Java tutorial
/** * * Copyright (C) 2015 - Daniel Hams, Modular Audio Limited * * * Mad is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Mad is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Mad. If not, see <>. * */ package; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class SampleCache { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SampleCache.class.getName()); public final static boolean DEBUG_SAMPLE_CACHE_ACTIVITY = false; private final BlockBufferingConfiguration blockBufferingConfiguration; private final Lock cacheAccessMutex = new ReentrantLock(true); // LibraryEntryId -> SampleCacheEntry (used to lookup existing entry for a particular library entry) private final OpenIntObjectHashMap<SampleCacheEntry> libraryEntryIdToSampleCacheEntryMap = new OpenIntObjectHashMap<SampleCacheEntry>(); private SampleCachePopulatorThread cachePopulatorThread; private final TemperatureBufferBlockMap temperatureBufferBlockMap; private final HashSet<SampleCacheEntry> currentSampleCacheEntries = new HashSet<SampleCacheEntry>(); private final HashSet<SampleCacheBlock> hotBlocksToCoolSet = new HashSet<SampleCacheBlock>(); private final ArrayList<TwoTuple<BufferFillCompletionListener, SampleCacheClient>> listenersToNotifyOnNextCompletion = new ArrayList<TwoTuple<BufferFillCompletionListener, SampleCacheClient>>(); public SampleCache(final BlockBufferingConfiguration blockBufferingConfiguration) { this.blockBufferingConfiguration = blockBufferingConfiguration; temperatureBufferBlockMap = new TemperatureBufferBlockMap(blockBufferingConfiguration); } public void init(final boolean runThread) { if (runThread) { cachePopulatorThread = new SampleCachePopulatorThread(this, temperatureBufferBlockMap); cachePopulatorThread.start(); } } public void destroy() { try { cacheAccessMutex.lock(); if (cachePopulatorThread != null) { try { cachePopulatorThread.halt(); // Will "wake" any sleeping thread cachePopulatorThread.addOneJobToDo(); cachePopulatorThread.join(); } catch (final InterruptedException e) { final String msg = "InterruptedException whilst joining cache populator: " + e.toString(); log.error(msg, e); } } temperatureBufferBlockMap.destroy(); } finally { cacheAccessMutex.unlock(); } } public void addClient(final InternalSampleCacheClient internalClient, final AudioFileHandleAtom fileHandle) throws DatastoreException, RecordNotFoundException, IOException { final LibraryEntry libraryEntry = internalClient.getLibraryEntry(); try { cacheAccessMutex.lock(); SampleCacheEntry sce = libraryEntryIdToSampleCacheEntryMap.get(libraryEntry.getLibraryEntryId()); if (sce == null) { final long numFloats = libraryEntry.getTotalNumFloats(); final int numBlockDivisor = (int) (numFloats / blockBufferingConfiguration.blockLengthInFloats); final int extraSamples = (int) (numFloats % blockBufferingConfiguration.blockLengthInFloats); final int numCacheBlocks = numBlockDivisor + (extraSamples > 0 ? 1 : 0); sce = new SampleCacheEntry(libraryEntry, fileHandle, numCacheBlocks); libraryEntryIdToSampleCacheEntryMap.put(libraryEntry.getLibraryEntryId(), sce); } else { // Already have a cache entry, don't need the audio file handle if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Already have a sample cache entry for " + fileHandle.getStaticMetadata().path + " closing duplicate"); } final AudioFileIOService afis = fileHandle.getAudioFileIOService(); afis.closeHandle(fileHandle); } sce.addReference(internalClient); currentSampleCacheEntries.add(sce); } finally { cacheAccessMutex.unlock(); } // Wake up the cache populator immediately so we don't have to wait until it is scheduled. cachePopulatorThread.addOneJobToDo(); } public void removeClient(final InternalSampleCacheClient internalClient) throws DatastoreException, RecordNotFoundException { final LibraryEntry libraryEntry = internalClient.getLibraryEntry(); try { cacheAccessMutex.lock(); final SampleCacheEntry sce = libraryEntryIdToSampleCacheEntryMap.get(libraryEntry.getLibraryEntryId()); if (sce == null) { throw new RecordNotFoundException("No such cache entry for clients