Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * * @author Andrew */ public class Oddball { ResourceRepository resourceRepository; HashMap<String, RuleSet> ruleSets = new HashMap<String, RuleSet>(); BinSet binSet; HashMap<String, BinSet> privateBinSets = new HashMap<String, BinSet>(); HashMap<String, String> transformers = new HashMap<String, String>(); HashMap<String, String> processors = new HashMap<String, String>(); public Oddball(ResourceRepository resourceRepository, String binSetName) throws BinSetNotLoadedException { this.resourceRepository = resourceRepository; binSet = loadBinSet(binSetName, resourceRepository); } private RuleSet ensureRuleSet(String ruleSetName) throws RuleSetNotLoadedException { System.out.println("Loading"); System.out.println(ruleSetName); RuleSet ruleSet = ruleSets.get(ruleSetName); if (ruleSet == null) { ruleSet = loadRuleSet(ruleSetName, resourceRepository); ruleSets.put(ruleSetName, ruleSet); } return ruleSet; } public Opinion assessCase(String ruleSetName, String inboundTransformer, Case aCase, int persistOption, String duplicateQuery, String avoidQuery, String ensureIndexes) throws TransformerNotLoadedException, RuleSetNotLoadedException, InvalidCaseException, IOException { RuleSet ruleSet = ensureRuleSet(ruleSetName); if (inboundTransformer != null) { LOGGER.debug("Applying transformation:" + inboundTransformer); aCase.setContent(this.transformCase(aCase.getContent(), inboundTransformer)); } return ruleSet.assessCase(aCase, null, ruleSetName, persistOption, duplicateQuery, avoidQuery); } public Opinion assessCase(String ruleSetName, String inboundTransformer, Case aCase) throws TransformerNotLoadedException, RuleSetNotLoadedException, InvalidCaseException, IOException { return this.assessCase(ruleSetName, inboundTransformer, aCase, RuleSet.ALWAYSPERSIST, null, null, null); } public void clearRuleSet(String ruleSetName) { RuleSet ruleSet = ruleSets.get(ruleSetName); if (ruleSet != null) { ruleSet.getPersist().dropCases(); ruleSets.remove(ruleSetName); } } public void clearTransformers() { transformers.clear(); } public void clearProcessors() { processors.clear(); } private RuleSet loadRuleSet(String ruleSetName, ResourceRepository resourceRepository) throws RuleSetNotLoadedException { if (ruleSetName.contains(".rules")) { try { System.out.println("Looks like JSON"); return RuleSetImpl.loadJSONRuleSet(ruleSetName, resourceRepository); } catch (RuleSetNotLoadedException e) { // not a json file System.out.println("Failed to parse JSON"); return RuleSetImpl.loadRuleSet(ruleSetName, resourceRepository); } } else { return RuleSetImpl.loadRuleSet(ruleSetName, resourceRepository); } } public RuleSet reloadRuleSet(String ruleSetName) throws RuleSetNotLoadedException { RuleSet ruleSet = ruleSets.get(ruleSetName); if (ruleSet == null) { return loadRuleSet(ruleSetName, resourceRepository); } ruleSet.reloadRules(resourceRepository); return ruleSet; } public String getDbStats(String ruleSetName) throws RuleSetNotLoadedException { RuleSet ruleSet = ensureRuleSet(ruleSetName); return ruleSet.getPersist().getDbStats(); } public RuleSet addExtraRule(String ruleSetName, String prefix, String label, String ruleString, String source) throws RuleSetNotLoadedException { RuleSet ruleSet = ensureRuleSet(ruleSetName); Rule duplicate = ruleSet.findExtraRule(prefix, ruleString); if (duplicate != null) { ruleSet.removeExtraRule(duplicate); } ruleSet.addExtraRule(ruleSet.createRule(prefix, label, ruleString, null, source, resourceRepository)); return ruleSet; } public Collection<String> findRules(String ruleSetName, Map<String, String> options) throws RuleSetNotLoadedException, IOException { RuleSet ruleSet = ensureRuleSet(ruleSetName); List<Rule> rules = ruleSet.getAllRules(); ArrayList<String> response = new ArrayList<String>(); String prefix = ""; String source = ""; String label = ""; if (options.get("prefix") != null) { prefix = options.get("prefix"); } if (options.get("source") != null) { source = options.get("source"); } if (options.get("label") != null) { label = options.get("label"); } for (Rule rule : rules) { if (prefix.equals("ALL") || rule.getLabel().indexOf(prefix) == 0) { if (source.equals("ALL") || rule.getSource().indexOf(source) == 0) { if (label.equals("") || rule.getLabel().contains(label)) { response.add(rule.asJSON()); } } } } return