Java tutorial
/* Pebble_sd - a simple accelerometer based seizure detector that runs on a Pebble smart watch ( See for more information. Copyright Graham Jones, 2015. This file is part of pebble_sd. Pebble_sd is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Pebble_sd is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with pebble_sd. If not, see <>. */ package; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.res.AssetManager; import android.content.res.AssetFileDescriptor; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import; import; import; import; import android.os.AsyncTask; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Environment; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.HandlerThread; import android.os.Binder; import android.os.CountDownTimer; import android.os.IBinder; import android.os.Looper; import android.os.Message; import android.os.PowerManager; import android.os.PowerManager.WakeLock; import android.os.Process; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import android.util.Log; import android.widget.Toast; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import*; import java.util.*; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.ShortBuffer; import java.nio.IntBuffer; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import android.text.format.Time; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.json.JSONArray; import; /** * Based on * openseizure detector server */ public class SdClientService extends Service { // Notification ID private int NOTIFICATION_ID = 1; private NotificationManager mNM; private final static String TAG = "SdClientService"; private Looper mServiceLooper; private Timer statusTimer = null; private int mCancelAudiblePeriod = 10; // Cancel Audible Period in minutes private int mFaultTimerPeriod = 30; // Cancel Audible Period in sec private long mCancelAudibleTimeRemaining = 0; private CountDownTimer mCancelAudibleTimer = null; private boolean mCancelAudible = false; private FaultTimer mFaultTimer = null; private boolean mFaultTimerCompleted = false; private HandlerThread thread; private WakeLock mWakeLock = null; public SdData mSdData; public boolean mAudibleFaultWarning = true; public boolean mAudibleAlarm = true; public boolean mAudibleWarning = true; public String mServerIP = ""; private int mDataUpdatePeriod = 2000; private Time mStatusTime = null; //private boolean mStatusOK = false; private final IBinder mBinder = new SdBinder(); /** * class to handle binding the MainApp activity to this service * so it can access sdData. */ public class SdBinder extends Binder { SdClientService getService() { return SdClientService.this; } } /** * Constructor for SdClientService class - does not do much! */ public SdClientService() { super(); mSdData = new SdData(); Log.v(TAG, "SdClientService Created"); } @Override public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) { Log.v(TAG, "onBind()"); return mBinder; } /** * onCreate() - called when services is created. Starts message * handler process to listen for messages from other processes. */ @Override public void onCreate() { Log.v(TAG, "onCreate()"); // FIXME - do we really need this for the client??? // Create a wake lock, but don't use it until the service is started. PowerManager powerManager = (PowerManager) getSystemService(POWER_SERVICE); mWakeLock = powerManager.newWakeLock(PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK, "MyWakelockTag"); } /** * onStartCommand - start regular download of status data from the server. */ @Override public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) { Log.v(TAG, "SdClientService service starting"); // Update preferences. Log.v(TAG, "calling updatePrefs()"); updatePrefs(); // Display a notification icon in the status bar of the phone to // show the service is running. Log.v(TAG, "showing Notification"); showNotification(); // Start timer to check status of pebble regularly. mStatusTime = new Time(Time.getCurrentTimezone()); mStatusTime.setToNow(); if (statusTimer == null) { Log.v(TAG, "onCreate(): starting status timer"); statusTimer = new Timer(); statusTimer.schedule(new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { getSdData(); } }, 0, mDataUpdatePeriod); } else { Log.v(TAG, "onCreate(): status timer already running."); } // Apply the wake-lock to prevent CPU sleeping (very battery intensive!) if (mWakeLock != null) { mWakeLock.acquire(); Log.v(TAG, "Applied Wake Lock to prevent device sleeping"); } else { Log.d(TAG, "mmm...mWakeLock is null, so not aquiring lock. This shouldn't happen!"); } return START_STICKY; } @Override public void onDestroy() { Log.v(TAG, "onDestroy(): Service stopping"); // release the wake lock to allow CPU to sleep and reduce // battery drain. if (mWakeLock != null) { mWakeLock.release(); Log.v(TAG, "Released Wake Lock to allow device to sleep."); } else { Log.d(TAG, "mmm...mWakeLock is null, so not releasing lock. This shouldn't happen!"); } try { // Stop the status timer if (statusTimer != null) { Log.v(TAG, "onDestroy(): cancelling status timer"); statusTimer.cancel(); statusTimer.purge(); statusTimer = null; } // Cancel the notification. Log.v(TAG, "onDestroy(): cancelling notification"); mNM.cancel(NOTIFICATION_ID); // stop this service. Log.v(TAG, "onDestroy(): calling stopSelf()"); stopSelf(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.v(TAG, "Error in onDestroy() - " + e.toString()); } } /** * Show a notification while this service is running. */ private void showNotification() { Log.v(TAG, "showNotification()"); CharSequence text = "Alarm Client for OpenSeizureDetector Running"; Notification notification = new Notification(R.drawable.star_of_life_24x24, text, System.currentTimeMillis()); PendingIntent contentIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0, new Intent(this, ClientActivity.class), 0); notification.setLatestEventInfo(this, "Alarm Client for OpenSeizureDetector", text, contentIntent); notification.flags |= Notification.FLAG_NO_CLEAR; mNM = (NotificationManager) getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE); mNM.notify(NOTIFICATION_ID, notification); } /* * Inhibit fault alarm initiation for a period to avoid spurious warning * beeps caused by short term network interruptions. */ private class FaultTimer extends CountDownTimer { public long mFaultTimerRemaining = 0; public FaultTimer(long startTime, long interval) { super(startTime, interval); } @Override public void onFinish() { mFaultTimerCompleted = true; Log.v(TAG, "mFaultTimer - removing mFaultTimerRunning flag"); } @Override public void onTick(long msRemaining) { mFaultTimerRemaining = msRemaining / 1000; Log.v(TAG, "mFaultTimer - onTick() - Time Remaining = " + mFaultTimerRemaining); } } /* * Temporary cancel audible alarms, for the period specified by the * CancelAudiblePeriod setting. */ private class CancelAudibleTimer extends CountDownTimer { public CancelAudibleTimer(long startTime, long interval) { super(startTime, interval); } @Override public void onFinish() { mCancelAudible = false; Log.v(TAG, "mCancelAudibleTimer - removing cancelAudible flag"); } @Override public void onTick(long msRemaining) { mCancelAudibleTimeRemaining = msRemaining / 1000; Log.v(TAG, "mCancelAudibleTimer - onTick() - Time Remaining = " + mCancelAudibleTimeRemaining); } } /** * Start the fault timer that is used to require a fault to remain * standing for a period before raising fault beeps. */ public void startFaultTimer() { if (mFaultTimer != null) { Log.v(TAG, "startFaultTimer(): fault timer already running - not doing anything."); } else { Log.v(TAG, "startFaultTimer(): starting fault timer."); mFaultTimerCompleted = false; mFaultTimer = // conver to ms. new FaultTimer(mFaultTimerPeriod * 1000, 1000); mFaultTimer.start(); } } public void stopFaultTimer() { if (mFaultTimer != null) { Log.v(TAG, "stopFaultTimer(): fault timer already running - cancelling it."); mFaultTimer.cancel(); mFaultTimer = null; mFaultTimerCompleted = false; } else { Log.v(TAG, "stopFaultTimer(): fault timer not running - not doing anything."); } } public void cancelAudible() { // Start timer to remove the cancel audible flag // after the required period. if (mCancelAudibleTimer != null) { Log.v(TAG, "onCreate(): cancel audible timer already running - cancelling it."); mCancelAudibleTimer.cancel(); mCancelAudibleTimer = null; mCancelAudible = false; } else { Log.v(TAG, "cancelAudible(): starting cancel audible timer"); mCancelAudible = true; mCancelAudibleTimer = // conver to ms. new CancelAudibleTimer(mCancelAudiblePeriod * 60 * 1000, 1000); mCancelAudibleTimer.start(); } } public boolean isAudibleCancelled() { return mCancelAudible; } public long cancelAudibleTimeRemaining() { return mCancelAudibleTimeRemaining; } /* from */ /** * beep for duration miliseconds. */ private void beep(int duration) { ToneGenerator toneG = new ToneGenerator(AudioManager.STREAM_ALARM, 100); toneG.startTone(ToneGenerator.TONE_CDMA_ALERT_CALL_GUARD, duration); Log.v(TAG, "beep()"); } /* * beep, provided mAudibleAlarm is set */ public void faultWarningBeep() { if (mFaultTimerCompleted) { if (mCancelAudible) { Log.v(TAG, "faultWarningBeep() - CancelAudible Active - silent beep..."); } else { if (mAudibleFaultWarning) { beep(10); Log.v(TAG, "faultWarningBeep()"); } else { Log.v(TAG, "faultWarningBeep() - silent..."); } } } else { startFaultTimer(); Log.v(TAG, "faultWarningBeep() - starting Fault Timer"); } } /* * beep, provided mAudibleAlarm is set */ public void alarmBeep() { if (mCancelAudible) { Log.v(TAG, "alarmBeep() - CancelAudible Active - silent beep..."); } else { if (mAudibleAlarm) { beep(1000); Log.v(TAG, "alarmBeep()"); } else { Log.v(TAG, "alarmBeep() - silent..."); } } } /* * beep, provided mAudibleWarning is set */ public void warningBeep() { if (mCancelAudible) { Log.v(TAG, "warningBeep() - CancelAudible Active - silent beep..."); } else { if (mAudibleWarning) { beep(100); Log.v(TAG, "warningBeep()"); } else { Log.v(TAG, "warningBeep() - silent..."); } } } /** * updatePrefs() - update basic settings from the SharedPreferences * - defined in res/xml/prefs.xml */ public void updatePrefs() { Log.v(TAG, "updatePrefs()"); SharedPreferences SP = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(getBaseContext()); mAudibleFaultWarning = SP.getBoolean("AudibleFaultWarning", true); Log.v(TAG, "updatePrefs() - mAudibleFaultWarning = " + mAudibleFaultWarning); mAudibleAlarm = SP.getBoolean("AudibleAlarm", true); Log.v(TAG, "updatePrefs() - mAudibleAlarm = " + mAudibleAlarm); mAudibleWarning = SP.getBoolean("AudibleWarning", true); Log.v(TAG, "updatePrefs() - mAudibleWarning = " + mAudibleWarning); mServerIP = SP.getString("ServerIP", ""); Log.v(TAG, "updatePrefs() - mServerIP = " + mServerIP); try { String dataUpdatePeriodStr = SP.getString("DataUpdatePeriod", "2000"); mDataUpdatePeriod = Integer.parseInt(dataUpdatePeriodStr); Log.v(TAG, "updatePrefs() - mDataUpdatePeriod = " + mDataUpdatePeriod); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.v(TAG, "onStart() - Problem parsing preferences!"); Toast toast = Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Problem Parsing Preferences - Something won't work", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);; } // Parse the CancelAudible period setting. try { String cancelAudiblePeriodStr = SP.getString("CancelAudiblePeriod", "10"); mCancelAudiblePeriod = Integer.parseInt(cancelAudiblePeriodStr); Log.v(TAG, "onStart() - mCancelAudiblePeriod = " + mCancelAudiblePeriod); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.v(TAG, "onStart() - Problem cancelAudiblePeriod preference!"); Toast toast = Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Problem Parsing CancelAudiblePeriod Preference", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);; } // Parse the faultTimer period setting. try { String faultTimerPeriodStr = SP.getString("FaultTimerPeriod", "30"); mFaultTimerPeriod = Integer.parseInt(faultTimerPeriodStr); Log.v(TAG, "onStart() - mFaultTimerPeriod = " + mFaultTimerPeriod); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.v(TAG, "onStart() - Problem with FaultTimerPeriod preference!"); Toast toast = Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Problem Parsing FaultTimerPeriod Preference", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);; } } /** * Check the seizure detector data for alarm conditions and beep and * display the ClientActivity if an alarm condition is shown. */ private void checkAlarms() { Log.v(TAG, "checkAlarms()"); // Check the alarm state, and raise alarms if necessary. if (mSdData.alarmState == 0) { Log.v(TAG, "Status=OK"); } if (mSdData.alarmState == 1) { Log.v(TAG, "Status=WARNING"); warningBeep(); } if (mSdData.alarmState == 2) { Log.v(TAG, "Status=ALARM"); alarmBeep(); Intent clientActivityIntent = new Intent(this, ClientActivity.class); clientActivityIntent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); startActivity(clientActivityIntent); } if ((mSdData.pebbleConnected == false) || (mSdData.pebbleAppRunning == false)) { faultWarningBeep(); } else { stopFaultTimer(); } } /** * Retrive the current Seizure Detector Data from the server. * Uses teh DownloadSdDataTask class to download the data in the * background. The data is processed in DownloadSdDataTask.onPostExecute(). */ private void getSdData() { Log.v(TAG, "getSdData()"); ConnectivityManager connMgr = (ConnectivityManager) getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE); NetworkInfo networkInfo = connMgr.getActiveNetworkInfo(); //if (networkInfo != null && networkInfo.isConnected()) { if (true) { new DownloadSdDataTask().execute("http://" + mServerIP + ":8080/data"); } else { Log.v(TAG, "No network connection available."); } } private class DownloadSdDataTask extends AsyncTask<String, Void, String> { @Override protected String doInBackground(String... urls) { // params comes from the execute() call: params[0] is the url. try { return downloadUrl(urls[0]); } catch (IOException e) { return "Unable to retrieve web page. URL may be invalid."; } } // onPostExecute displays the results of the AsyncTask. @Override protected void onPostExecute(String result) { //Log.v(TAG,"onPostExecute() - result="+result); if (result.startsWith("Unable to retrieve web page")) { Log.v(TAG, "onPostExecute - Unable to retrieve data"); mSdData.serverOK = false; mSdData.pebbleConnected = false; mSdData.pebbleAppRunning = false; mSdData.alarmState = 0; mSdData.alarmPhrase = "Warning - No Connection to Server"; //faultWarningBeep(); } else { // Populate mSdData using the received data. mSdData.serverOK = true; mStatusTime.setToNow(); mSdData.fromJSON(result); Log.v(TAG, "onPostExecute(): mSdData = " + mSdData.toString()); } checkAlarms(); } } // Given a URL, establishes an HttpUrlConnection and retrieves // the web page content as a InputStream, which it returns as // a string. private String downloadUrl(String myurl) throws IOException { InputStream is = null; // Only display the first 500 characters of the retrieved // web page content. int len = 500; try { URL url = new URL(myurl); HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); conn.setReadTimeout(5000 /* milliseconds */); conn.setConnectTimeout(5000 /* milliseconds */); conn.setRequestMethod("GET"); conn.setDoInput(true); // Starts the query conn.connect(); int response = conn.getResponseCode(); Log.d(TAG, "The response is: " + response); is = conn.getInputStream(); // Convert the InputStream into a string String contentAsString = readInputStream(is, len); return contentAsString; // Makes sure that the InputStream is closed after the app is // finished using it. } finally { if (is != null) { is.close(); } } } // Reads an InputStream and converts it to a String. public String readInputStream(InputStream stream, int len) throws IOException, UnsupportedEncodingException { Reader reader = null; reader = new InputStreamReader(stream, "UTF-8"); char[] buffer = new char[len];; return new String(buffer); } }