Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Class:        SSJCategorySeriesCollection
 * Description:  
 * Environment:  Java
 * Software:     SSJ 
 * Copyright (C) 2001  Pierre L'Ecuyer and Universite de Montreal
 * Organization: DIRO, Universite de Montreal
 * @author       
 * @since
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package umontreal.ssj.charts;

import org.jfree.chart.renderer.category.CategoryItemRenderer;

import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Formatter;
import java.awt.Color;

 * Stores data used in a `CategoryChart`. This class provides tools to manage
 * data sets and rendering options, and modify plot color, plot style, and
 * marks on points for each series.
 * <div class="SSJ-bigskip"></div>
public abstract class SSJCategorySeriesCollection {
    protected CategoryItemRenderer renderer;
    protected CategoryDataset seriesCollection;

     * @name Data control methods
     * @{

     * Returns the category-value in the specified series.
     *  @param series       required series value.
     *  @return @f$x@f$-value at the specified index in the specified
     * series.
    public String getCategory(int series) {
        return seriesCollection.getColumnKey(series).toString();

     * Returns the @f$y@f$-value at the specified index in the specified
     * series.
     *  @param series       required series value.
     *  @param index        values index.
     *  @return @f$y@f$-value at the specified index in the specified
     * series.
    public double getValue(int series, int index) {
        return (Double) seriesCollection.getValue(series, index);

     * Returns the `CategoryDataset` object associated with the current
     * object.
     *  @return `CategoryDataset` object associated with the current
     * variable.
    public CategoryDataset getSeriesCollection() {
        return seriesCollection;

     * Returns range (@f$y@f$-coordinates) min and max values.
     *  @return range min and max values.
    public abstract double[] getRangeBounds();

     * Returns in a `String` all data contained in the current object.
     *  @return All data contained in the current object as a  String.
    public abstract String toString();

     * @}

     * @name Rendering methods
     * @{

     * Returns the `CategoryItemRenderer` object associated with the
     * current object.
     *  @return `CategoryItemRenderer` object associated with the current
     * variable.
    public CategoryItemRenderer getRenderer() {
        return renderer;

     * Sets the `CategoryItemRenderer` object associated with the current
     * variable. This object determines the chart JFreeChart look, produced
     * by method `view` in class  @ref umontreal.ssj.charts.XYChart.
     *  @param renderer      new `CategoryItemRenderer` object.
    public void setRenderer(CategoryItemRenderer renderer) {
        this.renderer = renderer;

     * Gets the current plotting color of the selected series.
     *  @return current plotting color.
    public Color getColor(int series) {
        return (Color) renderer.getSeriesPaint(series);

     * Sets a new plotting color to the series @f$series@f$.
     *  @param series       series index.
     *  @param color        plotting color.
    public void setColor(int series, Color color) {
        renderer.setSeriesPaint(series, color);

     * Formats and returns a string containing a LaTeX-compatible source
     * code which represents this data series collection. The original
     * datasets are shifted and scaled with the `YShift` and `YScale`
     * parameters. `ymin` and `ymax` represent the chart bounds.
     *  @param YScale       Range original data scale.
     *  @param YShift       Range original data shift value.
     *  @param ymin         Range min bound.
     *  @param ymax         Range max bound.
     *  @return Latex code.
    public abstract String toLatex(double YScale, double YShift, double ymin, double ymax);

     * Converts a java Color object into a friendly and readable LaTeX/xcolor string.
     * @param   color    in color.
     * @return           friendly color with string format as possible, null otherwise.
    protected static String detectXColorClassic(Color color) {
        String retour = null;

        int red = color.getRed();
        int green = color.getGreen();
        int blue = color.getBlue();

        // On utilise pas la method Color.equals(Color ) car on ne veut pas tester le parametre de transparence : Alpha
        if (red == Color.GREEN.getRed() && blue == Color.GREEN.getBlue() && green == Color.GREEN.getGreen())
            return "green";
        else if (red == Color.RED.getRed() && blue == Color.RED.getBlue() && green == Color.RED.getGreen())
            return "red";
        else if (red == Color.WHITE.getRed() && blue == Color.WHITE.getBlue() && green == Color.WHITE.getGreen())
            return "white";
        else if (red == Color.GRAY.getRed() && blue == Color.GRAY.getBlue() && green == Color.GRAY.getGreen())
            return "gray";
        else if (red == Color.BLACK.getRed() && blue == Color.BLACK.getBlue() && green == Color.BLACK.getGreen())
            return "black";
        else if (red == Color.YELLOW.getRed() && blue == Color.YELLOW.getBlue() && green == Color.YELLOW.getGreen())
            return "yellow";
        else if (red == Color.MAGENTA.getRed() && blue == Color.MAGENTA.getBlue()
                && green == Color.MAGENTA.getGreen())
            return "magenta";
        else if (red == Color.CYAN.getRed() && blue == Color.CYAN.getBlue() && green == Color.CYAN.getGreen())
            return "cyan";
        else if (red == Color.BLUE.getRed() && blue == Color.BLUE.getBlue() && green == Color.BLUE.getGreen())
            return "blue";
        else if (red == Color.DARK_GRAY.getRed() && blue == Color.DARK_GRAY.getBlue()
                && green == Color.DARK_GRAY.getGreen())
            return "darkgray";
        else if (red == Color.LIGHT_GRAY.getRed() && blue == Color.LIGHT_GRAY.getBlue()
                && green == Color.LIGHT_GRAY.getGreen())
            return "lightgray";
        else if (red == Color.ORANGE.getRed() && blue == Color.ORANGE.getBlue() && green == Color.ORANGE.getGreen())
            return "orange";
        else if (red == Color.PINK.getRed() && blue == Color.PINK.getBlue() && green == Color.PINK.getGreen())
            return "pink";

        if (red == 192 && blue == 128 && green == 64)
            return "brown";
        else if (red == 128 && blue == 128 && green == 0)
            return "olive";
        else if (red == 128 && blue == 0 && green == 128)
            return "violet";
        else if (red == 192 && blue == 0 && green == 64)
            return "purple";
            return null;

     * Gives the default color associated with a series
     * @param   index Index of the series in the CategoryDataset object.
     * @return        default color object.
    protected static Color getDefaultColor(int index) {
        if (index % 6 == 0)
            return Color.RED;
        else if (index % 6 == 1)
            return Color.BLUE;
        else if (index % 6 == 2)
            return Color.GREEN;
        else if (index % 6 == 3)
            return Color.YELLOW;
        else if (index % 6 == 4)
            return Color.MAGENTA;
            return Color.CYAN;

    // Returns maximum value in table t
    protected static double max(double[] t) {
        double aux = t[0];
        for (int i = 1; i < t.length; i++)
            if (t[i] > aux)
                aux = t[i];
        return aux;

    // Returns minimum value in table t
    protected static double min(double[] t) {
        double aux = t[0];
        for (int i = 1; i < t.length; i++)
            if (t[i] < aux)
                aux = t[i];
        return aux;

 * @}