Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.RoundingMode; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser; import org.hibernate.Criteria; import org.hibernate.criterion.Restrictions; import org.json.simple.JSONArray; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * A class for generic Biometry related methods * * @author vetusko */ public class BiometryFunctions extends DatabaseFunctions { private DICOMLogger dicomLogger; /** * Constructor - sets the logger class to the logger instance from the main * * @param SystemLogger */ public BiometryFunctions(DICOMLogger SystemLogger) { this.dicomLogger = SystemLogger; } /** * * @param lensName the value of lensName * @param aConst the value of aConst */ private OphinbiometryLenstypeLens searchForLensData(String lensName, Double aConst) { OphinbiometryLenstypeLens lensType = null; Criteria crit = session.createCriteria(OphinbiometryLenstypeLens.class); crit.add(Restrictions.eq("name", lensName)); if (!crit.list().isEmpty()) { if (crit.list().get(0) != null) { lensType = (OphinbiometryLenstypeLens) crit.list().get(0); } } if (lensType == null) { lensType = new OphinbiometryLenstypeLens(); lensType.setName(lensName); lensType.setDisplayName(lensName); lensType.setAcon(BigDecimal.valueOf(aConst)); User selectedUser = searchStudyUser(""); lensType.setCreatedUserId(selectedUser); lensType.setLastModifiedUserId(selectedUser); lensType.setCreatedDate(new Date()); lensType.setLastModifiedDate(new Date()); //lensType.setDescription("(Created by IOL Master input)"); lensType.setDescription(""); lensType.setDisplayOrder(0); lensType.setDeleted(false); lensType.setActive(true); lensType.setComments( "(Created by IOL Master input) Imported values, please check! Remove this comment when confirmed!"); lensType.setPositionId(0);; } return lensType; } /* private OphinbiometryLenstypeLens createNewLens(){ } */ /** * * @param formulaName the value of formulaName */ private OphinbiometryCalculationFormula searchForFormulaData(String formulaName) { OphinbiometryCalculationFormula formulaType = null; Criteria crit = session.createCriteria(OphinbiometryCalculationFormula.class); crit.add(Restrictions.eq("name", formulaName)); if (!crit.list().isEmpty()) { if (crit.list().get(0) != null) { formulaType = (OphinbiometryCalculationFormula) crit.list().get(0); } } else { Criteria crit2 = session.createCriteria(OphinbiometryCalculationFormula.class); crit2.add(Restrictions.eq("name", formulaName.replace("\u00ae", ""))); if (!crit2.list().isEmpty()) { if (crit2.list().get(0) != null) { formulaType = (OphinbiometryCalculationFormula) crit2.list().get(0); } } } if (formulaType == null) { formulaType = new OphinbiometryCalculationFormula(); formulaType.setName(formulaName); User selectedUser = searchStudyUser(""); formulaType.setCreatedUserId(selectedUser); formulaType.setLastModifiedUserId(selectedUser); formulaType.setCreatedDate(new Date()); formulaType.setLastModifiedDate(new Date()); formulaType.setDisplayOrder(0); formulaType.setDeleted(false);; } return formulaType; } private BiometrySide setEmptySideData() { BiometrySide sideData = new BiometrySide(); sideData.setK1(0.0); sideData.setK2(0.0); sideData.setAxisK1(0.0); sideData.setAL(0.0); sideData.setSNR(0.0); return sideData; } /** * * @param basicMeasurementData the value of basicMeasurementData */ private void setMeasurementData(EtOphinbiometryMeasurement basicMeasurementData) { BiometrySide sideData; BigDecimal SNR = BigDecimal.ZERO; if (basicMeasurementData.getEventId() == null) { basicMeasurementData.setEventId(importedBiometryEvent.getEventId()); basicMeasurementData.setEyeId(new Eye(eventBiometry.getEyeId())); basicMeasurementData.setCreatedDate(new Date()); basicMeasurementData.setCreatedUserId(selectedUser); basicMeasurementData.setLastModifiedDate(new Date()); basicMeasurementData.setLastModifiedUserId(selectedUser); } // saving left side sideData = eventBiometry.getBiometryValue("L"); if (sideData == null) { sideData = setEmptySideData(); } basicMeasurementData.setK1Left(BigDecimal.valueOf(sideData.getK1())); basicMeasurementData.setK2Left(BigDecimal.valueOf(sideData.getK2())); basicMeasurementData.setAxisK1Left(BigDecimal.valueOf(sideData.getAxisK1())); basicMeasurementData.setAxialLengthLeft(BigDecimal.valueOf(sideData.getAL())); SNR = sideData.getSNR(); if (SNR == null) { SNR = BigDecimal.ZERO; } basicMeasurementData.setSnrLeft(SNR); basicMeasurementData.setSnrMinLeft(sideData.getSNRMin()); basicMeasurementData.setK2AxisLeft(BigDecimal.valueOf(sideData.getAxisK2())); Double currentDeltaK = sideData.getDeltaK(); // Make sure that the Delta K value is negative if (currentDeltaK > 0) { currentDeltaK = -1 * currentDeltaK; } basicMeasurementData.setDeltaKLeft(BigDecimal.valueOf(currentDeltaK)); basicMeasurementData.setDeltaKAxisLeft(BigDecimal.valueOf(sideData.getDeltaKAxis())); basicMeasurementData.setAcdLeft(BigDecimal.valueOf(sideData.getACD())); basicMeasurementData.setRefractionSphereLeft(BigDecimal.valueOf(sideData.getRefractionSphere())); basicMeasurementData.setRefractionDeltaLeft(BigDecimal.valueOf(sideData.getRefractionDelta())); basicMeasurementData.setRefractionAxisLeft(BigDecimal.valueOf(sideData.getRefractionAxis())); DicomEyeStatus eyeStatusLeft = new DicomEyeStatus(sideData.getEyeStatus()); basicMeasurementData.setEyeStatusLeft(eyeStatusLeft); basicMeasurementData.setKModifiedLeft(sideData.getisKModified()); basicMeasurementData.setAlModifiedLeft(sideData.getisALModified()); // saving right side sideData = eventBiometry.getBiometryValue("R"); if (sideData == null) { sideData = setEmptySideData(); } basicMeasurementData.setK1Right(BigDecimal.valueOf(sideData.getK1())); basicMeasurementData.setK2Right(BigDecimal.valueOf(sideData.getK2())); basicMeasurementData.setAxisK1Right(BigDecimal.valueOf(sideData.getAxisK1())); basicMeasurementData.setAxialLengthRight(BigDecimal.valueOf(sideData.getAL())); SNR = sideData.getSNR(); if (SNR == null) { SNR = BigDecimal.ZERO; } basicMeasurementData.setSnrRight(SNR); basicMeasurementData.setSnrMinRight(sideData.getSNRMin()); basicMeasurementData.setK2AxisRight(BigDecimal.valueOf(sideData.getAxisK2())); currentDeltaK = sideData.getDeltaK(); // Make sure that the Delta K value is negative if (currentDeltaK > 0) { currentDeltaK = -1 * currentDeltaK; } basicMeasurementData.setDeltaKRight(BigDecimal.valueOf(currentDeltaK)); basicMeasurementData.setDeltaKAxisRight(BigDecimal.valueOf(sideData.getDeltaKAxis())); basicMeasurementData.setAcdRight(BigDecimal.valueOf(sideData.getACD())); basicMeasurementData.setRefractionSphereRight(BigDecimal.valueOf(sideData.getRefractionSphere())); basicMeasurementData.setRefractionDeltaRight(BigDecimal.valueOf(sideData.getRefractionDelta())); basicMeasurementData.setRefractionAxisRight(BigDecimal.valueOf(sideData.getRefractionAxis())); DicomEyeStatus eyeStatusRight = new DicomEyeStatus(sideData.getEyeStatus()); basicMeasurementData.setEyeStatusRight(eyeStatusRight); basicMeasurementData.setKModifiedRight(sideData.getisKModified()); basicMeasurementData.setAlModifiedRight(sideData.getisALModified()); } /** * */ private void createSelectionData() { EtOphinbiometrySelection newBasicSelectionData = new EtOphinbiometrySelection(); newBasicSelectionData.setCreatedDate(new Date()); newBasicSelectionData.setLastModifiedDate(new Date()); newBasicSelectionData.setCreatedUserId(selectedUser); newBasicSelectionData.setLastModifiedUserId(selectedUser); newBasicSelectionData.setEventId(importedBiometryEvent.getEventId()); newBasicSelectionData.setEyeId(new Eye(eventBiometry.getEyeId())); newBasicSelectionData.setIolPowerLeft(BigDecimal.ZERO); newBasicSelectionData.setIolPowerRight(BigDecimal.ZERO); newBasicSelectionData.setPredictedRefractionLeft(BigDecimal.ZERO); newBasicSelectionData.setPredictedRefractionRight(BigDecimal.ZERO);; } /** * */ private void createCalculationData() { EtOphinbiometryCalculation newBasicCalculationData = new EtOphinbiometryCalculation(); newBasicCalculationData.setCreatedDate(new