Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Class:        EmpiricalChart
 * Description:  
 * Environment:  Java
 * Software:     SSJ 
 * Copyright (C) 2001  Pierre L'Ecuyer and Universit de Montral
 * Organization: DIRO, Universit de Montral
 * @author       
 * @since
 * SSJ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
 * the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) as published by the
 * Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * any later version.
 * SSJ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
   <a href="">GPL licence site</a>.

package umontreal.iro.lecuyer.charts;

import umontreal.iro.lecuyer.stat.TallyStore;

import org.jfree.chart.ChartPanel;
import org.jfree.chart.ChartFactory;
import org.jfree.chart.axis.NumberAxis;
import org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot;
import org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotOrientation;

import cern.colt.list.DoubleArrayList;

import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Formatter;
import javax.swing.JFrame;

 * This class provides additional tools to create and manage empirical
 * plots. Empirical plots are used to plot empirical distributions. The
 * {@link EmpiricalChart} class is the simplest way to produce empirical
 *   plots only. Each {@link EmpiricalChart} object is linked with an
 * {@link umontreal.iro.lecuyer.charts.EmpiricalSeriesCollection EmpiricalSeriesCollection}
 * data set.
public class EmpiricalChart extends XYChart {

    protected void init(String title, String XLabel, String YLabel) {
        // create the chart...
        chart = ChartFactory.createXYLineChart(title, // chart title
                XLabel, // x axis label
                YLabel, // y axis label
                dataset.getSeriesCollection(), // data
                PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, true, // include legend
                true, // tool tips
                false // urls
        ((XYPlot) chart.getPlot()).setRenderer(dataset.getRenderer());
        // Initialize axis variables
        XAxis = new Axis((NumberAxis) ((XYPlot) chart.getPlot()).getDomainAxis(), Axis.ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL);
        YAxis = new Axis((NumberAxis) ((XYPlot) chart.getPlot()).getRangeAxis(), Axis.ORIENTATION_VERTICAL);

    private void fixZeroPoint() {
        // reset the first point (x0, 0) with x0 at the beginning of x-axis
        double xmin = Math.min(XAxis.getAxis().getRange().getLowerBound(), XAxis.getTwinAxisPosition());
        XYSeriesCollection col = (XYSeriesCollection) dataset.getSeriesCollection();
        for (int i = 0; i < col.getSeriesCount(); i++) {
            XYSeries ser = col.getSeries(i);
            ser.remove(0); // remove temporary 0-point
            ser.add(xmin, 0); // replace

     * Initializes a new <TT>EmpiricalChart</TT> instance with an empty data set.
    public EmpiricalChart() {
        dataset = new EmpiricalSeriesCollection();
        init(null, null, null);

     * Initializes a new <TT>EmpiricalChart</TT> instance with data <TT>data</TT>.
     *    <TT>title</TT> is a title, <TT>XLabel</TT> is a short description of
     *    the <SPAN CLASS="MATH"><I>x</I></SPAN>-axis and <TT>YLabel</TT> a short description of the <SPAN CLASS="MATH"><I>y</I></SPAN>-axis.
     *    The input vectors <TT>data</TT> represents a collection of observation sets.
     *    Each vector of <TT>data</TT> represents a <SPAN CLASS="MATH"><I>x</I></SPAN>-coordinates set.
     *    Therefore <TT>data</TT>
     * <SPAN CLASS="MATH">[<I>i</I>], <I>i</I> = 0,&#8230;, <I>n</I> - 1</SPAN>, is used to draw the <SPAN CLASS="MATH"><I>i</I></SPAN>-th plot.
     *    The values of each observation set <TT>data</TT><SPAN CLASS="MATH">[<I>i</I>]</SPAN> <SPAN  CLASS="textit">must be sorted</SPAN>
     *    in increasing order.
     * @param title chart title.
     *    @param XLabel Label on <SPAN CLASS="MATH"><I>x</I></SPAN>-axis.
     *    @param YLabel Label on <SPAN CLASS="MATH"><I>y</I></SPAN>-axis.
     *    @param data series of point sets.
    public EmpiricalChart(String title, String XLabel, String YLabel, double[]... data) {
        dataset = new EmpiricalSeriesCollection(data);
        init(title, XLabel, YLabel);

