Java tutorial
/** * * Copyright (C) 2015 - Daniel Hams, Modular Audio Limited * * * Mad is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Mad is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Mad. If not, see <>. * */ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * <p>The AppRenderingStructure is an object used to manage the lifecycle * of audio related state.</p> * <p>It is intended that one such object exists per application audio session.</p> * <p>An AppRenderingStructure contains:</p> * <ul> * <li>A root graph</li> * <li>A rendering plan related to the current state of the root graph</li> * <li>A rendering job queue on which jobs from the rendering plan can be placed</li> * <li>Zero or more rendering helper threads (currently zero due to JVM jitter)</li> * <li>A testing graph containing a component that outputs a test square wave signal</li> * </ul> * <p>The root graph contains:</p> * <ul> * <li>Components for performing audio IO such as audio and MIDI * <li>An internal hosting graph</li> * <li>Links from the audio IO components to the appropriate channels * of the internal hosting graph</li> * </ul> * <p>In turn, the internal hosting graph contains one of:</p> * <ul> * <li>An empty sub-graph when not rendering</li> * <li>A full subgraph of the applications audio components when rendering</li> * </ul> * * @author dan * */ public class AppRenderingStructure implements AppRenderingLifecycleListener { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(AppRenderingStructure.class.getName()); private final MadComponentService componentService; private final MadGraphService graphService; private final RenderingPlanService renderingPlanService; private final MadGraphInstance<?, ?> internalRootGraph; private final MadGraphInstance<?, ?> internalHostingGraph; private MasterInMadInstance masterInInstance; private MasterOutMadInstance masterOutInstance; private final AtomicReference<RenderingPlan> renderingPlan = new AtomicReference<RenderingPlan>(); private final AppRenderingJobQueue renderingJobQueue; private final boolean shouldProfileRenderingJobs; private final int maxWaitForTransitionMillis; private DynamicRenderingPlanGraphListener dynamicRenderingPlanGraphListener; private final MadGraphInstance<?, ?> emptyGraphWhenNotRendering; // The actual graph to render private MadGraphInstance<?, ?> currentRenderingGraph; // The externally set application graph private MadGraphInstance<?, ?> externalApplicationGraph; // The graph containing the audio system tester components private final MadGraphInstance<?, ?> audioSystemTesterGraph; private final JobDataListComparator jobDataListComparator = new JobDataListComparator(); public AppRenderingStructure(final MadComponentService componentService, final MadGraphService graphService, final RenderingPlanService renderingService, final int renderingJobQueueCapacity, final int numHelperThreads, final int tempEventStorageCapacity, final boolean shouldProfileRenderingJobs, final int maxWaitForTransitionMillis) throws DatastoreException, RecordNotFoundException, MadProcessingException, MAConstraintViolationException { this.componentService = componentService; this.graphService = graphService; this.renderingPlanService = renderingService; this.shouldProfileRenderingJobs = shouldProfileRenderingJobs; this.maxWaitForTransitionMillis = maxWaitForTransitionMillis; internalRootGraph = graphService.createNewRootGraph("Component Designer IO Graph", true); internalHostingGraph = graphService.createNewParameterisedGraph("Component Designer Hosting Graph", GraphType.APP_GRAPH, false, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16); graphService.addInstanceToGraphWithName(internalRootGraph, internalHostingGraph, internalHostingGraph.getInstanceName()); addIOComponentsToRootGraph(); // Temporary empty graph to render emptyGraphWhenNotRendering = graphService.createNewParameterisedGraph("Graph When Not Rendering", GraphType.SUB_GRAPH, true, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16); internalUseGraph(emptyGraphWhenNotRendering); audioSystemTesterGraph = AudioSystemTestGraphCreator.createAudioSystemTestGraph(graphService, componentService); if (numHelperThreads == 0) { renderingJobQueue = new STRenderingJobQueue(MTRenderingJobQueue.RENDERING_JOB_QUEUE_CAPACITY); } else { renderingJobQueue = new MTRenderingJobQueue(MTRenderingJobQueue.RENDERING_JOB_QUEUE_CAPACITY); } } public void destroy() throws DatastoreException { log.debug("clearing up the graphs.."); if (externalApplicationGraph != null) { throw new DatastoreException("During cleanup the externally set application graph has not been unset"); } if (dynamicRenderingPlanGraphListener != null) { throw new DatastoreException("During destruction the drgpl is not null!"); } try { graphService.destroyGraph(internalRootGraph); graphService.destroyGraph(audioSystemTesterGraph); } catch (final DatastoreException e) { final String msg = "Exception caught cleaning up root graph: " + e.toString(); log.error(msg, e); throw new DatastoreException(msg, e); } }; public void dumpRenderingPlan() throws DatastoreException { log.debug("Root graph dump: "); log.debug("####################### ROOT GRAPH BEGIN #########################"); graphService.dumpGraph(internalRootGraph); log.debug("####################### ROOT GRAPH END #########################"); if (dynamicRenderingPlanGraphListener != null) { final DataRate tmpDataRate = DataRate.SR_44100; final HardwareIOOneChannelSetting dumpChannelSetting = new HardwareIOOneChannelSetting(tmpDataRate, 1024); final HardwareIOChannelSettings dataRateConfiguration = new HardwareIOChannelSettings( dumpChannelSetting); final MadFrameTimeFactory frameTimeFactory = new HotspotFrameTimeFactory(); final RenderingPlan renderingPlan = renderingPlanService.createRenderingPlan(internalRootGraph, dataRateConfiguration, frameTimeFactory); renderingPlanService.dumpRenderingPlan(renderingPlan); } else { log.warn("Unable to dump rendering plan as not currently rendering."); } } public void dumpProfileResults() { if (!shouldProfileRenderingJobs) { log.debug("Asked for dump of profile results but profiling isn't activated!"); return; } final RenderingPlan rp = renderingPlan.get(); if (rp != null) { if (rp.isProfilingFilled()) { final RenderingPlanProfileResults profileResults = new RenderingPlanProfileResults(rp.getAllJobs()); rp.getProfileResults(profileResults); final long clockCallbackStart = profileResults.getClockCallbackStart(); final long clockCallbackPostProducer = profileResults.getClockCallbackPostProducer(); final long clockCallbackPostRpFetch = profileResults.getClockCallbackPostRpFetch(); final long clockCallbackPostLoop = profileResults.getClockCallbackPostLoop(); final long producerDuration = clockCallbackPostProducer - clockCallbackStart; final long rpFetchDuration = clockCallbackPostRpFetch - clockCallbackPostProducer; final long loopDuration = clockCallbackPostLoop - clockCallbackPostRpFetch; final long totalDuration = clockCallbackPostLoop - clockCallbackStart; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Got rendering profile results - clockStart(" + clockCallbackStart + ") clockEnd(" + clockCallbackPostLoop + ") producerDuration(" + producerDuration + ") rpFetchDuration( " + rpFetchDuration + ") loopDuration(" + loopDuration + ") totalDuration(" + totalDuration + ")"); } final HashMap<RenderingJob, JobProfileResult> jobToProfileResultMap = profileResults .getJobToProfileResultMap(); final ArrayList<ParsedJobData> jobDataList = new ArrayList<ParsedJobData>(); for (final RenderingJob rj : jobToProfileResultMap.keySet()) { final JobProfileResult jr = jobToProfileResultMap.get(rj); final long jobStartTimestamp = jr.getStartTimestamp(); final long jobEndTimestamp = jr.getEndTimestamp(); final long jobOffsetFromStart = jobStartTimestamp - clockCallbackStart; final long jobLength = jobEndTimestamp - jobStartTimestamp; final int jobThreadNum = jr.getJobThreadExecutor(); final String jobName = rj.toString(); final ParsedJobData pjd = new