Date()); newBasicCalculationData.setLastModifiedDate(new Date()); newBasicCalculationData.setCreatedUserId(selectedUser); newBasicCalculationData.setLastModifiedUserId(selectedUser); newBasicCalculationData.setEventId(importedBiometryEvent.getEventId()); newBasicCalculationData.setEyeId(new Eye(eventBiometry.getEyeId())); newBasicCalculationData.setFormulaIdLeft(new OphinbiometryCalculationFormula(1)); newBasicCalculationData.setFormulaIdRight(new OphinbiometryCalculationFormula(1)); newBasicCalculationData .setTargetRefractionLeft(BigDecimal.valueOf(eventBiometry.getBiometryValue("L").getTargetRef())); newBasicCalculationData .setTargetRefractionRight(BigDecimal.valueOf(eventBiometry.getBiometryValue("R").getTargetRef())); newBasicCalculationData.setComments(eventStudy.getComments());; addVersionTableData(newBasicCalculationData, newBasicCalculationData.getId()); } private JSONObject decodeJSONData(String IOLJSON) { JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(); JSONObject dataObj = null; try { dataObj = (JSONObject) parser.parse(IOLJSON); return dataObj; //JSONArray dataArray=(JSONArray)dataObj; //return dataArray; } catch (org.json.simple.parser.ParseException ex) { Logger.getLogger(BiometryFunctions.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); return null; } } private String mergeIolRefValues(EtOphinbiometryIolRefValues currentIolRefValues, String newIolRefValues, String side) { String IOLJSON = ""; if (side.equals("L")) { IOLJSON = currentIolRefValues.getIolRefValuesLeft(); } else if (side.equals("R")) { IOLJSON = currentIolRefValues.getIolRefValuesRight(); } if (IOLJSON == null) { return newIolRefValues; } else { JSONObject currentIOLRefData = decodeJSONData(IOLJSON); JSONObject newIOLRefData = decodeJSONData(newIolRefValues); // merge logic based on IOL values JSONArray currentIOLArray = (JSONArray) currentIOLRefData.get("IOL"); JSONArray currentREFArray = (JSONArray) currentIOLRefData.get("REF"); JSONArray newIOLArray = (JSONArray) newIOLRefData.get("IOL"); JSONArray newREFArray = (JSONArray) newIOLRefData.get("REF"); JSONObject mergedIOLRefData = new JSONObject(); for (Integer i = 0; i < newIOLArray.size(); i++) { if (!currentIOLArray.contains(newIOLArray.get(i))) { currentIOLArray.add(newIOLArray.get(i)); currentREFArray.add(newREFArray.get(i)); } } mergedIOLRefData.put("IOL", currentIOLArray); mergedIOLRefData.put("REF", currentREFArray); return mergedIOLRefData.toJSONString(); } } private EtOphinbiometryIolRefValues searchCurrentIolRefValues(OphinbiometryLenstypeLens lensType, OphinbiometryCalculationFormula formulaType) { // we need to check if there is a saved value in the database now, and merge the new values to the existing records if (importedBiometryEvent.getEventId() != null) { Criteria crit = getSession().createCriteria(EtOphinbiometryIolRefValues.class); crit.add(Restrictions.eq("eventId", importedBiometryEvent.getEventId())); crit.add(Restrictions.eq("lensId", lensType)); crit.add(Restrictions.eq("formulaId", formulaType)); List iolDataList = crit.list(); if (!iolDataList.isEmpty()) { EtOphinbiometryIolRefValues currentIOLValues = (EtOphinbiometryIolRefValues) iolDataList.get(0); return currentIOLValues; } else { return null; } } else { return null; } } private OphinbiometrySurgeon searchSurgeon(String surgeonName) { OphinbiometrySurgeon surgeonData; if (surgeonName == null) { surgeonName = "IOLM700 Import"; } Criteria crit = getSession().createCriteria(OphinbiometrySurgeon.class); crit.add(Restrictions.eq("name", surgeonName)); List surgeons = crit.list(); dicomLogger.addToRawOutput("Searching for surgeon " + surgeonName + "..."); if (surgeons.isEmpty()) { surgeonData = new OphinbiometrySurgeon(); surgeonData.setName(surgeonName);; dicomLogger.addToRawOutput("New surgeon has been created..."); } else { surgeonData = (OphinbiometrySurgeon) surgeons.get(0); dicomLogger.addToRawOutput("Surgeon is already exists, using exiting data..."); } return surgeonData; } private boolean isDataModified() { return