response; } public String showRules(String ruleSetName, Map<String, String> options) throws RuleSetNotLoadedException, IOException { RuleSet ruleSet = ensureRuleSet(ruleSetName); List<Rule> rules = ruleSet.getAllRules(); Map<String, Object> response = new HashMap<String, Object>(); Map<String, Object> ruleSetMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); ruleSetMap.put("ruleType", ruleSet.getRuleType()); ruleSetMap.put("persistence", ruleSet.getRuleHost()); Map<String, ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>> prefixes = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>>(); for (Rule rule : rules) { String prefix = "other"; String label = rule.getLabel(); if (label.contains(".")) { String[] labelParts = label.split("\\."); prefix = labelParts[0]; label = labelParts[1]; } if (!prefixes.containsKey(prefix)) { prefixes.put(prefix, new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>()); } Map ruleMap = rule.asMap(); ruleMap.put("label", ((String) ruleMap.get("label")).replace(prefix + ".", "")); prefixes.get(prefix).add(ruleMap); } ArrayList<Map<String, Object>> tagTypes = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); for (String key : prefixes.keySet()) { Map<String, Object> tagType = new HashMap<String, Object>(); tagType.put("tagType", key); tagType.put("default", ruleSet.getPrefixDefault(key + ".")); tagType.put("rules", prefixes.get(key)); tagTypes.add(tagType); } ruleSetMap.put("tagTypes", tagTypes); response.put("ruleSet", ruleSetMap); return JSONUtil.map2json(response); } public Collection<String> saveRules(String ruleSetName, Map<String, String> options) throws RuleSetNotLoadedException, IOException { RuleSet ruleSet = ensureRuleSet(ruleSetName); List<Rule> rules = ruleSet.getAllRules(); ArrayList<String> response = new ArrayList<String>(); String prefix = "ALL"; String source = "ALL"; if (options.get("prefix") != null) { prefix = options.get("prefix"); } if (options.get("source") != null) { source = options.get("source"); } String fileName = ruleSetName; fileName = fileName + "." + prefix; fileName = fileName + "." + source; StringBuilder lines = new StringBuilder(""); for (Rule rule : rules) { if (prefix.equals("ALL") || rule.getLabel().indexOf(prefix) == 0) { if (source.equals("ALL") || rule.getSource().indexOf(source) == 0) { lines.append(rule.asRuleConfig()); } } } InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(lines.toString().getBytes("UTF-8")); Resource resource = new Resource("", fileName); try { resourceRepository.delete(resource); } catch ( ex) { } catch ( ex) { } resourceRepository.write(resource, is); System.out.println(""); for (Rule rule : rules) { if (prefix.equals("ALL") || rule.getLabel().indexOf(prefix) == 0) { if (source.equals("ALL") || rule.getSource().indexOf(source) == 0) { response.add(rule.asJSON()); } } } return response; } public final BinSet loadBinSet(String binSetName, ResourceRepository resourceRepository) throws BinSetNotLoadedException { return BinSetImpl.loadBinSet(binSetName, resourceRepository); } public BinSet reloadBinSet() throws BinSetNotLoadedException { binSet = BinSetImpl.loadBinSet(binSet.getName(), resourceRepository); privateBinSets.clear(); return binSet; } public String loadTransformer(String transformerName, ResourceRepository resourceRepository) throws TransformerNotLoadedException { try { Resource resource = new Resource("", transformerName); InputStream inputStream =; List<String> lines = IOUtils.readLines(inputStream); StringBuilder transformerStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (String line : lines) { transformerStringBuilder.append(line); } String transformerString = transformerStringBuilder.toString(); this.transformers.put(transformerName, transformerString); return transformerString; } catch (IOException ex) { throw new TransformerNotLoadedException(transformerName, ex); } } public String loadProcessor(String processorName, ResourceRepository resourceRepository) throws ProcessorNotLoadedException { try { Resource resource = new Resource("", processorName); InputStream inputStream =; List<String> lines = IOUtils.readLines(inputStream); StringBuilder processorStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (String line : lines) { processorStringBuilder.append(line); } String processorString = processorStringBuilder.toString(); this.processors.put(processorName, processorString); return processorString; } catch (IOException ex) { throw new ProcessorNotLoadedException(processorName, ex); } } public String getTransformer(String transformerName, ResourceRepository resourceRepository) throws TransformerNotLoadedException { if (transformers.get(transformerName) != null) { return (String) transformers.get(transformerName); } else { return loadTransformer(transformerName, resourceRepository); } } public String getProcessor(String processorName, ResourceRepository resourceRepository) throws ProcessorNotLoadedException { if (processors.get(processorName) != null) { return (String) processors.get(processorName); } else { return loadProcessor(processorName, resourceRepository); } } private Collection<String> filterResults(Iterable<String> results, Map<String, String> options) throws FilterException { String filterQuery = options.get("filter"); ArrayList<String> filtered = new ArrayList<String>(); Class ruleClass = new RuleTypeMap().get("mongo"); try { Rule ruleInstance = (Rule) ruleClass.newInstance(); ruleInstance.setRuleString(filterQuery, resourceRepository); for (String caseStr : results) { boolean hit = ruleInstance.testOneOffRule(new MapCase(caseStr), new MongoDBHelper("filter", true)); if (hit) { filtered.add(caseStr); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new FilterException("failed applying filter:" + filterQuery); } return filtered; } public Collection<String> transformResults(Iterable<String> results, String transformerName) throws TransformerNotLoadedException { ArrayList<String> transformed = new ArrayList<String>(); String transformStr = getTransformer(transformerName, resourceRepository); Map evalFunctions = new HashMap(); evalFunctions.put("math", new MathUtil()); evalFunctions.put("odd", new OddUtil()); evalFunctions.put("util", new CoreUtil()); JSONTransformer transformer = new JSONTransformer(new JEXLJSONPathEvaluator(evalFunctions)); HashMap params = new HashMap(); for (String caseStr : results) { transformed.add(transformer.transform(caseStr, transformStr, params)); } return transformed; } private Collection<String> dedupResults(Iterable<String> results) throws TransformerNotLoadedException { ArrayList<String> deduped = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String caseStr : results) { if (!deduped.contains(caseStr)) { deduped.add(caseStr); } } return deduped; } private String transformResult(String result, String transformerName) throws TransformerNotLoadedException { String transformStr = getTransformer(transformerName, resourceRepository); Map evalFunctions = new HashMap(); evalFunctions.put("math", new MathUtil()); evalFunctions.put("odd", new OddUtil()); evalFunctions.put("util", new CoreUtil()); JSONTransformer transformer = new JSONTransformer(new JEXLJSONPathEvaluator(evalFunctions)); HashMap params = new HashMap(); return transformer.transform(result, transformStr, params); } private String transformCase(String caseStr, String transformerName) throws TransformerNotLoadedException { String transformStr = getTransformer(transformerName, resourceRepository); Map evalFunctions = new HashMap(); evalFunctions.put("math", new MathUtil()); evalFunctions.put("odd", new OddUtil()); evalFunctions.put("util", new CoreUtil()); JSONTransformer transformer = new JSONTransformer(new JEXLJSONPathEvaluator(evalFunctions)); HashMap params = new HashMap(); return transformer.transform(caseStr, transformStr, params); } private Collection<String> aggregateResults(Iterable<String> results, Map<String, String> options) throws AggregationException, InvalidTimePeriodException { ArrayList<String> aggregatedResults = new ArrayList<String>(); Class aggregatorClass = new AggregatorMap().get(options.get("aggregator")); try { Aggregator ag = (Aggregator) aggregatorClass.newInstance(); ArrayList<Map> aggregated = ag.aggregateCases(results, options, resourceRepository); for (Object agg : aggregated) { String aggString = JSONUtil.map2json((Map) agg); aggString = aggString.replace(": }", ":{ }"); aggregatedResults.add(aggString); } return aggregatedResults; } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw new AggregationException("Could