Java tutorial
/************************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2011, 2012, 2013 James Talbut. * * * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * James Talbut - Initial implementation. ************************************************************************************/ package; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.eclipse.birt.core.exception.BirtException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.w3c.dom.css.CSSValue; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class CellContentHandler extends AbstractHandler { /** * Number of milliseconds in a day, to determine whether a given date is date/time/datetime */ private static final long oneDay = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; /** * The last value added to a cell */ protected Object lastValue; /** * The BIRT element that provided the lastValue */ protected IContent lastElement; /** * List of font changes for a single cell. */ protected List<RichTextRun> richTextRuns = new ArrayList<RichTextRun>(); /** * When having to join multiple text blocks together, track whether they are block or inline display */ protected boolean lastCellContentsWasBlock; /** * When having to join multiple text blocks together, track whether they need more of a gap between them (basically used for flattened table cells) */ protected boolean lastCellContentsRequiresSpace; /** * The span of the current cell */ protected int colSpan; /** * Visitor to enable processing of child elements created for foreign (HTML) elements. */ protected ContentEmitterVisitor contentVisitor; /** * Override the cell alignment to this instead, unless zero */ protected CSSValue preferredAlignment; /** * URL that this cell should hyperlink to */ protected String hyperlinkUrl; /** * Bookmark that this cell should hyperlink to */ protected String hyperlinkBookmark; public CellContentHandler(IContentEmitter emitter, Logger log, IHandler parent, ICellContent cell) { super(log, parent, cell); contentVisitor = new ContentEmitterVisitor(emitter); colSpan = 1; } @Override public void startCell(HandlerState state, ICellContent cell) throws BirtException { if (cell.getBookmark() != null) { System.err.println("Bookmark: " + cell.getBookmark()); } } /** * Finish processing for the current (real) cell. * @param element * The element that signifies the end of the cell (this may not be an ICellContent object if the * cell is created for a label or text outside of a table). */ protected void endCellContent(HandlerState state, ICellContent birtCell, IContent element, Cell cell, Area area) { StyleManager sm = state.getSm(); StyleManagerUtils smu = state.getSmu(); BirtStyle birtCellStyle = null; if (birtCell != null) { birtCellStyle = new BirtStyle(birtCell); if (element != null) { // log.debug( "Overlaying style from ", element ); birtCellStyle.overlay(element); } } else if (element != null) { birtCellStyle = new BirtStyle(element); } else { birtCellStyle = new BirtStyle(state.getSm().getCssEngine()); } if (preferredAlignment != null) { birtCellStyle.setProperty(StyleConstants.STYLE_TEXT_ALIGN, preferredAlignment); } if (CSSConstants.CSS_TRANSPARENT_VALUE .equals(birtCellStyle.getString(StyleConstants.STYLE_BACKGROUND_COLOR))) { if (parent != null) { birtCellStyle.setProperty(StyleConstants.STYLE_BACKGROUND_COLOR, parent.getBackgroundColour()); } } if (hyperlinkUrl != null) { Hyperlink hyperlink = cell.getSheet().getWorkbook().getCreationHelper() .createHyperlink(Hyperlink.LINK_URL); hyperlink.setAddress(hyperlinkUrl); cell.setHyperlink(hyperlink); } if (hyperlinkBookmark != null) { Hyperlink hyperlink = cell.getSheet().getWorkbook().getCreationHelper() .createHyperlink(Hyperlink.LINK_DOCUMENT); hyperlink.setAddress(prepareName(hyperlinkBookmark)); cell.setHyperlink(hyperlink); } if (lastValue != null) { if (lastValue instanceof String) { String lastString = (String) lastValue; smu.correctFontColorIfBackground(birtCellStyle); for (RichTextRun run : richTextRuns) { run.font = smu.correctFontColorIfBackground(sm.getFontManager(), state.getWb(), birtCellStyle, run.font); } if (!richTextRuns.isEmpty()) { RichTextString rich = smu.createRichTextString(lastString); int runStart = richTextRuns.get(0).startIndex; Font lastFont = richTextRuns.get(0).font; for (int i = 0; i < richTextRuns.size(); ++i) { RichTextRun