eventBiometry.getBiometryValue("L").getisACDModified() || eventBiometry.getBiometryValue("L").getisALModified() || eventBiometry.getBiometryValue("L").getisKModified() || eventBiometry.getBiometryValue("R").getisACDModified() || eventBiometry.getBiometryValue("R").getisALModified() || eventBiometry.getBiometryValue("R").getisKModified(); } private void saveIolRefValuesForSide(String side, ArrayList<BiometryCalculationData> sideData) { Integer ArrayListSize = sideData.size(); OphinbiometryLenstypeLens lensType = null; OphinbiometryCalculationFormula formulaType = null; for (Integer i = 0; i < ArrayListSize; i++) { BiometryCalculationData rowData; rowData = sideData.get(i); // TODO: what is the A constant and emmetropia value here?? lensType = searchForLensData(rowData.getLensName(), rowData.getAConst()); formulaType = searchForFormulaData(rowData.getFormulaName()); // we search for current values EtOphinbiometryIolRefValues iolRefValues = null; iolRefValues = searchCurrentIolRefValues(lensType, formulaType); if (isDataModified()) { if (iolRefValues != null) { iolRefValues.setActive(false); session.saveOrUpdate(iolRefValues); iolRefValues = null; } dicomLogger.addToRawOutput( "Measurement data modified manually (AL, K or ACD values), creating new IOL REF record..."); } boolean isNewIolRefValues = false; if (iolRefValues == null) { isNewIolRefValues = true; iolRefValues = new EtOphinbiometryIolRefValues(); } iolRefValues.setCreatedUserId(selectedUser); iolRefValues.setLastModifiedUserId(selectedUser); iolRefValues.setCreatedDate(new Date()); iolRefValues.setLastModifiedDate(new Date()); iolRefValues.setEventId(importedBiometryEvent.getEventId()); iolRefValues.setEyeId(new Eye(eventBiometry.getEyeId())); iolRefValues.setFormulaId(formulaType); iolRefValues.setLensId(lensType); iolRefValues.setConstant(BigDecimal.valueOf(rowData.getAConst())); iolRefValues.setSurgeonId(searchSurgeon(eventStudy.getSurgeonName())); if (side.equals("L")) { if (isNewIolRefValues) { iolRefValues.setIolRefValuesLeft(rowData.getIOLREFJSON()); } else { iolRefValues.setIolRefValuesLeft(mergeIolRefValues(iolRefValues, rowData.getIOLREFJSON(), "L")); } iolRefValues.setEmmetropiaLeft(BigDecimal.valueOf(rowData.getEmmetropia())); } else { if (isNewIolRefValues) { iolRefValues.setIolRefValuesRight(rowData.getIOLREFJSON()); } else { iolRefValues .setIolRefValuesRight(mergeIolRefValues(iolRefValues, rowData.getIOLREFJSON(), "R")); } iolRefValues.setEmmetropiaRight(BigDecimal.valueOf(rowData.getEmmetropia())); } session.saveOrUpdate(iolRefValues); addVersionTableData(iolRefValues, iolRefValues.getId()); formulaType = null; lensType = null; } } /** * */ private void saveIolRefValues() { saveIolRefValuesForSide("L", eventBiometry.getBiometryValue("L").getMeasurements()); saveIolRefValuesForSide("R", eventBiometry.getBiometryValue("R").getMeasurements()); } private EtOphinbiometryMeasurement getMeasurementId() { Criteria crit = getSession().createCriteria(EtOphinbiometryMeasurement.class); crit.add(Restrictions.eq("eventId", importedBiometryEvent.getEventId())); EtOphinbiometryMeasurement currentMeasurement = (EtOphinbiometryMeasurement) crit.list().get(0); return currentMeasurement; } /** * * @param IOLStudy the value of IOLStudy * @param IOLBiometry the value of IOLBiometry * @throws java.text.ParseException */ public void processBiometryEvent(StudyData IOLStudy, BiometryData IOLBiometry) throws ParseException { setEventStudy(IOLStudy); //System.out.println("Study data has been set successfully"); dicomLogger.addToRawOutput("Study data has been set successfully"); setEventBiometry(IOLBiometry); //System.out.println("Biometry data set successfully"); dicomLogger.addToRawOutput("Biometry data has been set successfully"); this.setSelectedUser(); //System.out.println("User selected successfully"); dicomLogger.addToRawOutput("User data has been set successfully"); selectActiveEpisode(); importedBiometryEvent = processImportedEvent(); EtOphinbiometryMeasurement basicMeasurementData; if (isNewEvent) { basicMeasurementData = new EtOphinbiometryMeasurement(); this.createSelectionData(); this.createCalculationData(); } else { basicMeasurementData = getMeasurementId(); } setMeasurementData(basicMeasurementData); //databaseFunctions.session.merge(basicMeasurementData); session.saveOrUpdate(basicMeasurementData); addVersionTableData(basicMeasurementData, basicMeasurementData.getId()); this.saveIolRefValues(); // we save the log entry for the import dicomLogger.getLogger().setStudyInstanceId(eventStudy.getStudyInstanceID()); dicomLogger.getLogger().setSeriesInstanceId(eventStudy.getSeriesInstanceID()); DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); dicomLogger.getLogger().setStudyDatetime(df.parse(getStudyYMD(eventStudy.getStudyDateTime()))); dicomLogger.getLogger().setStudyLocation(eventStudy.getInstituionName()); dicomLogger.getLogger().setStationId(eventStudy.getStationName()); dicomLogger.getLogger().setMachineManufacturer(eventStudy.getDeviceManufacturer()); dicomLogger.getLogger().setMachineModel(eventStudy.getDeviceModel()); dicomLogger.getLogger().setMachineSoftwareVersion(eventStudy.getDeviceSoftwareVersion()); dicomLogger.getLogger().setReportType("biometry"); dicomLogger.getLogger().setPatientNumber(selectedPatient.getHosNum()); dicomLogger.getLogger().setImportDatetime(new Date()); dicomLogger.getLogger().setImportType("F"); } /** * * * @return OphinbiometryImportedEvents */ private OphinbiometryImportedEvents processImportedEvent() { OphinbiometryImportedEvents importedEvent = null; DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); Criteria currentEvent = session.createCriteria(OphinbiometryImportedEvents.class); // For IOL Master 700 we can use the Device Serial Number and Acquisition Datetime fields to check if it's the same study if (eventStudy.getDeviceType().equals("IOLM700")) { currentEvent.add(Restrictions.eq("deviceSerialNumber", eventStudy.getDeviceSerial())); currentEvent.add(Restrictions.eq("acquisitionDatetime", eventStudy.getAcquisitionDateTime())); currentEvent.add(Restrictions.sqlRestriction( "event_id = (SELECT max(event_id) FROM ophinbiometry_imported_events WHERE device_serial_number='" + eventStudy.getDeviceSerial() + "' AND acquisition_datetime='" + eventStudy.getAcquisitionDateTime() + "')")); } else if (eventStudy.getDeviceType().equals("IOLM500")) { currentEvent.add(Restrictions.eq("studyId", eventStudy.getStudyInstanceID())); currentEvent.add(Restrictions.eq("seriesId", eventStudy.getSeriesInstanceID())); currentEvent.add(Restrictions.eq("surgeonName", eventStudy.getSurgeonName())); currentEvent.add(Restrictions.sqlRestriction( "event_id = (SELECT max(event_id) FROM ophinbiometry_imported_events WHERE study_id='" + eventStudy.getStudyInstanceID() + "' AND series_id='" + eventStudy.getSeriesInstanceID() + "' AND surgeon_name='" + eventStudy.getSurgeonName() + "')")); } // we should check if event is deleted, and we should create a new one if yes if (!currentEvent.list().isEmpty()) { importedEvent = (OphinbiometryImportedEvents) currentEvent.list().get(0); // if the event is in deleted state we cerate a new record if (importedEvent.getEventId().getDeleted() == 0) { dicomLogger.addToRawOutput("StudyID exists in database, merging with existing event..."); isNewEvent = false; // we decide if the imported file content time is newer then the stored content date if (importedEvent.getContentDateTime() != null) { Calendar lastContentDateTime = new GregorianCalendar(); Calendar studyContentDateTime = new GregorianCalendar(); try { lastContentDateTime .setTime(df.parse(getSQLFormattedDate(importedEvent.getContentDateTime()))); studyContentDateTime .setTime(df.parse(getSQLFormattedDate(eventStudy.getContentDateTime().getTime()))); } catch (ParseException ex) { Logger.getLogger(BiometryFunctions.