Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2008 Alx Dark * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package us.asciiroth.editor.client; import us.asciiroth.client.Profile; import us.asciiroth.client.Util; import us.asciiroth.client.board.Board; import us.asciiroth.client.board.BoardLoader; import us.asciiroth.client.board.BoardReader; import us.asciiroth.client.board.BoardWriter; import us.asciiroth.client.core.HasBoard; import us.asciiroth.client.core.Player; import us.asciiroth.client.event.Events; import us.asciiroth.client.ui.DialogManager; import; import; import; import us.asciiroth.editor.client.ui.ApplicationBar; import us.asciiroth.editor.client.ui.BrushPalette; import us.asciiroth.editor.client.ui.InstancePalette; import us.asciiroth.editor.client.ui.MetadataDialog; import us.asciiroth.editor.client.ui.SaveFirstDialog; import us.asciiroth.editor.client.ui.TypePalette; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class Editor implements HasBoard { private static Editor instance = new Editor(); public static Editor get() { return instance; } private Editor() { } public void init() { profile = new Profile(); store = GWT.create(EditorStore.class); brushPalette = new BrushPalette(); typePalette = new TypePalette(); instancePalette = new InstancePalette(); // TOOD: Need to be able to attach mouse listeners to the grid or the BoardView boardEditor = new BoardEditor(this); boardReader = new BoardReader(); boardLoader = new BoardLoader(boardReader); boardWriter = new BoardWriter(); Events.get().addCellListener(boardEditor); new ApplicationBar(); dirtyIcon = DOM.getElementById("dirtyIcon"); } private Profile profile; private EditorStore store; private boolean isDirty; private Element dirtyIcon; private MetadataDialog metadataDialog; private BrushPalette brushPalette; private TypePalette typePalette; private InstancePalette instancePalette; private SaveFirstDialog saveBeforeNewBoard; private SaveFirstDialog saveBeforeLoadBoard; private NameGenerator namegen; private String boardFilePath; private Board board; private BoardEditor boardEditor; private BoardReader boardReader; private BoardLoader boardLoader; private BoardWriter boardWriter; private Player player; private class Loader implements LoadCallback { public void execute(String path, String json) { setBoardFilePath(path); player = new Player(null, "Test Player", "", path, -2, -2);, player, board, json, RESET_PALETTE); } } public Profile getProfile() { return profile; } public BrushPalette getBrushPalette() { return brushPalette; } public TypePalette getTypePalette() { return typePalette; } public InstancePalette getInstancePalette() { return instancePalette; } public Board getBoard() { return board; } public BoardEditor getBoardEditor() { return boardEditor; } public boolean isDirty() { return isDirty; } public void setDirty(boolean dirty) { dirtyIcon.getStyle().setProperty("visibility", dirty ? "visible" : "hidden"); isDirty = dirty; } public String getBoardFilePath() { return boardFilePath; } public void setBoardFilePath(String url) { this.boardFilePath = url; Element filePath = DOM.getElementById("filePath"); filePath.setInnerHTML((url == null) ? "<em><Not Saved></em>" : url); } private final Command SHOW_LAYOUT_RESET_PALETTE = new Command() { public void execute() { Element layout = DOM.getElementById("layout"); layout.getStyle().setProperty("visibility", "visible"); instancePalette.resetToBoard(board); setDirty(false); } }; private final Command RESET_PALETTE = new Command() { public void execute() { instancePalette.resetToBoard(board); setDirty(false); } }; private final Command LOAD_TEST_BOARD = new Command() { public void execute() { if (board.getStartX() < 0 || board.getStartY() < 0) { Util.showError( "Player's starting X/Y not specified for board.<br/>Shift-click on a cell to select position with cell editor."); } else { // Yeah, copy it in there. String s = "us.asciiroth.Launch/Game.html?" + URL.encode(boardFilePath); instancePalette.resetToBoard(board); setDirty(false);, "test", "width=820,height=545"); } } }; public void testBoard() { if (boardFilePath == null) { Util.showError("You must save the board first."); } else { if (isDirty()) { String json = boardWriter.write(board, true); store.saveBoard(boardFilePath, json, LOAD_TEST_BOARD); } else { LOAD_TEST_BOARD.execute(); } } } public void newBoard() { if (isDirty()) { if (saveBeforeNewBoard == null) { saveBeforeNewBoard = new SaveFirstDialog("Save before starting on a new map?", new Command() { public void execute() { doNewBoard(); } }); } DialogManager.get().push(saveBeforeNewBoard); } else { doNewBoard(); } } public void loadBoard(final String path) { if (isDirty()) { if (saveBeforeLoadBoard == null) { saveBeforeLoadBoard = new SaveFirstDialog("Save before loading the next map?", new Command() { public void execute() { doLoadBoard(path); } }); } DialogManager.get().push(saveBeforeLoadBoard); } else { doLoadBoard(path); } } public void saveBoardAs() { String json = boardWriter.write(board, false); store.saveBoardAs(json, new FilePathCallback() { public void execute(String filePath) { if (!filePath.endsWith(".js")) { filePath += ".js"; } setBoardFilePath(filePath); setDirty(false); } }); } private void doNewBoard() { setBoardFilePath(null); // Not great, but the player is how url, x, and y are // passed to the board writer/loader. player = new Player(null, "Test Player", "", "blank", -2, -2); board = new Board(); boardLoader.load(boardEditor, player, board, SHOW_LAYOUT_RESET_PALETTE); } private void doLoadBoard(String path) { if (path != null) { if (store.fileExists(path)) { board = new Board(); store.loadBoard(path, new Loader()); } else { Util.showError("The board links to a map but the file doesn't exist:\n" + path); } } else { store.selectFile(new FilePathCallback() { public void execute(String filePath) { board = new Board(); store.loadBoard(filePath, new Loader()); }; }); } } public void saveBoard(Command command) { if (boardFilePath == null) { saveBoardAs(); } else if (!boardFilePath.endsWith(".js")) { Util.showError("Board file name must end with '.js'"); } else { // New and load use a more complicated command. if (command == null) { command = RESET_PALETTE; } String json = boardWriter.write(board, true); store.saveBoard(boardFilePath, json, command); } } public void showMetadataDialog() { if (metadataDialog == null) { metadataDialog = new MetadataDialog(); } DialogManager.get().push(metadataDialog); } public void makeUpName() { if (namegen == null) { namegen = new NameGenerator(); } Element el = DOM.getElementById("makeName"); el.setInnerHTML(namegen.getName()); } }