Java tutorial
/* * * * Copyright (c) 2016. David Sowerby * * * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on * * an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * */ package uk.q3c.krail.core.ui; import com.github.mcollovati.vertx.vaadin.communication.SockJSPushConnection; import com.vaadin.annotations.Push; import com.vaadin.server.ErrorHandler; import com.vaadin.server.Page; import com.vaadin.server.VaadinRequest; import com.vaadin.server.VaadinSession; import com.vaadin.server.communication.PushConnection; import com.vaadin.shared.ui.ui.UIState; import com.vaadin.ui.AbstractOrderedLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.Component; import com.vaadin.ui.Panel; import com.vaadin.ui.UI; import net.engio.mbassy.listener.Handler; import net.engio.mbassy.listener.Listener; import org.apache.commons.lang3.reflect.FieldUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import uk.q3c.krail.core.ConfigurationException; import uk.q3c.krail.core.eventbus.SessionBus; import uk.q3c.krail.core.eventbus.UIBus; import uk.q3c.krail.core.form.Form; import uk.q3c.krail.core.guice.uiscope.UIKey; import uk.q3c.krail.core.guice.uiscope.UIScope; import uk.q3c.krail.core.guice.uiscope.UIScoped; import uk.q3c.krail.core.i18n.I18NProcessor; import uk.q3c.krail.core.navigate.Navigator; import uk.q3c.krail.core.push.Broadcaster; import uk.q3c.krail.core.push.Broadcaster.BroadcastListener; import uk.q3c.krail.core.push.KrailPushConfiguration; import uk.q3c.krail.core.push.PushMessageRouter; import uk.q3c.krail.core.view.KrailView; import uk.q3c.krail.core.view.KrailViewHolder; import uk.q3c.krail.eventbus.SubscribeTo; import uk.q3c.krail.i18n.CurrentLocale; import uk.q3c.krail.i18n.LocaleChangeBusMessage; import uk.q3c.krail.i18n.Translate; import uk.q3c.util.guice.SerializationSupport; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import static; /** * The base class for all Krail UIs, it provides an essential part of the {@link UIScoped} mechanism. It also provides * support for Vaadin Server Push (but only if you annotate your sub-class with {@link Push}), by capturing broadcast * messages in {@link #processBroadcastMessage(String, String, UIKey, int)} and passing them to the {@link PushMessageRouter}. * <p> * For a description of the Krail server push implementation see: * <p> * The devloper guide provides more information on the changes for Vertx: See * * @author David Sowerby */ @Listener @SubscribeTo({ UIBus.class, SessionBus.class }) public abstract class ScopedUI extends UI implements KrailViewHolder, BroadcastListener { private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ScopedUI.class); protected final CurrentLocale currentLocale; private final ErrorHandler errorHandler; // private final ConverterFactory converterFactory; private final PushMessageRouter pushMessageRouter; private final Navigator navigator; private final ApplicationTitle applicationTitle; protected final Translate translate; protected final I18NProcessor i18NProcessor; protected boolean viewDisplayPanelSizeFull = true; private SerializationSupport serializationSupport; private KrailPushConfiguration pushConfig; private Broadcaster broadcaster; private UIKey instanceKey; protected AbstractOrderedLayout screenLayout; private UIScope uiScope; protected KrailView view; private Panel viewDisplayPanel; protected ScopedUI(Navigator navigator, ErrorHandler errorHandler, Broadcaster broadcaster, PushMessageRouter pushMessageRouter, ApplicationTitle applicationTitle, Translate translate, CurrentLocale currentLocale, I18NProcessor i18NProcessor, SerializationSupport serializationSupport, KrailPushConfiguration pushConfig) { super(); this.errorHandler = errorHandler; this.navigator = navigator; // this.converterFactory = converterFactory; this.broadcaster = broadcaster; this.pushMessageRouter = pushMessageRouter; this.applicationTitle = applicationTitle; this.translate = translate; this.i18NProcessor = i18NProcessor; this.currentLocale = currentLocale; this.serializationSupport = serializationSupport; registerWithBroadcaster(); overridePushConfiguration(pushConfig); } /** * A rather