Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2016 Crown Copyright * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; /** * An <code>ViewValidator</code> validates a view against a {@link Schema} * {@link}. * Checks all function input and output types are compatible with the * properties and identifiers in the Schema and the transient properties in the * View. */ public class ViewValidator { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ViewValidator.class); /** * Checks all {@link}s and {@link}s defined are * compatible with the identifiers and properties in the {@link Schema} * and transient properties in the {@link View}. * * @param view the {@link View} to validate * @param schema the {@link Schema} to validate the view against * @param isStoreOrdered true if the store is ordered * @return true if the element definition is valid, otherwise false and an error is logged */ public boolean validate(final View view, final Schema schema, final boolean isStoreOrdered) { boolean isValid = true; if (null != view) { if (null != view.getEntities()) { for (final Entry<String, ViewElementDefinition> entry : view.getEntities().entrySet()) { final String group = entry.getKey(); final SchemaEntityDefinition schemaElDef = schema.getEntity(group); final ViewElementDefinition viewElDef = entry.getValue(); if (null == schemaElDef) { LOGGER.error("Entity group " + group + " does not exist in the schema"); isValid = false; } else { for (final String transProp : viewElDef.getTransientProperties()) { if (schemaElDef.containsProperty(transProp)) { LOGGER.error("Transient property " + transProp + " for entity group " + group + " is not transient as it has been found in the schema"); isValid = false; } } if (!validateFunctionArgumentTypes(viewElDef.getPreAggregationFilter(), viewElDef, schemaElDef)) { isValid = false; } if (!validateFunctionArgumentTypes(viewElDef.getPostAggregationFilter(), viewElDef, schemaElDef)) { isValid = false; } if (!validateFunctionArgumentTypes(viewElDef.getTransformer(), viewElDef, schemaElDef)) { isValid = false; } if (!validateFunctionArgumentTypes(viewElDef.getPostTransformFilter(), viewElDef, schemaElDef)) { isValid = false; } if (!validateGroupBy(isStoreOrdered, group, viewElDef, schemaElDef)) { isValid = false; } } } } if (null != view.getEdges()) { for (final Entry<String, ViewElementDefinition> entry : view.getEdges().entrySet()) { final String group = entry.getKey(); final SchemaEdgeDefinition schemaElDef = schema.getEdge(group); final ViewElementDefinition viewElDef = entry.getValue(); if (null == schemaElDef) { LOGGER.error("Edge group " + group + " does not exist in the schema"); isValid = false; } else { for (final String transProp : viewElDef.getTransientProperties()) { if (schemaElDef.containsProperty(transProp)) { LOGGER.error("Transient property " + transProp + " for edge group " + group + " is not transient as it has been found in the schema"); isValid = false; } } if (!validateFunctionArgumentTypes(viewElDef.getPreAggregationFilter(), viewElDef, schemaElDef)) { isValid = false; } if (!validateFunctionArgumentTypes(viewElDef.getPostAggregationFilter(), viewElDef, schemaElDef)) { isValid = false; } if (!validateFunctionArgumentTypes(viewElDef.getTransformer(), viewElDef, schemaElDef)) { isValid = false; } if (!validateFunctionArgumentTypes(viewElDef.getPostTransformFilter(), viewElDef, schemaElDef)) { isValid = false; } if (!validateGroupBy(isStoreOrdered, group, viewElDef, schemaElDef)) { isValid = false; } } } } } return isValid; } protected boolean validateGroupBy(final boolean isStoreOrdered, final String group, final ViewElementDefinition viewElDef, final SchemaElementDefinition schemaElDef) { final Set<String> viewGroupBy = viewElDef.getGroupBy(); boolean isValid = true; if (null != viewGroupBy && !viewGroupBy.isEmpty()) { final Set<String> schemaGroupBy = schemaElDef.getGroupBy(); if (null != schemaGroupBy && schemaGroupBy.containsAll(viewGroupBy)) { if (isStoreOrdered) { final LinkedHashSet<String> schemaGroupBySubset = Sets .newLinkedHashSet(Iterables.limit(schemaGroupBy, viewGroupBy.size())); if (!viewGroupBy.equals(schemaGroupBySubset)) { LOGGER.error("Group by properties for group " + group + " are not in the same order as the group by properties in the schema. View groupBy:" + viewGroupBy + ". Schema groupBy:" + schemaGroupBy); isValid = false; } } } else { LOGGER.error("Group by properties for group " + group + " in the view are not all included in the group by field in the schema. View groupBy:" + viewGroupBy + ". Schema groupBy:" + schemaGroupBy); isValid = false; } } return isValid; } /** * Checks all function inputs and outputs are compatible with the property, identifier types * and transient properties specified. * * @param processor the processor to validate against the element definition