Java tutorial
// Copyright (c) 2012 Chan Wai Shing // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. package updater.builder; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.math.BigInteger; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import; import; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.GnuParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter; import org.apache.commons.cli.Option; import org.apache.commons.cli.OptionBuilder; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException; import org.tukaani.xz.LZMA2Options; import org.tukaani.xz.XZInputStream; import org.tukaani.xz.XZOutputStream; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import updater.crypto.AESKey; import updater.crypto.KeyGenerator; import updater.crypto.RSAKey; import updater.patch.PatchCreator; import updater.patch.PatchExtractor; import updater.patch.PatchPacker; import updater.patch.Patcher; import updater.patch.PatcherListener; import updater.script.Client; import updater.script.Patch; import updater.util.CommonUtil; import updater.util.XMLUtil; /** * Tool that contain general functions to build the patch. * @author Chan Wai Shing <> */ public class SoftwarePatchBuilder { protected SoftwarePatchBuilder() { } public static void main(String[] args) { Options options = new Options(); // utilities options.addOption(OptionBuilder.hasArg().withArgName("file") .withDescription("generate SHA-256 checksum of the file").create("sha256")); // cipher key options.addOption(OptionBuilder.hasArgs(2).withArgName("method length").withValueSeparator(' ') .withDescription("AES|RSA for 'method'; generate cipher key with specified key length in bits") .create("genkey")); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.hasArg().withArgName("file") .withDescription("renew the IV in the AES key file").create("renew")); // diff options.addOption(OptionBuilder.hasArgs(2).withArgName("old new").withValueSeparator(' ') .withDescription("generate a binary diff file of 'new' from 'old'").create("diff")); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.hasArgs(2).withArgName("file patch").withValueSeparator(' ') .withDescription("patch the 'file' with the 'patch'").create("diffpatch")); // compression options.addOption(OptionBuilder.hasArg().withArgName("file") .withDescription("compress the 'file' using XZ/LZMA2").create("compress")); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.hasArg().withArgName("file") .withDescription("decompress the 'file' using XZ/LZMA2").create("decompress")); // create & apply patch options.addOption(OptionBuilder.hasArgs(2).withArgName("folder patch").withValueSeparator(' ') .withDescription("apply the patch to the specified folder").create("do")); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.hasArg().withArgName("folder") .withDescription("create a full patch for upgrade from all version (unless specified)") .create("full")); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.hasArgs(2).withArgName("old new").withValueSeparator(' ').withDescription( "create a patch for upgrade from 'old' to 'new'; 'old' and 'new' are the directory of the two versions") .create("patch")); // patch packer, extractor options.addOption(OptionBuilder.hasArgs(2).withArgName("file folder").withValueSeparator(' ') .withDescription("extract the patch 'file' to the folder").create("extract")); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.hasArg().withArgName("folder").withDescription("pack the folder to a patch") .create("pack")); // catalog options.addOption(OptionBuilder.hasArgs(2).withArgName("mode file").withValueSeparator(' ') .withDescription("e|d for 'mode', e for encrypt, d for decrypt; 'file' is the catalog file") .create("catalog")); // script validation options.addOption(OptionBuilder.hasArg().withArgName("file").withDescription("validate a XML script file") .create("validate")); // subsidary options options.addOption(OptionBuilder.hasArg().withArgName("file").withDescription("specify output to which file") .withLongOpt("output").create("o")); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.hasArg().withArgName("file").withDescription("specify the key file to use") .withLongOpt("key").create("k")); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.hasArg().withArgName("version").withDescription("specify the version-from") .withLongOpt("from").create("f")); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.hasArg().withArgName("version") .withDescription("specify the version-from-subsequent").withLongOpt("from-sub").create("fs")); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.hasArg().withArgName("version").withDescription("specify the version-to") .withLongOpt("to").create("t")); options.addOption(new Option("h", "help", false, "print