Java tutorial
package us.daveread.basicquery; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Cursor; import java.awt.Desktop; import java.awt.EventQueue; import java.awt.FlowLayout; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.GridLayout; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.awt.event.KeyListener; import java.awt.event.WindowEvent; import java.awt.event.WindowListener; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.sql.CallableStatement; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData; import java.sql.Driver; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.SQLWarning; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Observable; import java.util.Observer; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import javax.swing.Action; import javax.swing.BorderFactory; import javax.swing.ButtonGroup; import javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JCheckBox; import javax.swing.JCheckBoxMenuItem; import javax.swing.JComboBox; import javax.swing.JFileChooser; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JMenu; import javax.swing.JMenuBar; import javax.swing.JMenuItem; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JPasswordField; import javax.swing.JRadioButton; import javax.swing.JRadioButtonMenuItem; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; import javax.swing.JTable; import javax.swing.JTextArea; import javax.swing.JTextField; import javax.swing.JTextPane; import javax.swing.KeyStroke; import javax.swing.ListSelectionModel; import javax.swing.ProgressMonitor; import javax.swing.TransferHandler; import javax.swing.WindowConstants; import javax.swing.border.Border; import javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter; import javax.swing.table.TableModel; import javax.swing.text.AttributeSet; import javax.swing.text.BadLocationException; import javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument; import javax.swing.text.StyledDocument; import org.apache.commons.dbcp.DriverManagerConnectionFactory; import org.apache.commons.dbcp.PoolableConnectionFactory; import org.apache.commons.dbcp.PoolingDriver; import org.apache.commons.pool.ObjectPool; import org.apache.commons.pool.impl.GenericObjectPool; import org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import us.daveread.basicquery.gui.ColoredCellRenderer; import us.daveread.basicquery.gui.FlashForeground; import us.daveread.basicquery.gui.FocusRequestor; import us.daveread.basicquery.gui.FontChooser; import us.daveread.basicquery.gui.InsertTime; import us.daveread.basicquery.gui.MaxHeightJScrollPane; import us.daveread.basicquery.gui.MessageStyleFactory; import us.daveread.basicquery.images.ImageUtility; import us.daveread.basicquery.queries.Query; import us.daveread.basicquery.queries.QueryHistory; import us.daveread.basicquery.queries.QueryInfo; import us.daveread.basicquery.util.CheckLatestVersion; import us.daveread.basicquery.util.Configuration; import us.daveread.basicquery.util.FileFilterDefinition; import us.daveread.basicquery.util.ListTableModel; import us.daveread.basicquery.util.NewVersionInformation; import us.daveread.basicquery.util.RdbToRdf; import us.daveread.basicquery.util.Resources; import us.daveread.basicquery.util.SuffixFileFilter; import us.daveread.basicquery.util.TableSorter; import us.daveread.basicquery.util.Utility; /** * Title: Basic Query Utility * <p> * Execute arbitrary SQL against database accessible with any JDBC-compliant * driver. * </p> * * <p> * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2004-2015, David Read * </p> * * <p> * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * </p> * * <p> * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * </p> * * <p> * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * </p> * * <p> * </p> * * @author David Read */ public class BasicQuery extends JFrame implements Runnable, ActionListener, WindowListener, Observer, KeyListener { /** * Serial version id - update if the serialization of this classes changes */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 5162L; /** * Program version - MUST be in ##.##.## format */ private static final String VERSION = "02.00.07"; /** * Logger */ private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(BasicQuery.class); /** * Database drivers file */ private static final String FILENAME_DRIVERS = "BasicQuery.Drivers"; /** * Logging configuration file */ private static final String FILENAME_LOGGER = "BasicQuery.Logger"; /** * Default file for storing queries */ private static final String FILENAME_DEFAULTQUERIES = "BasicQuery.SQL"; /** * File containing connection strings */ private static final String FILENAME_CONNECTSTRINGS = "BasicQuery.Connect"; /** * Name of the DB connection pool */ private static final String DBPOOL_NAME = "BasicQuery.DBPool"; /** * File containing statistics, when enabled */ private static final String DBSTATS_NAME = "BasicQuery.Stats.csv"; /** * File containing query results, when enabled */ private static final String DBRESULTS_NAME = "BasicQuery.Results.csv"; /** * Property name - user id */ private static final String PROP_USERID = "USERID"; /** * Property name - password */ private static final String PROP_PASSWORD = "PASSWORD"; /** * Property name - connection autocommit setting */ private static final String PROP_AUTOCOMMIT = "AUTOCOMMIT"; /** * Property name - connection readonly setting */ private static final String PROP_READONLY = "READONLY"; /** * Property name - connection pooling enabled */ private static final String PROP_POOLING = "POOLING"; /** * Property name - last connection string used */ private static final String PROP_CONNECTION = "CONNECTION"; /** * Property name - last SQL statement executed */ private static final String PROP_SQL = "SQL"; /** * Propert name - last SQL statement file used */ private static final String PROP_SQLFILENAME = "SQLFILE"; /** * Property name - maximum number of display rows setting */ private static final String PROP_MAXROWS = "MAXROWS"; /** * Property name - log statistics setting */ private static final String PROP_LOGSTATS = "LOGSTATS"; /** * Property name - log query results setting */ private static final String PROP_LOGRESULTS = "LOGRESULTS"; /** * Property name - export raw query results setting */ private static final String PROP_EXPORTRAW = "EXPORTRAW"; /** * Property name - export without CR setting */ private static final String PROP_EXPORTNOCR = "EXPORTNOCR"; /** * Property name - associate query and connection setting */ private static final String PROP_ASSOCSQLURL = "ASSOCSQLURL"; /** * Property name - parse queries on semicolon setting */ private static final String PROP_PARSESEMICOLON = "PARSESEMICOLON"; /** * Property name - save password setting */ private static final String PROP_SAVEPASSWORD = "SAVEPASSWORD"; /** * Property name - last window upper left corner X position */ private static final String PROP_UPPERLEFTX = "UPPERLEFTX"; /** * Property name - last window upper left corner Y position */ private static final String PROP_UPPERLEFTY = "UPPERLEFTY"; /** * Property name - last window width */ private static final String PROP_WIDTH = "WIDTH"; /** * Property name - last window height */ private static final String PROP_HEIGHT = "HEIGHT"; /** * Property name - last window maximized setting */ private static final String PROP_MAXIMIZED = "MAXIMIZED"; /** * Property name - directory containing DB driver files */ private static final String PROP_DBDRIVERDIR = "DBDRIVERDIR"; /** * Property name - keywords that should not occur in an update statement */ private static final String PROP_WARNUPDATEPATTERNS = "WARNUPDATEPATTERNS"; /** * Property name - keywords that should not occur in a select statement */ private static final String PROP_WARNSELECTPATTERNS = "WARNSELECTPATTERNS"; /** * Property name - display DB server information setting */ private static final String PROP_DISPLAYDBSERVERINFO = "DISPLAYDBSERVERINFO"; /** * Property name - display client information setting */ private static final String PROP_DISPLAYCLIENTINFO = "DISPLAYCLIENTINFO"; /** * Property name - display column type setting */ private static final String PROP_DISPLAYCOLUMNDATATYPE = "DISPLAYCOLUMNDATATYPE"; /** * Property name - row coloring setting */ private static final String PROP_TABLE_COLORING = "TABLECOLORING"; /** * Property name - user defined row coloring setting */ private static final String PROP_TABLE_COLOR_USERDEF = "TABLECOLORUSERDEF"; /** * Property name - interface language setting */ private static final String PROP_LANGUAGE = "LANGUAGE"; /** * Property name - font setting */ private static final String PROP_FONT_FAMILY = "FONTFAMILY"; /** * Property name - fint size setting */ private static final String PROP_FONT_SIZE = "FONTSIZE"; /** * Property name - font bold setting */ private static final String PROP_FONT_BOLD = "FONTBOLD"; /** * Property name - font italic setting */ private static final String PROP_FONT_ITALIC = "FONTITALIC"; /** * Latest directory used when choosing a file */ private static final String PROP_LATEST_DIRECTORY = "LATEST_FILE_DIRECTORY"; /** * Default directory name for DB driver files */ private static final String DEFAULT_DBDRIVERDIR = "DBDrivers"; /** * Default update warning statement keywords */ private static final String DEFAULTWARNUPDATEPATTERNS = "SELECT,SHOW,DESCRIBE,DESC"; /** * Default select warning statement keywords */ private static final String DEFAULTWARNSELECTPATTERNS = "INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE,ALTER,DROP,CREATE"; /** * Normal text style */ private static final String STYLE_NORMAL = "Normal"; /** * Bold text style */ private static final String STYLE_BOLD = "Bold"; /** * Green text */ private static final String STYLE_GREEN = "Green"; /** * Yellow text */ private static final String STYLE_YELLOW = "Yellow"; /** * Red text */ private static final String STYLE_RED = "Red"; /** * Subtle text style */ private static final String STYLE_SUBTLE = "Subtle"; /** * Subtle and underlined text style */ private static final String STYLE_SUBTLE_UL = "SubtleUL"; /** * Table row alternating green and white */ private static final String TABLECOLORING_GREENBAR = "GREENBAR"; /** * Table row alternating yellow and white */ private static final String TABLECOLORING_YELLOWBAR = "YELLOWBAR"; /** * Table row coloring is user defined */ private static final String TABLECOLORING_USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED"; /** * Table rows not colored (background white) */ private static final String TABLECOLORING_NONE = "NONE"; /** * Display long form of DB information */ private static final String DBSERVERINFO_LONG = "LONG"; /** * Display brief form of DB information */ private static final String DBSERVERINFO_BRIEF = "BRIEF"; /** * The Yes (True) value for a parameter */ private static final String PARAMVALUE_NO = "NO"; /** * The No (False) value for a parameter */ private static final String PARAMVALUE_YES = "YES"; /** * Query run mode - single statement */ private static final int RUNTYPE_SINGLE = 0; /** * Query run mode - all statements */ private static final int RUNTYPE_ALL = 1; /** * Query run mode - export results as triples */ private static final int RUNTYPE_TRIPLE_EXPORT = 2; /** * System property supplying user's configured language code */ private static final String PROP_SYSTEM_DEFAULTLANGUAGE = "user.language"; /** * System property supplying user's configured country code */ private static final String PROP_SYSTEM_DEFAULTCOUNTRY = ""; /** * Interface: Use default language (e.g. from system property) */ private static final String LANG_DEFAULT = "DEFAULT"; /** * Interface: Use English */ private static final String LANG_ENGLISH = "ENGLISH"; /** * Interface: Use French */ private static final String LANG_FRENCH = "FRENCH"; /** * Interface: Use German */ private static final String LANG_GERMAN = "GERMAN"; /** * Interface: Use Italian */ private static final String LANG_ITALIAN = "ITALIAN"; /** * Interface: Use Portuguese */ private static final String LANG_PORTUGUESE = "PORTUGUESE"; /** * Interface: Use Spanish */ private static final String LANG_SPANISH = "SPANISH"; /** * Prefix to comment-out queries */ private static final String COMMENT_PREFIX = "//"; /** * Rows for the query input text area */ private static final int QUERY_AREA_ROWS = 5; /** * Minimum width, in characters, for the query input text area */ private static final int QUERY_AREA_COLUMNS = 60; /** * Fraction of available window for the scroll pane */ private static final int MAX_SCROLL_PANE_DIVISOR_FOR_MAX_HEIGHT = 6; /** * Colors per user-defined color entry */ private static final int USER_DEFINED_COLORING_COLORS_PER_ENTRY = 2; /** * Color code length */ private static final int USER_DEFINED_COLORING_COLOR_CODE_LENGTH = 6; /** * Numeric base for the color coding value */ private static final int COLOR_CODING_NUMERIC_BASE = 16; /** * Position of the red color value */ private static final int COLOR_CODING_COLOR_1_START = 0; /** * Position of the green color value */ private static final int COLOR_CODING_COLOR_2_START = 2; /** * Position of the blue color value */ private static final int COLOR_CODING_COLOR_3_START = 4; /** * End of the blue color value */ private static final int COLOR_CODING_COLOR_3_END = 6; /** * Maximum wait time for a connection to be available from the pool */ private static final int CONN_POOL_MAX_WAIT_MS = 5000; /** * Maximum number of connections to hold in the pool */ private static final int CONN_POOL_MAX_IDLE_CONNECTIONS = 1; /** * Time to wait between connection pool eviction runs */ private static final int CONN_POOL_TIME_BETWEEN_EVICT_RUNS_MS = 30000; /** * Number of connections in the connection pool to test per eviction run */ private static final int CONN_POOL_NUM_TESTS_PER_EVICT_RUN = 5; /** * Maximum age for a connection before evicting it */ private static final int CONN_POOL_EVICT_IDLE_TIME_MS = 60000; /** * Minimum length for a line before inserting a carriage return */ private static final int TEXT_WRAP_MIN_LINE_LENGTH_BEFORE_WRAP = 60; /** * Maximum length for a line before inserting a carriage return */ private static final int TEXT_WRAP_MAX_LINE_LENGTH = 80; /** * Maximum number of digits in a value before storing as a long */ private static final int MAX_DIGITS_FOR_INT = 7; /** * Number of columns reported for a table describe */ private static final int DESC_TABLE_COLUMN_COUNT = 6; /** * Table describe: Column containing the column name */ private static final int DESC_TABLE_NAME_COLUMN = 0; /** * Table describe: Column containing the column name */ private static final int DESC_TABLE_TYPE_COLUMN = 1; /** * Table describe: Column containing the column length */ private static final int DESC_TABLE_LENGTH_COLUMN = 2; /** * Table describe: Column containing the column precision */ private static final int DESC_TABLE_PRECISION_COLUMN = 3; /** * Table describe: Column containing the column scale */ private static final int DESC_TABLE_SCALE_COLUMN = 4; /** * Table describe: Column containing the nulls-allowed indicator */ private static final int DESC_TABLE_NULLS_OK_COLUMN = 5; /** * Column data type: string */ private static final int COLUMN_DATA_TYPE_STRING = 0; /** * Column data type: integer */ private static final int COLUMN_DATA_TYPE_INT = 1; /** * Column data type: long */ private static final int COLUMN_DATA_TYPE_LONG = 2; /** * Column data type: double */ private static final int COLUMN_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE = 3; /** * Column data type: date */ private static final int COLUMN_DATA_TYPE_DATE = 5; /** * Column data type: datetime */ private static final int COLUMN_DATA_TYPE_DATETIME = 5; /** * Column data type: BLOB */ private static final int COLUMN_DATA_TYPE_BLOB = 6; /** * Token prefix for a parameter */ private static final String PARAM_TOKEN_START = "$PARAM["; /** * Token suffix for a parameter */ private static final String PARAM_TOKEN_END = "]$"; /** * Length of the parameter token prefix */ private static final int PARAM_TOKEN_START_LENGTH = PARAM_TOKEN_START.length(); /** * Length of the parameter token suffix */ private static final int PARAM_TOKEN_END_LENGTH = PARAM_TOKEN_END.length(); /** * Bloxk size used when storing a BLOB field to a file */ private static final int BLOB_LOAD_BLOCK_SIZE = 4096; /** * Time, in milliseconds, to delay between updates of the query execution * timer display */ private static final int QUERY_EXECUTION_TIMER_UPDATE_DELAY_MS = 250; /** * Number of rows to write between status message updates */ private static final int RESULT_PROCESSING_ROWS_PER_STATUS_MESSAGE = 100000; /** * Number of seconds in an hour */ private static final int SECONDS_PER_HOUR = 3600; /** * Number of seconds in a minute */ private static final int SECONDS_PER_MINUTE = 60; /** * For color green: red component value */ private static final int COLOR_GREEN_R_VALUE = 192; /** * For color green: green component value */ private static final int COLOR_GREEN_G_VALUE = 255; /** * For color green: blue component value */ private static final int COLOR_GREEN_B_VALUE = 192; /** * For color yellow: red component value */ private static final int COLOR_YELLOW_R_VALUE = 255; /** * For color yellow: green component value */ private static final int COLOR_YELLOW_G_VALUE = 255; /** * For color yellow: blue component value */ private static final int COLOR_YELLOW_B_VALUE = 192; /** * File export format: CSV */ private static final int FILE_EXPORT_CSV = 0; /** * File export format: Triples */ private static final int FILE_EXPORT_TRIPLES = 1; /** * SQL results table */ private JTable table; /** * Renderer for result cells */ private ColoredCellRenderer cellRenderer; /** * Is the select output to render data or metadata */ private int modeOfCurrentTable; /** * Collection of tables currently used by the latest query */ private Map<String, String> mapOfCurrentTables; /** * User defined result row coloring pattern */ private String userDefTableColoring; /** * Set of defined queries */ private JComboBox querySelection; /** * Filename for current set of queries */ private String queryFilename; /** * The query file filter description last used by the user */ private String latestChosenQueryFileFilterDescription; /** * SQL input text area */ private JTextArea queryText; /** * Set of defined connection strings */ private JComboBox connectString; /** * User Id to authenticate with the DB server */ private JTextField userId; /** * Password to authenticate with the DB server */ private JPasswordField password; /** * Modes of SQL operation */ private JRadioButton asQuery, asUpdate, asDescribe; /** * Connection feature settings */ private JCheckBox autoCommit, readOnly, poolConnect; /** * Selection for maximum number of rows to retrieve and display */ private JComboBox maxRows; /** * Buttons to move through history of executed queries */ private JButton previousQuery, nextQuery; /** * Collection of message styles used in status output text pane */ private Map<String, AttributeSet> messageStyles; /** * Execute the currently entered/selected SQL statement */ private JButton execute; /** * Remove the currently selected SQL statement from the collection of stored * statements */ private JButton remove; /** * Comment or un-comment the currently selected SQL statement */ private JButton commentToggle; /** * Select the next SQL statement in the list of stored statements */ private JButton nextInList; /** * The status text pane */ private JTextPane message; /** * The status document backing the status text pane */ private StyledDocument messageDocument; /** * Menu item - open a SQL statement file */ private JMenuItem fileOpenSQL; /** * Menu item - choose whether to log SQL execution statistics */ private JCheckBoxMenuItem fileLogStats; /** * Menu item - choose whether to log SQL execution results */ private JCheckBoxMenuItem fileLogResults; /** * Menu item - write current results to a CSV file */ private JMenuItem fileSaveAsCSV; /** * Menu item - write current results to an ontology file */ private JMenuItem fileSaveAsTriples; /** * Menu item - choose whether to export BLOBs to files when exporting results */ private JMenuItem fileSaveBLOBs; /** * Menu item - choose whether to export result raw (unquoted) */ private JCheckBoxMenuItem fileExportsRaw; /** * Menu item - choose whether to add a carriage return to exported rows */ private JCheckBoxMenuItem fileNoCRAddedToExportRows; /** * Menu item - exit the program */ private JMenuItem fileExit; /** * Menu item - sort by selected column(s) */ private JMenuItem editSort; /** * Menu item - select all displayed rows */ private JMenuItem editSelectAll; /** * Menu item - copy selected rows to the clipboard */ private JMenuItem editCopy; /** * Menu item - create a select statement that lists all columns using the * current result set */ private JMenuItem queryMakeVerboseSelect; /** * Menu item - create an insert statement template listing all fields using * the current result set */ private JMenuItem queryMakeInsert; /** * Menu item - create an update statement template listing all fields using * the current result set */ private JMenuItem queryMakeUpdate; /** * Menu item - create a "select *" statement with the table name based on the * currently selected cell */ private JMenuItem querySelectStar; /** * Menu item - create a describe statement with the table name based on the * currently selected cell */ private JMenuItem queryDescribeStar; /** * Menu item - edit the order of the list of currently stored SQL statements * (e.g. from the current SQL statement file) */ private JMenuItem querySetOrder; /** * Menu item - run all stored SQL statements (e.g. from the current SQL * statement file) */ private JMenuItem queryRunAll; /** * Menu item - choose whether SQL statements and connection settings are * linked */ private JCheckBoxMenuItem configHistoryAssocSQLAndConnect; /** * Menu item - choose whether to parse SQL statements on semicolons */ private JCheckBoxMenuItem configParseSemicolons; /** * Menu item - choose whether to save the password in the properties file */ private JCheckBoxMenuItem configSavePassword; /** * Menu item - choose whether to display the column data type in the results * table */ private JCheckBoxMenuItem configDisplayColumnDataType; /** * Menu item - choose whether to display the client system information in the * status text area */ private JCheckBoxMenuItem configDisplayClientInfo; /** * Menu item - set the font */ private JMenuItem configFont; /** * Menu item - choose to display server information in brief format */ private JRadioButtonMenuItem configDisplayDBServerInfoShort; /** * Menu item - choose to display server information in long format */ private JRadioButtonMenuItem configDisplayDBServerInfoLong; /** * Menu item - choose to not display any server information */ private JRadioButtonMenuItem configDisplayDBServerInfoNone; /** * Menu item - choose to leave the result table uncolored (white background) */ private JRadioButtonMenuItem configTableColoringNone; /** * Menu item - choose to color the result table with alternating green/white * background */ private JRadioButtonMenuItem configTableColoringGreenBar; /** * Menu item - choose to color the result table with alternating yellow/white * background */ private JRadioButtonMenuItem