run = richTextRuns.get(i); log.debug("Run: ", run.startIndex, " font :", run.font); if (!lastFont.equals(run.font)) { log.debug("Applying ", runStart, " - ", run.startIndex); rich.applyFont(runStart, run.startIndex, lastFont); runStart = run.startIndex; lastFont = richTextRuns.get(i).font; } } log.debug("Finalising with ", runStart, " - ", lastString.length()); rich.applyFont(runStart, lastString.length(), lastFont); setCellContents(cell, rich); } else { setCellContents(cell, lastString); } if (lastString.contains("\n")) { if (!CSSConstants.CSS_NOWRAP_VALUE.equals(lastElement.getStyle().getWhiteSpace())) { birtCellStyle.setProperty(StyleConstants.STYLE_WHITE_SPACE, new StringValue(StringValue.CSS_STRING, CSSConstants.CSS_PRE_VALUE)); } } if (!richTextRuns.isEmpty()) { birtCellStyle.setProperty(StyleConstants.STYLE_VERTICAL_ALIGN, new StringValue(StringValue.CSS_STRING, CSSConstants.CSS_TOP_VALUE)); } if (preferredAlignment != null) { birtCellStyle.setProperty(StyleConstants.STYLE_TEXT_ALIGN, preferredAlignment); } } else { setCellContents(cell, lastValue); } } int colIndex = cell.getColumnIndex(); state.getSmu().applyAreaBordersToCell(state.areaBorders, cell, birtCellStyle, state.rowNum, colIndex); if ((birtCell != null) && ((birtCell.getColSpan() > 1) || (birtCell.getRowSpan() > 1))) { AreaBorders mergedRegionBorders = AreaBorders.createForMergedCells( state.rowNum + birtCell.getRowSpan() - 1, colIndex, colIndex + birtCell.getColSpan() - 1, state.rowNum, birtCellStyle); if (mergedRegionBorders != null) { state.insertBorderOverload(mergedRegionBorders); } } String customNumberFormat = EmitterServices.stringOption(state.getRenderOptions(), element, ExcelEmitter.CUSTOM_NUMBER_FORMAT, null); if (customNumberFormat != null) { StyleManagerUtils.setNumberFormat(birtCellStyle, ExcelEmitter.CUSTOM_NUMBER_FORMAT + customNumberFormat, null); } setCellStyle(sm, cell, birtCellStyle, lastValue); // Excel auto calculates the row height (if it isn't specified) as long as the cell isn't merged - if it is merged I have to do it if (((colSpan > 1) || (state.rowHasSpans(state.rowNum))) && ((lastValue instanceof String) || (lastValue instanceof RichTextString))) { int spannedRowAlgorithm = EmitterServices.integerOption(state.getRenderOptions(), element, ExcelEmitter.SPANNED_ROW_HEIGHT, ExcelEmitter.SPANNED_ROW_HEIGHT_SPREAD); Font defaultFont = state.getWb().getFontAt(cell.getCellStyle().getFontIndex()); double cellWidth = spanWidthMillimetres(state.currentSheet, cell.getColumnIndex(), cell.getColumnIndex() + colSpan - 1); float cellDesiredHeight = smu.calculateTextHeightPoints(cell.getStringCellValue(), defaultFont, cellWidth, richTextRuns); if (cellDesiredHeight > state.requiredRowHeightInPoints) { int rowSpan = birtCell.getRowSpan(); if (rowSpan < 2) { state.requiredRowHeightInPoints = cellDesiredHeight; } else { switch (spannedRowAlgorithm) { case ExcelEmitter.SPANNED_ROW_HEIGHT_FIRST: state.requiredRowHeightInPoints = cellDesiredHeight; break; case ExcelEmitter.SPANNED_ROW_HEIGHT_IGNORED: break; default: if (area != null) { area.setHeight(cellDesiredHeight); } } } } } // Adjust the required row height for any relevant areas based on what's left float rowSpanHeightRequirement = state.calculateRowSpanHeightRequirement(state.rowNum); if (rowSpanHeightRequirement > state.requiredRowHeightInPoints) { state.requiredRowHeightInPoints = rowSpanHeightRequirement; } if (EmitterServices.booleanOption(state.getRenderOptions(), element, ExcelEmitter.FREEZE_PANES, false)) { if (state.currentSheet.getPaneInformation() == null) { state.currentSheet.createFreezePane(state.colNum, state.rowNum); } } lastValue = null; lastElement = null; richTextRuns.clear(); } /** * Calculate the width of a set of columns, in millimetres. * @param startCol * The first column to consider (inclusive). * @param endCol * The last column to consider (inclusive). * @return * The sum of the widths of all columns between startCol and endCol (inclusive) in millimetres. */ private double spanWidthMillimetres(Sheet sheet, int startCol, int endCol) { int result = 0; for (int columnIndex = startCol; columnIndex <= endCol; ++columnIndex) { result += sheet.getColumnWidth(columnIndex); } return ClientAnchorConversions.widthUnits2Millimetres(result); } /** * Set the contents of an empty cell. * This should now be the only way in which a