this message")); options.addOption(new Option("v", "version", false, "show the version of this software")); options.addOption( new Option("vb", "verbose", false, "turn on verbose mode, output details when encounter error")); CommandLineParser parser = new GnuParser(); CommandLine line = null; try { line = parser.parse(options, args); if (line.hasOption("sha256")) { sha256(line, options); } else if (line.hasOption("genkey")) { genkey(line, options); } else if (line.hasOption("renew")) { renew(line, options); } else if (line.hasOption("diff")) { diff(line, options); } else if (line.hasOption("diffpatch")) { diffpatch(line, options); } else if (line.hasOption("compress")) { compress(line, options); } else if (line.hasOption("decompress")) { decompress(line, options); } else if (line.hasOption("do")) { doPatch(line, options); } else if (line.hasOption("full")) { full(line, options); } else if (line.hasOption("patch")) { patch(line, options); } else if (line.hasOption("extract")) { extract(line, options); } else if (line.hasOption("pack")) { pack(line, options); } else if (line.hasOption("catalog")) { catalog(line, options); } else if (line.hasOption("validate")) { validate(line, options); } else if (line.hasOption("version")) { version(); } else if (line.hasOption("help")) { showHelp(options); } else { version(); System.out.println(); showHelp(options); } } catch (ParseException ex) { System.out.println(ex.getMessage()); showHelp(options); } catch (Exception ex) { if (line.hasOption("verbose")) { ex.printStackTrace(System.out); } else { System.out.println(ex.getMessage()); } } } public static void sha256(CommandLine line, Options options) throws ParseException, Exception { String sha256Arg = line.getOptionValue("sha256"); String outputArg = line.getOptionValue("output"); System.out.println("File: " + sha256Arg); if (outputArg != null) { System.out.println("Output file: " + outputArg); } System.out.println(); String sha256 = Util.getSHA256String(new File(sha256Arg)); if (outputArg != null) { Util.writeFile(new File(outputArg), sha256); } System.out.println("Checksum: " + sha256); } public static void genkey(CommandLine line, Options options) throws ParseException, Exception { if (!line.hasOption("output")) { throw new Exception("Please specify the path to output the key file using --output or -o"); } String[] genkeyArgs = line.getOptionValues("genkey"); String outputArg = line.getOptionValue("output"); if (genkeyArgs.length != 2) { throw new ParseException("Wrong arguments for 'genkey', expecting 2 arguments"); } genkeyArgs[0] = genkeyArgs[0].toLowerCase(); if (!genkeyArgs[0].equals("aes") && !genkeyArgs[0].equals("rsa")) { throw new ParseException("Key generation only support AES and RSA."); } int keySize = 0; try { keySize = Integer.parseInt(genkeyArgs[1]); if (genkeyArgs[0].equals("rsa") && keySize < 512) { throw new Exception("Key length should at least 512 bits for RSA."); } if (keySize % 8 != 0) { throw new ParseException("Key length should be a multiple of 8."); } } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { throw new ParseException("Key length should be a valid integer, your input: " + genkeyArgs[1]); } System.out.println("Method: " + genkeyArgs[0]); System.out.println("Key size: " + keySize); System.out.println("Output path: " + outputArg); System.out.println(); if (genkeyArgs[0].equals("aes")) { KeyGenerator.generateAES(keySize, new File(outputArg)); } else { KeyGenerator.generateRSA(keySize, new File(outputArg)); } System.out.println("Key generated and saved to " + outputArg); } public static void renew(CommandLine line, Options options) throws ParseException, Exception { String renewArg = line.getOptionValue("renew"); System.out.println("Key file: " + renewArg); System.out.println(); KeyGenerator.renewAESIV(new File(renewArg)); System.out.println("AES IV renewal succeed."); } public static void diff(CommandLine line, Options options) throws ParseException, Exception { if (!line.hasOption("output")) { throw new Exception("Please specify the path to output the diff file using --output or -o"); } String[] diffArgs = line.getOptionValues("diff"); String outputArg = line.getOptionValue("output"); if (diffArgs.length != 2) { throw new ParseException("Wrong arguments for 'diff', expecting 2 arguments"); } System.out.println("Old file: " + diffArgs[0]); System.out.println("New file: " + diffArgs[1]); System.out.println("Diff file: " + outputArg); System.out.println(); FileOutputStream fout = null; try { fout = new FileOutputStream(new File(outputArg)); DiffWriter diffOut = new GDiffWriter(fout); Delta delta = new Delta(); delta.compute(new File(diffArgs[0]), new File(diffArgs[1]), diffOut); } finally { Util.closeQuietly(fout); } System.out.println("Diff file