     * Initializes a new <TT>EmpiricalChart</TT> instance with a set of points
     *    <TT>data</TT>. <TT>title</TT> is a title, <TT>XLabel</TT> is a short
     *    description of the <SPAN CLASS="MATH"><I>x</I></SPAN>-axis and <TT>YLabel</TT> a short description of the
     *    <SPAN CLASS="MATH"><I>y</I></SPAN>-axis. Vector <TT>data</TT> represents a <SPAN CLASS="MATH"><I>x</I></SPAN>-coordinates set. The values
     *    of this observation set <SPAN  CLASS="textit">must be sorted</SPAN> in increasing order. Only
     *    <SPAN  CLASS="textit">the first</SPAN> <TT>numPoints</TT> of <TT>data</TT> will
     *    be considered to plot.
     * @param title chart title.
     *    @param XLabel Label on <SPAN CLASS="MATH"><I>x</I></SPAN>-axis.
     *    @param YLabel Label on <SPAN CLASS="MATH"><I>y</I></SPAN>-axis.
     *    @param data series of point sets.
     *    @param numPoints number of points to plot
    public EmpiricalChart(String title, String XLabel, String YLabel, double[] data, int numPoints) {
        dataset = new EmpiricalSeriesCollection(data, numPoints);
        init(title, XLabel, YLabel);

     * Similar to the above constructor, but with <TT>DoubleArrayList</TT>.
     *    A {@link cern.colt.list.DoubleArrayList DoubleArrayList} from the Colt library is
     *    used to store data. The values of each observation set <TT>data</TT><SPAN CLASS="MATH">[<I>i</I>]</SPAN>
     *    <SPAN  CLASS="textit">must be sorted</SPAN> in increasing order.
     * @param title chart title.
     *    @param XLabel Label on <SPAN CLASS="MATH"><I>x</I></SPAN>-axis.
     *    @param YLabel Label on <SPAN CLASS="MATH"><I>y</I></SPAN>-axis.
     *    @param data series of point sets.
    public EmpiricalChart(String title, String XLabel, String YLabel, DoubleArrayList... data) {
        dataset = new EmpiricalSeriesCollection(data);
        init(title, XLabel, YLabel);

     * Initializes a new <TT>EmpiricalChart</TT> instance with data arrays
     *    contained in each
     *    {@link umontreal.iro.lecuyer.stat.TallyStore TallyStore} object. The input
     *    parameter <TT>tallies</TT> represents a collection of observation sets.
     *    Therefore, the <SPAN CLASS="MATH"><I>i</I></SPAN>-th <TT>tallies</TT> is used to draw
     *      the <SPAN CLASS="MATH"><I>i</I></SPAN>-th plot.
     * @param title chart title.
     *    @param XLabel Label on <SPAN CLASS="MATH"><I>x</I></SPAN>-axis.
     *    @param YLabel Label on <SPAN CLASS="MATH"><I>y</I></SPAN>-axis.
     *    @param tallies series of observation sets.
    public EmpiricalChart(String title, String XLabel, String YLabel, TallyStore... tallies) {
        dataset = new EmpiricalSeriesCollection(tallies);
        init(title, XLabel, YLabel);

     * Initializes a new <TT>EmpiricalChart</TT> instance with data <TT>data</TT>.
     *    The input parameter <TT>data</TT> represents a set of plotting data.
     *    <TT>XYSeriesCollection</TT> is a <TT>JFreeChart</TT>-like container class
     *     used to store and manage observation sets.
     * @param title chart title.
     *    @param XLabel Label on <SPAN CLASS="MATH"><I>x</I></SPAN>-axis.
     *    @param YLabel Label on <SPAN CLASS="MATH"><I>y</I></SPAN>-axis.
     *    @param data series collection.
    public EmpiricalChart(String title, String XLabel, String YLabel, XYSeriesCollection data) {
        dataset = new EmpiricalSeriesCollection(data);
        init(title, XLabel, YLabel);

     * Returns the chart's dataset.
     * @return the chart's dataset.
    public EmpiricalSeriesCollection getSeriesCollection() {
        return (EmpiricalSeriesCollection) dataset;

     * Links a new dataset to the current chart.
     * @param dataset new dataset.
    public void setSeriesCollection(EmpiricalSeriesCollection dataset) {
        this.dataset = dataset;

     * Synchronizes <SPAN CLASS="MATH"><I>x</I></SPAN>-axis ticks to the <SPAN CLASS="MATH"><I>s</I></SPAN>-th series <SPAN CLASS="MATH"><I>x</I></SPAN>-values.
     * @param s series used to define ticks.
    public void setTicksSynchro(int s) {
        XYSeriesCollection seriesCollection = (XYSeriesCollection) this.dataset.getSeriesCollection();
        double[] values = new double[seriesCollection.getItemCount(s)];

        for (int i = 0; i < seriesCollection.getItemCount(s); i++)
            values[i] = seriesCollection.getXValue(s, i);


