Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2008 Alx Dark * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package us.asciiroth.editor.client; import us.asciiroth.client.Registry; import us.asciiroth.client.Util; import us.asciiroth.client.core.Color; import us.asciiroth.client.core.Piece; import us.asciiroth.client.core.Symbol; import us.asciiroth.client.core.TerrainProxy; import us.asciiroth.editor.client.ui.InstancePalette; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * An editor associated to a piece instance on the board, or available for addition to the board. * */ public class InstanceEditor extends Composite implements ClickHandler, FocusHandler, KeyUpHandler { private static final String EMPTY = "<div style='font-family: monospace'> </div>"; private static final String INSTANCE_PALETTE_FORMAT = "<span class='{0}' style='color: {1}; background-color: {2}'>{3}</span>"; private String template; private Piece piece; // This is the piece as it was last used on the board; when the editor is updated, // we'll take the current piece and replace every instance of the lastPainted piece // we find on the board. private Piece lastPainted; private HTML symbol; private HTML color; private Image status; private InstancePalette palette; private FocusPanel panel; private TextArea field; /** * Constructor. * @param palette * @param template */ public InstanceEditor(final InstancePalette palette, String template) { this.palette = palette; this.template = template; panel = new FocusPanel(); panel.setStyleName("n-instanceEditor"); panel.addClickHandler(this); createPanelContents(template); update(); initWidget(panel); } private void createPanelContents(String template) { Grid grid = new Grid(1, 5); grid.setWidth("100%"); grid.setCellPadding(0); grid.setCellSpacing(0); grid.getCellFormatter().setWidth(0, 0, "25px"); grid.getCellFormatter().setHorizontalAlignment(0, 0, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); grid.getCellFormatter().setWidth(0, 1, "25px"); grid.getCellFormatter().setHorizontalAlignment(0, 1, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); grid.getCellFormatter().setWidth(0, 2, "25px"); grid.getCellFormatter().setHorizontalAlignment(0, 2, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); grid.getCellFormatter().setWidth(0, 4, "120px"); grid.getCellFormatter().setHorizontalAlignment(0, 4, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT); HorizontalPanel hpanel = new HorizontalPanel(); hpanel.setWidth("100%"); hpanel.setHorizontalAlignment(HorizontalPanel.ALIGN_CENTER); hpanel.setVerticalAlignment(HorizontalPanel.ALIGN_MIDDLE); // panel.add(hpanel); panel.add(grid); // The symbol itself symbol = new HTML(EMPTY); // hpanel.add(symbol); grid.setWidget(0, 0, symbol); color = new HTML(EMPTY); // hpanel.add(color); grid.setWidget(0, 1, color); // status status = new Image("icons/bullet_delete.png"); // hpanel.add(status); grid.setWidget(0, 2, status); field = new TextArea(); field.setWidth("400px"); field.setVisibleLines(1); field.setText(template); field.addFocusHandler(this); field.addKeyUpHandler(this); // hpanel.add(field); grid.setWidget(0, 3, field); final InstanceEditor that = this; Hyperlink hyperlink = new Hyperlink("Remove", "remove"); hyperlink.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { BoardEditor boardEditor = Editor.get().getBoardEditor(); boardEditor.removePiece(piece); Editor.get().getInstancePalette().remove(that); } }); // hpanel.add(hyperlink); grid.setWidget(0, 4, hyperlink); } private boolean adjusted; private void adjustHeight() { int h = field.getElement().getPropertyInt("scrollHeight"); // Log.get().debug(Integer.toString(h)); if (h > 0) { if (!adjusted) { h += 2; } field.setHeight(Integer.toString(h) + "px"); } } public void update() { String key = field.getText(); if (key == null || key.length() == 0) { return; } adjustHeight(); try { piece = Registry.get().getPiece(key); if (Registry.get().getKey(piece).matches(".*[\\}\\{].*")) { throw new RuntimeException("Not all parameters replaced"); } status.setUrl("icons/bullet_green.png"); symbol.setHTML(renderSymbolForInstanceEditor(piece)); if (piece.getColor() != Color.NONE) { color.setHTML("<div style='font-family: monospace; width:1em; background-color: " + (piece.getColor().toString()) + "'> </div>"); } // One serious issue here is if the piece changes type completely... that's // not workable. So we don't update at that point. if (lastPainted != null && Util.getType(lastPainted) == Util.getType(piece)) { BoardEditor boardEditor = Editor.get().getBoardEditor(); boardEditor.updatePiece(lastPainted, piece); } lastPainted = piece; } catch (Exception e) { symbol.setHTML(EMPTY); color.setHTML(EMPTY); status.setUrl("icons/bullet_delete.png"); } } public void selected(boolean selected) { panel.setStyleName(selected ? "n-instanceEditorSelected" : "n-instanceEditor"); if (!selected) { field.setHeight("20px"); } } public Piece getPiece() { return piece; } public String getTemplate() { return template; } public String getCurrentValue() { return field.getText(); } public void setLastPaintedPiece() { this.lastPainted = piece; } public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { palette.setSelectedEditor(this); field.setFocus(true); } public void onFocus(FocusEvent event) { palette.setSelectedEditor(this); field.setFocus(true); adjustHeight(); } public void onKeyUp(KeyUpEvent event) { update(); } /** * Render the symbol for a piece. This would be the fourth way this happens, always in a span, too. * @param piece * @return an HTML string rendering the terrain with a frame if it has been augmented */ private String renderSymbolForInstanceEditor(Piece piece) { Symbol symbol = piece.getSymbol(); String color = (symbol.getColor(false) != null) ? symbol.getColor(false).toString() : "inherit"; String bgcolor = (symbol.getBackground(false) != null) ? symbol.getBackground(false).toString() : "inherit"; return Util.format(INSTANCE_PALETTE_FORMAT, (piece instanceof TerrainProxy) ? "sc" : "s", color, bgcolor, symbol.getAdjustedEntity()); } }