generated."); } public static void diffpatch(CommandLine line, Options options) throws ParseException, Exception { if (!line.hasOption("output")) { throw new Exception("Please specify the path to output the patched file using --output or -o"); } String[] diffpatchArgs = line.getOptionValues("diffpatch"); String outputArg = line.getOptionValue("output"); if (diffpatchArgs.length != 2) { throw new ParseException("Wrong arguments for 'diffpatch', expecting 2 arguments"); } System.out.println("File to apply patch to: " + diffpatchArgs[0]); System.out.println("Patch file: " + diffpatchArgs[1]); System.out.println("Output file: " + outputArg); System.out.println(); GDiffPatcher diffPatcher = new GDiffPatcher(); diffPatcher.patch(new File(diffpatchArgs[0]), new File(diffpatchArgs[1]), new File(outputArg)); System.out.println("Patching completed."); } public static void compress(CommandLine line, Options options) throws ParseException, Exception { // file patch if (!line.hasOption("output")) { throw new Exception("Please specify the path to output the compressed file using --output or -o"); } String compressArg = line.getOptionValue("compress"); String outputArg = line.getOptionValue("output"); System.out.println("File to compress: " + compressArg); System.out.println("Output file: " + outputArg); System.out.println(); FileInputStream fin = null; FileOutputStream fout = null; try { File inFile = new File(compressArg); long inFileLength = inFile.length(); fin = new FileInputStream(inFile); fout = new FileOutputStream(new File(outputArg)); XZOutputStream xzOut = new XZOutputStream(fout, new LZMA2Options()); int byteRead, cumulateByteRead = 0; byte[] b = new byte[32768]; while ((byteRead = != -1) { xzOut.write(b, 0, byteRead); cumulateByteRead += byteRead; if (cumulateByteRead >= inFileLength) { break; } } if (cumulateByteRead != inFileLength) { throw new Exception("Error occurred when reading the input file."); } xzOut.finish(); } finally { Util.closeQuietly(fin); Util.closeQuietly(fout); } System.out.println("Compression completed."); } public static void decompress(CommandLine line, Options options) throws ParseException, Exception { // file patch if (!line.hasOption("output")) { throw new Exception("Please specify the path to output the decompressed file using --output or -o"); } String decompressArg = line.getOptionValue("decompress"); String outputArg = line.getOptionValue("output"); System.out.println("File to decompress: " + decompressArg); System.out.println("Output file: " + outputArg); System.out.println(); FileInputStream fin = null; FileOutputStream fout = null; try { File inFile = new File(decompressArg); long inFileLength = inFile.length(); fin = new FileInputStream(inFile); XZInputStream xzIn = new XZInputStream(fin); fout = new FileOutputStream(new File(outputArg)); int byteRead, cumulateByteRead = 0; byte[] b = new byte[32768]; while ((byteRead = != -1) { fout.write(b, 0, byteRead); cumulateByteRead += byteRead; if (cumulateByteRead >= inFileLength) { break; } } if (cumulateByteRead != inFileLength) { throw new Exception("Error occurred when reading the input file."); } } finally { Util.closeQuietly(fin); Util.closeQuietly(fout); } System.out.println("Decompression completed."); } public static void doPatch(CommandLine line, Options options) throws ParseException, Exception { String[] doArgs = line.getOptionValues("do"); if (doArgs.length != 2) { throw new ParseException("Wrong arguments for 'do', expecting 2 arguments"); } System.out.println("Target folder: " + doArgs[0]); System.out.println("Patch file: " + doArgs[1]); System.out.println(); File patchFile = new File(doArgs[1]); File tempDir = new File("tmp/" + System.currentTimeMillis()); tempDir.mkdirs(); AESKey aesKey = null; File decryptedPatchFile = null; if (line.hasOption("key")) { aesKey = File(line.getOptionValue("key")))); if (aesKey.getKey().length != 32) { throw new Exception("Currently only support 256 bits AES key."); } decryptedPatchFile = new File( tempDir.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + patchFile.getName() + ".decrypted"); decryptedPatchFile.delete(); decryptedPatchFile.deleteOnExit(); patchFile = decryptedPatchFile; } Patcher patcher = new Patcher(new File(tempDir.getAbsolutePath() + "/action.log")); patcher.doPatch(new PatcherListener() { @Override public void patchProgress(int percentage, String message) { System.out.println(percentage + "%, " + message); } @Override public void patchEnableCancel(boolean enable) { } }, patchFile, 0, aesKey, new File(doArgs[0]), tempDir, new HashMap<String, String>()); System.out.println("Patch completed."); // preserve the log // Util.truncateFolder(tempDir); // tempDir.delete(); System.out.println(); System.out.println("Patch applied successfully."); } public