Source code

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Here is the source code for


 *  $Id$
 *  $HeadURL$
 *  This code is derived from public domain sources.
 *  Commercial use is allowed.
 *  However, all rights remain permanently assigned to the public domain.
 * : An interpreted string class representing the lexical
 *                       location of an item in an HL7 message.
 *  Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, 2011  Scott Herman. All Rights Reserved.
 *  This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 *  along with this code.  If not, see <>.

package us.conxio.hl7.hl7message;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;

 * An interpreted string class representing the lexical location of an item in an HL7 message. 
 * The normalized string takes the form:<br><br><b>
 * {@code
 *       <segID>:[index].<sequence>:[index].<componentIndex>.<subcomponent>
 * }
 * </b><br><br>
 * Note that all items below the segment ID level are optional, however the dot pre-fixed specifiers above the
 * most subordinate level specified are required. Repetition indices (those values preceded by a colon (':'))
 * are optional, with the default being 0, in the case of multiples.
 * <p>
 * Note also that this designation syntax reflects a commonly practiced ambiguity in specifying
 * components and sub-components using ordinal indexing, while specifications for segment repetitions,
 * field sequences, and field repetitions use zero based indexing. Thus the first segment, field or
 * repetition index is 0, while the first component or sub-component index is 1. This implementation
 * attempts to clarify this ambiguity by referring to indices as such, and differentiating the
 * component and sub-component position values from their indices.
 * <br><br>
 * eg;<ul>
 * <li> <b>PID.3.1</b> is the 1st componentIndex of the 3rd sequence in the PID segment.
 * <li> <b>PID:1.3.1</b> is the 1st componentIndex of the 3rd sequence in the 2nd PID segment.
 * <li> <b>PID.3:2.1</b> is the 1st componentIndex of the 3rd repetitionIndex of the 3rd sequence in the PID segment.
 * </ul>
 * @author scott herman <>
public class HL7Designator {
    static final int UNSPECIFIED = -3, ALL = -1, INDEX_SEGMENT = HL7ElementLevel.SEGMENT - 1,
            INDEX_FIELD = HL7ElementLevel.FIELD - 1;
     * The HL7Designator represented as a String.
    private String argString;
     * The HL7Designator Segment ID.
    private String segID;
     * The index of the specific occurrence of the subject segment. -1 for all.
    private int segIndex = UNSPECIFIED;
    private int sequence = ALL;
    private int repetitionIndex = UNSPECIFIED;
    private int componentIndex = ALL;
    private int subComponentIndex = ALL;
     * A flag to control the explicit representation of segment and repetitionIndex indices
     * in the String representation of the HL7Designator.
    private boolean hasColon = false;
    private boolean hasBracket = false;

    private static final String COLON = ":";
    private static final String OPEN_BRACKET = "[";
    private static final String CLOSE_BRACKET = "[";
    private static final String WILDCARD = "*";
    private static final String SEPARATOR = ".";
     * level of specification 
    private HL7ElementLevel level;

     * Creates an empty HL7Designator()
    private HL7Designator() {
    } // HL7Designator constructor

     * Creates a HL7Designator from the argument string.
     * @param argStr A designator of the form:<br><b>
     * nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &lt;segID&gt;:[index].&lt;sequence&gt;:[index].&lt;componentIndex&gt;.&lt;subcomponent&gt; </b><br>
    public HL7Designator(String argStr) {
    } // HL7Designator constructor

     * Creates a HL7Designator which is a duplicate of the argument.
     * @param argLocation a HL7Designator to be duplicated.
    HL7Designator(HL7Designator argLocation) {
        componentIndex = argLocation.componentIndex;
        repetitionIndex = argLocation.repetitionIndex;
        segIndex = argLocation.segIndex;
        sequence = argLocation.sequence;
        subComponentIndex = argLocation.subComponentIndex;
        segID = argLocation.segID;
        argString = argLocation.argString;
    } // HL7Designator constructor

     * Returns the repetitionIndex value, that is, value expressed between the square brackets of
     * the argument location element.
     * @return the integral value of positive base 10 numeric representations.
     *    -1 if the wildcard ('*'), indicating 'all' is specified.
     *    -3 if the element contains no bracketed value, or the value is not valid.
    private int indexValueOf(String argStr) {
        if (hasBracket)
            return bracketedIndexValueOf(argStr);
        if (hasColon)
            return colonSeparatedIndexValueOf(argStr);
        return UNSPECIFIED;
    } // indexValueOf