not instantiate aggregator: " + options.get("aggregator"), e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new AggregationException("Could not instantiate aggregator: " + options.get("aggregator"), e); } } private Collection<String> compareResults(Iterable<String> results, Map<String, String> options, RuleSet ruleSet, String query, String owner) throws ComparisonException, InvalidTimePeriodException, UnknownBinException, IOException, DaoException, TransformerNotLoadedException { options.put("owner", owner); Collection<String> comparisonResults = comparisonResults(ruleSet, query, options); ArrayList<String> comparedResults = new ArrayList<String>(); Class comparatorClass = new ComparatorMap().get(options.get("comparator")); options.put("periodDivision", "1Y"); try { CaseComparator comp = (CaseComparator) comparatorClass.newInstance(); for (String result : results) { Map compared =, comparisonResults, options, resourceRepository); String compString = JSONUtil.map2json((Map) compared); compString = compString.replace(": }", ":{ }"); comparedResults.add(compString); } return comparedResults; } catch (IOException e) { throw new ComparisonException("IOException: " + options.get("comparator"), e); } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw new ComparisonException("Could not instantiate aggregator: " + options.get("comparator"), e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new ComparisonException("Could not instantiate aggregator: " + options.get("comparator"), e); } } private Collection<String> identifyResults(Iterable<String> results, Map<String, String> options, RuleSet ruleSet, String query, String owner) throws ComparisonException, InvalidTimePeriodException, UnknownBinException, IOException, DaoException, TransformerNotLoadedException, IdentificationSchemeNotLoadedException, AggregationException { options.put("owner", owner); Collection<String> comparisonResults = comparisonResults(ruleSet, query, options); ArrayList<String> identifiedResults = new ArrayList<String>(); Class identifierClass = new IdentifierMap().get(options.get("identifier")); options.put("periodDivision", "1Y"); try { CaseIdentifier ider = (CaseIdentifier) identifierClass.newInstance(); for (String result : results) { Map identified = ider.identify(ruleSet, result, comparisonResults, options, this, resourceRepository); String idString = JSONUtil.map2json((Map) identified); idString = idString.replace(": }", ":{ }"); identifiedResults.add(idString); } return identifiedResults; } catch (IOException e) { throw new ComparisonException("IOException: " + options.get("comparator"), e); } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw new ComparisonException("Could not instantiate aggregator: " + options.get("comparator"), e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new ComparisonException("Could not instantiate aggregator: " + options.get("comparator"), e); } } public Collection<String> comparisonResults(RuleSet ruleSet, String query, Map<String, String> options) throws UnknownBinException, IOException, DaoException, InvalidTimePeriodException, TransformerNotLoadedException { Map<String, String> comparisonOptions = new HashMap<String, String>(); comparisonOptions.putAll(options); if (options.containsKey("comparisonQuery")) { comparisonOptions.put("query", options.get("comparisonQuery")); } if (options.containsKey("comparisonAgo")) { comparisonOptions.put("ago", options.get("comparisonAgo")); } if (options.containsKey("comparisonRecent")) { comparisonOptions.put("recent", options.get("comparisonRecent")); } if (options.get("comparisonBinLabel") != null) { String binLabel = options.get("comparisonBinLabel"); String binQuery = this.getBinQuery(binLabel, comparisonOptions); comparisonOptions.put("binQuery", binQuery); } comparisonOptions.remove("selector"); Collection<String> result = ruleSet.getPersist().findCasesForOwner(options.get("owner"), query, comparisonOptions); if (options.get("transformer") != null) { result = transformResults(result, getDefaultedTransformer("", options)); } return result; } private Collection<String> tagResults(Iterable<String> results, Map<String, String> options) throws RuleSetNotLoadedException, InvalidCaseException, TransformerNotLoadedException, IOException { ArrayList<String> taggedResults = new ArrayList<String>(); String ruleSetName = options.get("tagger"); String incomingXform = null; if (ruleSetName.contains(":")) { String[] nameSplit = ruleSetName.split(":"); ruleSetName = nameSplit[0]; incomingXform = nameSplit[1]; } RuleSet ruleSet = ensureRuleSet(ruleSetName); for (String result : results) { MapCase aCase = new MapCase(result); int persistOption = RuleSet.NEVERPERSIST; String duplicateQuery = ""; String avoidQuery = ""; if (options.get("persist") != null && options.get("persist").equals("true")) { persistOption = RuleSet.UPDATEPERSIST; if ((options.get("duplicateQuery") != null) && (!options.get("duplicateQuery").equals(""))) { duplicateQuery = options.get("duplicateQuery"); } if ((options.get("avoidQuery") != null) && (!options.get("avoidQuery").equals(""))) { avoidQuery = options.get("avoidQuery"); } } // public Opinion assessCase(String ruleSetName, String inboundTransformer, Case aCase, int persistOption, String duplicateQuery) throws TransformerNotLoadedException, RuleSetNotLoadedException, InvalidCaseException { Opinion caseOp = this.assessCase(ruleSetName, incomingXform, aCase, persistOption, duplicateQuery, avoidQuery, null); // Opinion caseOp = ruleSet.assessCase(aCase, incomingXform, ruleSetName, persistOption, duplicateQuery); taggedResults.add(caseOp.getEnrichedCase(ruleSetName, aCase, true)); } return taggedResults; } private Collection<String> applyProcessor(Iterable<String> results, Map<String, String> options, RuleSet ruleSet, String query, String owner) throws ComparisonException, InvalidTimePeriodException, UnknownBinException, IOException, DaoException, TransformerNotLoadedException, AggregationException, RuleSetNotLoadedException, InvalidCaseException, ProcessorNotLoadedException, FilterException, IdentificationSchemeNotLoadedException { String processor = options.get("processor"); // String processorChain = loadProcessor(processor, resourceRepository); String processorChain = getProcessor(processor, resourceRepository); options.put("processorChain", processorChain); return applyProcessorChain(results, options, ruleSet, query, owner); } private Collection<String> applyProcessorChain(Iterable<String> results, Map<String, String> options, RuleSet ruleSet, String query, String owner) throws ComparisonException, InvalidTimePeriodException, UnknownBinException, IOException, DaoException, TransformerNotLoadedException, AggregationException, RuleSetNotLoadedException, InvalidCaseException, FilterException, IdentificationSchemeNotLoadedException { ArrayList<String> processedResults = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> interimResults = new ArrayList<String>(); String processorChain = options.get("processorChain"); try { Map chain = JSONUtil.json2map("{\"chain\":" + processorChain + "}"); ArrayList<Object> chainSteps = (ArrayList<Object>) chain.get("chain"); for (Object step : chainSteps) { interimResults = new ArrayList<String>(); Map<String, String> stepMap = (Map<String, String>) step; for (String key : stepMap.keySet()) { stepMap.put(key, stepMap.get(key).replace("{owner}", owner + "/").replace("{account}", owner + "/")); } if (stepMap.get("retriever") != null) { Map<String, String> subOptions = (Map<String, String>) options; subOptions.putAll(stepMap); interimResults.addAll(initialQuery(owner, options.get("ruleSet"), query, subOptions)); } if (stepMap.get("transformer") != null) { interimResults.addAll(transformResults(results, (String) stepMap.get("transformer"))); } if (stepMap.get("aggregator") != null) { Map<String, String> subOptions = (Map<String, String>) stepMap; if (options.get("recent") != null && subOptions.get("recent") == null) { subOptions.put("recent", options.get("recent")); } interimResults.addAll(aggregateResults(results, subOptions)); } if (stepMap.get("comparator") != null) { Map<String, String> subOptions = (Map<String, String>) stepMap; if (options.get("recent") != null) { subOptions.put("recent", options.get("recent")); } if (options.get("caseRecent") != null) { subOptions.put("caseRecent", options.get("recent")); } if (options.get("query") != null) { subOptions.put("query", options.get("query")); } if (options.get("forEach") != null) { subOptions.put("forEach", options.get("forEach")); } if (options.get("forEachValue") != null) { subOptions.put("forEachValue", options.get("forEachValue")); } interimResults.addAll(compareResults(results, subOptions, ruleSet, query, owner)); } if (stepMap.get("identifier") != null) { Map<String, String> subOptions = (Map<String, String>) stepMap; if (options.get("recent") != null) { subOptions.put("recent", options.get("recent")); } if (options.get("caseRecent") != null) { subOptions.put("caseRecent", options.get("caseRecent")); } if (options.get("query") != null && subOptions.get("query") == null) { subOptions.put("query", options.get("query")); } if (options.get("forEach") != null) { subOptions.put("forEach", options.get("forEach")); } if (options.get("forEachValue") != null) { subOptions.put("forEachValue", options.get("forEachValue")); } if (stepMap.get("identityTransformer") != null) { subOptions.put("transformer", stepMap.get("identityTransformer")); } interimResults .addAll(identifyResults(results, subOptions, ruleSet, subOptions.get("query"), owner)); } if (stepMap.get("tagger") != null) { interimResults.addAll(tagResults(results, (Map<String, String>) stepMap)); } if (stepMap.get("filter") != null) { interimResults.addAll(filterResults(results, (Map<String, String>) stepMap)); } results = interimResults; } } catch (IOException ex) { throw new InvalidCaseException("{\"chain\":" + processorChain + "}"); } processedResults.addAll(interimResults); return processedResults; } private String getDefaultedTransformer(String ruleSetName, Map<String, String> options) { String transformerStr = options.get("transformer"); if (transformerStr != null) { if (transformerStr.equals("default")) { return ruleSetName + ".default.xform"; } if (transformerStr.contains("{ruleSet}")) { return transformerStr.replace("{ruleSet}", ruleSetName); } if (transformerStr.indexOf("{owner}") == 0) { return transformerStr.replace("{owner}", options.get("owner") + "/"); } return transformerStr; } else { return transformerStr; } } private Collection<String> restoreHashes(Collection<String> inStrings) { Collection<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String resultString : inStrings) { result.add(resultString.replace("(hash)", "#")); } return result; } public Collection<String> findQueryCasesForEach(String ruleSetName, String query, Map<String, String> options) throws IOException, RuleSetNotLoadedException, DaoException, TransformerNotLoadedException, AggregationException, UnknownBinException, InvalidCaseException, InvalidTimePeriodException, ProcessorNotLoadedException, ComparisonException, FilterException, IdentificationSchemeNotLoadedException { ArrayList<String> cases = new ArrayList<String>(); String forEach = options.get("forEach"); HashMap<String, String> distinctOptions = new HashMap<String, String>(); distinctOptions.putAll(options); distinctOptions.put("distinct", forEach); distinctOptions.remove("transformer"); distinctOptions.remove("aggregator"); distinctOptions.remove("selector"); distinctOptions.remove("identifier"); distinctOptions.remove("comparator"); distinctOptions.remove("tagger"); distinctOptions.remove("filter"); distinctOptions.remove("forEach"); distinctOptions.remove("processor"); distinctOptions.remove("processorChain"); ArrayList<String> allDistinct = new ArrayList<String>(); allDistinct.addAll(findQueryCases(ruleSetName, query, distinctOptions)); for (String distinctValue : allDistinct) { options.put("forEachValue", distinctValue.replace("\"", "")); cases.addAll(findQueryCases(ruleSetName, query, options)); } return cases; } private Collection<String> initialQuery(String owner, String ruleSetNames, String query, Map<String, String> options) throws RuleSetNotLoadedException, UnknownBinException, IOException, DaoException, InvalidTimePeriodException, TransformerNotLoadedException { Collection<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); if (options.get("retriever").equals("caseRetriever")) { String path = ""; if (ruleSetNames.contains("/")) { path = ruleSetNames.substring(0, ruleSetNames.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); ruleSetNames = ruleSetNames.substring(ruleSetNames.