Java tutorial
/** * * Copyright (C) 2015 - Daniel Hams, Modular Audio Limited * * * Mad is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Mad is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Mad. If not, see <>. * */ package; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; /** * This is the base abstract class for any resource pool. It abstracts away * resource creation using the factory, and provides arbiters as a way to * 'plug in' different functionality at differing stages in the resources * lifetime and use. * @author dan * @version 1.0 * @see * @see */ abstract public class Pool { protected static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(Pool.class.getName()); public Resource useResource() throws ResourceNotAvailableException { Resource retResource = null; // Do any arbitration before getting one out int ar = arbitratePreUse(retResource); poolLock.lock(); try { // Before we call use, arbirate the pool size // We don't care what the return is. if (structure.freeSize() > 0) { retResource = structure.useFreeResource(); } } finally { poolLock.unlock(); } if (retResource == null) { throw new ResourceNotAvailableException(); } // Do any arbitration we need before handing it back. ar = arbitratePostUse(retResource); if (ar != Arbiter.CONTINUE) { log.warn("PostUse arbiter failure inside useResource"); // If the resource failed arbitration, remove it this.removeResource(retResource); throw new ResourceNotAvailableException(); } return retResource; } public void releaseResource(final Resource res) { //log.debug( "releaseResource called."); // Before we release it, arbitrate it boolean releaseFailure = false; int ar = arbitratePreRelease(res); if (ar != Arbiter.CONTINUE) { //log.debug( "prerelease arbiter failed."); releaseFailure = true; } else { poolLock.lock(); try { structure.releaseUsedResource(res); notEmpty.signal(); } finally { poolLock.unlock(); } ar = arbitratePostRelease(res); if (ar != Arbiter.CONTINUE) { //log.debug( "postrelease arbiter failed"); releaseFailure = true; } } if (releaseFailure) { // If the resource failed arbitration, remove it. this.removeResource(res); if (log.isWarnEnabled()) { log.warn("(Pre/Post)Release arbitration of " + res.toString() + " failed."); } } } public Resource useResourceWait() throws InterruptedException { return useResourceWait(0); } public Resource useResourceWait(final long iWaitTime) throws InterruptedException { // Need a flag to indicate we should wait forever, or take our time. long waitTime = iWaitTime; final boolean waitForever = (waitTime == 0 ? true : false); final boolean doneWaiting = false; Resource retResource = null; while (retResource == null && !doneWaiting) { int ar = arbitratePreUse(retResource); poolLock.lock(); try { // Before we call use, arbirate the pool size // We don't care what the return is. while (structure.freeSize() < 1 && !doneWaiting) { // If the user specified a maximum time to wait, we need to find out how long we waited for // in this wait (since we can be woken up when there are no free resources). long beforeWaitTime = 0; if (!waitForever) { beforeWaitTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } notEmpty.await(waitTime, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); if (!waitForever && structure.freeSize() < 1) { final long afterWaitTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); waitTime = waitTime - (afterWaitTime - beforeWaitTime); if (waitTime <= 0) { // Its too late - the client has already waiting too long. return null; } } } retResource = structure.useFreeResource(); } finally { poolLock.unlock(); } // Do any arbitration we need before handing it back. ar = arbitratePostUse(retResource); if (ar != Arbiter.CONTINUE) { log.warn("PostUse arbiter failure inside useResourceWait"); // If the resource failed arbitration, remove it this.removeResource(retResource); retResource = null; } } return (retResource); } public void addResource(final Resource res) { // Before we add it it, arbitrate its creation final int ar = arbitrateCreation(res); if (ar == Arbiter.CONTINUE) { // Now look the pool, and add it into the structure. poolLock.lock(); try { structure.addResource(res); notEmpty.signal(); } finally { poolLock.unlock(); } } else { if (log.isWarnEnabled()) { log.warn("Create arbitration of " + res.toString() + " failed."); } } } public Resource removeAnyFreeResource() throws ResourceNotAvailableException { Resource retVal = null; poolLock.lock(); try { if (structure.freeSize() > 0) { retVal = structure.removeAnyFreeResource(); arbitrateRemoval(retVal); } } finally { poolLock.unlock(); } if (retVal == null) { throw new ResourceNotAvailableException(); } return retVal; } public Resource removeResource(final Resource res) { Resource retVal = null; //log.debug( "Remove resource called."); // Before