     * Returns the value of the non-bracketed portion of the argument location element,
     * or UNSPECIFIED if there is no non-bracketed portion of the argument.
    private int positionValueOf(String str) {
        if (hasColon)
            return colonSeparatedPositionValueOf(str);
        if (hasBracket)
            return bracketSeparatedPositionValueOf(str);
        return Integer.parseInt(str);
    } // positionValueOf

    private void parse(String str) {
        argString = str;
        if (hasColon())
            hasColon = true;
        if (hasBrackets())
            hasBracket = true;

        String[] elementDesignations = str.split("\\.");

        // The first designator componentIndex is the segment ID
        if (elementDesignations[0].length() < 3)

        segIndex = 0;
        componentIndex = UNSPECIFIED;
        sequence = UNSPECIFIED;
        subComponentIndex = UNSPECIFIED;

        if (elementDesignations[0].length() > 3) { // a segment index is specified
            segIndex = indexValueOf(elementDesignations[0]) - 1;
            if (segIndex < 0)
                segIndex = 0;
        } // if

        // Segment ID is the first three characters.
        segID = elementDesignations[0].substring(0, 3);
        level = new HL7ElementLevel(HL7ElementLevel.SEGMENT);

        if (elementDesignations.length > 1) { // a field sequence is specified.
            sequence = positionValueOf(elementDesignations[1]);
            if (hasIndexIndicator(elementDesignations[1]))
                repetitionIndex = indexValueOf(elementDesignations[1]);

            // Correct for MSH indexing idiosyncracy.
            if (segID.equals("MSH") && sequence >= 0)
        } // if      

        if (elementDesignations.length > 2) { // A componentIndex is specified.
            int tempInt = Integer.parseInt(elementDesignations[2]);
            if (tempInt > 0)
                --tempInt; // correct for ordinal designations
            componentIndex = tempInt;
        } // if 

        if (elementDesignations.length > 3) {
            Integer tempInt = Integer.decode(elementDesignations[3]);
            if (tempInt > 0)
                --tempInt; // correct for ordinal designations
            subComponentIndex = tempInt;
        } // if
    } // parse

     * Determines and returns the depth, or precision, of the subject designator.
     * @return the depth, or precision, of the subject designator.
    private int depth() {
        int retnV = 5;
        if (segIndex < ALL) {
            retnV = 0;
        } else if (sequence < 0) {
            retnV = 1;
        } else if (componentIndex < 0) {
            retnV = 3;
        } else if (subComponentIndex < 0) {
            retnV = 4;
        } // if - else if,,,
        return retnV;
    } // length

    void snip() {
        switch (depth()) {
        case 3:
            repetitionIndex = UNSPECIFIED;
        case 4:
            componentIndex = ALL;
        } // switch
    } // snip

     * Creates a representation of the context HL7Designator.
     * @return Returns the representation of the context HL7Designator, as a String.
    public String toString() {
        if (segID.length() < 3)
            return (null);

        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();


        if (segIndex > 0) {
            builder.append(COLON).append(Integer.toString(segIndex + 1));
        } else if (segIndex == ALL) {
        } else if (segIndex < ALL) {
            return argString = builder.toString();
        } // if - else if - else

        if (sequence >= 0) {
            int seqIndex = sequence;
            if (segID.equals("MSH"))
        } else {
            return argString = builder.toString();
        } // if - else 

        if (repetitionIndex == ALL) {
        } else if (repetitionIndex >= 0) {
        } // if - else if

        if (componentIndex >= 0) {
            builder.append(SEPARATOR).append(Integer.toString(componentIndex + 1));
        } else {
            return argString = builder.toString();
        } // if - else

        if (subComponentIndex >= 0)
            builder.append(SEPARATOR).append(Integer.toString(subComponentIndex + 1));

        return argString = builder.toString();
    } // toString

     * @return a representation of the context HL7Designator which is suitable
     * for use in XML, as a String.
    public String toXMLString() {
        if (segID.length() < 3)
            return (null);

        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();


        if (segIndex >= 0)
            builder.append(COLON).append(Integer.toString(segIndex + 1));

        if (sequence >= 0) {
        } else {
            return argString = builder.toString();
        } // if - else 

        if (repetitionIndex >= 0)

        if (componentIndex >= 0) {
            builder.append(SEPARATOR).append(Integer.toString(componentIndex + 1));
        } else {
            return argString = builder.toString();
        } // if - else

        if (subComponentIndex >= 0)
            builder.append(SEPARATOR).append(Integer.toString(subComponentIndex + 1));

        return argString = builder.toString();
    } // toXMLString

     * Creates an extension of the context designator, with the argument index.
     * @param index
     * @return
    private HL7Designator spawn(int index) {
        HL7Designator retn = new HL7Designator(this);

        switch (retn.depth()) {
        case 0:
            retn.segIndex = index;
            retn.sequence = ALL;

        case 1:
            retn.sequence = index;
            retn.repetitionIndex = UNSPECIFIED;

        case 2:
            retn.repetitionIndex = index;
            retn.componentIndex = ALL;

        case 3:
            retn.componentIndex = index;
            retn.subComponentIndex = ALL;

        case 4:
            retn.subComponentIndex = index;

            return (null);
        } // switch

        retn.argString = retn.toString();
        return (retn);
    } // spawn

     * Retrieve the segment ID value.
     * @return the segID
    public String getSegID() {
        return segID;
    } // getSegID