library entry"); } sce.removeReference(internalClient); final int curCount = sce.getReferenceCount(); if (curCount == 0) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace( "Reference count of \"" + libraryEntry.getTitle() + "\" dropped to zero. Will remove"); } libraryEntryIdToSampleCacheEntryMap.removeKey(libraryEntry.getLibraryEntryId()); try { final AudioFileHandleAtom afha = sce.getAudioFileHandleAtom(); afha.getAudioFileIOService().closeHandle(afha); } catch (final IOException ioe) { if (log.isErrorEnabled()) { log.error("IOException caught closing file handle atom: " + ioe.toString(), ioe); } } // Any assigned "hot" blocks should be released on the next run of // the population thread when it notices there are no clients for them. currentSampleCacheEntries.remove(sce); } } finally { cacheAccessMutex.unlock(); } // Wake up the cache populator immediately so we don't have to wait until it is scheduled. cachePopulatorThread.addOneJobToDo(); } public RealtimeMethodReturnCodeEnum readSamplesForCacheClient(final InternalSampleCacheClient client, final float[] outputSamples, final int outputArrayPos, final long iReadFramePosition, final int iNumFramesToRead) { long readFramePosition = iReadFramePosition; int numFramesToRead = iNumFramesToRead; final RealtimeMethodReturnCodeEnum retVal = RealtimeMethodReturnCodeEnum.SUCCESS; final LibraryEntry libraryEntry = client.getLibraryEntry(); final int clientLastReadBlockNumber = client.getLastReadBlockNumber(); final int libraryEntryId = libraryEntry.getLibraryEntryId(); // if( log.isDebugEnabled() ) // { // log.debug("Need samples for " + libraryEntry.getLocation() + " at frame position " + readFramePosition + " of " + numFramesToRead + " frames"); // } final int leNumChannels = libraryEntry.getNumChannels(); final long leTotalNumFrames = libraryEntry.getTotalNumFrames(); int totalNumFloatsToRead = numFramesToRead * leNumChannels; final long lastFramePositon = readFramePosition + numFramesToRead; int curOutputFloatPos = outputArrayPos; // Handling of pre or post frame values. We don't throw an error // we just return zeros for unknown frames - it's the caller's // responsibility to supply correct frame values. if (readFramePosition < 0) { final long numZeroFrames = -readFramePosition; final int numZeroFramesToFill = (int) (numZeroFrames > numFramesToRead ? numFramesToRead : numZeroFrames); final int numZeroFloats = numZeroFramesToFill * leNumChannels; // if( log.isDebugEnabled() ) // { // log.debug("Fill in " + numZeroFrames + " frames of zeros "); // } Arrays.fill(outputSamples, curOutputFloatPos, curOutputFloatPos + numZeroFloats, 0.0f); curOutputFloatPos += numZeroFloats; totalNumFloatsToRead -= numZeroFloats; readFramePosition += numZeroFramesToFill; numFramesToRead -= numZeroFramesToFill; // if( log.isDebugEnabled() ) // { // log.debug("This leaves " + numFramesToRead + " frames to be read"); // } if (numFramesToRead == 0) { return RealtimeMethodReturnCodeEnum.SUCCESS; } } if (lastFramePositon >= leTotalNumFrames) { final long numZeroFrames = lastFramePositon - leTotalNumFrames; final int numZeroFramesToFill = (int) (numZeroFrames > numFramesToRead ? numFramesToRead : numZeroFrames); final int numZeroFloats = numZeroFramesToFill * leNumChannels; // if( log.isDebugEnabled() ) // { // log.debug("Requested read goes past end of file - need to add " + numZeroFramesToFill + " empty frames to the end."); // } final int zerodFloatOffset = (numFramesToRead - numZeroFramesToFill) * leNumChannels; Arrays.fill(outputSamples, curOutputFloatPos + zerodFloatOffset, curOutputFloatPos + (numFramesToRead * leNumChannels), 0.0f); totalNumFloatsToRead -= numZeroFloats; numFramesToRead -= numZeroFramesToFill; if (numFramesToRead == 0) { return RealtimeMethodReturnCodeEnum.SUCCESS; } } final SampleCacheEntry sce = libraryEntryIdToSampleCacheEntryMap.get(libraryEntryId); long rawFloatPosition = SampleCache.frameToRawFloat(readFramePosition, leNumChannels); int blockNumber = (int) (rawFloatPosition / blockBufferingConfiguration.blockLengthInFloats); boolean clientChangedBlocks = blockNumber != clientLastReadBlockNumber; int readFloatsOffset = (int) (rawFloatPosition % blockBufferingConfiguration.blockLengthInFloats); final OpenLongObjectHashMap<SampleCacheBlock> blockIdToSampleCacheBlockMap = sce .getAtomicSampleCacheBlocksMap().get(); long blockMapIndex = buildBlockMapIndex(libraryEntryId, blockNumber); SampleCacheBlock curBlock = null; // if( log.isDebugEnabled() ) // { // log.debug("Reading real samples for output at position " + outputArrayPos + " from read frame position " + readFramePosition + " of " + numFramesToRead + " frames"); // log.debug("This begins in block " + blockNumber + " at raw float position " + rawFloatPosition ); // } while (totalNumFloatsToRead > 0) { curBlock = blockIdToSampleCacheBlockMap.get(blockMapIndex); if (curBlock == null) { // No more data in the buffer // Fill in remaining samples with nothing. Arrays.fill(outputSamples, curOutputFloatPos, curOutputFloatPos + totalNumFloatsToRead, 0.0f); // And force the population thread to wake up and do its thing. clientChangedBlocks = true; break; } final FloatBufferBlock curBlockData = curBlock.blockData; final int numFloatsInBlock = curBlockData.getNumReadableFloatsInBlock(); int floatsReadableFromPositionInBlock = numFloatsInBlock - readFloatsOffset; final int numFloatsThisRound = (totalNumFloatsToRead < floatsReadableFromPositionInBlock ? totalNumFloatsToRead : floatsReadableFromPositionInBlock); // if( log.isDebugEnabled() ) // { // log.debug("Doing read of " + numFloatsThisRound + " floats from block " + blockNumber + " readpos " + readFloatsOffset + " writing to pos " + curOutputFloatPos ); // } final float[] curBlockBuffer = curBlockData.getBuffer(); System.arraycopy(curBlockBuffer, readFloatsOffset, outputSamples, curOutputFloatPos, numFloatsThisRound); rawFloatPosition += numFloatsThisRound; curOutputFloatPos += numFloatsThisRound; floatsReadableFromPositionInBlock -= numFloatsThisRound; if (floatsReadableFromPositionInBlock <= 0) { // Go up a block blockNumber++; blockMapIndex = buildBlockMapIndex(libraryEntryId, blockNumber); readFloatsOffset = 0; clientChangedBlocks = true; } else { readFloatsOffset += numFloatsThisRound; } totalNumFloatsToRead -= numFloatsThisRound; } if (clientChangedBlocks) { if (DEBUG_SAMPLE_CACHE_ACTIVITY) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Client " + client.hashCode() + " for " + client.getLibraryEntry().getTitle() + " changed blocks, will wake population thread"); } } client.setLastReadBlockNumber(blockNumber); cachePopulatorThread.addOneJobToDo(); } return retVal; } public RealtimeMethodReturnCodeEnum readSamplesInBlocksForCacheClient(final InternalSampleCacheClient client, final long iReadFramePosition, final int iNumFramesToRead, final SampleAcceptor sampleAcceptor) { long readFramePosition = iReadFramePosition; int numFramesToRead = iNumFramesToRead; final RealtimeMethodReturnCodeEnum retVal = RealtimeMethodReturnCodeEnum.SUCCESS; final LibraryEntry libraryEntry = client.getLibraryEntry(); final int libraryEntryId = libraryEntry.getLibraryEntryId(); // if( log.isDebugEnabled() ) // { // log.debug("Reading samples for " + libraryEntry.getLocation() + " at frame position " + readFramePosition + " of " + numFramesToRead ); // } final int leNumChannels = libraryEntry.getNumChannels(); final long leTotalNumFrames = libraryEntry.getTotalNumFrames(); int totalNumFloatsToRead = numFramesToRead * leNumChannels; if (readFramePosition < 0) { final long numZeroFrames = -readFramePosition; final int numZeroFramesToFill = (int) (numZeroFrames > numFramesToRead ? numFramesToRead : numZeroFrames); sampleAcceptor.acceptEmptySamples(0, leNumChannels, numZeroFramesToFill); readFramePosition += numZeroFramesToFill; numFramesToRead -= numZeroFramesToFill; if (numFramesToRead == 0) { return RealtimeMethodReturnCodeEnum.SUCCESS; } } // Check if it's all zeros at the end if (readFramePosition >= leTotalNumFrames) { sampleAcceptor.acceptEmptySamples(readFramePosition, leNumChannels, numFramesToRead); return RealtimeMethodReturnCodeEnum.SUCCESS; } final long framesOver = readFramePosition + numFramesToRead - leTotalNumFrames; final int numZerosAtEnd = (framesOver > 0 ? (int) framesOver : 0); numFramesToRead -= numZerosAtEnd; final SampleCacheEntry sce = libraryEntryIdToSampleCacheEntryMap.get(libraryEntryId); long rawFloatPosition = SampleCache.frameToRawFloat(readFramePosition, leNumChannels); int blockNumber = (int) (rawFloatPosition / blockBufferingConfiguration.blockLengthInFloats); int readFloatsOffset = (int) (rawFloatPosition % blockBufferingConfiguration.blockLengthInFloats); final OpenLongObjectHashMap<SampleCacheBlock> blockIdToSampleCacheBlockMap = sce .getAtomicSampleCacheBlocksMap().get(); long blockMapIndex = buildBlockMapIndex(libraryEntryId, blockNumber); SampleCacheBlock curBlock = null; while (totalNumFloatsToRead > 0) { curBlock = blockIdToSampleCacheBlockMap.get(blockMapIndex); if (curBlock == null) { // No more data in the buffer // Fill in remaining samples with nothing. sampleAcceptor.acceptEmptySamples(readFramePosition, leNumChannels, totalNumFloatsToRead / leNumChannels); break; } final FloatBufferBlock curBlockData = curBlock.blockData; final int numFloatsInBlock = curBlockData.getNumReadableFloatsInBlock(); int floatsReadableFromPositionInBlock = numFloatsInBlock - readFloatsOffset; final int numFloatsThisRound = (totalNumFloatsToRead < floatsReadableFromPositionInBlock ? totalNumFloatsToRead : floatsReadableFromPositionInBlock); // if( log.isDebugEnabled() ) // { // log.debug("Doing read of " + numFloatsThisRound + " floats from block " + blockNumber + " readpos " + readFloatsOffset ); // } final float[] curBlockBuffer = curBlockData.getBuffer(); final int numFramesThisRound = numFloatsThisRound / leNumChannels; sampleAcceptor.acceptSamples(readFramePosition, leNumChannels, numFramesThisRound, curBlockBuffer, readFloatsOffset); rawFloatPosition += numFloatsThisRound; totalNumFloatsToRead -= numFloatsThisRound; readFramePosition += numFramesThisRound; floatsReadableFromPositionInBlock -= numFloatsThisRound; if (floatsReadableFromPositionInBlock <= 0) { // Go up a block blockNumber++; blockMapIndex = buildBlockMapIndex(libraryEntryId, blockNumber); readFloatsOffset = 0; // if( log.isDebugEnabled() ) // { // log.debug("Going up a block - totalNumFloatsToRead is currently " + totalNumFloatsToRead ); // } } else { readFloatsOffset += numFloatsThisRound; } } if (numZerosAtEnd > 0) { sampleAcceptor.acceptEmptySamples(readFramePosition, leNumChannels, numZerosAtEnd); } return retVal; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public void refreshCache() throws BlockNotAvailableException, DatastoreException, IOException { try { cacheAccessMutex.lock(); hotBlocksToCoolSet.clear(); hotBlocksToCoolSet.addAll(temperatureBufferBlockMap.getHotBlocks()); for (final SampleCacheEntry sce : currentSampleCacheEntries) { final LibraryEntry le = sce.getLibraryEntry(); final int libraryEntryId = le.getLibraryEntryId(); final OpenLongObjectHashMap<SampleCacheBlock> blocksForCacheEntry = new OpenLongObjectHashMap<SampleCacheBlock>(); buildBlockCacheBoolsForClients(sce); final int numBlocksForCacheEntry = sce.getNumCacheBlocks(); final boolean[] blocksNeedToBeCached = sce.getRequiredCachedBlocks(); for (int i = 0; i < numBlocksForCacheEntry; ++i) { final boolean shouldCacheBlock = blocksNeedToBeCached[i]; if (DEBUG_SAMPLE_CACHE_ACTIVITY && log.isTraceEnabled() && shouldCacheBlock) { log.trace("Need block " + i + " to be populated"); } final long curBlockMapIndex = buildBlockMapIndex(libraryEntryId, i); final SampleCacheBlock curBlock = temperatureBufferBlockMap.getBlockById(curBlockMapIndex); if (shouldCacheBlock) { if (curBlock == null) { if (DEBUG_SAMPLE_CACHE_ACTIVITY && log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Will populate entry " + le.getTitle() + " block " + i + " at offset " + (i * blockBufferingConfiguration.blockLengthInFloats) + " - blockid " + curBlockMapIndex); } final SampleCacheBlock newlyPopulatedBlock = populateCacheForSampleCacheEntryBlock(sce, le, i, curBlockMapIndex); blocksForCacheEntry.put(curBlockMapIndex, newlyPopulatedBlock); } else { final SampleCacheBlockEnum blockState = curBlock.useStatus.get(); switch (blockState) { case HOT: { hotBlocksToCoolSet.remove(curBlock); break; } case WARM: { // Re-warm the cache entry if (DEBUG_SAMPLE_CACHE_ACTIVITY && log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Will re-warm existing block " + i + " with blockid " + curBlockMapIndex); } temperatureBufferBlockMap.reheatBlock(curBlock); break; } default: { break; } } blocksForCacheEntry.put(curBlockMapIndex, curBlock); } } else if (!shouldCacheBlock && curBlock != null && curBlock.useStatus.get() == SampleCacheBlockEnum.HOT) { if (DEBUG_SAMPLE_CACHE_ACTIVITY && log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Will cool hot block " + i + " with blockid " + curBlockMapIndex); } temperatureBufferBlockMap.moveBlockFromHotToWarmQueue(curBlockMapIndex); hotBlocksToCoolSet.remove(curBlock); } } // Now set this map of blocks into the sample cache client sce.getAtomicSampleCacheBlocksMap().set(blocksForCacheEntry); } // Now clean up any remaining hot blocks by moving them to "warm" for (final SampleCacheBlock hotBlock : hotBlocksToCoolSet) { if (DEBUG_SAMPLE_CACHE_ACTIVITY && log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Will set orphaned block with id " + hotBlock.blockID + " to warm"); } temperatureBufferBlockMap.moveBlockFromHotToWarmQueue(hotBlock.blockID); } // Now notify any listeners waiting for (final TwoTuple<BufferFillCompletionListener, SampleCacheClient> bAndS : listenersToNotifyOnNextCompletion) { bAndS.getHead().notifyBufferFilled(bAndS.getTail()); } listenersToNotifyOnNextCompletion.clear(); } finally { cacheAccessMutex.unlock(); } } public void dumpDetails() { try { cacheAccessMutex.lock(); int numTotalClients = 0; int numUniqueSamples = 0; for (final SampleCacheEntry sce : currentSampleCacheEntries) { numUniqueSamples++; final HashSet<InternalSampleCacheClient> clientsForCacheEntry = sce.getCurrentClientSet(); for (final InternalSampleCacheClient iscc : clientsForCacheEntry) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("SampleCacheEntry( " + sce.getLibraryEntry().getTitle() + ", " + iscc.getTotalNumFrames() + ", " + iscc.getCurrentFramePosition() + ")"); } numTotalClients++; } } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Total num clients: " + numTotalClients + " with " + numUniqueSamples + " unique sample(s)"); } temperatureBufferBlockMap.dumpDetails(); } finally { cacheAccessMutex.unlock(); } } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private void buildBlockCacheBoolsForClients(final SampleCacheEntry sce) { if (DEBUG_SAMPLE_CACHE_ACTIVITY && log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Building block cache bools for " + sce.getLibraryEntry().getTitle()); } final HashSet<InternalSampleCacheClient> sampleCacheEntryClients = sce.getCurrentClientSet(); final boolean[] requiredCachedBlocks = sce.getRequiredCachedBlocks(); Arrays.fill(requiredCachedBlocks, false); // Fill in the cue points from the library entry final LibraryEntry le = sce.getLibraryEntry(); final int numChannels = le.getNumChannels(); final long totalNumFrames = le.getTotalNumFrames(); final List<CuePoint> libraryEntryCuePoints = le.getCuePoints(); for (int i = 0; i < libraryEntryCuePoints.size(); i++) { final CuePoint cp = libraryEntryCuePoints.get(i); long framePosition = cp.getFramePosition(); framePosition = framePosition < 0 ? 0 : framePosition < totalNumFrames ? framePosition : totalNumFrames; final long floatPosition = SampleCache.frameToRawFloat(framePosition, numChannels); setBlocksToCacheFromBlockBoundaries(le, requiredCachedBlocks, floatPosition); if (DEBUG_SAMPLE_CACHE_ACTIVITY && log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Adding cue point dictated frame position " + framePosition + " as a needed cache point"); } } // And do the same for each client and their positions for (final InternalSampleCacheClient iscc : sampleCacheEntryClients) { long currentFramePosition = iscc.getCurrentFramePosition(); currentFramePosition = currentFramePosition < 0 ? 