Java tutorial
// FUNcube Data Warehouse // Copyright 2013 (c) David A.Johnson, G4DPZ, AMSAT-UK // This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. // To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter // to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA. package; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import; import; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus; import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PathVariable; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; @Service @RequestMapping("/api/data/hex") public class DataProcessor { @Autowired UserDao userDao; @Autowired HexFrameDao hexFrameDao; @Autowired RealTimeDao realTimeDao; @Autowired Clock clock; private static Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(""); @Transactional(readOnly = false) @RequestMapping(value = "/{siteId}/", method = RequestMethod.POST) public ResponseEntity<String> uploadData(@PathVariable String siteId, @RequestParam(value = "digest") String digest, @RequestBody String body) { // get the user from the repository List<UserEntity> users = userDao.findBySiteId(siteId); if (users.size() != 0) { String hexString = StringUtils.substringBetween(body, "=", "&"); hexString = hexString.replace("+", " "); String authKey = userAuthKeys.get(siteId); final UserEntity user = users.get(0); try { if (authKey == null) { if (user != null) { authKey = user.getAuthKey(); userAuthKeys.put(siteId, authKey); } else { LOG.error(USER_WITH_SITE_ID + siteId + NOT_FOUND); return new ResponseEntity<String>("UNAUTHORIZED", HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED); } } final String calculatedDigest = calculateDigest(hexString, authKey, null); final String calculatedDigestUTF8 = calculateDigest(hexString, authKey, new Integer(8)); final String calculatedDigestUTF16 = calculateDigest(hexString, authKey, new Integer(16)); if (null != digest && (digest.equals(calculatedDigest) || digest.equals(calculatedDigestUTF8)) || digest.equals(calculatedDigestUTF16)) { hexString = StringUtils.deleteWhitespace(hexString); final int frameId = Integer.parseInt(hexString.substring(0, 2), 16); final int frameType = frameId & 63; final int satelliteId = (frameId & (128 + 64)) >> 6; final int sensorId = frameId % 2; final String binaryString = convertHexBytePairToBinary( hexString.substring(2, hexString.length())); final Date now = clock.currentDate(); final RealTime realTime = new RealTime(satelliteId, frameType, sensorId, now, binaryString); final long sequenceNumber = realTime.getSequenceNumber(); if (sequenceNumber != -1) { final List<HexFrameEntity> frames = hexFrameDao .findBySatelliteIdAndSequenceNumberAndFrameType(satelliteId, sequenceNumber, frameType); HexFrameEntity hexFrame = null; if (frames != null && frames.size() == 0) { hexFrame = new HexFrameEntity((long) satelliteId, (long) frameType, sequenceNumber, hexString, now, true); hexFrame.getUsers().add(user);; RealTimeEntity realTimeEntity = new RealTimeEntity(realTime);; } else { hexFrame = frames.get(0); hexFrame.getUsers().add(user);; } } return new ResponseEntity<String>("OK", HttpStatus.OK); } else { LOG.error(USER_WITH_SITE_ID + siteId + HAD_INCORRECT_DIGEST + ", received: " + digest + ", calculated: " + calculatedDigest); return new ResponseEntity<String>("UNAUTHORIZED", HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED); } } catch (final Exception e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage()); return new ResponseEntity<String>(e.getMessage(), HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST); } } else { LOG.error("Site id: " + siteId + " not found in database"); return new ResponseEntity<String>("UNAUTHORIZED", HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED); } } private static String calculateDigest(final String hexString, final String authCode, final Integer utf) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { String digest = null; final MessageDigest md5 = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); if (utf == null) { md5.update(hexString.getBytes()); md5.update(":".getBytes()); digest = convertToHex(md5.digest(authCode.getBytes())); } else if (utf.intValue() == 8) { md5.update(hexString.getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF8"))); md5.update(":".getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF8"))); digest = convertToHex(md5.digest(authCode.getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF8")))); } else { md5.update(hexString.getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF16"))); md5.update(":".getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF16"))); digest = convertToHex(md5.digest(authCode.getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF16")))); } return digest; } private static String convertToHex(final byte[] data) { final StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); for (final byte element : data) { int halfbyte = element >>> 4 & HEX_0X0F; int twoHalfs = 0; do { if (0 <= halfbyte && halfbyte <= 9) { buf.append((char) ('0' + halfbyte)); } else { buf.append((char) ('a' + (halfbyte - 10))); } halfbyte = element & HEX_0X0F; } while (twoHalfs++ < 1); } return buf.toString(); } public static String convertHexBytePairToBinary(final String hexString) { final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < hexString.length(); i += 2) { final String hexByte = hexString.substring(i, i + 2); final int hexValue = Integer.parseInt(hexByte, 16); sb.append(StringUtils.leftPad(Integer.toBinaryString(hexValue), 8, "0")); } return sb.toString(); } class UserHexString { private final User user; private final String hexString; private final Date createdDate; public UserHexString(final User user, final String hexString, final Date createdDate) { this.user = user; this.hexString = hexString; this.createdDate = createdDate; } /** * @return the createdDate */ public final Date getCreatedDate() { return createdDate; } public final String getHexString() { return hexString; } public final User getUser() { return user; } } private static final int HEX_0X0F = 0x0F; private static final Cache<String, String> userAuthKeys = new Cache<String, String>(new UTCClock(), 50, 10); private static final String HAD_INCORRECT_DIGEST = "] had incorrect digest"; private static final String USER_WITH_SITE_ID = "User with site id ["; private static final String NOT_FOUND = "] not found"; }