we delete it, arbitrate its deletion final int ar = arbitrateRemoval(res); if (ar == Arbiter.CONTINUE) { //log.debug( "Arbitrate returned continue"); poolLock.lock(); try { retVal = structure.removeResource(res); } finally { poolLock.unlock(); } } else { if (log.isWarnEnabled()) { log.warn("Removal arbitration of " + res.toString() + " failed."); } } return retVal; } public void addCreationArbiter(final Arbiter arb) { creationArbiters.addLast(arb); } public void addPreUseArbiter(final Arbiter arb) { preUseArbiters.addLast(arb); } public void addPostUseArbiter(final Arbiter arb) { postUseArbiters.addLast(arb); } public void addPreReleaseArbiter(final Arbiter arb) { preReleaseArbiters.addLast(arb); } public void addPostReleaseArbiter(final Arbiter arb) { postReleaseArbiters.addLast(arb); } public void addExpirationArbiter(final Arbiter arb) { expirationArbiters.addLast(arb); } public void addRemovalArbiter(final Arbiter arb) { removalArbiters.addLast(arb); } public void shutdown() { log.trace("Pool shutdown commencing."); // First stop the threads. if (sizingThread != null) { //log.debug( "About to stop pool sizing thread."); sizingThread.halt(); sizingThread.interrupt(); try { sizingThread.join(); } catch (final InterruptedException ie) { if (log.isErrorEnabled()) { log.error("Error joining sizing thread: " + ie.toString()); } } } if (expiryThread != null) { //log.debug( "About to stop pool expiry thread."); expiryThread.halt(); expiryThread.interrupt(); try { expiryThread.join(); } catch (final InterruptedException ie) { if (log.isErrorEnabled()) { log.error("Error joining sizing thread: " + ie.toString()); } } } poolLock.lock(); try { // Get all resources in the pool structure, and // call removeResource on them. final Collection<Resource> allRes = structure.getAllResources(); final Iterator<Resource> iter = allRes.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { final Resource res =; removeResource(res); } // We call a notify all on the pool semaphore to wake up any threads waiting // on obtaining a resource. notEmpty.signal(); } finally { poolLock.unlock(); }"Pool shutdown complete."); } public abstract void init() throws FactoryProductionException; public int arbitrateCreation(final Resource res) { return (doArbitration(creationArbiters, res)); } public int arbitratePreUse(final Resource res) { return (doArbitration(preUseArbiters, res)); } public int arbitratePostUse(final Resource res) { return (doArbitration(postUseArbiters, res)); } public int arbitratePreRelease(final Resource res) { return (doArbitration(preReleaseArbiters, res)); } public int arbitratePostRelease(final Resource res) { return (doArbitration(postReleaseArbiters, res)); } public int arbitrateExpiration(final Resource res) { return (doArbitration(expirationArbiters, res)); } public int arbitrateRemoval(final Resource res) { return (doArbitration(removalArbiters, res)); } @Override public String toString() { final String retString; poolLock.lock(); try { retString = structure.toString(); } finally { poolLock.unlock(); } return (retString); } protected int doArbitration(final LinkedList<Arbiter> arbiters, final Resource res) { int retVal = Arbiter.CONTINUE; final Iterator<Arbiter> iter = arbiters.iterator(); // Now while we have more arbiters, and the return code is CONT // check em. while ((retVal == Arbiter.CONTINUE) && (iter.hasNext())) { final Arbiter arb =; retVal = arb.arbitrateOnResource(this, structure, res); } return (retVal); } private final LinkedList<Arbiter> creationArbiters = new LinkedList<Arbiter>(); private final LinkedList<Arbiter> preUseArbiters = new LinkedList<Arbiter>(); private final LinkedList<Arbiter> postUseArbiters = new LinkedList<Arbiter>(); private final LinkedList<Arbiter> preReleaseArbiters = new LinkedList<Arbiter>(); private final LinkedList<Arbiter> postReleaseArbiters = new LinkedList<Arbiter>(); private final LinkedList<Arbiter> expirationArbiters = new LinkedList<Arbiter>(); private final LinkedList<Arbiter> removalArbiters = new LinkedList<Arbiter>(); protected PoolStructure structure; protected PoolSizingThread sizingThread; protected Factory factory; protected ReentrantLock poolLock = new ReentrantLock(); protected Condition notEmpty = poolLock.newCondition(); protected PoolExpiryThread expiryThread; protected Pool(final PoolStructure structure, final long sizingCheckSleepMilliSeconds, final Factory factory, final long resourceCheckMilliSeconds) { this.structure = structure; this.factory = factory; if (sizingCheckSleepMilliSeconds > 0) { sizingThread = new PoolSizingThread(factory, sizingCheckSleepMilliSeconds); } if (resourceCheckMilliSeconds > 0) { expiryThread = new PoolExpiryThread(resourceCheckMilliSeconds); } } /** * Returns the factory. * @return Factory */ public Factory getFactory() { return factory; } }