summarize the data. It then retrieves the * resulting documents and displays them. * <p> * Compare this to the countryBreakdownCoded which produces the same report * but reads the raw documents and then uses Java code to produce the * summary. * <p> * Note that this method creates a aggregation pipeline matching the * following JSON (which can be used in the Mongo client directly): * * <pre> * # summarize country * db.honeypotData.aggregate( [ * { "$group": { "_id": "$client_country_code" , "hits": { "$sum": 1 } } }, * { "$sort": { "hits":-1} } * ]) * </pre> * * @see #countryBreakdownCoded() */ private void countryBreakdownAggregation() { MongoCollection<Document> collection = accessCollection(HONEYPOT_COLLECTION); List<Document> aggregationPipeline = new ArrayList<>(); Document operation; /** * Group the data on country code. Count the number of documents in each * group. */ operation = new Document("$group", new Document("_id", "$client_country_code").append("attacks", new Document("$sum", 1))); aggregationPipeline.add(operation); /** * Sort the data on count of attacks, descending. */ operation = new Document("$sort", new Document("attacks", -1)); aggregationPipeline.add(operation); /** * Get the iterable for the pipeline result. */ AggregateIterable<Document> attacks = collection.aggregate(aggregationPipeline); /** * Report the top country codes with their associated attack counts. */ int limit = Math.min(totalAttackingCountries, NUMBER_OF_ITEMS_TO_DISPLAY); printHeader("Top " + limit + " Attack Countries (using aggregation pipeline)"); int count = 0; for (Document attack : attacks) { int numAttacks = attack.getInteger("attacks"); System.out.println(" " + attack.get("_id") + ": " + numAttacks + " (" + (int) ((numAttacks * 100) / (double) totalAttacks) + "%)"); ++count; if (count >= limit) { break; } } } /** * Summarize the number of attacks recorded by each honeypot server and * channel (sensor). This method uses MongoDB's aggregation framework to * summarize the data. It then retrieves the resulting documents and * displays them. * <p> * Compare this to the honeypotBreakdownCoded which produces the same report * but reads the raw documents and then uses Java code to produce the * summary. * <p> * Note that this method creates a aggregation pipeline matching the * following JSON (which can be used in the Mongo client directly): * * <pre> * # summarize server and channel * db.honeypotData.aggregate( [ * { "$group": { "_id": { "server_ip_mask" : "$payload.server_ip_mask" , * "channel" : "$channel" }, "attacks": { "$sum": 1 } } }, * { "$project": { "server_ip_mask" : "$_id.server_ip_mask", * "channel" : "$", "attacks" : "$attacks" } }, * { "$sort": { "_id.server_ip_mask":1, "":1} } * ]) * </pre> * * @see #honeypotBreakdownAggregation() */ private void honeypotBreakdownAggregation() { MongoCollection<Document> collection = accessCollection(HONEYPOT_COLLECTION); List<Document> aggregationPipeline = new ArrayList<>(); Document operation; /** * Group by server IP mask value and channel. Count the number of * documents in each group. */ operation = new Document("$group", new Document("_id", new Document("server_ip_mask", "$payload.server_ip_mask").append("channel", "$channel")) .append("attacks", new Document("$sum", 1))); aggregationPipeline.add(operation); /** * Project the attributes to extract them from the _id. */ operation = new Document("$project", new Document("server_ip_mask", "$_id.server_ip_mask") .append("channel", "$").append("attacks", 1)); aggregationPipeline.add(operation); /** * Sort the data based on server IP mask value and channel. */ operation = new Document("$sort", new Document("_id.server_ip_mask", 1).append("", 1)); aggregationPipeline.add(operation); /** * Get the iterable for the pipeline result. */ AggregateIterable<Document> attacks = collection.aggregate(aggregationPipeline); /** * Report the attack counts for each server and channel. */ printHeader("Attack Counts for Servers and Channels (using aggregation pipeline)"); for (Document attack : attacks) { int numAttacks = attack.getInteger("attacks"); System.out.println(" Server:" + attack.getInteger("server_ip_mask") + " Channel:" + attack.getString("channel") + " Attack Count:" + numAttacks + " (" + (int) ((numAttacks * 100) / (double) totalAttacks) + "%)"); } } /** * Summarize the number of attacks from each client. This method uses * MongoDB's aggregation framework to summarize the data. It then retrieves * the resulting documents and displays them. * <p> * Note that this method creates a aggregation pipeline matching the * following JSON (which can be used in the Mongo client directly): * * <pre> * # summarize most active IPs and their countries * db.honeypotData.aggregate( [ * { "$group": { "_id": { "client_ip_mask" : "$payload.client_ip_mask" , * "client_country_code" : "$client_country_code" }, "attacks": { "$sum": 1 } } }, * { "$project": { "client_ip_mask" : "$_id.client_ip_mask", * "client_country_code" : "$_id.client_country_code", "attacks" : "$attacks" } }, * { "$sort": {"attacks":-1} } * ]) * </pre> */ private void mostActiveIps() { MongoCollection<Document> collection = accessCollection(HONEYPOT_COLLECTION); List<Document> aggregationPipeline = new ArrayList<>(); Document operation; /** * Group by client IP mask value and country code (expect a given IP to * always map the the same country). Count the number of documents in * each group. */ operation = new Document("$group", new Document("_id", new Document("client_ip_mask", "$payload.client_ip_mask") .append("client_country_code", "$client_country_code")).append("attacks", new Document("$sum", 1))); aggregationPipeline.add(operation); /** * Project the attributes to extract them from the _id. */ operation = new Document("$project", new Document("client_ip_mask", "$_id.client_ip_mask") .append("client_country_code", "$_id.client_country_code").append("attacks", "$attacks")); aggregationPipeline.add(operation); /** * Sort the data based on number of attacks, descending. */ operation = new Document("$sort", new Document("attacks", -1)); aggregationPipeline.add(operation); /** * Get the iterable for the pipeline result. */ AggregateIterable<Document> attacks = collection.aggregate(aggregationPipeline); /** * Report the attack counts for top attacking clients. */ int limit = Math.min(totalAttackingCountries, NUMBER_OF_ITEMS_TO_DISPLAY); printHeader("Top " + limit + " Attacking Client IPs (using aggregation pipeline)"); int count = 0; for (Document attack : attacks) { int numAttacks = attack.getInteger("attacks"); System.out.println(" Client:" + attack.getInteger("client_ip_mask") + " Country:" + attack.getString("client_country_code") + " Attack Count:" + numAttacks + " (" + (int) ((numAttacks * 100) / (double) totalAttacks) + "%)"); ++count; if (count >= limit) { break; } } } /** * Print a message on the console underlined with equal signs. * @param message * The text the print on the console */ private void printHeader(String message) { System.out.println(message); for (int index = 0; index < message.length(); ++index) { System.out.print("="); } System.out.println(); } /** * Create the instance and call the different summarization methods. * @param args * Command line arguments - not used */ public static void main(String[] args) { BasicStatistics attackStats = new BasicStatistics(); attackStats.overallStats(); System.out.println(); attackStats.countryBreakdownCoded(); System.out.println(); attackStats.countryBreakdownAggregation(); System.out.println(); attackStats.honeypotBreakdownCoded(); System.out.println(); attackStats.honeypotBreakdownAggregation(); System.out.println(); attackStats.mostActiveIps(); } }