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } if (studyContentDateTime.after(lastContentDateTime)) { try { importedEvent.setContentDateTime( df.parse(getSQLFormattedDate(eventStudy.getContentDateTime().getTime()))); } catch (ParseException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } importedEvent.setIsMerged(true); dicomLogger.addToRawOutput( "Event content date and time is newer then the stored values, updating existing measuerements..."); } } } else { isNewEvent = true; } } if (isNewEvent) { Event newEvent = createNewEvent(); importedEvent = createNewImportedEvent(newEvent); } return importedEvent; } /** * * @param K * @return */ protected double convertDioptricPowerToRadius(double K) { return 337.5 / K; } /** * * @param number * @return */ public double round2Decimals(BigDecimal number) { number = number.setScale(2, RoundingMode.HALF_UP); return number.doubleValue(); } /** * * @param formulaName * @param lens * @param sideData * @return */ protected BiometryCalculationData getCalculatedValues(String formulaName, BiometryLensData lens, BiometrySide sideData) { double IOLPower; double closestIOLPower; double refraction; BiometryCalculationData controlMeasure = new BiometryCalculationData(); Method calculateMethod = null; try { switch (formulaName) { case "Haigis suite": // will call Haigis calculation Here calculateMethod = this.getClass().getMethod("calculateHaigis", double.class, double.class, double.class, double.class, BiometryLensData.class, double.class, String.class); break; case "SRK/T": calculateMethod = this.getClass().getMethod("calculateSRKT", double.class, double.class, double.class, double.class, BiometryLensData.class, double.class, String.class); break; case "Hoffer Q": calculateMethod = this.getClass().getMethod("calculateHofferQ", double.class, double.class, double.class, double.class, BiometryLensData.class, double.class, String.class); break; default: break; } double K1 = convertDioptricPowerToRadius(sideData.getK1()); double K2 = convertDioptricPowerToRadius(sideData.getK2()); IOLPower = (double) calculateMethod.invoke(this, sideData.getAL(), K1, K2, sideData.getACD(), lens, sideData.getTargetRef(), "IOL"); // TODO: need to make sure that we can use the calculated value here! sideData.setLensEmmetropia(IOLPower, sideData.getMeasurementsIndex()); // Select IOL that gives power nearest to target refraction double roundDownIOLPower = Math.floor(IOLPower * 2) / 2; double nextUpIOLPower = roundDownIOLPower + 0.5; double roundDownRefraction = (double) calculateMethod.invoke(this, sideData.getAL(), K1, K2, sideData.getACD(), lens, roundDownIOLPower, "REF"); double nextUpRefraction = (double) calculateMethod.invoke(this, sideData.getAL(), K1, K2, sideData.getACD(), lens, nextUpIOLPower, "REF"); if (Math.abs(sideData.getTargetRef() - roundDownRefraction) < Math .abs(sideData.getTargetRef() - nextUpRefraction)) { closestIOLPower = roundDownIOLPower; } else { closestIOLPower = nextUpIOLPower; } // Produce results for a range of refraction around this one, starting two 0.5D less powerful double startPower = closestIOLPower + 1.0; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { refraction = (double) calculateMethod.invoke(this, sideData.getAL(), K1, K2, sideData.getACD(), lens, startPower, "REF"); refraction = round2Decimals(BigDecimal.valueOf(refraction)); // need to add values to the check object here! controlMeasure.setIOL(startPower); controlMeasure.setREF(refraction); startPower = startPower - 0.5; } } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) { Logger.getLogger(BiometryFunctions.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (SecurityException ex) { Logger.getLogger(BiometryFunctions.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) { Logger.getLogger(BiometryFunctions.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { Logger.getLogger(BiometryFunctions.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) { Logger.getLogger(BiometryFunctions.