Java tutorial
/** * * Copyright (C) 2015 - Daniel Hams, Modular Audio Limited * * * Mad is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Mad is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Mad. If not, see <>. * */ package; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.Rectangle; import javax.swing.JPanel; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import; import; import; import; public class PatternSequenceNoteGrid extends JPanel implements PatternSequenceModelListener { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(PatternSequenceNoteGrid.class.getName()); private static final long serialVersionUID = 3554792918850929516L; private final PatternSequenceModel dataModel; private final int numMidiNotes; private final int numCols; private final Dimension cellDimensions; private final Dimension size; private final Color backgroundColour; private final Color foregroundColour; private final Color blockColour; private final Rectangle curClipBounds = new Rectangle(); private final Point minPointToPaint = new Point(Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE); private final Point maxPointToPaint = new Point(Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE); private final PatternSequenceNoteGridMouseListener mouseListener; private Point lastPoint = new Point(0, 0); public PatternSequenceNoteGrid(final PatternSequenceModel dataModel, final Dimension blockDimensions, final Color backgroundColour, final Color gridColour, final Color blockColour) { this.dataModel = dataModel; this.cellDimensions = blockDimensions; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Table cell dimensions are " + blockDimensions.toString()); } this.numCols = dataModel.getNumSteps(); this.numMidiNotes = MidiUtils.getNumMidiNotes(); this.backgroundColour = backgroundColour; this.foregroundColour = gridColour; this.blockColour = blockColour; size = new Dimension((numCols * blockDimensions.width) + 1, (numMidiNotes * blockDimensions.height) + 1); this.setMinimumSize(size); this.setSize(size); this.setPreferredSize(size); this.setMaximumSize(size); this.setBackground(backgroundColour); // Make sure results are cached this.setOpaque(true); this.setDoubleBuffered(true); dataModel.addListener(this); fullRefreshFromModel(); mouseListener = new PatternSequenceNoteGridMouseListener(this, dataModel); this.addMouseListener(mouseListener); this.addMouseMotionListener(mouseListener); // SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable() // { // @Override // public void run() // { // scrollRectToVisible( new Rectangle( 0, (int)size.getHeight() - 1, (int)size.getWidth(), cellDimensions.height ) ); // } // } ); } private void fullRefreshFromModel() { this.invalidate(); // this.repaint(); } @Override public void paint(final Graphics g) { // log.debug("Paint called"); getBounds(curClipBounds); // log.debug( "Curclipbounds after get bounds are " + curClipBounds.toString() ); g.getClipBounds(curClipBounds); g.setColor(backgroundColour); // log.debug( "Curclipbounds after get clip bounds are " + curClipBounds.toString() ); g.fillRect(curClipBounds.x, curClipBounds.y, curClipBounds.width, curClipBounds.height); // Work out our boundings values +/- the individual cell width so we paint the edge cases too minPointToPaint.x = curClipBounds.x - cellDimensions.width; minPointToPaint.y = curClipBounds.y - cellDimensions.height; maxPointToPaint.x = curClipBounds.x + curClipBounds.width + (cellDimensions.width); maxPointToPaint.y = curClipBounds.y + curClipBounds.height + (cellDimensions.height); final int startCol = (minPointToPaint.x < 0 ? 0 : (minPointToPaint.x / cellDimensions.width)); final int endCol = (maxPointToPaint.x >= size.width ? numCols : (maxPointToPaint.x / cellDimensions.width)); final int startRow = (minPointToPaint.y < 0 ? 0 : (minPointToPaint.y / cellDimensions.height)); final int endRow = (maxPointToPaint.y >= size.height ? numMidiNotes : (maxPointToPaint.y / cellDimensions.height)); // log.debug( "So for minpoint(" + minPointToPaint.toString() + ") and maxpoint(" + maxPointToPaint.toString() + ")"); // log.debug( "We get startCol(" + startCol + ") and endCol(" + endCol +")"); // log.debug( "We get startRow(" + startRow + ") and endRow(" + endRow +")"); paintGrid(g, startCol, endCol, startRow, endRow); paintCells(g, startCol, endCol, startRow, endRow); // g.setColor( Color.RED ); // g.drawLine( lastPoint.x-2, lastPoint.y, lastPoint.x+2, lastPoint.y ); // g.drawLine( lastPoint.x, lastPoint.y-2, lastPoint.x, lastPoint.y+2 ); } private void paintGrid(final Graphics g, final int startCol, final int endCol, final int startRow, final int endRow) { g.setColor(foregroundColour); for (int i = startCol; i <= endCol; i++) { final int lineStartY = startRow * cellDimensions.height; final int lineX = i * cellDimensions.width; final int lineEndY = endRow * cellDimensions.height; g.drawLine(lineX, lineStartY, lineX, lineEndY); } for (int j = startRow; j <= endRow; j++) { final int lineStartX = startCol * cellDimensions.width; final int lineY = j * cellDimensions.height; final int lineEndX = endCol * cellDimensions.width; g.drawLine(lineStartX, lineY, lineEndX, lineY); } } private void paintCells(final Graphics g, final int startCol, final int endCol, final int startRow, final int endRow) { g.setColor(blockColour); // Now fill in any spots that have something currently set for (int i = startCol; i < endCol; i++) { final PatternSequenceStep psn = dataModel.getNoteAtStep(i); final MidiNote mn = psn.note; if (mn != null) { final int row = (numMidiNotes - 1) - mn.getMidiNumber(); final int startx = (i * cellDimensions.width) + 2; final int starty = (row * cellDimensions.height) + 2; g.fillRect(startx, starty, cellDimensions.width - 3, cellDimensions.height - 3); } } } public Dimension getCellDimensions() { return cellDimensions; } public Dimension getTableSize() { return size; } public void setLastClickedPoint(final Point clickPoint) { final Point previousPoint = lastPoint; lastPoint = clickPoint; this.repaint(previousPoint.x - 3, previousPoint.y - 3, 6, 6); this.repaint(clickPoint.x - 3, clickPoint.y - 3, 6, 6); } @Override public void receiveStepNoteAndAmpChange(final int firstStep, final int lastStep) { // log.debug("Received table changed"); repaint(); } @Override public void receiveStepnoteChange(final int firstStep, final int lastStep) { repaint(); } @Override public void receiveStepAmpChange(final int firstStep, final int lastStep) { } }