Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2016 Gregory Jensen * * * This file is part of concordion-json-compare-plugin. * * concordion-json-compare-plugin is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * concordion-json-compare-plugin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with concordion-json-compare-plugin. If not, see <>. */ package uk.thetasinner.concordion.extension.json.internal; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONObject; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; /** * Created by ThetaSinner on 13/02/2016. * * Tooling for JSON comparison. * * The areJsonDocumentsSimilar method tries to check quickly if the documents are equal. * If the documents are not equal then a slower comparison is done which keeps track of any differences. * The results of the slower comparison are stored in jsonDiffLines to be displayed later. */ public class JsonComparer { private final List<String> jsonDiffLines = new ArrayList<String>(); public boolean areJsonDocumentsSimilar(JSONObject jsonObjectExpected, JSONObject jsonObjectActual) { if (jsonObjectExpected.similar(jsonObjectActual)) { return true; } compareJsonObjects(jsonObjectExpected, jsonObjectActual, JsonKeyPath.DUMMY_ROOT_ELEMENT); return false; } public List<String> getJsonDiffLines() { return jsonDiffLines; } private void compareJsonObjects(JSONObject expected, JSONObject actual, String keyPath) { Set<String> expectedKeySet = expected.keySet(); Set<String> actualKeySet = actual.keySet(); checkNumberOfKeysMatches(expectedKeySet, actualKeySet, keyPath); for (final String key : mergeSets(expectedKeySet, actualKeySet)) { if (!expectedKeySet.contains(key)) { jsonDiffLines.add("Did not expect presence of key <" + key + ">" + JsonKeyPath.format(keyPath)); continue; } if (!actualKeySet.contains(key)) { jsonDiffLines.add("Expected presence of key <" + key + ">" + JsonKeyPath.format(keyPath)); continue; } routeComparison(expected, actual, keyPath, key); } } private void compareJsonArrays(JSONArray expected, JSONArray actual, String keyPath) { int expectedLength = expected.length(); int actualLength = actual.length(); checkArrayLengthsMatch(expectedLength, actualLength, keyPath); int maxArrayLength = Math.max(expectedLength, actualLength); for (int i = 0; i < maxArrayLength; i++) { if (i >= expectedLength) { jsonDiffLines.add("Extra array element <" + actual.get(i) + ">" + JsonKeyPath.format(keyPath)); continue; } if (i >= actualLength) { jsonDiffLines.add("Missing array element <" + expected.get(i) + ">" + JsonKeyPath.format(keyPath)); continue; } routeComparison(expected, actual, keyPath, i); } } private <E, A> void compareValues(E expected, A actual, String keyPath) { if (!expected.getClass().equals(actual.getClass())) { jsonDiffLines.add("Type mismatch, expected <" + expected.getClass().getName() + "> but was <" + actual.getClass().getName() + ">" + JsonKeyPath.format(keyPath)); } if (!expected.equals(actual)) { jsonDiffLines.add("Value mismatch, expected <" + expected + "> but was <" + actual + ">" + JsonKeyPath.format(keyPath)); } } private void routeComparison(JSONArray expected, JSONArray actual, String keyPath, int index) { Object expectedValue = expected.get(index); Object actualValue = actual.get(index); routeComparison(expectedValue, actualValue, JsonKeyPath.navigateTo(keyPath, index)); } private void routeComparison(JSONObject expected, JSONObject actual, String keyPath, String key) { Object expectedValue = expected.get(key); Object actualValue = actual.get(key); routeComparison(expectedValue, actualValue, JsonKeyPath.navigateTo(keyPath, key)); } private void routeComparison(Object expected, Object actual, String keyPath) { if ((expected instanceof JSONObject) && (actual instanceof JSONObject)) { compareJsonObjects((JSONObject) expected, (JSONObject) actual, keyPath); } else if ((expected instanceof JSONArray) && (actual instanceof JSONArray)) { compareJsonArrays((JSONArray) expected, (JSONArray) actual, keyPath); } else { compareValues(expected, actual, keyPath); } } private void checkNumberOfKeysMatches(Set<String> expectedKeySet, Set<String> actualKeySet, String keyPath) { if (expectedKeySet.size() != actualKeySet.size()) { jsonDiffLines.add("Expected number of keys <" + expectedKeySet.size() + "> but was <" + actualKeySet.size() + ">" + JsonKeyPath.format(keyPath)); } } private void checkArrayLengthsMatch(int expectedLength, int actualLength, String keyPath) { if (expectedLength != actualLength) { jsonDiffLines.add("Expected array length <" + expectedLength + "> but was <" + actualLength + ">" + JsonKeyPath.format(keyPath)); } } private Set<String> mergeSets(Set<String> expectedKeySet, Set<String> actualKeySet) { Set<String> mergedKeySet = new HashSet<String>(expectedKeySet.size()); mergedKeySet.addAll(expectedKeySet); mergedKeySet.addAll(actualKeySet); return mergedKeySet; } }