Java tutorial
/** predict4java: An SDP4 / SGP4 library for satellite orbit predictions Copyright (C) 2004-2010 David A. B. Johnson, G4DPZ. This class is a Java port of one of the core elements of the Predict program, Copyright John A. Magliacane, KD2BD 1991-2003: Dr. T.S. Kelso is the author of the SGP4/SDP4 orbital models, originally written in Fortran and Pascal, and released into the public domain through his website ( Neoklis Kyriazis, 5B4AZ, later re-wrote Dr. Kelso's code in C, and released it under the GNU GPL in 2002. PREDICT's core is based on 5B4AZ's code translation efforts. Author: David A. B. Johnson, G4DPZ <> Comments, questions and bugreports should be submitted via More details can be found at the project home page: This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, visit */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; /** * TLE representation to aid SGP4 calculations. */ public class TLE implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 716922882884628016L; private static final int THREELINES = 3; private static final double DEG2RAD = 1.745329251994330E-2; private static final double TWO_PI = Math.PI * 2.0; private static final double MINS_PERDAY = 1.44E3; private static final double XKE = 7.43669161E-2; private static final double TWO_THIRDS = 2.0 / 3.0; private static final double CK2 = 5.413079E-4; private int catnum; private String name; private int setnum; private int year; private double refepoch; private double incl; private double raan; private double eccn; private double argper; private double meanan; private double meanmo; private double drag; private double nddot6; private double bstar; private int orbitnum; private double epoch; private double xndt2o; private double xincl; private double xnodeo; private double eo; private double omegao; private double xmo; private double xno; private boolean deepspace; private java.util.Date createddate; // Constructors /** * Copy constructor. * * @param tle */ public TLE(final TLE tle) { this.catnum = tle.catnum; =; this.setnum = tle.setnum; this.year = tle.year; this.refepoch = tle.refepoch; this.incl = tle.incl; this.raan = tle.raan; this.eccn = tle.eccn; this.argper = tle.argper; this.meanan = tle.meanan; this.meanmo = tle.meanmo; this.drag = tle.drag; this.nddot6 = tle.nddot6; this.bstar = tle.bstar; this.orbitnum = tle.orbitnum; this.epoch = tle.epoch; this.xndt2o = tle.xndt2o; this.xincl = tle.xincl; this.xnodeo = tle.xnodeo; this.eo = tle.eo; this.omegao = tle.omegao; this.xmo = tle.xmo; this.xno = tle.xno; this.deepspace = tle.deepspace; this.createddate = tle.createddate; } public TLE(final String[] tle) throws IllegalArgumentException { this(tle, false); } /** * Constructor. * * @param tle the three line elements * @throws IllegalArgumentException here was something wrong with the TLE */ public TLE(final String[] tle, final boolean nilStart) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (nilStart) { tle[0] = tle[0].substring(2); } if (null == tle) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("TLE was null"); } if (tle.length != THREELINES) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("TLE had " + tle.length + " elements"); } int lineCount = 0; for (final String line : tle) { testArguments(lineCount, line); lineCount++; } catnum = Integer.parseInt(StringUtils.strip(tle[1].substring(2, 7))); name = tle[0].trim(); setnum = Integer.parseInt(StringUtils.strip(tle[1].substring(64, 68))); year = Integer.parseInt(StringUtils.strip(tle[1].substring(18, 20))); refepoch = Double.parseDouble(tle[1].substring(20, 32)); incl = Double.parseDouble(tle[2].substring(8, 16)); raan = Double.parseDouble(tle[2].substring(17, 25)); eccn = 1.0e-07 * Double.parseDouble(tle[2].substring(26, 33)); argper = Double.parseDouble(tle[2].substring(34, 42)); meanan = Double.parseDouble(tle[2].substring(43, 51)); meanmo = Double.parseDouble(tle[2].substring(52, 63)); drag = Double.parseDouble(tle[1].substring(33, 43)); double tempnum = 1.0e-5 * Double.parseDouble(tle[1].substring(44, 50)); nddot6 = tempnum / Math.pow(10.0, Double.parseDouble(tle[1].substring(51, 52))); tempnum = 1.0e-5 * Double.parseDouble(tle[1].substring(53, 59)); bstar = tempnum / Math.pow(10.0, Double.parseDouble(tle[1].substring(60, 61))); orbitnum = Integer.parseInt(StringUtils.strip(tle[2].substring(63, 68))); /* reassign the values to thse which get used in calculations */ epoch = (1000.0 * getYear()) + getRefepoch(); xndt2o = drag; double temp = incl; temp *= DEG2RAD; xincl = temp; temp = raan; temp *= DEG2RAD; xnodeo = temp; eo = eccn; temp = argper; temp *= DEG2RAD; omegao = temp; temp = meanan; temp *= DEG2RAD; xmo = temp; xno = meanmo; /* Preprocess tle set */ preProcessTLESet(); } /** * */ private synchronized void preProcessTLESet() { double temp; temp = TWO_PI / MINS_PERDAY / MINS_PERDAY; xno = xno * temp * MINS_PERDAY; xndt2o *= temp; double dd1 = XKE / xno; final double a1 = Math.pow(dd1, TWO_THIRDS); final double r1 = Math.cos(xincl); dd1 = 1.0 - eo * eo; temp = CK2 * 1.5f * (r1 * r1 * 3.0 - 1.0) / Math.pow(dd1, 1.5); final double del1 = temp / (a1 * a1); final double ao = a1 * (1.0 - del1 * (TWO_THIRDS * .5 + del1 * (del1 * 1.654320987654321 + 1.0))); final double delo = temp / (ao * ao); final double xnodp = xno / (delo + 1.0); /* Select a deep-space/near-earth ephemeris */ deepspace = TWO_PI / xnodp / MINS_PERDAY >= 0.15625; } /** * @param lineCount the current line * @param line the line under test * @throws IllegalArgumentException there was a problem with the data */ private void testArguments(final int lineCount, final String line) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (null == line) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(createIllegalArgumentMessage(lineCount, "was null")); } if (0 == line.length()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(createIllegalArgumentMessage(lineCount, "was zero length")); } } /** * Default constructor cannot be invoked. */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private TLE() { } /** * @return the catalog number */ public int getCatnum() { return this.catnum; } /** * @return the name */ public String getName() { return; } /** * @return the element set number */ public int getSetnum() { return this.setnum; } /** * @return the year part of the date of the elements */ public int getYear() { return this.year; } /** * @return the reference epoch of the elements */ public double getRefepoch() { return this.refepoch; } /** * @return the inclination of the satellite orbit */ public double getIncl() { return this.incl; } /** * @return the Right Ascention of the Acending Node of the orbit */ public double getRaan() { return this.raan; } /** * @return the Eccentricity of the orbit */ public double getEccn() { return this.eccn; } /** * @return the Argument of Perigee of the orbit */ public double getArgper() { return this.argper; } /** * @return the Mean Anomoly of the orbit */ public double getMeanan() { return this.meanan; } /** * @return the Mean Motion of the satellite */ public double getMeanmo() { return this.meanmo; } /** * @return the Drag factor */ public double getDrag() { return this.drag; } /** * @return Nddot6 */ public double getNddot6() { return this.nddot6; } /** * @return Bstar */ public double getBstar() { return this.bstar; } /** * @return Orbitnum */ public int getOrbitnum() { return this.orbitnum; } /** * @return Deepspace */ public boolean isDeepspace() { return deepspace; } /** * @return Eo */ public double getEo() { return eo; } /** * @return Epoch */ public double getEpoch() { return epoch; } /** * @return Omegao */ public double getOmegao() { return omegao; } /** * @return Xincl */ public double getXincl() { return xincl; } /** * @return Xmo */ public double getXmo() { return xmo; } /** * @return Xndt2o */ public synchronized double getXndt2o() { return xndt2o; } /** * @return Xno */ public synchronized double getXno() { return xno; } /** * @return Xnodeo */ public double getXnodeo() { return xnodeo; } /** * @return the createddate */ public Date getCreateddate() { return new Date(createddate.getTime()); } /** * @param createddate the createddate to set */ public void setCreateddate(final Date createddate) { this.createddate = new Date(createddate.getTime()); } /** * @param lineCount the line count * @param problem the problem * @return the description */ private String createIllegalArgumentMessage(final int lineCount, final String problem) { return "TLE line[" + lineCount + "] " + problem; } public static List<TLE> importSat(final InputStream fileIS) throws IOException { final List<TLE> importedSats = new ArrayList<TLE>(); final BufferedReader buf = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(fileIS)); String readString; int j = 0; final String[] lines = new String[3]; while ((readString = buf.readLine()) != null) { switch (j) { case 0: case 1: lines[j] = readString; j++; break; case 2: lines[j] = readString; j = 0; importedSats.add(new TLE(lines)); break; default: break; } } return importedSats; } @Override public String toString() { return name; } }