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } return controlMeasure; } /** * * @param axialLength -- Axial length * @param r1 -- Radius of curvature 1 * @param r2 -- Radius of curvature 2 * @param acd -- Optical anterior chamber depth * @param lens -- lens object containing IOL data * @param dioptresRefraction -- Target refraction or power of IOL * @param resultType -- Result is either IOL power (IOL) or predicted refraction (REF) * @return -- Refractive power in Dioptres */ public double calculateSRKT(double axialLength, double r1, double r2, double acd, BiometryLensData lens, double dioptresRefraction, String resultType) { // Constants double n = 1.3375; // Refractive index of cornea with fudge factor for converting radius of curvature to dioptric power double nc = 1.333; // Refractive index of the cornea double na = 1.336; // Refractive index of aqueous and vitreous double vd = 12.0; // Vertex distance String calculationComments = "SRK/T formula calculation has been called\n"; // comments for debug double returnPower; // the return value // Calculate average radius of curvature and corneal power in dioptres double averageRadius = (r1 + r2) / 2; double dioptresCornea = (n - 1) * 1000 / averageRadius; // Difference in refractive indices (NB uses different value of n here) double diffRI = nc - 1; double retinalThickness = 0.65696 - 0.02029 * axialLength; double opticalAxialLength = axialLength + retinalThickness; // 'A' constant correction double aconstant; if (lens.aConst > 100) { aconstant = lens.aConst * 0.62467 - 68 - 0.74709; calculationComments += "A-constant correction applied\n"; } else { aconstant = lens.aConst; } // Difference between natural lens and IOL to cornea double diff = aconstant - 3.3357; // Axial length correction for high myopes double correctedAxialLength; if (axialLength > 24.2) { // Value of 1.716 (as in original SRK/T paper) gives identical results to IOLMaster. Using 1.715 as in erratum gives slightly different results correctedAxialLength = -3.446 + 1.716 * axialLength - 0.0237 * axialLength * axialLength; //axialLength = -3.446 + 1.715 * _axialLength - 0.0237 * _axialLength * _axialLength; calculationComments += "Axial length correction applied\n"; } else { correctedAxialLength = axialLength; } // Corneal width double cornealWidth = -5.40948 + 0.58412 * correctedAxialLength + 0.098 * dioptresCornea; // Corneal dome height (check for negative result here before taking square root) double cornealDomeHeight; if (averageRadius * averageRadius - cornealWidth * cornealWidth / 4 > 0) { cornealDomeHeight = averageRadius - Math.sqrt(averageRadius * averageRadius - cornealWidth * cornealWidth / 4); } else { calculationComments += "Negative square root for corneal dome height\n"; cornealDomeHeight = averageRadius; } if (cornealDomeHeight > 5.5) { cornealDomeHeight = 5.5; calculationComments += "Corneal dome height capped at 5.5\n"; } // Post-op anterior chamber depth double postopACDepth = cornealDomeHeight + diff; double numerator, denominator; // IOL power - we use this to determine the start value of IOL power if (resultType.equals("IOL")) { numerator = 1000 * na * (na * averageRadius - diffRI * opticalAxialLength - 0.001 * dioptresRefraction * (vd * (na * averageRadius - diffRI * opticalAxialLength) + opticalAxialLength * averageRadius)); denominator = (opticalAxialLength - postopACDepth) * (na * averageRadius - diffRI * postopACDepth - 0.001 * dioptresRefraction * (vd * (na * averageRadius - diffRI * postopACDepth) + postopACDepth * averageRadius)); returnPower = numerator / denominator; } // Predicted refraction else { numerator = 1000 * na * (na * averageRadius - diffRI * opticalAxialLength) - dioptresRefraction * (opticalAxialLength - postopACDepth) * (na * averageRadius - diffRI * postopACDepth); denominator = (na * (vd * (na * averageRadius - diffRI * opticalAxialLength) + opticalAxialLength * averageRadius) - 0.001 * dioptresRefraction * (opticalAxialLength - postopACDepth) * (vd * (na * averageRadius - diffRI * postopACDepth) + postopACDepth * averageRadius)); returnPower = numerator / denominator; } dicomLogger.addToRawOutput(calculationComments); return Double.isNaN(returnPower) ? 