     * Displays chart on the screen using Swing.
     *    This method creates an application containing a chart panel displaying
     *    the chart.  The created frame is positioned on-screen, and displayed before
     *    it is returned. The <TT>width</TT> and the <TT>height</TT>
     *    of the chart are measured in pixels.
     * @param width frame width in pixels.
     *    @param height frame height in pixels.
     *    @return frame containing the chart.
    public JFrame view(int width, int height) {
        JFrame myFrame;
        if (chart.getTitle() != null)
            myFrame = new JFrame("EmpiricalChart from SSJ : " + chart.getTitle().getText());
            myFrame = new JFrame("EmpiricalChart from SSJ");
        ChartPanel chartPanel = new ChartPanel(chart);
        chartPanel.setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(width, height));
        return myFrame;

    public String toLatex(double width, double height) {
        double xunit, yunit;
        double[] save = new double[4];

        if (dataset.getSeriesCollection().getSeriesCount() == 0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Empty chart");

        //Calcul des parametres d'echelle et de decalage
        double XScale = computeXScale(XAxis.getTwinAxisPosition());
        double YScale = computeYScale(YAxis.getTwinAxisPosition());

        xunit = width / ((Math.max(XAxis.getAxis().getRange().getUpperBound(), XAxis.getTwinAxisPosition())
                * XScale)
                - (Math.min(XAxis.getAxis().getRange().getLowerBound(), XAxis.getTwinAxisPosition()) * XScale));
        //taille d'une unite en x et en cm dans l'objet "tikzpicture"
        yunit = height / ((Math.max(YAxis.getAxis().getRange().getUpperBound(), YAxis.getTwinAxisPosition())
                * YScale)
                - (Math.min(YAxis.getAxis().getRange().getLowerBound(), YAxis.getTwinAxisPosition()) * YScale));
        //taille d'une unite en y et en cm dans l'objet "tikzpicture"

        Formatter formatter = new Formatter(Locale.US);

        /*Entete du document*/
        if (latexDocFlag) {
        if (chart.getTitle() != null)
            formatter.format("%% PGF/TikZ picture from SSJ : %s%n", chart.getTitle().getText());
            formatter.format("%% PGF/TikZ picture from SSJ %n");
        formatter.format("%% XScale = %s,  YScale = %s,  XShift = %s,  YShift = %s%n", XScale, YScale,
                XAxis.getTwinAxisPosition(), YAxis.getTwinAxisPosition());
        formatter.format("%% Therefore, thisFileXValue = (originalSeriesXValue+XShift)*XScale%n");
        formatter.format("%%        and thisFileYValue = (originalSeriesYValue+YShift)*YScale%n%n");
        if (chart.getTitle() != null)
        formatter.format("\\begin{tikzpicture}[x=%scm, y=%scm]%n", xunit, yunit);
        if (grid)
            formatter.format("\\draw[color=lightgray] (%s, %s) grid[xstep = %s, ystep=%s] (%s, %s);%n",
                    (Math.min(XAxis.getAxis().getRange().getLowerBound(), XAxis.getTwinAxisPosition())
                            - XAxis.getTwinAxisPosition()) * XScale,
                    (Math.min(YAxis.getAxis().getRange().getLowerBound(), YAxis.getTwinAxisPosition())
                            - YAxis.getTwinAxisPosition()) * YScale,
                    xstepGrid * XScale, ystepGrid * YScale,
                    (Math.max(XAxis.getAxis().getRange().getUpperBound(), XAxis.getTwinAxisPosition())
                            - XAxis.getTwinAxisPosition()) * XScale,
                    (Math.max(YAxis.getAxis().getRange().getUpperBound(), YAxis.getTwinAxisPosition())
                            - YAxis.getTwinAxisPosition()) * YScale);
        formatter.format("%s", XAxis.toLatex(XScale));
        formatter.format("%s", YAxis.toLatex(YScale));

                dataset.toLatex(XScale, YScale, XAxis.getTwinAxisPosition(), YAxis.getTwinAxisPosition(),
                        XAxis.getAxis().getLowerBound(), XAxis.getAxis().getUpperBound(),
                        YAxis.getAxis().getLowerBound(), YAxis.getAxis().getUpperBound()));

        if (chart.getTitle() != null) {
        if (latexDocFlag)
        return formatter.toString();