configTableColoringYellowBar; /** * Menu item - choose to color the result table with a user defined pattern * background */ private JRadioButtonMenuItem configTableColoringUserDefined; /** * Menu item - choose to use the system default language */ private JRadioButtonMenuItem configLanguageDefault; /** * Menu item - choose to use English */ private JRadioButtonMenuItem configLanguageEnglish; /** * Menu item - choose to use Italian */ private JRadioButtonMenuItem configLanguageItalian; /** * Menu item - choose to use Spanish */ private JRadioButtonMenuItem configLanguageSpanish; /** * Menu item - choose to use French */ private JRadioButtonMenuItem configLanguageFrench; /** * Menu item - choose to use German */ private JRadioButtonMenuItem configLanguageGerman; /** * Menu item - choose to use Portuguese */ private JRadioButtonMenuItem configLanguagePortuguese; /** * Menu item - display the About dialog box */ private JMenuItem helpAbout; /** * Menu item - display help on the parameterized SQL statement syntax */ private JMenuItem helpParameterizedSQL; /** * Database connection */ private Connection conn; /** * Last connection string used */ private String lastConnection; /** * Last user id */ private String lastUserId; /** * Last password */ private String lastPassword; /** * Run mode (select, update, describe) */ private int runType; /** * Currently executing query thread */ private Thread runningQuery; /** * Indicator for executing query */ private JLabel runIndicator; /** * Elapsed time for running query */ private JLabel timeIndicator; /** * Thread to animate the query execution indicator */ private Thread flashRunIndicator; /** * Thread to maintain the query timer display */ private Thread timeRunIndicator; /** * Directory containing DB driver files */ private String dbDriverDir; /** * Indicator that a DB driver was loaded */ private boolean loadedDBDriver; // Query mode warning patterns, if the SQL begins with an "incorrect" // term for the query type selected, a warning message will be displayed /** * Query mode warning patterns for an update statement. If the SQL begins with * an "incorrect" term for the query type selected, a warning message will be * displayed */ private String scWarnUpdatePatterns; /** * Query mode warning patterns for a select statement. If the SQL begins with * an "incorrect" term for the query type selected, a warning message will be * displayed */ private String scWarnSelectPatterns; /** * File for exporting results */ private File exportFile; /** * Latest directory used when choosing a file */ private File latestFileDirectory; /** * Constructs a Basic Query instance * * @param wantGUI * If true, the GUI is presented. */ public BasicQuery(boolean wantGUI) { super(); setupLogger(); setupLanguage(); if (wantGUI) { addWindowListener(this); setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE); setTitle("BasicQuery"); setIconImage(new ImageIcon(ImageUtility.getImageAsByteArray("BasicQueryLogo32x32.gif")).getImage()); setup(); checkForNewVersion(); } } /** * Setup the correct locale based on the user language choice. If the user * has chosen default, then the system language defaults are used. */ private void setupLanguage() { String temp; temp = Configuration.instance().getProperty(PROP_LANGUAGE, LANG_DEFAULT); if (temp.equalsIgnoreCase(LANG_DEFAULT)) { if (System.getProperty(PROP_SYSTEM_DEFAULTLANGUAGE) != null) { if (System.getProperty(PROP_SYSTEM_DEFAULTCOUNTRY) != null) { Locale.setDefault(new Locale(System.getProperty(PROP_SYSTEM_DEFAULTLANGUAGE), System.getProperty(PROP_SYSTEM_DEFAULTCOUNTRY))); } else { Locale.setDefault(new Locale(System.getProperty(PROP_SYSTEM_DEFAULTLANGUAGE))); } } } else if (temp.equalsIgnoreCase(LANG_ENGLISH)) { Locale.setDefault(new Locale("en")); } else if (temp.equalsIgnoreCase(LANG_FRENCH)) { Locale.setDefault(new Locale("fr")); } else if (temp.equalsIgnoreCase(LANG_GERMAN)) { Locale.setDefault(new Locale("de")); } else if (temp.equalsIgnoreCase(LANG_ITALIAN)) { Locale.setDefault(new Locale("it")); } else if (temp.equalsIgnoreCase(LANG_PORTUGUESE)) { Locale.setDefault(new Locale("pt")); } else if (temp.equalsIgnoreCase(LANG_SPANISH)) { Locale.setDefault(new Locale("es")); } } /** * Does a shutdown and startup of the application so that it will * redraw its interface. */ private void changeLanguage() { saveConfig(); cleanUp(); dispose(); new BasicQuery(true); } /** * Configure the logger */ private void setupLogger() { PropertyConfigurator.configure(Configuration.instance().getFile(FILENAME_LOGGER).getAbsolutePath()); if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { final Properties props = System.getProperties(); final Set<Object> keys = props.keySet(); final Iterator<Object> keyItr = keys.iterator(); while (keyItr.hasNext()) { final String key = (String); LOGGER.debug("Prop: [" + key + "]=[" + System.getProperty(key) + "]"); } } } /** * Adds packages (JARs) to the classpath. By default it adds any JARs * in the database driver directory (set in the properties file) to the * classpath. * * @return A DynamicClassLoader containing jars and zip-file based classes */ private DynamicClassLoader getDBClassLoader() { File dir; File[] files; List<File> archives; DynamicClassLoader dbClassLoader; String archivesAdded; dir = new File(dbDriverDir); messageOut(Resources.getString("msgDBDriverDir", dir.getAbsolutePath())); files = dir.listFiles(); archives = new ArrayList<File>(); archivesAdded = ""; for (int f = 0; files != null && f < files.length; ++f) { if (files[f].getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".jar") || files[f].getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".zip")) { archives.add(files[f]); archivesAdded += files[f].getName() + ", "; loadedDBDriver = true; } } if (archivesAdded.length() > 0) { archivesAdded = archivesAdded.substring(0, archivesAdded.length() - 2); } else { archivesAdded = Resources.getString("errNoJARZIP"); } messageOut(Resources.getString("msgDBDriverLocated", archivesAdded)); dbClassLoader = new DynamicClassLoader(archives); return dbClassLoader; } /** * Sets the Border style and color to black for the interface * * @return Border A line border of black lines */ private Border getStandardBorder() { return BorderFactory.createLineBorder(; } /** * Setup instance components */ private void setupComponents() { table = new JTable(); cellRenderer = new ColoredCellRenderer(); table.setAutoResizeMode(JTable.AUTO_RESIZE_OFF); table.setColumnSelectionAllowed(true); table.setRowSelectionAllowed(true); table.setCellSelectionEnabled(true); table.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.MULTIPLE_INTERVAL_SELECTION); table.setDefaultRenderer(new Object().getClass(), cellRenderer); table.getTableHeader().setToolTipText(Resources.getString("tipClickHeaderToSort")); maxRows = new JComboBox(); maxRows.setEditable(false); ((DefaultComboBoxModel) maxRows.getModel()).addElement(Resources.getString("proNoLimit")); ((DefaultComboBoxModel) maxRows.getModel()).addElement("50"); ((DefaultComboBoxModel) maxRows.getModel()).addElement("100"); ((DefaultComboBoxModel) maxRows.getModel()).addElement("500"); ((DefaultComboBoxModel) maxRows.getModel()).addElement("1000"); ((DefaultComboBoxModel) maxRows.getModel()).addElement("5000"); ((DefaultComboBoxModel) maxRows.getModel()).addElement("10000"); ((DefaultComboBoxModel) maxRows.getModel()).addElement("20000"); ((DefaultComboBoxModel) maxRows.getModel()).addElement("30000"); ((DefaultComboBoxModel) maxRows.getModel()).addElement("50000"); ((DefaultComboBoxModel) maxRows.getModel()).addElement("100000"); ((DefaultComboBoxModel) maxRows.getModel()).addElement("200000"); ((DefaultComboBoxModel) maxRows.getModel()).addElement("500000"); ((DefaultComboBoxModel) maxRows.getModel()).addElement("1000000"); ((DefaultComboBoxModel) maxRows.getModel()).addElement("1500000"); ((DefaultComboBoxModel) maxRows.getModel()).addElement("2000000"); ((DefaultComboBoxModel) maxRows.getModel()).addElement("3000000"); maxRows.setSelectedItem("100"); } /** * Builds the GUI for the application */ private void setup() { JPanel panel; JPanel gridPanel; JPanel outerPanel; JPanel flowPanel; JPanel boxedPanel; ButtonGroup bGroup; MaxHeightJScrollPane maxHeightJScrollPane; setupComponents(); getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout()); // table.getTableHeader().setFont(new Font(table.getTableHeader().getFont(). // getName(), table.getTableHeader().getFont().getStyle(), // MessageStyleFactory.instance().getFontSize())); getContentPane().add(new JScrollPane(table), BorderLayout.CENTER); panel = new JPanel(); panel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); outerPanel = new JPanel(); outerPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); gridPanel = new JPanel(); gridPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(0, 1)); gridPanel.add(connectString = new JComboBox()); connectString.setEditable(true); gridPanel.add(querySelection = new JComboBox()); querySelection.setEditable(false); querySelection.addActionListener(this); outerPanel.add(gridPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH); outerPanel.add(new JScrollPane(queryText = new JTextArea(QUERY_AREA_ROWS, QUERY_AREA_COLUMNS)), BorderLayout.SOUTH); queryText.setLineWrap(true); queryText.setWrapStyleWord(true); queryText.addKeyListener(this); panel.add(outerPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); outerPanel = new JPanel(); outerPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); boxedPanel = new JPanel(); boxedPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(0, 2)); boxedPanel.add(new JLabel(Resources.getString("proUserId"))); boxedPanel.add(userId = new JTextField(10)); boxedPanel.add(new JLabel(Resources.getString("proPassword"))); boxedPanel.add(password = new JPasswordField(10)); outerPanel.add(boxedPanel, BorderLayout.WEST); // Prev/Next and the checkboxes are all on the flowPanel - Center of // outerPanel flowPanel = new JPanel(); flowPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER)); // Previous/Next buttons boxedPanel = new JPanel(); boxedPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); boxedPanel.add(previousQuery = new JButton(Resources.getString("ctlPrev"), new ImageIcon(ImageUtility.getImageAsByteArray("ArrowLeftGreen.gif")))); previousQuery.setToolTipText(Resources.getString("tipPrev")); previousQuery.addActionListener(this); boxedPanel.add(nextQuery = new JButton(Resources.getString("ctlNext"), new ImageIcon(ImageUtility.getImageAsByteArray("ArrowRightGreen.gif")))); nextQuery.setToolTipText(Resources.getString("tipNext")); nextQuery.addActionListener(this); flowPanel.add(boxedPanel); // Checkboxes: Autocommit, Read Only and Pooling boxedPanel = new JPanel(); boxedPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); boxedPanel.setBorder(getStandardBorder()); boxedPanel.add(autoCommit = new JCheckBox(Resources.getString("ctlAutoCommit"), true)); boxedPanel.add(readOnly = new JCheckBox(Resources.getString("ctlReadOnly"), false)); boxedPanel.add(poolConnect = new JCheckBox(Resources.getString("ctlConnPool"), false)); poolConnect.setEnabled(false); flowPanel.add(boxedPanel); outerPanel.add(flowPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); boxedPanel = new JPanel(); boxedPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(0, 1)); boxedPanel.setBorder(getStandardBorder()); boxedPanel.add(runIndicator = new JLabel(Resources.getString("ctlRunning"), JLabel.CENTER)); runIndicator.setForeground(Color.lightGray); boxedPanel.add(timeIndicator = new JLabel("", JLabel.RIGHT)); outerPanel.add(boxedPanel, BorderLayout.EAST); panel.add(outerPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH); flowPanel = new JPanel(); flowPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT)); boxedPanel = new JPanel(); boxedPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); boxedPanel.setBorder(getStandardBorder()); boxedPanel.add(new JLabel(Resources.getString("proQueryType"))); boxedPanel.add(asQuery = new JRadioButton(Resources.getString("ctlSelect"), true)); boxedPanel.add(asUpdate = new JRadioButton(Resources.getString("ctlUpdate"))); boxedPanel.add(asDescribe = new JRadioButton(Resources.getString("ctlDescribe"))); bGroup = new ButtonGroup(); bGroup.add(asQuery); bGroup.add(asUpdate); bGroup.add(asDescribe); asQuery.addActionListener(this); asUpdate.addActionListener(this); asDescribe.addActionListener(this); flowPanel.add(boxedPanel); flowPanel.add(new JLabel(" ")); boxedPanel = new JPanel(); boxedPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.RIGHT)); boxedPanel.setBorder(getStandardBorder()); boxedPanel.add(new JLabel(Resources.getString("proMaxRows"))); boxedPanel.add(maxRows); flowPanel.add(boxedPanel); flowPanel.add(new JLabel(" ")); flowPanel.add(execute = new JButton(Resources.getString("ctlExecute"))); execute.addActionListener(this); flowPanel.add(remove = new JButton(Resources.getString("ctlRemove"))); remove.addActionListener(this); flowPanel.add(commentToggle = new JButton(Resources.getString("ctlComment"))); commentToggle.addActionListener(this); flowPanel.add(nextInList = new JButton(Resources.getString("ctlDown"))); nextInList.addActionListener(this); panel.add(flowPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); getContentPane().add(panel, BorderLayout.NORTH); getRootPane().setDefaultButton(execute); messageDocument = new DefaultStyledDocument(); getContentPane().add( maxHeightJScrollPane = new MaxHeightJScrollPane(message = new JTextPane(messageDocument)), BorderLayout.SOUTH); message.setEditable(false); loadedDBDriver = false; loadMenu(); setupTextStyles(); loadProperties(); setupUserDefinedColoring(); setupResultsTableColoring(); loadConfig(); loadConnectStrings(); loadQueries(); loadDrivers(); // Check for avail of pool - enable/disable pooling option as appropriate // Not really useful until we get the pooling classes out of this code try { new GenericObjectPool(null); poolConnect.setEnabled(true); poolConnect.setSelected(true); } catch (Throwable any) { // No Apache Commons DB Pooling Library Found (DBCP) LOGGER.error(Resources.getString("errNoPoolLib"), any); } setDefaults(); maxHeightJScrollPane.lockHeight(getHeight() / MAX_SCROLL_PANE_DIVISOR_FOR_MAX_HEIGHT); // Font setFontFromConfig(Configuration.instance()); setVisible(true); } /** * Parse the color definition placed in the properties file, if one * is provided. * * If the user places a legitimate color definition in the properties * file, it can be chosen for rendering by using the "USer Defined" option * for the result row coloring. * * The colors are defined in pairs using the RGB hex values for foreground * and background. Multiple pairs can be defined and the colors will * alternate between rows. The foreground and background colors are * separated by slashes (/) and the pairs are separated by commas (,). * * For example: * * TABLECOLORUSERDEF=000000/ffffff,000000/c0ffc0 * * would lead to a "green bar" appearance with black text (000000) on * each row and alternating white (ffffff) and green (c0ffc0) backgrounds. * * Another example: * * TABLECOLORUSERDEF=000000/ffc0c0,000000/ffffff,000000/c0c0ff,000000/ffffff * * would lead to a red, white and blue theme with black text on alternating * red, white, blue and again white backgrounds. */ private void setupUserDefinedColoring() { String temp; String[] groups, colors; if (configTableColoringUserDefined.isSelected() && userDefTableColoring != null) { temp = userDefTableColoring.trim(); if (temp.length() > 0) { groups = temp.split(","); LOGGER.debug("User def color group count=" + groups.length); for (int group = 0; group < groups.length; ++group) { LOGGER.debug("Group[" + group + "] = [" + groups[group] + "]"); colors = groups[group].split("/"); LOGGER.debug("User def color count=" + colors.length); if (colors.length == USER_DEFINED_COLORING_COLORS_PER_ENTRY && colors[0].length() == USER_DEFINED_COLORING_COLOR_CODE_LENGTH && colors[1].length() == USER_DEFINED_COLORING_COLOR_CODE_LENGTH) { addDisplayRowColor(colors[0], colors[1]); configTableColoringUserDefined.setEnabled(true); } else { LOGGER.warn("Unable to parse the user-defined color pattern: " + groups[group]); messageOut(Resources.getString("errUserDefinedColorErrorParse", groups[group]), STYLE_RED); } } } } } /** * Does the actual parsing of foreground and background colors. Colors * are supplied as 6 digit (hex) strings (e.g. 000000=black, ffffff=white) * * @param foregroundColor * String The foregound color as RGB hex * @param backgroundColor * String The background color as RGB hex */ private void addDisplayRowColor(String foregroundColor, String backgroundColor) { LOGGER.debug("Add user defined display color row FG:" + foregroundColor + " BG:" + backgroundColor); try { cellRenderer .addAlternatingRowColor( new Color( Integer.parseInt(foregroundColor.substring(COLOR_CODING_COLOR_1_START, COLOR_CODING_COLOR_2_START), COLOR_CODING_NUMERIC_BASE), Integer.parseInt( foregroundColor.substring( COLOR_CODING_COLOR_2_START, COLOR_CODING_COLOR_3_START), COLOR_CODING_NUMERIC_BASE), Integer.parseInt(foregroundColor.substring(COLOR_CODING_COLOR_3_START, COLOR_CODING_COLOR_3_END), COLOR_CODING_NUMERIC_BASE)), new Color( Integer.parseInt(backgroundColor.substring(COLOR_CODING_COLOR_1_START, COLOR_CODING_COLOR_2_START), COLOR_CODING_NUMERIC_BASE), Integer.parseInt(backgroundColor.substring(COLOR_CODING_COLOR_2_START, COLOR_CODING_COLOR_3_START), COLOR_CODING_NUMERIC_BASE), Integer.parseInt(backgroundColor.substring(COLOR_CODING_COLOR_3_START, COLOR_CODING_COLOR_3_END), COLOR_CODING_NUMERIC_BASE))); } catch (Throwable any) { // Probably a bad hex value LOGGER.warn("Error setting row coloring for FG(" + foregroundColor + ") BG(" + backgroundColor + ")"); messageOut(Resources.getString("errUserDefinedColorError", foregroundColor, backgroundColor, any.getMessage()), STYLE_RED); } } /** * Sets-up the collection of text styles that can be used to format the * information in the message area. */ private void setupTextStyles() { messageStyles = new HashMap<String, AttributeSet>(); messageStyles.put(STYLE_BOLD, MessageStyleFactory.instance().createStyle(, MessageStyleFactory.BOLD)); messageStyles.put(STYLE_GREEN, MessageStyleFactory.instance().createStyle(, MessageStyleFactory.BOLD)); messageStyles.put(STYLE_NORMAL, MessageStyleFactory.instance().createStyle(; messageStyles.put(STYLE_RED, MessageStyleFactory.instance().createStyle(, MessageStyleFactory.BOLD)); messageStyles.put(STYLE_SUBTLE, MessageStyleFactory.instance().createStyle(, MessageStyleFactory.ITALIC)); messageStyles.put(STYLE_SUBTLE_UL, MessageStyleFactory.instance().createStyle(, MessageStyleFactory.ITALIC | MessageStyleFactory.UNDERLINE)); messageStyles.put(STYLE_YELLOW, MessageStyleFactory.instance().createStyle(, Color.yellow, MessageStyleFactory.BOLD)); } /** * Saves the current settings into the properties file. */ private void saveProperties() { Configuration props; // props = new Properties(); props = Configuration.instance(); props.setProperty(PROP_USERID, userId.getText()); if (configSavePassword.isSelected()) { props.setProperty(PROP_PASSWORD, new String(password.getPassword())); } props.setProperty(PROP_AUTOCOMMIT, autoCommit.isSelected() ? PARAMVALUE_YES : PARAMVALUE_NO); props.setProperty(PROP_READONLY, readOnly.isSelected() ? PARAMVALUE_YES : PARAMVALUE_NO); props.setProperty(PROP_POOLING, poolConnect.isSelected() ? PARAMVALUE_YES : PARAMVALUE_NO); props.setProperty(PROP_CONNECTION, connectString.getSelectedIndex() + ""); props.setProperty(PROP_SQL, querySelection.getSelectedIndex() + ""); props.setProperty(PROP_SQLFILENAME, queryFilename); props.setProperty(PROP_MAXROWS, maxRows.getSelectedIndex() + ""); props.setProperty(PROP_LOGSTATS, fileLogStats.isSelected() ? PARAMVALUE_YES : PARAMVALUE_NO); props.setProperty(PROP_LOGRESULTS, fileLogResults.isSelected() ? PARAMVALUE_YES : PARAMVALUE_NO); props.setProperty(PROP_EXPORTRAW, fileExportsRaw.isSelected() ? PARAMVALUE_YES : PARAMVALUE_NO); props.setProperty(PROP_EXPORTNOCR, fileNoCRAddedToExportRows.isSelected() ? PARAMVALUE_YES : PARAMVALUE_NO); props.setProperty(PROP_SAVEPASSWORD, configSavePassword.isSelected() ? PARAMVALUE_YES : PARAMVALUE_NO); props.setProperty(PROP_ASSOCSQLURL, configHistoryAssocSQLAndConnect.isSelected() ? PARAMVALUE_YES : PARAMVALUE_NO); props.setProperty(PROP_PARSESEMICOLON, configParseSemicolons.isSelected() ? PARAMVALUE_YES : PARAMVALUE_NO); props.setProperty(PROP_DISPLAYCOLUMNDATATYPE, configDisplayColumnDataType.isSelected() ? PARAMVALUE_YES : PARAMVALUE_NO); props.setProperty(PROP_DISPLAYCLIENTINFO, configDisplayClientInfo.isSelected() ? PARAMVALUE_YES : PARAMVALUE_NO); props.setProperty(PROP_DISPLAYDBSERVERINFO, configDisplayDBServerInfoLong.isSelected() ? DBSERVERINFO_LONG : configDisplayDBServerInfoShort.isSelected() ? DBSERVERINFO_BRIEF : PARAMVALUE_NO); props.setProperty(PROP_UPPERLEFTX, getLocation().x + ""); props.setProperty(PROP_UPPERLEFTY, getLocation().y + ""); props.setProperty(PROP_WIDTH, getSize().width + ""); props.setProperty(PROP_HEIGHT, getSize().height + ""); props.setProperty(PROP_MAXIMIZED, getExtendedState() == JFrame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH ? PARAMVALUE_YES : PARAMVALUE_NO); props.setProperty(PROP_DBDRIVERDIR, dbDriverDir); // Add the select and update query type warning patterns to the properties. // Technically don't need to do this since the user can't change in app, // but want to be sure they are in the property file so the user has a // clue that they can be modified. props.setProperty(PROP_WARNSELECTPATTERNS, scWarnSelectPatterns); props.setProperty(PROP_WARNUPDATEPATTERNS, scWarnUpdatePatterns); // Data Row Coloring props.setProperty(PROP_TABLE_COLORING, configTableColoringGreenBar.isSelected() ? TABLECOLORING_GREENBAR : configTableColoringYellowBar.isSelected() ? TABLECOLORING_YELLOWBAR : configTableColoringUserDefined.isSelected() ? TABLECOLORING_USERDEFINED : TABLECOLORING_NONE); if (userDefTableColoring != null) { props.setProperty(PROP_TABLE_COLOR_USERDEF, userDefTableColoring); } // Language props.setProperty(PROP_LANGUAGE, configLanguageDefault.isSelected() ? LANG_DEFAULT : configLanguageEnglish.isSelected() ? LANG_ENGLISH : configLanguageFrench.isSelected() ? LANG_FRENCH : configLanguageGerman.isSelected() ? LANG_GERMAN : configLanguageItalian.isSelected() ? LANG_ITALIAN : configLanguagePortuguese.isSelected() ? LANG_PORTUGUESE : configLanguageSpanish.isSelected() ? LANG_SPANISH : LANG_DEFAULT); // Font props.setProperty(PROP_FONT_FAMILY, getFont().getFamily()); props.setProperty(PROP_FONT_SIZE, getFont().getSize() + ""); props.setProperty(PROP_FONT_BOLD, getFont().isBold() ? "YES" : "NO"); props.setProperty(PROP_FONT_ITALIC, getFont().isItalic() ? "YES" : "NO"); // File access if (latestFileDirectory != null) { if (latestFileDirectory.isDirectory()) { props.setProperty(PROP_LATEST_DIRECTORY, latestFileDirectory.getAbsolutePath()); } else { props.setProperty(PROP_LATEST_DIRECTORY, latestFileDirectory.getParentFile().getAbsolutePath()); } } // Write out the properties to the file; } /** * Sets the configuration based on the values in the configuration file. */ private void loadProperties() { Properties props; String temp; // props = new Properties(); props = Configuration.instance(); userId.setText(props.getProperty(PROP_USERID, "")); password.setText(props.getProperty(PROP_PASSWORD, "")); if (props.getProperty(PROP_AUTOCOMMIT, PARAMVALUE_NO).equals(PARAMVALUE_YES)) { autoCommit.setSelected(true); } else { autoCommit.setSelected(false); } if (props.getProperty(PROP_READONLY, PARAMVALUE_NO).equals(PARAMVALUE_YES)) { readOnly.setSelected(true); } else { readOnly.setSelected(false); } setQueryFilename(props.getProperty(PROP_SQLFILENAME, Configuration.instance().getFile(FILENAME_DEFAULTQUERIES).getAbsolutePath())); fileLogStats.setSelected(props.getProperty(PROP_LOGSTATS, PARAMVALUE_NO).equals(PARAMVALUE_YES)); fileLogResults.setSelected(props.getProperty(PROP_LOGRESULTS, PARAMVALUE_NO).equals(PARAMVALUE_YES)); fileExportsRaw.setSelected(props.getProperty(PROP_EXPORTRAW, PARAMVALUE_NO).equals(PARAMVALUE_YES)); fileNoCRAddedToExportRows .setSelected(props.getProperty(PROP_EXPORTNOCR, PARAMVALUE_NO).equals(PARAMVALUE_YES)); configSavePassword.setSelected(props.getProperty(PROP_SAVEPASSWORD, PARAMVALUE_NO).equals(PARAMVALUE_YES)); configHistoryAssocSQLAndConnect .setSelected(props.getProperty(PROP_ASSOCSQLURL, PARAMVALUE_NO).equals(PARAMVALUE_YES)); configParseSemicolons .setSelected(props.getProperty(PROP_PARSESEMICOLON, PARAMVALUE_NO).equals(PARAMVALUE_YES)); configDisplayColumnDataType .setSelected(props.getProperty(PROP_DISPLAYCOLUMNDATATYPE, PARAMVALUE_NO).equals(PARAMVALUE_YES)); configDisplayClientInfo .setSelected(props.getProperty(PROP_DISPLAYCLIENTINFO, PARAMVALUE_NO).equals(PARAMVALUE_YES)); if (props.getProperty(PROP_DISPLAYDBSERVERINFO, PARAMVALUE_NO).equals(DBSERVERINFO_LONG)) { configDisplayDBServerInfoLong.setSelected(true); } else if (props.getProperty(PROP_DISPLAYDBSERVERINFO, PARAMVALUE_NO).equals(DBSERVERINFO_BRIEF)) { configDisplayDBServerInfoShort.setSelected(true); } else { configDisplayDBServerInfoNone.setSelected(true); } // Results table row coloring if (props.getProperty(PROP_TABLE_COLORING, TABLECOLORING_NONE).equals(TABLECOLORING_GREENBAR)) { configTableColoringGreenBar.setSelected(true); } else if (props.getProperty(PROP_TABLE_COLORING, TABLECOLORING_NONE).equals(TABLECOLORING_YELLOWBAR)) { configTableColoringYellowBar.setSelected(true); } else if (props.getProperty(PROP_TABLE_COLORING, TABLECOLORING_NONE).equals(TABLECOLORING_USERDEFINED)) { configTableColoringUserDefined.setSelected(true); } else { configTableColoringNone.setSelected(true); } // Language temp = props.getProperty(PROP_LANGUAGE, LANG_DEFAULT); if (temp.equalsIgnoreCase(LANG_DEFAULT)) { configLanguageDefault.setSelected(true); } else if (temp.equalsIgnoreCase(LANG_ENGLISH)) { configLanguageEnglish.setSelected(true); } else if (temp.equalsIgnoreCase(LANG_FRENCH)) { configLanguageFrench.setSelected(true); } else if (temp.equalsIgnoreCase(LANG_GERMAN)) { configLanguageGerman.setSelected(true); } else if (temp.equalsIgnoreCase(LANG_ITALIAN)) { configLanguageItalian.setSelected(true); } else if (temp.equalsIgnoreCase(LANG_PORTUGUESE)) { configLanguagePortuguese.setSelected(true); } else if (temp.equalsIgnoreCase(LANG_SPANISH)) { configLanguageSpanish.setSelected(true); } else { configLanguageDefault.setSelected(true); } // Frame's window state (maximized/normal) setExtendedState( props.getProperty(PROP_MAXIMIZED, PARAMVALUE_NO).equals(PARAMVALUE_YES) ? JFrame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH : JFrame.NORMAL); if (!props.getProperty(PROP_MAXIMIZED, PARAMVALUE_NO).equals(PARAMVALUE_YES)) { try { setLocation(Integer.parseInt(props.getProperty(PROP_UPPERLEFTX, "0")), Integer.parseInt(props.getProperty(PROP_UPPERLEFTY, "0"))); setSize(Integer.parseInt(props.getProperty(PROP_WIDTH, "800")), Integer.parseInt(props.getProperty(PROP_HEIGHT, "600"))); } catch (Throwable any) {"Missing property?", any); } } userDefTableColoring = props.getProperty(PROP_TABLE_COLOR_USERDEF); dbDriverDir = props.getProperty(PROP_DBDRIVERDIR, DEFAULT_DBDRIVERDIR); // Query type versus SQL warning patterns scWarnSelectPatterns = props.getProperty(PROP_WARNSELECTPATTERNS, DEFAULTWARNSELECTPATTERNS); scWarnUpdatePatterns = props.getProperty(PROP_WARNUPDATEPATTERNS, DEFAULTWARNUPDATEPATTERNS); // File access temp = props.getProperty(PROP_LATEST_DIRECTORY); if (temp != null && temp.trim().length() > 0) { try { latestFileDirectory = new File(temp); } catch (Throwable throwable) { LOGGER.warn("Unable to set the default file directory to: " + temp, throwable); } } } /** * Set the fonts for the interface from the configuration in the properties * collection * * @param props * The properties collection with font information */ private void setFontFromConfig(Properties props) { String fontFamily; int fontSize, fontStyle; boolean bold, italic; try { fontFamily = props.getProperty(PROP_FONT_FAMILY, "Arial"); fontSize = Integer.parseInt(props.getProperty(PROP_FONT_SIZE, "12")); bold = props.getProperty(PROP_FONT_BOLD, "NO").equals("YES"); italic = props.getProperty(PROP_FONT_ITALIC, "NO").equals("YES"); fontStyle = 0; if (bold) { fontStyle |= Font.BOLD; } if (italic) { fontStyle |= Font.ITALIC; } setupFont(new Font(fontFamily, fontStyle, fontSize)); } catch (Throwable any) { // Probably font is not configured in property file - just ignore // and use system default font"Failed to setup a font from the properties file", any); } } /** * Set default values at startup. */ private void setDefaults() { Properties props; // props = new Properties(); props = Configuration.instance(); if (props.getProperty(PROP_POOLING, PARAMVALUE_YES).equals(PARAMVALUE_YES)) { poolConnect.setSelected(true); } else { poolConnect.setSelected(false); } try { connectString.setSelectedIndex(Integer.parseInt(props.getProperty(PROP_CONNECTION))); } catch (Throwable any) { // Probably the list changed"Value not on list", any); } try { querySelection.setSelectedIndex(Integer.parseInt(props.getProperty(PROP_SQL))); } catch (Throwable any) { // Probably the list changed"Value not on list", any); } try { maxRows.setSelectedIndex(Integer.parseInt(props.getProperty(PROP_MAXROWS))); } catch (Throwable any) { // Probably the list changed"Value not on list", any); } // No queries executed yet, disable prev/next buttons // TODO is this working? setPrevNextIndication(); // previousQuery.setEnabled(false); // nextQuery.setEnabled(false); } /** * Sets the database connection pool. * * @param connectURI * The url specifying the database to which it connects * @param pUserId * The user id field * @param pPassword * The password field */ private void setupDBPool(String connectURI, String pUserId, String pPassword) { removeDBPool(); try { final GenericObjectPool connectionPool = new GenericObjectPool(null); configurePool(connectionPool, connectURI, pUserId, pPassword); final PoolingDriver driver = new PoolingDriver(); driver.registerPool(DBPOOL_NAME, connectionPool);"DB Connection Pool setup [" + DBPOOL_NAME + "]"); } catch (Throwable any) { LOGGER.error("Unable to setup database connection pool", any); messageOut(Resources.getString("errFailSetupDBPool", any.getMessage()), STYLE_RED); } } /** * Configures the database connection pool and sets the pool configuration. * * @param connectionPool * The ObjectPool * @param connectURI * The url specifying the database to which it * connects using JDBC * @param pUserId * The user id attribute * @param pPassword * The password attribute * * @throws java.lang.Exception * Throws an SQL exception that provides * information on a database access error * or other errors * * @todo Make the pool access dynamic (use the dynamic class loader?) * so that the application will compile/run without the Apache * commons library. */ private void configurePool(GenericObjectPool connectionPool, String connectURI, String pUserId, String pPassword) throws Exception { String lowerCaseConnectURI; String validationQuery; lowerCaseConnectURI = connectURI.toLowerCase(); validationQuery = null; if (lowerCaseConnectURI.startsWith("jdbc:sybase")) { validationQuery = "select getdate()"; } else if (lowerCaseConnectURI.startsWith("jdbc:mysql")) { validationQuery = "select 1"; } else if (lowerCaseConnectURI.startsWith("jdbc:oracle")) { validationQuery = "select sysdate from dual"; } else if (lowerCaseConnectURI.startsWith("jdbc:mssql")) { validationQuery = "select 1"; } // Pool settings - someday a dialog and persistence should be // added to put these under user control connectionPool.setMaxActive(1); connectionPool.setWhenExhaustedAction(GenericObjectPool.WHEN_EXHAUSTED_BLOCK); connectionPool.setMaxWait(CONN_POOL_MAX_WAIT_MS); connectionPool.setMaxIdle(CONN_POOL_MAX_IDLE_CONNECTIONS); connectionPool.setTimeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis(CONN_POOL_TIME_BETWEEN_EVICT_RUNS_MS); connectionPool.setNumTestsPerEvictionRun(CONN_POOL_NUM_TESTS_PER_EVICT_RUN); connectionPool.setMinEvictableIdleTimeMillis(CONN_POOL_EVICT_IDLE_TIME_MS); final DriverManagerConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new DriverManagerConnectionFactory(connectURI, pUserId, pPassword); final PoolableConnectionFactory poolableConnectionFactory = new PoolableConnectionFactory(connectionFactory, connectionPool, null, null, false, true); if (validationQuery != null) { connectionPool.setTestOnBorrow(true); connectionPool.setTestWhileIdle(true); poolableConnectionFactory.setValidationQuery(validationQuery); } } /** * Closes the database connection pool */ private void removeDBPool() { final ObjectPool dbpool = getDBPool(); if (dbpool != null) { try { dbpool.close(); } catch (Throwable any) { LOGGER.error("Unable to close the database connection pool", any); messageOut(Resources.getString("errFailCloseDBPool", any.getMessage()), STYLE_RED); } } } /** * Gets the driver for the database pool * * @return ObjectPool Returns the driver object for the specific * pool name */ private ObjectPool getDBPool() { try { return new PoolingDriver().getConnectionPool(DBPOOL_NAME); } catch (SQLException excSQL) { LOGGER.error("Unable to load DB Pool", excSQL); return null; } } /** * File menu setup * * @return The file menu */ private JMenu fileMenu() { JMenu menu; // File Menu menu = new JMenu(Resources.getString("mnuFileLabel")); menu.setMnemonic(Resources.getChar("mnuFileAccel")); menu.getAccessibleContext().setAccessibleDescription(Resources.getString("mnuFileDesc")); // File | Open SQL File fileOpenSQL = new JMenuItem(Resources.getString("mnuFileOpenLabel")); fileOpenSQL.setAccelerator( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(Resources.getChar("mnuFileOpenAccel"), ActionEvent.ALT_MASK)); fileOpenSQL.setMnemonic(Resources.getChar("mnuFileOpenAccel")); fileOpenSQL.getAccessibleContext().setAccessibleDescription(Resources.getString("mnuFileOpenDesc")); fileOpenSQL.addActionListener(this); fileOpenSQL.setEnabled(true); menu.add(fileOpenSQL); menu.addSeparator(); // File | Log Stats fileLogStats = new JCheckBoxMenuItem(Resources.getString("mnuFileLogStatsLabel")); fileLogStats.setAccelerator( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(Resources.getChar("mnuFileLogStatsAccel"), ActionEvent.ALT_MASK)); fileLogStats.setMnemonic(Resources.getChar("mnuFileLogStatsAccel")); fileLogStats.getAccessibleContext() .setAccessibleDescription(Resources.getString("mnuFileLogStatsAccel", DBSTATS_NAME)); fileLogStats.setEnabled(true); fileLogStats.setSelected(false); menu.add(fileLogStats); // File | Log Results fileLogResults = new JCheckBoxMenuItem(Resources.getString("mnuFileLogResultsLabel")); fileLogResults.setAccelerator( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(Resources.getChar("mnuFileLogResultsAccel"), ActionEvent.ALT_MASK)); fileLogResults.setMnemonic(Resources.getString("mnuFileLogResultsAccel").charAt(0)); fileLogResults.getAccessibleContext() .setAccessibleDescription(Resources.getString("mnuFileLogResultsDesc", DBRESULTS_NAME)); fileLogResults.setEnabled(true); fileLogResults.setSelected(false); menu.add(fileLogResults); menu.addSeparator(); // File | Export Results As CSV fileSaveAsCSV = new JMenuItem(Resources.getString("mnuFileExportCSVLabel")); fileSaveAsCSV.setAccelerator( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(Resources.getChar("mnuFileExportCSVAccel"), ActionEvent.ALT_MASK)); fileSaveAsCSV.setMnemonic(Resources.getChar("mnuFileExportCSVAccel")); fileSaveAsCSV.getAccessibleContext().setAccessibleDescription(Resources.getString("mnuFileExportCSVDesc")); fileSaveAsCSV.addActionListener(this); fileSaveAsCSV.setEnabled(false); menu.add(fileSaveAsCSV); // File | Export Results As Triples fileSaveAsTriples = new JMenuItem(Resources.getString("mnuFileExportTriplesLabel")); fileSaveAsTriples.setAccelerator( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(Resources.getChar("mnuFileExportTriplesAccel"), ActionEvent.ALT_MASK)); fileSaveAsTriples.setMnemonic(Resources.getChar("mnuFileExportTriplesAccel")); fileSaveAsTriples.getAccessibleContext() .setAccessibleDescription(Resources.getString("mnuFileExportTriplesDesc")); fileSaveAsTriples.addActionListener(new ExportResultsAsTriplesListener()); fileSaveAsTriples.setEnabled(false); menu.add(fileSaveAsTriples); // File | Save BLOBs fileSaveBLOBs = new JMenuItem(Resources.getString("mnuFileSaveBLOBLabel")); fileSaveBLOBs.setAccelerator( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(Resources.getChar("mnuFileSaveBLOBAccel"), ActionEvent.ALT_MASK)); fileSaveBLOBs.setMnemonic(Resources.getChar("mnuFileSaveBLOBAccel")); fileSaveBLOBs.getAccessibleContext().setAccessibleDescription(Resources.getString("mnuFileSaveBLOBDesc")); fileSaveBLOBs.addActionListener(this); fileSaveBLOBs.setEnabled(false); menu.add(fileSaveBLOBs); menu.addSeparator(); // File | Raw Export fileExportsRaw = new JCheckBoxMenuItem(Resources.getString("mnuFileRawExportLabel")); fileExportsRaw.setMnemonic(Resources.getChar("mnuFileRawExportAccel")); fileExportsRaw.getAccessibleContext().setAccessibleDescription(Resources.getString("mnuFileRawExportDesc")); fileExportsRaw.setEnabled(true); fileExportsRaw.setSelected(false); menu.add(fileExportsRaw); // File | No CR Added to Export fileNoCRAddedToExportRows = new JCheckBoxMenuItem(Resources.getString("mnuFileNoCRLabel")); fileNoCRAddedToExportRows.setMnemonic(Resources.getChar("mnuFileNoCRAccel")); fileNoCRAddedToExportRows.getAccessibleContext() .setAccessibleDescription(Resources.getString("mnuFileNoCRDesc")); fileNoCRAddedToExportRows.setEnabled(true); fileNoCRAddedToExportRows.setSelected(false); menu.add(fileNoCRAddedToExportRows); menu.addSeparator(); fileExit = new JMenuItem(Resources.getString("mnuFileExitLabel")); fileExit.setAccelerator( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(Resources.getChar("mnuFileExitAccel"), ActionEvent.ALT_MASK)); fileExit.setMnemonic(Resources.getChar("mnuFileExitAccel")); fileExit.getAccessibleContext().setAccessibleDescription(Resources.getString("mnuFileExitDesc")); fileExit.addActionListener(this); fileExit.setEnabled(true); menu.add(fileExit); return menu; } /** * Edit menu setup * * @return The edit menu */ private JMenu editMenu() { JMenu menu; // Edit Menu menu = new JMenu(Resources.getString("mnuEditLabel")); menu.setMnemonic(Resources.getChar("mnuEditAccel")); menu.getAccessibleContext().setAccessibleDescription(Resources.getString("mnuEditDesc")); // Edit | Copy editCopy = new JMenuItem(Resources.getString("mnuEditCopyLabel")); editCopy.setAccelerator( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(Resources.getChar("mnuEditCopyAccel"), ActionEvent.ALT_MASK)); editCopy.setMnemonic(Resources.getChar("mnuEditCopyAccel")); editCopy.getAccessibleContext().setAccessibleDescription(Resources.getString("mnuEditCopyDesc")); editCopy.addActionListener(this); editCopy.setEnabled(true); menu.add(editCopy); // Edit | Select All editSelectAll = new JMenuItem(Resources.getString("mnuEditSelectAllLabel")); editSelectAll.setAccelerator( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(Resources.getChar("mnuEditSelectAllAccel"), ActionEvent.ALT_MASK)); editSelectAll.setMnemonic(Resources.getChar("mnuEditSelectAllAccel")); editSelectAll.getAccessibleContext().setAccessibleDescription(Resources.getString("mnuEditSelectAllDesc")); editSelectAll.addActionListener(this); editSelectAll.setEnabled(true); menu.add(editSelectAll); menu.addSeparator(); // Edit | Sort by Selected Columns editSort = new JMenuItem(Resources.getString("mnuEditSortLabel")); editSort.setMnemonic(Resources.getChar("mnuEditSortAccel")); editSort.getAccessibleContext().setAccessibleDescription(Resources.getString("mnuEditSortDesc")); editSort.addActionListener(this); editSort.setEnabled(true); menu.add(editSort); return menu; } /** * Query menu set * * @return The query menu */ private JMenu queryMenu() { JMenu menu; // Query Menu menu = new JMenu(Resources.getString("mnuQueryLabel")); menu.setMnemonic(Resources.getChar("mnuQueryAccel")); menu.getAccessibleContext().setAccessibleDescription(Resources.getString("mnuQueryDesc")); // Query | Select Statement queryMakeVerboseSelect = new JMenuItem(Resources.getString("mnuQuerySelectLabel")); queryMakeVerboseSelect.setAccelerator( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(Resources.getChar("mnuQuerySelectAccel"), ActionEvent.ALT_MASK)); queryMakeVerboseSelect.setMnemonic(Resources.getChar("mnuQuerySelectAccel")); queryMakeVerboseSelect.getAccessibleContext() .setAccessibleDescription(Resources.getString("mnuQuerySelectDesc")); queryMakeVerboseSelect.addActionListener(this); queryMakeVerboseSelect.setEnabled(true); menu.add(queryMakeVerboseSelect); // Query | Insert Statement queryMakeInsert = new JMenuItem(Resources.getString("mnuQueryInsertLabel")); queryMakeInsert.setAccelerator( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(Resources.getChar("mnuQueryInsertAccel"), ActionEvent.ALT_MASK)); queryMakeInsert.setMnemonic(Resources.getChar("mnuQueryInsertAccel")); queryMakeInsert.getAccessibleContext().setAccessibleDescription(Resources.getString("mnuQueryInsertDesc")); queryMakeInsert.addActionListener(this); queryMakeInsert.setEnabled(true); menu.add(queryMakeInsert); // Query | Update Statement queryMakeUpdate = new JMenuItem(Resources.getString("mnuQueryUpdateLabel")); queryMakeUpdate.setAccelerator( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(Resources.getChar("mnuQueryUpdateAccel"), ActionEvent.ALT_MASK)); queryMakeUpdate.setMnemonic(Resources.getChar("mnuQueryUpdateAccel")); queryMakeUpdate.getAccessibleContext().setAccessibleDescription(Resources.getString("mnuQueryUpdateDesc")); queryMakeUpdate.addActionListener(this); queryMakeUpdate.setEnabled(true); menu.add(queryMakeUpdate); menu.addSeparator(); // Query | Select * querySelectStar = new JMenuItem(Resources.getString("mnuQuerySelectStarLabel")); querySelectStar.setAccelerator( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(Resources.getChar("mnuQuerySelectStarAccel"), ActionEvent.ALT_MASK)); querySelectStar.setMnemonic(Resources.getChar("mnuQuerySelectStarAccel")); querySelectStar.getAccessibleContext() .setAccessibleDescription(Resources.getString("mnuQuerySelectStarDesc")); querySelectStar.addActionListener(this); querySelectStar.setEnabled(true); menu.add(querySelectStar); // Query | Describe Select * queryDescribeStar = new JMenuItem(Resources.getString("mnuQueryDescSelectStarLabel")); queryDescribeStar.setAccelerator( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(Resources.getChar("mnuQueryDescSelectStarAccel"), ActionEvent.ALT_MASK)); queryDescribeStar.setMnemonic(Resources.getChar("mnuQueryDescSelectStarAccel")); queryDescribeStar.getAccessibleContext() .setAccessibleDescription(Resources.getString("mnuQueryDescSelectStarDesc")); queryDescribeStar.addActionListener(this); queryDescribeStar.setEnabled(true); menu.add(queryDescribeStar); menu.addSeparator(); // Query | Reorder Queries querySetOrder = new JMenuItem(Resources.getString("mnuQueryReorderLabel")); querySetOrder.setMnemonic(Resources.getChar("mnuQueryReorderAccel")); querySetOrder.getAccessibleContext().setAccessibleDescription(Resources.getString("mnuQueryReorderDesc")); querySetOrder.addActionListener(this); querySetOrder.setEnabled(true); menu.add(querySetOrder); menu.addSeparator(); // Query | Run All queryRunAll = new JMenuItem(Resources.getString("mnuQueryRunAllLabel")); queryRunAll.setAccelerator( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(Resources.getChar("mnuQueryRunAllAccel"), ActionEvent.ALT_MASK)); queryRunAll.setMnemonic(Resources.getChar("mnuQueryRunAllAccel")); queryRunAll.getAccessibleContext().setAccessibleDescription(Resources.getString("mnuQueryRunAllDesc")); queryRunAll.addActionListener(this); queryRunAll.setEnabled(true); menu.add(queryRunAll); return menu; } /** * Language selection menu * * @return The language selection menu */ private JMenu languageMenu() { JMenu subMenu; ButtonGroup buttonGroup; // Setup | Language subMenu = new JMenu(Resources.getString("mnuSetupLanguageLabel")); subMenu.setMnemonic(Resources.getChar("mnuSetupLanguageAccel")); subMenu.getAccessibleContext().setAccessibleDescription(Resources.getString("mnuSetupLanguageDesc")); // Setup | Language | System Default if (System.getProperty(PROP_SYSTEM_DEFAULTLANGUAGE) != null) { if (System.getProperty(PROP_SYSTEM_DEFAULTCOUNTRY) != null) { configLanguageDefault = new JRadioButtonMenuItem(Resources.getString("mnuSetupLanguageDefaultLabel") + " (" + System.getProperty(PROP_SYSTEM_DEFAULTLANGUAGE) + "_" + System.getProperty(PROP_SYSTEM_DEFAULTCOUNTRY) + ")"); } else { configLanguageDefault = new JRadioButtonMenuItem(Resources.getString("mnuSetupLanguageDefaultLabel") + " (" + System.getProperty(PROP_SYSTEM_DEFAULTLANGUAGE) + ")"); } } else { configLanguageDefault = new JRadioButtonMenuItem(Resources.getString("mnuSetupLanguageDefaultLabel")); } configLanguageDefault.setMnemonic(Resources.getChar("mnuSetupLanguageDefaultAccel")); configLanguageDefault.getAccessibleContext() .setAccessibleDescription(Resources.getString("mnuSetupLanguageDefaultDesc")); configLanguageDefault.addActionListener(this); subMenu.add(configLanguageDefault); // Setup | Language | Deutsche (German) configLanguageGerman = new JRadioButtonMenuItem(Resources.getString("mnuSetupLanguageGermanLabel")); configLanguageGerman.setMnemonic(Resources.getChar("mnuSetupLanguageGermanAccel")); configLanguageGerman.getAccessibleContext() .setAccessibleDescription(Resources.getString("mnuSetupLanguageGermanDesc")); configLanguageGerman.addActionListener(this); subMenu.add(configLanguageGerman); // Setup | Language | English configLanguageEnglish = new JRadioButtonMenuItem(Resources.getString("mnuSetupLanguageEnglishLabel")); configLanguageEnglish.setMnemonic(Resources.getChar("mnuSetupLanguageEnglishAccel")); configLanguageEnglish.getAccessibleContext() .setAccessibleDescription(Resources.getString("mnuSetupLanguageEnglishDesc")); configLanguageEnglish.addActionListener(this); subMenu.add(configLanguageEnglish); // Setup | Language | Espanola (Spanish) configLanguageSpanish = new JRadioButtonMenuItem(Resources.getString("mnuSetupLanguageSpanishLabel")); configLanguageSpanish.setMnemonic(Resources.getChar("mnuSetupLanguageSpanishAccel")); configLanguageSpanish.getAccessibleContext() .setAccessibleDescription(Resources.getString("mnuSetupLanguageSpanishDesc")); configLanguageSpanish.addActionListener(this); subMenu.add(configLanguageSpanish); // Setup | Language | Francaise (French) configLanguageFrench = new JRadioButtonMenuItem(Resources.getString("mnuSetupLanguageFrenchLabel")); configLanguageFrench.setMnemonic(Resources.getChar("mnuSetupLanguageFrenchAccel")); configLanguageFrench.getAccessibleContext() .setAccessibleDescription(Resources.getString("mnuSetupLanguageFrenchDesc")); configLanguageFrench.addActionListener(this); subMenu.add(configLanguageFrench); // Setup | Language | Italiana (Italian) configLanguageItalian = new JRadioButtonMenuItem(Resources.getString("mnuSetupLanguageItalianLabel")); configLanguageItalian.setMnemonic(Resources.getChar("mnuSetupLanguageItalianAccel")); configLanguageItalian.getAccessibleContext() .setAccessibleDescription(Resources.getString("mnuSetupLanguageItalianDesc")); configLanguageItalian.addActionListener(this); subMenu.add(configLanguageItalian); // Setup | Language | Portugues (Portuguese) configLanguagePortuguese = new JRadioButtonMenuItem(Resources.getString("mnuSetupLanguagePortugueseLabel")); configLanguagePortuguese.setMnemonic(Resources.getChar("mnuSetupLanguagePortugueseAccel")); configLanguagePortuguese.getAccessibleContext() .setAccessibleDescription(Resources.getString("mnuSetupLanguagePortugueseDesc")); configLanguagePortuguese.addActionListener(this); subMenu.add(configLanguagePortuguese); buttonGroup = new ButtonGroup(); buttonGroup.add(configLanguageDefault); buttonGroup.add(configLanguageEnglish); buttonGroup.add(configLanguageFrench); buttonGroup.add(configLanguageGerman); buttonGroup.add(configLanguageItalian); buttonGroup.add(configLanguagePortuguese); buttonGroup.add(configLanguageSpanish); return subMenu; } /** * Configuration menu setup * * @return The configuration menu */ private JMenu configurationMenu() { JMenu menu; JMenu subMenu; ButtonGroup buttonGroup; // Configuration Menu menu = new JMenu(Resources.getString("mnuSetupLabel")); menu.setMnemonic(Resources.getChar("mnuSetupAccel")); menu.getAccessibleContext().setAccessibleDescription(Resources.getString("mnuSetupDesc")); menu.add(languageMenu()); // Setup | Font configFont = new JMenuItem(Resources.getString("mnuConfigFontLabel")); configFont.setMnemonic(Resources.getChar("mnuConfigFontAccel")); configFont.getAccessibleContext().setAccessibleDescription(Resources.getString("mnuConfigFontDesc")); configFont.addActionListener(this); configFont.setEnabled(true); menu.add(configFont); // Setup | Display DB Server Info subMenu = new JMenu(Resources.getString("mnuSetupDBServerLabel")); subMenu.setMnemonic(Resources.getChar("mnuSetupDBServerAccel")); subMenu.getAccessibleContext().setAccessibleDescription(Resources.getString("mnuSetupDBServerDesc")); menu.add(subMenu); // Configuration | Display DB Server Info | None configDisplayDBServerInfoNone = new JRadioButtonMenuItem(Resources.getString("mnuSetupDBServerNoneLabel")); configDisplayDBServerInfoNone.setMnemonic(Resources.getChar("mnuSetupDBServerNoneAccel")); configDisplayDBServerInfoNone.getAccessibleContext() .setAccessibleDescription(Resources.getString("mnuSetupDBServerNoneDesc")); subMenu.add(configDisplayDBServerInfoNone); // Configuration | Display DB Server Info | Brief configDisplayDBServerInfoShort = new JRadioButtonMenuItem( Resources.getString("mnuSetupDBServerBriefLabel")); configDisplayDBServerInfoShort.setMnemonic(Resources.getChar("mnuSetupDBServerBriefAccel")); configDisplayDBServerInfoShort.getAccessibleContext() .setAccessibleDescription(Resources.getString("mnuSetupDBServerBriefDesc")); subMenu.add(configDisplayDBServerInfoShort); // Configuration | Display DB Server Info | Long configDisplayDBServerInfoLong = new JRadioButtonMenuItem(Resources.getString("mnuSetupDBServerLongLabel")); configDisplayDBServerInfoLong.setMnemonic(Resources.getChar("mnuSetupDBServerLongAccel")); configDisplayDBServerInfoLong.getAccessibleContext() .setAccessibleDescription(Resources.getString("mnuSetupDBServerLongDesc")); subMenu.add(configDisplayDBServerInfoLong); buttonGroup = new ButtonGroup(); buttonGroup.add(configDisplayDBServerInfoNone); buttonGroup.add(configDisplayDBServerInfoLong); buttonGroup.add(configDisplayDBServerInfoShort); // Default is short display of DB server info configDisplayDBServerInfoShort.setSelected(true); // Setup | Table Row Coloring subMenu = new JMenu(Resources.getString("mnuSetupRowColorLabel")); subMenu.setMnemonic(Resources.getChar("mnuSetupRowColorAccel")); subMenu.getAccessibleContext().setAccessibleDescription(Resources.getString("mnuSetupRowColorDesc")); menu.add(subMenu); // Setup | Table Row Coloring | None configTableColoringNone = new JRadioButtonMenuItem(Resources.getString("mnuSetupRowColorNoneLabel")); configTableColoringNone.setMnemonic(Resources.getChar("mnuSetupRowColorNoneAccel")); configTableColoringNone.getAccessibleContext() .setAccessibleDescription(Resources.getString("mnuSetupRowColorNoneDesc")); configTableColoringNone.addActionListener(this); subMenu.add(configTableColoringNone); // Setup | Table Row Coloring | Green Bar configTableColoringGreenBar = new JRadioButtonMenuItem( Resources.getString("mnuSetupRowColorGreenBarLabel")); configTableColoringGreenBar.setMnemonic(Resources.getChar("mnuSetupRowColorGreenBarAccel")); configTableColoringGreenBar.getAccessibleContext() .setAccessibleDescription(Resources.getString("mnuSetupRowColorGreenBarDesc")); configTableColoringGreenBar.addActionListener(this); subMenu.add(configTableColoringGreenBar); // Setup | Table Row Coloring | Yellow Bar configTableColoringYellowBar = new JRadioButtonMenuItem( Resources.getString("mnuSetupRowColorYellowBarLabel")); configTableColoringYellowBar.setMnemonic(Resources.getChar("mnuSetupRowColorYellowBarAccel")); configTableColoringYellowBar.getAccessibleContext() .setAccessibleDescription(Resources.getString("mnuSetupRowColorYellowBarDesc")); configTableColoringYellowBar.addActionListener(this); subMenu.add(configTableColoringYellowBar); subMenu.addSeparator(); // Setup | Table Row Coloring | User Defined configTableColoringUserDefined = new JRadioButtonMenuItem( Resources.getString("mnuSetupRowColorUserDefLabel")); configTableColoringUserDefined.setMnemonic(Resources.getChar("mnuSetupRowColorUserDefAccel")); configTableColoringUserDefined.getAccessibleContext() .setAccessibleDescription(Resources.getString("mnuSetupRowColorUserDefDesc")); configTableColoringUserDefined.addActionListener(this); subMenu.add(configTableColoringUserDefined); buttonGroup = new ButtonGroup(); buttonGroup.add(configTableColoringNone); buttonGroup.add(configTableColoringGreenBar); buttonGroup.add(configTableColoringYellowBar); buttonGroup.add(configTableColoringUserDefined); // Default is no special coloring of data rows configTableColoringNone.setSelected(true); menu.addSeparator(); // Configuration | Associate SQL and Connect URL configHistoryAssocSQLAndConnect = new JCheckBoxMenuItem(Resources.getString("mnuSetupAssocSQLURLLabel")); configHistoryAssocSQLAndConnect.setMnemonic(Resources.getChar("mnuSetupAssocSQLURLAccel")); configHistoryAssocSQLAndConnect.getAccessibleContext() .setAccessibleDescription(Resources.getString("mnuSetupAssocSQLURLDesc")); configHistoryAssocSQLAndConnect.setEnabled(true); menu.add(configHistoryAssocSQLAndConnect); // Configuration | Parse SQL at Semi-Colons configParseSemicolons = new JCheckBoxMenuItem(Resources.getString("mnuSetupParseSQLSemicolonLabel")); configParseSemicolons.setMnemonic(Resources.getChar("mnuSetupParseSQLSemicolonAccel")); configParseSemicolons.getAccessibleContext() .setAccessibleDescription(Resources.getString("mnuSetupParseSQLSemicolonDesc")); configParseSemicolons.setEnabled(true); menu.add(configParseSemicolons); menu.addSeparator(); // Configuration | Display Column Data Type configDisplayColumnDataType = new JCheckBoxMenuItem(Resources.getString("mnuSetupDispColTypeLabel")); configDisplayColumnDataType.setMnemonic(Resources.getChar("mnuSetupDispColTypeAccel")); configDisplayColumnDataType.getAccessibleContext() .setAccessibleDescription(Resources.getString("mnuSetupDispColTypeDesc")); configDisplayColumnDataType.setEnabled(true); configDisplayColumnDataType.setSelected(false); menu.add(configDisplayColumnDataType); // Configuration | Display Client Info configDisplayClientInfo = new JCheckBoxMenuItem(Resources.getString("mnuSetupClientInfoLabel")); configDisplayClientInfo.setMnemonic(Resources.getChar("mnuSetupClientInfoAccel")); configDisplayClientInfo.getAccessibleContext() .setAccessibleDescription(Resources.getString("mnuSetupClientInfoDesc")); configDisplayClientInfo.setEnabled(true); configDisplayClientInfo.setSelected(false); menu.add(configDisplayClientInfo); menu.addSeparator(); // Configuration | Save Password configSavePassword = new JCheckBoxMenuItem(Resources.getString("mnuSetupSavePasswordLabel")); configSavePassword.setMnemonic(Resources.getChar("mnuSetupSavePasswordAccel")); configSavePassword.getAccessibleContext() .setAccessibleDescription(Resources.getString("mnuSetupSavePasswordDesc")); configSavePassword.setEnabled(true); configSavePassword.setSelected(false); menu.add(configSavePassword); return menu; } /** * Help menu setup * * @return The help menu */ private JMenu helpMenu() { JMenu menu; // Help Menu menu = new JMenu(Resources.getString("mnuHelpLabel")); menu.setMnemonic(Resources.getChar("mnuHelpAccel")); menu.getAccessibleContext().setAccessibleDescription(Resources.getString("mnuHelpDesc")); // Help | Parameterized SQL Statement helpParameterizedSQL = new JMenuItem(Resources.getString("mnuHelpParamSQLLabel")); helpParameterizedSQL.setMnemonic(Resources.getChar("mnuHelpParamSQLAccel")); helpParameterizedSQL.getAccessibleContext() .setAccessibleDescription(Resources.getString("mnuHelpParamSQLDesc")); helpParameterizedSQL.addActionListener(this); helpParameterizedSQL.setEnabled(true); menu.add(helpParameterizedSQL); menu.addSeparator(); // Help | About helpAbout = new JMenuItem(Resources.getString("mnuHelpAboutLabel")); helpAbout.setMnemonic(Resources.getChar("mnuHelpAboutAccel")); helpAbout.getAccessibleContext().setAccessibleDescription(Resources.getString("mnuHelpAboutDesc")); helpAbout.addActionListener(this); helpAbout.setEnabled(true); menu.add(helpAbout); return menu; } /** * Creates the various menu options and attaches the mnemonics and * registers listeners. */ private void loadMenu() { JMenuBar menubar; menubar = new JMenuBar(); setJMenuBar(menubar); menubar.add(fileMenu()); menubar.add(editMenu()); menubar.add(queryMenu()); menubar.add(configurationMenu()); menubar.add(helpMenu()); } /** * Loads the drivers to allow connection to the database. Driver definitions * are read from a driver configuration file. */ private void loadDrivers() { boolean isFromFile; BufferedReader drivers; String driverName; int sepPosit; final DynamicClassLoader dbClassLoader = getDBClassLoader(); isFromFile = false; drivers = null; try { drivers = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(Configuration.instance().getFile(FILENAME_DRIVERS))); while ((driverName = drivers.readLine()) != null) { if (driverName.trim().length() > 0) { isFromFile = true; if ((sepPosit = driverName.lastIndexOf(",")) > 0) { loadDriver(driverName.substring(0, sepPosit), driverName.substring(sepPosit + 1), dbClassLoader); } else { loadDriver(driverName, driverName, dbClassLoader); } } } } catch (Exception any) { /* * Keep the output silent when the file doesn't exist, which would be * typical for new installation. */ if (!(any instanceof FileNotFoundException)) { LOGGER.error("Problem loading the database driver(s)", any); messageOut(Resources.getString("errFailLoadingDBDrivers", Configuration.instance().getFile(FILENAME_DRIVERS).getAbsolutePath() + ": " + any.getMessage()), STYLE_RED); } } finally { if (drivers != null) { try { drivers.close(); } catch (Exception any) { LOGGER.error("Unable to close the drivers configuration file", any); } } } if (!isFromFile) { loadDriver("com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybDriver", "Sybase", dbClassLoader); loadDriver("", "MySQL", dbClassLoader); loadDriver("oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver", "Oracle", dbClassLoader); } } /** * Writes the output message onto the message document * * @param text * The string to be inserted * @param style * The message display style */ private void messageOut(String text, String style) { messageOut(text, style, true); } /** * Places a message in the message display area using the style supplied. * * @param text * String The message to display * @param style * String The predefined style to use for the text * @param newLine * boolean Whether to force a newline after the message */ private void messageOut(String text, String style, boolean newLine) { try { messageDocument.insertString(messageDocument.getLength(), text, (AttributeSet) messageStyles.get(style)); if (newLine) { messageDocument.insertString(messageDocument.getLength(), "\n", (AttributeSet) messageStyles.get(STYLE_NORMAL)); } } catch (BadLocationException excLoc) { LOGGER.warn("Bad location while inserting message text", excLoc); } if (messageDocument.getLength() > 0) { message.setCaretPosition(messageDocument.getLength() - 1); } } /** * writes the string onto the message document, displayed in the lower * portion of the GUI. * * @param text * The string that is to be inserted */ private void messageOut(String text) {; if (messageDocument != null) { messageOut(text, STYLE_NORMAL); } } /** * Loads the driver into the JVM making it available for usage by the * driver class * * @param driverClass * String specifying the class name for the driver * @param productName * String specifying the product name - oracle,sybase or * mySql * @param dbClassLoader * The classloader for accessing DB drivers */ private void loadDriver(String driverClass, String productName, DynamicClassLoader dbClassLoader) { Constructor<?> constructDriver; try { constructDriver = Class.forName(driverClass, true, dbClassLoader).getConstructor(); DriverManager.registerDriver(new DynamicDriver((Driver) constructDriver.newInstance())); messageOut(Resources.getString("msgDriverLoaded", productName), STYLE_GREEN); } catch (Exception any) { LOGGER.error("Unable to load DB driver [" + driverClass + "]", any); messageOut(Resources.getString("errDriverNotFound", productName), STYLE_RED); } } /** * Loads the connect strings from an external file */ private void loadConnectStrings() { // If no connect strings loaded, supply some defaults if (connectString.getModel().getSize() == 0) { addToCombo(connectString, "jdbc:sybase:Tds:localhost:3144/database?charset=iso_1"); addToCombo(connectString, "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/kyn"); addToCombo(connectString, "jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:DEV1"); addToCombo(connectString, "jdbc:oracle:thin:@dbprod1:1521:prod1"); } } /** * Loads default queries (to give a new user some idea of how the interface * works) if there are no queries stored in the external query file. */ private void loadQueries() { // If no queries loaded, supply some defaults if (querySelection.getModel().getSize() == 0) { addToCombo(querySelection, new Query("{call sp_help}", Query.MODE_QUERY)); addToCombo(querySelection, new Query("{call stored_proc('ARG1', '', '','ARG4')}", Query.MODE_QUERY)); addToCombo(querySelection, new Query("select * from all_tables", Query.MODE_QUERY)); addToCombo(querySelection, new Query("$PARAM[OUT,INTEGER]$ = {call sp_help}", Query.MODE_QUERY)); addToCombo(querySelection, new Query("$PARAM[OUT,INTEGER]$ = {call function($PARAM[IN,STRING,ARG1]$, '', '', 'ARG4'}", Query.MODE_QUERY)); } } /** * Checks whether an input (query or connect string) is already in its * associated combo box. If not, the new information is added to the combo * list * * @param combo * JComboBox which has a list of the query statements or connect * strings. */ private void checkForNewString(JComboBox combo) { // String newString, foundString; Object newValue; int checkDups, matchAt; boolean match; // boolean newCommented, foundCommented; // newCommented = foundCommented = false; matchAt = -1; if (combo == querySelection) { newValue = new Query(queryText.getText(), whichModeValue()); // newString = queryText.getText(); // newString = newString.replace('\n', ' '); } else { // newString = (String)combo.getEditor().getItem(); newValue = combo.getEditor().getItem(); } // if (newString.startsWith(COMMENT_PREFIX)) { // newCommented = true; // newString = newString.substring(2); // } // if (newString.trim().length() > 0) { if (newValue.toString().length() > 0) { match = false; for (checkDups = 0; checkDups < combo.getItemCount() && !match; ++checkDups) { // if (combo == querySelection) { // foundString = ((Query)combo.getItemAt(checkDups)).getSQL(); // } else { // foundString = ((String)combo.getItemAt(checkDups)); // } // if (foundString.startsWith(COMMENT_PREFIX)) { // foundString = foundString.substring(2); // foundCommented = true; // } else { // foundCommented = false; // } // if (newString.equals(foundString)) { if (newValue.equals(combo.getItemAt(checkDups))) { match = true; if (combo == querySelection) { ((Query) combo.getItemAt(checkDups)).setMode(whichModeValue()); } combo.setSelectedIndex(checkDups); matchAt = checkDups; } } // if (newCommented) { // newString = COMMENT_PREFIX + newString; // } if (!match) { addToCombo(combo, newValue); if (combo == querySelection) { // addToCombo(combo, new Query(newString, whichModeValue())); combo.setSelectedIndex(combo.getModel().getSize() - 1); matchAt = combo.getSelectedIndex(); } } // if (foundCommented != newCommented) { // if (combo == querySelection) { // replaceInCombo(combo, matchAt, // new Query(newString, whichModeValue())); // } else { // replaceInCombo(combo, matchAt, newString); // } // } if (combo == querySelection) { if (((Query) newValue).isCommented() != ((Query) combo.getSelectedItem()).isCommented()) { replaceInCombo(combo, matchAt, newValue); } } } } /** * Finds the Mode Value depending on the query option selected * * @return int The integer values for the different modes */ private int whichModeValue() { int mode; if (asQuery.isSelected()) { mode = Query.MODE_QUERY; } else if (asUpdate.isSelected()) { mode = Query.MODE_UPDATE; } else { mode = Query.MODE_DESCRIBE; } return mode; } /** * Selects the Query action that is specified by the mode * * @param mode * The integer value for the mode that is selected */ private void selectMode(int mode) { if (mode == Query.MODE_QUERY) { asQuery.setSelected(true); } else if (mode == Query.MODE_UPDATE) { asUpdate.setSelected(true); } else { asDescribe.setSelected(true); } } /** * Assumes that selected item in the combo box is a string and returns * the query object.Otherwise it converts the string to a query object * and returns it. * * @return Query The Query Object */ private Query getQuery() { LOGGER.debug("getSelectItem[" + querySelection.getSelectedItem() + "]"); if (querySelection.getSelectedItem() == null) { return null; } else if (querySelection.getSelectedItem() instanceof Query) { return (Query) querySelection.getSelectedItem(); } else { return new Query((String) querySelection.getSelectedItem(), whichModeValue()); } } /** * Adds a new object in the combo box * * @param combo * The JComboBox * @param newData * The Object that is to be added */ private void addToCombo(JComboBox combo, Object newData) { ((DefaultComboBoxModel) combo.getModel()).addElement(newData); } /** * Replaces an existing object with a new one * * @param combo * The JComboBox * @param position * The int value of the positon where the * repalcement occurs * @param newData * The new Object that is to be inserted in the combobox */ private void replaceInCombo(JComboBox combo, int position, Object newData) { ((DefaultComboBoxModel) combo.getModel()).removeElementAt(position); ((DefaultComboBoxModel) combo.getModel()).insertElementAt(newData, position); combo.setSelectedIndex(position); } /** * Run the current SQL statement independently */ private void processStatement() { processStatement(false); } /** * Run the current SQL statement either independently or as part of a batch of * statements * * @param batch * Whether the statement is run as part of a batch */ private void processStatement(boolean batch) { String rawStatement; rawStatement = getQuery().getRawSql(); if (rawStatement != null) { rawStatement = rawStatement.trim(); if (fileSaveAsCSV.isEnabled() && rawStatement.startsWith(">") && rawStatement.length() > 1) { saveResultAsCSV(table.getModel(), new File(rawStatement.substring(1))); } else { displayResultsAsTable(batch); } } else { displayResultsAsTable(batch); } } /** * Displays the query results in the JTable. * * @param batch * If true, prevents error pop-up dialog boxes from being created */ private void displayResultsAsTable(boolean batch) { TableSorter sorter; ListTableModel<Object> model; String rawSQL, sqlStatement; String[] eachQuery; int queryIndex; // Clear the Message Area message.setText(""); // Parse the SQL for semicolons (separates multiple statements) rawSQL = getQuery().getRawSql(); if (configParseSemicolons.isSelected()) { eachQuery = Utility.splitWithQuotes(rawSQL, ";");"Queries embedded in this string: " + eachQuery.length); if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { for (int i = 0; i < eachQuery.length; ++i) { LOGGER.debug("Embedded Query " + i + ": " + eachQuery[i]); } } } else { eachQuery = new String[1]; eachQuery[0] = rawSQL; } // Execute each query embedded in the input string for (queryIndex = 0; queryIndex < eachQuery.length; ++queryIndex) { LOGGER.debug("Embedded query index=" + queryIndex); sqlStatement = eachQuery[queryIndex];"Query to execute: " + sqlStatement); // For multiple statements executed at once, separate messages if (queryIndex > 0) { messageOut("\n------------------------------------------------"); } // If old sorter exists, remove its mouse listener(s) from table and // temporarily point table to empty model while real model is updated try { sorter = (TableSorter) table.getModel(); sorter.removeMouseListenerFromHeaderInTable(table); } catch (Throwable any) { // Probably table was empty if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("Error when sorting results table", any); } } table.setModel(new ListTableModel<Object>()); getQuery().setMode(whichModeValue()); /* * Initializes the table model - either creates it, or, clears-out the * existing one. */ model = new ListTableModel<Object>(); sorter = new TableSorter(model); if (!commentedQuery()) { // if query is not commented-out execute(sqlStatement, model, null); if (!Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) { table.setModel(sorter); sorter.addMouseListenerToHeaderInTable(table); } } else if (!batch) { userMessage(Resources.getString("msgSQLCommentedText"), Resources.getString("msgSQLCommentedTitle"), JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); // Skip all remaining statements (comments apply to the entire string) queryIndex = eachQuery.length; } Utility.initColumnSizes(table, model); histMaintQueryExecuted(model); } } /** * Displays a popup message dialog. If the message is likely to be a long * string without line breaks, the reformatMessage parameter can be set * true and line breaks will be added to allow the message to fit neatly * on the screen. * * @param pMessage * The message to be displayed to the user. * @param title * The title of the message dialog * @param messageType * The message type as defined in JOptionPane * @param reformatMessage * Whether to insert line breaks within the message */ private void userMessage(String pMessage, String title, int messageType, boolean reformatMessage) { if (reformatMessage) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, Utility.characterInsert(pMessage, "\n", TEXT_WRAP_MIN_LINE_LENGTH_BEFORE_WRAP, TEXT_WRAP_MAX_LINE_LENGTH, " .,"), title, messageType); } else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, pMessage, title, messageType); } } /** * Displays a popup message dialog. * * @param pMessage * The message to be displayed to the user. * @param title * The title of the message dialog * @param messageType * The message type as defined in JOptionPane */ private void userMessage(String pMessage, String title, int messageType) { userMessage(pMessage, title, messageType, true); } /** * Looks for queries that have been commented out * * @return boolean Returns true if there are any commented queries */ private boolean commentedQuery() { if (getQuery() != null && getQuery().getSql() != null) { return getQuery().getSql().startsWith(COMMENT_PREFIX); } else { return false; } } /** * Test that SQL agrees with query type selected, otherwise warn user. * * TODO This needs a lot of work dealing with the parsing of the SQL since * it could have $PARAM[...]$ type syntax at the beginning and the * simple * grabbing of the first set of characters is not useful. * * @param saQuery * The SQL being executed * @return True is the query type and the SQL are compatible or if the user * agrees to force the query type. */ private boolean isOkayQueryType(String saQuery) { boolean blOkay; String slFirstWord; String slQueryType; blOkay = true; // slQueryType = "Undefined"; slQueryType = Resources.getString("proUnknown"); if (asQuery.isSelected()) { // slQueryType = "Select"; slQueryType = Resources.getString("ctlSelect"); } else if (asDescribe.isSelected()) { // slQueryType = "Describe Result (Select)"; slQueryType = Resources.getString("ctlDescribe"); } else if (asUpdate.isSelected()) { // slQueryType = "Update"; slQueryType = Resources.getString("ctlUpdate"); } if (saQuery != null && saQuery.trim().length() > 0) { slFirstWord = saQuery.split(" ", 2)[0].toUpperCase(); } else { slFirstWord = null; } if (slFirstWord != null) { // Test is a little weird, don't want to object if we don't recognize the // beginning of the SQL. For instance, EXEC and CALL are used for stored // proc // execution, but they may return a resultset or not, can't warn user in // that case. So just test for likely mistakes. if (asQuery.isSelected() || asDescribe.isSelected()) { blOkay = scWarnSelectPatterns.indexOf(slFirstWord) == -1; } else { blOkay = scWarnUpdatePatterns.indexOf(slFirstWord) == -1; } } if (!blOkay) { messageOut(Resources.getString("msgQueryTypeSuspicious", slQueryType, slFirstWord), STYLE_RED); blOkay = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(this, Utility.characterInsert( Resources.getString("msgQueryTypeSuspiciousText", slQueryType, slFirstWord), "\n", TEXT_WRAP_MIN_LINE_LENGTH_BEFORE_WRAP, TEXT_WRAP_MAX_LINE_LENGTH, " "), Resources.getString("msgQueryTypeSuspiciousTitle"), JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE) == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION; if (blOkay) { messageOut(Resources.getString("msgUserForcingQuery"), STYLE_RED); } else { messageOut(Resources.getString("msgQueryCanceled"), STYLE_BOLD); } } return blOkay; } /** * Populates model with the query results. The query executed is the * currently selected query in the combo-box. * * @param rawSqlStatement * The SQL statement to execute * @param model * The model to populate with the results * @param tripleFile * The location to write the results to as triples. */ private void execute(String rawSqlStatement, ListTableModel<Object> model, File tripleFile) { String sqlStatement = rawSqlStatement; Statement stmt = null; ResultSet result = null; ResultSetMetaData meta = null; List<Object> rowData = null; int retValue = 0; SQLWarning warning = null; int[] myType; Object value; String typeName; String colName; String metaName; boolean hasResults = false; boolean hasBLOB = false; Date connAsk = null; Date connGot = null; Date stmtGot = null; Date queryStart = null; Date queryReady = null; Date queryRSFetched = null; Date queryRSProcessed = null; long rows = 0; int cols = 0; boolean hasParams = false; final List<StatementParameter> allParams = new ArrayList<StatementParameter>(); List<Object> outParams = null; modeOfCurrentTable = whichModeValue(); mapOfCurrentTables = new HashMap<String, String>(); // Try to prevent incorrect selection of query type by checking // beginning of SQL statement for obvious stuff // First check "Select" and Describe query types if (!isOkayQueryType(getQuery().getSql())) { // If the query type is wrong, and the user doesn't override then // Get Out Of Here! return; } // If there were BLOB columns included in the last query the connection // will have been left open. Since we are executing a new query we // can close that old connection now. if (conn != null) { try { conn.close(); } catch (Throwable any) { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("Error (expected) closing connection", any); } } } conn = null; try { messageOut(Resources.getString("msgExecuteQuery", asQuery.isSelected() ? Resources.getString("msgQuery") : asDescribe.isSelected() ? Resources.getString("msgDescribe") : Resources.getString("msgUpdate"), sqlStatement), STYLE_BOLD); if (poolConnect.isSelected()) { messageOut(Resources.getString("msgPoolStats") + " ", STYLE_SUBTLE, false); if (getDBPool() != null) { messageOut(Resources.getString("msgPoolStatsCount", getDBPool().getNumActive() + "", getDBPool().getNumIdle() + "")); LOGGER.debug("Retrieved existing DB connection pool"); } else { LOGGER.debug("No existing DB pool"); messageOut(Resources.getString("msgPoolNone")); } } if (getDBPool() == null || /* conn == null */ !((String) connectString.getEditor().getItem()).equals(lastConnection) || !userId.getText().equals(lastUserId) || !new String(password.getPassword()).equals(lastPassword)) { removeDBPool(); lastConnection = (String) connectString.getEditor().getItem(); lastUserId = userId.getText(); lastPassword = new String(password.getPassword()); if (poolConnect.isSelected()) { setupDBPool(lastConnection, lastUserId, lastPassword); } messageOut(Resources.getString("msgConnCreated", lastConnection, lastUserId), STYLE_SUBTLE); } connAsk = new java.util.Date(); if (poolConnect.isSelected()) { conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:apache:commons:dbcp:" + DBPOOL_NAME); LOGGER.debug("Got pooled connection"); messageOut(Resources.getString("msgGotPoolConn"), STYLE_GREEN); } else { conn = DriverManager.getConnection(lastConnection, lastUserId, lastPassword); LOGGER.debug("Got non-pooled connection"); messageOut(Resources.getString("msgGotDirectConn"), STYLE_GREEN); } if (hasParams = sqlStatement.indexOf("$PARAM[") > -1) { sqlStatement = makeParams(sqlStatement, allParams); } connGot = new java.util.Date(); conn.setAutoCommit(autoCommit.isSelected()); conn.setReadOnly(readOnly.isSelected()); if (!hasParams) { stmt = conn.createStatement(); } else { stmt = conn.prepareCall(sqlStatement); setupCall((CallableStatement) stmt, allParams); } stmtGot = new java.util.Date(); try { if (!maxRows.getSelectedItem().equals(Resources.getString("proNoLimit"))) { stmt.setMaxRows(Integer.parseInt((String) maxRows.getSelectedItem())); messageOut("\n" + Resources.getString("msgMaxRows", stmt.getMaxRows() + ""), STYLE_SUBTLE); } } catch (Exception any) { LOGGER.warn("Unable to set maximum rows", any); messageOut(Resources.getString("errFailSetMaxRows", (String) maxRows.getSelectedItem(), any.getMessage()), STYLE_YELLOW); } if (asQuery.isSelected() || asDescribe.isSelected()) { queryStart = new java.util.Date(); if (!hasParams) { int updateCount; // Execute the query synchronously stmt.execute(sqlStatement); messageOut(Resources.getString("msgQueryExecutedByDB"), STYLE_GREEN); // Process the query results and/or report status if ((updateCount = stmt.getUpdateCount()) > -1) { do { LOGGER.debug("Looking for results [update=" + updateCount + "]"); stmt.getMoreResults(); } while ((updateCount = stmt.getUpdateCount()) > -1); } result = stmt.getResultSet(); } else { result = ((PreparedStatement) stmt).executeQuery(); } queryReady = new java.util.Date(); meta = result.getMetaData(); cols = meta.getColumnCount(); } else { queryStart = new java.util.Date(); if (!hasParams) { retValue = stmt.executeUpdate(sqlStatement); } else { retValue = ((PreparedStatement) stmt).executeUpdate(); } queryReady = new java.util.Date(); } if (asQuery.isSelected()) { for (int col = 0; col < cols; ++col) { colName = meta.getColumnName(col + 1); if (colName == null || colName.trim().length() == 0) { colName = Resources.getString("msgUnnamedColumn", meta.getColumnLabel(col + 1)); } if (configDisplayColumnDataType.isSelected()) { metaName = meta.getColumnTypeName(col + 1) + " " + meta.getColumnDisplaySize(col + 1) + " ("; // have had oracle tables report large precision values // for BLOB fields that caused exception to be thrown // by getPrecision() since the value was beyond int try { metaName += meta.getPrecision(col + 1); } catch (Exception any) { metaName += "?"; LOGGER.warn("Unable to get column precision", any); } metaName += "."; metaName += meta.getScale(col + 1); metaName += ")"; colName += " [" + metaName + "]"; } model.addColumn(colName); // Keep collection of tables used for Insert and Update Menu // Selections try { mapOfCurrentTables.put(meta.getTableName(col + 1), null); } catch (Exception any) { // Probably unimplemented method - Sybase driver LOGGER.warn("Failed to obtain table name from metadata", any); messageOut(Resources.getString("errFailReqTableName", any.getMessage()), STYLE_SUBTLE); } } rowData = new ArrayList<Object>(); myType = new int[cols]; for (int col = 0; col < cols; ++col) { typeName = meta.getColumnTypeName(col + 1).toUpperCase(); if (typeName.equals("NUMBER")) { if (meta.getScale(col + 1) > 0) { myType[col] = COLUMN_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE; // DOUBLE } else if (meta.getPrecision(col + 1) <= MAX_DIGITS_FOR_INT) { myType[col] = COLUMN_DATA_TYPE_INT; // INTEGER } else { myType[col] = COLUMN_DATA_TYPE_LONG; // LONG } } else if (typeName.equals("LONG")) { myType[col] = COLUMN_DATA_TYPE_LONG; } else if (typeName.equals("DATETIME")) { myType[col] = COLUMN_DATA_TYPE_DATETIME; // Date/Time } else if (typeName.equals("DATE")) { myType[col] = COLUMN_DATA_TYPE_DATE; // Date/Time } else if (typeName.equals("BLOB")) { myType[col] = COLUMN_DATA_TYPE_BLOB; hasBLOB = true; } else { myType[col] = 0; // Default - String } } if (tripleFile != null) { try { final RdbToRdf exporter = new RdbToRdf(tripleFile.getAbsolutePath(), getQuery().getSql(), result);; rows = exporter.getLatestNumberOfRowsExported(); messageOut(""); messageOut(Resources.getString("msgEndExportToFile"), STYLE_BOLD); } catch (Throwable throwable) { messageOut(Resources.getString("errFailDataSave", throwable.toString()), STYLE_RED); LOGGER.error("Failed to save data to triples file: " + tripleFile.getAbsolutePath(), throwable); } } else if (fileLogResults.isSelected()) { writeDataAsCSV(sqlStatement, model, DBRESULTS_NAME, result, myType, false); } else { while ( { ++rows; rowData = new ArrayList<Object>(); for (int col = 0; col < cols; ++col) { value = getResultField(result, col + 1, myType[col]); rowData.add(value); } model.addRowFast(rowData); hasResults = true; } model.updateCompleted(); } queryRSProcessed = new java.util.Date(); } else if (asDescribe.isSelected()) { String colLabel; meta = result.getMetaData(); myType = new int[DESC_TABLE_COLUMN_COUNT]; for (int col = 0; col < DESC_TABLE_COLUMN_COUNT; ++col) { switch (col) { case DESC_TABLE_NAME_COLUMN: // Col Name colLabel = Resources.getString("proColumnName"); myType[col] = COLUMN_DATA_TYPE_STRING; break; case DESC_TABLE_TYPE_COLUMN: // Col Type colLabel = Resources.getString("proColumnType"); myType[col] = COLUMN_DATA_TYPE_STRING; break; case DESC_TABLE_LENGTH_COLUMN: // Col Length colLabel = Resources.getString("proColumnLength"); myType[col] = COLUMN_DATA_TYPE_INT; break; case DESC_TABLE_PRECISION_COLUMN: // Col precision colLabel = Resources.getString("proColPrecision"); myType[col] = COLUMN_DATA_TYPE_INT; break; case DESC_TABLE_SCALE_COLUMN: // Col scale colLabel = Resources.getString("proColScale"); myType[col] = COLUMN_DATA_TYPE_INT; break; case DESC_TABLE_NULLS_OK_COLUMN: // Nulls Okay? colLabel = Resources.getString("proColNullsAllowed"); myType[col] = COLUMN_DATA_TYPE_STRING; break; default: // oops colLabel = Resources.getString("proColUndefined"); break; } if (configDisplayColumnDataType.isSelected()) { colLabel += " ["; colLabel += myType[col] == 0 ? Resources.getString("proColCharType") : Resources.getString("proColNumeric"); colLabel += "]"; } model.addColumn(colLabel); } rowData = new ArrayList<Object>(); for (int col = 0; col < cols; ++col) { rowData = new ArrayList<Object>(); for (int row = 0; row < DESC_TABLE_COLUMN_COUNT; ++row) { switch (row) { case DESC_TABLE_NAME_COLUMN: // Name colName = meta.getColumnName(col + 1); if (colName == null || colName.trim().length() == 0) { colName = Resources.getString("msgUnnamedColumn", meta.getColumnLabel(col + 1)); } value = colName; break; case DESC_TABLE_TYPE_COLUMN: // Type value = meta.getColumnTypeName(col + 1) + " (" + meta.getColumnType(col + 1) + ")"; break; case DESC_TABLE_LENGTH_COLUMN: // Length value = new Integer(meta.getColumnDisplaySize(col + 1)); break; case DESC_TABLE_PRECISION_COLUMN: // Precision try { value = new Integer(meta.getPrecision(col + 1)); } catch (Exception any) { value = "?"; LOGGER.warn("Unable to obtain column precision", any); } break; case DESC_TABLE_SCALE_COLUMN: // Scale value = new Integer(meta.getScale(col + 1)); break; case DESC_TABLE_NULLS_OK_COLUMN: // Nulls Okay? value = meta.isNullable(col + 1) == ResultSetMetaData.columnNullable ? Resources.getString("proYes") : meta.isNullable(col + 1) == ResultSetMetaData.columnNoNulls ? Resources.getString("proNo") : Resources.getString("proUnknown"); break; default: value = null; break; } rowData.add(value); // Keep collection of tables used for Insert and Update Menu // Selections try { mapOfCurrentTables.put(meta.getTableName(col + 1), null); } catch (Exception any) { // Probably unimplemented method - Sybase driver LOGGER.warn("Failed to obtain table name from metadata", any); messageOut(Resources.getString("errFailReqTableName", any.getMessage()), STYLE_SUBTLE); } } model.addRow(rowData); } while ( { rows++; for (int col = 0; col < cols; ++col) { result.getObject(col + 1); } } queryRSFetched = new java.util.Date(); } else { messageOut("\n" + Resources.getString("msgReturnValue") + " " + retValue, STYLE_BOLD, false); rows = stmt.getUpdateCount(); } messageOut("\n" + Resources.getString("msgRows") + " ", STYLE_NORMAL, false); if (rows == stmt.getMaxRows() && rows > 0) { messageOut("" + rows, STYLE_YELLOW); } else { messageOut("" + rows, STYLE_BOLD); } messageOut(""); } catch (SQLException sql) { LOGGER.error("Error executing SQL", sql); messageOut(Resources.getString("errFailSQL", sql.getClass().getName(), sql.getMessage()), STYLE_RED); userMessage(Resources.getString("errFailSQLText", sql.getMessage()), Resources.getString("errFailSQLTitle"), JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); while ((sql = sql.getNextException()) != null) { LOGGER.error("Next Exception", sql); } modeOfCurrentTable = -1; } catch (Throwable any) { LOGGER.error("Error executing SQL", any); messageOut(Resources.getString("errFailSQL", any.getClass().getName(), any.getMessage()), STYLE_RED); userMessage(Resources.getString("errFailSQLText", any.getMessage()), Resources.getString("errFailSQLTitle"), JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); modeOfCurrentTable = -1; } finally { fileSaveBLOBs.setEnabled(hasBLOB); setExportAvailable((hasResults && model.getRowCount() > 0) || tripleFile != null); queryMakeInsert.setEnabled( modeOfCurrentTable == Query.MODE_DESCRIBE || modeOfCurrentTable == Query.MODE_QUERY); if (hasParams) { outParams = getOutParams((CallableStatement) stmt, allParams); } LOGGER.debug("Check for more results"); try { int resultCount = 0; while (stmt.getMoreResults()) { int updateCount; ++resultCount; updateCount = stmt.getUpdateCount(); LOGGER.debug("More results [" + resultCount + "][updateCount=" + updateCount + "]"); } } catch (SQLException sql) { LOGGER.error("Failed checking for more results", sql); messageOut(Resources.getString("errFailAddlResults", sql.getClass().getName(), sql.getMessage())); } LOGGER.debug("No more results"); if (result != null) { try { result.close();"Resultset closed"); } catch (Throwable any) { LOGGER.error("Unable to close resultset", any); } } if (stmt != null) { try { warning = stmt.getWarnings(); while (warning != null) { LOGGER.warn("Stmt Warning: " + warning.toString()); messageOut(Resources.getString("errStmtWarning", warning.toString()), STYLE_YELLOW); warning = warning.getNextWarning(); } } catch (Throwable any) { LOGGER.warn("Error retrieving statement SQL warnings", any); } try { stmt.close(); LOGGER.debug("Statement closed"); } catch (Throwable any) { LOGGER.error("Unable to close statement", any); } } if (conn != null) { try { warning = conn.getWarnings(); while (warning != null) { LOGGER.warn("Connt Warning: " + warning.toString()); messageOut(Resources.getString("errConnWarning", warning.toString()), STYLE_YELLOW); warning = warning.getNextWarning(); } } catch (Throwable any) { LOGGER.warn("Error retrieving connection SQL warnings", any); } } // Close the connection if there are no BLOBs. // If the user decides to save a BLOB we will need to DB connection // to remain open, hence we only close here if there are no BLOBs if (!hasBLOB && conn != null) { try { conn.close(); conn = null; LOGGER.debug("DB Connection closed"); } catch (Throwable any) { LOGGER.error("Unable to close DB connection", any); } } reportStats(sqlStatement, connAsk, connGot, stmtGot, queryStart, queryReady, queryRSFetched, queryRSProcessed, rows, cols, asDescribe.isSelected() ? model : null, outParams); // reportResults(SQL, model); } } /** * Outputs Connection Meta Data to the message area. This is controlled by * a configuration menu option. * * @param pConn * Connection The DB connection */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private void reportConnectionStats(Connection pConn) { Class<?> connectionClass; Method[] allMethods; Object returnValue; int numElements, element; int numColumns, column; ResultSet resultValues; ResultSetMetaData metaData; DatabaseMetaData dbMeta; StringBuffer msg; boolean formatBrief, formatLong; String methodName, returnTypeName; formatBrief = configDisplayDBServerInfoShort.isSelected(); formatLong = configDisplayDBServerInfoLong.isSelected(); if (formatBrief || formatLong) { msg = new StringBuffer(); msg.append('\n'); msg.append(Resources.getString("msgDBServerInfo")); messageOut(msg.toString(), STYLE_SUBTLE); try { dbMeta = pConn.getMetaData(); msg = new StringBuffer(); connectionClass = Class.forName("java.sql.DatabaseMetaData"); allMethods = connectionClass.getMethods(); for (int i = 0; i < allMethods.length; ++i) { // Only interested in the bean accessor methods with no args if (allMethods[i].getName().startsWith("get") && allMethods[i].getParameterTypes().length == 0) { try { // Some methods should not be called - would leak connections returnTypeName = allMethods[i].getReturnType().toString(); if (returnTypeName.indexOf("Connection") > 1 || returnTypeName.indexOf("Statement") > -1 || returnTypeName.indexOf("ResultSet") > -1) { LOGGER.debug("Skipping method [" + allMethods[i].getName() + "] return type [" + allMethods[i].getReturnType() + "]"); continue; } // If brief output, skip the more detailed information if (formatBrief) { methodName = allMethods[i].getName(); if (methodName.indexOf("Keyword") > -1 || methodName.indexOf("Functions") > -1 || methodName.indexOf("Max") > -1) { continue; } } // Call the method returnValue = allMethods[i].invoke(dbMeta, (Object) null); // Check if the returned value is an array if (!returnValue.getClass().isArray()) { // For nonarray - check if the returned value is a ResultSet if (returnValue instanceof ResultSet) { // Only output DB server row-based data for long DB details if (formatLong) { // Have a result set with the information messageOut(" " + fixAccessorName(allMethods[i].getName()) + ": " + Resources.getString("msgSetOfRows"), STYLE_SUBTLE); resultValues = (ResultSet) returnValue; metaData = resultValues.getMetaData(); numColumns = metaData.getColumnCount(); // Output the column names messageOut(" ", STYLE_SUBTLE, false); for (column = 1; column <= numColumns; ++column) { if (column > 1) { messageOut(", ", STYLE_SUBTLE, false); } messageOut(metaData.getColumnName(column), STYLE_SUBTLE_UL, false); } messageOut("", STYLE_SUBTLE); // Output the rows while ( { msg = new StringBuffer(); msg.append(" "); for (column = 1; column <= numColumns; ++column) { if (column > 1) { msg.append(", "); } msg.append(resultValues.getString(column)); } messageOut(msg.toString(), STYLE_SUBTLE); } } } else { // Single value - simply output the resulting value messageOut(" " + fixAccessorName(allMethods[i].getName()) + ": " + returnValue, STYLE_SUBTLE); } } else if (formatLong) { // Have an array - display the values in the array // Will output if long format details are requested numElements = Array.getLength(returnValue); messageOut( " " + fixAccessorName(allMethods[i].getName()) + ": " + Resources.getString("msgSetOfValues", numElements + ""), STYLE_SUBTLE); for (element = 0; element < numElements; ++element) { messageOut(" " + Array.get(returnValue, element), STYLE_SUBTLE); } } } catch (Throwable any) { // Probably an unsupported method exception wrapped in an // invocation error if (any.getCause() != null) { messageOut( " " + Resources.getString("errDBServerMetaError", fixAccessorName(allMethods[i].getName()), any.getCause().getClass().getName(), any.getCause().getMessage()), STYLE_SUBTLE); } else { messageOut(" " + Resources.getString("errDBServerMetaError", fixAccessorName(allMethods[i].getName()), any.getClass().getName(), any.getMessage()), STYLE_SUBTLE); } } } } } catch (Throwable any) { LOGGER.error("Error retrieving DB Server Metadata", any); messageOut(" " + Resources.getString("errFailDBServerMeta", any.getClass().getName(), any.getMessage())); } } } /** * Convert an accessor name (e.g. getSomeValue) into a user friendly * label, splitting at uppercase letter boundaries (e.g. Some Value) * * @param rawAccessorName * String The name of the accessor method * @return String The reformatted label */ private String fixAccessorName(String rawAccessorName) { String accessorName = rawAccessorName; int posit; byte[] characters; StringBuffer newName; boolean prevWasLC; if (accessorName.startsWith("get")) { accessorName = accessorName.substring(3); } newName = new StringBuffer(); characters = accessorName.getBytes(); newName.append((char) characters[0]); prevWasLC = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ".indexOf(characters[0]) == -1; for (posit = 1; posit < characters.length; ++posit) { if ("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ".indexOf(characters[posit]) > -1) { if (prevWasLC) { newName.append(' '); } prevWasLC = false; } else { prevWasLC = true; } newName.append((char) characters[posit]); } return newName.toString(); } /** * Takes a callable statement and retrieves the out parameters, displaying * them in the message area of the GUI. * * @param stmt * CallableStatement just executed * @param params * List of parameters used in the callable statement * @return List */ private List<Object> getOutParams(CallableStatement stmt, List<StatementParameter> params) { List<Object> values; int paramIndex; StatementParameter param; paramIndex = 0; values = new ArrayList<Object>(); try { for (paramIndex = 0; paramIndex < params.size(); ++paramIndex) { param = (StatementParameter) params.get(paramIndex); if (param.getType() == StatementParameter.OUT) { messageOut(Resources.getString("msgOutParam") + " ", STYLE_SUBTLE, false); switch (param.getDataType()) { case java.sql.Types.VARCHAR: messageOut(Resources.getString("msgParamString", paramIndex + "") + " ", STYLE_SUBTLE, false); messageOut(stmt.getString(paramIndex + 1), STYLE_BOLD, true); values.add(stmt.getString(paramIndex + 1)); break; case java.sql.Types.INTEGER: messageOut(Resources.getString("msgParamInteger", paramIndex + "") + " ", STYLE_SUBTLE, false); messageOut("" + stmt.getInt(paramIndex + 1), STYLE_BOLD, true); values.add(new Integer(stmt.getInt(paramIndex + 1))); break; default: messageOut(Resources.getString("msgParamDefault", paramIndex + "") + " ", STYLE_SUBTLE, false); messageOut("" + stmt.getObject(paramIndex + 1), STYLE_BOLD, true); values.add(stmt.getObject(paramIndex + 1)); break; } } } } catch (Throwable any) { LOGGER.error("Failed to read output parameter at index (" + paramIndex + ")", any); messageOut(Resources.getString("errFailReadingOutParam", paramIndex + "", any.getMessage())); } return values; } /** * Takes a SQL statement and determines whether the syntax for using * in/out parameters has been used. For each in parameter the SQL * is updated to replace the parameter with a "?" and stores the * parameter value in the parameter list. Out parameters are simply * stored in the parameters list and the specialized parameter syntax * removed. The end result is a parameterized SQL statement and a * list of parameters. * * @param rawSqlStatement * The SQL statement to be processed for parameters * @param params * The collection of parameters found in the SQL statement * @return The updated SQL staement with the specialized parameter syntax * removed */ private String makeParams(String rawSqlStatement, List<StatementParameter> params) { String sqlStatement = rawSqlStatement; int beginPosit, endPosit; while ((beginPosit = sqlStatement.indexOf(PARAM_TOKEN_START)) > -1) { endPosit = sqlStatement.substring(beginPosit).indexOf(PARAM_TOKEN_END); if (endPosit == -1) { endPosit = sqlStatement.length() - PARAM_TOKEN_END_LENGTH; } else { endPosit += beginPosit; } processParameter(sqlStatement.substring(beginPosit + PARAM_TOKEN_START_LENGTH, endPosit).trim(), params); sqlStatement = Utility.replace(sqlStatement, sqlStatement.substring(beginPosit, endPosit + PARAM_TOKEN_END_LENGTH), "?", 0, false); messageOut(Resources.getString("msgParamSearchLoopBefore", sqlStatement)); } messageOut(Resources.getString("msgParamSearchLoopAfter", sqlStatement)); return sqlStatement; } /** * Parse a parameter. Determines the parameter direction (In/Out) and * type. * * @param param * The parameter as supplied in the input SQL statement * @param params * The collection of parameters. The parameter decoded from the * param input is added to this list. */ private void processParameter(String param, List<StatementParameter> params) { int type; String data; if (param.toUpperCase().startsWith("IN,")) { type = SQLTypes.getSQLTypeId(param.substring(3)); data = param.substring(3 + param.substring(3).indexOf(',') + 1); messageOut(Resources.getString("msgParamInDesc", type + "", data)); params.add(new StatementParameter(StatementParameter.IN, type, data)); } else if (param.toUpperCase().startsWith("OUT,")) { type = SQLTypes.getSQLTypeId(param.substring(4)); messageOut(Resources.getString("msgParamOutDesc", type + "")); params.add(new StatementParameter(StatementParameter.OUT, type)); } } /** * Setup a callable statement for execution. * * @param stmt * The callable statement * @param params * The list of parameters */ private void setupCall(CallableStatement stmt, List<StatementParameter> params) { int paramIndex; StatementParameter param; paramIndex = 0; try { for (paramIndex = 0; paramIndex < params.size(); ++paramIndex) { param = (StatementParameter) params.get(paramIndex); if (param.getType() == StatementParameter.IN) { switch (param.getDataType()) { case java.sql.Types.VARCHAR: stmt.setString(paramIndex + 1, param.getDataString()); break; case java.sql.Types.INTEGER: stmt.setInt(paramIndex + 1, Integer.parseInt(param.getDataString())); break; default: stmt.setObject(paramIndex + 1, param.getDataString()); break; } } else { stmt.registerOutParameter(paramIndex + 1, param.getType()); } } } catch (Throwable any) { LOGGER.error("Failed to register output parameter at index [" + paramIndex + "]", any); messageOut(Resources.getString("errFailRegisterOutParam", paramIndex + "", any.getMessage())); } } /** * Log the results of executing the SQL to a flat file * * @param query * The SQL statement * @param model * The table model containing the results */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private void reportResults(String query, TableModel model) { if (fileLogResults.isSelected() && model != null) { writeDataAsCSV(query, model, DBRESULTS_NAME, true); } } /** * Reports statistics on various data such as the date a query was executed * and * the date the results were fetched. Other statistics are reported on such as * the * the date a connection was asked for, and the date it was actually received. * The report statistics are written to an external text file * represented by DBSTATS_NAME. * * @param sqlStatement * The SQL statement * @param connAsk * The time when the connection was requested * @param connGot * The time when the connection was returned * @param stmtGot * The time when the statement was returned * @param queryStart * The time when query exeution began * @param queryReady * The time when the query finished exeuting * @param queryRSFetched * The time when the result set had been completely fetched * @param queryRSProcessed * The time when the result set had been completely processed * @param rows * The number of rows in the result set * @param cols * The number of columns in the result set * @param model * The table model for the results * @param outParams * The output parameters defined for this SQL statement */ private void reportStats(String sqlStatement, java.util.Date connAsk, java.util.Date connGot, java.util.Date stmtGot, java.util.Date queryStart, java.util.Date queryReady, java.util.Date queryRSFetched, java.util.Date queryRSProcessed, long rows, int cols, TableModel model, List<Object> outParams) { Runtime runtime; String runStats; PrintWriter out; boolean firstEntry; final String valueNotApplicable = "\"" + Resources.getString("proValueNotApplicable") + "\","; runStats = ""; out = null; firstEntry = false; if (fileLogStats.isSelected()) { // Identify whether file exists, if not create and add header row try { new FileReader(DBSTATS_NAME).close(); } catch (Exception any) { firstEntry = true; } try { out = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(DBSTATS_NAME, true)); } catch (Exception any) { LOGGER.error("Failed to write the statistics file [" + DBSTATS_NAME + "]", any); messageOut(Resources.getString("errFailWriteStatsFile", DBSTATS_NAME, any.getMessage()), STYLE_RED); } } // Make sure it is always safe to write to "out" -- simplifies logic if (out == null) { out = new PrintWriter(new StringWriter()); } // Header, if needed if (firstEntry) { out.print(Resources.getString("proQueryStatsExportHeader")); if (outParams != null && outParams.size() > 0) { for (int param = 0; param < outParams.size(); ++param) { out.print(Resources.getString("proQueryStatsExportHeaderParam", param + "")); } } out.println(); } // Output Query Index Number out.print(querySelection.getSelectedIndex() + ","); // Output SQL, replacing quotes with apostrophes out.print("\"" + sqlStatement.replace('"', '\'') + "\","); // Output timestamp out.print(Utility.formattedDate(new java.util.Date()) + ","); // Output time required to get connection to database if (connAsk != null && connGot != null) { runStats += Resources.getString("proTimeConnOpen", (connGot.getTime() - connAsk.getTime()) + ""); runStats += " "; out.print((connGot.getTime() - connAsk.getTime()) + ","); } else { out.print(valueNotApplicable); } // Output time required to get statement object if (connGot != null && stmtGot != null) { runStats += Resources.getString("proTimeStmtAccess", (stmtGot.getTime() - connGot.getTime()) + ""); runStats += " "; out.print((stmtGot.getTime() - connGot.getTime()) + ","); } else { out.print(valueNotApplicable); } // Time it took to configure statement if (queryStart != null && stmtGot != null) { runStats += Resources.getString("proTimeStmtSetup", (queryStart.getTime() - stmtGot.getTime()) + ""); runStats += " "; out.print((queryStart.getTime() - stmtGot.getTime()) + ","); } else { out.print(valueNotApplicable); } runStats += "\n "; // Output time DB took to execute query if (queryStart != null && queryReady != null) { runStats += Resources.getString("proTimeDBExecute", (queryReady.getTime() - queryStart.getTime()) + ""); runStats += " "; out.print((queryReady.getTime() - queryStart.getTime()) + ","); } else { out.print(valueNotApplicable); } // Output time it took to fetch all results if (queryReady != null && queryRSFetched != null) { runStats += Resources.getString("proTimeResultsFetch", (queryRSFetched.getTime() - queryReady.getTime()) + ""); runStats += " "; out.print((queryRSFetched.getTime() - queryReady.getTime()) + ","); } else { out.print(valueNotApplicable); } // Output time it took to process all results if (queryReady != null && queryRSProcessed != null) { runStats += Resources.getString("proTimeResultSet", (queryRSProcessed.getTime() - queryReady.getTime()) + ""); runStats += " "; out.print((queryRSProcessed.getTime() - queryReady.getTime()) + ","); } else { out.print(valueNotApplicable); } if (runStats.length() > 0) { messageOut(Resources.getString("proTimeDBStats") + " ", STYLE_SUBTLE, false); messageOut(runStats, STYLE_NORMAL, false); runStats = ""; } // Output total time it took to obtain connection, execute SQL and obtain // results if (connAsk != null && queryRSFetched != null) { runStats += Resources.getString("proTimeTotal", (queryRSFetched.getTime() - connAsk.getTime()) + ""); runStats += " "; out.print((queryRSFetched.getTime() - connAsk.getTime()) + ","); } else if (connAsk != null && queryRSProcessed != null) { runStats += Resources.getString("proTimeTotal", (queryRSProcessed.getTime() - connAsk.getTime()) + ""); runStats += " "; out.print((queryRSProcessed.getTime() - connAsk.getTime()) + ","); } else if (connAsk != null && queryReady != null) { runStats += Resources.getString("proTimeTotal", (queryReady.getTime() - connAsk.getTime()) + ""); runStats += " "; out.print((queryReady.getTime() - connAsk.getTime()) + ","); } else { out.print(valueNotApplicable); } messageOut(runStats, STYLE_BOLD, true); // Output number of columns in resultset out.print(cols + ","); // Output number of rows returned or modified out.print(rows + "," + maxRows.getSelectedItem().toString() + ","); runtime = Runtime.getRuntime(); // Output environment information out.print(runtime.totalMemory() + "," + runtime.freeMemory() + "," + (runtime.totalMemory() - runtime.freeMemory()) + "," + runtime.maxMemory() + "," + runtime.availableProcessors()); if (configDisplayClientInfo.isSelected()) { runStats = Resources.getString("proMemAlloc", runtime.totalMemory() + ""); runStats += " " + Resources.getString("proMemFree", runtime.freeMemory() + ""); runStats += " " + Resources.getString("proMemUsed", (runtime.totalMemory() - runtime.freeMemory()) + ""); runStats += " " + Resources.getString("proMemMax", runtime.maxMemory() + ""); runStats += " " + Resources.getString("proProcessors", runtime.availableProcessors() + ""); messageOut(Resources.getString("proClientEnv") + " ", STYLE_SUBTLE, false); messageOut(runStats); } if (poolConnect.isSelected()) { messageOut(Resources.getString("msgPoolStats") + " ", STYLE_SUBTLE, false); messageOut(Resources.getString("msgPoolStatsCount", getDBPool().getNumActive() + "", getDBPool().getNumIdle() + "")); } // If output parameters, list them if (outParams != null && outParams.size() > 0) { for (int param = 0; param < outParams.size(); ++param) { out.print(","); if (outParams.get(param) instanceof String) { out.print("\""); } out.print(outParams.get(param)); if (outParams.get(param) instanceof String) { out.print("\""); } } } // If model given, output describe content if (model != null) { for (int row = 1; row < model.getRowCount(); ++row) { out.print(",\""); // Column Name out.print(model.getValueAt(row, 0)); // Type out.print(" " + model.getValueAt(row, 1)); // Size out.print(" " + model.getValueAt(row, 2)); // Precision out.print(" (" + model.getValueAt(row, 3) + "," + model.getValueAt(row, 4) + ")"); out.print("\""); } } out.println(); out.close(); } /** * Removes a query from the comboBox */ private void removeSelectedQuery() { int index; if ((index = querySelection.getSelectedIndex()) >= 0) { querySelection.removeItemAt(index); histMaintQueryDeleted(index); } } /** * Writes the list of queries or connection URLs to the appropriate * combo boxes */ private void saveConfig() { writeOutCombo(querySelection, queryFilename); writeOutCombo(connectString, Configuration.instance().getFile(FILENAME_CONNECTSTRINGS).getAbsolutePath()); saveProperties(); } /** * Adds a list of queries and connection URLs to the appropriate * combo boxes */ private void loadConfig() { loadCombo(querySelection, queryFilename); loadCombo(connectString, Configuration.instance().getFile(FILENAME_CONNECTSTRINGS).getAbsolutePath()); } /** * Adds the data from the supplied file to the query selection * (or connect URLs) combobox. * * @param combo * The JComboBox - it can be the combobox that contains * all the queries or the combobox with the URLs * @param fileName * The name of the file that contains the queries or the * connect URLs */ private void loadCombo(JComboBox combo, String fileName) { BufferedReader in; String data; in = null; try { in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileName)); while ((data = in.readLine()) != null) { if (combo == querySelection) { addToCombo(combo, new Query(data.substring(0, data.lastIndexOf("[")).trim(), new Integer(data.substring(data.lastIndexOf("[") + 1).trim()).intValue())); } else { addToCombo(combo, data); } } } catch (Throwable any) { LOGGER.error("Failed to load combo box with lookup values", any); } finally { if (in != null) { try { in.close(); } catch (Throwable any) { LOGGER.error("Failed to close the input file", any); } } } } /** * Writes all the queries in the query selection (or connection URLS) combobox * to the supplied file in a print formatted representation. * * @param combo * The JComboBox - it can be the combobox that contains * all the queries or the combobox with the URLs * @param fileName * The fileName to be written to contain the queries or the * connect URLs */ private void writeOutCombo(JComboBox combo, String fileName) { PrintWriter out; if (combo != null) { out = null; try { out = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(fileName)); for (int i = 0; i < combo.getModel().getSize(); ++i) { if (combo == querySelection) { out.println(((Query) combo.getModel().getElementAt(i)).getSql() + "[" + ((Query) combo.getModel().getElementAt(i)).getMode()); } else { out.println((String) combo.getModel().getElementAt(i)); } } } catch (Exception any) { LOGGER.error("Failed to write out the content of the combobox", any); } finally { if (out != null) { try { out.close(); } catch (Exception any) { LOGGER.error("Failed to close the combobox output file", any); } } } } } /** * Gets each cell of the selected row - if the object stored in the cell * is of type java.sql.Blob, the object is written to disk by calling * writeBlob(String, java.sql.Blob) on the DB connection. */ private void saveBLOBs() { TableModel model; int selectedRow; String filesWritten; if (table.getSelectedRowCount() != 1) { userMessage(Resources.getString("errChooseOneRowText"), Resources.getString("errChooseOneRowTitle"), JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } else { model = table.getModel(); selectedRow = table.getSelectedRow(); filesWritten = ""; for (int col = 1; col < model.getColumnCount(); col++) { if (model.getValueAt(selectedRow, col) instanceof java.sql.Blob) { LOGGER.debug("Blob[" + (java.sql.Blob) model.getValueAt(selectedRow, col) + "]"); filesWritten += writeBlob(model.getColumnName(col), (java.sql.Blob) model.getValueAt(selectedRow, col)) + "\n"; } } userMessage(Resources.getString("msgBLOBWrittenText", filesWritten), Resources.getString("msgBLOBWrittenTitle"), JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } } /** * Writes the contents of BLOB to disk. The name of the file created is * based on the column name and the string representation of the * BLOB object. * * @param rawColName * The column that contains the BLOB object * @param blob * The BLOB object that is written onto the file * * @return The name of the file created */ private String writeBlob(String rawColName, java.sql.Blob blob) { String colName = rawColName; FileOutputStream out; InputStream in; byte[] block; int bytesRead; String fileName; out = null; if (colName == null || colName.trim().length() == 0) { colName = Resources.getString("msgBLOBColNoName"); } // If the option to display column type is on, strip off col type info if (colName.indexOf(' ') > 0) { colName = colName.substring(0, colName.indexOf(' ')); } fileName = colName + "." + new java.util.Date().getTime() + ".dat"; try { block = new byte[BLOB_LOAD_BLOCK_SIZE]; out = new FileOutputStream(fileName, false); in = blob.getBinaryStream(); while ((bytesRead = > 0) { out.write(block, 0, bytesRead); } } catch (Exception any) { LOGGER.error("Failed to write BLOB field value to file [" + fileName + "]", any); fileName += " (" + Resources.getString("errFailBLOBWrite", any.getClass().getName(), any.getMessage()) + ")"; } finally { if (out != null) { try { out.close(); } catch (Exception any) { LOGGER.error("Failed to close the BLOB output file", any); } } } return fileName; } /** * Create the query 'select * from' for selected the column in the table * * @param mode * The integer value for the different modes */ private void queryStar(int mode) { String value; LOGGER.debug("Row:" + table.getSelectedRow() + " Col:" + table.getSelectedColumn()); LOGGER.debug("Row Count:" + table.getSelectedRowCount() + " Col Count:" + table.getSelectedColumnCount()); if (table.getSelectedRowCount() != 1 || table.getSelectedColumnCount() != 1) { userMessage(Resources.getString("errChooseOneCellText"), Resources.getString("errChooseOneCellTitle"), JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } else { value = table.getModel().getValueAt(table.getSelectedRow(), table.getSelectedColumn()).toString(); LOGGER.debug("Value class: " + value.getClass().getName()); if (value == null || value.trim().length() == 0) { userMessage(Resources.getString("errNoDataInCellText"), Resources.getString("errNoDataInCellTitle"), JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); } else { value = "select * from " + value; messageOut(Resources.getString("msgMadeSQL", value)); queryText.setText(value); checkForNewString(querySelection); querySelection.setSelectedItem(value); selectMode(mode); } } } /** * Create an insert statement depending on the tables and the columns that * were selected.The insert statement is then listed in the querySelection * comboBox as the selected item. */ private void makeInsert() { String[][] columns; String tables; String sqlStatement; tables = getTablesInQuery(); columns = getColumnNamesForTable(); sqlStatement = "insert into " + tables + "("; for (int i = 0; i < columns.length; ++i) { if (i > 0) { sqlStatement += ","; } sqlStatement += columns[i][0]; } sqlStatement += ") values ("; for (int i = 0; i < columns.length; ++i) { if (columns[i][1].startsWith("VARCHAR") || columns[i][1].startsWith("CHAR")) { sqlStatement += "''"; } if (i < columns.length - 1) { sqlStatement += ","; } } sqlStatement += ")"; messageOut(Resources.getString("msgMadeSQL", sqlStatement)); queryText.setText(sqlStatement); checkForNewString(querySelection); querySelection.setSelectedItem(sqlStatement); } /** * Create an update statement depending on the tables and the columns that * were selected.The update statement is then listed in the querySelection * comboBox as the selected item. */ private void makeUpdate() { String[][] columns; String tables; String thisPhrase; String sqlStatement; String where; boolean firstColOut; tables = getTablesInQuery(); columns = getColumnNamesForTable(); firstColOut = true; where = ""; sqlStatement = "update " + tables + " "; for (int i = 0; i < columns.length; ++i) { thisPhrase = columns[i][0] + "="; if (columns[i][1].startsWith("VARCHAR") || columns[i][1].startsWith("CHAR")) { thisPhrase += "''"; } if (columns[i][2] != null) { if (where.length() > 0) { where += " and "; } where += thisPhrase; } else { if (firstColOut) { sqlStatement += "set "; firstColOut = false; } else { sqlStatement += ", "; } sqlStatement += thisPhrase; } } if (where.length() > 0) { sqlStatement += " where " + where; } messageOut(Resources.getString("msgMadeSQL", sqlStatement)); queryText.setText(sqlStatement); checkForNewString(querySelection); querySelection.setSelectedItem(sqlStatement); } /** * Write a select statement depending on the tables and the columns that * were selected.The select statement is then listed in the querySelection * comboBox as the selected item. */ private void makeVerboseSelect() { String[][] columns; String tables; String thisPhrase; String sqlStatement; String where; boolean firstColOut; tables = getTablesInQuery(); columns = getColumnNamesForTable(); firstColOut = true; where = ""; sqlStatement = ""; for (int i = 0; i < columns.length; ++i) { thisPhrase = columns[i][0] + "="; if (columns[i][1].startsWith("VARCHAR") || columns[i][1].startsWith("CHAR")) { thisPhrase += "''"; } if (columns[i][2] != null) { if (where.length() > 0) { where += " and "; } where += thisPhrase; } else { if (firstColOut) { sqlStatement += "select "; firstColOut = false; } else { sqlStatement += ", "; } sqlStatement += columns[i][0]; } } sqlStatement += " from " + tables; if (where.length() > 0) { sqlStatement += " where " + where; } messageOut(Resources.getString("msgMadeSQL", sqlStatement)); queryText.setText(sqlStatement); checkForNewString(querySelection); querySelection.setSelectedItem(sqlStatement); } /** * Gets the names of the tables that are referenced during the query * * @return