0 : currentFramePosition < totalNumFrames ? currentFramePosition : totalNumFrames; long floatPosition = SampleCache.frameToRawFloat(currentFramePosition, numChannels); setBlocksToCacheFromBlockBoundaries(le, requiredCachedBlocks, floatPosition); long intendedFramePosition = iscc.getIntendedFramePosition(); intendedFramePosition = intendedFramePosition < 0 ? 0 : intendedFramePosition < totalNumFrames ? intendedFramePosition : totalNumFrames; floatPosition = SampleCache.frameToRawFloat(intendedFramePosition, numChannels); setBlocksToCacheFromBlockBoundaries(le, requiredCachedBlocks, floatPosition); if (DEBUG_SAMPLE_CACHE_ACTIVITY && log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Adding client position dictated frame position " + currentFramePosition + " as a needed cache point"); } } } private SampleCacheBlock populateCacheForSampleCacheEntryBlock(final SampleCacheEntry sce, final LibraryEntry libraryEntry, final int blockNumber, final long blockMapIndex) throws BlockNotAvailableException, DatastoreException, IOException { final SampleCacheBlock blockToUse = temperatureBufferBlockMap.getWarmOrFreeBlockCopyID(blockMapIndex); final int numChannels = libraryEntry.getNumChannels(); final int blockLengthInFrames = blockBufferingConfiguration.blockLengthInFloats / numChannels; final int destPositionFrames = 0; final int frameReadOffset = blockLengthInFrames * blockNumber; final int numFramesLeftToRead = (int) (libraryEntry.getTotalNumFrames() - frameReadOffset); final int numFrames = (numFramesLeftToRead < blockLengthInFrames ? numFramesLeftToRead : blockLengthInFrames); final AudioFileHandleAtom audioFileHandleAtom = sce.getAudioFileHandleAtom(); final AudioFileIOService audioFileIOService = audioFileHandleAtom.getAudioFileIOService(); final float[] cacheBuffer = blockToUse.blockData.getBuffer(); // log.debug( "Asking for " + numFrames + " frames at frame position " + frameReadOffset ); audioFileIOService.readFrames(audioFileHandleAtom, cacheBuffer, destPositionFrames, numFrames, frameReadOffset); blockToUse.blockData.setNumReadableFloatsInBlock(numFrames * numChannels); temperatureBufferBlockMap.setBlockMakeHot(blockMapIndex, blockToUse); return blockToUse; } private void setBlocksToCacheFromBlockBoundaries(final LibraryEntry le, final boolean[] whichBlocksCached, final long floatPosition) { final int numFloatsInfront = (int) (blockBufferingConfiguration.minSecsBeforePosition * le.getSampleRate() * le.getNumChannels()); long infrontPosition = floatPosition - numFloatsInfront; if (infrontPosition < 0) { infrontPosition = 0; } final int numFloatsAfter = (int) (blockBufferingConfiguration.minSecsAfterPosition * le.getSampleRate() * le.getNumChannels()); long afterPosition = floatPosition + numFloatsAfter; if (afterPosition > le.getTotalNumFloats()) { afterPosition = le.getTotalNumFloats(); } final int fromBlockNum = blockBufferingConfiguration.floatPositionToBlockNumber(infrontPosition); final int toBlockNum = blockBufferingConfiguration.floatPositionToBlockNumber(afterPosition); Arrays.fill(whichBlocksCached, fromBlockNum, toBlockNum, true); } private final static long buildBlockMapIndex(final int libraryEntryID, final int blockNumber) { final long combined = ((long) blockNumber << 32) | libraryEntryID; return combined; } private final static long frameToRawFloat(final long frameOffset, final int numChannels) { return frameOffset * numChannels; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public void registerForBufferFillCompletion(final InternalSampleCacheClient client, final BufferFillCompletionListener completionListener) { try { cacheAccessMutex.lock(); if (DEBUG_SAMPLE_CACHE_ACTIVITY && log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Adding " + client.getLibraryEntry().getLocation() + " to listeners to notify list"); } listenersToNotifyOnNextCompletion .add(new TwoTuple<BufferFillCompletionListener, SampleCacheClient>(completionListener, client)); cachePopulatorThread.addOneJobToDo(); } finally { cacheAccessMutex.unlock(); } } public void addJobForPopulationThread() { cachePopulatorThread.addOneJobToDo(); } }