static void full(CommandLine line, Options options) throws ParseException, Exception { if (!line.hasOption("output")) { throw new Exception("Please specify the path to output the patch using --output"); } if (!line.hasOption("from") && !line.hasOption("from-sub")) { throw new Exception("Please specify the version number of the old version --from or --from-sub"); } if (!line.hasOption("to")) { throw new Exception("Please specify the version number of the new version using --to"); } String fullArg = line.getOptionValue("full"); String outputArg = line.getOptionValue("output"); String fromArg = line.getOptionValue("from"); String fromSubsequentArg = line.getOptionValue("from-sub"); String toArg = line.getOptionValue("to"); System.out.println("Software version: " + toArg); System.out.println("Software directory: " + fullArg); if (fromArg != null) { System.out.println("For software with version == " + fromArg); } if (fromSubsequentArg != null) { System.out.println("For software with version >= " + fromSubsequentArg); } System.out.println("Path to save the generated patch: " + outputArg); System.out.println(); File tempDir = new File("tmp/" + System.currentTimeMillis()); tempDir.mkdirs(); AESKey aesKey = null; if (line.hasOption("key")) { aesKey = File(line.getOptionValue("key")))); if (aesKey.getKey().length != 32) { throw new Exception("Currently only support 256 bits AES key."); } } File patchFile = new File(outputArg); File encryptedPatchFile = new File( tempDir.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + patchFile.getName() + ".encrypted"); encryptedPatchFile.delete(); encryptedPatchFile.deleteOnExit(); PatchCreator.createFullPatch(new File(fullArg), new File(outputArg), -1, fromArg, fromSubsequentArg, toArg, aesKey, encryptedPatchFile); Util.truncateFolder(tempDir); tempDir.delete(); System.out.println("Patch created."); } public static void patch(CommandLine line, Options options) throws ParseException, Exception { if (!line.hasOption("output")) { throw new Exception("Please specify the path to output the patch using --output"); } if (!line.hasOption("from")) { throw new Exception("Please specify the version number of the old version using --from"); } if (!line.hasOption("to")) { throw new Exception("Please specify the version number of the new version using --to"); } String[] patchArgs = line.getOptionValues("patch"); String outputArg = line.getOptionValue("output"); String fromArg = line.getOptionValue("from"); String toArg = line.getOptionValue("to"); if (patchArgs.length != 2) { throw new ParseException("Wrong arguments for 'patch', expecting 2 arguments"); } System.out.println("Old software version: " + fromArg); System.out.println("Old software directory: " + patchArgs[0]); System.out.println("New software version: " + toArg); System.out.println("New software directory: " + patchArgs[1]); System.out.println("Path to save the generated patch: " + outputArg); if (line.hasOption("key")) { System.out.println("AES key file: " + line.getOptionValue("key")); } System.out.println(); File tempDir = new File("tmp/" + System.currentTimeMillis()); tempDir.mkdirs(); AESKey aesKey = null; if (line.hasOption("key")) { aesKey = File(line.getOptionValue("key")))); if (aesKey.getKey().length != 32) { throw new Exception("Currently only support 256 bits AES key."); } } File patchFile = new File(outputArg); File encryptedPatchFile = new File( tempDir.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + patchFile.getName() + ".encrypted"); encryptedPatchFile.delete(); encryptedPatchFile.deleteOnExit(); PatchCreator.createPatch(new File(patchArgs[0]), new File(patchArgs[1]), tempDir, patchFile, -1, fromArg, toArg, aesKey, encryptedPatchFile); Util.truncateFolder(tempDir); tempDir.delete(); System.out.println("Patch created."); } public static void extract(CommandLine line, Options options) throws ParseException, Exception { // file folder String[] extractArgs = line.getOptionValues("extract"); if (extractArgs.length != 2) { throw new ParseException("Wrong arguments for 'extract', expecting 2 arguments"); } System.out.println("Patch path: " + extractArgs[0]); System.out.println("Path to save the extracted files: " + extractArgs[1]); System.out.println(); File tempDir = new File("tmp/" + System.currentTimeMillis()); tempDir.mkdirs(); AESKey aesKey = null; if (line.hasOption("key")) { aesKey = File(line.getOptionValue("key")))); if (aesKey.getKey().length != 32) { throw new Exception("Currently only support 256 bits AES key."); } } File patchFile = new File(extractArgs[0]); File decryptedPatchFile = new File( tempDir.