ParsedJobData(jobOffsetFromStart, jobLength, jobThreadNum, jobName); jobDataList.add(pjd); } Collections.sort(jobDataList, jobDataListComparator); for (final ParsedJobData pjd : jobDataList) { log.debug(pjd.toString()); } } else { log.warn("Failed to fetch profiling results"); } } } public RenderingPlanProfileResults getProfileResults() throws DatastoreException { if (!shouldProfileRenderingJobs) { throw new DatastoreException("Asked for profile results but profiling isn't activated!"); } final RenderingPlan rp = renderingPlan.get(); if (rp == null) { throw new DatastoreException("Asked for profile results but profiling isn't activated!"); } else { final RenderingPlanProfileResults profileResults = new RenderingPlanProfileResults(rp.getAllJobs()); if (rp.isProfilingFilled()) { rp.getProfileResults(profileResults); } else { log.warn("Failed to fetch profiling results"); } return profileResults; } } public void setApplicationGraph(final MadGraphInstance<?, ?> newGraphToRender) throws DatastoreException { if (externalApplicationGraph != null) { final String msg = "Cannot set an application graph when one is already set."; throw new DatastoreException(msg); } else { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Setting application graph to: \"" + newGraphToRender.getInstanceName() + "\""); } externalApplicationGraph = newGraphToRender; } } public void unsetApplicationGraph(final MadGraphInstance<?, ?> oldGraphToUnset) throws DatastoreException { if (externalApplicationGraph == oldGraphToUnset) { if (currentRenderingGraph == oldGraphToUnset) { final String msg = "Cannot unset application graph whilst it is active."; throw new DatastoreException(msg); } else { externalApplicationGraph = null; } } else { final String msg = "Attempting to unset application graph with an incorrect graph"; throw new DatastoreException(msg); } } public boolean isApplicationGraphSet() { return externalApplicationGraph != null; } public void activateApplicationGraph() throws MadProcessingException { if (externalApplicationGraph == null) { final String msg = "Unable to activate application graph when one isn't set!"; throw new MadProcessingException(msg); } else if (currentRenderingGraph == externalApplicationGraph) { final String msg = "Attempting to activate the application graph when it is already active."; throw new MadProcessingException(msg); } try { // Switch over to application graph internalUseGraph(externalApplicationGraph); } catch (final DatastoreException e) { final String msg = "Exception caught activating application graph: " + e.toString(); log.error(msg, e); throw new MadProcessingException(msg, e); } } public void deactivateApplicationGraph() throws MadProcessingException { if (externalApplicationGraph == null) { final String msg = "Unable to deactivate application when one is not being used!"; throw new MadProcessingException(msg); } else if (currentRenderingGraph != externalApplicationGraph) { final String msg = "Unable to deactivate application when one is not being used!"; throw new MadProcessingException(msg); } else { try { internalUseGraph(emptyGraphWhenNotRendering); } catch (final DatastoreException de) { final String msg = "DatastoreException caught attempting to switch to empty graph: " + de.toString(); throw new MadProcessingException(msg, de); } } } public boolean isApplicationGraphActive() { return currentRenderingGraph != emptyGraphWhenNotRendering; } public MadGraphInstance<?, ?> getCurrentApplicationGraph() { return externalApplicationGraph; } @Override public void receiveEngineSignal(final HardwareIOChannelSettings coreEngineChannelSettings, final MadFrameTimeFactory frameTimeFactory, final SignalType signalType, final AppRenderingErrorQueue errorQueue) throws DatastoreException, MadProcessingException { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Received engine signal: " + signalType); } switch (signalType) { case START_TEST: { // Switch to the tester graph try { graphService.removeInstanceFromGraph(internalHostingGraph, currentRenderingGraph); graphService.addInstanceToGraphWithNameAndMapChannelsToGraphChannels(internalHostingGraph, audioSystemTesterGraph, audioSystemTesterGraph.getInstanceName(), true); } catch (final Exception e) { final String msg = "Exception caught switching to testing graph: " + e.toString(); log.error(msg, e); throw new DatastoreException(msg, e); } break; } case STOP_TEST: { // Switch back from the tester graph to the current rendering graph; try { graphService.removeInstanceFromGraph(internalHostingGraph, audioSystemTesterGraph); graphService.addInstanceToGraphWithNameAndMapChannelsToGraphChannels(internalHostingGraph, currentRenderingGraph, currentRenderingGraph.getInstanceName(), true); } catch (final Exception e) { final String msg = "Exception caught switching back from testing graph: " + e.toString(); log.error(msg, e); throw new DatastoreException(msg, e); } break; } case PRE_START: { if (dynamicRenderingPlanGraphListener != null) { final String msg = "Unable to add dynamic rendering plan listener as one is already set!"; throw new DatastoreException(msg); } else { dynamicRenderingPlanGraphListener = new DynamicRenderingPlanGraphListener(renderingPlanService, this, internalRootGraph); // Make sure we are listening for changes to the graph graphService.addGraphListener(internalRootGraph, dynamicRenderingPlanGraphListener); // Get the listener to create the first rendering plan based on what // is in the current rack // drpgl.receiveGraphChangeSignal(); dynamicRenderingPlanGraphListener.forcePlanCreation(coreEngineChannelSettings, frameTimeFactory); // Start a fade in masterOutInstance.setAndStartFade(FadeType.IN); } break; } case POST_START: { // Wait for the fade in to complete // by sleeping an audio period and checking the fade final int framesPerPeriod = coreEngineChannelSettings.getAudioChannelSetting().getChannelBufferLength(); final long nanosPerPeriod = AudioTimingUtils.getNumNanosecondsForBufferLength( coreEngineChannelSettings.getAudioChannelSetting().getDataRate().getValue(), framesPerPeriod); final int numFramesToWaitForFade = framesPerPeriod * 2; final int sleepWaitingForFadeMillis = (int) ((nanosPerPeriod / 1000000) / 2); final long endTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis() + maxWaitForTransitionMillis; long curTimeMillis; while ((curTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis()) < endTimeMillis) { if (!masterOutInstance.isFadeFinished(numFramesToWaitForFade)) { try { Thread.sleep(sleepWaitingForFadeMillis); } catch (final InterruptedException ie) { } } else { break; } } if (curTimeMillis >= endTimeMillis) { log.warn("Failed waiting for post_start transition"); } masterOutInstance.setAndStartFade(FadeType.NONE); break; } case PRE_STOP: { final int framesPerPeriod = coreEngineChannelSettings.getAudioChannelSetting().getChannelBufferLength(); final long nanosPerPeriod = AudioTimingUtils.getNumNanosecondsForBufferLength( coreEngineChannelSettings.getAudioChannelSetting().getDataRate().getValue(), framesPerPeriod); final int numFramesToWaitForFade = framesPerPeriod * 2; final int sleepWaitingForFadeMillis = (int) ((nanosPerPeriod / 1000000) / 2); masterOutInstance.setAndStartFade(FadeType.OUT); // Wait for fade out to finish final long endTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis() + maxWaitForTransitionMillis; long curTimeMillis; while ((curTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis()) < endTimeMillis) { if (!masterOutInstance.isFadeFinished(numFramesToWaitForFade)) { try { Thread.sleep(sleepWaitingForFadeMillis); } catch (final InterruptedException ie) { } } else { break; } } if (curTimeMillis >= endTimeMillis) { log.warn("Failed waiting for pre_stop transition"); } // Don't reset the fade type break; } case POST_STOP: { if (dynamicRenderingPlanGraphListener == null) { final String msg = "Failed to process post stop - no plan creation listener currently being used."; throw new DatastoreException(msg); } else { graphService.removeGraphListener(internalRootGraph, dynamicRenderingPlanGraphListener); dynamicRenderingPlanGraphListener.destroy(); dynamicRenderingPlanGraphListener = null; } break; } } } public void useNewRenderingPlanWithWaitDestroyPrevious(final RenderingPlan newRenderingPlan) throws MadProcessingException { final RenderingPlan previousPlan = this.renderingPlan.get(); if (previousPlan == null && newRenderingPlan == null) { // intentionally do nothing. log.warn("Attempted to use new rendering plan that is null - and we don't have one either"); return; } boolean needWaitForUse = false; int sleepWaitingForPlanMillis = 100; // log.debug("Will attempt to hot-swap out rendering plan."); // log.debug("New plan has " + newRenderingPlan.getTotalNumJobs() + " total rendering jobs"); if (previousPlan == null && newRenderingPlan != null) { final HardwareIOChannelSettings planChannelSettings = newRenderingPlan.getPlanChannelSettings(); final MadTimingParameters planTimingParameters = newRenderingPlan.getPlanTimingParameters(); final MadFrameTimeFactory planFrameTimeFactory = newRenderingPlan.getPlanFrameTimeFactory(); // Start em all final Set<MadInstance<?, ?>> auis = newRenderingPlan.getAllInstances(); for (final MadInstance<?, ?> aui : auis) { aui.internalEngineStartup(planChannelSettings, planTimingParameters, planFrameTimeFactory); } } else if (previousPlan != null && newRenderingPlan == null) { needWaitForUse = graphService.graphHasListeners(internalRootGraph); final HardwareIOChannelSettings previousPlanChannelSettings = previousPlan.getPlanChannelSettings(); final int sampleRate = previousPlanChannelSettings.getAudioChannelSetting().getDataRate().getValue(); final long nanosPerPeriod = AudioTimingUtils.getNumNanosecondsForBufferLength(sampleRate, previousPlanChannelSettings.getAudioChannelSetting().getChannelBufferLength()); sleepWaitingForPlanMillis = (int) ((nanosPerPeriod / 1000000) / 2); } else // Both non-null { // Got to work out which components are to be stopped final Set<MadInstance<?, ?>> previousAuis = previousPlan.getAllInstances(); final Set<MadInstance<?, ?>> newAuis = newRenderingPlan.getAllInstances(); final HardwareIOChannelSettings planChannelSettings = newRenderingPlan.getPlanChannelSettings(); final MadTimingParameters planTimingParameters = newRenderingPlan.getPlanTimingParameters(); final MadFrameTimeFactory planFrameTimeFactory = newRenderingPlan.getPlanFrameTimeFactory(); for (final MadInstance<?, ?> newAui : newAuis) { if (!previousAuis.contains(newAui)) { newAui.internalEngineStartup(planChannelSettings, planTimingParameters, planFrameTimeFactory); } } needWaitForUse = graphService.graphHasListeners(internalRootGraph); final int sampleRate = planChannelSettings.getAudioChannelSetting().getDataRate().getValue(); final long nanosPerPeriod = AudioTimingUtils.getNumNanosecondsForBufferLength(sampleRate, planChannelSettings.getAudioChannelSetting().getChannelBufferLength()); sleepWaitingForPlanMillis = (int) ((nanosPerPeriod / 1000000) / 2); } this.renderingPlan.set(newRenderingPlan); if (needWaitForUse) { final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long curTime = startTime; while (curTime < startTime + maxWaitForTransitionMillis && !newRenderingPlan.getPlanUsed()) { try { Thread.sleep(sleepWaitingForPlanMillis); } catch (final InterruptedException e) { if (log.isErrorEnabled()) { log.error("InterruptedException during sleep waiting for plan usage: " + e.toString(), e); } } curTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } } // Need to start components that are in the new rendering plan, but not in the old if (previousPlan == null && newRenderingPlan != null) { } else if (previousPlan != null && newRenderingPlan == null) { // Stop em all final Set<MadInstance<?, ?>> auis = previousPlan.getAllInstances(); for (final MadInstance<?, ?> aui : auis) { aui.internalEngineStop(); } } else // Both non-null { // Got to work out which components are to be stopped final Set<MadInstance<?, ?>> previousAuis = previousPlan.getAllInstances(); final Set<MadInstance<?, ?>> newAuis = newRenderingPlan.getAllInstances(); for (final MadInstance<?, ?