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); } String ruleSets[] = ruleSetNames.split("\\+"); for (String ruleSetName : ruleSets) { RuleSet ruleSet = ensureRuleSet(path + ruleSetName); if (options.get("binLabel") != null) { String binLabel = options.get("binLabel"); String binQuery = this.getBinQuery(binLabel, options); options.put("binQuery", binQuery); } Collection<String> interimResult = ruleSet.getPersist().findCasesForOwner(owner, query, options); if (options.get("transformer") != null) { interimResult = transformResults(interimResult, getDefaultedTransformer(path + ruleSetName, options)); } result.addAll(interimResult); } } return result; } public Collection<String> findQueryCases(String ruleSetName, String query, Map<String, String> options) throws IOException, RuleSetNotLoadedException, DaoException, TransformerNotLoadedException, AggregationException, UnknownBinException, InvalidCaseException, InvalidTimePeriodException, ProcessorNotLoadedException, ComparisonException, FilterException, IdentificationSchemeNotLoadedException { String owner = Oddball.NONE; if (options.get("owner") != null) { owner = options.get("owner"); } if (options.get("retriever") == null) { options.put("retriever", "caseRetriever"); } Collection<String> result = initialQuery(owner, ruleSetName, query, options); String comparisonRuleSet = ruleSetName; if (options.get("comparisonRuleSet") != null) { comparisonRuleSet = options.get("comparisonRuleSet"); } result = restoreHashes(result); if (options.get("distinct") != null) { result = dedupResults(result); } if (options.get("aggregator") != null) { result = aggregateResults(result, options); } if (options.get("comparator") != null) { result = compareResults(result, options, attemptRuleSet(comparisonRuleSet), query, owner); } if (options.get("identifier") != null) { result = identifyResults(result, options, attemptRuleSet(comparisonRuleSet), query, owner); } if (options.get("tagger") != null) { result = tagResults(result, options); } if (options.get("filter") != null) { result = filterResults(result, options); } if (options.get("processorChain") != null) { result = applyProcessorChain(result, options, attemptRuleSet(comparisonRuleSet), query, owner); } if (options.get("processorChain") == null && options.get("processor") != null) { result = applyProcessor(result, options, attemptRuleSet(comparisonRuleSet), query, owner); } return result; } private RuleSet attemptRuleSet(String ruleSetName) { RuleSet ruleSet = null; try { ruleSet = ensureRuleSet(ruleSetName); } catch (RuleSetNotLoadedException ex) { } ; return ruleSet; } public void deleteQueryCases(String ruleSetName, String query, Map<String, String> options) throws IOException, RuleSetNotLoadedException, DaoException, TransformerNotLoadedException, AggregationException, UnknownBinException, InvalidCaseException, InvalidTimePeriodException { RuleSet ruleSet = ensureRuleSet(ruleSetName); String owner = Oddball.NONE; if (options.get("owner") != null) { owner = options.get("owner"); } if (options.get("binLabel") != null) { String binLabel = options.get("binLabel"); String binQuery = this.getBinQuery(binLabel, options); options.put("binQuery", binQuery); } ruleSet.getPersist().deleteCasesForOwner(owner, query, options); } public Collection<String> findCaseById(String ruleSetName, String id, Map<String, String> options) throws RuleSetNotLoadedException, DaoException, TransformerNotLoadedException { RuleSet ruleSet = ensureRuleSet(ruleSetName); String owner = Oddball.ALL; Collection<String> result = ruleSet.getPersist().findCaseById(owner, id); if (options.get("transformer") != null) { return transformResults(result, getDefaultedTransformer(ruleSetName, options)); } else { return result; } } public Collection<String> deleteCaseById(String ruleSetName, String id, Map<String, String> options) throws RuleSetNotLoadedException, DaoException, TransformerNotLoadedException { RuleSet ruleSet = ensureRuleSet(ruleSetName); String owner = Oddball.ALL; Collection<String> result = ruleSet.getPersist().deleteCaseById(owner, id); return result; } private String getBinQuery(String binLabel, Map<String, String> options) throws UnknownBinException { String binQuery; String owner = Oddball.ALL; if (options.get("owner") != null) { owner = options.get("owner"); } BinSet ownerBinSet = loadPrivateBinSet(owner); if (ownerBinSet != null && ownerBinSet.getBins().get(binLabel) != null) { binQuery = ownerBinSet.getBins().get(binLabel).getBinString(); } else { binQuery = binSet.getBins().get(binLabel).getBinString(); } if (binQuery == null) { throw new UnknownBinException(binLabel); } return binQuery; } public Collection<String> listBinLabels(String owner) throws BinSetNotLoadedException { Collection<String> binLabels = new ArrayList<String>(); BinSet ownerBinSet = loadPrivateBinSet(owner); if (ownerBinSet != null) { binLabels.addAll(ownerBinSet.listBinLabels()); } binLabels.addAll(binSet.listBinLabels()); return binLabels; } private BinSet loadPrivateBinSet(String owner) { BinSet ownerBinSet = this.privateBinSets.get(owner); if (ownerBinSet == null) { try { ownerBinSet = loadBinSet(owner, resourceRepository); privateBinSets.put(owner, ownerBinSet); } catch (BinSetNotLoadedException e) { // owner bin set optional } } return ownerBinSet; } public String showResource(String resourceName) throws ResourceNotLoadedException { try { Resource resource = new Resource("", resourceName); InputStream inputStream =; List<String> lines = IOUtils.readLines(inputStream); StringBuilder resourceStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (String line : lines) { resourceStringBuilder.append(line); } String resourceString = resourceStringBuilder.toString(); return resourceString; } catch (IOException ex) { throw new ResourceNotLoadedException(resourceName, ex); } } public void uploadResource(String resourceName, String resourceString) throws ResourceNotUploadedException { try { Resource resource = new Resource("", resourceName); InputStream stream = new ByteArrayInputStream(resourceString.getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8"))); resourceRepository.write(resource, stream); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new ResourceNotUploadedException(resourceName, ex); } } public List<String> showResourceList(String filter) throws ResourceNotLoadedException { String path = "."; if (filter.contains("/")) { path = path + "/" + filter.substring(0, filter.lastIndexOf("/")); filter = filter.substring(filter.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); } try { List<Resource> resources = resourceRepository.listResources(path); List<String> matchedResources = new ArrayList<String>(); boolean rulesetFound = false; filter = filter.replace(".", "\\.").replace("*", ".*"); Pattern p = Pattern.compile(filter); for (Resource resource : resources) { if (p.matcher(resource.getName()).matches()) { String quoted = "\"" + resource.getName().replace("\"", "\\\"") + "\""; matchedResources.add(quoted); } } return matchedResources; } catch (IOException ex) { throw new ResourceNotLoadedException(filter, ex); } } public List<String> showDatabaseList(String filter) { String path = "."; if (filter.contains("/")) { path = path + "/" + filter.substring(0, filter.lastIndexOf("/")); filter = filter.substring(filter.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); } List<String> dbNames = MongoDBFactory.getDBNames(); List<String> matchedNames = new ArrayList<String>(); boolean dbFound = false; filter = filter.replace(".", "\\.").replace("*", ".*"); Pattern p = Pattern.compile(filter); for (String dbName : dbNames) { if (p.matcher(dbName).matches()) { // String quoted = "\"" + dbName.replace("\"", "\\\"") + "\""; // matchedNames.add(quoted); matchedNames.add(dbName); } } List<String> dataSources = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String name : matchedNames) { String ruleSetName = ""; String[] fragments = name.split("-"); int fragmentCount = fragments.length; int ownerFragments = 0; String owner = ""; if (name.contains("-rules-")) { ruleSetName = fragments[fragmentCount - 3] + ".rules"; ownerFragments = fragmentCount - 3; } else { ruleSetName = fragments[fragmentCount - 2]; ownerFragments = fragmentCount - 2; } for (int i = 0; i < ownerFragments; i++) { owner = owner + fragments[i] + "-"; } if (ownerFragments > 0) { owner = owner.substring(0, owner.length() - 1); } Map<String, Object> dataSourceMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); dataSourceMap.put("databaseName", name); dataSourceMap.put("ruleSet", owner + "/" + ruleSetName); dataSources.add(JSONUtil.map2json(dataSourceMap)); } return dataSources; } public static final String ALL = "_all"; public static final String NONE = ""; static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger("oddball"); }