horrible way of setting the value of private field from parent class. See * * @param pushConfig */ private void overridePushConfiguration(KrailPushConfiguration pushConfig) { try { pushConfig.setUi(this); Field pushConfigField = FieldUtils.getField(this.getClass(), "pushConfiguration", true); pushConfigField.set(this, pushConfig); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to set up push for the UI", e); } } protected final void registerWithBroadcaster() { broadcaster.register(Broadcaster.ALL_MESSAGES, this); } public UIKey getInstanceKey() { return instanceKey; } protected void setInstanceKey(UIKey instanceKey) { checkNotNull(instanceKey); this.instanceKey = instanceKey; } protected void setScope(UIScope uiScope) { checkNotNull(uiScope); this.uiScope = uiScope; uiScope.setSerializationSupport(serializationSupport); } @Override public void detach() { if (uiScope != null) { uiScope.releaseScope(instanceKey); } broadcaster.unregister(Broadcaster.ALL_MESSAGES, this); super.detach(); } /** * The Vaadin navigator has been replaced by the Navigator, use {@link #getKrailNavigator()} instead. Would prefer to throw an exception but this method * still gets called by core Vaadin * * @see com.vaadin.ui.UI#getNavigator() */ @Override @Deprecated public com.vaadin.navigator.Navigator getNavigator() { return null; } @Override public void setNavigator(com.vaadin.navigator.Navigator navigator) { throw new MethodReconfigured("UI.setNavigator() not available, use injection instead"); } @Override public void changeView(KrailView toView) { checkNotNull(toView); log.debug("changing view to {}", toView.getName()); Component content = toView.getRootComponent(); if (content == null) { throw new ConfigurationException("The root component for " + toView.getName() + " cannot be null"); } if (toView instanceof Form) { ((Form) toView).translate(); } else { i18NProcessor.translate(toView); } content.setSizeFull(); getViewDisplayPanel().setContent(content); this.view = toView; updatePageTitle(); } protected void updatePageTitle() { String pageTitle = pageTitle(); getPage().setTitle(pageTitle); log.debug("Page title set to '{}'", pageTitle); } public Panel getViewDisplayPanel() { if (viewDisplayPanel == null) { viewDisplayPanel = new Panel(); } return viewDisplayPanel; } /** * Make sure you call this from sub-class overrides. The Vaadin Page is not available during the construction of * this class, but is available when this method is invoked. As a result, this method sets the navigator a listener * for URI changes and obtains the browser locale setting for initialising {@link CurrentLocale}. Both of these are * provided by the Vaadin Page. * * @see com.vaadin.ui.UI#init(com.vaadin.server.VaadinRequest) */ @Override protected void init(VaadinRequest request) { log.debug("initialising ScopedUI"); setConnectionUid(); VaadinSession session = getSession(); // session.setConverterFactory(converterFactory); // page isn't available during injected construction, so we have to do this here Page page = getPage(); page.addPopStateListener(navigator); setErrorHandler(errorHandler); session.setErrorHandler(errorHandler); page.setTitle(pageTitle()); // also loads the UserSitemap if not already loaded getKrailNavigator().init(); //layout this UI, which may also create UYI components doLayout(); // now that browser is active, and user sitemap loaded, and UI constructed, set up currentLocale currentLocale.readFromEnvironment(); i18NProcessor.translate(this); // Navigate to the correct start point String fragment = getPage().getUriFragment(); getKrailNavigator().navigateTo(fragment); } /** * */ private void setConnectionUid() { PushConnection pushConnection = getPushConnection(); if (pushConnection != null) { if (pushConnection instanceof SockJSPushConnection) { SockJSPushConnection sockConnection = (SockJSPushConnection) pushConnection; Field uiIdField = FieldUtils.getField(SockJSPushConnection.class, "uiId", true); try { uiIdField.set(sockConnection, this.getUIId()); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to set up push connection with correct UI Id", e); } } } } public Navigator