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + patchFile.getName() + ".decrypted"); decryptedPatchFile.delete(); decryptedPatchFile.deleteOnExit(); PatchExtractor.extract(patchFile, new File(extractArgs[1]), aesKey, decryptedPatchFile); Util.truncateFolder(tempDir); tempDir.delete(); System.out.println("Extraction completed."); } public static void pack(CommandLine line, Options options) throws ParseException, Exception { if (!line.hasOption("output")) { throw new Exception("Please specify the path to output the patch using --output"); } String packArg = line.getOptionValue("pack"); String outputArg = line.getOptionValue("output"); System.out.println("Folder to pack: " + packArg); System.out.println("Path to save the packed file: " + outputArg); System.out.println(); AESKey aesKey = null; if (line.hasOption("key")) { aesKey = File(line.getOptionValue("key")))); if (aesKey.getKey().length != 32) { throw new Exception("Currently only support 256 bits AES key."); } } File sourceFolder = new File(packArg); File encryptedPatchFile = new File("tmp/" + sourceFolder.getName() + ".enrypted"); encryptedPatchFile.delete(); encryptedPatchFile.deleteOnExit(); PatchPacker.pack(sourceFolder, new File(outputArg), aesKey, encryptedPatchFile); System.out.println("Packing completed."); } public static void catalog(CommandLine line, Options options) throws ParseException, Exception { if (!line.hasOption("key")) { throw new Exception("Please specify the key file to use using --key"); } if (!line.hasOption("output")) { throw new Exception("Please specify the path to output the XML file using --output"); } String[] catalogArgs = line.getOptionValues("catalog"); String keyArg = line.getOptionValue("key"); String outputArg = line.getOptionValue("output"); if (catalogArgs.length != 2) { throw new ParseException("Wrong arguments for 'catalog', expecting 2 arguments"); } if (!catalogArgs[0].equals("e") && !catalogArgs[0].equals("d")) { throw new ParseException("Catalog mode should be either 'e' or 'd' but not " + catalogArgs[0]); } RSAKey rsaKey = File(keyArg))); System.out.println("Mode: " + (catalogArgs[0].equals("e") ? "encrypt" : "decrypt")); System.out.println("Catalog file: " + catalogArgs[1]); System.out.println("Key file: " + keyArg); System.out.println("Output file: " + outputArg); System.out.println(); File in = new File(catalogArgs[1]); File out = new File(outputArg); BigInteger mod = new BigInteger(rsaKey.getModulus()); if (catalogArgs[0].equals("e")) { BigInteger privateExp = new BigInteger(rsaKey.getPrivateExponent()); RSAPrivateKey privateKey = CommonUtil.getPrivateKey(mod, privateExp); // compress ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); GZIPOutputStream gout = new GZIPOutputStream(bout); gout.write(Util.readFile(in)); gout.finish(); byte[] compressedData = bout.toByteArray(); // encrypt int blockSize = mod.bitLength() / 8; byte[] encrypted = Util.rsaEncrypt(privateKey, blockSize, blockSize - 11, compressedData); // write to file Util.writeFile(out, encrypted); } else { BigInteger publicExp = new BigInteger(rsaKey.getPublicExponent()); RSAPublicKey publicKey = CommonUtil.getPublicKey(mod, publicExp); // decrypt int blockSize = mod.bitLength() / 8; byte[] decrypted = Util.rsaDecrypt(publicKey, blockSize, Util.readFile(in)); // decompress ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ByteArrayInputStream bin = new ByteArrayInputStream(decrypted); GZIPInputStream gin = new GZIPInputStream(bin); int byteRead; byte[] b = new byte[1024]; while ((byteRead = != -1) { bout.write(b, 0, byteRead); } byte[] decompressedData = bout.toByteArray(); // write to file Util.writeFile(out, decompressedData); } System.out.println("Manipulation succeed."); } public static void validate(CommandLine line, Options options) throws ParseException, Exception { String validateArg = line.getOptionValue("validate"); String outputArg = line.getOptionValue("output"); System.out.println("Script file: " + validateArg); if (outputArg != null) { System.out.println("Output file: " + outputArg); } System.out.println(); byte[] scriptContent = Util.readFile(new File(validateArg)); Document doc = XMLUtil.readDocument(scriptContent); Element rootElement = doc.getDocumentElement(); byte[] contentToOutput = null; String rootElementTag = rootElement.getTagName(); if (rootElementTag.equals("patches")) { contentToOutput =; } else if (rootElementTag.equals("patch")) { contentToOutput =; } else if (rootElementTag.equals("root")) { contentToOutput =; } else { throw new Exception("Failed to recognize the script file."); } if (outputArg != null) { Util.writeFile(new File(outputArg), contentToOutput); } System.out.println("Validation finished."); } public static void version() { System.out.println("Software Updater - Patch Builder\r\nversion: 0.9.4 beta"); } public static void showHelp(Options options) { HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp("builder", options); } }