0.0 : returnPower; } /** * * @param axialLength -- Axial length * @param r1 -- Radius of curvature 1 * @param r2 -- Radius of curvature 2 * @param acd -- Optical anterior chamber depth * @param lens -- lens object containing IOL data * @param dioptresRefraction -- Target refraction or power of IOL * @param resultType -- Result is either IOL power (IOL) or predicted refraction (REF) * @return -- Refractive power in Dioptres */ public double calculateHofferQ(double axialLength, double r1, double r2, double acd, BiometryLensData lens, double dioptresRefraction, String resultType) { // Constants double n = 1.3375; // Refractive index of cornea with fudge factor for converting radius of curvature to dioptric power double vd = 12.0; // Vertex distance String calculationComments = "HofferQ formula calculation has been called\n"; // comments for debug double returnPower; // the return value // Calculate average radius of curvature and corneal power in dioptres double averageRadius = (r1 + r2) / 2; double dioptresCornea = (n - 1) * 1000 / averageRadius; // Calculate refractive error at corneal plane double R = dioptresRefraction / (1 - vd * dioptresRefraction / 1000); // Hoffer's factors double M, G; if (axialLength <= 23) { M = +1; G = +28; calculationComments += "Hoffer factors for AL <= 23 applied\n"; } else { M = -1; G = +23.5; calculationComments += "Hoffer factors for AL > 23 applied</br>"; } // Constrain axial length (NB used ONLY for ACD calculation and replaces ACD constraint as described in erratum) double AL = axialLength; if (AL > 31) { AL = 31; calculationComments += "Axial length constrained down to 31</br>"; } if (AL < 18.5) { AL = 18.5; calculationComments += "Axial length constrained up to 18.5</br>"; } // Predicted ACD double ACD = lens.pACDConst + 0.3 * (AL - 23.5) + Math.tan(dioptresCornea * Math.PI / 180) * Math.tan(dioptresCornea * Math.PI / 180) + 0.1 * M * (23.5 - AL) * (23.5 - AL) * Math.tan(Math.PI * (0.1 * (G - AL) * (G - AL)) / 180) - 0.99166; // IOL power // TODO: need to check if we need to use the original Axial Lenght here or the constrained AL? if (resultType.equals("IOL")) { returnPower = 1336 / (axialLength - ACD - 0.05) - 1.336 / ((1.336 / (dioptresCornea + R)) - (ACD + 0.05) / 1000); } // Predicted refraction else { R = (1.336 / (1.336 / (1336 / (axialLength - ACD - 0.05) - dioptresRefraction) + (ACD + 0.05) / 1000)) - dioptresCornea; returnPower = R / (1 + vd * R / 1000); } return returnPower; } /** * * @param axialLength -- Axial length * @param r1 -- Radius of curvature 1 * @param r2 -- Radius of curvature 2 * @param acd -- Optical anterior chamber depth * @param lens -- lens object containing IOL data * @param dioptresRefraction -- Target refraction or power of IOL * @param resultType -- Result is either IOL power (IOL) or predicted refraction (REF) * @return -- Refractive power in Dioptres */ public double calculateHaigis(double axialLength, double r1, double r2, double acd, BiometryLensData lens, double dioptresRefraction, String resultType) { // TODO: implement this! :) double n = 1.3315; // Refractive index of cornea with fudge factor for converting radius of curvature to dioptric power double na = 1.336; // Refractive index of aqueous and vitreous double vd = 12.0; // Vertex distance double returnPower; // the return value // Calculate average radius of curvature and corneal power in dioptres double averageRadius = (r1 + r2) / 2; double dioptresCornea = (n - 1) * 1000 / averageRadius; // Additional Haigis constants double a0 = lens.A0; double a1 = lens.A1; double a2 = lens.A2; // Optical ACD double opticalACD = (a0 + a1 * acd + a2 * axialLength); // IOL power if (resultType.equals("IOL")) { double z = dioptresCornea + dioptresRefraction / (1 - dioptresRefraction * vd / 1000); returnPower = na / (axialLength / 1000 - opticalACD / 1000) - na / (na / z - opticalACD / 1000); } // Predicted refraction else { double z = 1000 * na / ((1 / (1 / (axialLength - opticalACD) - dioptresRefraction / (1000 * na))) + opticalACD); returnPower = (z - dioptresCornea) / (1 + vd * (z - dioptresCornea) / 1000); } return returnPower; } }