getKrailNavigator() { return navigator; } /** * Provides a locale sensitive title for your application (which appears in the browser tab). The title is defined * by the {@link #applicationTitle}, which should be specified in your sub-class of {@link DefaultUIModule}. If view is not null, the view name is * appended to the application name * * @return locale sensitive page title */ protected String pageTitle() { return view == null ? translate.from(applicationTitle.getTitleKey()) : translate.from(applicationTitle.getTitleKey()) + ' ' + view.getName(); } /** * Uses the {@link #screenLayout} defined by sub-class implementations of {@link #screenLayout()}, expands it to * full size, and sets the View display panel to take up all spare space. */ protected void doLayout() { if (screenLayout == null) { screenLayout = screenLayout(); } screenLayout.setSizeFull(); if (viewDisplayPanel == null || viewDisplayPanel.getParent() == null) { String msg = "Your implementation of ScopedUI.screenLayout() must include getViewDisplayPanel(). AS a " + "minimum this could be 'return new VerticalLayout(getViewDisplayPanel())'"; log.error(msg); throw new ConfigurationException(msg); } if (viewDisplayPanelSizeFull) { viewDisplayPanel.setSizeFull(); } setContent(screenLayout); } /** * Override this to provide your screen layout. In order for Views to work one child component of this layout must * be provided by {@link #getViewDisplayPanel()}. The simplest example would be * {@code return new VerticalLayout(getViewDisplayPanel()}, which would set the View to take up all the available * screen space. {@link BasicUI} is an example of a UI which contains a header and footer bar. * * @return the layout in which views are placed */ public abstract AbstractOrderedLayout screenLayout(); @Override public void receiveBroadcast(final String group, final String message, UIKey sender, int messageId) { checkNotNull(group); checkNotNull(message); log.debug("UI instance {} receiving message id: {} from: {}", this.getInstanceKey(), messageId, sender); access(() -> { processBroadcastMessage(group, message, sender, messageId); }); } /** * Distribute the message to listeners within this UIScope */ protected void processBroadcastMessage(String group, String message, UIKey sender, int messageId) { pushMessageRouter.messageIn(group, message, sender, messageId); } /** * Responds to a locale change from {@link CurrentLocale} and updates the translation for this UI and the current * KrailView * * @param busMessage the message from the event bus. Not actually used, as translate looks up the current locale */ @SuppressWarnings("UnusedParameters") @Handler public void localeChanged(LocaleChangeBusMessage busMessage) { updatePageTitle(); } public KrailView getView() { return view; } @SuppressWarnings("Duplicates") private void readObject(ObjectInputStream inputStream) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException { beforeDeserialization(); inputStream.defaultReadObject(); beforeTransientInjection(); serializationSupport.injectTransientFields(this); afterTransientInjection(); serializationSupport.checkForNullTransients(); } /** * By default does nothing but can be overridden to execute code before any other action is taken for deserialization. * It could be used to set exclusions for {@link #serializationSupport} */ protected void beforeDeserialization() { } /** * By default does nothing but can be overridden to populate transient fields after {@link #serializationSupport} * has injected Guice dependencies. It could be used to set exclusions for {@link #serializationSupport} */ protected void beforeTransientInjection() { } /** * By default does nothing but can be overridden to populate transient fields before {@link #serializationSupport} * injects Guice dependencies */ protected void afterTransientInjection() { } /** * Made public to enable integration with VertxPushConfiguration */ @Override public UIState getState(boolean markAsDirty) { return super.getState(markAsDirty); } /** * Made public to enable integration with VertxPushConfiguration */ @Override public UIState getState() { return super.getState(); } }