types * @param viewElDef the view element definition * @param schemaElDef the schema element definition * @return boolean - true if function argument types are valid. Otherwise false and the reason is logged. */ private boolean validateFunctionArgumentTypes( final Processor<String, ? extends ConsumerFunctionContext<String, ? extends ConsumerFunction>> processor, final ViewElementDefinition viewElDef, final SchemaElementDefinition schemaElDef) { if (null != processor && null != processor.getFunctions()) { for (final ConsumerFunctionContext<String, ? extends ConsumerFunction> context : processor .getFunctions()) { if (null == context.getFunction()) { LOGGER.error(processor.getClass().getSimpleName() + " contains a function context with a null function."); return false; } if (!validateFunctionSelectionTypes(viewElDef, schemaElDef, context)) { return false; } if (context instanceof ConsumerProducerFunctionContext && !validateFunctionProjectionTypes(viewElDef, schemaElDef, (ConsumerProducerFunctionContext<String, ? extends ConsumerFunction>) context)) { return false; } } } return true; } private boolean validateFunctionSelectionTypes(final ViewElementDefinition viewElDef, final SchemaElementDefinition schemaElDef, final ConsumerFunctionContext<String, ? extends ConsumerFunction> context) { final ConsumerFunction function = context.getFunction(); final Class<?>[] inputTypes = function.getInputClasses(); if (null == inputTypes || 0 == inputTypes.length) { LOGGER.error( "Function " + function.getClass().getName() + " is invalid. Input types have not been set."); return false; } if (inputTypes.length != context.getSelection().size()) { LOGGER.error("Input types for function " + function.getClass().getName() + " are not equal to the selection property types."); return false; } int i = 0; for (final String key : context.getSelection()) { final IdentifierType idType = IdentifierType.fromName(key); final Class<?> clazz; if (null != idType) { clazz = schemaElDef.getIdentifierClass(idType); } else { final Class<?> schemaClazz = schemaElDef.getPropertyClass(key); if (null != schemaClazz) { clazz = schemaClazz; } else { clazz = viewElDef.getTransientPropertyClass(key); } } if (null == clazz) { if (null != idType) { final String typeName = schemaElDef.getIdentifierTypeName(idType); if (null != typeName) { LOGGER.error("No class type found for type definition " + typeName + " used by identifier " + idType + ". Please ensure it is defined in the schema."); } else { LOGGER.error("No type definition defined for identifier " + idType + ". Please ensure it is defined in the schema."); } } else { final String typeName = schemaElDef.getPropertyTypeName(key); if (null != typeName) { LOGGER.error("No class type found for type definition " + typeName + " used by property " + key + ". Please ensure it is defined in the schema."); } else { LOGGER.error("No class type found for transient property " + key + ". Please ensure it is defined in the view."); } } return false; } if (!inputTypes[i].isAssignableFrom(clazz)) { LOGGER.error("Function " + function.getClass().getName() + " is not compatible with selection types. Function input type " + inputTypes[i].getName() + " is not assignable from selection type " + clazz.getName() + "."); return false; } i++; } return true; } private boolean validateFunctionProjectionTypes(final ViewElementDefinition viewElDef, final SchemaElementDefinition schemaElDef, final ConsumerProducerFunctionContext<String, ? extends ConsumerFunction> consumerProducerContext) { final ConsumerProducerFunction function = consumerProducerContext.getFunction(); final Class<?>[] outputTypes = function.getOutputClasses(); if (null == outputTypes || 0 == outputTypes.length) { LOGGER.error( "Function " + function.getClass().getName() + " is invalid. Output types have not been set."); return false; } if (outputTypes.length != consumerProducerContext.getProjection().size()) { LOGGER.error("Output types for function " + function.getClass().getName() + " are not equal to the projection property types."); return false; } int i = 0; for (final String key : consumerProducerContext.getProjection()) { final Class<?> clazz; final IdentifierType idType = IdentifierType.fromName(key); if (null != idType) { clazz = schemaElDef.getIdentifierClass(idType); } else { final Class<?> schemaClazz = schemaElDef.getPropertyClass(key); if (null != schemaClazz) { clazz = schemaClazz; } else { clazz = viewElDef.getTransientPropertyClass(key); } } if (null == clazz || !outputTypes[i].isAssignableFrom(clazz)) { LOGGER.error("Function " + function.getClass().getName() + " is not compatible with output types. Function output type " + outputTypes[i].getName() + " is not assignable from projection type " + (null != clazz ? clazz.getName() : "with a null class.")); return false; } i++; } return true; } }