cell value is set (cells should not be modified). * @param value * The value to set. * @param element * The BIRT element supplying the value, used to set the style of the cell. */ private <T> void setCellContents(Cell cell, Object value) { log.debug("Setting cell[", cell.getRow().getRowNum(), ",", cell.getColumnIndex(), "] value to ", value); if (value instanceof Double) { // cell.setCellType(Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC); cell.setCellValue((Double) value); lastValue = value; } else if (value instanceof Integer) { // cell.setCellType(Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC); cell.setCellValue((Integer) value); lastValue = value; } else if (value instanceof Long) { // cell.setCellType(Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC); cell.setCellValue((Long) value); lastValue = value; } else if (value instanceof Date) { // cell.setCellType(Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC); cell.setCellValue((Date) value); lastValue = value; } else if (value instanceof Boolean) { // cell.setCellType(Cell.CELL_TYPE_BOOLEAN); cell.setCellValue(((Boolean) value).booleanValue()); lastValue = value; } else if (value instanceof BigDecimal) { // cell.setCellType(Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC); cell.setCellValue(((BigDecimal) value).doubleValue()); lastValue = value; } else if (value instanceof String) { // cell.setCellType(Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING); cell.setCellValue((String) value); lastValue = value; } else if (value instanceof RichTextString) { // cell.setCellType(Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING); cell.setCellValue((RichTextString) value); lastValue = value; } else if (value != null) { log.debug("Unhandled data: ", (value == null ? "<null>" : value)); // cell.setCellType(Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING); cell.setCellValue(value.toString()); lastValue = value; } } /** * Set the style of the current cell based on the style of a BIRT element. * @param element * The BIRT element to take the style from. */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private void setCellStyle(StyleManager sm, Cell cell, BirtStyle birtStyle, Object value) { if ((StyleManagerUtils.getNumberFormat(birtStyle) == null) && (StyleManagerUtils.getDateFormat(birtStyle) == null) && (StyleManagerUtils.getDateTimeFormat(birtStyle) == null) && (StyleManagerUtils.getTimeFormat(birtStyle) == null) && (value != null)) { if (value instanceof Date) { long time = ((Date) value).getTime(); time = time - ((Date) value).getTimezoneOffset() * 60000; if (time % oneDay == 0) { StyleManagerUtils.setDateFormat(birtStyle, "Short Date", null); } else if (time < oneDay) { StyleManagerUtils.setTimeFormat(birtStyle, "Short Time", null); } else { StyleManagerUtils.setDateTimeFormat(birtStyle, "General Date", null); } } } // log.debug( "BirtStyle: ", birtStyle); CellStyle cellStyle = sm.getStyle(birtStyle); cell.setCellStyle(cellStyle); } private CSSValue preferredAlignment(BirtStyle elementStyle) { CSSValue newAlign = elementStyle.getProperty(StyleConstants.STYLE_TEXT_ALIGN); if (newAlign == null) { newAlign = new StringValue(StringValue.CSS_STRING, CSSConstants.CSS_LEFT_VALUE); } if (preferredAlignment == null) { return newAlign; } if (CSSConstants.CSS_LEFT_VALUE.equals(newAlign.getCssText())) { return newAlign; } else if (CSSConstants.CSS_RIGHT_VALUE.equals(newAlign.getCssText())) { if (CSSConstants.CSS_CENTER_VALUE.equals(preferredAlignment)) { return newAlign; } else { return preferredAlignment; } } else { return preferredAlignment; } } /** * Set the contents of the current cell. * If the current cell is empty this will format the cell optimally for the new value, if the current cell already has some contents this will simply append the text * value to the current contents. * @param value * The value to put into the current cell. */ protected void emitContent(HandlerState state, IContent element, Object value, boolean asBlock) { if (value == null) { return; } if (element.getBookmark() != null) { createName(state, prepareName(element.getBookmark()), state.rowNum, state.colNum, state.rowNum, state.colNum); } if (lastValue == null) { lastValue = value; lastElement = element; lastCellContentsWasBlock = asBlock; IHyperlinkAction birtHyperlink = element.getHyperlinkAction(); if (birtHyperlink != null) { switch (birtHyperlink.getType()) { case IHyperlinkAction.ACTION_HYPERLINK: hyperlinkUrl = birtHyperlink.getHyperlink(); break; case IHyperlinkAction.ACTION_BOOKMARK: hyperlinkBookmark = birtHyperlink.getBookmark(); break; case IHyperlinkAction.ACTION_DRILLTHROUGH: IHTMLActionHandler handler = state.getRenderOptions().getActionHandler(); if (handler != null) { hyperlinkUrl = handler.getURL(new Action(null, birtHyperlink), element.getReportContent().getReportContext()); } break; default: log.debug("Unhandled hyperlink type: {}", birtHyperlink.getType()); } } return; } StyleManager sm = state.getSm(); // Both to be improved to include formatting String oldValue = lastValue.toString(); String newComponent = value.toString(); if (lastCellContentsWasBlock && !newComponent.startsWith("\n") && !oldValue.endsWith("\n")) { oldValue = oldValue + "\n"; lastCellContentsWasBlock = false; } if (lastCellContentsRequiresSpace && !newComponent.startsWith("\n") && !oldValue.endsWith("\n")) { oldValue = oldValue + " "; lastCellContentsRequiresSpace = false; } String newValue = oldValue + newComponent; lastValue = newValue; if (element != null) { BirtStyle elementStyle = new BirtStyle(element); Font newFont = sm.getFontManager().getFont(elementStyle); richTextRuns.add(new RichTextRun(oldValue.length(), newFont)); preferredAlignment = preferredAlignment(elementStyle); } lastCellContentsWasBlock = asBlock; hyperlinkUrl = null; } public void recordImage(HandlerState state, Coordinate location, IImageContent image, boolean spanColumns) throws BirtException { byte[] data = image.getData(); log.debug("startImage: " + "[" + image.getMIMEType() + "] " + "{" + image.getWidth() + " x " + image.getHeight() + "} " + (data == null ? "(no data) " : "(" + data.length + " bytes) ") + image.getURI()); StyleManagerUtils smu = state.getSmu(); Workbook wb = state.getWb(); String mimeType = image.getMIMEType(); if ((data == null) && (image.getURI() != null)) { try { URL imageUrl = new URL(image.getURI()); URLConnection conn = imageUrl.openConnection(); conn.connect(); mimeType = conn.getContentType(); int imageType = smu.poiImageTypeFromMimeType(mimeType, null); if (imageType == 0) { log.debug("Unrecognised/unhandled image MIME type: " + mimeType); } else { data = smu.downloadImage(conn); } } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { log.debug(ex.getClass(), ": ", ex.getMessage()); ex.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException ex) { log.debug(ex.getClass(), ": ", ex.getMessage()); ex.printStackTrace(); } } if (data != null) { int imageType = smu.poiImageTypeFromMimeType(mimeType, data); if (imageType == 0) { log.debug("Unrecognised/unhandled image MIME type: ", image.getMIMEType()); } else { int imageIdx = wb.addPicture(data, imageType); if ((image.getHeight() == null) || (image.getWidth() == null)) { Image birtImage = new Image(); birtImage.setInput(data); birtImage.check(); log.debug("Calculated image dimensions " + birtImage.getWidth() + " (@" + birtImage.getPhysicalWidthDpi() + "dpi=" + birtImage.getPhysicalWidthInch() + "in) x " + birtImage.getHeight() + " (@" + birtImage.getPhysicalHeightDpi() + "dpi=" + birtImage.getPhysicalHeightInch() + "in)"); if (image.getWidth() == null) { DimensionType Width = new DimensionType( (birtImage.getPhysicalWidthInch() > 0) ? birtImage.getPhysicalWidthInch() : birtImage.getWidth() / 96.0, "in"); image.setWidth(Width); } if (image.getHeight() == null) { DimensionType Height = new DimensionType( (birtImage.getPhysicalHeightInch() > 0) ? birtImage.getPhysicalHeightInch() : birtImage.getHeight() / 96.0, "in"); image.setHeight(Height); } } state.images.add(new CellImage(location, imageIdx, image, spanColumns)); lastElement = image; } } } protected void removeMergedCell(HandlerState state, int row, int col) { for (int mergeNum = 0; mergeNum < state.currentSheet.getNumMergedRegions(); ++mergeNum) { CellRangeAddress region = state.currentSheet.getMergedRegion(mergeNum); if ((region.getFirstRow() == row) && (region.getFirstColumn() == col)) { state.currentSheet.removeMergedRegion(mergeNum); break; } } for (Iterator<Area> iter = state.rowSpans.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Area area =; Coordinate topLeft = area.getX(); if ((topLeft.getRow() == row) || (topLeft.getCol() == col)) { iter.remove(); } } } }