     * Retrieve the segment index value.
     * @return the segment index value.
    public int getSegIndex() {
        return segIndex;
    } // getSegIndex

     * @return the sequence
    int getSequence() {
        return sequence;

     * @return the repetitionIndex
    int getRepetitionIndex() {
        return repetitionIndex;
    } // getRepetitionIndex

     * @return the componentIndex
    int getComponentIndex() {
        return componentIndex;

     * Returns the component position, as an int value. Note that this is
     * the value that is actually specified, which is, in general, one more than
     * the component index.
     * @return the component position.
    int getComponent() {
        return componentIndex >= 0 ? componentIndex + 1 : componentIndex;
    } // getComponent

     * @return the subComponentIndex
    int getSubComponentIndex() {
        return subComponentIndex;

     * Returns the sub-component position, as an int value. Note that this is
     * the value that is actually specified, which is, in general, one more than
     * the sub-component index value.
     * @return the subComponent
    int getSubComponent() {
        return subComponentIndex >= 0 ? subComponentIndex + 1 : subComponentIndex;
    } // getSubComponent

    public boolean isSpecifiedSegmentIndex() {
        return segIndex != UNSPECIFIED;
    } // isSpecifiedSegmentIndex

    public boolean isSpecifiedSequence() {
        return sequence != UNSPECIFIED;
    } // isSpecifiedSequence

    public boolean isSpecifiedRepetition() {
        return repetitionIndex != UNSPECIFIED;
    } // isSpecifiedRepetition

    public boolean isSpecifiedComponent() {
        return componentIndex != UNSPECIFIED;
    } // isSpecifiedComponent

    public boolean isSpecifiedSubComponent() {
        return subComponentIndex != UNSPECIFIED;
    } // isSpecifiedSubComponent

    HL7ElementLevel getLevel() {
        return level;
    } // HL7ElementLevel

    private boolean hasColon() {
        return argString.contains(COLON);
    } // hasColon

    private boolean hasBrackets() {
        return argString.contains(OPEN_BRACKET) && argString.contains(CLOSE_BRACKET);
    } // hasBrackets

    private int bracketedIndexValueOf(String argStr) {
        int openPosn = argStr.indexOf(OPEN_BRACKET), closePosn = argStr.indexOf(CLOSE_BRACKET);

        if (openPosn >= 0 && closePosn > openPosn) {
            String vStr = argStr.substring(++openPosn, closePosn);
            return vStr.startsWith("*") ? ALL : Integer.parseInt(vStr);
        } // if

        return UNSPECIFIED;
    } // bracketedIndexValueOf

    private int colonSeparatedIndexValueOf(String argStr) {
        if (!hasColon(argStr))
            return UNSPECIFIED;
        return Integer.parseInt(StringUtils.substringAfter(argStr, COLON));
    } // colonSeparatedIndexValueOf

    private boolean hasColon(String str) {
        if (str == null)
            return false;
        return str.contains(COLON);
    } // hasColon

    private int bracketSeparatedPositionValueOf(String argStr) {
        int openPosn = argStr.indexOf("[");
        int retnInt = -3;

        if (openPosn > 0) {
            retnInt = Integer.decode(argStr.substring(0, openPosn));
            return (retnInt);
        } else if (openPosn == 0) {
            retnInt = -3;
        } else {
            retnInt = Integer.decode(argStr);
        } // if - else if - else

        return (retnInt);

    private int colonSeparatedPositionValueOf(String str) {
        return Integer.parseInt(hasColon(str) ? StringUtils.substringBefore(str, COLON) : str);
    } // colonSeparatedPositionValueOf

    private boolean hasIndexIndicator(String str) {
        return hasColon(str) || hasBrackets();
    } // hasIndexIndicator

    public void setSegIndex(int value) {
        segIndex = value;
    } // setSegIndex

    public void setSegmentSetID(int value) {
        if (value > 0)
    } // setSegmentSetID

    public int getSegmentSetID() {
        return segIndex + 1;
    } // getSegmentSetID

} // HL7Designator