tableNames A String that contains the table names */ private String getTablesInQuery() { Iterator<String> tables; String tableNames; tables = mapOfCurrentTables.keySet().iterator(); tableNames = ""; while (tables.hasNext()) { tableNames += "," +; } if (tableNames.length() > 0) { tableNames = tableNames.substring(1); // Remove first comma } return tableNames; } /** * Gets the column name for the column that is being selected in the table * * @return columns A string array with the Column Names and Values */ private String[][] getColumnNamesForTable() { String[][] columns; TableModel model; model = table.getModel(); if (modeOfCurrentTable == Query.MODE_DESCRIBE) { columns = new String[model.getRowCount()][3]; for (int i = 0; i < model.getRowCount(); ++i) { columns[i][0] = model.getValueAt(i, 0).toString(); columns[i][1] = model.getValueAt(i, 1).toString(); // Type if (table.isRowSelected(i)) { columns[i - 1][2] = "Selected"; } else { columns[i - 1][2] = null; } } } else { columns = new String[model.getColumnCount()][3]; for (int i = 0; i < model.getColumnCount(); ++i) { columns[i][0] = model.getColumnName(i); // Remove type if present if (columns[i][0].indexOf("[") > -1) { columns[i][1] = columns[i][0].substring(columns[i][0].indexOf("[") + 1); columns[i][0] = columns[i][0].substring(0, columns[i][0].indexOf("[")).trim(); } else { /** * Todo: change column name/type design so that we can easily get the * column type. */ columns[i][1] = "Number"; } if (table.isColumnSelected(i)) { columns[i][2] = "Selected"; } else { columns[i][2] = null; } } } return columns; } /** * Exports the results to a file * * @param model * The model for the current results * @param fileType * The export file type */ private void chooseFileForSave(TableModel model, int fileType) { final JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser(); int returnVal; chooser.setDialogTitle(Resources.getString("dlgSaveDataTitle")); chooser.setApproveButtonText(Resources.getString("dlgSaveDataButton")); chooser.setApproveButtonMnemonic(Resources.getChar("dlgSaveDataButtonMnemonic")); if (latestFileDirectory != null) { if (latestFileDirectory.isDirectory()) { chooser.setCurrentDirectory(latestFileDirectory); } else if (latestFileDirectory.getParentFile().isDirectory()) { chooser.setCurrentDirectory(latestFileDirectory.getParentFile()); } } returnVal = chooser.showOpenDialog(this); if (returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { latestFileDirectory = chooser.getSelectedFile().getParentFile(); switch (fileType) { case FILE_EXPORT_CSV: saveResultAsCSV(model, chooser.getSelectedFile().getAbsoluteFile()); break; case FILE_EXPORT_TRIPLES: saveResultsAsTriples(model, chooser.getSelectedFile().getAbsoluteFile()); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown file type mode for export: " + fileType); } } } /** * Saves the Result in a file with the .csv extension * * @param model * The model for the current results * @param fileToWrite * The file to write the result to */ private void saveResultAsCSV(TableModel model, File fileToWrite) { String fileName; FileReader testExist; boolean okToWrite; fileName = fileToWrite.getAbsolutePath(); okToWrite = false; if (fileName == null || fileName.trim().length() == 0) { userMessage(Resources.getString("errNoFileNameWriteText"), Resources.getString("errNoFileNameWriteTitle"), JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } else { fileName = fileName.trim(); if (!fileName.toLowerCase().endsWith(".csv") && !fileName.endsWith(".")) { fileName += ".csv"; } try { testExist = new FileReader(fileName); testExist.close(); okToWrite = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(this, Resources.getString("dlgVerifyOverwriteText", fileName), Resources.getString("dlgVerifyOverwriteTitle"), JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE) == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION; } catch (FileNotFoundException fnf) { okToWrite = true; } catch (Exception any) { LOGGER.error("Error preparing to save data", any); messageOut(Resources.getString("errFailDataSavePrep", any.getMessage()), STYLE_RED); } } if (okToWrite) { writeDataAsCSV(getQuery().getSql(), model, fileName, false); } } /** * Saves the Result in a file to a Turtle file with the .ttl extension * * @param model * The model for the current results * @param fileToWrite * The file to write the result to */ private void saveResultsAsTriples(TableModel model, File fileToWrite) { String fileName; FileReader testExist; boolean okToWrite; fileName = fileToWrite.getAbsolutePath(); okToWrite = false; if (fileName == null || fileName.trim().length() == 0) { userMessage(Resources.getString("errNoFileNameWriteText"), Resources.getString("errNoFileNameWriteTitle"), JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } else { fileName = fileName.trim(); if (!fileName.toLowerCase().endsWith(".ttl") && !fileName.endsWith(".")) { fileName += ".ttl"; } try { testExist = new FileReader(fileName); testExist.close(); okToWrite = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(this, Resources.getString("dlgVerifyOverwriteText", fileName), Resources.getString("dlgVerifyOverwriteTitle"), JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE) == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION; } catch (FileNotFoundException fnf) { okToWrite = true; } catch (Exception any) { LOGGER.error("Error preparing to save data", any); messageOut(Resources.getString("errFailDataSavePrep", any.getMessage()), STYLE_RED); } } if (okToWrite) { exportFile = new File(fileName); runType = RUNTYPE_TRIPLE_EXPORT; new Thread(this).start(); // execute(getQuery().getSql(), new ListTableModel<Object>(), new File( // fileName)); } } /** * Writes the data onto a file that is specified by the filePath * * @param query * The SQL statement * @param model * The model for the current results * @param filePath * A String that denotes the filepath * @param append * Whether to append the current results into the file * * @todo Make this handle other data types (especially Date/Time) better * for cleaner import to spreadsheet. */ private void writeDataAsCSV(String query, TableModel model, String filePath, boolean append) { PrintWriter out; int row, col; boolean[] quote; boolean quoteThis; String temp; Object value; out = null; this.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR)); (flashRunIndicator = new Thread( new FlashForeground(runIndicator,, Color.lightGray, 5))).start(); (timeRunIndicator = new Thread(new InsertTime(timeIndicator, new java.util.Date().getTime(), QUERY_EXECUTION_TIMER_UPDATE_DELAY_MS))).start(); try { out = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(filePath, append)); messageOut(""); messageOut(Resources.getString("msgStartExportToFile", filePath)); // Output query if (!fileExportsRaw.isSelected()) { // Make it look like a comment using hash comment character out.print("#,"); out.print("\""); } // out.print(getQuery().getSQL()); out.print(query.replaceAll("\n", " ")); if (!fileExportsRaw.isSelected()) { out.print("\""); } out.println(); // Setup array to hold which columns need to be quoted quote = new boolean[model.getColumnCount()]; // Output column headings - determine if column needs quotes for (col = 0; col < model.getColumnCount(); ++col) { if (col > 0) { out.print(","); } out.print("\"" + model.getColumnName(col) + "\""); /** * todo: use column type to set need for quotes */ quote[col] = false; } out.println(); // Output data for (row = 0; row < model.getRowCount(); ++row) { for (col = 0; col < model.getColumnCount(); ++col) { if (col > 0) { out.print(","); } // Get the field content try { value = model.getValueAt(row, col); if (value == null) { temp = ""; } else if (value instanceof java.sql.Timestamp) { temp = Utility.formattedDate((java.sql.Timestamp) value); } else { temp = model.getValueAt(row, col).toString(); if (!fileExportsRaw.isSelected()) { temp = temp.replace('"', '\''); temp = temp.replace('\n', '~'); } } } catch (Exception any) { LOGGER.error("Failed to export data", any); // Display error and move on messageOut(Resources.getString("errFailDuringExport", any.getMessage()), STYLE_RED); temp = ""; } // Decide if quotes are needed: // -If the row is a known character type // -If this field contains a comma quoteThis = !fileExportsRaw.isSelected() && (quote[col] || temp.indexOf(",") > -1); // Output the field if (quoteThis) { out.print("\""); } out.print(temp); if (quoteThis) { out.print("\""); } } if (!fileNoCRAddedToExportRows.isSelected()) { out.println(); } } // Assume that if writing multiple resultsets to file the // user would appreciate a separation line between them. if (append) { out.println("\n********"); } messageOut(Resources.getString("msgEndExportToFile")); } catch (Exception any) { LOGGER.error("Unable to write data to file", any); messageOut(Resources.getString("errFailDataSave", any.toString()), STYLE_RED); } finally { if (out != null) { try { out.close(); } catch (Exception any) { LOGGER.error("Failed while writing data to CSV file", any); } } } flashRunIndicator.interrupt(); flashRunIndicator = null; timeRunIndicator.interrupt(); timeRunIndicator = null; this.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)); } /** * Get a field from the result set * * @param result * The result set * @param columnNumber * The column to read data from * @param columnType * The data type for the column being read * * @return An object representing the data in the current row and selected * column */ private Object getResultField(ResultSet result, int columnNumber, int columnType) { Object value = null; try { switch (columnType) { case COLUMN_DATA_TYPE_INT: // Integer value = new Integer(result.getInt(columnNumber)); break; case COLUMN_DATA_TYPE_LONG: // Long value = new Long(result.getLong(columnNumber)); break; case COLUMN_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE: // Double value = new Double(result.getDouble(columnNumber)); break; case COLUMN_DATA_TYPE_DATETIME: // Date/Time value = result.getTimestamp(columnNumber); break; case COLUMN_DATA_TYPE_BLOB: // BLOB try { value = result.getBlob(columnNumber); } catch (Throwable any) { LOGGER.error("Error retrieving BLOB field key", any); // Probably unsupported method (first found in a MySQL Driver) value = result.getString(columnNumber); } break; case 0: // Fall through to default default: value = result.getString(columnNumber); break; } } catch (Exception any) { LOGGER.error("Error Column[" + columnNumber + " Type[" + columnType + "]", any); messageOut(Resources.getString("errFailDataRead", "" + columnNumber, any.getMessage()), STYLE_YELLOW); try { value = result.getString(columnNumber); } catch (Throwable throwable) { LOGGER.error("Error Column[" + columnNumber + " Type[" + columnType + "]", any); messageOut(Resources.getString("errFailDataRead", "" + columnNumber, any.getMessage()), STYLE_RED); throw new IllegalStateException("Error Column[" + columnNumber + " Type[" + columnType + "]"); } } return value; } /** * Writes the data onto a file that is specified by the filePath * This version writes the data from the ResultSet instance * so that the results do not need to be loaded into memory. * * @param query * The SQL statement for the current data * @param model * The model for the current data * @param filePath * A String that denotes the filepath * @param result * The result set for the query * @param myType * The data type ids for the columns in the result set * @param append * Whether to append the data in the file * * @todo Make this handle other data types (especially Date/Time) better * for cleaner import to spreadsheet. */ private void writeDataAsCSV(String query, TableModel model, String filePath, ResultSet result, int[] myType, boolean append) { PrintWriter out; int row, col; boolean[] quote; boolean quoteThis; String temp; Object value; out = null; /* * this.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR)); * (flashRunIndicator = new Thread(new FlashForeground(runIndicator, *, Color.lightGray, 5))).start(); * (timeRunIndicator = new Thread(new InsertTime(timeIndicator, * new java.util.Date().getTime(), * 250))).start(); */ try { out = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(filePath, append)); messageOut(""); messageOut(Resources.getString("msgStartExportToFile", filePath)); // Output query if (!fileExportsRaw.isSelected()) { // Make it look like a comment using hash comment character out.print("#,"); out.print("\""); } // out.print(getQuery().getSQL()); out.print(query.replaceAll("\n", " ")); if (!fileExportsRaw.isSelected()) { out.print("\""); } out.println(); // Setup array to hold which columns need to be quoted quote = new boolean[model.getColumnCount()]; // Output column headings - determine if column needs quotes for (col = 0; col < model.getColumnCount(); ++col) { if (col > 0) { out.print(","); } out.print("\"" + model.getColumnName(col) + "\""); /** * todo: use column type to set need for quotes */ quote[col] = false; } out.println(); // Output data row = 0; while ( { if (row % RESULT_PROCESSING_ROWS_PER_STATUS_MESSAGE == 0) { messageOut("" + row, STYLE_SUBTLE); } for (col = 0; col < model.getColumnCount(); ++col) { if (col > 0) { out.print(","); } // Get the field content value = getResultField(result, col + 1, myType[col]); try { if (value == null) { temp = ""; } else if (value instanceof java.sql.Timestamp) { temp = Utility.formattedDate((java.sql.Timestamp) value); } else { temp = value.toString(); if (!fileExportsRaw.isSelected()) { temp = temp.replace('"', '\''); temp = temp.replace('\n', '~'); } } } catch (Exception any) { LOGGER.error("Failed to export data", any); // Display error and move on messageOut(Resources.getString("errFailDuringExport", any.getMessage()), STYLE_RED); temp = ""; } // Decide if quotes are needed: // -If the row is a known character type // -If this field contains a comma quoteThis = !fileExportsRaw.isSelected() && (quote[col] || temp.indexOf(",") > -1); // Output the field if (quoteThis) { out.print("\""); } out.print(temp); if (quoteThis) { out.print("\""); } } if (!fileNoCRAddedToExportRows.isSelected()) { out.println(); } ++row; } // Assume that if writing multiple resultsets to file the // user would appreciate a separation line between them. if (append) { out.println("\n********"); } messageOut(Resources.getString("msgEndExportToFile")); } catch (Exception any) { LOGGER.error("Unable to write data to file", any); messageOut(Resources.getString("errFailDataSave", any.toString()), STYLE_RED); } finally { if (out != null) { try { out.close(); } catch (Exception any) { LOGGER.error("Failed while writing data to CSV file", any); } } } /* * flashRunIndicator.interrupt(); * flashRunIndicator = null; * timeRunIndicator.interrupt(); * timeRunIndicator = null; * this.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)); */ } /** * Sets the selected query as the text in the querytext area */ private void setupSelectedQuery() { Query query; query = getQuery(); if (query != null) { selectMode(getQuery().getMode()); queryText.setText(getQuery().getSql()); if (commentedQuery()) { commentToggle.setText(Resources.getString("ctlUncomment")); execute.setEnabled(false); } else { commentToggle.setText(Resources.getString("ctlComment")); execute.setEnabled(true); } } else { queryText.setText(""); } setPrevNextIndication(); setExportAvailable(false); } /** * Executes the query(ies). It is expected that this will be * run on its own thread -- hence it is a run method. */ public void run() { this.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR)); (flashRunIndicator = new Thread( new FlashForeground(runIndicator,, Color.lightGray, 5))).start(); (timeRunIndicator = new Thread(new InsertTime(timeIndicator, new java.util.Date().getTime(), QUERY_EXECUTION_TIMER_UPDATE_DELAY_MS))).start(); try { if (runType == RUNTYPE_ALL) { runAllQueries(); } else if (runType == RUNTYPE_TRIPLE_EXPORT) { message.setText(""); messageOut(Resources.getString("msgStartExportToFile", exportFile.getAbsolutePath()), STYLE_BOLD); messageOut(""); execute(getQuery().getSql(), new ListTableModel<Object>(), exportFile); } else { checkForNewString(querySelection); checkForNewString(connectString); processStatement(); } } catch (Throwable any) { LOGGER.error("Failure while trying to execute query", any); messageOut(Resources.getString("errFailSQLText", any.getMessage()), STYLE_RED); } flashRunIndicator.interrupt(); flashRunIndicator = null; timeRunIndicator.interrupt(); timeRunIndicator = null; this.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)); } /** * Executes all the queries */ private void runAllQueries() { int numExecutions, numQueries; int execution, query; ProgressMonitor monitor; boolean canceled; java.util.Date start; int elapsed; long remaining; int hours, minutes, seconds; numQueries = querySelection.getModel().getSize(); try { numExecutions = Integer .parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(this, Resources.getString("dlgAllQueriesText"), Resources.getString("dlgAllQueriesTitle"), JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE)); } catch (Exception any) { numExecutions = 0; } messageOut(Resources.getString("msgNumExecutions", numExecutions + "")); monitor = new ProgressMonitor(this, Resources.getString("dlgRunAllQueriesProgressTitle"), Resources.getString("dlgRunAllQueriesProgressNote", "0", numExecutions + "", "0", numQueries + ""), 0, numQueries * Math.abs(numExecutions)); getContentPane().setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR)); if (numExecutions < 0) { numExecutions = Math.abs(numExecutions); for (query = 0; !monitor.isCanceled() && query < numQueries; ++query) { querySelection.setSelectedIndex(query); elapsed = -1; for (execution = 0; !monitor.isCanceled() && execution < numExecutions; ++execution) { monitor.setProgress(query * numExecutions + execution); if (elapsed <= 0) { monitor.setNote(Resources.getString("dlgRunAllQueriesProgressNote", (execution + 1) + "", numExecutions + "", (query + 1) + "", numQueries + "")); } else { remaining = elapsed * ((numExecutions * (numQueries - (query + 1))) + (numExecutions - execution)); hours = (int) (remaining / SECONDS_PER_HOUR); remaining -= hours * SECONDS_PER_HOUR; minutes = (int) (remaining / SECONDS_PER_MINUTE); remaining -= minutes * SECONDS_PER_MINUTE; seconds = (int) remaining; monitor.setNote(Resources.getString("dlgRunAllQueriesProgressNoteWithRemainTime", (execution + 1) + "", numExecutions + "", (query + 1) + "", numQueries + "", Utility.formattedNumber(hours, "00"), Utility.formattedNumber(minutes, "00"), Utility.formattedNumber(seconds, "00"))); } messageOut(Resources.getString("dlgRunAllQueriesProgressNote", (execution + 1) + "", numExecutions + "", (query + 1) + "", numQueries + "")); start = new java.util.Date(); processStatement(true); elapsed = (int) ((new java.util.Date().getTime() - start.getTime()) / 1000); } } } else { elapsed = -1; for (execution = 0; !monitor.isCanceled() && execution < numExecutions; ++execution) { start = new java.util.Date(); for (query = 0; !monitor.isCanceled() && query < numQueries; ++query) { querySelection.setSelectedIndex(query); monitor.setProgress(execution * numQueries + query); if (elapsed <= 0) { monitor.setNote(Resources.getString("dlgRunAllQueriesProgressNote", (execution + 1) + "", numExecutions + "", (query + 1) + "", numQueries + "")); } else { remaining = elapsed * (numExecutions - execution); hours = (int) (remaining / SECONDS_PER_HOUR); remaining -= hours * SECONDS_PER_HOUR; minutes = (int) (remaining / SECONDS_PER_MINUTE); remaining -= minutes * SECONDS_PER_MINUTE; seconds = (int) remaining; monitor.setNote(Resources.getString("dlgRunAllQueriesProgressNoteWithRemainTime", (execution + 1) + "", numExecutions + "", (query + 1) + "", numQueries + "", Utility.formattedNumber(hours, "00"), Utility.formattedNumber(minutes, "00"), Utility.formattedNumber(seconds, "00"))); } messageOut(Resources.getString("dlgRunAllQueriesProgressNote", (execution + 1) + "", numExecutions + "", (query + 1) + "", numQueries + "")); processStatement(true); } elapsed = (int) ((new java.util.Date().getTime() - start.getTime()) / 1000); } } canceled = monitor.isCanceled(); monitor.close(); getContentPane().setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)); if (canceled) { userMessage(Resources.getString("dlgExecutionsCanceledText"), Resources.getString("dlgExecutionsCanceledTitle"), JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); } else if (numExecutions != 0) { userMessage(Resources.getString("dlgExecutionsCompletedText"), Resources.getString("dlgExecutionsCompletedTitle"), JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } else { userMessage(Resources.getString("dlgExecutionsNoneText"), Resources.getString("dlgExecutionsNoneTitle"), JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } } /** * Uncomments the selected query statement if it is commented or * comments the statement if it is uncommented and replaces the query in * the combo box. */ private void commentToggle() { String newSQL; int position; Query query; if ((position = querySelection.getSelectedIndex()) > -1) { query = getQuery(); newSQL = query.getSql(); LOGGER.debug("commentToggle::Orig[" + newSQL + "]"); if (newSQL.startsWith(COMMENT_PREFIX)) { newSQL = newSQL.substring(2); } else { newSQL = COMMENT_PREFIX + newSQL; } LOGGER.debug("commentToggle:New[" + newSQL + "]"); replaceInCombo(querySelection, position, new Query(newSQL, query.getMode())); } } /** * Builds the GUI window title - including the currently open SQL statement * file. * * @param pathToSQLFile * The path to the currently open SQL statement file */ private void setQueryFilename(String pathToSQLFile) { queryFilename = pathToSQLFile; setTitle("BasicQuery - " + queryFilename); } /** * Open or create a SQL statement file. */ private void openSQLFile() { JFileChooser fileMenu; FileFilter defaultFileFilter = null; FileFilter preferredFileFilter = null; File chosenSQLFile; int returnVal; chosenSQLFile = null; // Save current information, including SQL Statements saveConfig(); // Allow user to choose/create new file for SQL Statements fileMenu = new JFileChooser(new File(queryFilename)); for (FileFilterDefinition filterDefinition : FileFilterDefinition.values()) { if ("QUERY")) { final FileFilter fileFilter = new SuffixFileFilter(filterDefinition.description(), filterDefinition.acceptedSuffixes()); if (filterDefinition.isPreferredOption()) { preferredFileFilter = fileFilter; } fileMenu.addChoosableFileFilter(fileFilter); if (filterDefinition.description().equals(latestChosenQueryFileFilterDescription)) { defaultFileFilter = fileFilter; } } } if (defaultFileFilter != null) { fileMenu.setFileFilter(defaultFileFilter); } else if (latestChosenQueryFileFilterDescription != null && latestChosenQueryFileFilterDescription.startsWith("All")) { fileMenu.setFileFilter(fileMenu.getAcceptAllFileFilter()); } else if (preferredFileFilter != null) { fileMenu.setFileFilter(preferredFileFilter); } fileMenu.setSelectedFile(new File(queryFilename)); fileMenu.setDialogTitle(Resources.getString("dlgSQLFileTitle")); fileMenu.setDialogType(JFileChooser.OPEN_DIALOG); fileMenu.setFileSelectionMode(JFileChooser.FILES_ONLY); fileMenu.setMultiSelectionEnabled(false); if (fileMenu.showOpenDialog(this) == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { chosenSQLFile = fileMenu.getSelectedFile(); // Adjust file suffix if necessary final FileFilter fileFilter = fileMenu.getFileFilter(); if (fileFilter != null && fileFilter instanceof SuffixFileFilter && !fileMenu.getFileFilter().accept(chosenSQLFile)) { chosenSQLFile = ((SuffixFileFilter) fileFilter).makeWithPrimarySuffix(chosenSQLFile); } if (!chosenSQLFile.exists()) { returnVal = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(this, Resources.getString("dlgNewSQLFileText", chosenSQLFile.getName()), Resources.getString("dlgNewSQLFileTitle"), JOptionPane.YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); if (returnVal == JOptionPane.NO_OPTION) { querySelection.removeAllItems(); queryText.setText(""); QueryHistory.getInstance().clearAllQueries(); // Update GUI setPrevNextIndication(); } else if (returnVal == JOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION) { chosenSQLFile = null; } } else { setQueryFilename(chosenSQLFile.getAbsolutePath()); querySelection.removeAllItems(); queryText.setText(""); loadCombo(querySelection, queryFilename); QueryHistory.getInstance().clearAllQueries(); // Update GUI setPrevNextIndication(); } } try { latestChosenQueryFileFilterDescription = fileMenu.getFileFilter().getDescription(); } catch (Throwable throwable) { LOGGER.warn("Unable to determine which ontology file filter was chosen", throwable); } if (chosenSQLFile != null) { setQueryFilename(chosenSQLFile.getAbsolutePath()); saveConfig(); } } /** * Add latest query index to the history of executed queries * The query is added after the currently selected query in the history list. * The associated connect URL is also saved, though its use is controlled by a * menu checkbox setting. * * @param results * The table model with the current query results */ private void histMaintQueryExecuted(TableModel results) { final int thisQuery = querySelection.getSelectedIndex(); if (thisQuery >= 0) { QueryHistory.getInstance() .addQuery(new QueryInfo(thisQuery, connectString.getSelectedIndex(), results)); } // Update GUI setPrevNextIndication(); } /** * Activate/deactivate the previous and next query history indicators based * on the number of history entries and the current position within the * history * list. */ private void setPrevNextIndication() { previousQuery.setEnabled(QueryHistory.getInstance().hasPrevious() || (QueryHistory.getInstance().getNumberOfQueries() > 0 && QueryHistory.getInstance() .getCurrentQueryInfo().getSQLIndex() != querySelection.getSelectedIndex())); nextQuery.setEnabled(QueryHistory.getInstance().hasNext()); } /** * Maintain the query history list when an entry is deleted from the * collection stored of SQL queries. For each entry in the history list the * impact of a deletion may be: * <ul> * <li>None, if the deleted query follows the index of the history entry * <li>Require subtracting one from the SQL history index position if it * follows the deleted query; or * <li>Require removal of the history entry if the SQL index held is the index * of the deleted query. * </ul> * * @param queryIndex * The index of the deleted query in the stored query list. */ private void histMaintQueryDeleted(int queryIndex) { QueryHistory.getInstance().deleteQueryAtIndex(queryIndex); // Update GUI setPrevNextIndication(); } /** * Set the currently selected query to the previous SQL index in the history * list. * If the user has selected to also associate the connect URL, then the last * connect * URL used for the query will also be selected. */ private void histSelectPrev() { int currentSQLIndex, currentConnectIndex; int histSQLIndex, histConnectIndex; boolean newQuery = false; TableModel histModel = null; TableSorter sorter; QueryInfo queryInfo; currentSQLIndex = querySelection.getSelectedIndex(); currentConnectIndex = connectString.getSelectedIndex(); /** * Two possibilities, the user has changed the selected query and/or * connection string without executing and wants to return to the last * executed; or the latest executed query is currently selected in which * case the user expects to return to a query before this one */ if (QueryHistory.getInstance().getNumberOfQueries() > 0) { queryInfo = QueryHistory.getInstance().getCurrentQueryInfo(); histSQLIndex = queryInfo.getSQLIndex(); histConnectIndex = queryInfo.getURLIndex(); if (histSQLIndex == currentSQLIndex && histConnectIndex == currentConnectIndex) { QueryHistory.getInstance().moveBackward(); queryInfo = QueryHistory.getInstance().getCurrentQueryInfo(); histSQLIndex = queryInfo.getSQLIndex(); histConnectIndex = queryInfo.getURLIndex(); histModel = queryInfo.getResults(); newQuery = true; } querySelection.setSelectedIndex(histSQLIndex); if (configHistoryAssocSQLAndConnect.isSelected()) { connectString.setSelectedIndex(histConnectIndex); } if (newQuery) { try { sorter = (TableSorter) table.getModel(); sorter.removeMouseListenerFromHeaderInTable(table); } catch (Throwable any) { // Probably table was empty if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("Error when sorting results, probably no results in model", any); } } table.setModel(new ListTableModel<Object>()); if (histModel != null) { sorter = new TableSorter(histModel); table.setModel(sorter); sorter.addMouseListenerToHeaderInTable(table); Utility.initColumnSizes(table, sorter); } } // Update GUI setPrevNextIndication(); } } /** * Set the currently selected query to the next SQL index in the history list. * If the user has selected to also associate the connect URL, then the last * connect * URL used for the query will also be selected. */ private void histSelectNext() { int histSQLIndex, histConnectIndex; TableModel histModel = null; TableSorter sorter; QueryInfo queryInfo; QueryHistory.getInstance().moveForward(); queryInfo = QueryHistory.getInstance().getCurrentQueryInfo(); histSQLIndex = queryInfo.getSQLIndex(); histConnectIndex = queryInfo.getURLIndex(); histModel = queryInfo.getResults(); querySelection.setSelectedIndex(histSQLIndex); if (configHistoryAssocSQLAndConnect.isSelected()) { connectString.setSelectedIndex(histConnectIndex); } try { sorter = (TableSorter) table.getModel(); sorter.removeMouseListenerFromHeaderInTable(table); } catch (Throwable any) { // Probably table was empty if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("Error when sorting results, probably no results in model", any); } } table.setModel(new ListTableModel<Object>()); if (histModel != null) { sorter = new TableSorter(histModel); table.setModel(sorter); sorter.addMouseListenerToHeaderInTable(table); Utility.initColumnSizes(table, sorter); } // Update GUI setPrevNextIndication(); } /** * Allow the user to place the queries into a particluar order. A separate * dialog is used that permits rearranging the list of queries. */ private void reorderQueries() { List<Object> queries; queries = new ArrayList<Object>(); for (int loop = 0; loop < querySelection.getItemCount(); ++loop) { queries.add(querySelection.getItemAt(loop)); } final ReorderDialog setOrder = new ReorderDialog(this, queries); if (setOrder.isReordered()) { rebuildSQLListing(setOrder.getAsOrdered()); } } /** * Reloads the list of queries in the combobox. * * @param queries * List The collection of queries */ private void rebuildSQLListing(List<Object> queries) { QueryHistory.getInstance().clearAllQueries(); querySelection.removeAllItems(); for (int loop = 0; loop < queries.size(); ++loop) { addToCombo(querySelection, queries.get(loop)); } } /** * Sort a table model based on the selected columns. */ private void sortSelectedColumns() { int[] selectedViewColumns; int[] selectedModelColumns; TableSorter sorter; selectedViewColumns = table.getSelectedColumns(); selectedModelColumns = new int[selectedViewColumns.length]; for (int column = 0; column < selectedViewColumns.length; ++column) { selectedModelColumns[column] = table.convertColumnIndexToModel(selectedViewColumns[column]); } try { sorter = (TableSorter) table.getModel(); sorter.sortByColumns(selectedModelColumns); } catch (Throwable any) { // Probably table was empty if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("Error when sorting results, probably no results in model", any); } } } /** * Run a SQL statement on its own thread. If a statement is currently being * executed the user may either cancel the new request or the currently * running query. * * @param statementRunType * The type of query execution -- single or * multiple statement */ private void runIt(int statementRunType) { if (runningQuery != null) { if (!runningQuery.isAlive()) { runningQuery = null; } else { final int decision = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(this, Utility.characterInsert(Resources.getString("dlgCancelQueryText"), "\n", 40, 60, " ."), Resources.getString("dlgCancelQueryTitle"), JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); if (decision == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { runningQuery.interrupt(); runningQuery = null; flashRunIndicator.interrupt(); flashRunIndicator = null; timeRunIndicator.interrupt(); timeRunIndicator = null; this.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)); } } } if (runningQuery == null) { runType = statementRunType; (runningQuery = new Thread(this)).start(); } } /** * Notify user if no DB drivers have been loaded. Probably no DB JARs * installed. */ private void noDBDriverWarning() { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, Resources.getString("dlgNoDBDriversLoadedText", new File(dbDriverDir).getAbsolutePath(), Configuration.instance().getFile(FILENAME_DRIVERS).getAbsolutePath()), Resources.getString("dlgNoDBDriversLoadedTitle"), JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } /** * Displays an information message in a dialog box giving details about the * BasicQuery that has been executed */ private void about() { String slMessage; slMessage = "Execute arbitrary SQL statements against" + " any database with JDBC library.Records timing" + " and memory usage information to assist in" + " performance tuning of database interactions.\n\n"; slMessage += "David Read,\n\n"; slMessage += "Copyright (c) 2004-2014\n\n" + "This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify " + "it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by " + "the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or " + "(at your option) any later version.\n\n" + "This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, " + "but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of " + "MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the " + "GNU General Public License for more details.\n\n" + "You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License " + "along with this program; if not, write to the:\n" + " Free Software Foundation Inc.\n" + " 59 Temple Place, Suite 330\n" + " Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA"; userMessage( "BasicQuery SQL Execution Tool\n\n" + "Version: " + VERSION + "\n\n" + Utility.characterInsert(slMessage, "\n", 70, 90, " ."), "About BasicQuery", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE, false); } /** * Supply a brief usage summary for the parameterized SQL syntax. */ private void helpParameterizedSQL() { String messageText; String[] dataTypes; int loop; dataTypes = SQLTypes.getKnownTypeNames(); messageText = Resources.getString("dlgUsingParamsTextOverview") + " "; for (loop = 0; loop < dataTypes.length; ++loop) { messageText += dataTypes[loop]; if (loop < dataTypes.length - 1) { messageText += ", "; } if ((loop + 1) % 5 == 0) { messageText += "\n "; } } messageText += Resources.getString("dlgUsingParamsTextExamples") + " "; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, messageText, Resources.getString("dlgUsingParamsTitle"), JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } /** * Advance the list of queries to the next query if the list is not * already at the end. */ private void nextQuerySelection() { if (querySelection.getSelectedIndex() + 1 < querySelection.getItemCount()) { querySelection.setSelectedIndex(querySelection.getSelectedIndex() + 1); } } /** * Select all the data in the result table */ private void selectAllData() { table.selectAll(); } /** * Enable or disable the export menu items based on the latest query * * @param available * Whether the export options should be enabled */ private void setExportAvailable(boolean available) { fileSaveAsCSV.setEnabled(available); fileSaveAsTriples.setEnabled(available); } /** * Copy the selected data cells to the clipboard */ private void copySelectionToClipboard() { Action objlCopy; try { objlCopy = TransferHandler.getCopyAction(); objlCopy.actionPerformed(new ActionEvent(table, ActionEvent.ACTION_PERFORMED, (String) objlCopy.getValue(Action.NAME), EventQueue.getMostRecentEventTime(), 0)); } catch (Throwable any) { LOGGER.error("Failed to copy data to clipboard", any); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, Resources.getString("errClipboardCopyDataText", any.getClass().getName(), any.getMessage() != null ? any.getMessage() : ""), Resources.getString("errClipboardCopyDataTitle"), JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } } /** * Configure the data display based on the user-chosen row formatting. */ private void setupResultsTableColoring() { cellRenderer.clearColors(); if (configTableColoringGreenBar.isSelected()) { cellRenderer.addAlternatingRowColor(, Color.white); cellRenderer.addAlternatingRowColor(, new Color(COLOR_GREEN_R_VALUE, COLOR_GREEN_G_VALUE, COLOR_GREEN_B_VALUE)); } else if (configTableColoringYellowBar.isSelected()) { cellRenderer.addAlternatingRowColor(, Color.white); cellRenderer.addAlternatingRowColor(, new Color(COLOR_YELLOW_R_VALUE, COLOR_YELLOW_G_VALUE, COLOR_YELLOW_B_VALUE)); } else if (configTableColoringUserDefined.isSelected()) { setupUserDefinedColoring(); } if (table != null) { table.repaint(); } } /** * Allow the user to select a font (including size/bold/italic). This setting * is used for the message area and the data table display. */ private void chooseFont() { FontChooser fontChooser; fontChooser = new FontChooser(this); fontChooser.setVisible(true); // Font used in both table display and message display if (fontChooser.getNewFont() != null) { setupFont(fontChooser.getNewFont()); } } /** * Set the font for the message area and table to match the frame's font. * The frame's font will either be the default font, if the user has not * configured a specific font, or it will be the user-chosen font. * * @param font * Font The font to use for the message and table displays. */ private void setupFont(Font font) { if (font != null) { this.setFont(font); message.setFont(font); cellRenderer.setText("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"); cellRenderer.setFont(font); // For some reason the cellRenderer preferred size equals the font height // if no cells are rendered at the moment. Tried creating a one-row // model and displaying while changing font size but it didn't help -- // probably because it wasn't rendered until after the setupFont method // completed. if (table.getRowCount() == 0) { table.setRowHeight(cellRenderer.getPreferredSize().height + 5); } else { table.setRowHeight(cellRenderer.getPreferredSize().height); } // table.setRowHeight(this.getGraphics().getFontMetrics(font).getHeight()); table.getTableHeader().setFont(font); } } /** * Check for a new version. The checking class will notify this class if a * newer version is available. */ private void checkForNewVersion() { final CheckLatestVersion versionCheck = new CheckLatestVersion(VERSION); versionCheck.addObserver(this); new Thread(versionCheck).start(); } /** * Notify the user that a newer version of the program has been released. * * @param newVersionInformation * Information about the new version of the program */ private void notifyNewerVersion(NewVersionInformation newVersionInformation) { if (newVersionInformation.getUrlToDownloadPage() != null) { int choice; choice = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(this, "There is a newer version of BasicQuery Available\n" + "You are running version " + VERSION + " and the latest version is " + newVersionInformation.getLatestVersion() + "\n\n" + newVersionInformation.getDownloadInformation() + "\n" + "New features include:\n" + newVersionInformation.getNewFeaturesDescription() + "\n\n" + "Would you like to download the new version now?\n\n", "Newer Version Available (" + VERSION + "->" + newVersionInformation.getLatestVersion() + ")", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); if (choice == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { try { Desktop.getDesktop().browse(newVersionInformation.getUrlToDownloadPage().toURI()); } catch (Throwable throwable) { LOGGER.error("Cannot launch browser to access download page", throwable); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Unable to launch a browser to access the download page\n" + "at " + newVersionInformation.getUrlToDownloadPage().toString() + "\n\n" + throwable.getMessage(), "Unable to Access Download Page", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } } } else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "There is a newer version of BasicQuery Available\n" + "You are running version " + VERSION + " and the latest version is " + newVersionInformation.getLatestVersion() + "\n\n" + "New features include:\n" + newVersionInformation.getNewFeaturesDescription(), "Newer Version Available (" + VERSION + "->" + newVersionInformation.getLatestVersion() + ")", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } } /** * Cleanup environment. Normally called before closing application. */ private void cleanUp() { if (conn != null) { try { conn.close(); } catch (Throwable any) { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("Unable to close connection during shutdown", any); } } conn = null; } } /** * Exit the program. Writes out the current configuration before exiting. */ private void exitProgram() { saveConfig(); cleanUp(); try { dispose(); } catch (Throwable any) { // This fails periodically with a NP exception // from Container.removeNotify LOGGER.warn("Error during application shutdown", any); } System.exit(0); } // Begin ActionListener Interface /** * Depending on which option the user has invoked the * appropriate action is performed * * @param evt * Specifies the action event that has taken place */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { Object source; source = evt.getSource(); if (source == execute) { runIt(RUNTYPE_SINGLE); } else if (source == remove) { removeSelectedQuery(); } else if (source == commentToggle) { commentToggle(); } else if (source == nextInList) { nextQuerySelection(); } else if (source == querySelection) { setupSelectedQuery(); } else if (source == fileSaveBLOBs) { saveBLOBs(); } else if (source == fileExit) { exitProgram(); } else if (source == querySelectStar) { queryStar(Query.MODE_QUERY); } else if (source == queryDescribeStar) { queryStar(Query.MODE_DESCRIBE); } else if (source == queryMakeInsert) { makeInsert(); } else if (source == queryMakeUpdate) { makeUpdate(); } else if (source == querySetOrder) { reorderQueries(); } else if (source == fileOpenSQL) { openSQLFile(); } else if (source == fileSaveAsCSV) { chooseFileForSave(table.getModel(), FILE_EXPORT_CSV); } else if (source == queryMakeVerboseSelect) { makeVerboseSelect(); } else if (source == queryRunAll) { runIt(RUNTYPE_ALL); } else if (source == helpAbout) { about(); } else if (source == helpParameterizedSQL) { helpParameterizedSQL(); } else if (source == editCopy) { copySelectionToClipboard(); } else if (source == editSelectAll) { selectAllData(); } else if (source == editSort) { sortSelectedColumns(); } else if (source == previousQuery) { histSelectPrev(); } else if (source == nextQuery) { histSelectNext(); } else if (source == configTableColoringNone || source == configTableColoringGreenBar || source == configTableColoringYellowBar || source == configTableColoringUserDefined) { setupResultsTableColoring(); } else if (source == configLanguageDefault || source == configLanguageEnglish || source == configLanguageFrench || source == configLanguageGerman || source == configLanguageItalian || source == configLanguagePortuguese || source == configLanguageSpanish) { changeLanguage(); } else if (source == configFont) { chooseFont(); } else if (source == asDescribe || source == asQuery || source == asUpdate) { setExportAvailable(false); } } // End ActionListener Interface // Begin WindowListener Interface /** * Invoked when the Window is set to be the active Window. * * @param evt * The event that specifies that the window is activated */ public void windowActivated(WindowEvent evt) { } /** * Invoked when a window has been closed as the result of calling * dispose on the window. * * @param evt * The Window event */ public void windowClosed(WindowEvent evt) { } /** * Invoked when the user attempts to close the window from the * window's system menu.Exits the application once the window * is closed * * @param evt * The event that specifies the closing of the window */ public void windowClosing(WindowEvent evt) { exitProgram(); } /** * Invoked when a Window is no longer the active Window * * @param evt * The event that specifies that the window is deactivated */ public void windowDeactivated(WindowEvent evt) { } /** * Invoked when a window is changed from a minimized to a normal state. * * @param evt * The event that specifies that the window is deiconified */ public void windowDeiconified(WindowEvent evt) { } /** * Invoked when a window is changed from a normal to a minimized state * * @param evt * The event that specifies that the window is iconified */ public void windowIconified(WindowEvent evt) { } /** * Creates a new thread that attaches focus to the window that has been * opened and also places the cursor on the textfield for the userid * * @param evt * The event that specifies the opening of the window */ public void windowOpened(WindowEvent evt) { new Thread(new FocusRequestor(userId)).start(); if (!loadedDBDriver) { noDBDriverWarning(); } } // End WindowListener Interface @Override public void update(Observable o, Object arg) { LOGGER.debug("Update received from " + o.getClass().getName()); if (o instanceof CheckLatestVersion) { notifyNewerVersion((NewVersionInformation) arg); } } /** * Handle menu selection for exporting the results to triples */ private class ExportResultsAsTriplesListener implements ActionListener { /** * No operation */ public ExportResultsAsTriplesListener() { } @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) { chooseFileForSave(table.getModel(), FILE_EXPORT_TRIPLES); } } @Override public void keyPressed(KeyEvent arg0) { } @Override public void keyReleased(KeyEvent arg0) { setExportAvailable(false); } @Override public void keyTyped(KeyEvent arg0) { } /** * Main startup method for the BasicQuery application. * Creates an object of the class BasicQuery. * * @param args * Input arguments -- not currently used */ public static final void main(String[] args) { try { new BasicQuery(true); } catch (Throwable any) { LOGGER.fatal("Application failure", any); // In case logger isn't setup - send this fatal issue to standard out System.out.println("BasicQuery:main:Exception:" + any); any.printStackTrace(); } } }