> previousAui : previousAuis) { if (!newAuis.contains(previousAui)) { previousAui.internalEngineStop(); } } } if (previousPlan != null) { renderingPlanService.destroyRenderingPlan(previousPlan); } } private void addIOComponentsToRootGraph() throws DatastoreException, RecordNotFoundException, MAConstraintViolationException, MadProcessingException { final MadDefinition<?, ?> masterInDef = componentService .findDefinitionById(MasterInMadDefinition.DEFINITION_ID); masterInInstance = (MasterInMadInstance) componentService.createInstanceFromDefinition(masterInDef, null, "Master In"); graphService.addInstanceToGraphWithName(internalRootGraph, masterInInstance, masterInInstance.getInstanceName()); final MadChannelInstance[] micis = masterInInstance.getChannelInstances(); for (int i = 0; i < micis.length; i++) { final MadChannelInstance masterInputChannel = micis[i]; final String channelName =; final String findChannelName = channelName.replaceAll("Output", "Input"); final MadChannelInstance subGraphInputChannel = internalHostingGraph .getChannelInstanceByName(findChannelName); final MadLink masterInLink = new MadLink(masterInputChannel, subGraphInputChannel); graphService.addLink(internalRootGraph, masterInLink); } final MadDefinition<?, ?> masterOutDef = componentService .findDefinitionById(MasterOutMadDefinition.DEFINITION_ID); masterOutInstance = (MasterOutMadInstance) componentService.createInstanceFromDefinition(masterOutDef, null, "Master Out"); graphService.addInstanceToGraphWithName(internalRootGraph, masterOutInstance, masterOutInstance.getInstanceName()); final MadChannelInstance[] mocis = masterOutInstance.getChannelInstances(); for (int o = 0; o < mocis.length; o++) { final MadChannelInstance masterOutputChannel = mocis[o]; final String channelName =; final String findChannelName = channelName.replaceAll("Input", "Output"); final MadChannelInstance subGraphOutputChannel = internalHostingGraph .getChannelInstanceByName(findChannelName); final MadLink masterOutLink = new MadLink(subGraphOutputChannel, masterOutputChannel); graphService.addLink(internalRootGraph, masterOutLink); } } private void internalUseGraph(final MadGraphInstance<?, ?> newGraphToRender) throws DatastoreException { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("internalUseGraph called with graph: \"" + newGraphToRender.getInstanceName() + "\""); } try { // First time through this will be null // Otherwise we remove any set copy if (currentRenderingGraph != null) { graphService.removeInstanceFromGraph(internalHostingGraph, currentRenderingGraph); } // Move over the new one, and hook it up this.currentRenderingGraph = newGraphToRender; // Set the application graph and wire it up addGraphToHostingGraphAndHookupChannels(currentRenderingGraph); } catch (final Exception e) { final String msg = "Exception caught attempting to set app rack: " + e.toString(); log.error(msg, e); throw new DatastoreException(msg, e); } } private void addGraphToHostingGraphAndHookupChannels(final MadGraphInstance<?, ?> graphFromUser) throws MAConstraintViolationException, DatastoreException { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Hooking up channels of graph: \"" + graphFromUser.getInstanceName() + "\""); } // Now loop around the appGraph channels looking for corresponding rack // graph channels try { graphService.addInstanceToGraphWithNameAndMapChannelsToGraphChannels(internalHostingGraph, graphFromUser, graphFromUser.getInstanceName(), true); } catch (final RecordNotFoundException rnfe) { final String msg = "RecordNotFoundException caught mapping app graph to hosting graph: " + rnfe.toString(); log.error(msg, rnfe); } } public AtomicReference<RenderingPlan> getAtomicRenderingPlan() { return renderingPlan; } public AppRenderingJobQueue getRenderingJobQueue() { return renderingJobQueue; } public IOBuffers getMasterInBuffers() { return masterInInstance.getMasterIOBuffers(); } public IOBuffers getMasterOutBuffers() { return masterOutInstance.getMasterIOBuffers(); } }